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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution-13 (Thunderverse)

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I've got a couple of favours to ask for any readers of this diary- I'm hoping the last post, with a link to a dodgy galge game hasn't put anyone off yet :p


First thing I need is an alt render for a wrestler currently on the roster (they'll be getting a makeover)- I know Jhd1 has 'retired' from rendering, but I'm hoping someone like an Enforcer or MJStark can step up here.


Second thing is that I need a few stable logos- one of which will be revealed in the diary straight away (MOE! MONEY! faction), a couple for a little later down the line when the envitable unit shake up happens.


PM me if you're interested in taking on these tasks, and I'll give you the details. I want to do it through PM, as I want the reveal for the 'new' wrestler, stable logos to be within the diary for the majority of readers.


No major hurry to have these done, as I need the new Thunderverse to be released before I can truly get going with this (I sound like a stuck record with that now!). But I would appreciate a PM from anyone willing to take these tasks on, as soon as possible.

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I've got a couple of favours to ask for any readers of this diary- I'm hoping the last post, with a link to a dodgy galge game hasn't put anyone off yet :p


First thing I need is an alt render for a wrestler currently on the roster (they'll be getting a makeover)- I know Jhd1 has 'retired' from rendering, but I'm hoping someone like an Enforcer or MJStark can step up here.


Second thing is that I need a few stable logos- one of which will be revealed in the diary straight away (MOE! MONEY! faction), a couple for a little later down the line when the envitable unit shake up happens.


PM me if you're interested in taking on these tasks, and I'll give you the details. I want to do it through PM, as I want the reveal for the 'new' wrestler, stable logos to be within the diary for the majority of readers.


No major hurry to have these done, as I need the new Thunderverse to be released before I can truly get going with this (I sound like a stuck record with that now!). But I would appreciate a PM from anyone willing to take these tasks on, as soon as possible.


I'll PM you about the logos this afternoon :) Or you can PM me first, whichever is easiest.

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- That Girl Has Delusions But.....




As I took the train from Shin-Osaka station to take me cross country to Yokohama- there was of course something playing on my mind, and that was the issue of whether or not to confront Dragon-san on whether or not he had a daughter from a previous marriage/relationship. From the clues and vibe that I could gather on who this so called Wrestler That Smells of Sunflowers was- Prime Dragon fit the bill, especially as he’d probably be about the right age. I suppose Tian Long would be too, but I’m pretty sure from Momo’s description that this man from her past, that she was longing to meet had a mask that covered his whole face.


I kind of getting the feeling that Momo perhaps knew exactly who he was, but she probably got scared of confronting the man that ‘abandoned’ her and her mother. Momo to me doesn’t come across as a confrontational person, but if this so called Sunflower Wrestler did walk out on herself and her mother all those years back, then it’s understandable if she has feelings of resentment and if she did recognise that very person, it must have been difficult for her.....I can’t say how I’d handle that situation, and I feel lucky not to have been put in that.


Despite the annoying cat-girl personality, I’ve actually come to care for Momo- not in a I wish her to be my girlfriend- In all honesty she’s a little too young for me- but in a lookout for her like she’s a little sister or a younger cousin sort of way. In all honesty I feel the persona she puts on, could be a form of Chunibyo, and that in all likelyhood it probably helps her block out the pain.


If Dragon-san did walk out on her, he better have good reason to have done so- and I had to do it for the sake of my career won’t cut it!

Of course I then realised, that I was getting mad at my boss, when I couldn’t even prove he was this Sunflower Wrestler- evidence at this stage was all circumstantial in my own mind, It’s not as if though Momo actually confirmed as such, he is the guy she’s looking for. The only way I could prove it was him, is if I confronted him about it- and even if I did confront him, would he admit to it. And would I really be so foolish to confront him over such an issue- as much as I wanted to see right by Momo, I had also come to like this job that I had- turns out when push comes to shove I was a ‘coward’ after all.


Besides the Dragon-san, I knew actually seemed to be a pretty decent, if somewhat strange man (anyone who wears a mask 24-7 isn’t all there) and besides his current wife , the lovely Misaki clearly loved him dearly and I would like to think as well as being his boss- I had become good friends with both of them. After all I could never complain about the hospitality they give me, anytime I was invited over to stay.


And as I tucked into the mediocre train station Bento, I bought this morning, I reminded me of another one the delights of staying over with Dragon-san, and that was Misaki’s exquisite cookery skills. If could taste food like Misaki’s every day, I’m sure I could develop an appetite, as epic as Nori-san’s. Would I risk not tasting one of Misaki’s delicious meals again, all over helping out a high school girl that practically stalked me into meeting up with her? Then again before this year I didn’t personally know Dragon-san, or anyone else from DIASPORA for that matter. Thing is Dragon-san was writing my pay cheque and letting me live out something of a ‘dream job’.


I soon came to the realisation that the only way Momo could resolve this issue, is if she confronted this ‘Sunflower Wrestler’ herself, but would she be prepared to do that- it was obvious on that night at the end of February- when came to see our big show- she was not ready to do so.

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Up Next- The 'Owner's Meeting' at Prime Dragon's House.....


Will Sairento actually turn up for once?


And after Takayuki praised the delight's of Misaki's cooking- will there actually be any of it left to eat, if Hiroto Nori is there?


Coming soon- This diary will actually feature some wrestling at some point :p

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- A Tale of Two Bishojo




After getting a Taxi, to the outskirts of Yokohama....I arrived once again at Dragon-san’s fairly impressive abode. The sense of wonderment, I had for the traditional looking villa when I first laid my eyes on it , had since vanquished but I still had to admit this sort of place was much more comfortable and much more grand than the pokey flat I rented back in Osaka. Though if I were to move to a place like this, I would miss the hustle and bustle of the city.


Before I move on with this tale though, I’m going to wind back a bit and mention that the taxi journey was not particularly a smooth one- for when I showed the taxi driver where I needed to get to, he did not seem to have much clue where it was. The driver who must have been at least in his mid fifties, stopped several times on route to check the map and the journey must have taken at least twice as long as it should have done- I’m also pretty sure that what I had to end up shelling out for the journey was also twice as much, as I looked on in horror at how much the fare was going up.


I really should have argued it out with the driver, and asked him to reduce the fare- after such a display of incompetency but I was simply too tired to argue it out with him, or I’m simply not one of those people who feels the need to fight over small injustice’s every time one hit’s them- I’m a ‘hey shit happens- just get on with it’ kind of guy.


Now back to the point where I actually stepped out of the Taxi, it had occurred to me that spring finally looked to be on its way and that winter had finally come to pass- the cherry blossoms had not bloomed yet, but the air was no longer bitingly cold and it would only be a matter of time before the blossom’s were out once again and Hanami would once again be upon us. This sentiment, of course had nothing what so ever to do with why I was summoned here to this very villa on the outskirts of Yokohama but I wouldn’t be a proud Japanese man, if I did not at least give thought to the annual viewing of the cherry blossom.

As those thoughts cleared from my head, I had arrived at the

entrance way- I rang the bell and then waited.....


And waited a bit longer....


It seemed as though no was there, or it could have been no one heard me ring the bell....I then contemplated whether to ring again, or perhaps sneak round the back, and see if anyone was actually in....


As I weighed up my options, I came to the conclusion both would have their disadvantages- if I rang again, I could still be standing there waiting and waiting, but should I go round the back- there’s the possibility I could end up seeing something I didn’t really want to see- what if Dragon-san was having his merry way with Misaki.....



Misaki- If Only you were mine.


Thankfully that decision was taken out of my hands, as finally the door opened and I was greeted by the lovely Misaki herself- dressed classily in a Yukata , her elegant and refined beauty radiated from her very soul- waking up to Misaki would be like waking up to Hanami every day of the year. I truly did envy Dragon-san in being blessed with such a fine woman to share his life with-and in all fairness which red blooded male wouldn’t?

As I was removing my outdoor shoes, before I stepped out of the porchway area, I then heard voices from another room- and it did not sound like Dragon-sans, one of them sounded like Nori-san, so it seemed like I wasn’t the first ‘guest’ to arrive. Then I heard this.....


‘ Nori-chan, you didn’t tell me that I would be sleeping on a futon! You know I can’t sleep on the floor- my family have only ever slept on western style beds....’


‘It’s only for one night Mio Mio baby- I’m sure you can cope with that’


‘Not good enough! If you truly cared for your Mio Mio , you’d be demanding that I get a proper bed and not some old mattress laid out on the floor’


‘Dragon san’s just a very traditional sort of guy - besides it’ll be fun Mio Mio, think of it being a bit like camping!’


‘ Firstly you should know by now, that I absolutely detest camping. There’s nothing fun about sleeping on the floor, and some tradition’s are a load of BS- so I want you to go up to this Dragon-san and demand that I have a real bed, otherwise I’m not going to get my beauty sleep tonight- and you want me looking beautiful right?’


‘Sure I do, but I really don’t think I can talk Dragon-san round to such demands at such short notice’


‘ Look Nori-chan, I’ll put it this way...if you don’t demand I get a proper bed..... you don’t get to play with these tonight!'


‘errr....OK.....OK....Mio Mio, I’ll see what I can do’


‘No bed! No playtime!’



Oh god, she was here....Nori-chan’s demanding and obsessive other half....Mio Hirsawa aka Mio Mio. I also very much had an idea what Nori-san wouldn’t be getting to play with tonight, if Mio Mio was not to get her way over sleeping on a proper bed...you see Mio Mio is admittedly another very attractive woman and one with a rather impressive rack....Getting to play with them every night is the only thing I would envy Nori-san for- unlike Dragon-san with Misaki- there is nothing else to envy Nori-san for when it comes to that woman.



'No Bed! No Playtime for Nori!'

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O.O.C Note:


If you're waiting for some wrestling action to take place in this diary...


Then I'm afraid that won't be happening....the plan is that this diary will feature less 'wrestling' than a Babes of Sin City show :p.....


I'm only kidding on the above, but the wrestling part of this diary is going to have to wait, until the latest version of the Thunderverse mod is released. I'm itching to get to writing the shows myself, but until jhd1 finishes the mod....there's not much I can do. That's not me putting pressure on jhd1 who created such a fabulous mod, just the reality of the situation with where this diary stands right now. I think realistically this diary probably won't truly get going (as in when the card of the first show of the next tour is posted up) until at least the end of this month.


