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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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When it comes to having enough TV time for the over talent that you have, has anyone had success with extending SupremeTV to 2 hours? I've always though 90 minutes was enough but I've come to realize that my roster consists of enough over talent that it's difficult to give them all their due (each week).


As it stands, this is what I'm looking at purely from an overness perspective:


A/A* Wrestlers: 3

B+ Wrestlers: 3

B Wrestlers: 4

B- Wrestlers: 2

C+ Wrestlers: 5


That puts me at 10 wrestlers at a "B" or higher overness. Overall, 17 above a "C+". Normally, I wouldn't count "C+" wrestlers into this mix but they so happen to be 2 young up-and-comers and three veterans who are often fan favorites (reader favorites too).


I know I'm not necessarily ready for a brand split but I'm thinking 2 hours may be the more realistic change going forward.

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I lowered my angle ratio to 50% and I think I have no trouble fitting in all of the stars with the 90 minutes


A/A* Wrestlers: 4

B+ Wrestlers: 9

B Wrestlers: 3

B- Wrestlers: 1


A good bunch of my wrestlers are affiliated with each other though so it isn't hard for me to group them together in meaningful angles. For instance I have John Greed and Vengeance at B+ and B popularity respectively and they sort of work like a dark version of HBK/Diesel from back in the day. I also have Rogue, Paul Huntingdon, and Eric Eisen in the Chase Agency all with B+ or A popularity.


I also have Des Davide (B) and Remo (B+) together and they pretty much beat down people on a weekly basis.


I also think another thing that was helpful was shortening the match times greatly so that I can run SWF as a true SE company where the matches for TV don't even need to be over 10 minutes most of the time.

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I lowered my angle ratio to 50% and I think I have no trouble fitting in all of the stars with the 90 minutes


A/A* Wrestlers: 4

B+ Wrestlers: 9

B Wrestlers: 3

B- Wrestlers: 1


A good bunch of my wrestlers are affiliated with each other though so it isn't hard for me to group them together in meaningful angles. For instance I have John Greed and Vengeance at B+ and B popularity respectively and they sort of work like a dark version of HBK/Diesel from back in the day. I also have Rogue, Paul Huntingdon, and Eric Eisen in the Chase Agency all with B+ or A popularity.


I also have Des Davide (B) and Remo (B+) together and they pretty much beat down people on a weekly basis.


I also think another thing that was helpful was shortening the match times greatly so that I can run SWF as a true SE company where the matches for TV don't even need to be over 10 minutes most of the time.




Where are you date-wise in the game?


As it pertains to short matches, did you change the per-set match lengths? Main events need to go 15 or so without penalty; so, 10 minutes would certainly take a hit!

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I just finished the November PPV and I think right after Supreme Challenge I changed the match lengths to 5/5/10 for TV shows.


Quite a few main event matches go over the 10 minutes but I didn't want to be handcuffed for time while trying to tell all of the different stories I have sometimes.

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I just finished the November PPV and I think right after Supreme Challenge I changed the match lengths to 5/5/10 for TV shows.


Quite a few main event matches go over the 10 minutes but I didn't want to be handcuffed for time while trying to tell all of the different stories I have sometimes.


That really would help; that's for sure.


I hope I can get the kind of overness you have by November! Are you at Global now?

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I'm not even close to global sadly and I think I would need to reach 88 in the US to get there while I'm only at 85 now. Everything has been going smooth so far once I got past the first 3 or 4 months and was able to bleed overness on to people without having the losers lose much, if any overness at all which has been a huge help.


Still struggling to find someone capable outside of Money and Angry to carry my main events as pretty much everyone else has B- psychology and gets dinged every match.

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So, every gimmick I've changed has ended up with a "C+" to "B-" level; some lower around the "C" area. That said, I have no idea why I keep on missing the mark (as a "C+" tends to make people unhappy for a 'bad new gimmick rating'). My user stats has creativity & Motivation at, what I'm guessing is, an 8.


I'm just confused I guess.


