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WWE- The Winds of Change

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Lmao at the ratings you think those matches would get. Nash being in a 97 rated match is an atrocity.


Not to mention that 100 rated segment. And you can't just type English into Google Translate and think it's Japanese. The word order, for one, is incredibly bad. It doesn't work that way.

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Lmao at the ratings you think those matches would get. Nash being in a 97 rated match is an atrocity.


Not to mention that 100 rated segment. And you can't just type English into Google Translate and think it's Japanese. The word order, for one, is incredibly bad. It doesn't work that way.


Sorry, I didn't know that. Don't worry, I've changed the final segement to a 76, Felt more right. Nash will also be a bit of a lower card at this time because of the long history of drugs he's had.

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Lmao at the ratings you think those matches would get. Nash being in a 97 rated match is an atrocity.


Not to mention that 100 rated segment. And you can't just type English into Google Translate and think it's Japanese. The word order, for one, is incredibly bad. It doesn't work that way.


I don't know if I'm doing it right but when I went to google translator, it came up as that language was Swahili. :confused:

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Russel I advocated for your right to post on the rate my card, but if you are going to write a diary a few things, look to the others as a guide to how to structure your diary, don't put up fake ratings. If you want to be taken serious I suggest that you research the better diaries here and try and structure yours to them, you have a very hard to read style here, and also some of your results make it seem as you don't care.


Also what title did Fandango win? as you did not list is a title a match?

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Yikes, I'm behind here!


Match 1- Brodus Clay vs Tensai

Clay nearly had his biggest win of his career! But thanks to some green mist Tensai claimed a big win for him.

Winner- Tensai in 6:10 by Green Mist

Segment- Tensai says that is Brodus ever wants to learn how to ACTULLY wrestle and win, Stop by his locker room.

Match 2- Daniel Bryan vs Mike Knox

A mild upset! Mike Knox reverses the No Lock and finishes him off with his new finisher "Domination's Key"

Result: Knox in 5:43 with a Domination's Key

Segment- Rosa Mendes is walking by and gets a love letter from Alberto Del Rio, She's really fallen for Del Rio.

Match 3- Randy Orton vs Finlay

Finlay almost pulled off the win but thanks to a epic RKO, Orton pulled off a big win.

Result: Orton wins in 12:02 with a RKO

Segment- Orton picks the microphone and is going to speak.

Randy Orton: Ok, Let's make this very quick. I am very SICK of just being put in midcard talent matches, I should be fighting for the world title! NOT fighting Zack Ryder or Tensai or even Dolph Ziggler. I want real talent! So until the WWE creativty get smart. I WILL NOT COMPETE ANY MATCHES.....Thank you. *before he leaves......A returning Hogan comes out! The crowd is exploding*

Hogan: You know brother, Even with your hoopy doop jimmy wack midcard matches, The creativity has a point, Look at the wellness progam suspension.........Me.......0 brother!.....You Orton.........2......One more brother and they'll fire you! WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON- *Before he finishes his catchphrase, Orton RKO's Hogan giving him a lot of boos*

Thoughts: Orton's heel turn was a sucess.

Match 3- Hulk Hogan vs Cody Rhodes

Rhodes thought he would win but though the Hulkster was down, HE WASN'T OUT!

Result: Hogan beats Rhodes in 0:05 seconds by rollup.

Segment: Carlito's Cabana returns, He interviews the WCW Champion Christian, But then The Undertaker comes out and chokeslams Christian, Carlito spits a apple on the Undertaker but the Deadman chokeslams him.

Segment: Orton gets in his locker room when......

Matt Striker: Orton!.....Orton, Can we get your words on your previous actions?

Orton: You wanna know? All of you people wanna know? Cause I am done being the horse's ass that's why, I....am the Apex Predator....But recently, I'm the apex..........piece of horse manuever..........

Matt Striker: You do relize we've gotten rid of the PG rating?

