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SWF: The World's Greatest Tape Trader [8RoW]

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Plum Park

15,000 fans

January Week 2, 2013


Peter Micheals: Welcome to Supreme Wrestling Federation's Supreme TV, a Crash Diet in High Octane Wrestling! My name is Peter Micheals and I'm beside Duane Fry and Ana Garcia!


Ana Garcia: That's right Peter! The perfect mix of action and intrigue this is the SWF on Tuesday night!


Duane Fry: And here comes the Chief of Intrigue, Jack Bruce!


Bruce struts to the rings, full of trademark swagger. He has a microphone, but then again, when does he not?


Jack Bruce: Kids, Men … Ladiiiiiies I am Jack Bruce! I am the representative of the SWF Competition Committee! I am a four time SWF World Heavyweight Champion and tonight, in Plum Park I ... AM ... HOME! It's always a treat for the Tri-State Thriller to be back in New Jersey and you all better bet I'm heading home to New York CITY after the show and I want all you in the crowd to come PARTY WITH ME!


We will eat, drink and be merry, Bruceaholics, for Thursday...I may die. I take on the near mythological force that is Marat Khoklov. He is huge, but... but that's not all. No! He is a monster! A mountain of man who has not lost once in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. In today's SWF that is near impossible friends. So I KNOW what's in front of me! I KNOW what I have to do and I WILL DO IT. I WILL WALK INTO HELL FROZEN OR NOT AND I WILL DEFEAT THE MYTH OF MARAT KHOKLOV!


On Thursday, my friends, it will be ... showtime.


Fry: I have not seen that man that focused since this time two years ago.


Micheals: Since Eisen...yeah...


Garcia: Will it be enough. Marat...he's a machine.




{ * } Completely brutal matchup. Just minutes of strait ahead brawling between these two heavyweights. Finally, after rolling out of the ring to consult Emma, James slowed down the match, taking Frehley a bit off his game. James got impatient, and went for the Big Money Move (Pounce), but Frehley reversed it with a vicious right hand that grounded the leaping big man.. Frehley continued the assault until James was not moving, then hit a Frehley’s Comet (F-5) for good measure, capping off another destructive but victorious match.


Steve Frehley wins


Garcia: Oh man James was that close!


Fry: Against Frehley, that big of an opening is all you need to give to lose.


Micheals: As much as I don't want to do this, Eric Eisen has interview time.


The scene goes to backstage where Eric Eisen is grinning ear to ear.


Eisen: I can see it now. 2013...year ... of the Supremacist.


The crowd does not agree and begins booing.


Eisen: Now those who are foolish enough to think that I, who went to the best schools, went to the best dojos and have beat the best fighters would be fighting for the North American title...well you're far below stupid. You're simply doltish, but what else can be expected from New Jersey, the great landfill of America.


The boos grow louder and Eisen soaks it in.


Eisen: No, I will not be facing Gilmore. So why attack him? Well.


A voice offscreen: E-Eric? You busy?


Eisen: Just cutting a promo babe.


Voice: You called me here?


Eisen: Yeah. Time to make the real money Kristen.


Eric walks off screen and the camera pans to...




Garcia: More eyecandy?


Micheals: That is Kristen Pearce, a well known manager on the Indy scene!


Fry: Mmmm. Redhead.


Garcia: Astute.




Captain Atomic vs. Joe Sexy


{ * } Sexy takes control early, as the good Captain seems more concerned with the impending arrival of Rich Money. Atomic is able to avoid a full on assault, but whenever he starts to get a string of offense going he is derailed by his own paranoia. Eventually, when it becomes apparent that Money is not going to show, Atomic takes full control, ending things after ten minutes with a Mushroom Cloud.


Captain Atomic wins


Fry: It would've been quicker too, had he not been worrying about Money. That man is superhuman.


Garcia: What the {bleep} was that {bleep} Sexy!?!


Micheals: While Ana collects herself I am told there was an incident backstage.


Inside a waiting room Jessie is talking to the Awesomeness. On the screen is a early 2000s Biggz Boyz match.


Jessie: Do you see how they know exactly when to tag out. It's a bit of bravery, but I think you two have that...Gilmore?


Standing above the seated group is a seething Angry Gilmore.


Gilmore: Boys, I need to borrow Jessie.


Huey & Jefferson: Boys!?!


Jessie: Angry, I am sorry, but I am there manager, not yours.


Gilmore: You look like good kids. She'll come back but for now I'm going to take my wife.


Huey & Jefferson: Wife!?!


Jessie: TOM!


Gilmore: Jess, Kristen's HERE.


Jessie is silent, dumbstruck as Gilmore paces to calm himself.


Gilmore: She's with Eric.


Jesse: LET'S GO!


The two storm out of the room leaving the Awesomeness dumbfounded staring at the old footage as we go to commercial.


Huey: Dude...what just happened?




Eric Eisen vs. Valiant


{ * } Valiant actually seems more eager than focused to get his hands on the Supremacist. Eisen lets the big man charge in, deflecting attacks and peppering with light blows of his own. Finally Valiant gets through the defenses, and when he does it is a storm gate opening. Shoulder block! Shoulder block! Scoop slam! Valiant hit’s the ropes, pauses for dramatic effect, and hits the Valiant Drop (People’s Elbow). With the crowd rocking and valiant rolling he calls for Eisen to rise, but when Eisen comes to he rolls out of the ring, pulling a Eric Eisen special and buying time. *Valiant looks like he’s considering a leaping move and Hannah is encouraging him to do so on the outside! Eisen calls the ref over, Valiant begins to run … SPEAR! Rogue SPEARED the hell out of Valiant! As that’s happening Angry Gilmore charges from the crowd and turns Eisen around…Anger Management! The ref calls for a double DQ here, there is no winner!


