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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution-13 (Thunderverse)

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The Chronicles of Takayuki-Spoiler Dream


Hunter Wolfe wins the Grand Master Cup tournament and then main events against Kan Mitsubishi at Stand Alone Complex for the Heavyweight Championship in a 'personality on a pole match'. Mitsubishi would beat Minamoto for the title in a Karen Ichijou Lottery match.


Hunter Wolfe fails to win the title at Stand Alone Complex, when Mitsubishi actually managed to find a personality. But then Fuku Machine makes a surprise challenge- that Mitsubishi foolishly accepts. Fuku Machine defeats Mitsubishi in 10 seconds, after nailing the champion with a Haruhi Kick- to become the Heavyweight Championship.


Meanwhile the Super Junior Championship is vacated when Sairento gets himself imprisoned. The vacant title is then decided in a 20 man Ladder match, where everyone is dressed as Xtinction- the winner of the match is Xtinction!!


Looks like I've just spoiled the ending for everyone :rolleyes:

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The Chronicles of Takayuki-Spoiler Dream


Hunter Wolfe wins the Grand Master Cup tournament and then main events against Kan Mitsubishi at Stand Alone Complex for the Heavyweight Championship in a 'personality on a pole match'. Mitsubishi would beat Minamoto for the title in a Karen Ichijou Lottery match.


Hunter Wolfe fails to win the title at Stand Alone Complex, when Mitsubishi actually managed to find a personality. But then Fuku Machine makes a surprise challenge- that Mitsubishi foolishly accepts. Fuku Machine defeats Mitsubishi in 10 seconds, after nailing the champion with a Haruhi Kick- to become the Heavyweight Championship.


Meanwhile the Super Junior Championship is vacated when Sairento gets himself imprisoned. The vacant title is then decided in a 20 man Ladder match, where everyone is dressed as Xtinction- the winner of the match is Xtinction!!


Looks like I've just spoiled the ending for everyone :rolleyes:


I'd pay to see this! :D

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Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Xtinction [L] in 6:56 via pinfall (Hustle To The Top)


A spinning bulldog bought Xtinction a two count, but then he over-shot a Super Spot-X (Shooting Star Press)


Zergon's next predictions will be delayed until he's out of traction.:)


Result: Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [w] bt Junichi Matsuo & Nyan Nyan Neko Man [L] in 7:45 via submission (Prince's Lock)

Pretty much what expected. Ambassador's Club needed a win and the Tuturu B team is a good place to find it.


Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Kohei Hidaka, Hideak Kasuse & Yachi Kotara in a 3vs1 Handicap Gauntlet in 9:34.


Mio Mio's Mochi: Well that was forgettable.


Pretty much on target. More sports entertainment than real wrestling. I'd rather see Minamoto antogonizing then avoiding Ichigawa and Arato with all three focues on the title than this. I guess this is a way to keep him active without putting him in a major match.


Result: GUSHIKEN, Chojiro Ono & Tian Long [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa, Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi in 9:12 via submission (Dynasty Lock)


I can't call the results totally predictable. Putting Kan 'Weakest Link' Mitsubishi on the team with IchiEbi was tough to pick only because it's tough to see Ichigawa losing twice so sadly. Maybe we need to get his pop down so he'll re-sign for less. Tian Long has some momentum going into his title match, at least.


Result: Soh Terajima [w] bt Dark Wolf II [L] in 9:38 via pinfall (Eastern Misery)


Terajima fought out of the predicament with an eye-rake and then countered with a low blow


Not sure what Terajima was counting since he had already taken control with the rake to the eyes. Good match, the commentary made it pretty clear Dark Wolf was going to wrestle clean (and Takayuki made sure this point was gotten across). Soh Terajima has too much value as the Kuro disty cheating job boy for them to lose him and I think Dark Wolf came make it without the cheating, so while the match was predictable, it was also the ending that felkt the best.


Result: Prime Dragon, Zodiac & Talisman [w] bt Blood Spider Jr [L], Incognito & RIKU in 13:23 via pinfall (Steins Gate)


The traditional six mman tag match. DIASPORA would not be the same without them. Still, this is not the KURO team that will beat PD, Zodiac and Talisman. So it's a chance to sit back, relax, enjoy the action and wonder where things are going with Talisman. Will he really abandon his great team with Zodiac or is Tiger just teasing us?

Mio Mio's Mochi: Oh look here's that tall guy, with the crappy hair....ugh kinda creepy too if you ask me- he actually manages to out-creep everyone else in the match, and there all wearing creepy masks!


You think his hair is creepy, try looking at his teeth. Just stare at them for five seconds and you'll see how deeply disturbing they are. Creepy.


Result: Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato [w] & Go Takashi bt Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date [L] & Oda Yamawaki in 19:47 via pinfall (Arato Suplex)


The real main event and the rating bears this out. Two SHIPs colliding in the night. And this is my favorite match of the night because it hits all the things I enjoy. Pride and honor. Two teams fighting just to show they are the best, and with the tie in to the upcoming Ganbatte-Wrecking Crew match. I also like the relative lack of hard feelings between the SHIPmates. They have strong personalities but there's no maliciousness or real anger.


Result: Sairento [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 23:54 via pinfall (Absolute Terror)


Both your theme links are the same.


Emphatic kick out by Sairento, and he sits right back up again.


As an Undertaker fan I always makre out for spots like this.


Sugimura gives the New Solution man, one last chance to prove that he can carry on......


Sooner or later I half expect $ugimura to do the lift the arm three times thing but on the third time Sairento just stares at him and he calls for the bell before waiting to see if it falls the third time.


About what was expected. No one buys New Solution beating Sairento. I think he could probably beat them one on two. But everything possible is done in the match to make look competative and it does get a good rating. But we're just keeping Sairneto busy before his next big match.

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Result: Sairento [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 23:54 via pinfall (Absolute Terror)


Both your theme links are the same.


Yeah Sairento's theme really shouldn't be the same, as Hideki's :p Something must have went wrong with the copying and pasting, anyway fixed it now.


But I think Higurashi, must be the most featured theme song thus far, seeing as Sairento has been in the main-event of most shows so far. Eikichi Minamoto's School Rumble Theme (Gurugu Mawaru) is also heard a lot. :p


Anyway I'm going to be including themes for all matches on the PPV, as well as I usually do on the main events for the tour cards.

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Official Preview - Never Dying Spirit

Fukuoka City Arena, Osaka, Kansai

Sunday 27th May 2012

DIASPORA present their latest supershow Never Dying Spirit- live from the Fukuoka City Arena on Sunday 27th May and also available on PPV to viewers at home via Emperor Sports.


~A New Chapter Begins~

Final (No Time Limit): Leadership of Guardians of DIASPORA:

Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimeDragon.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EikichiMinamoto.jpg

The Heavyweight Champion Eikichi Minamoto has grown increasingly arrogant over recent months, and it appears this self-centred attitude has become disruptive within the ranks of the Guardians of DIASPORA. So disruptive in fact that Prime Dragon, who appeared to be willing to give Minamoto the benefit of the doubt and a chance to 'snap out of it', finally snapped himself and looked set to kick Minamoto out of the Guardians.


However irritated so much by Minamoto's attitude, he was goaded into putting his leadership on the line in order to have a match with Minamoto, so that he could truly teach 'Rumble Heart' a lesson.


Will the 'Grand Pillar' be made to regret his decision, or will the former Super Junior Champion humble the egotistical Heavyweight?


~ Do I Fight For Glory? ~

Semi Final (60 Min Limit): Super Junior Championship:

Sairento (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs Tian Long (Kuro-Nadeshiko)- V3 Defence




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Sairento.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TianLong.jpg


Sairento defeated Prime Dragon on the first show of the Blazing Eye Tour at Bunkyo Hall and has since gone onto recently defend the title against New Solution's Kotei Yamato and Shintaro Hideki. Now he faces another man who earned his Super Junior Title shot after successively escaping the cage at Flowers of Hell, fellow stable mate Tian Long.


The big question is, just how will the challenger approach his match. At 50 years old- Tian Long is nearing the end of his career and this may be one of his final chances at championship glory, but the conniving veteran has shown himself to be a loyal servant of Kuro-Nadeshiko and would he dare to oppose Sairento?


And if Tian Long, does bring the fight to the 'Silent Reaper' would the veteran be able to use his knowledge and experience to overcome such a formidable and ruthless opponent?



~Dragon Invasion~

Match 6 (45 Min Time Limit): Junior Tag Team Championship:

'Whispered' Zodiac & Talisman (Guardians of DIASPORA) vs

Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada (DRAGON Pro Wrestling)- V6 Defence





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zodiac.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Talisman.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/AkitoNakada.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HarukoYamada.jpg

It appears Whispered have seen off all the competion put in front of them in DIASPORA, and the Dragon Pro Wrestling team of Akito Nakada and Haruku Yamada have risen to the challenge in an attempt to dethrone the exciting duo.


As impressive as Whispered have been in their run thus far, Nakada and Hamada are an experienced tandem, and could pose the biggest threat yet to the champions, and there has also been worrying signs of decension of late between Zodiac and Talisman, with the younger member of the team beginning to show a selfish streak. A selfish streak that could threaten Whispered's teamwork and ultimately could cost them their championship.



~ True Spirit, Endless Grit~

Match 5 (45 Min Limit): All Asia Tag Team Championship:

'Udon Noodle Killers'- GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs

'Warriors of Tradition' Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa- V3 Defence


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DIASPORA_Tag.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DIASPORA_Tag.jpg

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GUSHIKEN.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChojiroOno.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyotaruIchigawa.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TaheijiEbisawa.jpg


The pairing of Hyotaru Ichigawa and Taheji Ebisawa, collectively known as the 'Warriors of Tradition' is a relatively new one, but their victory over previous title challengers Team Ganbatte! earned them a shot at the All Asia Tag champion- held by the Udon Noodle Killers.


The Kuro-Nadeshiko duo got the better of the former Guardians pair, in a recent set of six man tags but the former Heavyweight Champ Ichigawa and the young powerhouse Ebisawa, will be keen to prove that they can rise to the occasion when it truly matters and end the Udon Noodle Killers reign as All Asia Tag champions.



~Does the Wolf Bite Back?~

Match 4 (20 Min Limit): Grudge Challenge:

Dark Wolf II vs RIKU (Kuro-Nadeshiko)

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarkWolfII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RIKU.jpg

Dark Wolf II found himself on the end of a series of 'friendly fire' incidents from Soh Terajima, and challenged the 'Cloaked Assassin' to a loser leaves unit match. However despite dominating most of the match, and looking the more likely to secure victory, Kuro-Nadeshiko's newest recruit RIKU intefered and ultimately cost the 'Howling Menace' victory.


Dark Wolf II's dismissal from Kuro-Nadeshiko was further driven home, when Sairento approved a post match beat-down from Terajima and RIKU. In truth Sairento had never forgiven Dark Wolf II for disobeying orders in the Mascara Contra Caballera Cage Escape match at Flowers of Hell, by escaping the cage too early and perhaps the Kuro leader had been plotting Dark Wolf II's humilating exit since the very start of this tour.


Now Dark Wolf II is hell-bent on revenge against Kuro-Nadeshiko and his first target is the man who cost him almost certain victory against Soh-Terajima- the man known as 'the Virus' RIKU.


Will the 'Howling Menace' get instant revenge or will 'the Virus' place further humiliation on Dark Wolf II?



~Strong Friends, Stronger Opponents~

Match 3 (No Time Limit): 2/3 Falls Tag Team Challenge Match:

'Tokyo Wrecking Crew Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date (S.H.I.P) vs

'Team Ganbatte!!' Koto Arato & Go Takashi (S.H.I.P)

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OdaYamawaki.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroDate.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KotoArato.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoTakashi.jpg

The Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Team Ganbatte!! may be stable mates, but they are also very competitive and want to prove themselves to be the best Heavyweight Tag Team in DIASPORA. It also appears that Go Takashi is desperate to prove himself to be on the same level as the rest of his S.H.I.P stable mates and rise above his young lion status- feeling particularly slighted by Oda Yamawaki, something that has come to the fore in heated exchanges between the two both in the ring and backstage.


With things getting a little more heated beyond friendly competition between the two teams, a 2/3 falls match was put in place to prove who the strongest team is in S.H.I.P once and for all.



~ Who Calls The Wolfe ~

Match 2 (No Time Limit): For Ownership of Hunter Wolfe:

'MOE! MONEY!' Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro (Tuturu!) vs

'The Ambassadors Club' Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley


? http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HunterWolfe.jpg?


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeidoMachine.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HUSTLEUmiro.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EbiKadivar.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PaulCrowley.jpg

After Flowers of Hell, defeat for Junichi Matsuo and Hunter Wolfe meant that the pair were forced to join up with their conquerors and form the Tuturu! unit. Though Matsuo has ended up fully embracing being part of the quirky group, it appears Wolfe (who appears to have broken free of his 'Fuku Machine' alter ego) has not.


The Ambassadors Club who have been odds with MOE! MONEY! since their arrival in DIASPORA, feel that they can help Wolfe and that he should follow them instead and become their personal servant.


So a challenge was put in place, should MOE! MONEY! win then Wolfe is forced to stay with Tuturu! and permantly revert to being Fuku Machine, but should the Ambassadors Club win, then Wolfe becomes their personal servant.


The big question of course, is Hunter Wolfe really willing to join either team and let his fate be placed in the hands of DIASPORA's gathering of fruitcakes or a pair of pompous snobs.



~ Who Wins Golden Ticket?~

Match 1 (No Time Limit): 10 Man 'Roanapur Rumble' Elimination Gauntlet for a Super Junior Championship Title Shot:


Blood Spider Jr (Kuro-Nadeshiko), Hideaki Kasuse (The Forgotten),

Hiroto Nori (S.H.I.P), Incognito (Kuro-Nadeshiko), Junichi Matsuo (Tuturu!),

Kohei Hidaka (The Forgotten), Kotei Yamato (S.H.I.P),

Shintaro Hideki (S.H.I.P), Soh Terajima (Kuro-Nadeshiko), Xtinction






10 men step into the ring, hoping to earn a chance to challenge for the DIASPORA Super Junior Championship. For some it will represent another chance at glory, for others it provides an opportunity to earn their first chance at glory.


