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Yea, I'm sure it'd shed a light. Maybe I'll give it a shot one of these days if it all continues to stump me. That said, I've got plans in kind for him that could help bump him back into 'good graces'. Decline is certainly a possibility though.


Also if your decline list is currently full, you could change the push of anyone currently on the time decline list not assigned yet, to see if he might show up on it. Decline seems to have a fairly solid impact on grades, and if you have two people who are both on decline in a one on one match its bound to ding the grade significantly.

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Also if your decline list is currently full, you could change the push of anyone currently on the time decline list not assigned yet, to see if he might show up on it. Decline seems to have a fairly solid impact on grades, and if you have two people who are both on decline in a one on one match its bound to ding the grade significantly.


I only have four slots listed for decline; so, I've come to realize it's probably not decline. Also, a few of his stats are recently on the rise. His gimmick is at a "C+"; so, that could factor in? Then again, most of my new gimmicks end up around the same score (C+ to B-).


His overness is down to a C after losing a bit. That said, the bulk of his list overness came well after I noticed the lackluster match grades.

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I only have four slots listed for decline; so, I've come to realize it's probably not decline. Also, a few of his stats are recently on the rise. His gimmick is at a "C+"; so, that could factor in? Then again, most of my new gimmicks end up around the same score (C+ to B-).


His overness is down to a C after losing a bit. That said, the bulk of his list overness came well after I noticed the lackluster match grades.


Gimmick will play a factor but it shouldn't be a huge impact if it a C+ since that's right at the cut off point for penalties to be incurred on gimmicks.


What's his momentum looking like?


His recent fortunes might be causing some dings to match grades as well.



My assumptions for the C grade in the tag match from the last show is probably due to negatives from Faith, if he is on time decline, as well as Eric Eisen's physical condition(from his bad knees) bringing the grade down. Add to that gimmick penalties which are incurred if a gimmick rating is 71 or lower based on numbers and C+ or lower based on Letters if I remember correctly, as well as momentum and recent fortunes.

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It could be another kind of decline - Relevancy. Some people are still good physically, but they just become "out-of-date" as the world past them by or they have become stuck in their ways. It's really odd thing to see, though. Someone who is still good physically, not ready to retire, but the world just doesn't care anymore.
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Also if your decline list is currently full, you could change the push of anyone currently on the time decline list not assigned yet, to see if he might show up on it.


Man do I hate that you can only see the top-five declines or the top-five prospects, etc... I kinda wish there was an up/down possibility to see everyone on decline sometimes...

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Does the mask make the Hero?


In Lobster Warrior’s mind; it certainly does.


Dejected… Lost… Heart-broken… These are all ways that one could define Lobbie’s current state of mind. Ever since Rogue wrongfully stole his mask, the beloved Oceanic One has struggled to keep his mind right. It seems, in that one instance, he was not only stripped of the material on his face… but also his identity in the process.


Lobster Warrior has seen MANY rivals in the past. They’ve ALL professed the want to expose his secreted identity to the world. Rogue, throughout them all, may not be the FIRST to remove Lobbie’s mask but, there’s a possibility, that he COULD be the last. This Thursday, if the Oceanic One CAN’T rise to the occasion once again, as he’s done so many times before, then the hero as we’ve known him will be no longer.


His mask will officially belong to Rogue.


There’s no telling what this would do to Lobster Warrior. That said, from what we’ve seen, if he’s unsuccessful, we may have a meltdown around the corner. The kind that could change the lovable veteran forever.


Have we seen the END of Lobster Warrior as we know him?


Hopefully not.
That said, we’ll find out this Thursday as the Oceanic One squares off against “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”; winner takes the mask for good.


There’s no doubt the World WILL be Watching as Lobster Warrior struggles to regain his identity. Whether he’s successful or not… We’ll ALL have to wait and see.