I do have plenty of material though for the meeting at Dragon-san's how (the last entry is the first in several Chronicles of Takayuki entries to take place during the course of the meeting) and at some point they actually do get to talk about wrestling- which would be a novel idea for his diary :p


For now I just hope the readers can continue to enjoy the Chronicles of Takayuki- prior to the next tour kicking off, and the real action taking place....besides which other diary would you be able to find a consistent stream of gratutious fanservice? ;):D

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- TEMPER-AURA!!




‘This Tempura’s delicious’


‘It really is quite delightful, Misaki’s a wonderful cook isn’t she?’


‘Too right she is!, any chance of some more? Because I can’t get enough of this’


As we tucked into the wonderful Kaiseki meal our hosts had put on for us, I couldn’t help but agree with Nori-san’s assessment over Misaki’s cooking, even if I wouldn’t place much faith in Nori-san’s critique of food- for this is a man that as long as it’s edible he would literally eat anything. I however can vouch not just on this occasion, that Misaki’s cooking truly is delicious.


There was someone though in the room, who was clearly not that enamoured with Nori-san’s enthusiastic appraisal- no prizes for guessing who that is.....


‘Well it’s good, but it’s not as good as MY Tempura....isn’t that right Nori-chan?' Sniped Mio Mio, clearly jealous of the attention Nori was giving Misaki.




Nori-san was put on the spot right there, truthfully he wanted to say Misaki’s cooking was better, but he knew that wasn’t the answer his Mio Mio wanted to here. I’m not saying Mio would be a bad cook, I’ve never tried her cooking- but I can’t imagine it being better than the heavenly food made by Misaki.


As Nori-san ummed and ahhed over his answer, Mio snapped at him demanding an answer.....




‘Well I really love both of your Tempura’s- I mean it’s all good to me’


Nori-san was trying to get his way out of that mess with some diplomacy, but this Mio Mio we were dealing with here, and she wa having none of it.


‘Stop sitting on the fence, Nori-chan! You KNOW what the right answer is, so just spit it out’


Or what she actually wanted to say was ‘Tell me my food is the best and that it’s a million times more superior than what you are being served up now even though that may be a load of BS, because I’m ultra insecure about everything and I need you to feed my ego....’


‘Well as much as I love this Tempura, I do have to say nothing beats the Tempura I get cooked at home by my Mio-Chan’


Shit-storm averted, or so I thought- Things really should have been left at that, but Dragon-san felt the need to chime in.......


‘Oh is that right Nori-san, I don’t think you’re being entirely truthful here are you- I have no doubt in my mind that Misaki is the better cook!’


Great just great, as you can imagine Mio Mio wasn’t going to take those comments lying down....


‘Is that so you masked freak, I could cook rings round Little Miss Perfect over there’


‘Primey, if Nori-chan prefers Mio’s cooking that his choice- I won’t take offence’


Misaki gracious as ever, wanted no part of this silly argument- but Dragon-san insisted on defending her honour.


‘Stop putting yourself down Misaki, that Mio’s only saying what she is saying because she is clearly jealous of what a wonderful cook you are’


‘Where in the hell, do you think you can get off calling me jealous’


‘Oh Primey, please don’t offend the guests’


‘Offend the guests!- How about the guests don’t offend the hosts!’


Soon enough the over-heated Prime Dragon and Mio Mio were up in one another’s faces....


Zodiac-san who was largely ignoring this futile argument until now, suddenly felt the need to turn peacekeeper....


‘Guys, this isn’t really worth arguing over...can’t you just agree to disa...’


‘Shut up- this is our argument!’


This argument, all over who cooked better Tempura, had now reached stratospheric levels of inanity or should that be insanity- as the two instigators of said argument, were now even ready to argue with those who did not agree with the argument. Now I’m pretty sure that both of their partners Nori-san and the lovely Misaki, would wish that their other halves would just let this stupid argument go.....


Still I had to somewhat admire Dragon-san standing up for his woman- even if the battle he was fighting here was a misguided one.



As the bickering continued, it suddenly occurred to me that once again someone was missing from this meeting that we were having...a meeting where we were suppose d to be talking about the current performance of DIASPORA- the wrestling promotion that we all worked for- and not arguing over who is the better cook. Once again despite assurances from Dragon-san in his invite, that Sairento-san would be attending the meeting- the most silent of silent partners was once again conspicuous by his absence.


Then as if he knew exactly what I was suddenly thinking, Zodiac piped up and said....


‘Oh yeah if you’re wondering about Sairento-san.....’

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- Restraint


'Not present, but everyone's talking about him'



What was about to come out of Zodiac’s mouth was both shocking yet unsurprising considering who he was talking about....


‘ There were reports of the wrestling journalist Daisuke Miyagi being attacked by a man dressed all in black and wearing a mask. Apparently Miyagi-san was curb-stomped several times’


Zodiac continued on, and with this attack on this journalist involving several curb-stomps. I didn’t really need to ask Zodiac where he was going with this....


‘Apart from Sairento-san being synonymous with the curb-stomp, Miyagi-san was very critical of our fellow owner, often giving Sairento-san’s matches scathing reviews and one star grades. You could say this Miyagi-San had a personal vendetta against Sairento-san- so naturally the authorities have put two and two together, and Sairento-san is in custody as a suspect’


I commented that this all sounds rather circumstantial, whilst also noticing that Zodiac’s revealing of Sairento’s current predicament had managed to halt the tedious bickering between Mio Mio and Dragon-san.


‘If you’re talking about that nasty bully who forced my Nori-chan to get his head-shave then he deserves having the book thrown at him’

piped in Mio Mio, as her beloved Nori rolled his eyes at her failure to disconnect what happens in a DIASPORA ring from reality.


Then again if Sairento really did attack this journalist, then perhaps he too has serious problems in that area, or to be more accurate the Sairento in real life was no different from the Sairento who terrorized DIASPORA as the leader of Kuro-Nadeshiko. Still I had a hard time believing he would do something so stupid as assaulting some ‘troll’ of a journalist.


‘We all think Miyagi-san is a bit of a jerk to be honest, he’s a UPJ fanboy who hated the fact that we had the guts to form a breakaway company- but we wouldn’t have wished this on him. Sairento-san may have just gone too far this time’


I asked what made them so convinced that it was Sairento who actually carried out the attack, and not some imposter dressed up as Sairento.


‘Look we know Sairento-san, and unfortunately he’s very much capable of going over the edge and doing this kind of thing. Most of the time he manages to tow the line and keeps his lust for violence within the squared circle but every so often he goes a little off the rails’ commented Dragon-san, as the principal owner of DIASPORA joined in on the conversation.


‘A little off the rails ? This Sairento sounds like a right psycho if you ask me- it’s not right that my Nori-chan has to cross paths with this work hazard’


Mio Mio’s assessment of Sairento was not entirely inaccurate, it appeared that Sairento-san did have something of an anger management problem- but coming from her the words pot, kettle and black sprung to mind.


Still the way they were discussing Sairento, they were making it sound like he was a machine that gone haywire, rather than a human being. Given the fact that much like Dragon-san I never seen his actual face, perhaps he really was some killer cyborg or something- after all it seemed that absurdity had become modus-operandi in my life, since I became involved with DIASPORA.


‘It’s always the off-season- he always has to go and do something like this in the off-season’


‘Well that is the problem of a touring schedule’


‘I’m not getting any younger though Zodiac-san, and these months of rest are invaluable for my ageing bones’


‘We do need to find a way to get him under control though- these incidents can’t keep carrying on’


I noticed the plural, it appeared this kind of thing had happened to Sairento before- but why should I be surprised, still I decided to chip in with my two cents on Sairento’s actions.


‘Oh I know what it’s like to have someone you just want to smack in the face. For instance there was this boss I had at this soul-sapping office job that I had before I went into the Games Development industry. This boss was constantly on my case, and nit-picked everything I did, right miserable git and quite often I did feel like wanting to sock him one, just for being a total jerk-wad’


‘Sounds like you really hated this guy’


‘Point is, as much as I hated this guy and as much as I often felt like wanting to curb-stomp him into the next world- I never would be so stupid to cross the line and actually act out on those feelings. I like most normal people are able to keep control....’


‘Tell us something we don’t know Kunomasu-san, still Sairento-san put just as much of his own money into this company as Zodiac-san did, so it’s not like I can cut him lose and besides despite the fact he can be a handful at times, I can count him as a loyal friend’


A handful was putting it mildly and loyal friend or not, Sairento wasn’t going to be of much use to us if he was going to be a guest of his Emperors pleasure and I can’t imagine that being charged for assault, would see him back with us for the next tour.


‘Oh I wouldn’t worry about that, it’ll be like all the other times- as you pointed out earlier all the evidence the police have on Sairento-san is circumstantial. He always gets away with it’


Zodiac seemed somewhat nonchalant in his assessment of the situation, but what if this time the authorities actually do have more than circumstantial evidence to go by this time...what then?

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O.O.C Note:


Nearly there now with this diary kicking off properly. The latest version of the Thunderverse has been released, and I've been working all weekend to get things adjusted to a 'April 2012 - Takayuki of the Revolution' version...


The adjustments I made are:


* Make the DIASPORA roster the same as it was at the end of the first diary.


* Adjust the employment of workers in other promotions, to what they were at 1st April 2012.


* Title holders and histories also adjusted to 1st April 2012. AWF Tag titles have been re-instated as a low level title (because at that point in the cannon universe- the Tag division had yet to be scrapped). Television (set as Floating) and Starlet (set as Low Level) belts have still been set up as a new belts- but don't yet have a champion.


* Set up the same chemistry from the match ups/Tag Teams in TEW2010/ (this includes neutral chemistry- if there was no chemistry note in the match).


* Two new promotions are set to open in 2012 in the game world (EEP in April, Wrestlesauras X in October), whilst GILL has been set to open January 2013- all other new promotions are set to open at random.


I've got one more Chronicles of Takayuki entry from the meeting at Prime Dragon's house- they actually get round to talking about wrestling next !:p- then I'm aiming to have the preview for the first show of the next tour up next weekend.

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- Solutions



Oh yeah what were meeting up for, in the first place? Apparently there was some other reason we were meeting up here at Dragon-san’s house, other than Tempura and Sairento. ......


Well eventually we did get round to talking around DIASPORA itself- that wrestling promotion I was hired to be the head booker for. Prime Dragon re-iterated, that I was doing a solid job thus far but still let me know, we were some way off challenging UPJ and that the sooner we could truly be competing with them the better.


