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USPW: We Have Faith!

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[You're fired. Those are two words that I never expected to have uttered in my direction by the man who I considered my best friend: Richard Eisen. People always talk about that I may be the closest thing that man has to a friend in this business and outside of this business outside of his family. But no one is really that close to Richard Eisen. No one knows exactly what he is going to do at any time. I never thought that trimming down on my matches and my career would cause him to explode in the manner that he did. Perhaps I should have seen it coming. With Marat only working pay-per-views, USPW and TCW catching up with us and the 'Man Under Pressure' storyline having come to an end Richard was on his high horse. He was losing it. I had to speak with him and try to get him to listen to reason. Unfortunately, even a best friend can be a pest sometimes, I suppose.]


[As soon as I was removed from my contract with the Supreme, the phone calls began pouring in. I received calls from promotions like New York City Wrestling, Total Championship Wrestling and North of the Border Pro Wrestling. Unfortunately, joining those last two promotions would be counter-productive to why I am no longer in the Supreme. While I still feel I can be the 'Iron Man' that most people know me as, my body is breaking down. My knees are not what they used to be. I needed a promotion that I could rely on work a less intense in ring style and work me less dates. That is when I got the call from Sam Strong himself.]

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Excellent! I'm really looking forward to seeing you tackle your backstage parts (which are always a fun read) from the point of view of an established character rather than one of the avatars.


As always, I'm taking my place on the front row :)

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Excellent! I'm really looking forward to seeing you tackle your backstage parts (which are always a fun read) from the point of view of an established character rather than one of the avatars.


As always, I'm taking my place on the front row :)


The backstage parts are definitely always a fun write as I truly get into the characters and their likes/dislikes. I hope that I can bring out a character like Christian Faith and his over twenty years in the business and make it truly believable from his standpoint.


Am very glad to have you as a continued reader, jhd1! And the prediction contests will be resuming with this diary. :)


Tyson Baine and co. better get ready to feel the combined Force of Faith and a very Dusty Bin! (yes I know that isn't his name now but the pun had to work dammit. :p)


It is so very interesting to have Dusty (Bin) Ducont in a promotion like USPW. I signed him a couple of times before but usually when I had a developmental promotion that I could throw him in. No developmental promotion right now for USPW. But I am glad to have you as a reader, MichiganHero!

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As stated before I'm new to the forum and the TEW franchise, but I'm already intrigued and interested in this and will be following this.


I've had the idea to do something similar myself but don't feel I know any of the C-Verse characters well enough to do so. I'll be joining jhd1 in the front row my man.

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I always bring in Faith when I play USPW in TEW10 so I can easily relate.


Honestly with the lack of movement of main eventers in this C-Verse update, this is a move that should have been made IMO. Just makes sense, especially with Faith always refusing to re-sign with SWF in TEW10.


Definitely will be reading. :)

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If Dusty doesn't win atleast the TV title within a year, I riot. :p


Dusty is an interesting character, along with his manager Elizabeth Cartier. Who knows where the limits are for a man such as him, even within a year. ;)


Really looking forward to this one Angel, always good to see you doing USPW and Faith in there will be very interesting!


Hey Jaded! It's great to see you here. Looking forward to your full diary when the full game comes out as well, whether it be a promotion or a watcher diary. I'll definitely be in with both feet.


I'm in!


Another long-time supporter of my diaries. It's great to see you here, 20LEgend and I hope I don't disappoint. Though color me a little disappointed that Anger isn't with USPW any longer. lol.


Very excited to read this!! Loved your previous work in 2010!


Thank you so very much! Means a lot to me after reading your work with USPW in 2010. Hope to see more of that in TEW 2013.


You know you can always pencil me in on your line-up card. :D


Another long-time reader and predictor. It is always great to see you here, Emark. Looking forward to seeing if you can pick up that prediction contest win. ;)


As stated before I'm new to the forum and the TEW franchise, but I'm already intrigued and interested in this and will be following this.


I've had the idea to do something similar myself but don't feel I know any of the C-Verse characters well enough to do so. I'll be joining jhd1 in the front row my man.