Double DQ Draw


Micheals: My WORD it is CHAOS here!


Garcia: Security is getting these brutes under control, but just.


Fry: While security handles this, let's go backstage to Jerry Eisen.


Jerry Eisen: I'm here with Rich Money who has requested time to speak. Rich, the floor is yours.


Money: I've been called many things in my life. A blue-chipper. Stagnated. A hero. A villain. A lone wolf. A rich snob. A winner. A loser. Yet these things never effected me, and I will tell you why ... I believe in Rich Money. And if that sounds like a good guy thing to say, it's because it is. I am a good guy. I am the God {bleep} hero. Sometimes good guys do bad things, that is real life. Real life is not a comic book.


Now last week I lost to a guy who does think real life is a comic book. That hurt. It made me, for a moment lose faith in Rich Money... but I do not have the superficial pride of some of my peers. I do not have an outside confidence, but an inside confidence. I believe in Rich Money down to the core of what I stand for. And I should say that I should destroy a man in a lobster costume but that man in a lobster costume is one HELL of a fighter. Even if he's made some poor life choices.


Still...I am a better fighter who lost. I will reclaim my pride. I will beat all Lobster Warrior's little super hero super pals. I will face Lobster Warrior himself, and I will win. Because, I am Money, and you can take that to the bank.


Fry: Last weeks lost really effected Money!


[/b]Garcia:[/b] That it did, and we'll be right back!



Angry Gilmore and Lobster Warrior vs. Remo and Rich Money


{ * } Early candidate for Match of the Year here and on free TV no less. Rich Money seemed more focused today, coming out with Remo as a tag team with no flashy entrance. Money and Remo showcased the fluid tag team ability that we have come to expect from them. There is obviously a natural chemistry between these two, possible forged through years of battle. Angry Gilmore and Lobster Warrior show no less heart or focus, but it would be the lack of experience fighting WITH each other as opposed to simply fighting each other that made the difference. Several times throughout the match Gilmore would look at Lobster Warrior untrustingly, or vice versa. Indeed it was Gilmore’s unwillingness to tag in the Caped Crustacean Crusader that ended this match, as he was simply outmatched by the combined efforts of Remo and Money. Money finished it off with a Bank Roll.


Remo and Rich Money win




Christian Faith vs. Vengeance


{ * } A match like this always creates a buzz on Supreme TV. Two legends of the Supreme Squared Circle do battle for the right to face Remo at When Hell Freezes Over. Faith starts on fire, obviously motivated by his desire to get in the ring with the “Alpha Dog”. Faith Hammers reign down on a shocked and suddenly defensive Vengeance. In a shockingly quick amount of time, Vengeance is set up for the Leap of Faith…which connects but only yields a two count. Faith knows not to let up on the big man, but Vengeance is able to finally amount some offense. The match slows down as he systematically picks apart Faith, focusing his attacks on the neck of the aging superstar. He gets Faith outside of the ring and hits a particularly sick spot that sends Faith neck first into the barricade.* It looks as if Vengeance is slowly setting up for the Skull Krusher. Surprisingly he does not go for it, but instead whips Faith into the corner and delivers his own Leap of Faith! He takes a staggering Faith and sets him up for the Skull Krusher.



Then the lights go off.



A red 1 appears on the Supremetron.



Then a 2.



Then a 3, and a 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.



The red numbers finally stop at 11. There is no music, only a red 11 on a black screen. Then the lights come back on.



Faith is back in control! Faith Hammers! Irish whip! A second Leap of Faith! He whips Vengeance to the opposite turnbuckle! He runs…and gets clocked by Remo! He had the chain wrapped around his hand! Faith is knocked out cold! Remo smirks and walks to Vengeance. He wraps the chain around the neck of Vengeance then leaves the ring, still holding it. Clutching both ends he jumps down, creating almost a garrote wire type effect on the neck of Vengeance who struggles but fades fast into slumber. When Vengeance stops moving Remo releases the chain. The match is declared a double DQ.


Double DQ Draw


Garcia That devilish {bleep} just weaseled his way into the number one contendership without having to face either Faith or Vengeance.


Micheals: Oh God {bleep} it!


Shoot to thrill!


Fry: It's the voice of the SWF Competition Committee, Jack Bruce!


Bruce stops at the top of the ramp and stares intently at Remo.


Bruce: Remo, if I didn't have plans Thursday I'd kick your {bleep} personally.


Remo motions for Bruce to bring it, but Bruce remains.


Bruce: I had only one piece of news, but I was give the power to make matches under extreme circumstances, and well Remo you took things to the extreme!


Garcia: He sure did...


Bruce: So this Thursday it will be Remo ... versus Christian Faith ... versus Vengeance for the number one contendership to Steve Frehley's SWF World Heavyweight Championship!


The last part cannot be heard with the crowd poping, so Bruce waits. Ringside, Remo is throwing chairs, his plan for not.


Bruce: That's not all Remo. Since you love that chain so much, why don't we hang it fifteen feet above the ring, give you boys some ladders and say if anyone recaptures the chain it becomes a legal object in the match? Sounds good to me, sound good to you New Jersey?


The crowd roars in approval.


Bruce: The other news... well next week on Supereme TV I will be revealing the full time SWF Commissioner! See you all Thursday! PARTY ON NEW JERSEY!


Bruce headbangs as we fade to logo.