It has also emerged that the match will take place under 'Roanapur Rumble' rules instead of being a conventional over the top rope style battle royal. The 'Roanapur Rumble' means that eliminations can only take place by pinfall or submission and that there are also no count-outs for disqualifications- though all falls must take place inside of the ring.


Who will emerge from the chaos and earn their shot at becoming the Super Junior champion?



Match 0 (15 Min Limit): 4 Corner Survival:

Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs

Nyan Nyan Neko Man (Tuturu!) vs Yachi Kotara


This is the bonus match for the live crowd in attendance, and will not be broadcast on PPV.


Prediction's Form


Unit Leadership or Banishment: Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto


Super Junior Championship: Sairento vs Tian Long


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)


Dark Wolf II vs RIKU


2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Ownership of Hunter Wolfe: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Roanapur Rumble match for Super Junior title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse, Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo, Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato, Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara


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Unit Leadership or Banishment: Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto


Super Junior Championship: Sairento vs Tian Long


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)


Dark Wolf II vs RIKU


2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Ownership of Hunter Wolfe: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Roanapur Rumble match for Super Junior title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse, Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo, Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato, Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara

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Unit Leadership or Banishment: Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto

Guardians seems to be done either way so might as well kill them for good. Would be fun to see Minamoto trying to lead pretty much anyone considering his huge ego though. Hey, now that I think of it maybe Minamoto and Talisman could form a group just by themselves, with their ego´s they surely equal small army, right? :p


Super Junior Championship: Sairento vs Tian Long

Long will put-up a fight but that´s about all.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada

You aren´t going to put the titles on outsiders, so despite recent problems within Whispered they are going to retain here.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)

Not sure about this one as I kind of would like to see Noodle Killers having a longer reign but Ichigawa just lost twice in a row so he could use a win and tag title reign should be able to help Ebisawa too.

Dark Wolf II vs RIKU

Normally I would go with RIKU but Wolf is having Junior tag title shot likely against Sairento so I figure he stays strong here as losing to Sairento´s henchman wouldn´t help to build up the title match at all.


2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)

Sorry Takashi but you are the weak link.


Ownership of Hunter Wolfe: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)

Poor Wolfe, either way he´s screwed but lets keep that Fuku Machine gimmick alive.


Roanapur Rumble match for Super Junior title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse, Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo, Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato, Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction

I think I had said it before but I think it´s Nori´s turn to get the Junior title next and winning here would be a good starting point.


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara

Pretty much total coin flip. I go with Neko Man since he´s at least in a stable even if it is a comedy based midcard one.

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Unit Leadership or Banishment: Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto


Super Junior Championship: Sairento vs Tian Long


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)


Dark Wolf II vs RIKU


2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Ownership of Hunter Wolfe: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Roanapur Rumble match for Super Junior title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse, Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo, Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato, Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara

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nit Leadership or Banishment: Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto


Really not sure. I think it's more interesting to end GUARDIANS and let Minamoto start his own faction. the defeat can plunge Prime Dragon into self-doubt which he can emerge stronger from. I wonder if Minamoto wins with a little help from Talisman.


Super Junior Championship: Sairento vs Tian Long


I'm sure it'll be a good match, though. Long can pull out a few crafty moves to tease the upset before it's knee to the face time.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada


I sense shenanigans here. Maybe Minamoto comes out to distract NakaYama while "standing up" for DIASPORA, Talisman takes advantage and Zodiac is unhappy with how they win.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)


Ichigawa really needs the win here after those two losses.


Dark Wolf II vs RIKU


I think Dark Wolf is above RIKU and him winning means another KURO member will want to avenge the groups loss, keeping the program hot.


2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


I don't think this match is really about who wins. I think it's about Go Takashi gets some near falls and really pushes Yamawaki and Date, instead of just showing fighting spirit by getting beat up. Takashi finally looks like he's turning into a real threat and he gets the respect of TWC.


Ownership of Hunter Wolfe: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)


Ambassadors Club need a win. And it's more embarrassing to keep passing Wolf around from faction to faction. He'll go from Fuku Machine to Butler Wolf.


Roanapur Rumble match for Super Junior title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse, Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo, Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato, Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction


Nori has the most motivation. "Show your love by winning!"


Roanapur Rumble


Does that mean


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara

And he better use

as his theme song.


where everyone is dressed as Xtinction- the winner of the match is Xtinction!!


the funny thing is, as a fun one shot thing I could see this working. Not 20 man, but maybe ten . When an Xtinction is elminated he has to unmask. The fans could have fun trying to guess who was whom. And of course, for the required twist, the last Xtinction standing unmasks to reveal Minamoto, who was not even supposed to be in the match!

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Roanapur Rumble


Does that mean



You noticed my Black Lagoon reference :D. 9/10 in Tigerkinney's anime reviews. ;)


I was at comic-con in London last weekend, and someone was looking over the DVD's being sold at one of the stalls. I noticed he picked up Black Lagoon and was asking the seller about it, I told the potential purchaser that it was well worth picking up and paying full price for. :)


I must learn how to do those sort of links (Feel free to PM me how it's done).


Aiming to have the PPV up for next weekend (most likely Sunday)- so plenty of time for more people to get their predictions/opinions in.

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Unit Leadership or Banishment: Prime Dragon vs Eikichi Minamoto


Super Junior Championship: Sairento vs Tian Long


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruku Yamada


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)

Dark Wolf II vs RIKU


2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte!! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Ownership of Hunter Wolfe: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley)

Roanapur Rumble match for Super Junior title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse, Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo, Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato, Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara

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Never Dying Spirit


Sunday 27th May, Fukoaka City Arena, Fukoka, Kyushu (6'628- No Vacancy)


And broadcast across Japan via PPV Japan.



Match 0: Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs

Nyan Nyan Neko Man vs Yachi Kotara


After what had been an evenly contested back and forth match, Kotara took control around the six minute mark stunning Inokuma with a double knee backbreaker and then transitioning into the Bend of Will (Bow and Arrow Hold)....


Neko Man broke things up, and then planted Kotara with the Neko Dream Drop (Inverted DDT) only to suddenly take a cat-nap instead of following up with a pin. Shimizudani then came in to take advantage but got chop-blocked by Inokuma, who then applied the Python Vise to his former tag partner.


Neko Man awoke from his slumber and Kotara had also returned to his feet, but it was already too late as Shimizudani was tapping out.


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] + Nyan Nyan Neko Man + Yachi Kotara in 7:46 via submission (Python Vyse)


Rating: 51


Takayuki Balls: Neko-man's cat-nap spot is silly but it gave an otherwise paint by numbers pre-show match an amusing finish.




Main Show


The PPV broadcast begins with a video package outlining how the main event between Eikichi Minamoto and Prime Dragon has come about- chronicling Minamoto's descent into the arrogant jerk that he has become and how he manages to 'goad' Dragon into putting the leadership of the Guardians of DIASPORA on the line.....


then plays, as we get a full run-down of the card.


Rating: 80


Takayuki Balls: Simple and effective video package....a wise decision to concentrate on the main event as that is the match that has had the most build.




~Who Wins Golden Ticket?~

Match 1: 10 Man 'Roanapur Rumble' Eliminaton Gauntlet for Junior Title shot:

Blood Spider Jr, Hideaki Kasuse,

Hiroto Nori, Incognito, Junichi Matsuo,

Kohei Hidaka, Kotei Yamato,

Shintaro Hideki, Soh Terajima, Xtinction








Everyone is already in the ring, so we don't get full entrances for this match. As expected the match was absolute chaos right from the start, and it was difficult to follow all of the action taking place both inside and outside of the ring, but here are the highlights and eliminations.....


The S.H.I.P trio of Nori, Yamato and Hideki all do a trio of dives to the floor, taking out everyone else in the process.


At around the four minute mark, Kohei Hidaka is rolled into the ring and then taken out with a Keiyakusha (Superkick assisted German Suplex) from New Solution, and thus the first one to be eliminated from the match


Elimination #1: Kohei Hidaka in 3:57 via pinfall (Keiyakusha- Kotei Yamato).


Blood Spider Jr then looked set to suffer the same fate, only for Soh Terajima to intervene but then predictably get his Black Box superkicked into his face by Shintaro Hideki. Hideki however eats a Bala De Dios from Incognito, who then gets knocked down with a Flying Double Axe Handle from Kasuse only to then be taken down with a springboard Tornado DDT from Matsuo- who then gets planted with a Reverse STO from Nori. Xtinction comes along however and then plants Nori with the X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT) but Nori shows his fighting spirit by kicking out at two.


The match then soon breaks down to the the S.H.I.P and Kuro-Nadeshiko guys battling it out, with their fight soon spilling to the outside and Matsuo, Kasuse and Xtinction fighting it out in the ring.


Matsuo nails Kasuse and Xtinction with consecutive Tornado Kicks, but 'Everybody's Shadow manages to bail to the floor)..... Matsuo plants Kasuse with a Beetle Suplex for two and then goes up top. But 'Bitter Pill' rises back to his feet, and then sends Matsuo crashing back into the ring with the Graces Fate (Top rope hurranrana, rolled through into a rana pin)- only for 'Sexy Zone' to reverse it into the Fanservice (Double Leg Cradle Pin).....


And with that both members of The Forgotten have been eliminated from the match.


Elimination #2: Hideaki Kasuse in 5:58 via pinfall (Fanservice- Junichi Matsuo)


But Matsuo gets no respite, as Incognito sneak into the ring and then plants Matsuo with a Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep only for Nori to come along and send Incognito flying with a springboard missile drop-kick.


It appeared that on the outside the Kuro-Nadeshiko had gotten the better of the S.H.I.P trio, by taking better advantage of the new DQ rules- with perhaps Nori and New Solutions reluctance to rely on the plunder at their disposal hurting them in the process. Yamato in particular had taken it badly- being drilled with a double lifting DDT from the Salty-Delinquents and then drilled with a Tombstone Piledriver onto a chair by Incognito.


But Terajima then managed to sneak back in, and nail Nori with the Black Box and then follow that up with a low blow roll-up, but to the 'Cloaked Assassins' immediate frustration Nori manages to kick out. Terajima manages to get in another Black Box Shot however, and is then joined by Blood Spider Jr. Terajima holds Nori in place and the 'New Nightmare' spurts out Poison Mist only for Nori, to duck at the last split second and for the mist to end up in Terajima's face instead.


Shintaro Hideki then found his way to the ring, and you guessed it Superkicked Terajima's head off ! - Making the 'Cloaked Assassin' the third elimination from the match.


Elimination #3: Soh Terajima in 8:21 via pinfall (Superkick- Shintaro Hideki)


Just moments later Junichi Matsuo had returned to his feet nailing Blood Spider Jr with a Tornado Kick and then planting the 'New Nightmare' with a J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow), and just as both members of The Forgotten had been eliminated, both of the Salty Delinquents were vanquished.


Elimination #4: Blood Spider Jr in 8:39 via pinfall (J-Pop Powerplex- Junichi Matsuo)


Kotei Yamato comes back in and nails Matsuo with a flying fore-arm smash, but gets nailed with a spinning heel kick from Incognito. 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' then spikes Yamato with a poison rana, but his pin attempt is broken up with a low superkick from Hideki- who is clearly keen to keep his tag partner in the match alongside him. However Hideki then gets dropped with a springboard cutter from Matsuo. Nori nails 'Matsuo with a high kick to the back of the head and then plants 'Sexy Zone' with a Dragon Suplex....


Matsuo manages to stay alive by kicking out at two- all of a massive ladder appears at ringside and on top of it is Xtinction. The deranged mysterious masked man, then does a SUPER SPOT X !!! (Shooting Star Press) off the Ladder!


And manages to miss everyone else in the ring- falling flat on his face and practically 'killing himself' in the process. Xtinction somehow manages to muster up enough energy to roll out of the ring, but as soon as he hits the floor on the outside- it's clear that he's not moving and he's put on a stretcher.


Referee Sugimura' attention seems to be diverted- as he makes out that he is concerned for Xtincton's wellfare. The match is carrying on however and all of a sudden Terajima and Blood Spider Jr who had been eliminated from the match come back loaded with chairs, kendo-sticks and Terajima's old friend, the Black Box.


Matsuo and the three S.H.I.P members try to fight the Kuro-Nadeshiko trio off, and with extra numbers they manage to chase Blood Spider Jr and Terajima back out of the ring. But Yamato suddenly found himself nailed from behind by Incognito, who then planted 'Pin Point' with the INCOGNITO DRIVER (Snapmare Driver)..... Conveniently for Incognito right at that point Sugimura turned around and slapped the mat three times, to seal Yamato's exit from the match.


Elimination #5: Kotei Yamato in 11:47 via pinfall (Incognito Driver-Incognito)


Hideki then nails Incognito with a springboard Enziguri but then gets nailed with a Tornado Kick from Junichi Matsuo. 'Sexy Zone' then planted Hideki with a Falcon Arrow for a two count and then decided to head up top, only to then be sent crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana by Incognito. Hiroto Nori however then sends Incognito out of the ring with a drop-kick and then goes flying out of the ring with a somersault plancha.


Matsuo gets back up but staggers right into a Superkick from Hideki......



Mio Mio: This must be some kind of freaky nightmare, I thought this guy was dead. I keep telling you masked men are way too creepy..... and this proves it!


Howevever to everyone's shock Xtinction suddenly re-appears and plants 'Integral Prowess' with an X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT).....


Hideki somehow manages to kick out, Matsuo nails Xtinction with a Tornado Kick, and then plants Xtinction with a Falcon Arrow down upon Hideki. 'Sexy Zone' then went up and comes crashing down upon both Xtinction and Hideki with the HEAVY ROTATION (450 Senton)- leading to a simultaneous pin and ultimately a double elimanation!!


Eliminations #6 & #7: Xtinction + Shintaro Hideki in 14:02 via pinfall (Double pin, following Heavy Rotation- Junichi Matsuo).


Nori and Incognito are trading blows on the outside, so Matsuo decides to wipe them both out with a Corkscrew Plancha!