I'm not even close to global sadly and I think I would need to reach 88 in the US to get there while I'm only at 85 now. Everything has been going smooth so far once I got past the first 3 or 4 months and was able to bleed overness on to people without having the losers lose much, if any overness at all which has been a huge help.


Still struggling to find someone capable outside of Money and Angry to carry my main events as pretty much everyone else has B- psychology and gets dinged every match.


Yea, Money & Gilmore really are the two who can carry the Main Event scene. If Faith is still pumping out good grades for you, he can do pretty well in that role as well. That said, if you're like my game, Faith is quickly losing stats month-by-month. :(

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Try giving them more or less freedom on how to do gimmick, and see how it works.


I should have touched upon that. I've tried giving leeway and then taking that away (controlling it more). What I've found is that they produce around the same rating wise for the gimmick.

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Yea, Money & Gilmore really are the two who can carry the Main Event scene. If Faith is still pumping out good grades for you, he can do pretty well in that role as well. That said, if you're like my game, Faith is quickly losing stats month-by-month. :(


Faith is on a decline but that's not a real problem for me. The big problem with Faith is that he is capped at 82 overness so I can't really have an even feud with him winning over another guy because it would net a loss of popularity. He main events TV shows but he's been stuck as the ultimate gatekeeper for now and despite losing to Rogue 3 PPVs straight has still maintained exactly 82 popularity.

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Faith is on a decline but that's not a real problem for me. The big problem with Faith is that he is capped at 82 overness so I can't really have an even feud with him winning over another guy because it would net a loss of popularity. He main events TV shows but he's been stuck as the ultimate gatekeeper for now and despite losing to Rogue 3 PPVs straight has still maintained exactly 82 popularity.


Yea, I've noticed that too in my game. Faith is 6-4 in 2013 (losing to Remo, Vengeance x2, etc.) and has yet to deviate from his B popularity. It's been a nice addition to know it'll take A LOT to really kill off his consistency (overness wise).

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Finally, just another thing I noticed when looking at the SWF product, you get both...


... will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks.


... will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks.


So, you've got to shoot for the middle ground on gimmicks?

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Nah, it's SWF's product. That Heavy Cult and/or Risque. As test, without saving, lower both of them and see what happens. ;)


I'd lower it but I actually like their product. Plus, when I took on the SWF, I wanted to end up booking the default version of the company (staying as true as possible to how they're created to be). :D

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I'd lower it but I actually like their product. Plus, when I took on the SWF, I wanted to end up booking the default version of the company (staying as true as possible to how they're created to be). :D


You could always create your own gimmicks that suit the superstar? I don't like to play by the numbers but I can see some legitimate reasons why, for example, not every degenerate gimmick should need to be highly risky. As long as you have an idea in mind for the gimmick you're going for I don't see any problem with writing a gimmick to suit your product.


Also I always give heavy input to the worker. If the gimmick is going to bomb it's going to bomb regardless of input (most of the time at least) but the upsides are awesome. Jason Lee (Mikey James) has just debuted his 'American Ninja' gimmick with heavy input and has received a 97 for it :D.

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You could always create your own gimmicks that suit the superstar? I don't like to play by the numbers but I can see some legitimate reasons why, for example, not every degenerate gimmick should need to be highly risky. As long as you have an idea in mind for the gimmick you're going for I don't see any problem with writing a gimmick to suit your product.


Also I always give heavy input to the worker. If the gimmick is going to bomb it's going to bomb regardless of input (most of the time at least) but the upsides are awesome. Jason Lee (Mikey James) has just debuted his 'American Ninja' gimmick with heavy input and has received a 97 for it :D.


A 97? Damn! Mikey James is going straight to the TOP of the SWF. :D


What you described here is what I'm starting to do; create my own gimmicks and give them heavy input. I've also removed most scripting for the big names (good talkers) and am trying to create an environment much like the 90's where individual wrestlers would either sink or swim themselves. Sure, there are some that I'll help but I want to see them succeed.


I almost gave creative freedom to a gimmick but got scared at the last second as the person is at a "B" popularity & didn't want his career to tank with a terrible gimmick.