Bruce promo – A
Steve Frehley defeated Brandon James – B-
Eric Eisen promo – C-
Captain Atomic defeated Joe Sexy – B-
Jessie, Angry Gilmore, Awesomeness promo – C+
Eric Eisen drew with Valiant – C+
Rich Money promo – B
Remo and Rich Money defeated Angry Gilmore and Lobster Warrior – B+
Christian Faith drew with Vengeance – B-
Jack Bruce reveals match - B+

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Totally Legit Foolish Commentary


- Frehley and Brandon opening the show? Seems like overkill to me...


- And Rich Money's turning into a complete wuss? Not sure if bad booking or attack at the USPW World title...


- So you are having an "object on a pole" match next week? What's next, are you going to be stripping everyone of their titles just to shake things up!?

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Current Standings


3rdStringPG - 8/12

Jaded - 8/12

Oregano Jensen - 8/12

Derek B - 7/12

Jingo - 7/12

Midnightnick - 7/12

Kainlock - 6/12

foolinc - 5/7

James Casey - 5/7

Tiberious4 - 4/5

FINisher - 4/7

siblington - 4/7

Timber - 4/7

Psycho Sam - 4/12

juggaloninjalee - 3/5

Truth - 3/5

moon_lit_tears - 3/7

Apupunchau@optonline - 2/5


Once again thanks to each and every one of you who has read and posted. It means a lot.




The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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he Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. Eric Eisen for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money


Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

I'd like to see someone take a massive bump off the roof of the cell.

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

DQ after Khoklov impales Jack Bruce with the Russian Flag...wait...the PPV's won't allow it. Damn.

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Well duh, it's made by Vengeance!

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov - Bruce by DQ.

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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I'm fairly sure we're past the PPV in the save, but I've not looked at the files since before the show so I'm gonna make predictions anyways! :p


The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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<p><strong>The Awesomeness </strong>vs. The Pain Alliance</p><p>

<strong>The Amazing Bumfholes</strong> vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)</p><p>

The All Americans vs. <strong>Quadruple B</strong> for the SWF World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship</p><p>

Captain Atomic vs. <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>

Rogue vs. <strong>Valiant</strong> in a Hell in a Cell match</p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce</strong> vs. Marat Khoklov</p><p>

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs.<strong> Vengeance</strong> in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley</strong> vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p>

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<p>The Awesomeness vs. <strong>The Pain Alliance</strong></p><p>

The Smacker sucks, but they're way higher up the food chain than Huey and Jefferson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Amazing Bumfholes</strong> vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)</p><p>

The Bumfholes are legitimately one of the premier teams in the world, and Joe Sexy is really old</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The All Americans</strong> vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

I don't like The All Americans as champions, but having them loose to The Biggz with no build would be silly.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship</p><p>

Unless you are getting the title off Tom in order to get him into the World title picture, there's no reason for him to loose now.</p><p> </p><p>

Captain Atomic vs. <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>

Rich is money and Cap is midcarder for life</p><p> </p><p>

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match</p><p>

Giedroyc is a stronger prospect than Valiant, and he also has Easy E in his corner.</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce vs. <strong>Marat Khoklov</strong></p><p>

I smell something screwy in the finish to protect Marat's streak</p><p> </p><p>

Christan Faith vs. <strong>Remo</strong> vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

Finally do the Frehley vs Remo feud for the World title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Frehley</strong> vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

This one should be short and painful for McClean.</p>

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. Alan Parent for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. Alan Parent for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Tiberious read my mind. Especially the mystery opponent part.

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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The Awesomeness vs. The Pain Alliance

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Party Sexy (Marc DuBois and Joe Sexy)

The All Americans vs. Quadruple B for the SWF World Tag Team Championship

Angry Gilmore vs. ??? for the SWF North American Championship

Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money

Rogue vs. Valiant in a Hell in a Cell match

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christan Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance in a Vengeance's Chain Match for number one contendership to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship

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  • 2 weeks later...


SWF When Hell Freezes Over

Peter Michaels: Ladies and Gentlemen this is the January tradition of wrestling fans, to watch HEEL FREEZE OVER!


Daune Fry: That is correct, and for this specific rendezvous in hell we have quiet a show for you. Four matches that could headline for any company in the world!


Ana Garcia: The World Heavyweight Champion Steve Frehley taking on Squeeky McClean!


Michaels: The callous Rogue getting what he deserves via the hands of Valiant and the vicious Hell in a Cell Match!


Fry: The fantastic three way match between Vengeance, Faith and Remo with Vengeance's iconic chain fifteen feet above the ring.


Garcia: A finally the huge challenge laid down by Jack Bruce to himself: be the first man in the SWF to beat Marat Khoklov


Fry: Here comes the Supreme Star now.


Jack Bruce is in fact already in the ring, having made his entrance while the camera was panning over the crowd.


Bruce: Little! Rock! ARKANSAS! Let me here you SCREAM!


Jack Bruce opens his arms wide and the crowd showers him in love.


Bruce: Never before have I felt more ready for a fight then I have tonight. Maybe it's the stakes? Maybe it's the opponent? Maybe it's the lovely Little Rock ladies who showed Jack Bruce a good time earlier today!


The crowd roars in approval of Jack Bruce's appreciation of the locals.


Bruce: Now that is why America will always be better than Russia. Win, lose or draw tonight Jack Bruce will be partying with thirty thousand of his closest Little Rockers and Marat Khoklov will be on a jet back to cold {bleep} Russia. Now I ask you, which is better? Truly.


Not surprisingly a U! S! A! chant starts up, and does not calm down. Bruce s barely able to get "Thank you ARKANSAS!" out over the roar and chanting of the white hot crowd.