Matsuo pitches Incognito into the ring and then plants El Pesadilla Hermosa with a Brainbuster, before following up with a Corkscrew Moonsault for a two count. 'Sexy Zone' looks set to head up top, but then Nori comes into the ring and nails Matsuo with a running drop-kick. Nori places the dazed Matsuo onto the top-rope, and looked to be setting up for a superplex- only for Incognito to send Nori crashing into the ring with a slingshot poison rana!


Matsuo then goes for a Tornado DDT on Incognito, but it gets blocked and then countered into a Tombstone Piledriver....








Matsuo manages to kick out but remains rooted to the mat. Incognito goes out to the floor, to collect some plunder, but gets sent into the barricade with a baseball slide from Nori. Matsuo is back up and looks to be going for another plancha to the floor but receives a high kick to the head from the apron by Nori that sends 'Sexy Zone' staggering backwards, before Nori nails Matsuo with a springboard drop-kick. Corner to corner drop running drop-kick from Nori follows and Matsuo hits the deck. The S.H.I.P leader then heads up top and comes crashing down upon 'Sexy Zone' with the Flying Bonito (Sky Twister Press).....








It's down to the final two......


Elimination #8: Junichi Matsuo in 17:39 via pinfall (Flying Bonito- Hiroto Nori)


Incognito is back in the ring, and tries to take a chair shot at Nori, but 'Battle' manages to turn around and kicks the chair out of Incognito's hand, before peppering Incognito with the Endless Nori kick flurry- before drilling 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Brainbuster.


That gets a two count, before Nori lets Incognito stagger to his feet and then ensnare 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' in the Yakisoba (Tilt-A-Whirl Cross Armbreaker).....




But referee Sugimura hasn't noticed, as the Salty Delinquents are back again. An incensed Nori notices this and goes to pull Sugimura aside, but in the process send the dubious referee colliding into a Black Box wielding Soh Terajima.


Blood Spider Jr, comes into the ring and blows Poison Mist into Nori's face. The S.H.I.P leader then staggers right into a Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep from Incognito, and is then drilled into the mat with a Tombstone Piledriver.....


Sugimura then conveniently wakes up and goes to make the cover.....








Nori kicks out, much to Incognito's immediate frustration who then sets up for the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver) but 'Battle' manages to fight his way out of it, and looks to be countering into a Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO) only for 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' to get in blatant low blow with a kick to the groin......


Incognito then manages to get the INGOGNITO DRIVER (Snapmare Driver).....






'Come on Nori-chan get up, do it for me, do it for your Mio-Chan!'




Somehow those hysterical words of encouragement, managed to lead to 'Battle' managing to kick out much to Incognito's frustration. Nori then began to rally to his feet, but the weary S.H.I.P leader then got take down with a chop-block from 'El Pesadilla Hermosa'.....


Incognito then got in some stomps on Nori, before heading up top and then came crashing down upon 'Battle' with the SUSURRO DE LA MUERTE(630 Senton)






'Come on Nori-chan, GET UP! KEEP ON FIGHTING!' screamed Mio Mio




But this time her words were not enough to motivate Nori from being able to lift his shoulder off the mat.


is then heard over the speaker as Incognito is declared the winner, but the S.H.I.P leader will once again feel that he has been screwed over by Kuro-Nadeshiko's nefarious ways and once again Sugimura's refereeing practices will have to be brought into question. When is that Sugimura will be questioned on what is looking like biased towards Kuro-Nadeshiko and that the string of 'screw-ups' where their members are involved in matches, is looking less and less like co-incidence and more like pre-meditated favourtism.


Final Elimination: Hiroto Nori in 21:06 via pinfall (Susurro De La Muerte- Incognito)


Result: Incognito won a 10 Man Roanapur Rumble match in 21:06


Rating: 76

Mio Mio's Mochi: Aargh....I so want to give that Sugimura a slap right now, that old jerk has screwed my Nori-Chan again....the only one allowed to screw my Nori-Chan is ME!


Takayuki Balls: A wild and crazy match with the Roanapur Rumble Rules allowing for more freedom than a normal Battle Royal and thus much more suited to the skills of the high flying Junior Division wrestlers.


Post Match Comments:


Incognito (in Spanish): You are in the prescence of god like greatness....No one else could have won that match, other than I...the great Incognito.


Hiroto Nori: Once again I get screwed over by Kuro-Nadeshiko and that pathetic excuse of a 'referee'.....But I'll keep fighting, I'll keep fighting until justice prevails and Sairento and his band of brainless sheep are destroyed!



~Who Calls The Wolfe~

Match 2: Winner Gets Hunter Wolfe:

The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MeidoMachine.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HUSTLEUmiro.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EbiKadivar.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PaulCrowley.jpg


The Ambassadors Club are out first, giving off an air of pompous superiority, as they make their walk to the ring with

playing over the speakers. MOE! MONEY!'s energetic entrance that begins with a terrible HUSTLE Umiro attempt at this gangsta rap song, before merging into Meido's reworking of


The match begins with some even trade-offs between the two teams, until it seems the Tuturu! duo gain the advantage when HUSTLE levels Crowley with a lariat. HUSTLE then looked to be setting up for a Fireman's carry based move, only for Kavidar to get in a cheap shot from the apron. Crowley then planted HUSTLE with a Hammerlock DDT for a two count.


Ambassadors Club then took control, looking to wear HUSTLE down with double teams such as the Irish whip into a knee lift and a Backbreaker/Diving Knee Drop combo. Kavidar then applied a camel clutch as Crowley nailed HUSTE with a Basement drop-kick- that was then followed by a snap suplex from Crowley and then a Moonsault from Kavidar.....


HUSTLE managed to kick out at two, but then got caught in a crossface chickenwing from Crowley. HUSTLE looked to be fading, but then suddenly caught a glimpse of a Chocolate Parfait that Meido was preparing at ringside. The 'Ducker Diver' suddenly powered up and fought his way out of the Crossface Chickenwing before flinging Crowley across the ring with a release belly to belly suplex.


HUSTLE then got the tag to Meido Machine- who immediately climbed on the top turnbuckle and then after shouting out MEIDO BEAAAAMM!! nailed Kavidar who had just taken the tag from Crowley with a Missile Drop-Kick.


Before rolling Kavidar up into the Moe Moe Clutch (Double Leg Nelson Pin)....








Crowley managed to dive back in to make the save at the last split second. Referee Ochida sent Crowley back to his corner, but the brief distraction allowed for Kavidar to sneakily pull out the Forty Thieves (Low Blow Sunset Flip).....








Meido managed to kick out but remained in trouble, as Crowley was brought back into the ring. The 'New Prince of Old School' nailed Meido with a Knee Lift and then a European Uppercut before heading up to the second rope- but then the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' threw up the heart symbol- causing the now infamous 'moe time' time freeze.



Moe Time !


Meanwhile Hunter Wolfe the man the two teams are fighting off, makes his way down to ringside.


Meido then decides to tag out to HUSTLE- Crowley tries to nail the 'Ducker Diver' with At Her Majesties Pleasure (Diving European Uppercut) but HUSTLE manages to move out of the way and then after a stiff fore-arm shot, plants Crowley with a Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam before following in with a Corner Cannonball Splash.


HUSTLE drags a dazed Crowley out of the corner and then heads up top, before landing the Hustle To The Top (Diving Elbow Drop).....








Kavidar comes in to make the desperation save, but is cut off by Meido Machine. Before the Tuturu! pair combine on delivering their trademark stereo snap suplexes!










The Ambassadors Club managed to squirm their way out to the floor however to try and regroup but get wiped out with a tope con hilo from HUSTLE Umiro. Meido Machine then decides to head up top......



Wolfe- Not going to leave his fate down to chance


But right at that point Hunter Wolfe climbs onto the apron and pushes Meido off the top turnbuckle and to the floor. Wolfe isn't done - he drags Meido up to his feet and plants the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' with an X-Ploder Suplex on the floor! Has Hunter Wolfe just made it clear where his feelings lie?


Back in the ring HUSTLE plants Crowley with a Hustle Brother (Legsweep DDT) but is oblivious to Meido being taken out by Hunter Wolfe.








Kavidar breaks it up, and then plants HUSTLE with the Oil Money (Overdrive)- before laying Crowley (the legal man) atop of the 'Ducker Diver'








HUSTLE shows fighting spirit by kicking out, but then Crowley applies the Princes Lock (Arm Trap Crossface)


And with Meido still out of it on the floor, HUSTLE is left with no choice but to tap out- leading to the Ambassadors Club winning the services of Hunter Wolfe.


Post match the Ambassadors Club go to shake hands with Hunter Wolfe- Wolfe pulls Kavidar in and there is a brief moment where the crowd think that Wolfe may just turn on Kavidar, but instead Wolfe just gives the 'High Sheik' a hug......he then shakes hands with Crowley- and a new alliance is sealed.


Result: Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [w] bt Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro [L] in 9:38 via submission (Prince's Lock)


Rating: 62


Mio Mio's Mochi: Given the choice between someone's Butler and being forced to wear a schoolgirl uniform...I'd take the schoolgirl uniform, don't you think it would look.....


Oh what the question doesn't apply to me?!


Takayuki Balls: A fast paced and entertaining tag match, and we have some closure to the Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine split personality saga, though one suspects that this only serve as a catalyst for the lower midcard feud between Tuturu! and the Ambassadors Club to escalate further. And we still haven't found out as to why Wolfe developed the split personality in the first place.


Post Match Comments:



Ebi Kavidar (in English): Tuturu! we have released this man from the torture he was suffering at your hands, we give him new lease of life- He now serves men of dignity, not indignity



Ebi Kavidar (in English): You see with this beast now with us, we the Ambassdors Club have more power to enlighten the people.

Paul Crowley (in English): On the contrary my honorable friend, though we will need to teach the neanderthal some manners.




Meido Machine: Fuku....er wolfe....pains me to say it....we could have continued to have so much fun together, but you turn your back on us and decided to go into service for them instead. We treated you so well, and this is the thanks we get. Oh well, we will continue to have lots of fun without you and when you come begging back to us, the door may not be open for you.




~Strong Friends, Stronger Opponents~

Match 3: 2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs

Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_OdaYamawaki.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroDate.jpg





comes from the speakers of the Fukuoka City Arena, as Team Ganbatte! make their way to the ring with Takashi looking intensely focused as he makes his way to the ring. The heavy techno-rock of
is then blasted out over the speakers and out comes Team Ganbatte's stable mates but the team they will be facing tonight the Tokyo Wrecking Crew.


There a hanshakes at the start of the match, though Takashi seems a little reluctant to go through with the ritual- only doing so after Arato has a word in his ear. In fact Arato seeing that Takashi is perhaps too wound up- tells his partner to go to the corner and that he will start the match.


It's Arato and Date to start and they go toe to toe with some fore-arm shots....Arato's size and power begins to earn an advantage but Date is smart enough to realise that and backs away before tagging in Yamawaki.


Takashi wants in, but Arato tells him to calm down and that he handle it, but Yamawaki takes advantage of the brief distraction and nails 'Strong Dreamer' with a Drop-Kick. Arato shakes it off but then gets rocked with a leaping lariat. Arato still manages to stay on his feet but gets taken down with a basement drop-kick and is then dragged over into the Wrecking Crew's corner.


TWC work over Arato in the corner, mostly targetting the back of the former Heavyweight Champion, a double team high angle belly to back suplex brings a two count for the former All Asia Tag champions- before Date applies Date With Pain (Elevated Boston Crab).....


But despite the punishment Arato had been taking, he managed to power his way out of the submission hold and then flung Date overhead with a Release Belly to Belly Suplex. But 'Strong Dreamer' then collapsed to the mat, and worn down began to crawl towards his corner where a extremely fired up Takashi was chomping at the bit to get in the ring....


Unfortunately for Team Ganbatte! Date got to Yamawaki first and with a chop block to Arato, prevented Strong Dreamer from making the tag- an incensed Go Takashi try to make it into the ring but was held back by referee Ochida. Yamawaki then tried to apply a single leg Boston Crab to Arato but again 'Strong Dreamer' managed to power out only to have his legs taken out again with a Basement Drop-Kick. Yamawaki then decided to go up top and came crashing down upon Arato with a Frog Splash


But 'Strong Dreamer' managed to get his knees up winding Yamawaki in the process, before finally getting Takashi tagged into the match. 'Nippon Hart' nails Yamawaki with a Front Drop-Kick and then follows that up with a Flapjack, before planting 'Fearless' with a Belly to Back Suplex....






Yamawaki kicks out, but Takashi keeps the pressure on whipping Yamawaki into the corner but 'Fearless' gets his feet up as 'Nippon Hart' charges into the corner. Yamawaki then took down Takashi with One Handed Bull Dog only for Takashi to leap right back up.


Yamawaki however then planted Takashi with an STO, before getting the tag to Hiro Date. Takashi staggers back to his feet, but is then dumped with an Exploder Suplex from the 'Stampeding Bull'






Takashi shows fighting spirit by kicking out but then gets caught in a sleeper hold by Date, but 'Nippon Hart' manages to fight it off and then manages to scoop Date upon his shoulders before dumping the 'Stampeding Bull' with a Death Valley Driver.....






Date kicks out but is then scooped up by Takashi, who then makes the 'Stampeding Bull' endure the Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing).....


'Nippon Hart' then staggers back to his corner and tags in Koto Arato- who then levels a disorientated Hiro Date with an Arato-Lariat








Date kicks out and rises to his feet, only for Arato to apply a waistlock......but Date manages to fight is way out of the German Suplex attempt and then incredibly musters up the strength to dump Arato with the REJECTION II (Backdrop Suplex).....








Date just didn't quite have the strength to maintain the bridge and keep Arato's shoulders pinned to the mat.


Date makes a tag to Oda Yamawaki- who decides to climb up top and go for a Diving Cross Body on Arato, only to get caught and then planted with a Side-Slam Backbreaker. Before tagging in Takashi, who heads up top as Arato then sets up for a Powerbomb....


DEATH BY HONOR! (Powerbomb/Flying Neckbreaker Combo)








Date makes a desperation save, but is then sent out of the ring by Arato, who then drops to the floor himself- as Takashi scoops Yamawaki upon his shoulders in the ring but Yamawaki manages to slip off and then plant Takashi with an STO. Yamawaki then decided to head up top, only for 'Nippon Hart' to rise to his feet.....