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The Supreme Wrestling Federation has never seen one of it’s authority figures as World Heavyweight Champion; let alone the owner. While Richard Eisen was never afraid of the accolades of success, he often found comfort in the shadows. He had strange-held an industry, forced it into submission, and built his empire upon the very rubble of yesterday… but he was never champion. For good reason.


This Thursday night, if Rich Money has it his way, the SWF will see it’s first owner as the World Heavyweight Champion; a scenario that drives fear into the hearts of many Supremacists.


A man who’s already been dubbed as the “Supreme Dictator”, citing his self-focused ruling style, Money would love nothing less than to have absolute power. To book an event is overarching but to carry the strap is transcending.


Rich Money not only wants to rule. He wants to dominate.


He wants to strengthen his legacy…


… on the backs of the broken few who dare to challenge his reign.


On the other side of the ring stands a man who has continually been devalued. Steve Frehley has carried the World Heavyweight Championship for 9-months now. In that time, he’s stood before smug businessmen, towering giants, hungry warriors and cerebral technitions. In that time, no matter who elevated to challenge him, they all fell; and fell hard.


He has his critics. He has his naysayers. He has his haters.


But through it all, the “Dark Destroyer” overcame them all with brutish warfare.


Yet, he STILL faces his detractors.


One being his boss, and upcoming opponent, in Rich Money.


This Thursday, the epic struggle continues as the man in POWER challenges for the REBELS Championship once again.


Two men.

One ladder.

The GREATEST Championship this industry has EVER seen.


“The World is Watching”. Steve Frehley©/Rich Money; Part II.




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I've found the look/feel of "The World is Watching" that I was hoping for. That said, I'm probably a day or so away from putting the card up (In reality, that could mean it's up later today. Just depends on what kind of free time I get). It may take a little while longer to get you the PPV results, as I'm insanely busy, but I'll post little things here and there to keep things fresh (focused on the PPV.


It sucks either way...I've always been a Rogue/Giedroyc fan.


The good thing is, for those who love/like Rogue, I love the guy as well. That said, I'm inspecting any avenue possible to ensure that he's successful in the SWF. Whether that means a tag team, going babyface at some point, teaming up with other people who fit his card position better, etc. In the end, I'm not going to let him fall too far!

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I'll echo what shawn_waters said in that maybe his stats just won't let him perform well the higher up the card he is but still entertaining nonetheless.


If 'Lobbie' does lose the mask, you have a loose cannon with unlimited potential to cause havoc in the future.

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No matter where you go… what you do… what you accomplish… or who you topple to get there…


are watching …


The Supreme Wrestling Federation has been recognized as the first EVER International brand in professional wrestling. While this certainly frames the SWF as a powerful entity, with great popularity comes great expectations.


“The World is Watching”; an apt name for our upcoming event. Billions, around the world, WILL be glued to their TV screens with hope surging through their veins. Can Steve Frehley retain; fending off the tyrannous reign of Rich Money? Who will prevail as the three-headed monster of Remo, Bruce, and the Big Cat square off in what’s to be a chaotic struggle? Can Christian Faith do what many of us, all around world, would love to see: Knock some SENSE into the SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen? Will “The Demon”… return?


Beaming LIVE from Puerto Rico, the SWF brings to you… “The World is Watching”!


The All-Americans© vs. The Truth
(Squeeky McClean & John Greed)
w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]

The All-Americans have dominated the SWF tag team division as the World Tag Team Champions for OVER a year now. While a number of teams challenged their reign, no one duo has ever been able to derail their impressive streak. That said, the polarizing tandem of Squeeky McClean and John Greed have shown promise as of late; utilizing their devious nature to ultimately out-plan their brutish opponents. Not to mention, the addition of Jungle Lord has certainly given The Truth a great deal of momentum going into the PPV. Will the All-Americans continue their dominance; adding depth to the notion that they MAY BE the MOST UNSTOPPABLE tag team in SWF HISTORY – OR – Will The Truth reveal itself to be the ultimate thorn in the All-Americans side?