Orton: Oh, Ok. WELL I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HOGAN, CENA OR ANY ONE IN THE BACK! HOGAN........YOUR *******! *Shoves the mic to Striker......then Hogan destroys him*

Matt and Cara vs The Colon Cousins

Cara took down the Colon brothers easily after Rosa got distracted with ANOTHER love letter from Del Rio.

Winners: Matt and Cara in 5:29 with a Twist of Fate from Matt Hardy

Segment: Now the Cousins take the microphone.

Primo: Oy.....What happened Epico?

Epico: I'll tell you what.......We lost......AGAIN!

Primo: Ugh.........Another loss........And we were the tag champs.....Now we're just jobbers........Y'know, I never thought I say this.......But I think it's to stop tag teaming for a while.

Epico: What? And give up trying to be tag champions again?

Primo: What's the use? We've haven't won since Kofi and R-Truth took our tag titles.

Epico: :/, You have a point. *Is distracted with Mendes.....gushing over a love letter?* What's up with her?

Primo: *shrugs* *The Colon Cousins leave together.....possibly for the last time.*

Stone Cold vs Antonio Cesaro

Clearly, The highlight of this match was that when Antonio Cesaro was on the top rope, Stone Cold stunnered him in mid air! Middle finger taunts and a 1,2,3 and victory is his!

Stone Cold wins in his return in 15:59 with a Mid Air Stone Cold Stunner


Prediction Standings

christmas ape- 8-1

Tismed03- 6-4


P.S: Domination's Key is a Crucifix Powerbomb

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The 2nd week of the Drew Hanklesome era kicks off with a bang with a huge WWE title defense! Against...........a surprise opponent!


AJ Styles vs Local Competitor

Ryback vs Cody Rhodes

The Usos vs Team Rhodes Scholars vs The Colon Cousins vs Team Co-Bro

Heath Slater vs Jack Swagger

Dolph Ziggler vs ???? for the WWE title


Don't forget predictions!

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AJ Styles vs Local Competitor. He's been booked weakly in the past but this is his time to shine.

Ryback vs Cody Rhodes After losing in 5 seconds to Hogan, Cody is on a rough patch.

The Usos vs Team Rhodes Scholars vs The Colon Cousins vs Team Co-Bro

Heath Slater vs Jack Swagger

Dolph Ziggler vs ???? for the WWE title

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Hold your horses everyone, Time to get RAW.


Ryback vs Cody Rhodes

Rhodes almost beated the unbeatable but Ryback countered the Cross Rhodes and did a reverse DDT of his own and finished him with...What a surprise....Shell Shocked.

Winner- Ryback in 5:29 with Shell Shock

Segment- Daniel Bryan is seen trying to form a alliance with AJ Styles, AJ Styles laughs at his pathetic attempt and walks away.

AJ Styles vs Local Competitor (Jarod Jimmys)

Usually, These situations mean a easy win for the wrestler but AJ went too far and Jimmys got the DQ win.

Winner- Jarod Jimmys in 19:20 with a DQ

The Usos vs Rhodes Scholars vs The Colon Cousins vs Team Co-Bro

Team Co-Bro, Usos and Cousins ganged up on the Rhodes Scholars but in the end the winners were Team Co-Bro because...........well, Rosa Mendes acidently spit out the secret with Del Rio and herself, Angering her brothers and shocking the world.

Winners- Team Co-Bro in 45:02 when Zack Ryder Rough Rydered Jey Uso.

Segment- Slater makes his entrance all special because of RAW being it his home town, Pineville, West Virgina.

Heath Slater vs Jack Swagger

Slater almost lost this one, If Kurt Angle didn't distract him, He would not have done the Smash Hit and or win.

Winner- Slater in 5:29 with distraction from Angle and a Smash Hit

Interview- Booker T is interviewed, He talks about being in the Royal Rumble for a chance to go to WrestleMania 29 and being a 7x, 7x, 7x, 7x, 7x, 7x, 7x World Champion!

Dolph Ziggler vs............................................JUSTIN GABRIEL! for the WWE title

Gabriel's title dreams have always come to a point where he chokes at the last second, But not this time......Watch this......