Takashi then attempted to bring Yamawaki crashing back in with a superplex but got shoved back to the mat and then levelled with a FEARLESS (Flying Clothesline).....








Takashi showed incredible fighting spirit by kicking out.....Yamawaki briefly looks shocked but then begins to set up for the TOKYO TOWER (Vertical Suplex Side Slam) but Takashi blocks, scoops Yamawaki upon his shoulders and then dumps 'Fearless' with the DRRR!!! (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).....






Three !!


Go Takashi had just put Team Ganbatte!! up a fall in this contest. And everyone in the arena, including Takashi himself were overcome with brief shock, at the breakthrough.


Fall #1: Go Takashi over Oda Yamawaki via pinfall in 12:47 (DRRR!!!)


Tokyo Wrecking Crew 0- Team Ganbatte!! 1


Takashi however seemed to be in a bit of a daze over his achievement and Hiro Date took full advantage of that by turning Takashi inside out with a Spear. Date then got himself offically tagged in and after delivering a clubbing blow to Takashi's back applied a waistlock and then dumped 'Nippon Hart' with a German Suplex.....






Takashi again showed great fighting spirit by kicking out, but then got turned over into the Date with Pain (Elevated Boston Crab)......


Date had the hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and Takashi looked to be on the verge of tapping, but all of a sudden 'Nippon Hart' dug into his reserves of fighting spirit once more and managed to battle his way to the ropes.


Then after the rope-break Takashi takes down Date with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip before turning the 'Stampeding Bull' over into the DOLLARS (Inverted Cloverleaf).....


Date tries to shift himself and Takashi to the ropes, but 'Nippon Hart' holds firm- with Date looking to be on the verge of tapping.....


Yamawaki makes a desperate intervention with some kicks to the chest of Takashi- forcing 'Nippon Hart' to release the submission and prevent the Tokyo Wrecking Crew from losing the match in two straight falls. Yamawaki is quickly sent back to his corner, as referee Ochida tries to maintain control.


Both Date and Takashi wearily get back to their feet, exchange some fore-arm shots- before having an in-ring collision when both use the ropes to build up some momentum. Both then looked to tag in their partners....Date gets to Yamawaki first but then Takashi get's the tag to Koto Arato.


Arato levels Yamawaki with an Arato-Lariat and then dumps 'Fearless' with a Release Belly to Belly Suplex....Yamawaki pulls himself up in the corner, only to be nailed with a Running Hip Attack from Arato.


Arato spins Yamawaki round, applies a Half Helson and then dumps 'Fearless' with the ARATO SUPLEX (Half Nelson Suplex).....








Despite being incredibly worn down Date knowing how desperate the situation is, breaks into the ring to make the save, but quickly gets sent out to the floor by Arato. 'Strong Dreamer' turns his attention back to Yamawaki but gets taken by surprise with a basement drop-kick- thats sends the former heavyweight champion down to his knees. But Arato manages to recover and then tags Takashi back into the match- before Team Ganbatte! combined on a chop block/lariat combo to Yamawaki.








Yamawaki showed fighting spirit by kicking out


Takashi then signalled that he was going to deliver another DRRR!! (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver) to Yamawaki- but before he could do so 'Fearless' delivered a kick into Takashi's mid-section and then planted Takashi with a Falcon Arrow.


Takashi still managed to get the tag to Arato though, before Yamawaki could tag out to Date....but 'Fearless' ducked an Arato-Lariat and then rocked 'Strong Dreamer' with a leaping fore-arm smash- which provided enough seperation for Yamawaki to get the tag to Date....but instead of simply rolling out of the ring Yamawaki climbed up top and then rocked Arato with a missile drop-kick before Date followed up with a spear!








Arato managed to kick out, but then got dumped with a Double Team High Angle Belly to Back Suplex- before Yamawaki tagged in again and then headed up for the top turnbuckle again, this time crashing down upon Arato with a Frogsplash.....








Arato manages to kick out, but is soon pole-axed with a chop-block/spear combo from the Wrecking Crew......








This time Takashi broke into the ring to make a last ditch save, so that Team Ganbatte! could stay ahead in the match. A worn down Arato then levelled both of the TWC with a Double Arato-Lariat but was too worn down to carry on with anything else and simply looked to tag back out to Go Takashi.


Takashi then took down Yamawaki and Date with consecutive leaping lariats, before planting Yamawaki with a Headless Ride (Running Neckbreaker) only for Date to utilise the spear to great effect once again and turn Takashi inside out.


Date then hooked the right leg of a winded Takashi and then drilled 'Nippon Hart' with the REJECTION (Fisherman Brainbuster).....








Date had managed to level things up for the Tokyo Wrecking Crew, and then tagged in Oda Yamawaki........

Fall #2: Hiro Date over Go Takashi via pinfall in 19:53 (Rejection)


Tokyo Wrecking Crew 1- Team Ganbatte-1


However instead of going out of the ring, Date set Takashi upon his shoulders into the Electric Chair Position......


SKY TREE!! (Doomsday Device)






Arato comes in to make the save, but gets cut off by Date




And within the space of a minute the Tokyo Wrecking Crew had turned things round and won the match!


Final Fall: Oda Yamawaki over Go Takashi via pinfall in 20:44 (Sky Tree)


Tokyo Wrecking Crew 2- Team Ganbatte!! 1


Team Ganbatte!! had put a great fight and could have won this by two straight falls at one point but in the end the Tokyo Wrecking Crew's extra experience as a team perhaps provided the edge in deciding this contest.


Post match Yamawaki lifts Takashi to his feet......and then offers a handshake. Takashi is wondering if Yamawaki is still mocking him, but then can see in Yamawaki's eyes that he has won his respect- before the two then hug.....


The four then raise each others arms aloft in the ring, proud of the effort of both teams.


Result: Oda Yamawaki [w] & Hiro Date bt Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 20:44 by two falls to one.


Rating: 80

Mio Mio's Mochi: Oh poor Takashi-san, from hero to zero in the space of a minute.


Takayuki Balls: These four put on a show stealing performance, showing off some great tag team wrestling and providing a compelling story. That story was centred round Takashi, who almost won the match for Team Ganbatte!! getting the first fall and then almost getting the second, when Date was on the verge of tapping out. Ultimately it was Takashi who lost with two falls in very quick succession but his performance won him newfound respect.


Post Match Comments:


Go Takashi: Sorry Arato-san, I showed that I was the weak-link again today...I'll do better next time....


Koto Arato: You've got nothing to be ashamed about, you showed everyone out there tonight how good you are...


Oda Yamawaki: Arato-san's right, you really proved yourself tonight, you pinned me for a start.


Koto Arato: Yeah hold your head up high Takashi-san, you did well tonight

Go Takashi: OK, I'm going to continue to do my best....but promise me one thing Yamawaki-san, promise me you'll go on and win the Tag Titles and bring them home to S.H.I.P


Oda Yamawaki: Whether it will be the Udon Noodle Killers or the Warriors that we face, we know that they will not provide a tougher challenge than Team Ganbatte!




~Does The Wolf Bite Back?~

Match 4: Dark Wolf II vs RIKU


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarkWolfII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RIKU.jpg


'One Reason' plays over the speakers, and Dark Wolf II makes his way down to the ring.

then starts playing and RIKU begins to lumber his way down to the ring, but Dark Wolf II rushes out of the ring and the two former allies begin to brawl on the entrance ramp.


Emotion it has to be said got the better of the 'Howling Menace' as brawling on the outside, played into RIKU's hands- who managed to goozle Wolf and deliver a chokeslam onto some steel steps. The match then officially got under way, but RIKU soon chucked Dark Wolf II out to the floor to continue the assault on the outside.


RIKU continued to methodically stomp away on the 'Howling Menace' making sure to intermittenly break the count, before sending Dark Wolf II flying into the crowd with a Jumping Knee Strike.


RIKU then pulled a table out from under the ring, and began to set it up, but then Dark Wolf II came soaring back, jumping off the top of the guard-rail to nail RIKU with a flying fore-arm smash. The 'Howling Menace' then tried to pitch 'the Virus' into the ring but was met with a knee to the gut and then planted with a Pumphandle Slam on the ring apron.


RIKU then placed Dark Wolf II onto the table, and then climbed up the turnbuckles, but the 'Howling Menace' managed to pick himself up off the table, and then send RIKU crashing back into the ring with a Frankensteiner.


Dark Wolf II then continued to pick up momentum by leveling RIKU with a lariat. 'The Virus' stayed on his feet, but got taken down with a basement drop-kick and was then nailed with the WOLF'S CALL (Sliding Lariat Pin).....








RIKU managed to use his long legs to get a foot onto the bottom rope much to Dark Wolf II's frustration. 'The Howling Menace' then decided to head up top, but RIKU managed to roll out to the floor, only for Dark Wolf II to climb down and then wipe RIKU out with a Tope Con Hilo.


Dark Wolf II then peppered RIKU with some fore-arm smashes before placing RIKU on the table, 'the Virus' had set up at ringside. The 'Howling Menace' rolled back into the ring and then immediately headed for the top turnbuckle.


WOLF'S RAIN (Diving Elbow Drop) onto the the table....


But RIKU move's out of the way at the last split second and the 'Howling Menace' goes crashing through the wood.


RIKU then pitches a dazed Dark Wolf II back into the ring, and then taunts the 'Howling Menace' to get up before stringing together the RIKU RUSH (One Handed Bulldog followed by a Knee Strike rebounding of the ropes).....








Dark Wolf II manages to find the fighting spirit to kick out, but soon finds himself hoised up into the air in an Inverted Crucifix....


CRUSNIK BOMB (Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb)








Dark Wolf II was unable to get his revenge, as RIKU emerged with his most significant victory thus far in a DIASPORA ring.


Result: RIKU [w] bt Dark Wolf II [L] in 9:35 via pinfall (Crusinik Bomb)


Rating: 60


Mio Mio's Mochi: Have I mentioned before this RIKU weirdo gives me the creeps- I hate masks, but in his case he should probably wear one. It would be the lesser of two evils.


Takayuki Balls: Not one for the purists, but this was a decent 'garbage' brawl and a solid midcard contest. RIKU might be a slight surprise going over, as Dark Wolf II does have a Junior title shot in his pocket but overness levels were about the same, and I felt that RIKU needed a solid win, against a respectable opponent to have him looking a threat.


Post Match Comments:


RIKU: Those who do not believe in Kuro-Nadeshiko, shall pay the price. My master has given me a devine mission, I shall not rest until the blood has been drained from those that oppose us.



~True Spirit, Endless Grit~

Match 5: All Asia Tag Team Championship:

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono) vs

Warriors of Tradition (Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DIASPORA_Tag.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DIASPORA_Tag.jpg


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GUSHIKEN.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChojiroOno.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyotaruIchigawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TaheijiEbisawa.jpg



'Shigurui' plays and the Warriors of Tradition head to the ring, looking intensely focused ahead of their challenge for the All Asia Tag titles.

is then blasted out over the speakers and the defending champions the Udon Noodle Killers march their way down the entrance ramp.


After the in-ring introductions are done the UNK try to jump the Warriors before the bell has even rung, but the challengers are ready for it and a back and forth brawl that soon spills to the floor sparks off. Ebisawa and GUSHIKEN bring it into the ring and the bell rings to offically begin the match.


Ebisawa manages to hold his own against GUSHIKEN in the ring, whilst Ichigawa nails Ono with a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) on the outside, and is then able to help Ebisawa take down GUSHIKEN with a double drop toe, Ebisawa then drops an elbow on GUSHIKEN as the Warriors take control.


The challengers work over GUSHIKEN in their corner. Ebisawa hits a running corner splash, before combining with Ichigawa to dump 'Great Thunder' with a double team belly to back suplex for a two count. GUSHIKEN then gets taken down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip from Ichigawa and is then turned over into a cloverleaf.


GUSHIKEN powers out of submission but gets, taken down with another Dragon Screw. He manages to rise to his feet but stumbles into a Uranage from Ebisawa for a two count- before being turned over into the Okinawan Crab (Reverse Boston Crab)....


'Great Thunder' manages to power his way to the ropes, and then manages to keep referee Sugimura distracted whilst Ono sneaked into the ring and nailed Ebisawa with a clothesline to the back of the head. Ono then knocked Ichigawa off the apron- before Ebisawa then got nailed with a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash)


Ebisawa managed to kick out, but the match had now done a full 180, and it was now the champions working over Ebisawa in their corner. A double team Uranage followed by a Press Slam from Ono brought a two count, before GUSHIKEN then planted 'Forceful Dagger with the GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver).....






Seeing how desperate the situation was Ichigawa came in to make the save, but then got cut off by Ono, who whipped 'White Light' into the corner- the UNK then went for stereo corner splashes only for Ichigawa and Ebisawa to move out of the way at the last split second and then hit running charging elbow strikes to their opponents in the opposite corner. Ichigawa and Ebisawa then delivered stereo mounted punches to the champions, only for the UNK to shake it off, and for them to both get caught in the powerbomb position


But both of the Warriors then managed to counter into victory rolls, before transitioning into stereo submissions- Ebisawa with the Okinawan Crab on GUSHIKEN and Ichigawa with an STF on Ono.


But referee Sugmiura, waved both of the submissions off- stating that he did not know who the legal men were. An incensed Ebisawa got in Sugimura's face, but that left Ichigawa exposed to a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Strike), before 'White Light' was then dumped with a Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb) from Ono.


Ichigawa was then shoved out of the ring, before Ebisawa was then levelled with a clothesline from Ono, and then dumped after a GUSHIKEN Series (Triple Rolling German Suplex)....








Ebisawa showed heart by kicking out, but then GUSHIKEN looked to be setting up for a GUSHIKEN Firebomb but Ebisawa found the fighting spirit to battle his way out of trouble, nailing 'Great Thunder' with a flurry of fore-arm shots and then building up enough momentum to send GUSHIKEN flying with a Dozer (Spear)....


Ebisawa then looked to make the tag to Ichigawa, but unfortunately for Ebisawa, Ono had sneaked round and got in some cheap-shots on 'White Light'. GUSHIKEN then managed to get the tag to Ono, who then took down Ebisawa with a clothesline before going for the Tsunami (Big Splash)....