The crowd quickly begins booing as the self righteous Squeeky McClean slowly makes his way to the ring. He surveys the arena, pointing to an advertisement for an alcoholic beverage and shaking his head, mouthing "disgusting".


Steve Frehley entrance is meet with much more enthusiasm. The crowd once again gets on there feet and a small but powerful "Suuu-PLEX! Suuu-PLEX!" chant is started



Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley


Frehley starts the match by trying to brawl with the sneaky Squeeky. Squeek would roll to the outside whenever the attacks would be too much. Of course this did not endear him to the crowd. Squeeky finally got the upper hand by using every tactic in his bag of tricks. Squeek would brawl then retreat away before Frehley could muscle back. He did this for about ten minutes before Frehley finally got some solid shots in that rocked the Strait Edge. He continued to fire off on the challenger who had been talking so much these past few weeks.


Frehley slammed the mat and got down in what looked like a basketball defensive stance. The fans knew what was coming as Squeeky stumbled over...belly to belly suplex! Frehley lifted Squeek up again spun him around ... German Suplex! He pulls McClean up again...Tiger Suplex! McClean looks dazed. FREHLEY'S COMET! This one is over!


Steve Frehley wins



The Awesomeness w/Jessie vs. The Pain Alliance


This was essentially a tale of two matches, as when Stardust or Cannonball where able to cut the ring in half and use there fantastic tag team skills to corner Big Smck Scott and keep the charismatic big man awy from Laramee. Eventually the Smackster powered away fro Cannonball, and Laramee entered the ring a house of fire. It took only five more minutes and Laramee easily put Cannonball down for the three count.


The Pain Alliance Win


Fry: The Pain Alliance win and they will be facing the winners of the Biggins and the All Americans.


Garcia: Look at Scott he's overcome with emotion.


Big Smack Scott is running around the ring, hugging camera men, fans and members of the production crew. He is visibly crying in joy. Meanwhile Laramee is just staring at the spectacle his partner is making.


Michaels: What an interesting matchup it will be, no matter who wins.



Zimmy and Randy, as usual showcase a strong tag team ability utilizing frequent tags to wear down the experienced Joe Sexy. Sexy would slow the group down, but his arrogance would get the better of him and he would refuse to tag in DuBois. This lead to him facing a vicious double team combination which lead to him on the floor and Zimmy hitting a beautiful moonsault.


Another staple of the Bumfholes, unfortunately, is there inability to close. This was the case once again as Sexy was able to crawl to DuBois and make the rare heel hot tag. DuBois races in and hits a flashy cross body on the legal man, Randy Bumfhole. After that move DuBois slows the match way down using a side headlock. DuBois smirked as the crowd got on him for the lack of action. He eventually locked in the Model Solution, and Sexy cut off Zimmy's attempt to break it up.


Sexy Party wins


Garcia: What a man, to take the young DuBois under his wing


Fry: It's pronounced DEW-BWAH.


Garcia: Who cares how it's pronounced look at how it looks. Mmmm.


Michaels: Let's just see who this mystery opponent of Angry Gilmore is.


Fry: Set up by Eric Eisen no less.



Angry Gilmore vs. Spencer Spade


Gilmore makes his entrance with Jessie by his side. He is fuming, pacing and Jessie has little effect on calming him down. Suddenly the arena goes dark and playing cards start to fall from the rafters. As the music kicks in an unknown face bursts through onto the ramp. On his arm is the beautiful Kristen Pearce.


When the match starts Spade storms Gilmore, peppering him with a series of open handed strikes to shock the veteran back into the corner. Spade shot in with a spear to the corner, and just when it looked like he was one to cheer, Pearce lept up onto the apron and Spade blatently kicked Gilmore between the legs. Spade's offense continued in turn, using moves not usually seen in the SWF. His spinning elbow to the temple of Gilmore leveled Gilmore to the ground. Gilmore, flashing back to his more heelish days, rolled out of the ring to recover.


When Gilmore did get back into the ring he was more prepared. The fight went back and forth for the next few minutes before Kristen Pearce attempted to distract Gilmore, but Jessie raced over and began screaming at Kristen. Kristen turned and began screaming back, which distracted Spade long enough for Gilmore to hit the Anger Management and pick up the win.


Angry Gilmore wins


Garcia: Who IS that kid!


Michaels: Another Rhode Island alum, Spencer Spade makes his debut for the SWF in amazing fashion!


Fry: He almost beat one of the greatest North American champions of all time for the belt in his first match! I would say amazing.


Michaels: Let's go to earlier tonight where Lobster Warrior was hyping up his fellow Hero Squad-mate for a showdown with Rich Money.


Backstage lifting weights is Captain Atomic. He seems to be struggling a little, before screaming in pure anger and rapidly lifting the weights, finishing out the reps. Lobster Warrior walks over.


Warrior: Hail, good sir, and well met.


Atomic simply pants and stares at Lobby intensely.


Warrior: Now I can understand your desire to ... seize the day.


Warrior pinches his claws at the word seize.


Warrior: However, exercise patience. The slower the reps the more you gain. Slow down and don't let your intensity get the better of you. Wait for the right moment and ... GRAB IT.


Lobby once again pinches his claws.


Atomic: I would love to have the PATIENCE of a LOBSTER, but I AM A FREAK. A GENETIC ANOMALY. I have to know what I AM and ACT based on THAT.


Warrior: Just know, Money is not someone you can bulldoze through. I have lost to him. I have beat him.


Atomic: I will TAKE your advice under CONSIDERATION.


Atomic goes back to lifting, but at a considerably slower and more calculated pace. Lobster smiles, happy his message got through to the youngster.


Garcia: Idiots.