Michael Cole: GO ON KID! MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS! *Gabriel does his signature 450 splash to Ziggler* 450 SPLASH!

Cole, Lawler and Ross: *along with crowd* 1! 2! 3!


Announcer: The winner of this match, And......NEW! WWE Champion, JUSTIN GABRIEL!

Jerry Lawler: Gabriel's dreams has finally come true, And for Ziggler, After 187 days as Champion, It's all over. GOOD JOB JUSTIN!

Winner and NEW WWE Champion- Justin Gabriel in 45:24 with a 450 splash

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Tonight, Many questions are answered and more, Plus Rosa Mendes must make a desicion on who she'll stay with and who she'll leave.


Tensai vs The Miz

Christian vs Kevin Nash

Santino Marella vs Matt Hardy

R-Truth vs Brian Kendrick

Brodus Clay vs Randy Orton

Plus it's either Rosa and Del Rio or Rosa and her brothers, Primo and Epico, In the debut of McIntyre's Chosen Stand.


Oh, And before I forget.

Prediction Standings

christmas ape- 12-1

Tismed03- 6-9

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p><strong>Tensai</strong> vs The Miz</p><p>

Christian vs <strong>Kevin Nash</strong></p><p>

Santino Marella vs <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

R-Truth vs <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p>

<strong>Brodus Clay</strong> vs Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p>

Interesting post Russel, look forward to the show. <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, To make a long story short.



Tensai beat The Miz in 8:24 with a Ichi-Bomb, The Miz did put up some offensive moves though.

Randy Orton beat Brodus Clay in 1:29 in what was a filler match with a easy RKO.

Brodus Clay, now standing defeated is now in the path of Tensai. Tensai tells him to join his reign of terror and become.....One of him....Brodus Clay decides that.....He's going to join Tensai! The crowd can't believe it! Neither can Naomi and Cameron, Brodus Clay raises Tensai arm up in the air!

Thought: Brodus's heel turn went pretty well.

Santino Marella then beat Matt Hardy by a illegal rollup, Hardy was shocked. In 9:10 too.

Marella told the world that this was the beginning of a new Santino and that the Royal Rumble, He will win the Rumble! Not surpringsly Ryder comes out to tell him that HE'S entering the Royal Rumble too! Big shocker.

R-Truth beat Brian Kendrick with a Little Jimmy appearence with a 1, 2, 3 to boot! Time was 7:10

Brian Kendrick was shocked by this loss! And then, WHAMMO SLAMMO! A Sliced Bread No. 2 on R-Truth, along with a bunch of dirty no good moves and, IT'S PAUL LONDON! THIS CROWD IS GOING CRAZY! And it looks like London is going to beat up Kendrick but.......WHAT?!?!?! London just sucker punched R-Truth! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? TELL ME!

Christian vs Kevin Nash

Nash beat Christian by a shocking DQ decision. And then a brawl happened and Nash set down the challenge. At the Rumble, It'll be Nash vs Christian for the championship!

Drew McIntyre has finally gotten his own show! He welcomes The Colon Cousins on the show who get a small reaction, And then Del Rio who comes out with jeers, and finally Rosa Mendes with the most boos and chants of Ho! Showing shades of Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Epico, Primo and Del Rio all state their points and try to do a straight interview but the tension is MUCH to much, Del Rio then attacks Primo and Epico with 2 enziguris! Drew has enough and Future Shock DDT's the day lights out of him! He then says the following.....

"Now that's, Good television!" *Drew McIntyre leaves the ring, slapping hands with the fans.

Thought: Drew's face turn was a sucess.


Prediction Results

Christmas ape- 13-5

Pig. 3-2

Destiny- 3-2

Tismed03- 6-14

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In the final RAW before the Rumble, We have qualification matches. LOADS OF THEM!