Lobster Warrior vs.
w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]

Rogue shocked the world when he attempted to expose Lobster Warrior’s identity on LIVE television. Luckily, Lobbie was able to hide his face following the dastardly act. Now, with his mask on the line, can Lobster Warrior regain his identity once again; returning to the lovable hero we’ve all known & adored – OR – Will “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” officially END the legacy of the Lobster Warrior; keeping his mask in victory?



Angry Gilmore vs.
Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]

Marat Khoklov has made Angry Gilmore’s life a living hell since January. While Gilmore came into 2013 as the SWF North American Champion, he ultimately lost the belt to his heated rival, Eric Eisen, thanks to the overwhelming influence of “The Russian of Mass Destruction”. His body was broken, his mind fragmented, and, at one point, his career was in jeopardy; all thanks to Khoklov. Currently, Angry Gilmore’s whereabouts are unknown. The former 2-time North American Champion took it upon himself to enter into Russia and force Khoklov from the shadows by attacking his powerful handlers. That said, while the plan DID produce a one-on-one affair set for “The World is Watching”, it also brought on an ominous reality for Gilmore. In the end, what kind of condition will Angry Gilmore be in after being held captive for the last week? Even if he’s healthy, does he have what it takes to topple a TRUE Giant? – OR – Will Marat Khoklov give his home country what they want; an bloody and bruised American ‘on a platter’?



Eric Eisen©
w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer
Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

For months now, Eric Eisen has claimed that Christian Faith is no longer ‘capable’ of carrying the ‘Mr. SWF’ name. While it’s not necessarily a nickname that’s simply handed out, more so something that you’re awarded after decades of dominance, don’t tell that to the North American Champion. He won’t listen anyways. As the world watches on, will Christian Faith stop the dubious Eisen in his path; securing his place as “Mr. SWF” and winning the North American Championship in one night – OR – Will Eric Eisen cement his place, even if it’s only in his OWN mind, as THE man to take over for the aging “Iron Man”?



Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs.
w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]

The three-headed rivalry that is Bruce/Remo/Big Cat has been nothing short of a fervid affair. SupremeTV became a weekly warzone as each competitor violently collided with one another; testing the very foundation of the SWF in the process. Blood was shed, bodies put to the test, as their rivalry grew with intensity with every passing broadcast. Now, for the first-time EVER, the three will square off at ONE time; a fact that could destroy the ringside area in the process. Will Remo eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF; obtaining HIS World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at the “Supreme Challenge 33” in doing so? Can Jack Bruce do the unthinkable, overcome TWO intense powerhouses, and walk out of the PPV with an epic victory? – OR – Will the Big Cat return to the SWF, fresh off being tranquilized and exiled by Rich Money, and plow through the competition?



Steve Frehley© vs.
Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

The Rich Money/Steve Frehley feud has been THE most controversial SWF rivalry in recent years. With the company firmly in his grasp, Money has done everything in his power to screw Frehley out of the World Heavyweight Championship. Impromptu matches against glorified hitman, numerous attacks and an ugly incident on a snowy New York street that ended with the outright theft of the championship belt, have dragged the SWF into a very public downward spiral. Through it all though, Money has not wavered. Furthermore, through it all, Steve Frehley has defied the odds and is STILL the World Heavyweight Champion. That could end this Thursday. With an already injured knee, to be victorious, Frehley will have to climb to the top of a ladder to retain his championship; a fact that may be impossible given his current health. Money knows this; that’s why he orchestrated the hit on Frehley (done so by Zim-ME on SupremeTV). Now, as we grow closer to Frehley/Money II, the question remains… Will it FINALLY be too much for Steve Frehley to overcome Rich Money ONCE again? Will Rich Money become the FIRST-EVER Owner & World Champion in SWF History?

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]


Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]


Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

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I'm excited about every single match on the card here, great!!!