Captain Atomic vs. Rich Money


Atomic starts the match off swinging away at the crafty Money, seemingly ignoring the earlier advice given to him. Money seems to be attempting to weather to blows, perhaps using the always popular rope a dope strategy. After a long series of running forearm smashes, brutal brawling and knees to the gut Money finally doubled over and dropped to one knee. Atomic raced to the opposite side of the ring, possibly going for the Atomic Footprint on the downed Money, but Rich was one step ahead and rolled out of the ring. Atomic gave chase, but seemed to be doing so carefully, not bull rushing forward. Due to this, when Rich turned to try and shock the Radioactive Wonder with a flying clothesline the good Captain caught Rich in midair. With a burst of strength Atomic flung him backwards onto the thin outside mats using what was almost a t-bone suplex. Money arched in pure pain and Atomic lept onto the ring apron and shook the ropes before reentering the ring.


Giving Money time to recover may have been the mistake that changed this match. When Money finally rolled into the ring (at the ref’s count of nine) he had rested slightly and was ready for Atomic’s barrage. He reversed a wild punch into a jarring neckbreaker. He used Atomic’s momentum to send him into the corner shoulder first. He used some moves not yet seen before out of Rich Money to keep the control as well, including a double stomp off the second rope to a downed Atomic and a series of Okazaki Kick’s to put Atomic down to begin with. This all set up a Bank Roll and a pinfall…which Atomic kicks out of. Money smirked as if he knew this would happen. He goes behind behind Atomic and grabs his arms…straitjacket suplex! Duane Fry informs use Money learned that training in Japan and calls it the Mad Money Suplex. It is enough to keep Atomic down for the three count.



Rich Money wins



Post match a tired, beaten but victorious Rich Money climbs the the turnbuckle. The camera on his does not capture his voice, but anyone who can read lips can hear "get me a {bleep} mic". Two stagehand race to him with a mic and one tosses it up to him.


Money: I know you jack{bleep} want to cheer the "effort" of Captain Atomic so get it out of your system because I have a lot to say.


The crowd chants for the Atomic Wonder as he leaves the ring, slightly upset for the loss but knowing that he took Money to the limit.


Money: Done? Good. Let me tell you something Little Rock. Eric Eisen. Jack Bruce. That whole bull{bleep} thing that I had to deal with for the last two years. It effected me. It made me think I had to be something I was not. I am Rich Money, I am so wealthy that I can train with any wrestler in...the...world. I am so wealthy that I don't need the praise of you in the fans like everyone else.


The crowd boos as much as they have all night. Money just smirks.


Money: Yeah. Yeah. You guys pay for this place to run, I get that. Except for the fact that I have more money than Tricky Dick. I don't need this paycheck, so I don't need any...of...you. So why am I here? To prove something, something I have been trying to prove since wrestling at fairgrounds in USPW. Since wrestling for the North American title, a belt so far beneath me that I held the title for over a year total WITHOUT TRYING. I am the best at wrestling. The. Best. From this point forward I will prove it. Lobster Warrior. I will get my win back. That is a Money promise.


Michaels: What an {bleep}. To say he doesn't need the fans. Bull{bleep}.


Garcia: He doesn't. He's Money.



Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov


The crowd is ready for this highly hyped match up. Bruce makes his entrance first, as with all Marat Khoklov matches he is being treated as the 'challenger'. The crowd winds up the U! S! A! chant again s Bruce dances in the ring with some ladies. Then the arena is tinted with red light, and the famed death march begins. There i a hush among the crowd, and even Bruce seems a touch taken a back. He has never stood across from the King of Fighters. As guitars kick in Marat slams through the Supreme gate and bellows to the crowd.


When the match itself starts Bruce seems to hang back and choose his strikes. Marat allows this for a few minutes, simply absorbing the damage before deciding he is bored. He open hand slaps Bruce so hard he falls to the mat. Marat lifts him up by his hair and holds him up, striking again and again with the Japanese style open chops to the chest. Bruce looks out on his feet and Marat only minutes into the match bellows out victoriously. He runs to the ropes as if he were shot out of a cannon...Moscow Lariat...NO! Ducked by Bruce. Marat keeps running as Bruce turns around ... dropkick to the running Khoklov. Marat bounces backwards slightly but remains on his feet. Bruce is in shock as he gets up. Marat slams an elbow to Bruce's temple. And another. And another. Finally whips Bruce...short arm clothesline! Hammer and sickle combination! Bruce is down. Marat bellows again and backs to the ropes.


Khoklov: Вставайте! Вставайте! Вставайте!


Marat screams at the downed rock star. Bruce is shaken, but has been hit with worse and slowly gets up. Marat charges again... Moscow Lariat...ducked. Marat runs through and bounces of the ropes. Bruce throws a kick at Marat's midsection, but Marat catches the kick and flips Bruce onto his back. Marat runs back to the ropes, Bruce gets up...MOSCOW LARIAT CONNECTS! Marat covers, but Bruce kicks out before two.




Fry: I don't think Marat expected THAT.


Marat backs up, allowing Bruce to get up. He shows a small bit of respect for Bruce by clapping twice for his opponent. As soon as Bruce is up, Marat slowly moves in. Jack Bruce is busted open, his hair turning a dark red. Marat slams his huge hand into the chest of Jack Bruce who simply yells back at Marat.




Bruce returns the open hand chop with a knife edge chop. Marat bellows at hits Bruce with another open handed chop. Bruce returns the bellow and hits three consecutive knife edge chops which sends Marat walking away clutching his chest. Bruce closed in on the big man ... boot to the gut. Marat does not double over and Bruce backpedals. He runs over ... shining wizard...NO! SIDEWALK SLAM AND BRUCE IS DOWN! Marat pulls him up by the hair again. Hammer and sickle combination. Bruce pops up!