David Otunga vs Zack Ryder- Royal Rumble qualifyer #1

Kane vs The Miz- Royal Rumble qualifyer #2

Brodus Clay vs AJ Styles- Royal Rumble qualifyer #3

Wade Barrett vs Gangrel- Royal Rumble qualifyer #4

Drew McIntyre vs Alberto Del Rio- Royal Rumble qualifyer #5

Ted DiBiase vs Daniel Bryan- Royal Rumble qualifyer #6

Kurt Angle vs John Cena- Royal Rumble qualifyer #7

Primo and Epico vs Tensai and Dolph Ziggler- Royal Rumble qualifyer #8

Jack Swagger vs Big Show- Royal Rumble qualifyer #9


Predict please!

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  • 4 weeks later...

David Otunga vs Zack Ryder- Royal Rumble qualifyer #1

Kane vs The Miz- Royal Rumble qualifyer #2

Brodus Clay vs AJ Styles- Royal Rumble qualifyer #3

Wade Barrett vs Gangrel- Royal Rumble qualifyer #4

Drew McIntyre vs Alberto Del Rio- Royal Rumble qualifyer #5

Ted DiBiase vs Daniel Bryan- Royal Rumble qualifyer #6

Kurt Angle vs John Cena- Royal Rumble qualifyer #7

Primo and Epico vs Tensai and Dolph Ziggler- Royal Rumble qualifyer #8

Jack Swagger vs Big Show- Royal Rumble qualifyer #9

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In the final RAW before the Rumble, We have qualification matches. LOADS OF THEM!

David Otunga vs Zack Ryder- Royal Rumble qualifyer #1

Kane vs The Miz- Royal Rumble qualifyer #2

Brodus Clay vs AJ Styles- Royal Rumble qualifyer #3

Wade Barrett vs Gangrel- Royal Rumble qualifyer #4

Drew McIntyre vs Alberto Del Rio- Royal Rumble qualifyer #5

Ted DiBiase vs Daniel Bryan- Royal Rumble qualifyer #6

Kurt Angle vs John Cena- Royal Rumble qualifyer #7

Primo and Epico vs Tensai and Dolph Ziggler- Royal Rumble qualifyer #8

Jack Swagger vs Big Show- Royal Rumble qualifyer #9

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Ok, I want to get 2 things off my chest first.


1. I apologize for lack of updates.

2. For now, I will try to do some good results of the show.

Ok, So let's begin.


*We cut to Jerry, Cole and Ross*


Cole: Good evening and welcome to the final RAW before the Rumble. I'm Michael Cole along with Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross, We have a great night ahead of you.


Ross: Right on the nail there, Your going to love our matches, We're going to have 9 qualifying matches on RAW, 8 qualifying matches on WCW and for the first time ever, We're letting you the fans choose the other 10!


Lawler: All together, We can create the most unpredictable Royal Rumble match in history!


*Fight of the Valkyires play, Crowd is mixed as Bryan makes his way to the ring, Shouting his usual No's and stuff*


Chimel: The following contest is a qualifying match for the Royal Rumble! Making his way to the ring from Abraham, Washingtion, Weighing 210 pounds, DANIEL BRYAN!


Ross: A man Cole said was a nerd.


Cole: Is, Was and Always will be, Bryan is a nerd, End of story.


Ross: Then how do you explain the fact that he was a World Champion?


Cole: That is another story.


*He's going on to the mic*


Bryan: The Royal Rumble....Great, That's just great, Once, I was a world heavyweight champion....now, I'm restricted to tagging with no good jobbers and weridos. *crowd boos* You think I was born in preschool? *Scoff* Humiliation, Now as a good man, I'm going to win, That's that. Bring out my opponent........


*CHA-CHING, A happy go lucky DiBiase comes out and is showered by cheers*


Chimel: His opponent from Madison, Missisippi, Weighing 214 pounds, TED DIBIASE!


DiBiase: *mic* Well, Well, Well. Looks like Ol' Goat Face here is having one of those fits. Well one word for ya Bryan.....Ass.......Hole...........