Welcome to the forums. It is great to meet you. If you have any questions or comments, always feel free to make them here. I can even handle some criticism as well when it's needed. If you ever decide to do a Christian Faith meets USPW diary as well, feel free to do so and you'll definitely have a reader. Welcome to the front row. Make sure you don't spill too much popcorn. lol. And feel free to join in on the fan signs when the prediction list comes out.


I always bring in Faith when I play USPW in TEW10 so I can easily relate.


Honestly with the lack of movement of main eventers in this C-Verse update, this is a move that should have been made IMO. Just makes sense, especially with Faith always refusing to re-sign with SWF in TEW10.


Definitely will be reading. :)


I was slightly torn between bringing in Christian Faith or Runaway Train to be honest. Both of them seem to fit USPW. I just think I can run a better long-term story here with Christian Faith. Definitely thank you for reading and hopefully for predicting and commenting in the future.


The next backstory post will probably not be until tomorrow. However, feel free to comment all you want. I Love reading the comments and replying back if anyone has any questions about how things are being set up or anything about the diary.

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[The phone call between myself and Sam Strong, owner of USPW, was very brief. However, it set a course that could change the present and the future for his company and my career. We set up a meeting that afternoon. USPW was out in the north west and so was I for the present moment so we decided to meet at Elmer's, a restaurant in Oregon. I arrived on my motorcycle, removed my helmet and went inside. I was greeted by the waitress but then I locked eyes on a man who I hadn't talked to in years. He had a broad smile on his face as I walked over and we shook hands. Pleasantries were exchanged as we sat down. Orders were made and then the conversation turned to business.]


Christian Faith

"I know that we're not just here for you to buy me dinner, Sam. I've been getting calls from several different companies that want me to come in. I assume that you're no different?"


Sam Strong

"Look, brother, you know that I'm not going to sit here and blow smoke up your ass. You're Christian Faith and I'm Sam Strong. We are two of wrestling's top legends. Two of the best in the business. That's just a fact, brother. I know that you've seen my company. We are rising and getting better each day. I know that you can help put us over the top. We can also offer you a less intense schedule than Tommy can and less dates if that is what's necessary."


[i leaned back in my chair as my black coffee arrived. I took a sip and let my eyes look across the table at Sam Strong. This was a major decision. Was I ready to get back into the game so soon? Was I ready to become part of another wrestling organization after being with Richard and Supreme for so long.]


Christian Faith

"Hammer out a contract, Sam, and I'll put my name on it."


[sam smiled and took a sip of his own coffee. There we go. I made my commitment. What is next for Christian Faith? United States Pro Wrestling.]

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Looking forward to this man. Best of luck


Glad to see you here, mad5226! Hope I can keep you entertained and keep you reading and commenting. :)


Looks like the main event scene is getting a little crowded in terms of faces. I wonder how you are going to fix this little issue.


The main event scene is definitely crowded with faces to begin with. So there will definitely need to be some changes made with both turns and elevating wrestlers into the main event crowd. But these will be made gradually as always. Great to read your comment, though.

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[After my meeting with Sam Strong and my decision to sign a contract with USPW, there was another man that I needed to meet with. That man is known as the long-time head booker of USPW: Shane Sneer. Shane is iconically known throughout the wrestling industry as the former owner of Southern Championship Class Wrestling or SCCW. He's known to have a great mind for the old-school business, which is why he has made a home here in USPW. He has taken men like Giant Redwood and T-Rex and made them success stories when other bookers might have simply tossed them aside. That takes guts and I like that. It makes me wonder how he is going to react to me.]


[The meeting took place within an old abandoned warehouse. Why he asked me to meet him here? Well, I am not sure I will ever know the answer to that. But I arrived on my motorcycle and went inside. As soon as I got inside and faced off with the man who has been, well, a thorn in the side of my former company I knew I was in for something unique. He told me to sit down and he began circling around me. He has a definite eye for the business, that much is certain.]


Shane Sneer

"My first question to you is do you own the rights to the name Christian Faith? Everyone in this business knows who you are but to the very casual or new fan it may simply be the name that sticks out."


Christian Faith

"Yes, I do."