Bruce: COME ON!


Marat motions for Bruce to come at him again and Bruce does. He goes for the shining wizard but Marat catches him again for the sidewalk slam...but Bruce locks in a headlock. Bruce climbs the ropes...TORNADO DDT! MARAT IS DOWN! Bruce waits as Marat stirs. Bruce slams his foot rhythmically into the mat as Marat stirs. The crowd stomps along with Bruce. Marat is in position ... running boot! Bruce plastered Marat. Marat is down to one knee. A second running boot! Marat is down on both knees...NEW YORK MINUTE! Marat is down and rolls to his back. Bruce is feeling it and screams out to the crowd! He climbs the ropes...


Garcia: Bruce climbing?


Fry: We don't see this often anymore!


Jack Bruce flicks the blood stained hair out of his eyes and points down at the supine giant. He leaps and goes for a huge elbow drop, but Marat rolls out of the way. Marat uses the ropes to climb to his feet quicker then Bruce, then uses that short-burst explosiveness he is so known for to rush Bruce. MOSCOW LARIAT! Marat covers and gets the three count.


Marat Khoklov wins


Michaels: It took two Moscow Lariats but Marat Khoklov has bested Jack Bruce and remained undefeated here in the SWF.


Fry: Fifty two wins. Zero losses.


Garcia: What a fighter.


Michaels: Jack Bruce put up one HELL of a fight my friends. He may have had the big man beat with the New York Minute but went for an exclamation point instead.


Garcia: Bruce knew one New York Minute would not put Marat away.



A good tag match between the past and present of the SWF tag team division. The Biggins showed an uncanny ability to hit double team moves, but in the end the strength of both Des Davis and American Machine proved too much. Every time the Biggins would take the advantage through shortcuts or good tag team moves the All American's would brawl back. After a flurry of eyeracks and low blows, both Biggins shot in for a double team but were met with furious tag team champions. Machine and Davids hit stereo piledrivers on both Biggins and Davids got the pin on Bret.

The All American win


Fry: Another win for the champs.


Garcia: Pain Alliance and All Americans in our future.


We go backstage, where Eric Eisen is seen pacing. He looks pleased, but a little bit mystified. He occasionally stops, looks at the lockers behind him and mutters to himself. Clearly, something is amiss in the mind of the Supremacist.


Eisen: Where did he get that good?


The pacing continues until the almost somber mood is shattered by the arrival of the SWF North American challenger. Kristen Pearce is calculated, but obviously pleased in the performance Spade put in.


Eisen: Spencer, I knew you had it kid. You were so close and -


Spencer's mood sours a bit.


Spade: Cut the crap, Eirc. You used me, and I you. We are not friends, you are not my mentor and you most certainly did not believe in me. I was supposed to go out, lose then you would attack Gilmore. You did not expect me to be an actually challenge for Gilmore, you wanted him to just be distracted by me.


Eric smirks at the cocky young kid.


Eisen: Yeah. Yeah I did.


Spade: Well...when you do come and join the fight... bring a weapon.


The two stare tensely at each other before Kristen Pearce interrupts.


Pearce: Hey, hey-


The lights go out and Kristen is heard shrieking. When they come back the numbers 1 through 10 are written on the locker doors behind the group. Eisen is unaware and just begins looking for the attacker but Spade sees them.


Spade: The {bleep} is this Eric?


Eric turns, see's the numbers and stares.


Eisen: No clue, didn't -


The lights go out again, for a longer time now. When they finally come back Pearce is clutching Spade, who had not moved. Eisen is motionless on the ground, and over his chest is a folding chair with the number 11 written in blood on it.


Spade: Oh {bleep} get a doctor!


Pearce races out as Spade stares again from the lockers to the chair.



Rogue vs. Valiant

Hell in a Cell


This match did not even wait to get brutal, with Valiant bringing a chair into the ring during his intro. The referee tried to warn him, but Valiant was a man focused on one thing, revenge. Neither man's valets came to the ring, showing that both men knew what was about to happen. The moment the bell rang Valiant raced in, only to have the chair dropkicked back into his face by Rogue. Rogue continued to press the advantage by peppering the Perpetual Good Guy with a series of vicious chair shots. After a few moments, Rogue nestled the chair around Valiant's left ankle like a bear trap. He climbed to the top rope, and then looked behind him. With a sudden motion, he leaped at the cell and caught hold of it. Climbing up he never took his eyes off of Valiant, and when his head hit the cell ceiling he looked...measured...and leaped at Valiant's ankle with a double stomp. Valiant suddenly thrust his leg up, kicking the helpless falling Rogue square in the face with the chair. Rogue collapsed onto his back and rolled in pain. Valiant did not escape unscathed either, the motion slamming the chair hard onto his ankle.


Valiant was up first, and need the assistance of the ropes to do it. His left ankle seemed incapable of having pressure put on it, slowing Valiant down to walking speed at fastest. He pulled up a facedown Rogue, who was bleeding heavily very early in the match. Fry made sure to mention that the longer the match goes, the more the blood loss will effect Rogue. Being lifted must have shook Rogue's brain, because he fired off right's and left's that left Valiant dazed. However, when he went for his famous roaring elbow Valiant caught it and straightened Rogue's arm into a standing arm bar. Valiant spun, putting his back to Rogue adding more torque to the hold. Rogue struggled backwards for the ropes, as the referee told him that it would do him no good. It was not a rope break Rogue was looking for as he climbed back first to top rope and used the advantage of being above Valiant to reverse the armbar into a sleeper. Now hanging onto the back of Valiant, Rogue had the sleeper locked tight. Valiant slammed his head back into Rogue's already busted open face and Rogue relented. Both men back off slightly, Rogue gingerly rubbing his right arm and Valiant favoring his left ankle while rubbing his neck.