Ono however missed his target and Ebisawa was finally able to get the tag to Ichigawa. Ichigawa nails Ono with a Discus Elbow and then follows up with a Decaptitor (Running Bicyle Kick)


But 'Epic Tsunami' stay on his feet and then levels Ichigawa with a clothesline. Ono then sets up for a Powerbomb but then suddenly finds himself caught in a Crucifix Arm Bar......


Ono sinks to his feet in agony, but just as it looks like he is about to tag out GUSHIKEN comes in to make the save. Ebisawa comes in , and all four men are brawling in the ring...'Forceful Dagger' lines up for a Dozer (Spear) on GUSHIKEN but 'Great Thunder' manages to shove Ichigawa in harms way and Ebisawa ends up accidentally nailing his own tag partner.....


Ebisawa is then nailed from behind by Ono....and then dumped with the UDON NOODLE DEATH DROP (Flapjack/Cutter Combo)...


Ebisawa's not the legal man,as he never actually tagged in but Sugimura completely ignores that fact.....








The Udon Noodle Killers reign as All Asia Tag Team champions continues.


Result: GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 11:28 via pinfall (Udon Noodle Death Drop)


Udon Noodle Killers make V3 Defence of the All Asia Tag Team titles.


Rating: 60


Mio Mio's Mochi: Please explain why this old fool still has a job, he's continued to show himself to be completely incompetent time and time again....it beggars belief!


Takayuki Balls: We all knew that the TWC/Ganbatte! tag match was going to be the better of the two heavyweight tags and well we're probably all wishing that one was for the title right now. The Warriors feel like a part-time stop gap for Ichigawa (whilst Minamoto ducks him) and wrestle like two individuals put together, whilst the champions are limited. UNK won here because they are the more regular team, but there reign as champions hasn't been all that inspiring thus far. Considering how limited the whole division is, unification down the road for the tag belts has crossed my mind.


Post Match Comments:


GUSHIKEN: Another team fed to us, another team destroy


Chojiro Ono: Who ever they feed us, we feast on them

GUSHIKEN: Whether your trying for the first time or trying again and again.....


UNK Together: You're gonna get CHOMPED!!




Taheji Ebisawa: Ichigawa-san, sorry for what happened out, there, it was an accident....honest....it was....please.....


Hyotaru Ichigawa: Ebisawa-san enough already, learn from this mistake and move on, a warrior must not dwell on the past. Look forward to your next battle and continue to bring your strongest fight.



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~Dragon Invasion~

Match 6: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs

Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Zodiac.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Talisman.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/AkitoNakada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HarukoYamada.jpg


The Challengers from Dragon Pro Wrestling Nakada and Yamada head to the ring first, with their theme

played over the speakers- to a neutral reaction from the fans- that is until they flip them off and the reaction goes from neutral to negative.


'Joint' then comes on and the champions make their way to the ring- receiving plenty of cheers in the process.


The Dragon Pro duo continue to act in a jerk like manner during the in-ring introductions getting in the champions faces, trying to grab the belts before the match has even begun.


They do some chain wrestling exchanges to start- Whispered come out on top, and the frustrated challengers step out of the ring to regroup. Zodiac looks like he is about to go for a somersault plancha- but then puts the brakes on when he see's Nakada and Yamada move out of harms way.


Nakada steps back into the ring, but Zodiac continues to be a step ahead with a series of arm-drags. Nakada however manages to get the tag out to Yamada who runs right into a spinning head-scissors facebuster. Yamada manages to kick out, but is then whipped into the corner and gets nailed with a somersault back elbow from Zodiac. 'Innovatons God' then applies a full nelson and dumps Hamada with a Dragon Suplex....






Nakada decides to intervene and breaks up the pin, but gets nailed with an Enziguri- however the distraction provides enough of an opening for Hamada to drop-kick Zodiac from behind. Zodiac drops onto the ropes and Nakada nails 'Innovation's God' with a running knee to the face, whilst Yamada nails Zodiac with a Leapfrog Body Guillotine.


That suddenly puts the challengers in control, they put the boots to Zodiac in the corner before Nakada brings him out with snapmare, before Hamada follows up with a basement drop-kick to the face. Nakada then follows up with a slingshot leg-drop for a two count.


Hamada scoops Zodiac up and drills 'Innovations God' with a Brainbuster for a two count, before placing delivering a pendulum backbreaker to Zodiac, whilst Nakada came off the top-rope with a diving knee drop.


That gets a two count- Nakada then signals for the Nakada Driver (Cross Legged Fisherman Buster), but Zodiac manages to block and counters into a Fisherman Buster of his own. Zodiac then looked to get the tag to Talisman but Hamada then rushed out of the corner and clipped Zodiac from behind with a chop block. Talisman then protested this to referee Ochida, but that only served to divert the referees attention away from Yamada continually putting the boots to Zodiac.


The Dragon Pro duo then combined on a flip neckbreaker (Nakada) into a double knee gutbuster (Yamada), before Ochida finally stopped arguing with Talisman and turned his attention back to the match.








Zodiac managed to kick out but remained in trouble, and Yamada placed 'Innovations God' upon his shoulders in a backbreaker rack..... as the challengers looked to set up for their signature double team the SEKIREI '10


Nakada then springboarded in off the top-rope with a flying knee, but failed to connect, as Zodiac countered with a crucifix bomb.....






Zodiac saw that Nakada was about to try and break up the pin, and the Dragon Pro man ended up booting his own partner. Zodiac then took down both of the challengers with a spinning head-scissors/Tornado DDT combination and he was finally able to get the tag to Talisman. 'The Second Coming' takes down the Dragon Pro duo with consecutive spinning sit out sleeper slams. Nakada manages to roll out of the ring, but Yamada doesn't manage to escape and gets taken down with a Standing Shiranui.....






Yamada kicks out, but then gets planted with a spinning headscissors facebuster from Talisman.....








Another kick out from Yamada, but he remains rooted to the mat this time, and Talisman decides to head up top, only for Nakada to move across the apron and then grab hold of Talisman's leg. The 'Second Coming' shakes him off, but it provides enough for a distraction for Yamada to recover and bring Talisman crashing back into the ring with a Butterfly Superplex!


Yamada is up first and nails Talisman with a running knee strike.....He then picks up a dazed Talisman and points to the corner, before setting Talisman up for the YAMADA BOMB (Turnbuckle Powerbomb).....


But Yamada clearly didn't do his homework, because everyone knows by now that you shouldn's try to powerbomb Talisman.....


HIGURASHI! (Front Flip Facebuster)......








Nakada manages to make the desperation save, but is then drop-kicked out of the ring by Zodiac, who then wipes Nakada out with a No Hands Somersault Plancha.


Talisman decides to head up top again, and comes crashing down upon Yamada with the GOLDEN IDOL (Shooting Star Press)....


But Yamada had obviously done his scouting on this move of Talisman's, as he managed to get his knees up......


Yamada then rolled Talisman up with a school-boy....






Talisman kicked out, bu then got taken down with a chop block from Yamada who then put Talisman in an Ankle Lock- the 'Second Coming' managed to roll out of it however.....But Yamada was then able to get a tag to Nakada, who then nailed Talisman with the SEKIREI '88 (Springboard Flying Punch)








Talisman kicked out, but remained in trouble, and soon found himself drilled into the canvas with a NAKADA DRIVER (Cross Legged Fisherman Buster).....








Zodiac broke back into the ring to make the save....


Nakada tosses Zodiac from the ring, but then gets taken down with a spinning sit out sleeper slam from Talisman, who then musters up the energy to get the tag to his partner. Nakada gets taken down with a spinning headscissors from Zodiac, and as he gets back to his feet staggers into a boot to the gut, before being planted with the ZODIAC SNIPER '98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb).....








Yamada dives in to make the save, and then stuns Zodiac with a falling double knee backbreaker. Nakada then manages to get the tag to Yamada. Yamada taunts the crowd and then sets up for a vertical suplex but his posturing, allowed for Zodiac to return to his senses and counter with a Stunner!


Talisman is poised for a springboard drop-kick and the champions combine with a Spinning Leg-sweep/Springboard drop-kick combo....








Nakada makes the save, but then gets nailed with a double Enziguri. The champions turn their attention back to Yamada who is still down....


STEINS GATE! (Wheelbarrow dropped into a Double Knee Gutbuster)....








The Dragon Pro duo put up a strong challenge but Whispered were once again able to win the day, and despite some recent differences of opinion showed to everyone that they can still function very well as a team!


Result: Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada [L] in 14:34 via pinfall (Steins Gate)


Whispered make V6 Defence of the the DIASPORA Junior Tag Team Championship


Rating: 74


Mio Mio's Mochi: Tell me why are the crowd, cheering the masked guys so much. They're wearing masks, and in my view if you wear a mask, your hiding something...and if you're hiding something that makes you suspicious.....REALLY suspicious.


Takayuki Balls: Good Junior division tag match, but I don't think anyone was really buying the outsiders winning here, no matter how 'close' it looked like they could come to winning. We made the decision to put the Guardians drama aside, with the Dragon-Pro guys agreeing to play the de-facto heels in this match, in the role of invaders.


Post Match Comments:


Talisman: All this talk, about how Zodiac I weren't seeing eye to eye, and how we are no longer functioning as a team.....well we showed tonight that we are still very much a team!


Zodiac: You must admit though Talisman-san that your actions prior to this match, have been questionable though....


Talisman: Oh come on Zodiac, why even bring that up...we won right...so lets celebrate just how great we are!


Zodiac: Remember that over-confidence can lead to failure, please remain focused.....


Talisman: I'm always focused, but come on .... we're fantastic, why shouldn't we embrace the awesome that is us!



~Do I Fight For Glory~

Match 7: Super Junior Championship:

Sairento vs Tian Long




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Sairento.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TianLong.jpg


of Tian Long can be heard, and the 50 year old veteran makes his way down to the ring- reaction from the crowd is hardly positive but it is in comparison to the man he will be facing for the Super Junior Championship- as the jeers can be heard as soon as '
' can be heard over the speakers and Sairento takes his creepily robotic like walk down to the entrance ramp.


In a match between two members of Kuro-Nadeshiko who do the crowd support?, and there is an atmopshere that the pair might turn th contest into a farce with Long deciding to take 'Team Orders' and simply move aside for Sairento.


As the bell rings to start that match, that unfortunately look like it might be the case- as Sairento makes a throat-slash gesture and then points towards the entrance ramp. Practically telling Long to absorb the count-out loss or face a major beat-down. The Imperial One does what he's told and heads up the entrance ramp- to a chorus of jeers and boos from the fans, who feel well and truly cheated.


However with Sairento's back turned, Long heads back up the entrance ramp, sneaks into the ring and then chop blocks the champion from behind. Sairento gets back to his feet but is taken down with another chop block from Long. Though Long made a sneak attack on Sairento, the crowd are fully behind him for not throwing the match, and the fact that his opponent is Sairento.


Sairento rises to his feet again, but each time gets taken down with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, but the 'Silent Reaper' then manages to roll out to the floor, to try and re-group. Long is patient enough for Sairento to get back into the ring, ducks a Yakuza Kick and then takes down Sairento with yet another 'Dragon Screw' before following up with a Senton Splash upon Sairento's legs.


The 'Imperial One' then decides to put Sairento in a Figure Four Leglock. Sairento manages to muster up the willpower though to fight his way out of it, nailing Long with a series of stiff fore-arms to force the Imperial One to release the submission hold. But once again Long is able to take Sairento back off his feet, this time with a basement drop-kick. Long waits for Sairento to rise back to his feet and applies a Reverse Goozle, before planting the 'Silent Reaper' with a Reverse Chokeslam Facebuster.


With Sairento planted to the mat, Long then decided to head for the top turnbuckle, but Sairento then sat right back up in that eerie fashion, everyone has come accustomed to seeing and that could only mean bad news for the 'Imperial One'.....


Sairento shook the ropes, causing Long to fall into a tree of woe position before Sairento , proceeded to stomp away on Long in the corner. Sairento then gingerly climbed up the top turnbuckle and Long tried to pull himself away from being trapped in the tree of woe, but he was unable to do so before the 'Silent Reaper' delivered a Double Stomp.


Sairento then planted Tian Long's face into the canvas with a Kuro Stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp), before whipping Long back into the turnbuckle and once agian playing the 'Imperial One' in the tree of woe. Sairento then delivered a facewash, but it was clear he was still hobbled from having his legs worked over, and Long was able to escape the tree of woe and took out Sairento off his feet again with another basement drop-kick.


Long then pulled Sairento towards the corner and wrapped Sairento's legs around the ring post, before going to the outside, and applying a ring-post figure four leg. Referee Sugimura urging Long to release the illegal hold before the count of five. The Imperial One duly does that, and then pulls Sairento into the ring- before waiting for the 'Silent Reaper' to hobble to his feet.....Long then applies a Full Nelson and looks set to deliver a Dragon Suplex, but Sairento manages to fight his way out, force a standing switch and then suddenly put Long into a Sleeper Hold.....


But the 'Imperial One' manages to fight his way out, judo throwing Sairento the mat, and then floating into the DYNASTY Lock (Inverted STF)....


Long has the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and Sairento is struggling to get out of it....


It actually looks like the 'Silent Reaper' is fading.....


Sugimura raises the arm once.....


No response.....


Sugimura raises the arm again......


Still nothing........


Sugimura raises it a third time.......


Sairento looks to be out......


But Sugimura isn't calling for the bell......


Tian Long is wondering why the hell not, and releases hold to confront Sugmura.....


Sairento was 'playing dead' all along and he low blows the 'Imperial One'.....


The 'Silent Reaper' then delivers another Kuro-Stomp and then drills Long with a Brainbuster.....


Sairento isn't done though, he lifts Long up into a Crucifx and then plants the 'Imperial One' with a Crucifix Powerbomb. The 'Silent Reaper' decides against going for a cover however, and looks to be lining up for the ABSOLUTE TERROR (Front Knee Strike to the Face)......


But Sairento's wheels still aren't too good, and Long see's it coming blocking the knee strike and then countering into another Dragon Screw Leg-Whip.