On that note, gimmicks that is, do you all change your gimmicks once they get to 'stable' and are at a lower rating? Remo is using "Bad Ass" right now, which is a "C" right now, and I'd love to get a stronger gimmick on him. That said, I think I remember someone saying that it's not best to change gimmicks just because their stable; it could backfire or something.

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I picked up Wolf Hawkins and have had a storyline running where he refuses to wrestle on TV, but shoots promos where he taunts current SWF stars. His first two PPV matches were with Frehley (who lost the belt to Money) and both scored an A. I thought this was interesting since many people (me included) seem to have trouble putting Frehley in great matches.


Also, I'm interested in new titles people have started and made a success. I made a low-level title to give to younger talent at Uprising, but the title prestige keeps dropping and is at 23 now. I'm thinking of retiring it in favor of a more traditional midcarder belt (my NA belt seems destined to stick with upper midcarders). I've wanted to start up a cruiserweight division, but could use some suggestions on who could make it work. Then I would restart the women's division with 7-8 workers taking up only one match per show. Then I have about as many titles as WWE had in early 00s/late 90s, which I do not think is too many.

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Also, I'm interested in new titles people have started and made a success. I made a low-level title to give to younger talent at Uprising, but the title prestige keeps dropping and is at 23 now. I'm thinking of retiring it in favor of a more traditional midcarder belt (my NA belt seems destined to stick with upper midcarders). I've wanted to start up a cruiserweight division, but could use some suggestions on who could make it work.


I'm curious about this too - I'd like to unretire the Shooting Star belt and use it for a cruiserweight division. Should I create a brand split and point all my appropriate workers there or just keep them on the main roster and separate them mentally?

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I'm curious about this too - I'd like to unretire the Shooting Star belt and use it for a cruiserweight division. Should I create a brand split and point all my appropriate workers there or just keep them on the main roster and separate them mentally?


The only brand split I have seen work had around 10 main eventers go to each brand. I believe he said that a brand split should not be done until it is absolutely necessary.

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I'm curious about this too - I'd like to unretire the Shooting Star belt and use it for a cruiserweight division. Should I create a brand split and point all my appropriate workers there or just keep them on the main roster and separate them mentally?


Brand splits are kind of silly in a baseline Cornellverse game, honestly. The only reason the WWE brand split happened was to try and prolong a Monday Night Wars-style vibe after the competition had been killed, so it's kind of hard for me at least to mentally justify a brand split when serious competition is still alive and kicking.


But! You can use the Divisions feature to make cruiserweights more easily searchable. From there, I'd recommend something like an hour-long B-show to showcase cruiserweights, help build tag experience, and give your new guys a place to cut promos without hurting your main show.

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Brand splits are kind of silly in a baseline Cornellverse game, honestly. The only reason the WWE brand split happened was to try and prolong a Monday Night Wars-style vibe after the competition had been killed, so it's kind of hard for me at least to mentally justify a brand split when serious competition is still alive and kicking.


But! You can use the Divisions feature to make cruiserweights more easily searchable. From there, I'd recommend something like an hour-long B-show to showcase cruiserweights, help build tag experience, and give your new guys a place to cut promos without hurting your main show.


It depends on what you want to use the brand system for, really. In SWF's case, you can make a senior brand for the existing titles, and a junior brand for an NXT style show or a B-Show like WWECW was to promote and develop talents you cant afford to push on the A Show. I've often considered (but never carried out) a counter or rogue show for USPW as a B-Show/opposing show using SCCW materials and some of their more popular talents.

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It depends on what you want to use the brand system for, really. In SWF's case, you can make a senior brand for the existing titles, and a junior brand for an NXT style show or a B-Show like WWECW was to promote and develop talents you cant afford to push on the A Show. I've often considered (but never carried out) a counter or rogue show for USPW as a B-Show/opposing show using SCCW materials and some of their more popular talents.


That's not a bad idea at all. Rather than a Raw/Smackdown 2002 sort of thing, you could do something more similar to the 1998 WCW plan to give Thunder over to the nWo.

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