Before I shot back to tell Dragon-san, that perhaps he was being a little unrealistic at this stage, I was grateful to Nori-san- who reminded the main boss that it would be a gradual process and that like it or not UPJ were the established company who had the ‘trust’ of most of the Japanese wrestling fans- whilst we were the up-starts who had to earn that trust.


I couldn’t have put the argument better myself, and this showed that there was actually a bit more to Nori-san that just being a hen-pecked human dustbin (who also happens to be a pretty awesome wrestler).

Dragon-san, asked me where I felt we could improve....


I said the heavyweight division......


His reply was ‘even though we are a company focused on Junior Heavyweight wrestling’


I pointed out to Dragon-san that if he saw the Heavyweights as an afterthought, then he may as well have set up DIASPORA as a company solely as a promotion focused on Super Juniors.


Dragon-san, said he was still serious about the heavyweight division, and thought with the likes of Minamoto-san and Ichigawa-san heading it up it was in pretty good shape.....


Whilst I agreed that Ichigawa-san and Minamoto-san had developed a great feud with one another. I said beyond that the division was relatively weak. I pointed out that Arato-san and GUSHIKEN were solid veteran hands, the Tokyo Wrecking Crew of Yamawaki-san and Date-san were an excellent tag team and that there was some promising young talent in Ebisawa-san, Takashi-san and Inokuma-san (the first two I brought into DIASPORA- something I made a point of pointing out to Dragon-san)....but ,there was also some real deadwood in the division.


I said some of the ‘deadwood’ could be saved if we repackaged them but some were beyond saving and that unless Dragon-san was just willing to keep them around as job fodder on ridiculously cheap contracts, we should get once their contracts come up for renewal.


When it came down to it, the point I was making to Dragon-san, is that the Junior Division is strong enough to carry on as it is for now, but that the Heavyweight division could do with a little tweaking to make it better.

The other thing I brought up in the meeting, is that we should consider strengthening or working agreement to Dragon Pro Wrestling in America, as a proper alliance. I pointed out to Dragon-san that it would give us easier access to workers on their roster, meaning that we could create some fresh match-ups, simply be getting some of DRAGON Pro’s workers on Loan.


Dragon-san, said he would be worried that such a system could see them take one of our workers and then job them out to inferior talent on one of their shows.


So I proceeded to plant this thought into Dragon-sans mind... ‘If you don’t trust Michinoku-san and his crew, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean- then why agree to any sort of working agreement in the first place’

After that Dragon-san, said he would think about it but still had a concern about us then becoming over-reliant on bringing in talent on loan.


I re-assured Dragon-san that I wasn’t looking to fly in DRAGON Pro talent on a regular basis- and that their appearances would be limited- and that they would be limited to big shows.


As the meeting concluded, I felt as though I still had Dragon-san’s backing and also the support of two of the other owners in Nori-san and Zodiac-san.


Just what Sairento-san’s opinion of me as head booker is remains to be seen- but he wasn’t here to voice his opinion , then again he never does ‘voice’ his opinion. But to be fair though I have heard many stories about how sadistic Sairento-san is, I have thus not had any problems with him. Of course it could be pointed out, that thus far I have booked Sairento-san to look virtually indestructible and perhaps if I risked booking him a little weaker, then I may well be sharing a hospital bed, with that wrestling hack he apparently curb-stomped.

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You could put this entire diary into book form and I'd buy it.


Love it!


Thanks for the praise :) I'm pleased this is still managing to keep folks attention, even though I've not posted a show up yet ! Though that should change from next week- finally going to have preview for the first card up this weekend.


Before that though, I will post up what happened elsewhere in the month of April. And the what happened elsewhere for the previous months in the TEW2010 version of the diary, that stuff never happened....it was all a dream ;):p

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April 2012 Wrestling News and Notes


All Japan Joshi


Svetlana Deushi who has been accompanying her husband Tanto Deushi to matches in COBRA, accepted an offer to step back into the squared circle herself with All Japan Joshi. Deushi's arrival goes a little way to off-setting the departure of Joshi legend Mio Nawabe, who decided to accept an written contract from the AWF, and become part of the US promotions fledgling womens divison.


Another arrival with the Joshi promotion this month is Megu Konda, the younger sister of veteran midcarder Akane. Megu is far from the finished article, but there's a feeling that with the right training and hard work, she could go on to make a bigger impact than her sister.


Kita Hatayama defeated Yuri Yamanoue for the Heritage title, ending Yamanoue's six month long reign with the belt, but unfortunately for Hatayama she failed in her first defence against Rie Akiyama.


K-Squared (Akane Konda & Tomoko Kurusu) saw their near year long reign as Tag champions brought to and end by GRID (Mae Aoki and Vittoria Scimeca) but regained the belts back at the end of the month, to begin their 2nd title reign.


Awesome Wrestling Federation


The AWF went to an aggressive signing spree this month, though most of the signings were related to putting together an inaugral roster for their fledgling women's division....


Whilst most of the signings are made up of what are to be considered to be competent in-ring talents- the most notable being Jess Gilmour Hart and Mio Nawabe, with a supporting cast of Choe Bourel, Bonnie Rain, Sklyar Valenzuela, Addyson Jett, Vicki Rhodes, Kerry Anderson), the likes of Jamie Vann and former WWWE diva Angelique were clearly signed up more for their eye-candy appeal than their wrestling ability. In fact Angelique made it to the finals of the tournament to crown the first ever AWF starlets champion, though in the end it was Choe Bourel who emerged as the first champion.


The new signings did not stop with the Women though, PWSux icon Scott Cross has accepted a chance to make the jump up to the big leagues, after six year with the Philadelphia based promotion.


Fargo Korben one of the participants in the Become A Star project at the end of 2011, appears to have impressed AWF management enough to be offered a contract- despite not being the one to win the competition.


The AWF have also poached away Chad Zuma from The Club, as South African's biggest wrestling export, stock looks to be rising.


Whilst the likes of Korben and Cross have just earned their big break, former WWWE wrestle Bruce Carson has been given a second opportunity at stardom, at the age of 45 and nearly two decades in the wilderness, since his run with the WWWE in the early to mid 90's.


As well as the Starlets title, AWF have also introduced a second midcard singles belt in the AWF Television title with Tommy Schultz defeating Corporal Punishsment to become the first ever champion. It is expected that the TV title will be fought over more by career midcarders and up and comers, whilst the US Title will still be seen as the 'stepping stone to the main event'.


American Womens Wrestling


AWW were hit hard by the AWF's decision to start a women's division- unable to offer up the big bucks written deals of the AWF, the top all women's promotion in the US saw the departures of Jess Gilmour Hart, Mio Nawabe, Chloe Bourel, Addyson Jett and Vicki Rhodes.


The rebuilding process has begun with the additions of Angel Cortez, Chelsea Lane and Brooke Lynn Bridges. Also joining the AWW ranks are Alberto Rodriguez (who will be taking over colour commentating duties) and former RAWA wrestler Stacey Kirkwood (who joins up in a backstage capacity as a road agent).


With Chloe Bourel's departure to the AWF, the AWW Tag Team titles were vacated by the Queens of Quebec. Bourel and Nina Plaziat had held the titles since last November.


In backstage news road agent Debbie Monroe confirmed in an online interview with a wrestling site that she is currently dating announcer Ace Lomax.


Campeanto de Lucha Libre De Mexico


Los Numeros saw their 2nd reign as the Campeones de Trios brought to an end by the tandem of Hector Yzaguirre, El Toro Tejano and El Bufon.


Hiro Suzuki's COBRA Grappling League


COBRA were rocked by the departure of World Openweight Champion Koma Kobiashi. Suzuki commented in the press that he did not begrudge Kobiashi the opportunity to join up with the biggest and most prestigious wrestling promotion in Japan if not the world but was somewhat angered by the timing of Suzuki's sudden departure- with the Openweight title vacated by Kobiashi, after Kobiashi and Suzuki's title match at COBRA- Guardian Fight. Had Suzuki known of Kobiashi's intentions in advance, then he would have booked himself to go over in the title match.


Replacing Kobiashi's spot on the roster is Ukon Kajahara. Kajahara himself could well have been part of the UPJ roster himself, had it not been for a broken collarbone suffered during his second tour with the promotion in 2010. It was rumoured that UPJ were looking to bring him back, but COBRA have swooped in and Kajahara has already pledged his loyalty to the fledgling promotion, perhaps feeling that UPJ took too long to invite him back into the fold after proving himself able to overcome his previous injury problems.


Championship Wrestling From Tennesee


After over two decades away from his native Japan, working in the United States, Kabuki Takao has decided to return 'home' to the promotion where he started his career, Japanese giants UPJ.


In a shoot interview on a wrestling podcast Seven Brandt, revealed that himself and Herrera have had a major falling out.


DRAGON Pro Wrestling


Former WWWE star The Brigadier, has been brought in by DRAGON to be the mouthpiece for the current Triple DRAGON champions of Artun Jenssen, London Noland and Tommy Lane.


An even bigger coup for the promotion, see's them persuade one of the biggest legends in the business, the six time RAWA World Heavyweight Champion Guy Lothario to join up with them. It is not entirely clear what Lothario's role will be in DRAGON at this stage, but just the fact that someone of his stature has agreed to join the promotion, will not hurt the promotion in being able to attract some new fans.


East Coast Xtreme Wrestling


ECXW were rocked by the departures of Darnell Jack, Monoxide, Neurosis and Vito Vercetti, when all four decided not to renew contracts with Cindy Austin's promotion and jump ship to bitter rivals PWSUX.


Explosivos y Extrema Promociones


EEP are a controversial new Lucha Libre promotion, with a hardcore emphasis opened up by former WWWE and RAWA wrestler Rafael Montejo. Though Mexican, Montejo spent most of his career in the US and before deciding to open up EEP, Montejo was last seen working as road agent on the US Independent circuit most notably with the Guerrilla Wrestling Syndicate. Montejo obviously feels there is a gap in the marker for something 'different' back in his home country- whether or not it can gain enough of a fanbase to truly take off and offer an alternative to the more traditional lucha libre promotions remains to be seen. Montejo has also made the decision to be a hands on owner, by also making himself the head booker of the promotion.


The initial in ring roster includes a mix of free agents and talent currently also working for either of Mexico's 'big two' CLLM and ILL.