Rogue then fly's in and tries the roaring elbow again hoping to catch Valiant by surprise. Valiant is not caught and again goes for the standing armbar, however Rogue keeps rotating until he is back to back with Valiant. He then absolutely destroys the do-gooder with a backslide driver!










Valiant kicks out!


Both men remain on the ground well past the normal ten seconds allowed, but luckily this match can only be finished by pinfall or submission. Rogue is the first up this time, but not by much, and it is Valiant who is first to the punch. And the second, third and forth punch. Rogue is left reeling as a surge of adrenaline carries Valiant on an offense tidal wave. He caps the offense off by whipping the dastardly grappler out of the ring.


Fry: Not sure I agree with this. Out of the ring is Rogue's home turf.


Michaels: High risk, high reward maybe?


Valiant rolled out, only to be met by a vicious chair shot by a recovering Rogue.


Fry: Told you.


Valiant went down hard, and Rogue too doubled over from the offense he just received. Valiant stood, adrenaline still flowing, and now blood flowing over his face Rogue fired with another chair shot, downing Valiant again. This time he rolled Valiant into the ring and began to climb the cell.


Garcia: What is he doing?


Michaels: Nothing good.


Rogue gets to the top once again and looks back. Valiant is getting up.


Rogue leaps...


Crossbody from the tippy top of the cell!








3! NO! Valiant kicked out! Rogue cannot believe it but Valiant kicked out. He sets up behind Valiant and waits. Stalks. Valiant gets up and Rogue remains behind him, moving with Valiant.


Crashing on!


Rogue barely turns Valiant on his back and drapes an arm over him.










Rogue wins


As the cell comes up the crowds shower Rogue with boos. Both men remain downed on the mat, and Hannah races out. She removes Rogue's arm from Valiant and lifts him up, providing him water and padding the blood up rather unsuccessfully. Rogue stirs a bit and crawls to the corner.


All of a sudden from the crowd jumps Brandon James. He slides into the ring and shove Hannah out of the way, causing her to fall on her back. Valiant stands, barely, and begins yelling at James, who clocks him. He sends Valiant into the ropes to set up the Big Money Move, but Rogue pulls the ropes down, sending Valiant to the floor below. James confronts Rogue, who collapses in response. James lifts him up, and Huntingdon runs from the back as well to carry Rogue backstage. Meanwhile Valiant stares at Rogue, unsure how to take the man's action.


Christian Faith vs. Remo vs. Vengeance

Chain Above the Ring Match


The match starts off as any who had watched these three fight before would expect. Vengeance and Faith throw caution to the wind early, trading early offensive flurries all the while both not fighting so hard as to tire themselves out quickly. Remo, however preferred to be much more picky with his offense, only attacking when both men where weakened and quickly backing out when the action got intense again. It was Vengeance who first noticed this pattern after about ten minutes into the match.


Vengeance sought to make up for the beating he and Faith had been taking. Remo proved he was able to stand and fight with Vengeance, if only because the bigger man had been worn out slightly by Faith. When finally it looked like Vengeance had taken too much damage and the balance had shifted directly to Remo he lifted the Avenging Angel of the SWF up for the Dark Destroyer (dominator). Faith ran in and speared the hell out of Remo, leaving both Remo and Vengeance down on the mat. Faith went to pin Remo.


1 ...




2 ...





Remo got his soulder up, just barely. Faith worked this momentum into a headlock smoothly. Vengeance got up and hit the ropes, but Faith saw this and backed off. It wasn't Faith who he was going after though, and punted through Remo's head, knocking him down and out. Vengeance went for the pin, but Faith immediately broke it up. Vengeance got right in Faith's face, to which Faith simply punched the big man in the jaw. And again. And again! Vengeance is reeling! Whipped into the corner...Leap of Faith ... NOBODY HOME. Vengeance scoops up the staggering Faith...Skull Krusher! Faith is down!


Roll up! Remo rolls Vengeance up!








Kicked out, what power! Remo is shocked and backs away from the now standing Vengeance. The big man is glaring at Remo, eying him like a lion eyes would gazelle stupid enough to attack it. Remo ran, full sprint, to the ropes and out of the ring. Vengeance followed, almost curiously, and remained a distance behind Remo, who was now begging Vengeance off. This continued until a revived Faith hit a Leap of Faith off the apron on an unsuspecting Vengeance. Remo raced over and returned the earlier spear to Faith while he was celebrating the big move. He rolled Faith into the ring and hit a huge Dark Destroyer on the Iron Man.









Vengeance back in the ring!


Skull Krusher on Remo!


Vengeance gets a ladder and climbs it, never once taking his eyes off of Remo. The Avenging Angel is fixated on Remo, and even as he's removing the chain from it's holding place. It is because of this that he misses Faith, and does not realize Faith is pushing the ladder. Vengeance crashes to the mat and is not moving. Faith is resting on the downed ladder. Vengeance's chain is drapped over the top rope. Remo rises slowly and see's the scene. His eyes go wide. He races to the chain, and clutches it like a lift raft and he was drowning. Faith advances, having no idea Remo has the chain. Remo turns at hits a right hook to the jaw of Faith with the chain! He covers Faith










Remo wins


Michaels: That no good -


Garcia: Don't hate that a well executed plan, Peter.


Fry: Remo and Frehley! This time for the World Heavyweight Championship!