The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]


Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]


Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

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Really looking forward to this, E-V! So much so I'm going to predict!


The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match] - Just because I dig Des Davids.


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask] - Rogue is dastardly enough to win and force the emergence of Chris.


Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match] - I mark for Tom Gilmore.


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match] - Eisen has years ahead of him; Faith probably doesn't.


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match] - Dog will hunt.


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match] - Going against the grain. I think Frehley retains and drives Money MAD.

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]

I'd say it's time to get the belts off The All-Americans as they've already beaten McClean/Greed cleanly. I'd say a cheap win (thanks to Jungle Lord).


“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]

Rogue hasn't been performing well as of late and Lobby fits in with the more SE elements in SWF. From previous experiences reading SWF diaries, most writers try to get Chris out of the Lobby mask ASAP, but I have a feeling you'll keep with the gimmick.



Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]

If you don't have a segment where Gilmore climbs a gigantic mountain and trains by lifting giant wooden beams while Khoklov trains in a laboratory surrounded by scientists, I'll be very disappointed. "If I can change, you can change"


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

As much as it kills me, the North American belt is below Faith and Eisen could probably use the win more. Dastardly shenanigans by Hammer and Chase to pick up the win.



“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]

Without spoiling the main event, I think Bruce wins here. He's been the "star" of this thing so far and has got to be the most over worker on your roster. Allows Brandon vs Remo at the next big event.


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

Money has failed twice now to get the belt of Frehley. Third time's the charm. I could see Frehley winning if Money wasn't the Owner or if he was a figurehead like Rich Eisen, but with the way this angle is running, it makes sense to have Money win and bring about a reign of terror in the company.

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]

You know, I actually buy The Truth going over here, simply because I expect Jungle Lord to be the difference maker this time.



“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]

Tough question here, I have believed for sometime that this storyline is here for Lobby to lose his mask but Rogue isn´t having much success as far as ratings go so are you willing to put him over plus I kind of want to see Lobby staying as Lobby simply because no matter how goofy the gimmick is he´s much more recognizable as Lobster Warrior than Chris Morisette at least to me. Still I stay with my original thought and have Lobster lose his mask, it just seems more likely direction to go considering the story.



Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]

Gilmore made quite an effort to get Khoklov and it´s hard for me too see him falling short after everything that has happened so I have him going over.



“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

I´d say that Eisen takes this round since I just don´t see Faith being a midcard champ... No actually now that I think of it I go with Faith winning via DQ after Hammer makes his presence felt as it looks like a good way to promote Hammer while keeping on character with Eisen.



“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]

Bruce has been nearly unstoppable so far and since he will be challenging the World Heavyweight Champ soon I figure that he won´t be stopped here either.



“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

With Bruce having a title shot and Money being the owner it looks likely that Money wins here but after failing twice when having a clear advantage, I have lost my faith on Money getting the job done so I go with Frehley instead.

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: The All-Americans have dominated the SWF tag team division as the World Tag Team Champions for OVER a year now. While a number of teams challenged their reign, no one duo has ever been able to derail their impressive streak. That said, the polarizing tandem of Squeeky McClean and John Greed have shown promise as of late; utilizing their devious nature to ultimately out-plan their brutish opponents. Not to mention, the addition of Jungle Lord has certainly given The Truth a great deal of momentum going into the PPV. Will the All-Americans continue their dominance; adding depth to the notion that they MAY BE the MOST UNSTOPPABLE tag team in SWF HISTORY – OR – Will The Truth reveal itself to be the ultimate thorn in the All-Americans side?

It's time... in the end the Truth always prevails...



“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]

Question: Rogue shocked the world when he attempted to expose Lobster Warrior’s identity on LIVE television. Luckily, Lobbie was able to hide his face following the dastardly act. Now, with his mask on the line, can Lobster Warrior regain his identity once again; returning to the lovable hero we’ve all known & adored – OR – Will “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” officially END the legacy of the Lobster Warrior; keeping his mask in victory?

