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The C-Verse Rerender Project: Part Deux

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@shipshirt: I don't even know who Nick Booth is from the C-Verse but that render is amazing. It does not look like a render it looks like you took an actual picture and placed it onto the C-Verse background.


The rest are great as well but that one in particular stands out to me.


That one is my favorite of the bunch, too. Has a real Stone Cold sort of vibe.


You probably aren't familiar with him because he doesn't debut until 2016. That's certainly the reason that I didn't know about him, because I've yet to make it that far into any save I've started. :o With a render that awesome, I'm seriously thinking about moving his debut date up to some time in 2014.

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Holy crap. :eek: Great work, shipshirt. I especially appreciate the ones that seemingly hadn't been re-rendered yet (Nick Booth, Nicky Gilbert, Reilly Patton and Jules Night), but they're all damn good.


Thanks! Someone in this thread had asked for a Jules Night before (because he and another worker used the same picture) so I gave him a go.


I love that Edd Stone so much.


Thank you! I wanted to go for a slightly drugged out/partier type vibe so I gave him a little sleepy eyes and the wild hair. The renders I had done of him before were too "normal". I feel like this Edd I could actually do something with as a singles. It's weird how the render determines the push so much when.


Very nice batch of rerenders!


I like the different take you had with Killswitch/Frankie Perez. A TCW gothic stable of Sammy Bach, Frankie Perez/Killswitch, Mikey James, maybe you can call him Impaler, and Blackfire it's a must.


Thanks! It's hard to do different skin tones with the Genesis 2 figure because I don't have nearly the selection I have with M4. So I removed the skin texture totally to give the white Sting/Crow face and then added in the triangles and those scratch marks and blurred them all a bit. Are they scratches? Are they just makeup? Who knows? :)


@shipshirt: I don't even know who Nick Booth is from the C-Verse but that render is amazing. It does not look like a render it looks like you took an actual picture and placed it onto the C-Verse background.


The rest are great as well but that one in particular stands out to me.


That one is my favorite of the bunch, too. Has a real Stone Cold sort of vibe.


You probably aren't familiar with him because he doesn't debut until 2016. That's certainly the reason that I didn't know about him, because I've yet to make it that far into any save I've started. :o With a render that awesome, I'm seriously thinking about moving his debut date up to some time in 2014.


Yup, he comes in later and the Stone Cold vibe was exactly what I was going for. A slightly off brawler. You can thank JSilver's 3a light setup for the realistic look. It doesn't work for every skin (some look too clay-like) but when it's the right fit it's AMAZING. Otherwise I have my own light set I created so I'll alternate between the two.


Great work Shipshirt. I will use many of those re-renders in my saves.


Thank you!


Very nice work on those! Love the Gilbert, Booth, Jameson, and Queen ones.

It's good to know that there are still renderers like you that keep this thread going.


Thanks! For some reasons Quentin Queen is a favorite of mine too. I wanted a Playboy Buddy Rose type of heel and something about his name inspired that look. I still wish I could do masks as well as you and Jtlant!

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Thanks! Someone in this thread had asked for a Jules Night before (because he and another worker used the same picture) so I gave him a go.


It was me. :)


Just a few more notes.


Keep up the flat cap tradition!


Edd Stone works well also for a '97 C-Verse Monty Walker.


Steven Parker is ready to play El Rudo Clasico, the classic old school mexican heel.

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It was me. :)


Just a few more notes.


Keep up the flat cap tradition!


Edd Stone works well also for a '97 C-Verse Monty Walker.


Steven Parker is ready to play El Rudo Clasico, the classic old school mexican heel.


Ah! There you go!


The flat cap works really well for Irish brawler O'Farraday. I had an earlier render of him but the M4 Beard handlebar mustache looked almost like it was a fake mustache taped on his face. This time I used the Ultimate Beard for M4 and it had that much cooler look to it. Plus I re-lit it

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Ah! There you go!


The flat cap works really well for Irish brawler O'Farraday. I had an earlier render of him but the M4 Beard handlebar mustache looked almost like it was a fake mustache taped on his face. This time I used the Ultimate Beard for M4 and it had that much cooler look to it. Plus I re-lit it


In comparison it fits better. The Flat Cap Fight Club, or FC2, keeps growing globally, like the Bullet Club.

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Nothing wrong with the original render and the rerenders already made, but it doesn't hurt to post more. Any fb is appreciated. My other rerenders and added new worker pics here.

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My feedback: I already put that Lauren Easter render on the C-Verse background for my personal games, because it's amazing. :D


I've been using your renders as replacements for several C-Verse women, though I started using a different one for Brooke Tyler before I noticed that one, and I was used to it so I didn't change. For anyone who hasn't checked out that folder (as well as the WMMA3>PNG folder) in search of re-renders, I'd highly recommend it.

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sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but has there ever been an Enygma re-render?


Made by jtlant. Masked and unmasked Enygma



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First re-render. I'm going with Chance Fortune, who I have in my USPW save. In 2015 now, he's my National Champ. Turned heel, kindof got the Seth Rollins type vibe going. He's been successful as a heel for me, a showdown with Aaron Andrews coming up who he turned on.



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First re-render. I'm going with Chance Fortune, who I have in my USPW save. In 2015 now, he's my National Champ. Turned heel, kindof got the Seth Rollins type vibe going. He's been successful as a heel for me, a showdown with Aaron Andrews coming up who he turned on.




Very nice, an interesting emo turn from the usual all smiles Chance Fortune.

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that's one of my main issues, I don't have the greatest understanding of the cverse characters.


Start with the wrestlers descriptions and use your imagination for your work.


Check this link where you'll have the background of C-Verse.


Check also the links on the first page of this thread, especially the Download Center. There you'll find most of the past rerenders and alts made during these years for some inspiration.


Diaries and dynasties helped too. Jim Force in most of the diaries was pushing to buy his merchandise, Christian Faith closed his sentences with "I have faith!" and Edd Stone was always surprising for his antics.

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Start with the wrestlers descriptions and use your imagination for your work.


Check this link where you'll have the background of C-Verse.


Check also the links on the first page of this thread, especially the Download Center. There you'll find most of the past rerenders and alts made during these years for some inspiration.


Diaries and dynasties helped too. Jim Force in most of the diaries was pushing to buy his merchandise, Christian Faith closed his sentences with "I have faith!" and Edd Stone was always surprising for his antics.


thanks I appreciate it. I just gotta keep trying and I'll figure it all out. I think it's the same reason I haven't done a dynasty yet

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I tried a make a nice Wanda Fish render - or whatever her name is now - but I just couldn't make it work... so I turned it into a WMMA render for inclusion in the community CVE mod. Those that like it can always use it for TEW.



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