Long then lifts Sairento up of the mat, and appears to be setting up for the EMPEROR DRIVER (Sit out Side Powerslam) but Sairento fights out with side elbows and then counters into a DEATH NOTE (Spike Brainbuster)......








Long kicks out....


Sairento is clearly not happy about that, and makes the 'Imperial One' suffer three consecutive KURO-Stomp's!


But Long still isn't giving up hope of winning the Super Junior Championship, and the fans are now really getting behind him. The 'Imperial One' even manages to rally to his feet but then gets caught in the SILENCE (Pentagram Choke)......


Long is trying desperately to get out of it, but Sairento is relentless in his application of the submission hold.......


Sugimura raises Long's arm.....


No repsonse......


He raises it again......


Still nothing......


He raises it a third time....


Long looks to be coming back to life, but then Sugimura calls for the bell !


And Sairento is declared the winner. Did Sugimura just help 'fix' the result?!


As Sairento is presented with the title belt , the crowd are far from happy about this and let Sairento and Sugmiura know their feelings. Tian Long doesn't look too happy either.....


But seeing as he defied orders, perhaps he should be worried about Sairento's post match reaction....


Result: Sairento [w] bt Tian Long in 18:45 via submission (Silence)


Sairento makes V3 defence of DIASPORA Super Junior Championship


Rating: 78


Mio Mio's Mochi: Hmm two jerks in a mask, makes you wonder who we should get behind in this match....Oh hang on one of them that's Sairento creep.....Oh I soooooo what the old chinese dude to win now


Takayuki Balls: The slightly screwy finish aside, this was a good match and despite still wrestling in a methodical and heelish style....by the end of the match Long had the crowd on his side. They certainly brought something different to the table here, than the usual Junior Division style of high flying/head-drops and tons of near-falls. I think the pin attempt by Sairento after the near-fall may of been the only one of the match, and though it probably won't be everyone's cup of tea (especially considering the kind of matches fans expect from us), they showed here that you don't always need a ton of near-falls to make a great match and that in-ring drama can be built in other ways.



Well if you choose to be friends with a silent masked sadist...


Post match everything seems to be OK between Long and Sairento, as they nod to each other.....Perhaps Sairento in the end appreciated the type of fight that Long brought to the match, and still values him as an asset to Kuro-Nadeshiko. Long on his part, post match seems to be over the fact that he never tapped out to the Silence and seems content with the fact that Sairento just out manoeuvred him.......

But as Sairento is leaving the ring title belt slung over his shoulder, he turns around and nails Long with the belt!


Incongito then sneaks in behind Tian Long, and plants the Imperial One with an Incognito Driver!


Sairento isn't done though, RIKU has also come down to ringside, and he slides a table into the ring before setting it up with Incognito. Meanwhile Sairento has now hoisted a dazed Long upon his shoulders, before climbing up the turnbuckles....




images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEl0r78a7CHadjVYjrBCVZfU9UuzxFKaN4YG4SARlKk340OjK_Dw + http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TianLong.jpg

= Broken In Half!


Long is then left for dead......and it if it hasn't been made clear before, then it's certainly been made clear now. If you don't step in line and follow orders....then you will be kicked out of Kuro-Nadeshiko, no matter who you are.


Rating: 83


Takayuki Balls: This really put Long in a sympathetic light, and the crowd were honestly shocked to see Sairento turn so viciously one of his most loyal servants. The segment also powerfully hammered home the message that Kuro-Nadeshiko are lead by a very oppressive dictatorship. A dictator that leads by his violent actions, rather than words.



~A New Chapter Begins~

Match 8: Leadership of Guardians :

Eikichi Minamoto vs Prime Dragon




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PrimeDragon.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EikichiMinamoto.jpg


plays and Eikichi Minamoto emerges, the fans letting 'Minamoto' just what they think of his arrogant jerkish ways, by giving him the thumbs down as he makes his way up the entrance ramp.


'Sorairo Days' is then blasted out, and Prime Dragon emerges to huge cheers from the fans, who are clearly 100% behind the 'Grand Pillar' in this match where a title may not be on the line, but could change the landscape of DIASPORA- and besides I think everyone now, wants to see Minamoto put in his place.


Minamoto tries to cheap-shot Dragon before the bell has rung, but the 'Grand Pillar' see's that coming and instead gets the first shot in with a palm-strike. Dragon then takes control in the early going, putting 'Rumble Heart' on the backfoot with a series of arm-drags, headscissors and drop-kicks.


Minamoto unable to keep up with the pace set by Dragon, goes out for a powder to regroup, but the 'Grand Pillar' is keen to keep the pressure on and goes for a slingshot cross-body. However Dragon's eagerness to maintain a fast pace, backfires as Minamoto catches him and then drives Dragon's back against the ring apron.


Minamoto then whipped Dragon into the guard-rail and then sent the 'Grand Pillar' into the crowd with a Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick), before rolling back into the ring to break up the count. Seeing that Dragon was picking himself back up, Minamoto went back out to the floor and nailed Dragon with a fore-arm strike, that sent the 'Grand Pillar' reeling back into the crowd. Minamoto then grabbed a chair and lashed it over Dragon's back, before drilling the 'Grand Pillar' with a Brainbuster.


Minamoto then rolled into the ring, feeling satisfied that he had incapacitated Dragon enough to pick up the count-out victory.....




Dragon manages to haul himself back into the ringside area, as the crowd urge him to make it back to the ring.....






He's back up on the apron.....


Minamoto see's this and sends Dragon flying back out to the floor with another Decaptitator, that sends the 'Grand Pillar' crashing against the guard-rail......


'Rumble Heart' then proceeded to taunt the crowd, as Dragon lay in a heap at ringside.....






But Dragon managed to pick himself back up again, and hauled himself onto the apron once more.....


Another Decapitator from Minamoto.....


But this time Dragon blocks it and counters with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip......


Minamoto hobbles away, but gets taken down with a springboard cross-body.....






Minamoto kicks out, but gets nailed with a Rolling Wheel-Kick. 'Rumble Heart' manages to stay on his feet but is then taken down with a basement drop-kick, before Dragon follows up with a Rolling Senton Splash.....






Minamoto kicked out again, but then suddenly found himself placed in a Cross-Legged Inverted STF.....


However Dragon wasn't quite able to drag Minamoto nearer to the centre of the ring and 'Rumble Heart' was able to make it to the ropes....


Dragon stays in control though after the rope break, with a series of kicks and then a palm-strike, before nailing Minamoto with a Dropkick and then taking 'Rumble Heart' off balance with a spinning headscissors.....


Dragon then went for the DRAGONSAULT (Springboard Moonsault) but Minamoto was able to roll out of the way, however the 'Grand Pillar' landed on his feet and then rocked Minamoto with a Rolling Wheel Kick- before setting up for a BRAINBUSTER, but Minamoto was able to block the attempt and then countered into a Brainbuster of his own....






Dragon kicked out, but Minamoto was now in control and he put the boots to the Guardians leader, before heading up to the second rope.....


'Rumble Heart' looked set to deliver a diving knee drop, but Dragon got back up and then rocked Minamoto with a leaping palm strike. Dragon then followed that up with a drop-kick into the corner, before going up to the top-rope and placing Minamoto in position for a SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!


Minamoto tried to fight it off but Dragon was able to send 'Rumble Heart' crashing to the mat......








The Heavyweight Champion was able to kick out but then got turned over into the DRAGON'S BITE (Inverted Facelock Sleeper).....


But Minamoto managed to rise to his feet, and then forced Dragon to release the submission hold by sneaking in a low blow, by bringing his heel up into the 'Grand Pillar's' crotch.


With Dragon doubled overd, Minamoto then drilled the former Super Junior champion with a DDT. 'Rumble Heart' then proceeded to put the boots to Dragon and then planted the 'Grand Pillar' with a Hangman's Neckbreaker....before taking time out to taunt the crowd once again.....


Minamoto then dragged Dragon up to a vertical base again, before planting the Guardians leader with a HARIMA DDT (Double Underhook DDT)....








NO! Minamoto decides to lift Dragon up off the canvas.....As a smirk comes across his face.....


'Rumble Heart' then places Dragon upon his shoulders and he looks set to deliver the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Samoan Drop)....


But during the Airplane spin, Dragon counters with a Crucifix Bomb.....


Both men are then left lying disorientated on the mat.......


Minamoto is up first, but runs right into a Rolling Wheel Kick.......


Dragon follows up with more kicks and then a Palm Strike, and then somehow musters up the strength to drill the larger Minamoto into the canvas with a PRIME DRIVER (Over The Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver).....


But Dragon then collapses back to the canvas again out of sheer exhaustion and is unable to follow up with a immediate cover......


Minamoto is still down though, and Dragon crawls across to make the cover.....








Minamoto kicks out but remains rooted to the mat and Dragon heads up top, but 'Rumble Heart' gets to his feet and delivers a series of clubbing blows to the back of the 'Grand Pillar; before trying to bring Dragon back into the ring with a belly to back superplex, but Dragon fights it off with back-elbows that send Minamoto back down to the canvas.....


Minamoto gets to his feet again but gets taken down with a moonsault press....








Minamoto manages to kick out, but then finds himself locked into the DRAGON'S BITE (Inverted Facelock Sleeper) for the second time in the match....


But Minamoto once again manages to power his way up to a vertical base and this time backs Dragon into the corner......


Minamoto then comes charging in, but Dragon gets the feet up and then rocks 'Rumble Heart' with a Gamengiri.....


Minamoto drops to the canvas and Dragon immediately goes for a DRAGONSAULT (Springboard Moonsault).....


But suddenly he loses his balance, as though the ropes had just been pulled......



Taking an Interest


The camera's then reveal that Talisman is at ringside.......


Did he have anything to do with it?


Minamoto takes immediately advantage with a school boy roll-up....






Dragon manages to kick out, and then regains control with a Palm Strike, before whipping Minamoto into the corner and following in with a Rolling Wheel Kick. Dragon then places the dazed Minamoto onto the top turnbuckle- and looks to be setting up for the DRAGON'S FLAME (Moonsault Side Slam)....


But Talisman's presence at ringside is still distracting Dragon and it causes him to hesitate......


Minamoto takes advantage, and shoves Dragon down to the canvas and then goes for a flying shoulder tackle, only for the 'Grand Pillar' to move out of the way and Minamoto ends up eating nothing but canvas......


But Dragon is still distracted by Talisman being at ringside, and instead of looking to follow up on Minamoto with a cover or more offence, gets into a verbal exchange with the Junior Tag Champion.....


Dragon eventually turns his attention back to the Heavyweight Champion but ends up turning into an AKIRA TAKANO TEA CLUB SPECIAL ! (Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Arm Bar).....


But to the shock of everyone the 'Grand Pillar' manages to withstand the agony and fight his way out of Minamoto's deadly submission hold.....


Dragon then tries to lift a shell-shocked Minamoto up once again for another PRIME DRIVER (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver).....


But this time he doesn't have the strength to do so, and Minamoto is able to counter into the ODE TO ERI (Cradle Brainbuster)....








The fans are left in shock, as the sudden realisation that Prime Dragon is no longer the leader of the Guardians of DIASPORA dawns on them.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Prime Dragon [L] in 24:56 via pinfall (Ode To Eri)


Rating: 80

Mio Mio's Mochi: What is with this misguided crowd tonight.....that Minamoto-san may be a bit of a jerk, but at least he isn't trying to hide behind a freaking mask. At least you know, you can trust him.

Takayuki Balls: There will be main event's with better quality in-ring work, but you cannot deny that there was plenty of drama in the match and the crowd were really behind Prime Dragon, willing him on to defeat Minamoto.



Minamoto gives himself a 'self high five'


It doesn't take long for Eikichi Minamoto to get hold of a microphone to taunt both Prime Dragon and the pro- Dragon crowd

' Look's like your old hero, has had his day.....now it's about time he put his feet up, and let the new school take over, for my greatness radiates like the beauty of Yakumo Tsukamoto. I'll admit that Dragon-san was a great competitor, in the PAST that is. Because I your Heavyweight Champion are your present and your future. So get used to it, because you I am the face of DIASPORA, not some washed up has-been living on past glories.'


Rating: 76


Takayuki Balls: Only one man can be insufferably arrogant and make some bizarre reference to a manga character in the same promo. However Minamoto-san genuinely is one of our better peformers on the stick, and no matter how weird his promo's get he manages to engage the crowd to either get behind him (as in the past) or want to throw stuff at him, for being an insufferable jerk.



Overall: 79


Takayuki's Final Verdict: This was a solid PPV, with no 'bad' matches from the opener to the main event. There was some real variety on the card too, in terms of the style of matches that we put on. High Flying Junior Division action will always be DIASPORA's signature style, but we showed tonight that other styles of wrestling can also shine within our rings.

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Oh well heading towards the depths of Page 2 and beyond again, with not a comment in sight (until Miko decides to throw in her report).


A small band of people apart, really feeling like people have lost interest in this diary these days. Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing it and are pretty determined to carry it on until a proper ending point, as that will feel like an achievement but it is increasingly feeling like I'm writing this for myself these days.


If there was a sudden surge of interest beyond the ending point (that is looking to be the final show of the calendar year), I might be tempted to carry this on- otherwise I'm done with TEW diary writing. Then again I probably should be done with diary writing all together, regardless of whether this one goes out with a whimper of interest (looking the most likely scenario) or not.

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Never Dying Spirit


Sunday 27th May, Fukoaka City Arena, Fukoka, Kyushu (6'628- No Vacancy)


And broadcast across Japan via PPV Japan.


But let’s be honest, if it’s not in Tokyo can it really be that important? I read somewhere 42% of the Japanese wrestling fans are within easy travel of Tokyo. Kyushu should be thrilled to get the live show.:)


Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] + Nyan Nyan Neko Man + Yachi Kotara in 7:46 via submission (Python Vyse)


50 seems to be the gold standard for Match Zeros. If you do worse than that, you you are not ready. If you do 50 or better it's a good opening match.


Soh Terajima to intervene but then predictably get his Black Box superkicked into his face by Shintaro Hideki.


For the 50th time Soh still doesn't learn his lesson. He's the buttmonkey of KURO.