I know you posted that little tid bit about you not being happy with Rogue, but I can only see this story going with a Rogue win here. The story is in Lobby's loss of identity, and the finding of himself thereafter. He still hasn't 'lost' his previous identity so to speak, so him getting the win here makes no sense in the context of the narrative. Unless you have really given up completely on Rogue... then ignore everything I just said. :p


Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Marat Khoklov has made Angry Gilmore’s life a living hell since January. While Gilmore came into 2013 as the SWF North American Champion, he ultimately lost the belt to his heated rival, Eric Eisen, thanks to the overwhelming influence of “The Russian of Mass Destruction”. His body was broken, his mind fragmented, and, at one point, his career was in jeopardy; all thanks to Khoklov. Currently, Angry Gilmore’s whereabouts are unknown. The former 2-time North American Champion took it upon himself to enter into Russia and force Khoklov from the shadows by attacking his powerful handlers. That said, while the plan DID produce a one-on-one affair set for “The World is Watching”, it also brought on an ominous reality for Gilmore. In the end, what kind of condition will Angry Gilmore be in after being held captive for the last week? Even if he’s healthy, does he have what it takes to topple a TRUE Giant? – OR – Will Marat Khoklov give his home country what they want; an bloody and bruised American ‘on a platter’?

I could definitely see Khoklov winning this, but I think the possibility of a Gilmore win, followed by the realisation he's surrounded by a load of Russain agents and them inevitably holding him in Russia by force until the rematch, sounds like too much fun to write for it not to happen.


“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

Question: For months now, Eric Eisen has claimed that Christian Faith is no longer ‘capable’ of carrying the ‘Mr. SWF’ name. While it’s not necessarily a nickname that’s simply handed out, more so something that you’re awarded after decades of dominance, don’t tell that to the North American Champion. He won’t listen anyways. As the world watches on, will Christian Faith stop the dubious Eisen in his path; securing his place as “Mr. SWF” and winning the North American Championship in one night – OR – Will Eric Eisen cement his place, even if it’s only in his OWN mind, as THE man to take over for the aging “Iron Man”?

Move over Christian Faith, there's a new Mr SWF in town... but seriously, I expect a tainted win for Eisen here (possibly Hammer int?) followed by a 'Mr SWF' title vs Faith's career match at Supreme Challenge. At least that's how I'd book it.


“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Triple Threat Match]

Question: The three-headed rivalry that is Bruce/Remo/Big Cat has been nothing short of a fervid affair. SupremeTV became a weekly warzone as each competitor violently collided with one another; testing the very foundation of the SWF in the process. Blood was shed, bodies put to the test, as their rivalry grew with intensity with every passing broadcast. Now, for the first-time EVER, the three will square off at ONE time; a fact that could destroy the ringside area in the process. Will Remo eliminate Jack Bruce from the SWF; obtaining HIS World Heavyweight Championship opportunity at the “Supreme Challenge 33” in doing so? Can Jack Bruce do the unthinkable, overcome TWO intense powerhouses, and walk out of the PPV with an epic victory? – OR – Will the Big Cat return to the SWF, fresh off being tranquilized and exiled by Rich Money, and plow through the competition?

He's Jack motherf***in' Bruce.


“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

Question: The Rich Money/Steve Frehley feud has been THE most controversial SWF rivalry in recent years. With the company firmly in his grasp, Money has done everything in his power to screw Frehley out of the World Heavyweight Championship. Impromptu matches against glorified hitman, numerous attacks and an ugly incident on a snowy New York street that ended with the outright theft of the championship belt, have dragged the SWF into a very public downward spiral. Through it all though, Money has not wavered. Furthermore, through it all, Steve Frehley has defied the odds and is STILL the World Heavyweight Champion. That could end this Thursday. With an already injured knee, to be victorious, Frehley will have to climb to the top of a ladder to retain his championship; a fact that may be impossible given his current health. Money knows this; that’s why he orchestrated the hit on Frehley (done so by Zim-ME on SupremeTV). Now, as we grow closer to Frehley/Money II, the question remains… Will it FINALLY be too much for Steve Frehley to overcome Rich Money ONCE again? Will Rich Money become the FIRST-EVER Owner & World Champion in SWF History?

