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2013 MP Regional Rumble

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Hi all


As you've no doubt noticed if you're reading this thread FINisher has been putting together a big MP game for the new version of TEW using the new MP rules.


That's clearly an awesome idea.


Hes going down the road of running big, famous companies with top stars but the way I (and many others) play TEW is pretty different to that.


I much prefer smaller companies and the turnover and changes that they need to go through as workers are poached, tag teams are split and tomorrows stars develop.


To that end Im proposing an alternative MP game using only smaller than cult companies. The focus would be more on progress and world development rather than in-depth storytelling. Clearly monthly shows (at most) means time will travel faster.


I cant wait to see people like Amazing Firefly and Leigh Burton as veterans rather than prospects and the likes of T-Rex pushing his body through hell down in the lower leagues.


The game would likely be based in North America only for users with existing promotions or at worst future promos debuting early.


On board with me so far are two giants of the smaller company heritage here:


Companies I'd like to feature:
















Ideally Id love another 5 players involved but it's not toally necessary. If you'd like to be involved please let me know.



Current players:

Boltinho (ACPW)




Charasmatic Enigma (CZCW)

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I'm game if you need me. I'd prefer to do NYCW or MAW but I can do any promotion if needed.


Would it be played as a "anyone can sign anyone" type of game or will it be area locked for workers?


Awesome. Glad to get you.


Dont know yet. Im more inclined to keep regional settings on if everyones in the same place. More chance of companies needing to share workers. But open to ideas :)

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Awesome. Glad to get you.


Dont know yet. Im more inclined to keep regional settings on if everyones in the same place. More chance of companies needing to share workers. But open to ideas :)


I suppose it all depends on what state the CVerse is in. North America sounds like a good shout. I'd petition for whole world, or atleast NA, Mexico and Japan, as a way to set up working arrangements.

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I´m glad to be in this one. :) I don´t really mind which promotion I end up with but if I can choose, I prefer non-hardcore promotions where I can run angles without killing the ratings.


As for regional settings I´d like to keep it on as it would force us to dig deeper and not just use the most talented guys all the time.

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Actually I do prefer playing with smaller companies rather than the big ones, it's the rest of the roster that wanted to do big companies :p I've never been a fan of the Top 10 promotions, I mostly play as WEXXV, CZCW, MAW and such. Also we're still contemplating on the three different scenarios that we could do but most of us are leaning towards doing worldwide big companies as of now.
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I suppose it all depends on what state the CVerse is in. North America sounds like a good shout. I'd petition for whole world, or atleast NA, Mexico and Japan, as a way to set up working arrangements.


Yep. Wait and see I guess. What the cverse looks like and who wants to be involved.


I´m glad to be in this one. :) I don´t really mind which promotion I end up with but if I can choose, I prefer non-hardcore promotions where I can run angles without killing the ratings.


As for regional settings I´d like to keep it on as it would force us to dig deeper and not just use the most talented guys all the time.


Good man. Plenty of those companies available.


Actually I do prefer playing with smaller companies rather than the big ones, it's the rest of the roster that wanted to do big companies :p I've never been a fan of the Top 10 promotions, I mostly play as WEXXV, CZCW, MAW and such. Also we're still contemplating on the three different scenarios that we could do but most of us are leaning towards doing worldwide big companies as of now.


I know - I was just trying to establish the diffeence in focus. Both projects are really interesting in theor own way and hopefully the new edition of the game can stir up some great creative outlets for us all.


Ideally I'm looking at CZCW myself. I love modern style (Im hoping HIW have debuted by 2013) and Ive never really played them properly.

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Actually I do prefer playing with smaller companies rather than the big ones, it's the rest of the roster that wanted to do big companies :p I've never been a fan of the Top 10 promotions, I mostly play as WEXXV, CZCW, MAW and such. Also we're still contemplating on the three different scenarios that we could do but most of us are leaning towards doing worldwide big companies as of now.


I think there's a big mix of what people want to do, was probably a little soon to announce a roster given that not everyone has talked about preferences yet. :)


I'm going to be reading whatever gets posted by the huge multiplayer games, I like seeing how a gameworld unfolds and it'll be awesome to see it happen between so many people. Watching different games unfold at different speeds will be interesting, though seeing 8 regional dynasties being trolled by AI roster raids might be a little disheartening. That's one of the reasons I'd rather be in the one with all big promotions, the slower time frame will give more consistency and less unpredictability. While other people will prefer exactly the opposite and be looking to see how the gameworld unfolds while they're doing stuff at the lower level. :)

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I'd love to get involved if you'd have me. :)


Ideally I'd like to use CZCW, but if someone else was desperate to use them I'm flexible. A multiple player game like this sounds like it would be all sorts of fun.


Absolutely sir.


Lets get a list of people and then sort provisional companies dependent on cverse changes. I'm going to write company preferences in the playerlist in the first post


We've sure got a lot of UK natives involved so far... But a great set of board members.

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Absolutely sir.


Lets get a list of people and then sort provisional companies dependent on cverse changes. I'm going to write company preferences in the playerlist in the first post


We've sure got a lot of UK natives involved so far... But a great set of board members.


Since we are talking provisional companies i'm a OTT Entertainment type i'd say, I've never played a long game with FCW but i could see myself going there, or BSC dependent on what 'talent' they have (i'd also take any of the other Womens only Promotions AAA or CWWF if they are open). Also just incase they have opened i'm a fan of SAW or KANZEN. So right i haven't narrowed it down .. Put me down for FCW but if anyone else wants them i'll take BSC.