Aeronaut (ILL), Ala Dorado (CLLM), Calavera Rojo (ex ILL), Champagne (ex CLLM and ILL), Ciclope, El Lagarto (CLLM), El Toro Tejano (CLLM), Flame, Hombre Arana (CLLM), Huracan Negro (ILL), Luis Gonzalez (ILL), Muchas Caras Jr, Perro De La Guerra, Prodigio (ILL) , Senor Millonario (ILL),Sharp Metal Object Jr (ex CLLM) Super Kenshi, Tezcatlipoca (ILL)


The announce team wil consist of Franciso Camedo, Arturo Zuniga and Astronauto (a Campeon de Mundo with ILL during the mid 90's), Erik Estrada, Michelle Montoya and Shahira have been brought in to provide ringside eye candy, whilst Julio Aldana (better known as JULIO) is another ringside addition and Tania Riano has been brought in as a backstage interviewer. CLLM referee Osvaldo Salazar has been persuaded to take on the extra bookings with EEP.


Montejo's up-start promotion is expected to 'officially' launch next month with it's debut show.


Golden Age Wrestling


The WWWE/RAWA nostalgia-fest promotion made a few new additions to it's roster for it's upcoming summer tour. Coming in are ex WWWE wrestler the Brooklyn Bully (still very much active with the considerably different from GAW, PWSUX), another former late 90's WWWE midcarder in Winston Rollins and former WWWE Cruiserweight champion Spike Darryl.


A couple of ringside managerial additions have also been made to the roster in the form of Alberto Rodriguez (a man who seems to be taking on work with just about every 'name' Indy promotion in North America) and Ieshia (working under the name of Piper Bryant).


Guerreras Del Ring


In what could be one of the more bizarre couples in the world of wrestling, Kute Klown revealed in a radio interview that she has started dating announcer Franciso Canedo.


Guerrilla Wrestling Syndicate


Youngster James O'Shea has been deemed surplus to requirements by GWS and released from his correct, with the Reno, Nevada based promotion looking to tighten it's belt for the time being. Then again the signing of Alberto 'I'll work for anyone that will have me' Rodriguez as a ringside manager somewhat contradicts their reason for letting O'Shea go.


T-Bomb and Riptide saw their 9 month long reign as the Top Militia champions brought to an end by Joey Devastation and Ray Lisbon.


Two of GWS young prospects have fallen out with another behind the scenes, with Rico Escobar revealing in a backstage podcast that himself and Erik Wayne have not been getting along.


Hollywood Championship Grappling


ex WWWE, CWT and AWF talent Winston Rollins seems to be back in vogue, finding work with not just GAW but also HCG. HCG also bring in AWF lowercarder Chris Candell (Candell is able to take on booking with other promotions, due to his non exclusive PPA contract with AWF).


Owner Ace Lomax has also brought in both Jaxson Gillette and LWA color-man Pedro Espinosa to join him at the announce table, whilst Alberto Rodriguez gets employed by yet another promotion (is this man even available to work for all these promotions?!)


Joey Devastation seems to be building himself a reputation as the top Tag Team wrestler on the US indy circuit, as well as winning the GWS Top Militia belts alongside Ray Lisbon, Devastation (this time alongside Lance Idol) was part of the first ever HCG Hollywood Tag Team champions, with Devastation and Idol defeating Famous C and Big Al to claim the belts.


Imperio De La Lucha Libre


Super Cool and Prodigio II won the vacant ILL Campeones de Parejas titles, after defeating Loco Lobo and El Maniaco. The belts were vacated when the original Prodigio decided it was time to retire from regular in-ring competition. Prodigio II stepped up to carry on the reign alonside Super Cool in his fathers place, but Lobo and Maniaco protested that the belts should be vacated and challenged Prodigio II and Super Cool for the vacant titles.


LETHAL Steel Japanese Wrestling


Nothing of note to report this month


Legacy Wrestling Alliance


The Puerto Rican based promotion went on a bit of a signing spree during April, bringing in AWF midcarders Wilson Hancock and Chris Candell, former collegiate amateaur wrestling standout Marcus Franklin, DRAGON wrestling's Evan Kuja, Jarid Hart and Super Tiger plus CWT midcarder Kris Phoenix.


Paragons of Wrestling!


POW made a couple of non wrestling additions to their roster, former WWWE manager Jonathan 'The Ringmaster' Brody has been given an opportunity to try and re-ignite his career with the 'wacky' promotion, whilst another former WWWE talent the Ringmaster has been brought in as a s Road Agent.


Pro Wresting Integrity


Nothing of note to report this month


Pro Wrestling: Superstars, Uncensored & Xtreme


PWSux saw two of their biggest stars depart for the big time, with Ram Diablo getting the opportunity to return to UPJ and Scott Cross departing for the AWF.


Derrick Moore however was pro-active in filling the void left behind by Cross and Diablo, poaching away Darnell Jack, Monoxide, Neurosis and Vito Vercetti from rival promotion EXCW.


Lil' Swag (one half of the PWSux Daredevil Duo champions) is now holding double gold, after he defeated Komplete Kaos and Arson in a 3 way Tables, Ladders and Chairs match to become the first ever SUX Uncensored Champion.


There appears to be genuine heat between OG Sweet and head booker Colby Felder. With Felder having such a prominent position within PWSux, many think Sweet's days with PWSux could soon be numbered.


Seattle Wrestling Alliance


Nothing of note to report this month


The Club


The Club were left reeling by Chad Zuma's decision ton accept an offer of a written contract from the AWF, however owner Cesar Kaslow found a replacement in LWA star Cordero Calderon.


Dragon Pro Wrestling color-man Shiro Sasaki, will also be joining Seth Koch at the announce table from now on.


Meanwile manager De$hawn Bank$ (who was working under the name of dVon Ca$h) was released from his contract. Though no official reason has been given for the release, it is thought that The Club management were becoming increasingly tired of Bank$ backstage attitude- no prizes for guessing who has been employed to take over Bank$ roster spot-


Yes you guessed it- Alberto Rodriguez!


United Promotions Japan


Ahead of their up-coming tour UPJ, decided to bolster their roster with a few new additions.....


Ram Diablo returns to UPJ for a second time (Diablo had a solid 7 year run between 2001 and 2008 the first time round), whilst another returnee is that of Takao Mera (Kabuki Takao)- returning to his home country for the first time in over a decade. Takao has also said it is time to retire the 'face paint' and begin wrestling as himself once again,.


Whilst a less notable returnee to his UPJ roots is that of Ton Ihara. Ihara was a young lion with UPJ in the late 90's before being released- Ihara then had a brief run with LETHAL in the early 2000's but has done nothing of note since. It would appear then that UPJ have purely resigned him to be regular job fodder.


Rounding out UPJ's additions is the one that had caused the most controvery- the poaching away of Koma Kobiashi from COBRA- who was the COBRA World Openweight Champion, at the time of accepting an exclusive written deal from UPJ.


New to the World of Wrestling


Bradley Caulfield- An obesely overweight teenage referee who has done work for Backyard promotions in California, but is looking to seriously get into the wrestling business.


Marcus Smalls- Smalls is an 'announcer' who has done work for the same Backyard feds as Caulfield.


* The above are a couple of generated workers.

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Pro Wrestling DIASPORA is back and ready for action, as the Blazing Eye Tour kicks off at the legendary Bunkyo Hall in Tokyo on Tuesday May 1st....


And the first show of the Blazing Eye Tour, looks set to kick things off in grand fashion with a blockbuster main event- as Prime Dragon puts the Super Junior Championship on the line against Sairento. Dragon was able to see off the challenge of Sairento's Kuro-Nadeshiko stable mate Incognito at Flowers of Hell, whilst Sairento was the final survivor in the Mascara Contra Caballera Cage match.


This isn't the first time Sairento has made an attempt to win back the title he lost to Prime Dragon at the 2011 edition of Stand Alone Complex in November, after falling short at Neon Genesis Evolution in March. Sairento will be willing to do everything he can, by hook or by crook to become the first ever two time Super Junior Champion but no one has proven to be more resillient than Prime Dragon.


Hiroto Nori the leader of the S.H.I.P stable is the one who ended up suffering the igominy of having his head shaved, after failing to escape the cage at Flowers of Hell. In the semi main event he will go into battle once again, alongside the two stable mates who entered the cage with him, Kotei Yamato and Shintaro Hideki- as the S.H.I.P trio take on Kuro-Nadeshiko's Incognito and two men who were also in the Mascara Contra Caballera cage match Dark Wolf II and Tian Long. It will be interesting to see if Nori shows any signs of distrust towards his partners (after being the one 'left for dead' so to speak) or if the S.H.I.P trio show a strong united front.


Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi) were unable to win the All Asia Tag Team titles at Flowers of Hell- but they will get another crack at attempting to dethrone the Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono), this time in a tradiitonal 2vs2 match up.


Meanwhile the former All Asia Tag champions the Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) will go up against the former Guardians duo of Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa. A victory for Ichigawa & Ebisawa over the former champions, who catapult them into the All Asia Tag title match.


Further tag team action see's The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley), look to bounce back from their failed attempt to win the Junior Tag Titles, but the Kuro-Nadeshiko pairing of The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr) could prove to be tricky opponents. Meanwhile one half of the reigning Junior Tag champs 'Whispered' Zodiac will be taking on the brash young heavyweight Horiuchi Inokuma.


The first show on the Blazing Eye Tour will also see the official unveiling of the MOE! MONEY! lead group consisting of HUSTLE Umiro, Meido Machine, Junichi Matsuo and Fuku Machine- and the oddball group will be tested to see if they truly can co-exist in an eight man tag against The Forgotten (Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse), Yachi Kotara and Aki Shimizudani.


Rounding out the main show card, will be an appearance from the newly crowned Heavyweight Champion Eikichi Minamoto. Apart from the fact that he will be celebrating his great achievement, he has also said that he has a surprise in store- 'that will shake up the Heavyweight title picture'.


Bonus action on the pre-show see's Junior Tag champion Talisman up against Kan Mitsubishi.


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 1 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....


Blazing Eye Tour - Show #1


Bunkyo Hall, Tokyo, Kanto

Tuesday 1st May 2012.


~ Bloody Hearts, Destructive Spirit~

Final (60 Min Limit): Super Junior Championship

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Prime Dragon


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'



Semi Final (30 Min Limit): Hell's Rebound Six Man Warfare:

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori &

New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki)


'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'

IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito) &

Dark Wolf II


~Strength of Heart, Power of Brute~

5th Match (45 Min Limit): All Asia Tag Team Championship:

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono)


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Team Ganbatte! (Go Takashi & Koto Arato)


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Challenge Match:

Horiuchi Inokuma


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Tag Tea Champion- Zodiac


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Tag Team Challenge Match

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date)


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa



2nd Match (20 Min Limit): 8 Man Tag Challenge- New Faction Launch Match

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro),

Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine


Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara &

The Forgotten (Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse)


1st Match (15 Min Limit): Junior Tag Challenge:

The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight Challenge:

Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman




Predictions Form


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento

Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Incognito, Tian Long & Dark Wolf II

All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)

Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa

Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro), Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse

The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)

Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman

Bonus Question: What will be Eikichi Minamoto's 'Surprise that will shake up the Heavyweight Title Picture?'