*Bryan is enraged, DiBiase runs in the ring, DING DING DING*


Match 1: Ted DiBiase vs Daniel Bryan (Royal Rumble qualification match 1)

Bryan with a kick to the head, and a combination of kicks to the gut, Goes for a suplex, DiBiase counters with a suplex of his own, Bryan DDT's DiBiase for a 1, 2, but NO! Bryan goes to the top rope, FROG SPLASH! This could do it! 1, 2, NO! 2 and 99/100ths, Bryan then wrenches DiBiase to a turnbuckle, then runs but DiBiase gets out of the way as Bryan hits the turnbuckle, Sunset Flip! 1, 2, 3! DiBiase is heading for the Royal Rumble!


Winner: DiBiase by a sunset flip rollup.


Cole: Wow! DiBiase! Huge upset here!


Ross: No kidding! He just beat a former World Champion!


Lawler: And now DiBiase is the 1st to join the Royal Rumble!


Post Match: Bryan has a fit in the ring.



*Snaps, clotheslining a referee, gets a chair and hits it* AAAAAAAAAGGGGH!


Cole: Daniel Bryan has snapped ladies and gentleman!


Ross: And that was not the time for it folks!


Lawler: I know, DiBiase is the surprise winner here.


*BLAM!.....Kane's pyro, You know what that means!, Crowd goes mad, Kane comes out with his usual red mask and outfit*


Kane: Well, I'm not the one to interuppt a tantrum......But you just got beat by a rookie! *crowd laughs*

But look, If I lose MY match, Hey, At least we can still defend the tag titles.


*Cricket chirps*


Bryan: Which ones?


Kane: The WWE ones. Duh.


Bryan: .............Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh................................Eh, Works for me.


Kane: Good, Now leave the ring please, I have a match to get to.


Bryan: *sigh* Fine. *walks out, Kane gets in*


Cole: Kane vs Miz, Next!


*Commercial Break*


*After that Kane is in the ring as always, Miz's theme plays, Crowd pops somewhat*


Chimel: His opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, Weighing in at 221 pounds, THE MIZ!


Cole: Allright! Miz time!


Lawler: IDK, Miz is in for a tough match, Kane has been on a destructive path as of late and The Miz is in a bit of a slump as of late, Recently losing to a tough Tensai, Who has been steamrolling through the WCW roster.


Cole: Where is Miz anyway?


*Miz enters from the other side of the ring when no one's looking and low blows Kane*




Match 2: Kane vs The Miz (Qualifying match 2)


*DING, DING, DING, Miz covers Kane and uses the ropes for leverage*




*But the ref doesn't see and counts the 1, 2, 3. The crowd isn't enjoying this*


Cole: The Miz is going to the Royal Rumble!


Lawler: And in terrible fashion I might add.


Chimel: Your winner and 2nd entry in the Rumble. THE MIZ!


*A obviously angry Miz gets his hand raised in victory, BUT WAIT, He ain't done yet, He picks Kane up.....SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!, What a turn!, Miz is still attacking Kane, Oh the irony!, Striker comes out to look for answers*


Striker: Miz! Miz!, Listen, I think these people have had just about enough of your erratic behaviour. Now what is going on?


Miz: Listen, See here. When I became a good man, I thought I would get respect at last and become World Champion again. BUT NO! Instead, I became the most must see.............GLORIFIED PIECE OF CRAP!


*Crowd boos big time*


Striker: Well that's no reason to disrespect the fans like that.


Ross: Striker's damn right! Why in all the glory would Miz do that?


Cole: IDK, But who cares? Woohoo! GO MIZ!


Lawler: -_-



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I'm going to try to be constructive here. Spacing things out and bolding names helps the reader see who is speaking and actually read the show. It's no fun having to search for a result so maybe put something like "Wrestler X won via Finisher Y". Look at Nobby McDonald's excellent TNA's New Beginnings II for an example of how a good show is laid out. This has some promise, just work on the presentation a bit. :)
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I'm going to try to be constructive here. Spacing things out and bolding names helps the reader see who is speaking and actually read the show. It's no fun having to search for a result so maybe put something like "Wrestler X won via Finisher Y". Look at Nobby McDonald's excellent TNA's New Beginnings II for an example of how a good show is laid out. This has some promise, just work on the presentation a bit. :)


I've tooken your word. I will do that.

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