Howevever to everyone's shock Xtinction suddenly re-appears and plants 'Integral Prowess' with an X.L.E


Just a minute before, backstage: "Xtinction is down! Get Xtinction II ready to run in. Have Xtinction III start warming up. "




$ugimura to the rescue!


'Come on Nori-chan, GET UP! KEEP ON FIGHTING!' screamed Mio Mio


"Or I'll kill you!"


Result: Incognito won a 10 Man Roanapur Rumble match in 21:06


A good wild and crazy match in the DIASPORA style. Rating 76 is a really good rating given some of the guys in this match. But the big names carried the load while guys like Xtinction brought the wince inducing bad bumps.


The Ambassadors Club (Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)


as they make their walk to the ring with Pomp and Circumstance playing over the speakers.


There was an old time wrestler who used to come out to this theme, but I can't remmeber who. *minute later* Google to the rescue! Macho Man Randy Savage.


Has Hunter Wolfe just made it clear where his feelings lie?


I suspect his feelings lie with being booked as an unstopable badass wildman, Bruiser Brody style brawler. But maybe being a butler is better than being a schoolgirl.


Result: Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [w] bt Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro [L] in 9:38 via submission (Prince's Lock)


About as good as could be expected at this point in their development. And the midcard feud rages on while we wait until Matsuo's overness is high enough for his singles push. The main event needs more sexy! And right now the best pairing for the yaio fangirls is Prime Dragon and Minamoto. There is SO much tension there. And it's so obvious Minamoto is really into PD and desperately tryingf to get his attention but doesn't know how. So he keeps telling himself it's no big deal and PD is just old and stand offish.


though we will need to teach the neanderthal some manners.


Poor Wolfe.


Match 3: 2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Arato acts to keep the fiery Takashi calm, little details like that keep building up their dynamic. And we are seeing Takashi with alot of the offense here, including getting the hot tag to save his winded partner, then getting the pin on Yamawaki. Good stuff and nice to see Takashi looking stronger. He's reaching a point where we can see him winning more matches.


Result: RIKU [w] bt Dark Wolf II [L] in 9:35 via pinfall (Crusinik Bomb)


Standard garbage brawl. Minus the weapons I'd expect to see in a Onita vs. Pogo garbage brawl. RIKU needs a kama or something. And face paint. Or a mask. Cover that face!


RIKU: Those who do not believe in Kuro-Nadeshiko, shall pay the price. My master has given me a devine mission, I shall not rest until the blood has been drained from those that oppose us.


Nice to hear more from RIKU so we can get a better idea of his motivations. Psycho as they may be. Divine Mission, indeed.


Result: GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 11:28 via pinfall (Udon Noodle Death Drop)


$ugimura continues to earn his money. This was a decent brawl, though Takayuki is not the only one looking forward to Ichigawa getting back to Minamoto. Minmomoto has issues with alot of people right now, so hopefully the fight with PD will let us get back to people like Arato and Ichigawa going after his title.


Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada


that is until they flip them off and the reaction goes from neutral to negative.


Besides, the invaders have to be the heels. It's a rule or something.A good action match. Whispered were not really in a program with anyone so the foreign team gives it more of a big match feel without the big story going with it. How did you do this in game, just set up a talent swap for a couple of mastches? Still just a little tension between Talisman and Zodiac but it's pretty muted. They won and still seem mostly on the same page.


Result: Sairento [w] bt Tian Long in 18:45 via submission (Silence)


In a match between two members of Kuro-Nadeshiko who do the crowd support?


When two members of the hated KURO are beating the crapo out of each other, who wins? Everyone!


Sairento then delivered a facewash, but it was clear he was still hobbled from having his legs worked over,


I'm thinking this is the announcers making it look like Sairento is selling, when all he really did was hold his knee for a couple of seconds before acting like he was just fine again.


Sairento was 'playing dead' all along and he low blows the 'Imperial One'.....


There's the no-selling that we all know and love(?).


And Sairento is declared the winner. Did Sugimura just help 'fix' the result?!


Yay, I guessed right about $ugimura not taking any chances with letting an arm drop the third time.




I liked this. Spots like this are rare in DIASPORA so it was nice to see KURO get a little extreme again when punishing Long. If anything I would have played it up more by having Long stretchered out and wondering if he was gone for good.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Prime Dragon [L] in 24:56 via pinfall (Ode To Eri)


Interestingly, I have an easier time isolating bits to comment on in the Sairento-Long match. Mostly because of the story involved, I think. This match was almost all focused on the action and it was very back and forth. Minamoto trying to get a win by any means, countout, submission, whatever. Prime Dragon fighting back and having his moments as well.


But Talisman's presence at ringside is still distracting Dragon and it causes him to hesitate......


While Talisman is thinking to himself . o O (It's awfully nice of Minamoto to ask me down to watch the match. He said it would inspire he and Prime Dragon both if I was standing at ring side. I wonder why Prime Dragon keeps looking at me funny though).


Still more questions than answers. Where do Guardians go from here? Prime Dragon is out. What happens with Whispered? Can Talisman talk Zodiac into sticking around? Can Minamoto find new minions? Maybe his own Ralphus? And will he rename the group? I can't see him keeping the name Prime Dragon gave it.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing it and are pretty determined to carry it on until a proper ending point, as that will feel like an achievement but it is increasingly feeling like I'm writing this for myself these days.


"It's not art for art's sake, it's art for my sake. I write what I want, when I want." - D.H. Lawrence.


As long as you enjoy doing it, keep doing it. Personally, I'm enjoying it.

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Oh well heading towards the depths of Page 2 and beyond again, with not a comment in sight (until Miko decides to throw in her report).


A small band of people apart, really feeling like people have lost interest in this diary these days. Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing it and are pretty determined to carry it on until a proper ending point, as that will feel like an achievement but it is increasingly feeling like I'm writing this for myself these days.


If there was a sudden surge of interest beyond the ending point (that is looking to be the final show of the calendar year), I might be tempted to carry this on- otherwise I'm done with TEW diary writing. Then again I probably should be done with diary writing all together, regardless of whether this one goes out with a whimper of interest (looking the most likely scenario) or not.


I try and read every so often - this is after all one of the great diaries of the board, let alone the ThunderVerse. However, from a personal point of view there is just too much there for me to read on a regular basis. It's the same with Eisen-Verse's SWF diary which is a fantastic piece of writing, but it often seems like too much hard work trying to find the time to be able to sit down and read it.


The content is superb, but perhaps the length might be putting others off too? Either way, if you decide to end this or not, you should be very proud of the DIASPORA you have built! :)

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I try and read every so often - this is after all one of the great diaries of the board, let alone the ThunderVerse. However, from a personal point of view there is just too much there for me to read on a regular basis. It's the same with Eisen-Verse's SWF diary which is a fantastic piece of writing, but it often seems like too much hard work trying to find the time to be able to sit down and read it.


The content is superb, but perhaps the length might be putting others off too? Either way, if you decide to end this or not, you should be very proud of the DIASPORA you have built! :)


You make some valid points here, I must admit myself that is a lot easier to stay with diaries that are snappier than this one or Eisen-Verse's. Deep down I understand the problems, because as a reader I understand the reasons for the lack of feedback. I think also the lack of any recognition in the DOTM lately, also lead to my latest bout of frustration.


These things shouldn't bother me but unfortunately every so often they do. I should be satisfied that I have a regular contributor/fan in Infernalmiko and tell myself it's about quality of contribution, rather than quantity. :)


Certainly with this project though I wanted to show that I'm more than the 'match write-up's guy' , whilst also maintaining a high standard on what attracted some people to my work in the first place. I think personally as well my match writing has evolved, as I'm trying to bring in some more emphasis or characterization, rather than just moves!


Perhaps with the backstage story elements, on top of the long shows, I am cramming in too much but I've become too involved with the characters and story both inside and outside of the ring, to change the style and pace of the diary.

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Soh Terajima to intervene but then predictably get his Black Box superkicked into his face by Shintaro Hideki.


For the 50th time Soh still doesn't learn his lesson. He's the buttmonkey of KURO.


Still it's a better position than being a part of The Forgotten or Shimizudani :p


Howevever to everyone's shock Xtinction suddenly re-appears and plants 'Integral Prowess' with an X.L.E


Just a minute before, backstage: "Xtinction is down! Get Xtinction II ready to run in. Have Xtinction III start warming up. "


Xtinction is a relatively worthless part of the roster, but I can't imagine DIASPORA without him- such a fun character to write.


Result: Ebi Kavidar & Paul Crowley [w] bt Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro [L] in 9:38 via submission (Prince's Lock)


About as good as could be expected at this point in their development. And the midcard feud rages on while we wait until Matsuo's overness is high enough for his singles push. The main event needs more sexy! And right now the best pairing for the yaio fangirls is Prime Dragon and Minamoto. There is SO much tension there. And it's so obvious Minamoto is really into PD and desperately trying to get his attention but doesn't know how. So he keeps telling himself it's no big deal and PD is just old and stand offish.


Yaoi shipping- not something you'll see in any other diary on these boards


Match 3: 2/3 Falls: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


Arato acts to keep the fiery Takashi calm, little details like that keep building up their dynamic. And we are seeing Takashi with alot of the offense here, including getting the hot tag to save his winded partner, then getting the pin on Yamawaki. Good stuff and nice to see Takashi looking stronger. He's reaching a point where we can see him winning more matches.


Pleased you are noticing the effort I'm putting in with the dynamic for Team Ganbatte!



RIKU: Those who do not believe in Kuro-Nadeshiko, shall pay the price. My master has given me a divine mission, I shall not rest until the blood has been drained from those that oppose us.


Nice to hear more from RIKU so we can get a better idea of his motivations. Psycho as they may be. Divine Mission, indeed.


At face value RIKU is your typical fanatical acolyte character- is there more to it than that?



Result: GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa & Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 11:28 via pinfall (Udon Noodle Death Drop)


$ugimura continues to earn his money. This was a decent brawl, though Takayuki is not the only one looking forward to Ichigawa getting back to Minamoto. Minamoto has issues with alot of people right now, so hopefully the fight with PD will let us get back to people like Arato and Ichigawa going after his title.


Apart from the first week, next month (diary time) is very much built around the Grand Master Cup- beyond that you should begin to see some movement re more serious challengers for Minamoto's title.


Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada


that is until they flip them off and the reaction goes from neutral to negative.


Besides, the invaders have to be the heels. It's a rule or something.A good action match. Whispered were not really in a program with anyone so the foreign team gives it more of a big match feel without the big story going with it. How did you do this in game, just set up a talent swap for a couple of matches? Still just a little tension between Talisman and Zodiac but it's pretty muted. They won and still seem mostly on the same page.


I have an alliance set up with Dragon Pro Wrestling, wanted to get one of the Mexican companies involved too but neither were receptive. Anyway I used the alliance loan feature to get Nakada and Haruda- as it is easier to get some half decent talent that way, rather than using the trade feature.


And Sairento is declared the winner. Did Sugimura just help 'fix' the result?!


Yay, I guessed right about $ugimura not taking any chances with letting an arm drop the third time.


I'll fully admit here, that you comment in the last show, inspired me to work that spot into the match :)- Have to keep finding ways for Sugimura to continue with his 'creative' refereeing.




I liked this. Spots like this are rare in DIASPORA so it was nice to see KURO get a little extreme again when punishing Long. If anything I would have played it up more by having Long stretchered out and wondering if he was gone for good.


Good point on the stretchered out bit, would have added a little more drama but I'm glad that the impact of the spot came across and served as a reminder of how sadistic KURO can be.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Prime Dragon [L] in 24:56 via pinfall (Ode To Eri)

Still more questions than answers. Where do Guardians go from here? Prime Dragon is out. What happens with Whispered? Can Talisman talk Zodiac into sticking around? Can Minamoto find new minions? Maybe his own Ralphus? And will he rename the group? I can't see him keeping the name Prime Dragon gave it.


A fair amount of those questions will be cleared up in the next week of shows, ahead of the Grand Master Cup Shows. Remember also you now have Prime Dragon, Dark Wolf II and now also Tian Long displaced from the stables they were in. Do you think all three are going to be wondering around without forming an alliance with someone else for too long?


Anyway the diary actually is going on a bit of mini-hiatus for this week, as I am on holiday in Belgium for the next 4 days. As I really need to also finish my coursework assignment when I get back- more than likely there won't be any activity for the diary until the week after.

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I definitely haven't lost interest in this diary. I was going to do my predics the other day but something came up. Anyways I'm glad I did at least predict that Minamoto would take over the Guardians because this offically, offically, starts the unit-shuffle; and that's usually the best time for unit based companies. Anyways Minamoto leading a unit; that could go a millions different directions with him at the helm. I imagine Tailsman will join him. i'm still a bit suspect about the whole S.H.I.P thing. After all, this is an unit shuffle so I could see a team like TWC joining Minamoto. Prime Dragon is interesting. i wonder where he will land. Maybe team up with the Warriors of Tradition? Tian Long could join those guys as well; giving you your own Veteran Army like Dragon Gate. Anyways, great PPV show as always and I'm looking forward to see what craziness unfolds during unit shuffle season.
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I´m still interested too, I just usually don´t post much outside of predictions.

I´m pretty sure I have said it before but I say it again just to be sure. Between this and your Burning Hammer diary, you have showed me that workrate promotions can be more than just random match after random match, which is pretty much how I saw those promotions before. This last show was a perfect example of why I like reading your diaries, so many questions popped up on my mind while reading it.


How will Junior tag team division shape up now that Imperious is gone and Whispered having troubles? Will Incognito stay in Kuro now that it´s clear that Sairento won´t let anyone else from Kuro to touch the Super Junior title? What all those ex-Guardians and ex-Kuro members will do? I keep thinking there must be new group forming there but who will be the members and what their goal will be? Can Minamoto keep Guardians alive and if so who could join them?


I had lots of fun thinking about those and trying to figure which way you might go. I guess the thing I´m trying to say here is that whatever you choose to continue this or not, it´s have been a great ride and I have truly enjoyed reading this so thank you for that. :)

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I don't write predictions and barely post anyway so I feel a bit guilty reading this because this is one of my favorite diaries on this board. To be honest, outside of this one and E-V's awesome SWF diary, I don't really read any. I should learn to post more often to show appreciation because it really sucks to see how it affects the writers.