[i came, of course, from a time before Richard Eisen began copyrighting names. He has no legal precedence to stand on when it comes to my name and that is something that I am thankful for.]


Shane Sneer

"We have two major storylines going right now. We have the story with Nicky and Tyson over the USPW World title. We also have the story with my Sneer Corporation facing off with three of the top faces in the promotion. Now, we need to have a sit down and talk about just how we are going to use you in this company. You are going to have some input and we actually have talks about you attending some of the booking meetings if you're interested. But at the end of the day, it's my ass on the line and Sam's ass on the line, y'hear me?"


[i nodded and then came the talk about the future and the storylines that I may end up being a part of.]

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Really enjoying this man, and you're only 3 posts into it.

I'm currently working on my own story (First time trying it out) and am following yours for inspiration.

May message you for tips though. Keep it coming. :D


Glad that you're enjoying things so far. I am probably not gonna have the full version of the game until Christmas. But it doesn't mean I can't get the actual shows started soon using the demo.


As far as your own story goes, you've got a good start to it going. Am gonna be reading as it moves along and posting comments here and there. Feel free to message me or post here or anything. I am always up for questions and comments, etc.

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[shane told me quite a few different plans that they had for me. That much is certain. We had to look through and pick and choose which plans would work and which we think would fail in the long run. Written into my contract was a form of creative control. Basically, I don't have to do anything that I believe might hurt me in the long run. The long run is what this business is about, right? Though, honestly, I've been in this business for the long run already.]


[Once we decided to split ways after talking booking for the new year, I decided to head to the hotel that all the wrestlers are staying at. It will be good to see some old faces and to introduce myself to some new ones. The first man I saw sitting down in the restaurant in the hotel was USPW World champion Nicky Champion. This man, we all know, has been groomed to be the top man in USPW. As soon as I stepped into the restaurant, we locked eyes and he stood up. He motioned me over to his table and we shook hands.]


Nicky Champion

"Christian Faith. The man, the myth, the legend. It's good to finally meet you."


Christian Faith

"Thank you, Nicky. Call me Christian. You are the man here in USPW, though. The man with the belt."


[i sat down and looked across and into the eyes of the man who is exactly where I want to be. If I am going to stay within the wrestling business, I want to be at the top. Though my body is broken and bruised and battered and I don't want to wrestle a lot, I still have that competitive instinct. I still want to be the best. To be the best, you've got to hold the top belt in whatever company you're in. Oh, wait, Nicky is talking.]


Nicky Champion

"...yeah, so what about it?"


Christian Faith



Nicky Champion

"The game, Extreme Total Wrestling. You know the one, the one with that fictional universe that has guys like John Cena or Triple H or Hulk Hogan. I do think that some of those characters were modeled off guys from this universe. Though the creator says they weren't. But, anyway, a bunch of us are getting together to play it tonight. It will be a great way for you to meet the boys."


Christian Faith

"That sounds good, champ. How's the food here?"


[The conversation went into much ado about nothing. Not the play, simply the phrase. We both ordered some food and beer and it was time to relax before meeting a lot of the boys...and girls.]

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Nicky Champion

"The game, Extreme Total Wrestling. You know the one, the one with that fictional universe that has guys like John Cena or Triple H or Hulk Hogan. I do think that some of those characters were modeled off guys from this universe. Though the creator says they weren't. But, anyway, a bunch of us are getting together to play it tonight. It will be a great way for you to meet the boys."


That's seriously the best twist on this thing I've seen, kudos for that. I've not been around this board for quite some time, but I remember enjoying your past USPW diaries, so I wish the best this one.

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That's seriously the best twist on this thing I've seen, kudos for that. I've not been around this board for quite some time, but I remember enjoying your past USPW diaries, so I wish the best this one.


I hoped that people would enjoy that part. It popped up in my mind and I couldn't help but use it. Glad to see you back around, MrOnu. Hope that we keep you around and entertained.

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That's seriously the best twist on this thing I've seen, kudos for that. I've not been around this board for quite some time, but I remember enjoying your past USPW diaries, so I wish the best this one.


Agreed. That gave me a good laugh! :D "...fictional universe that has guys like John Cena or Triple H or Hulk Hogan..." is a classic line!

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