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Unexpected Invasion

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I am playing a real world mod. It is 1992. I am the NWA and am neck and neck with the WWF. All in the same week, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts, Demolition Smash and Demolition Crush and Jimmy Hart had expiring contracts in the WWF. Hulk immediately Re-Signed with the WWF, but I was able to steal away Piper, Jake, Demolition and Jimmy Hart.


I have never done an NWO type invasion in any of my games but signing all these guys at the same time makes it an interesting idea. What would you call the group of Piper, Roberts and Demolition managed by Hart? I am toying with the idea of calling them "HOSTILE TAKEOVER" but I would like them to win all the titles and "rename" them to match their group name so Hostile Takeover may not best fit that. Any suggestions?

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Well in real life no they couldn't call themselves WWF as it would be copywrighted. So I would go with something along the lines of say EWA, Elite Wrestling Association, with that you have them setting themselves up as the best in the business here to show the little guys how its done.


Which when they finally are taken out will make a great boost to who ever it is who does, because they proved they where better then the elite

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