Rich Money has been the most entertaining character in this diary, bar none. Steve Frehley's coming into this match with an injury. Ladder match means no DQ, and likely shenanigans on Money's behalf. Rich Money owns the SWF. Money vs Bruce is the MONEY (excuse the pun) match for Supreme Challenge 33... or any event ever for that matter. <== Pick any of the preceding reasons for why Rich Money should win this match.


Looks like a great show E-V, the card looks stacked! Can't wait to see where these storylines are going, I expect at least one to go against what I've predicted above.

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Blown away at all the predictions, and the depth of your feedback/reasoning for choices, thus far! Seriously, very cool to see. I've booked the show and plan to start writing the event in the next few days. As I said before, it may take a little longer to get this one out there (due to how busy I am as the semester is wrapping up) but I'm focused to give you a good product.


As a clarification, I've seen a few people say this would be Rich Money's 2nd or 3rd attempt at the title. In reality, this is the track record between the two leading up to "The World is Watching"...


Rich Money & Remo defeated Frehley & Bruce , 4th Week of March; SupremeTV

Steve Frehley defeated Rich Money to retain the title, 2nd Week of March; "Awesome Impact"

Steve Frehley & Christian Faith defeated Rich Money & Eric Eisen, 2nd Week of March; SupremeTV

Rich Money defeated Steve Frehley in a non-title match, 4th Week of January, Supreme TV


Looking at that, Money actually has (when counting tag matches into the mix) a 2-2 record against Frehley. In singles competition alone, they're sitting at 1-1. So, in the grand scheme of things, while Money hasn't been successful in taking the belt from Frehley yet, he's really only had one opportunity (last month) leading into "The World is Watching"! I hope that clarifies some things!


All in all, thank you for the support guys!

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The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]

I quite like this team and agree that Jungle Lord could be the difference.




“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]

I just don't think it's Lobbies time to lose the mask yet.



Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]

Love the Rocky IV feel to this, at first I thought Gilmore but then again how can Marat lose surrounded by Russians...




“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

I see this going on a bit longer and I doubt Faith will ever take the belt.




“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

Not so sure about this but Jack needs momentum going into Supreme Challenge



“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

Probably toughest one for me, but I can see some shenanigans to help Money get the win.

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I haven't logged in since early last year but I had to just to tell you how awesome your diary is. I'm more excited about the next PPV than I have been about a real life wrestling PPV in a very long time. The way you write Rich Money... man, I feel like you've imbedded subliminal messages in his promos that say "HATE THIS MAN!" Simply incredible. And you've made Atomic interesting to me to the point I have to reconsider how I book him when I play.


The All-Americans© vs. The Truth (Squeeky McClean & John Greed) w/ Jungle Lord

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]

Maybe it's me but I see Des Davids as a future star and there's no way to start that singles push without getting the belts off them. Now's as good a time as any to do it.




“THE OCEANIC ONE” Lobster Warrior vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

[Winner: Gets Lobster Warrior’s Mask]

Probably a wrong choice here but you've said how much you like Rogue and wanna do more with him. Plus Chase and her guys could use the win to keep the appearance of being a force. Add in the many different ways you could take Lobby if he loses the mask and I've got not choice but to pick The DRS.



Angry Gilmore vs. “THE RUSSIAN OF MASS DESTRUCTION” Marat Khoklov

[The Match is in Russia; streamed via satellite]

[standard Singles Match]

Simply put, Angry's the future of SWF and Marat doesn't even appear on tv. Why feed the future to a part time player?