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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento


Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Incognito, Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro), Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse


The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento

Well, the tour opens with alot of big matches but no build to get a feel for who wins. I'll go with PD since Sairneto and his group just got a big win over Nori.

Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki[/b] vs Incognito, Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


Nori and friends need the win.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)

Too early for the champs to lose in such a sudden match.


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac

Z-Man for the win.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


Ebiwawa is the weakest link.


Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro), Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse


We know who has the push here.


The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


JttS's don't have a chance here.


Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman


T-man for the win.

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento

With Sairento being the last cahmp I´d rather see someone else getting the title next so I have Dragon retaining here.


Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Incognito, Tian Long & Dark Wolf II

Nori needs the win here after tough loss that saw his head shaved.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)

Team Ganbatte! would be my pick as next tag champs, but not yet.


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac

Inokuma gets another change to impress in a losing effort.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa

Ichigawa and Minamoto are likely going to continue their feud so I don´t see Ichigawa losing here unless you want to push Wrecking Crew straight into main event scene.


Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro), Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse

Umiro & Co are real group (well more or less, Wolfe is little bit of a wildcard) and with bunch of jobbers as opponents they should be able to get a victory.


The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)

This is actually a tough one to me since I have no idea how over Ambassadors Club is in Japan and we haven´t seen enough of them to judge whatever they are jobbers or something more. I go with something more though.


Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman

Interesting to see if there is some bad blood between these two now that Mitsubishi has left Guardians but Talisman is the one who takes the victory.


Bonus Question: What will be Eikichi Minamoto's 'Surprise that will shake up the Heavyweight Title Picture?'

No idea so I won´t bother guessing but I bet it somehow includes School Rumble :p

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento

Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Incognito, Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


MOE! MONEY! Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro, Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse

The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman


Bonus Question: What will be Eikichi Minamoto's 'Surprise that will shake up the Heavyweight Title Picture?' Funky Arihyoshi

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento


Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs Incognito, Tian Long & Dark Wolf II


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa


MOE! MONEY! Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro, Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Aki Shimizudani, Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse


The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Kan Mitsubishi vs Talisman


Bonus Question: What will be Eikichi Minamoto's 'Surprise that will shake up the Heavyweight Title Picture?' No idea

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Blazing Eye Tour- Show 1


Tuesday 1st May 2012,

Bunkyo Hall, Tokyo, Kanto (2,000-Super No Vacancy)


Match 0: Talisman vs Kan Mitsubishi


Talisman used his superior speed and agility to stay a step ahead of Mitsubishi for the entire match. After avoiding a desperation power punch attempt from his former stable mate, Talisman sent Mitsubishi crashing to the mat with a Spinning Sit Out Sleeper Slam before heading up top to secure the win with a Golden Idol (Shooting Star Press)


Result: Talisman [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 4:43 via pinfall (Golden Idol)


Rating: 45


Takayuki Balls: No surprises here, Talisman dominated and Mitsubishi looked as bland as he usuall does.



Main Show


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_hirotonorialt1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/bth_MioHirasawa-11.jpg


Hiroto Nori is the ring, flanked by Mio Mio and he has a microphone!


Hiroto Nori: Sairnento humiliated me at Flowers of Hell, but he did not break me....You see I will come out of this stronger. A man of strength and honor does not give up, I will keep fighting- till I finally have the better of you


You may have taken my hair......


Mio Mio: You took my Nori-chan's hair you bastard!


Hiroto Nori: But you did not crush my dignity!


Mio Mio: You will not crush my Nori-chan!!


Hiroto Nori: In fact I will keep my head shaved as a constant reminder, of just how much I despise you Sairento....


Mio Mio shoots Nori a look of surprise, but then goes along with it....


Hiroto Nori: This bald head of mine will drive me to crush you and Kuro-Nadeshiko once and for all......


All of a sudden Prime Dragon's music blares out over the P.A...


And out comes the Super Junior Champion.




The Guardians leader takes a microphone and steps into the ring


Prime Dragon: Whilst I admire your convictions Nori-san. I'm afraid you're going to have to get in line....


Mio Mio: Why you telling my Nori-chan to get in line mister


Prime Dragon: Woah there missy, just telling it like it is!


Mio Mio: And don't call me missy!


Hiroto Nori: Yeah you really shouldn't call her missy!


Prime Dragon: OK I won't, warning taken loud and clear!


Mio Mio: I really don't like men in masks!


Prime Dragon: Look Nori-san I couldn't really care less what your high maitenance girlfriend thinks


Mio Mio: Where the hell do you get off, calling ME high maintenance


Hiroto Nori: Mio-chan, just let Dragon-san here say whatever he has to say- even though he's going to be pointing out the obvious


Mio Mio: OK....fine....but I still don't like him.


Prime Dragon: What do you mean I've come out here to point out the obvious ?!!!


Hiroto Nori: You're going to remind everyone that you're defending that Super Junior Championship- against the very man I'm desperate to destroy Sairento. That's why you reminded me to get in line.....


Prime Dragon: I guess me coming out here, was pointless after all...but let me remind you of this Nori-san. You're not the only one who detests Sairento-san, you and S.H.I.P are not the only one's who cannot abide what Kuro-Nadeshiko stands for. After tonight, they're may be nothing of Sairento left for you to avenge....because I will fight with everything I have to not only keep hold of this title but crush..........


All of a sudden the eerie tones of...



Comes over the speakers....


And out steps Sairento.....




The Kuro Nadeshiko leader does his customary throat slash gesture and then disappears!


Then Prime Dragon and Hiroto Nori simultaneously utter the same phrase


'You do not scare me Sairento-san, I am stronger than you!'


Then as both Prime Dragon and Hiroto Nori exit the ring...Mio Mio puts on a headset and joins Shun'en Kogara and Tadashi Saga at the annouce table! To the announce teams surprise, it looks as though Mio Mio will be joining them on commentary!


Rating: 83


Takayuki Balls: Excellent opening segment- that immediately got the crowd invested into the show. It did a fine job of following up on what happened at Flowers of Hell- whilst also adding some extra hype to the main event. Nori-san and Mio Mio do also work well as a pairing- as much as I wonder how Nori-san put's up with such a needy girlfriend- there obviously is some chemistry there between them.




Match 1: The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs

The Salty Delinquents (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima)






Ambassadors Club are far from crowd favourites but when it comes to the fact that the much derided Salty Delinquents are their opponnents, they are the de-facto faces in this one.


The gaijin duo are a step ahead in the early going, showing that they have the better team work, with a Snap Suplex/Moonsault combo on Spider getting a two count. The Delinquents broke up the momentum by bailing to the outside, only for Kavidar to take out Spider with an Arabian Press.


However Terajima was able to blind-side Kavidar with a Black Box Shot (that somehow managed to escape the attention of referee Sugimura). That put the Kuro-Nadeshiko duo in control, and they were able to get a two count on Kavidar when combined on a double lifting DDT- after softening up the 'High Sheik' with an Octopus Stretch/Running Knee Lift combo.


Blood Spider then tried to finish Kavidar off with the Poison Mist, but the 'High Sheik' was able to duck, and Terajima ended up getting a faceful of mist instead. Kavidar then drop-kicked Terajima off the apron, and then stunned Spider with a spinning heel kick- before planting the 'New Nightmare' with a sit-out facebuster.


That enabled Kavidar to get the tag into a fresh Paul Crowley and after the 'New Prince of Old-School' planted Spider with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count- before Kavidar headed up top to secure victory with a Sheik From Above (Double Jump Moonsault).


Result: Ebi Kavidar [w] & Paul Crowley bt Blood Spider Jr [L] & Soh Terajima in 8:17 via pinfall (Sheik From Above)


Rating: 52


Mio Mio's Mochi: So are these funny men supposed to be royalty or something- I'm not buying it....not one bit.


* These are selected nuggets of 'wisdom' from Mio 'Mio Mio' Hirasawa during the commentary on the match.


Takayuki Balls: This was a solid tag team sprint, but with both teams being comprised of midcard heels- there was little reaction from the fans in attendance.




The following music is played over the Bunkyo Hall P.A...


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro), Junichi Matsuo and a rather reluctant looking Fuku Machine, then emerge




Junichi Matsuo takes the mic- He thanks the quirky duo for making him see things clearly- that you can have fun and be successful at the same time. The quartet then get round to revealing the name of their newly formed faction, by revealing this banner to the fans.....





Yes it turn's out that the name of their stable is the rather nonsensical Tuturu! Something that leaves most of the fans in attendance utterly perplexed.....


Rating: 53


Takayuki Balls: Most of the crowd were either non-plussed or just plain scratching their head over this segment. I get the impression our fans aren't going to be exactly buying into Tuturu! as a major threat when it comes to the stable warfare. To be honest I wouldn't either, with a stable name like that.


Match 2: HUSTLE Umiro, Meido Machine, Junichi Matsuo & Fuku Machine vs

Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka, Yachi Kotara & Aki Shimizudani






Meido Machine and Kohei Hidaka started things out- but Meido appears to be in no mood to fight and has a 'peace offering' for Hidaka with a cup of Cappucino coffee complete with cat-face Latte art.




Hidaka's in no mood for Meido's antics and whacks the coffee out of the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku's' hands.....


That of course was a stupid move by Hidaka, as that sent Meido into berserk mode-but despite getting hit with a barrage of knee strikes, the 'Red Dog' manages to break free and get the tag into Hideaki Kasuse.


Tuturu still manage to hold the upper hand though in the early going and Meido and HUSTLE combine on their signature double team snap suplex to get a two count of Kasuse. However things turn when Fuku Machine gets tagged in, because instead of assisting his stable-mates, Fuku starts attacking them!


It appears that his Hunter Wolfe side has not been entirely surpressed, Matsuo takes things into his own hands by nailing Fuku Wolfe with a Tornado Kick, but then gets blindsided with a Chin Marker (Jumping Knee Strike) from Shimizudani, but before 'S-Pulse' can make the pin, Meido Machine throws up the heart symbol causing the Moe Time Freeze-



Before heading up top and nailing Shimizudani with the Meido Beam (Missile Drop-Kick with theatrics).