Michaels: I can't wait to see Frehley kick his {bleep}


Garcia: That's all the time we have for Peter Michaels and Duane Fry this was When Hell Freezes Over, see you all Tuesday!

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Digital Hangover

SWF's Online Wrestling Show for the Supreme Superfan

Season 3 - Episode 2 - Squeeky Preparation

Released Thursday, Week 2, January 2013 (Pre-Taped Due to PPV)

Marshall Dillon and the masked Mr. Supreme defeat Marc DuBois and newcomer Lenny Brown. The masked man got in a lot of offense before putting Brown away. Brown did not seem too broken up over the loss, although DuBois was yelling at him for "messing it up" saying he'd "find a better partner!"


Backstage the Bumfholes talk about there rivalry with Quad B and hype up there skill as a tag team. They seem to think Quad B can beat the All Americans.


Paul Huntingdon then beat Robbie Retro when Emma Chase starts dancing with Retro (only to distract him of course). Robbie fixates on the dancing super agent only to fall victim to a chair shot (the ref was fairly distracted as well).


In the hallways Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee are arguing about the loss to Bruce and Faith. Laramee blames Scott but the two settle there differences before it escalates any further. Back in the ring The Platinum Blondes get a much needed win over The Awesomeness after some underhanded tactics by Prudence.


Backstage again and this time with The All Americans. American Machine has a match with Enforcer Roberts coming up. Des Davids stays behind and is confronted by John Greed now sporting a fedora. He says is after just the facts and will get to the bottom of this. Davids claims he has no idea what Greed is talking about, who simply replies "That's what they all say." Meanwhile in ring, Enforcer Roberts defeats American Machine. John Greed came late in the match and distracted Machine. Davids ran him off, but the veteran Roberts took advantage and defeated Machine.


Before the Main Event there is a hype video for When Hell Freezes Over it focuses on the North American title match, and the feud between Eisen and Gilmore. Then in ten minute high quality match Squeeky McClean defeated Jungle Lord after a low blow, gather last bit of momentum before the PPV.


Marshall Dillon and Mr. Supreme defeated Lenny Brown and Marc DuBois - D+

Bumfhole Promo - C

Paul Huntingdon defeated Robbie Retro - C

Big Smack Scott and Laramee Argue - C+

Platinum Blondes defeat The Awesomeness - C-

Davids and Greed Angle - C+

Enforcer Roberts defeated American Machine - C-

Eric Eisen and Angry Gilmore Hype - C

Squeeky McClean defeated Jungle Lord - C+

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SWF Weekly





An Interview With ... Steve Frehley


Nikk Reyes: Steve, thanks for coming by.


Steve Frehley: No problem, always an honor for someone to think my opinion worth writing down.


NR: You're the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. That carries a lot of weight.


SF: True, but man it just feels so weird. Getting stopped in airports, in restaurants. Truly amazing stuff.


NR: Lets spin the clock back to your first title victory. A lot of people said you won that belt on the back of your finisher and little else. Thoughts?


SF: I believe my second reign proves them wrong. Make no mistake, I get that the Comet is a fantastic move. I got lucky to strike gold with it and all my trainers, Nero, Faith, the lot of them deserve a bunch of credit.


NR: This new reign has seen you face Rich Money, Squeeky McClean and Remo. Any style in particular you like to fight?


SF: All of them. Honestly.


NR: No favorite?


SF: Nope.


NR: What does the future hold for Steve Frehley?


SF: Oh man. I just want to be the best father I can be, and anything professionally comes second to that. I want my Angel to be able to watch Daddy wrestle someday.


NR: Sounds great! Let's get to some fan questions. From the 3rdStringPG "How much is the Dark Destroyer gimmick an extension of your real-life persona?"


SF: It's like my mirror self. My shadow. What I never am. I'd never scream or be this "quick bursts of rage" guy. Heck, I never even got into a fight in school.


NR: Who would fight you! Another question, from Apupunchau@optonline "DO you have any pets and if so what are their names"


SF: Yes, a shelter rescued Rotty named Ace. He's so loveable.


NR: Last question for you from juggaloninjalee. "Who is the greatest World Champion from the past you wish you could defend your title against?"


SF: Christian Faith. He is the best of all time.


NR: Thank you Steve, and look forward to your long and continued success.


SF: God bless.


Please send questions for next weeks guest: Christian Faith


SWF Supreme TV


Enforcer Roberts vs. Lobster Warrior

Brandon James vs. Robbie Retro

Pain Alliance vs. Party Sexy

Captain Atomic and Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean and Vengeance

Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money

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Enforcer Roberts vs. Lobster Warrior

Brandon James vs. Robbie Retro

Pain Alliance vs. Party Sexy

Captain Atomic and Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean and Vengeance

Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Remo and Rich Money


QUESTION: Out of the young rookies on the roster who have joined the SWF recently, who do you see as having the better future?

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3rdStringPG - 13/21

Kainlock - 13/21

Derek B - 13/21

Jaded - 12/21

Midnightnick - 12/21

Jingo - 11/21

Truth - 10/14

Apupunchau@optonline - 9/14

Psycho Sam - 9/21

Oregano Jensen - 8/12

Tiberious4 - 8/14

swwilliams - 6/9

foolinc - 5/7

James Casey - 5/7

FINisher - 4/7

siblington - 4/7

Timber - 4/7

MichiganHero - 4/9

juggaloninjalee - 3/5

moon_lit_tears - 3/7

Minarin - 3/9


Both Kainlock and 3rdStringPG get to book a match, Kain for W1 Feb and 3rdStrng for W2 Feb. Get me those matches quickly :)

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