I don't even know Japanese wrestling but DIASPORA rules and this diary inspired me to play as them.

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May Wrestling News and Notes

All Japan Joshi


Chie Abukara defeated Rie Akiyama to become the AJJ Women's Heritage champion for the first time, whilst the Asia Women's Tag Team Title's also changed hands, with Seka Deguchi and Ahilya Ramprasad earning their fourth reign with the belts, with victory over 'K-Squared' (Akane Konda & Tomoko Kurusu).


Awesome Wrestling Federation


Love is in the air in the AWF, with Wilson Hancock reported to be dating Angelique, whilst Vincent I.Parker has managed to charm Bonnie Rain.


American Womens Wrestling


AWW continue to rebuild, after having their roster raided by the AWF, with the additions of Liberty Belle and Georgia Shelby. Shelby has already found a backstage ally in Erin Ortega, with Ortega revealing that she has already struck up a close friendship with Shelby.


Athena & Erin Ortega, collectively known as Passion & Power II, took hold of the vacant AWW Womens Tag Team titles after defeating the pairing of All Hallows Eve and AWW newcomer Liberty Belle.


Campeanto de Lucha Libre De Mexico


CLLM roster was boosted this month, by a series of defections from rival ILL, with former 4 time ILL Campeon de Mundo Cameleon, Mr Monzon and ILL trios champion Cyco Clown all jumping across.


Arlequin one half of the current Campeones de Parejas suffered a spinal disalignment, that will put him out of action for about three weeks. There were initially some fears that the injury was more serious, and that the titles would have to be vacated.


Hiro Suzuki's COBRA Grappling League


COBRA agreed to a Non-Aggression Pact with fellow 'indy' promotion LETHAL. This will result in both promotions, agreeing not to steal workers from one another.


KOKI defeated Tempest Masato to win the vacant World Openweight Title and Ando Miyagi already the Japanese Heavyweight Champion defeated Will Macleod for the COBRA Top Contender Trophy- the same man he defeated to become Japanese Heavyweight Champion.


Championship Wrestling From Tennesee


Shannon Sorensen, perhaps just as recognisable (if not more so) for his piercings and tattoos as he is for his wrestling- has agreed to a contract extension with CWT.


DRAGON Pro Wrestling

No news to report this month for DRAGON


East Coast Xtreme Wrestling


ECXW saw Neurosis defect to rival promotion PWSux, whilst valet Ami Gunner had her contract extended.


Stevie Vortex ended the eight month long reign of X, to become a two time Maximum Extreme Champion.

Explosivos y Extrema Promociones


EEP crowned it's first set of champions this month. The tandem of Prodigio II & Aeronaut defeated Perro de La Carra and Muchas Caras Jr to claim the EEP Tag Team Titles, whilst El Toro Tejano was crowned EEP Maximo champion, with victory over Luis Gonzalez


Golden Age Wrestling


GAW were rocked by the departure of Rudy Single, who took the decision to quit GAW, due to unresolvable differences with colour commentator Robert Lee Stevens. This news ending up overshadowing the fact that the nostalgia-fest promotion crowned it's first set of champions.


Jack Bodydrop took claim of the GAW World Heavyweight Title by defeating Billy Ray. Meanwhile Billy Ray's tag partner Lee Earl was more succesful in his pursuit of championship gold claiming the All American Title with victory over Vudu Chief. Whilst the Lumberjacks (Yukon Jacques & Lumber Jack) were victorious over Crash & Burn to become the GAW American Tag champions.


Guerreras Del Ring


Nothing to report this month for GDR


Guerrilla Wrestling Syndicate


Nothing to report this month for GWS


Hollywood Championship Grappling


HGC extended the contracts of uppercard high flyer Robbie Martel, and Anton Morozov the manager of midcard heel Maxim Kozlov.


Imperio De La Lucha Libre


ILL were sent into disarray this month with the departure of Cameleon, Mr Monzon and Cyco Clown to rival promotion CLLM, with Cyco Clown's departure forcing ILL to vacate their Trios titles. It will be interesting to see how Killer Clown and Nightmare Clown respond to this, will they have bad blood over Cyco Clown's departure to the rival promotion, or will they be looking to do the same and defect to CLLM?


Veteran Sangre Azteca did arrive to begin his second spell with ILL, 12 years after his first spell came to an end, but ILL will need to make signings or better still persuade some defections the other way, in order to hit back at CLLM.




See COBRA- re non aggression pact between the two promotions.


Legacy Wrestling Alliance


There is growing heat in the LWA locker room between La Buey and Jarid Hart, with La Buey making many barbed comments towards Hart in an interview with wrestling website TEW.com


Paragons of Wrestling!


Nothing to report his month for POW!


Pro Wresting Integrity


PWI extended the contract of 'Blue Chip' prospect Christian Alexander.


The Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) saw their 8 month long reign with the PWI Tag Team titles brought to an end by the pairing of James Gilmour Hart and Jay Paro.


Pro Wrestling: Superstars, Uncensored & Xtreme


PWSux extended the contracts of roster mainstays Crymdyne and Sypher.


The Full Blooded Irishmen of Mitch Mulconry and Rory O'Conner brought to and end the 9 month long SUX Daredevil Duo reign of South Central (Lil' Swag & OG Sweet)


Seattle Wrestling Alliance


SWA extended the contract of play by play announcer Gerry Lofton.


Youngster Johnny Cuevas has been running his mouth recently about Jameson Spear.


The Club


Noting to report this month from The Club.


United Promotions Japan


UPJ extended the contracts of former two time International Heavyweight Champion Juro Deguchi, referee Ton Hojo and Junior Division wrestler Naruki Goto- who decided to stay loyal to UPJ, despite interest from DIASPORA and UPJ's recent deemphasizing of the Junior Division.


Junior Division legend Silver Beetle began his third reign as UPJ Junior Heavyweight Champion ending the half year reign of Kozue.


New Workers


An influx of 'new talent' trying to make it as women's wrestlers. Most of these women are either models or actresses, seeing an opportunity to move their careeer into a different part of the entertainment business (all clearly have their eye on making it as part of AWF's Starlets Division). Whether all if any have any chance of making a career in the wrestling business remains to be seen. Included amongst these women are.....


Fitness model and dancer Amy Ladner, Claudia Oliviera (daughter of a famous 1970's model from Brazil), another former dancer in Harmony Nolen, former cheerleader Jazmine Wolfe, Megan Farrell (a genuine fan of the wrestling business), Savannah Barkley (model/actress), Scarlett Slater (daughter of a multi-millionaire father) and Serenity Barrera (Fashion Model)


* O.O.C Note: All of the above are of course the AWF Starlet search contestants in the default Thunderverse database. I obviously had to adjust my database for it to a continuation from my old diary, without losing some of the new promotions/characters from Thunderverse 2013. Though I admit I kind of screwed up here. I should have had all still signed to AWF but had the Diva Search take place earlier (Would have avoided the AWW raid last month too), or if they were going to be not signed by anyone, scatter their debuts.


Oh well can't go back on it now. I have adjusted their pop though, all to 15.0 in the U.S- I feel this a fair starting point for all of them. Guess I've just ended up cultivating my own female version of 'The Quest'.

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The Chronicles of Takayuki- Silent Sibling Revelations


A day after Never Dying Spirit- Zodiac wants a word with me. I’m thinking this is going to be about something wrestling related, but turns out he wants to talk to me about Hayashi-san. Surely he doesn’t have some kind of problem with our extremely quiet but effective travel administrator.


‘I’m not sure but I think Hayashi-san is feeling a bit harassed by one of the wrestlers at the moment’


I asked did she actually try to confide this with Zodiac-san himself


‘No, no, no...she hasn’t spoken to me but Sairento-san has been looking like he’s going to rip someone’s head off lately’


Hang on when did this suddenly go from Hayashi-san feeling harassed and Sairento-san wanting to rip someone’s head off, and besides wasn’t being on the edge of committing violent assault Sairento-san’s permanent modus-operandi ?


‘Were you not aware Hayashi-san is Sairento-san’s sister?’


Sairento-san actually has family, and she’s working here?!



Getting a job at DIASPORA helps when your older brother, is the most

feared man in the entire organization.

‘There’s a reason why someone who can barely string two words together got the job’


Naturally I asked Zodiac-san if he think Hayashi-san has told Sairento-san about this


‘Well I think she has given hints, to Sairento-san but I’m pretty sure if she said who it was, they would be in a pretty bad place right now’


Mind you given that she can barely string two words together and he chooses not to speak.....one wonders how they communicate. Then again maybe it’s only a front to us, and amongst themselves they let it all out and talk for Japan.


‘It’s certainly a possibility’ chimed in Zodiac-san.

‘Anyway I think you need to find out who the culprit is, and tell them to back off- may just be a bit of miscommunication. Just you know like deal with it, before the situation gets real ugly’


Great, I now have to find out who it is that is apparently bothering Hayashi-san because Sairento-san is her brother and if he finds out who it is before I do- someone could be setting up residence at one of her countries hospitals. Of course it would help, if I had any clue from Zodiac-san as to who could be up-setting Sairento-san’s little sister.

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The winds of change are sweeping through DIASPORA right now, at Never Dying Spirit Prime Dragon saw him fail to hold onto his position as the leader of the Guardians of DIASPORA, after defeat to Eikichi Minamoto. Meanwhile Tian Long saw his defiance towards simple laying down for Sairento over the Super Junior Championship, saw the veteran violenty ejected from Kuro-Nadeshiko.


Now DIASPORA take their Blazing Eye Tour to the Hiroshima Sports Park on Tuesday 5th June. The main event sees Prime Dragon team with another ex Guardian desperate for revenge against Eikichi Minamoto in the form of Hyotaru Ichigawa. The pair take on the new leader of the Guardians of DIASPORA and Talisman. The Junior Tag champion had being showing hint's towards siding with Minamoto's methods and his ring side prescence provided a key distraction during the match between Minamoto and Prime Dragon at Never Dying Spirit- but it was not made clear if this was intentional or not. Perhaps things will be made clearer by the end of this show and where does Talisman's tag team partner Zodiac (who will be in singles action against Blood Spider Jr) fit into all of this?


The semi main event sees the Udon Noodle Killers putting the All Asia Tag Team titles on the line against the Tokyo Wrecking Crew, as the S.H.I.P duo look to regain the belts they lost to the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair back in February. Can the Noodle Killers cement themselves as the dominant force in the Heavyweight tag division or will the team many of the DIASPORA fanbase see as the divisions best team, once again have the belts round their waists to support that feeling?


Tian Long and Dark Wolf II have both recently found themselves kicked out of Kuro-Nadeshiko for defying orders from Kuro's tyrannical leader Sairento. The pair will now team together to try and get a measure of revenge against the Super Junior champion and Incognito. Incognito won the Roanapur Rumble match at Never Dying Spirit to earn a shot at the Super Junior Championship, but having taken part in ejecting his former tag partner Tian Long from Kuro-Nadeshiko it will be interesting to see how he handles that opportunity- just how loyal to Kuro-Nadeshiko is Incognito prepared to be and is truly happy to play second fiddle to Sairento?


The battle over the ownership of Hunter Wolfe, was decided at Never Dying Spirt with the former Fuku Machine making it clear when he attacked Meido Machine, thus costing MOE! MONEY! the match and sealing an alliance with the Ambassadors Club, now the newly re-christened Chief Butler Wolfe will team with his new owners against the Tuturu! trio of MOE! MONEY! and Junichi Matsuo. Will Wolfe show everyone that he made the right decision or can the Tuturu! trio gain some revenge by embarrasing the newly expanded Ambassadors Club in their debut together as a trio.


Rounding out the main show Taheji Ebisawa tests himself against the leader of S.H.I.P Hiroto Nori in an Openweight singles challenge, Koto Arato teams with New Solution to take on The Forgotten trio of Kasuse, Hidaka and Kotara and there will be a 4 corners heavyweight match featuring Go Takashi, Horichi Inokuma, RIKU and Nyan Nyan Neko Man. Kan Mitsubishi faces off against Xtinction on the pre-show.



Blazing Eye Tour - Show #10

Hiroshima Sports Park, Hiroshima, Chugoku

Tuesday 5th June 2012

~A Problem Shared~

Final (45 Min Limit): Star Studded Revenge Tag 2

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA~

Heavyweight Champion- Eikichi Minamoto &

Junior Tag Champion- Talisman


Prime Dragon &

'Representing Warriors of Tradition'

Hyotaru Ichigawa

~Who Is True Best?~

Semi Final (45 Min Limit): All Asia Tag Team Champion

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono)


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki)


6th Match (30 Min Limit): Star Studded Revenge Tag

Dark Wolf II & Tian Long


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Super Junior Champion- Sairento &



5th Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Singles Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori


'Representing Warriors of Tradition'

Taheji Ebisawa)


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Six Man War

'Representing Tuturu!'

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)

& Junichi Matsuo


'Representing The Ambassadors Club'

Ebi Kavidar, Paul Crowley &

Chief Butler Wolfe


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Singles Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Tag Team Champion- Zodiac


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Blood Spider Jr

2nd Match (15 Min Limit): Six Man Tag Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Koto Arato &

New Solution (Shintaro Hideki & Kotei Yamato)


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse,Kohei Hidaka &

Yachi Kotara


1st Match (15 Min Limit): Heavyweight 4 Corner Survival

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Go Takashi


Horiuchi Inokuma


'Representing Tuturu!'

Nyan Nyan Neko Man


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'



Match 0 (10 Min Limit): Openweight Singles Challenge

Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction


Predictions Form


Eikichi Minamoto & Talisman vs Prime Dragon & Hyotaru Ichigawa


All Asia Tag Championship: Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono) vs Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Yamawaki & Date)


Dark Wolf II & Tian Long vs Sairento & Incognito


Hiroto Nori vs Taheji Ebisawa


Meido, HUSTLE & Matsuo vs Kavidar, Crowley & Wolfe


Zodiac vs Blood Spider Jr


Arato, Hideki & Yamato vs Kasuse, Hidaka & Kotara


Go Takashi vs Horiuchi Inokuma vs Neko Man vs RIKU


Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction


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