That enabled Matsuo to bail from the ring, but Meido then got wiped out with a Slingshot cross body from Kasuse. 'The Forgotten' quartet then managed to drag the maid-man into their corner and take control of the match, but after Kotara planted Meido with a scoop-lift Powerbomb he was suddenly distracted by someone, appearing to be a man in a Cat Costume!



Commentator Tadashi Saga commented that he knew the face from somewhere, but wasn't quite sure who exactly.....


The distraction however enabled Fuku Machine to sneak into the ring and nail Kotara with a Haruhi Kick (Super High Velocity Drop Kick)- a move that seems to defy a man of Fuku's size.



The impact of the move sends Kotara all the way across the ring into the opposite corner where Shimizudani is able to tag in.....


But Fuku with 'the (non)sense knocked back into him continued to be a proverbial house of fire, and rocked Shimiuzdani with a lariat before planting 'S-Pulse' with a Death Valley Driver....


Fuku then tagged into Matsuo- and 'Sexy Zone' nailed Shimizudani with a Tornado Kick, before heading up top, to then come crashing down upon 'S-Pulse' with the Heavy Rotation (450 Splash)- as the rest of Tuturu! held off rest of 'The Forgotten' quartet from making the save.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro, Meido Machine, Junichi Matsuo {w] & Fuku Machine bt Hideaki Kasuse, Kohei Hidaka, Yachi Kotara & Aki Shimizudani [L] in 10:17 via pinfall (Heavy Rotation)


Rating: 49


Mio Mio's Mochi: And here's me thinking that the faux foreign royalty were ridiculous. When you're getting beaten by a man in a maid costume, and another in a sailor fuku- it's time to start looking a at a different career.


Takayuki Balls: A fun match, but possibly a little too much chaos- especially for a match that lets face it was a foregone conclusion. Let's be honest here Tuturu! aren't exactly high up on the pecking order but the fact that they have 'personality' warrants them going over a group of bland jobbers.



Match 3: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date)

vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)






There's a show of respect from these two teams before the match starts- even though they're not in the same stable- they do stand for the same values of fighting hard but fighting fair.


That philosophy is encapsulated in an early exchange of stiff fore-arm shots between Ebisawa and Date. The action remains back and forth between the two teams until Ichigawa fights his way out of Beetle Suplex attempt from Date and counters into a German for a two count.


The former heavyweight champion then applied an STF to Date, but the 'Stampeding Bull' was able to make it to the ropes. However the ex Guardians pairing of Ichigawa and Ebisawa remained in control- and Date had to dig down deep again to keep the match alive when he was planted with a Gutwrench Powerbomb from Ebisawa.


Ebisawa then tried to put away Date with the Ebisawa Complex (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker) but the 'Stampeding Bull' managed to fight his way out of it, and then rock Ebisawa with a spear. Ebisawa managed to get the tag out first to Ichigawa however- and 'White Light' lined up for the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) but Date was able to duck and then connected with another spear- before getting the tag into a fresh and fired up Yamawaki.


'Fearless' built up momentum with a series of Leaping Lariat's before planting Ichigawa with a Slingshot Suplex...


That got a two count, before Yamawaki then looked to seal victory with a Sumida Bridge (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) only for Ebisawa to make the desperation save. That enabled Ichigawa to recover and nail Yamawaki with a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) but the former heavyweight champ was unable to follow up with any further offence.


Ichigawa however was able to get the tag into Ebisawa, who prevented Yamawaki from tagging back out and was then able to drill 'Fearless' with a Death Valley Driver for a two count. But when Ebisawa made an error when he whipped Yawawaki into the ropes- that enabled Date to make a tag- and all of a sudden 'Forceful Dagger' was taken out with a chop block/spear combo. ....


The Tokyo Wrecking Crew then planted with a double team High Angle Belly to Back Suplex- which proved decisive enough for Ichigawa to intervene- 'White Light' however was then despatched to the floor with a drop-kick- before 'Fearless' followed up with a flying cross body.


Back in the ring Date turned Ebisawa over into the Date With Pain and with Ichigawa unable to make his way back into the ring- 'Forceful Dagger' had other choice but to tap out.


Result: Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 10:55 via submission (Date With Pain)


Rating: 65


Mio Mio's Mochi: Fantastic, it's as if the meiji restoration never happened- Samurai Spirit and all that- you manly men go for it... though of course none of them are as manly as my Nori-chan.


Takayuki Balls: Decent competitive match that got over- the fight hard but fight fair philosophy of the four men involved. Ichigawa's experience and standing always had the fans thinking that his side had a decent chance to come away with the victory but ultimately at this stage the Tokyo Wrecking Crew are the better team.


Post Match Comments:


Hiro Date: I think one day Ichigawa-san and Ebisawa-san could be a strong threat for the tag team titles, if the decide to keep at it- but tonight we showed we are the stronger team.


Oda Yamawaki: No matter if it is the Udon Noodle Killers who continue to bring shame to the All Asia Tag belts, or our comrades Arato-san and Takashi-san- we will be gunning for whoever emerges as champions after tonight- it's not of if but when we hold the titles again.


Hyotaru Ichigawa: Ultimately my goal is to once again become the Heavyweight Champion, but I am proud to have Ebisawa-san fight at my side. He may have suffered defeat tonight, but he has shown to me that he has the will and determination to succeed and I feel honoured that he wants to learn from someone like me- rather than follow the path of arrogance.



comes over the Bunkyo Hall P.A and out comes the newly crowned Heavyweight Champion Eikichi Minamoto



After some arrogant posturing in front of the fans he takes a microphone.


'I said I would win this title' Minamoto pauses to pat the belt slung over his shoulder....


'And to those who did not believe I could do it.....' pauses again as a small Ichigawa! Ichigawa! chant is heard.


'Well here's the proof, standing right in front of you.....no one would have been able to beat me.....least of all that old has been Ichigawa-san'


Some more jeers from the fans....


'And if anyone accused me of being lucky this time round, I beg to differ I beat Ichigawa-san conclusively...much more conclusively than the utter fluke that was his win over me at Pro Wresting Festival'


Crowd are really getting on Minamoto's case now......


'Believe what you want, I KNOW I'm the best......and I KNOW that I beat Ichigawa-san so comprehensively at Flowers of Hell.....that I ain't going to be just handing him an immediate rematch.'


The crowd aren't exactly agreeing with that decision.....


'Ichigawa-san had his time with this belt- it's about time some other people here in DIASPORA got a chance to challenge and of course ultimately fail against the best.'


More jeers from the crowd, who are wholly unimpressed by Minamoto's arrogance.


'Oh and if you dare to think that I am ducking Ichigawa-san.....think again.....because here's why'


At that moment Minamoto is handed a box, that says 'Karen Ichijou Lottery' On the other side of the box is a picture of Karen Ichijou- to absolutely no one's surprise Karen Ichijou is not a real person- but that of a character from Minamoto's obsession the manga/anime School Rumble.




The Karen Ichijou Lottery?!?!



'Named in tribute to the very person I learned everything there is to know about the sport of wrestling- I present to you the Karen Ichijou Lottery!


'Inside this box are balls, containing the name's of everyone eligible to challenge for this best'


'And to prove that I'm not ducking Ichigawa-san- his names in there with the rest of them. If he gets lucky enough to be pulled out- I will put this belt on the line against him...because I am a fighting champion!'


The same ringside stooge who handed the box to Minamoto, then comes into the ring, and holds the box as Minamoto reaches his hand into the box, and then pulls out one of the balls.....


He prizes the ball open, and then takes out a piece of folded paper.......


' My first challenger will be......'


'Taheji Ebisawa!'


'A tough opponent for me, very loyal to Ichigawa-san.....he'll surely be all fired up to do his mentor proud!- Minamoto's statement's are delivered with a heavy dose of sarcasm, indicating that he feels Ebisawa will be an easy challenge


'I can't really say he looked like much of a winner earlier, after tapping out and more than likely that is what he will be doing in a week's time- when he gets his golden opportunity to challenge me for this title in Nagoya'


The crowd begin an Ebisawa chant in defiance to Minamoto's assessment of the young powerhouse as an easy title defence


'Keep chanting his name, keep believing in him, you never know he might do it....I too once had a dream!'


Minamoto then leaves the ring- arrogantly strutting past the fans with a puffed out chest and his held high.


Rating: 73


Takayuki Balls: I think this angle went over pretty well, and the lottery concept will give a different feel to Minamoto's reign as champion, comparered to that of Ichigawa-san. Of course we will need to handle this carefully- whilst we want to get it over as a device for Minamoto-san to be ducking the top challengers (most notably Ichigawa-san), we don't want to devalue the belt too much by having him defend against too many lame ducks.



Match 4: Horiuchi Inokuma vs Zodiac



Zodiac's superior speed and agility are the difference maker in the early going- as the Junior Tag champion keeps Inokuma off balance with a series of arm-drags, headscissor take downs and drop-kicks- in fact the man now referring to himself as 'Future's Present' is nearly caught for a three count with the Escaflowne (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Pin)....


Inokuma halts Zodiac's momentum however by rolling for a powder, but that doesn't stop 'Innovation's God' from wiping Inokuma out with one of his trademark no hands somersault plancha's.


Zodiac then pitched Inokuma back into the ring and looked to be setting up for a sprinboard maneouvre, only for Inokuma to show some fighting spirit by rising back to his feet and knocking Zodiac to the floor with a fore-arm smash. Inokuma then took control with a Russian Leg-sweep into the guard-rail.


'Future's Present' then seized control for the first time in the match, getting two counts with a Swinging Neckbreaker and a Gutbuster- before grounding Zodiac with the Python Vise (Anaconda Vise) submission but Zodiac was able to dig down and make his way to the ropes.


Inokuma remained in control however and set a seemingly weary Zodiac up for a vertical suplex, only for 'Innovations God' to counter into a Stunner. Inokuma managed to stagger back up to his feet but was then nailed with a springboard enziguri from the Junior Tag champion, who then headed up top. Inokuma was able to shake off the enziguri though and managed to block Zodiac from taking flight only for 'Innovations God' to then stun Inokuma with a Zodiac Sniper (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)....


Inokuma however managed to survive that by getting his foot on the bottom rope, just before referee Ochida could slap the canvas for three. Inokuma then seized back control with a cheap-shot and then looked to be setting up for the Sea-Change (Spinning Side Slam) but Zodiac managed to block the attempt and then staggered Inokuma with a Backflip Kick before snaring Inokuma in the Flame Haze (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Arm Bar)....