“MR. SWF” Eric Eisen© w/ Ms. Chase & Hammer vs. “THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[standard Singles Match]

I think this just makes more sense. Eisen is an Eisen plus Faith can probably get his heat and overness back quicker on the next tv cycle. Oh and what good does the belt do Faith in comparison to Eisen?




“THE BEAST” Big Cat Brandon vs. Jack Bruce vs. “THE ALPHA DOG” Remo w/ Ms. Chase

This one is the toughest for me to pick. I'm a huge Remo fan and he's been booked so strong. Not to mention you could set up a title match down the line with Remo and Bruce(should he win the belt from Steve) just by saying "I'm the guy who beat you!" Although win would go a long way to making Brandon. All that said, I've never gotten Jack Bruce to ever willingly put someone over in my game and it does give him the momentum he needs.



“THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley© vs. SWF OWNER Rich Money

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Ladder Match]

Honestly, can't go wrong here picking either guy. Both make for an interesting match with Bruce. So I think I'll pick Rich by outside interference. Probably by Remo to set up two dynamite big matches next time round.


Thanks for all your work on this diary, I can't wait for the PPV.

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I'm excited about every single match on the card here, great!!!

Really looking forward to this, E-V! So much so I'm going to predict!

Looks like a great show E-V, the card looks stacked! Can't wait to see where these storylines are going, I expect at least one to go against what I've predicted above.


I loved reading these while looking through/reading your predictions. It's awesome to know that this event, and the matches booked for it, have pulled your excitement in!


It came out as a pretty standard event; however, there are a number of BIG storyline scenarios on the show (progressing, regressing, adding some more into the mix). That said, I'm excited to see whether or not the actual show meets your expectations.


I feel the pressure...
and I hope to deliver.


I haven't logged in since early last year but I had to just to tell you how awesome your diary is. I'm more excited about the next PPV than I have been about a real life wrestling PPV in a very long time. The way you write Rich Money... man, I feel like you've imbedded subliminal messages in his promos that say "HATE THIS MAN!" Simply incredible. And you've made Atomic interesting to me to the point I have to reconsider how I book him when I play.


Thanks for all your work on this diary, I can't wait for the PPV.


Thank you SO much, Landron Del Alma.


I, honestly, haven't watched a wrestling show/event in almost 2 years now. That said, it wasn't entirely my call (as I don't have cable). Even when I was watching though, I often felt let down. I wasn't a fan of where the WWE was going with it's product (and taking the whole industry in an overarching manner) and always felt like TNA was too scrambled to ever feel like a concrete wrestling program. That's what's great about the Cornellverse thoguh; I can tell the story that I want to tell & formulate characters in a sandbox-like manner.


Rich Money is certainly one of those characters that I'm having A LOT of fun writing for. I've played on a lot of classic heel tendencies to generate some heat on him. His success (the money and power he's obtained over the years) have made it impossible for Rich to really relate with anyone. He's in his 'own world' and, in his 'own world', he has little time for anyone else. From there, I've used some influences to tell his story & ultimately paint him as the kind of guy you really just can't stand (and he'll continue to do so regardless of your response).


In the end, I think I've finally hit my stride with Money; however, his persona (at least what it is now) would not have been possible without his feud with Steve Frehley. They compliment each other really well in the fact that they are polar opposites in a lot of ways (Corporate/Conservative/Arrogant Rich Guy vs. Rebellious/Rags-to-Riches/Fight-First-Talk-Never/Troublemaker). I mean, it writes itself really (and has a little more depth than the McMahon vs. Austin storyline due to Frehley's background). Plus, it allows Money to look like a real d&ck as he calls Frehley a "Gutter Rat". Honestly, I've never had so much fun as I'm having right now with that feud. It's been SO much fun to write.


All in all, great to know that, by coming back to the boards, you happened to fall upon my SWF project; and seemingly love it as much as you do. Believe me, it means a lot to know this!

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