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With the two threads looking for big multiplayer games I thought I'd make a big multiplayer game thread. Hopefully it helps everyone get to the game that they want to play and makes all the game as good as they can be. This game seems fairly well defined so probably doesn't really need it, but at least it's free advertising for this when it gets started. :)

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Welcome chaps


Here's my rough allocation of promotions based on preferences outlined.


If anyone is unhappy about these let me know. otherwise these will be provisionally set prior to the new gameworld beign revealed.


20Legend MAW

SMWilliamns NYCW

Imarevenant PSW

Boltinho ACPW

Zergon FCW

Jingo BSC

MichiganHero 4C

Charasmatic Enigma CZCW


Seems very solid to me. We've got rivalry in Canada, a couple of modern promotions, a couple of traditional ones some East Coast tension and a few star names (the Chords, PRP). And even a ladies company which should be fascinating.


In terms of avatars Im thinking that we should take over existing owners/bookers if at all possible. So someone like Matthew Keith being in PSW wont give someone a stuppidly big advantage.


I'd like to avoid rules on gameplay wherever possible. We're not going to be handing out written deals anyway so that shouldnt be much of an issue.


In terms of timing I'd like to have 2 companies have shows in each week of the month. Then after the intial setup phase of contracts, scouting, storylines, etc we should settle into a nice system of passing files around.


So very roughly:


20Legend MAW Mon-Thurs W1

SMWilliams NYCW Fri-Sun W1

Imarevenant PSW Mon-Thurs W2

Boltinho ACPW Fri-Sun W2

Zergon FCW Mon-Thurs W3

Jingo BSC Fri-Sun W3

MichiganHero 4C Mon-Thurs W4

Charasmatic Enigma CZCW Fri-Sun W4




Everyone would have 48 hrs to run their show, take their turn and pass the files on. And then post show results/writeup ASAP after that.


I dont think that shows need to posted in strict order (so a writeup for 4C may go up before one for PSW) but let me know if you disagree.


I'd like to set some kind of minimum expected activity too. Even if its not your turn you should be posting something every 4 days. A worker focus, storyline catchup, prediciotn contest, artwork, etc.


For makeup Im thinking a central thread which would have writeups for every show and not much else and a discussion/detail thread where we can all discuss booking decisions, run prediciton contests, haggle over trades etc. Having 8 threads is overkill but just one is too little.


Fog of war will definitely be on. For this type of game we need to have some uncertainty in who to hire and stick with. Thats really the point of this game.


Anyway lets make this an open process. Any great ideas and we can make it happpen.

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IIRC CZCW have events on the first monday of the month. And 4C have events on the last monday of every month.


Charasmatic Enigma CZCW Mon-Thurs W1

SMWilliams NYCW Fri-Sun W1

Imarevenant PSW Mon-Thurs W2

Boltinho ACPW Fri-Sun W2

Zergon FCW Mon-Thurs W3

Jingo BSC Fri-Sun W3

MichiganHero 4C Mon-Thurs W4

20LEgend MAW Fri-Sun W4


Would that schedule work for everyone?


On topic of threads, if you want to maybe put both Canadian feds into one thread to cut down on space. MAW and NYCW could go in one thread as they are like minded federations. How does that sound?

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Do you guys need a commissioner or 1st reserve? I am going to have a fair bit of free time in December and the new year so would be happy to help


Absolutely sir.


Organising 8 people on the intraweb is always going to be tough so having someone to help and step in if someone goes AWOL would be great.


If someone doesnt take their turn then having a stand-in who can objectively take it for them would be great.


As Derek B has said this is all going to be about communication and speed. Waiting is no fun but its OK as long as you know things are actually happening.


On that subject - if anyone involved hasnt got dropbox already then please download it before December. it really does make things much easier for this type of game.


Which has got me thinking... Does anybody fancy a short-term trial to get us warmed up? Might be useful for working out some of the kinks in joint gameplay.

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Line up looks pretty good to me. Not sure about having BSC as one of the promotions though, simply because there´s no women division in other companies that we have chosen (as far as I know) so there wouldn´t be much interaction between it and the rest of us. If that´s ok for Jingo then I don´t mind but just somethink I thought needs to be addressed. :) Then again, things might chagne in TEW 2013 anyway so guess we don´t need to worry about it yet anyway.


Using existing owner/booker as player character is ok for me though some like FCW might get advantage by it espesially is Shawn Gonzalez is chosen since he isn´t likely to stay after his starting contract runs up.


Posting something in every 4 days might be little much but that depends of what kind of posts count as an activity. Is posting in a discussion/details thread or making predictions for other diaries counted as activity or does those posts need to be something about your own promotion? If ladder then that would mean that we need to post about four posts for every month in-game and with just one show a month that would mean three additional posts alongside show writeup.


Oh, yes about one show a month. Is that strick rule or can someone choose ro run multiple shows a month if he likes? I´m ok either way but this is something that would be good to decide quickly just that everyone knows what is "legal". Also, since there is a possibility that someone might "go missing" and not post in several days, I think it would be good idea to discuss about guidelines for how long we are willing to wait before we drop inactive guys from the game.

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I'm game for a short test of how it would work. How long would be looking at for the test game?


Couple of weeks at most probably. Id just like to get comfortable with passing files around etc. Maybe bash through 6 months in a 4P game


I am up for a test game. And also where do you get dropbox from please?


You can grab it from here:



Totally benign company so no worries about security/access.

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