And with his arm about to ripped out of it's socket- Inokuma was left with no other choice but to quickly tap out.


Result: Zodiac [w] bt Horiuchi Inokuma [L] in 10:51 via submission (Flame Haze)




Mio Mio's Mochi: With that red guy whizzing around I feel dizzy watching this!


Takayuki Balls: Solid match- though no one was going to be buying Inokuma-san going over an established star like Zodiac.



~Strength of Heart, Power of Brute~

Match 5: All Asia Tag Team Championship:

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs

Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)







The first five minutes of the match contains little more than basic back and forth brawling between both teams- with Team Ganbatte!'s energy and fire being counter-acted by the champions size and power. The stalemate comes to an end when GUSHIKEN gets in cheap shot from the apron on Go Takashi , allowing for Ono to seize control with a clothesline and then a Sideslam for a two count.


The Udon Noodle Killers then proceeded to work Takashi over in their corner but though they were in complete control, they were unable to put a determined 'Nippon Hart' away. A double team Uranage from the champions brought a close two count, but it wasn't enough to put a determined Takashi away, and Nippon Hart managed to create an opening to get the tag out to Arato when he nailed GUSHIKEN with a Front Drop-Kick and then downed Ono with the Headless Ride (Running Neckbreaker).


However GUSHIKEN was able to cut Takashi off from making the tag- 'Nippon Hart' however still managed to fight his way back to his corner with a flurry of fore-arm smashes and get the tag to Arato but referee Sugimura missed it, and whilst the challengers were berating Sugimura's 'Blindness' GUSHIKEN got in a cheap shot and dragged a weary Takashi back to the UNK corner.


Takashi still wouldn't give in though as a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) could only bring a two count, and then 'Nippon Hart' was able to move out of the way just in time from a Tsunami (Big Splash) attempt by Ono.


Takashi was then finally able to get the tag out to a fresh and fired up Arato (Sugimura having no excuse this time to miss the tag). A flurry of Arato Lariat's left both GUSHIKEN and Ono reeling, until one final put Ono on his back......


GUSHIKEN's intervention prevented a three count , but Arato was able to duck a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow) from 'Great Thunder' before impressively dispatching GUSHIKEN with release Belly to Belly Suplex.


Ono was back up but was cut off by Takashi, and Team Ganbatte! combined to take down 'Epic Tsunami' with the Lariat/Chop Block combo. GUSHIKEN stirred again to make the save but was taken out with a double team suplex from the challengers- before Ono then staggered into a double team spinebuster!


Ono managed to kick, but remained in trouble- as Arato appeared to then be setting up the big man for a powerbomb- announcer Shun'En Kogara pointing out that this would be a incredible show of strength from Arato- if he could lift Ono up into a Powerbomb.....



Causing a rather convenient distraction


Meanwhile Takashi headed up top but as all this was happening the Salty Delinquents (Blood Spider Jr & Soh Terajima) turned up and their prescence was enough to distract referee Sugimura- and due to that rather convenient timing GUSHIKEN was able to then roll into the ring and nail Arato in the back with a chair shot.


Takashi then flew off the top-rope, but got caught by GUSHIKEN who planted 'Nippon Hart' with a Uranage. The Udon Noodle Killers then turned their attention back to Koto Arato- taking out 'Strong Dreamer' with a Double team Powerbomb.


Takashi made the save, but was the champions were fully back in control and 'Nippon Hart' soon found himself being planted with the Udon Noodle Death Drop (Flapjack/Cutter Combo).....


And that proved to be decisive for the Kuro Nadeshiko duo to make a successful defence of the All Asia Tag Team Titles.


Result: GUSHIKEN [w] & Chojiro Ono bt Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 14:08 via pinfall (Udon Noodle Death Drop)


Udon Noodle Killers make V2 Defence of DIASPORA All Asian Tag Team Titles.


Rating: 58


Mio Mio's Mochi: Somehow my Nori-chan manages to keep the weight off despite eating tonnes- or maybe these Noodle Killers eat even more than my Nori-chan does. Though as I said my Nori-chan is constantly eating...maybe he only eats normal sizes portions and these elephants eat giant sized ones.... This is really bugging me, you know!


Takayuki Balls: Udon Noodle Killers, will need to up their performance levels- if they want to see their title reign last beyond this tour. It picked up towards the end, but this was unfortunately a bit of a plodding/generic brawl of a match. Team Ganbatte! have alot of promise as a team, but aren't quite there yet to help carry their one dimensional opponnents to something better.


Post Match Comments:


GUSHIKEN: No one can halt the dominance of the Udon Noodle Killers....absolutely no one. Whoever dares to try and topple us will be crushed!


Koto Arato: This time we failed- there's not anwyay we can hide from that fact- but we will not give up- we will never give up!



Match 6: Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki vs

Dark Wolf II, Incognito & Tian Long






After an even first five minutes, that see's neither side really press home an advantage, it is the S.H.I.P trio who make the first real breakthrough when Yamato nails Incognito with a step up corner knee strike and then drills 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Sheer Drop Brainbuster for a two count.


New Solution then combined on a spinning legsweep/roundhouse combo before tagging in Nori- where the S.H.I.P trio then placed Incognito into the tree of woe and delivered a trio of drop-kicks. Hideki then planted Incognito with a Falcon Arrow....which lead to Dark Wolf II and Tian Long intervening.


Though referee Ochida managed to send the Kuro pair back to their corner, the distraction was enough for Incognito to get in a low blow and then try to sneak a quick roll-up.....


Yamato made the save, but then got nailed with a spinning heel kick from Incognito, before 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' then planted Hideki with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors facebuster. Tian Long then tagged in preventing Hideki from making the tag- before planting 'Integral Prowess' with a chokeslam.


Dark Wolf II was then tagged in and followed up with a slingshot senton for a two count. However Hideki was then able to slip out of a fireman's carry position upon the 'Howling Menace's shoulders and then stun Dark Wolf II with a Superkick.


That bought Hideki enough time to get the tag to a fired up Hiroto Nori- who waited for Wolf to rise to his feet, before nailing the 'Howling Menace' with a springboard drop-kick- before planting Wolf with a German Suplex.....


Tian Long intervened and then got a cheap shot in on Nori. The S.H.I.P leader shook it off and planted Long with a Reverse STO, but then suddenly found himself nailed from behind again by Dark Wolf II- who then flung Nori into the Kuro corner with a release German suplex.


Nori then found himself being worked over in the corner of the Kuro-trio- who took as much opportunity to bend the rules as much as possible- such a making blind tags and using the tag-rope to choke Nori- something that didn't escape the eyes of Mio Mio.


'Come On, that's not fair....why can't that buffoon in the stripes see what they are doing to my Nori-chan!'


Despite being in total control however, the Kuro-trio couldn't seem to put Nori away.... a Drop Toe Hold/Standing Moonsault combo from IMPERIOUS couldn't do it, neither could a German Suplex Hold from Wolf followed by a Springboard Corkscrew Senton from Incognito and neither could a Reverse Chokeslam Facebuster from Tian Long.


In fact Nori managed to carve open an opportuntity to tag out, when reversed being whipped into the corner by Dark Wolf II and nailed the 'Howling Menace' with a corner to corner running missile drop-kick. However IMPERIOUS had managed to sneak round and pull New Solution down off the apron...and a recovered Dark Wolf II prevented Nori from making the tag before levelling 'Battle' with a Lariat and then planting the S.H.I.P leader with a Fireman's Carry Backbreaker.....


Wolf then decided to lock in his signature submission hold the Holo's Dream (Three Quarter Nelson Choke), but to the Howling Menace's frustration- Nori, with the hysterical screams of Mio Mio ringing in his ears, managed to dig down into his reservoirs of fighting spirit and battle his way to the ropes.


A frustrated Wolf then turned it over to Tian Long, who planted Nori with a Chokeslam, before then dragging a weary Nori back up to his feet to set up for the Emperor Driver (Sit Out Side Powerslam) but somehow Nori managed to slip out of the attempt and then stun Long with an Enziguri before planting the 'Imperial One' with a Reverse STO.


Nori still couldn't get the tag out though, as ring positioning was in Long's favour to get the tag into Incognito. 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' planted Nori with his trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep for a two count- before heading up top. Incognito then came soaring down from above with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton) but crashed and burned as Nori had just enough wit's left to move away at the last split second. Nori then mustered up enough energy to pepper Incognito with the Endless Nori kick flurry but was too worn out to follow up with a cover....


It then became a race to see who could tag out first- it looked as though it was going to be Incognito but with a last ditch burst of energy- Nori managed to get the tag to Kotei Yamato. Yamato then prevented Incognito from tagging out.


Yamato then planted Incognito with a flip neckreaker, before then drilling 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Gurren MK II Driver (Sitout Side Driver).....


Incognito managed to kick out at two, but soon found himself being placed on the Knightmare Frame (Bridging Cobra Clutch)- fortunately for Incognito Wolf and Long were on hand to break up the hold....


However Hideki and Nori then got back into the ring and sent Long and Wolf to the floor with stereo drop-kicks. Incognito then also bailed to the floor as the Kuro trio looked to regproup-only to then be taken out with a trio of dives by the S.H.I.P trio.


Tian Long was then dragged back into the ring, where New Solution combined on a bearhug hold/diving knee drop combo for a two count.....


Long then found himself nailed with stereo superkicks from New Solution, for an even closer two count....


Incognito and Wolf intervened but were soon cut off by Nori and Hideki- as Yamato once again headed up top- Yamato then delivered a missile drop-kick to both Wolf and Incognito,and then delivered a senton splash to the already fallen Tian Long.


Nori then headed up top himself- to then come crashing down upon the 'Imperial One' with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press) securing the win for S.H.I.P as Hideki and Yamato did just enough to keep Incognito and Wolf at bay.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w], Shintaro Hideki & Kotei Yamato bt Dark Wolf II, Incognito & Tian Long [L] in 16:08 via pinfall (Flying Bonito)


Rating: 68


Mio Mio's Mochi: My Nori-chan will never give up- because he knows that my love for him will keep him going....COME ON Nori-Chan.....keep fighting, keep fighting for your Mio Mio!!


Takayuki Balls: Solid match, but I was hoping for something better than solid- out of these three. Almost like these six were just going through the motions, as if they were being careful not to get the crowd too burned out before the main event.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroto Nori: If anyone was thinking there would be any tension between myself and New Solution- well I think what happened tonight will clearly crush that speculation. Once again S.H.I.P showed a united front- and be it through success or failure- we will continue to stand united.


Kotei Yamato: Indeed we will always stand together.....


Shintaro Hideki: Strength and Honor


Kotei Yamato: Integrity and Performance


Hiroto Nori: It's what we alll believe in......


Kotei Yamato: Believe......


Shintaro Hideki: Believe In.......


Hiroto Nori: Believe in S.H.I.P


Together: BELIEVE IN THE S.H.I.P !!!!



~Bloody Hearts, Destructive Spirit~

Match 7: Super Junior Championship:

Prime Dragon vs Sairento





comes over the P.A and the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader makes his way to the ring, walking in a creepily mechanical fashion....before stepping into the ring and then making a throat-slash gesture.....


Prime Dragon's energetic theme can then be heard...and the proud champion emerges. Slapping hands with fans (mostly kids) in the front-row... the 'Grand Pillar' steps inside and proudly holds the belt aloft.


Dragon hands the title over to Sugimura- as we then went through the usual pomp and ceremony of a title match. Would Dragon be handing the belt over for good this time, or would he once again see off this latest challenge?


The bell rings and the two bitter rivals, circle round for a bit- trying to psych one another out (I would say stare, but it's hard to tell when both of their faces are covered by masks). Eventually, as expected the tension boils over and they explode into exchanging strikes with one another. Straight up brawling is more up Sairento's street but one thing Prime Dragon is not short of is 'heart' and the champion fire's back with all he has, to ensure that Sairento can't press home an early advantage. This back and forth strike battle, last's for a good five minutes, with both determined not to show even the slightest chink of weakness to the other.


In fact Dragon's determination, get's Sairento to push a little too hard....the 'Silent Reaper' telegraphed a Yakuza Kick, and after side stepping out of the way Dragon stunned the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader with a Rolling Wheel Kick- that leads to Dragon building up a combo of a Palm Strike followed by a Brainbuster......


Sairento however was smart enough to halt the momentum by going out for a powder. Dragon however was keen to keep up the momentum and decided to pursue Sairento on the outside, only to be blindsided by a Rolling Elbow from Sairento and then whipped hard into the ring-steps. Sairento then continued to dish out the punishment by hoisting Dragon upon his shoulders and then dropping Dragon with a Death Valley Driver, upon the ring-steps !.....


The Super Junior champion, looked to be almost broken in half- as Sairento rolled back into the ring and posture, as Sugimura started a twenty count.....


It looked as though Sairento was going to earn the count-out victory, but then it suddenly dawned on the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader that he can't win the title via count-out, and with the count down to three- he just about managed to drag the still deadweight Dragon back into the ring, and make the cover








Sairento banged the mat in frustration, that Dragon still had enough left in the tank to kick out. Though had he realised earlier about the title can't change hands on a count-out rule, he would have had this match won.....


Sairento dragged Prime Dragon back up to a vertical base, and then whipped the champion into the corner, causing the 'Grand Pillar' to slump into a heap. The 'Silent Reaper' then subjected Dragon to a facewash. However Dragon once again showed the ability to find a second wind from somewhere, suddenly nailing Sairento with a Rolling Wheel Kick, as the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader moved in for a running punt.


However any rally from Dragon was soon cut off by a stiff fore-arm from Sairento, and an STO Backbreaker, once again firmly put the 'Silent Reaper' back in control. Sairento then contineud to dish out the punishment, with a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp)- before dragging the dazed Dragon back up to his feet and drilling the champion with a Brainbuster......








Dragon still wouldn't stay down. An increasingly frustrated Sairento then decided to head up top- but before he could take flight- the 'Grand Pillar' once again found the resolve to his return to his feet....and then stun Sairento with a leaping palm strike. Dragon then climbed the turnbuckle, unleashed a flurry of fore-arms to soften up the challenger and then sent the 'Silent Reaper' crashing back into the ring with a superplex.....


However Dragon was just too worn down from all the punishment he had been taking earlier and both champion and challenger lay on the canvas as Sugimura began a double count.....


Of course Sairento wasn't going to lose on a count-out and Dragon is too proud of a champion to retain the title in such a manner, and they both wearily rose back to their feet. Sairento was up first, despite just being superplexed into the ring and he saw the opportunity to move in for the kill as Dragon began to rise to his feet.....


However the 'Grand Pillar' has the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike to the Face) well scouted- managing to block the atempt and then counter into Dragon Screw Legwhip. Dragon then continued to ground Sairento with two more Dragon-scews - before nailing Sairento with another one of his trademark Rolling Wheel Kicks and then dropping down to put the 'Silent Reaper' into a Cross Legged Inverted STF.


Sairento managed to power out of the submission hold, but Dragon retained control with a palm strike, before setting up for the Prime Driver (Over The Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver).....Sairento however managed to slip out of the attempt and then caught Dragon with a stiff fore-arm, before reeling the 'Grand Pilllar' in for a Powerbomb, only for the Super Junior Champion to then counter into a victory roll......








Sairento kicked out, and then immediately tried to nail Dragon with the Absolute Terror but one again the 'Grand Pillar' was able to block the attempt and counter into another Dragon Screw Leg-Whip.


With Sairento grounded once again.....Dragon then went for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault) and manages to connect!


But the 'Silent Reaper' kicks out at one! and then sits up an eerie manner. Dragon has seen this before though, and remains undettered....nailing Sairento with a basement drop-kick....


Sairento still managed to rise back to his feet, only to then get knocked down with a Rolling Wheel-Kick. The 'Grand Pillar' then continued to build momentum with a rolling senton splash before lifting Sairento up for a Brainbuster......






The Kuro Nadeshiko leader managed to kick out, but Dragon was still building momentum and this time the 'Grand Pillar' was able to drill Sairento with the Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)......








Sairento managed to kick out but was then placed in the Dragon's Bite (Inverted Facelock Sleeper).....


However the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader was able to power his way back up to his feet and force a rope-break. Sairento then managed to shift the momentum once again in his favour, nailing Dragon with a Yakuza Kick that sent the 'Grand Pillar' out to the floor......Before Sairento followed up with a Double Stomp from the apron!


Sairento then pitched Dragon back into the ring , before planting the champion with a Double Underhook Powerbomb.....








Sairento then hoisted a dazed Prime Dragon upon his shoulders, but the 'Grand Pillar' managed to slip off and stun the 'Silent Reaper' with an Enziguri- before suddenly pulling out a Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back to Back Piledriver).....








This time Dragon was the one left frustrated, by his opponents refusal to stay down for the three count. Sairento remained rooted to the mat however and Dragon decided to head up top....but Sairento was soon back to his feet and cut Dragon off from taking flight.......


Sairento then attempted to bring Dragon crashing back into the ring with an avalanche Death Valley Driver, only for the 'Grand Pillar' to fend of the attempt and then bring Sairento crashing back in with a Sunset Flip Superbomb!








Sairento managed to kick out but Dragon could see the end in sight and drilled the 'Silent Reaper' with the Prime Driver 2000 (Wrist Clutch Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)......






And nine tenths!....Dragon thought he had the match won, and his frustrations boiled over towards referee Sugmiura...accusing the referee of making a slow count!


Sairento remained rooted to the canvas however and Dragon went for the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault).....


But all of a sudden someone not seen before in a DIASPORA ring, appeared and nailed Dragon with a jumping knee strike from the apron......



Making a Vicious Impact!


Tadashi Saga identifies the newcomer as RIKU from the Dragon Pro Wrestling Promotion in America.


Somehow referee Sugimura, managed to miss this intervention from the mysterious newcomer- making out that he had something caught in his eye......


Dragon then stumbled into a Poison Rana from Sairento, before the 'Silent Reaper' then decided to place the 'Grand Pillar' in a sleeper hold......


Dragon doggedly rose back to his feet, but Sairento was then able to drill the worn down champion with a Death Note (Spike Brainbuster) !








Dragon somehow still managed to find enough left in the tank to kick out......


But Sairento immediately followed up with an ABSOLUTE TERROR (Front Knee Strike to the Face).....


And unlike on previous occasions, Dragon was too dazed to be able to block it......








A chorus of jeers and boo's could be heard from the crowd- at the realisation that the Kuro-Nadeshiko leader was once again the Super Junior Champion. Many will feel (himself included) that Dragon had the match won, were it not for the intervention of RIKU and referee Sugimura's rather suspicious 'something in my eye' reaction to the blatant inferference.


Result: Sairento [w] bt Prime Dragon [L] in 22:28 via pinfall (Absolute Terror)


Sairento wins the DIASPORA Super Junior Championship


Prime Dragon fails in V6 Defence.


Rating: 82


Mio Mio's Mochi: To me any man who decides to wear a mask, has got to be a bit of a jerk...I mean come on what they are hiding. But between these two masked jack-off's there's definitely one I can't stand more than the other!


Takayuki Balls: This was a much better match, than their previous encounter at Neon Genesis Evolution. They just seemed to be more on their game tonight and the crowd also seemed more receptive, to the sort of story they were telling here. Part of the reason for the title change- was to condition the fans to sometimes expect the unexpected (the usual expectations are for the belts to change hands on a PPV), but there is also reasons storyline wise going forward to have the belt on Sairento- rather than Dragon.


Post Match Sairento grabs the Super Junior belt and then proceeds to blast Prime Dragon in the face with it, before inviting in RIKU to join in on a beat-down on the former champion- confirming that the newcomer is alligned with Kuro-Nadeshiko....



Rubbing in into the former champ with a humiliating beatdown...



Not on S.H.I.P's watch!!


But not in the form of Dragon's own stable mates, but the S.H.I.P duo of Hiroto Nori and Koto Arato. Nori and Arato armed with steel chairs, manage to chase Sairento and RIKU away.....


Dragon doesn't seem entirely grateful of the 'save' though and the show ends with a tense standoff between the S.H.I.P and Guardians leaders.


Rating: 74


Takayuki Balls: Sairento foregoing the usual pomp and ceremony ands trying to beat-down Dragon even more makes sense- with his character. Nori's intervention also makes sense in the fact that he want's revenge on Sairento.



Overall: 77


Takayuki's Final Verdict: The undercard to be honest was a little disappointing- semi main event include but thankfully Dragon and Sairento delivered in the main event to lift the show, to being one worthy of gracing Bunkyo Hall. Even if the wrestling action (main event excluded) wasn't at it's best tonight, it cannot be said that the show wasn't an eventful one.

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