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IPW: A Friend In Need

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OOC: Post 3


Show is booked and ready to go.


As far as the predictions go, your guess is as good as mine when it comes to who wins the Frantic Ali and Masked Stranger/Lil' Henry/Fierce bout (the remaining 2 will square off in an additional match) match since when I say Nemesis is booking those matches, I mean it. The "Assistant Booker" booked the opponents and I'm leaving the Road Agent notes blank. Let's see what happens.

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IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger, Lil' Henry, or Fiasco Fierce

- Nemesis likes the Badasses, he hates Fierce (ex-con!), has issues with masks (Acid in Monkeypox's DaVE diary) and ain't never been Lil (He's big see!).


Handicap Match: BB Colossus vs "Ice Cold" Ray Snow & Stanley Axis

- Fat monster man SQUASH.


IPW Tag Team Championship: The Night Terrors © vs Coulrophobia

- No point in hot-shotting it off the great masks of the Night Terrors.


IPW Californian #1 Contender: Hustle Muvva vs Kip Keenan vs "Irish Warrior" Lug Phelan

- Tyler and Nemesis loves them some drunken melee lovin' Irish lads!

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Saturday, Week 2, January 2013

From The Simmons Center, South West, USA


Dark Match: Deadly Deadshot & Kip Keenan vs E-Soteric & Fiasco Fierce

  • This match, which won't be included on the DVD, lifted the crowd's enthusiasm for the main show, but had little else going for it.
  • The crowd, especially, chanted horrible things at both E-Soteric and Fierce.

  • Deadshot and Keenan were all over the place as partners, with a missed spot where Deadshot held up E-Soteric on his shoulders awaiting a clothesline from Keenan never came as Keenan instead went after Fierce.
  • The bout itself was a back and forth affair with both teams getting roughly the same amount of offense.

  • After nearly 12 minutes, the end mercifully came when Deadshot hit a Springboard Dropkick to send Fierce to floor as Keenan nailed E-Soteric with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. An academic three count soon followed.

Winners: Deadly Deadshot & Kip Keenan via Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Time: 11:59







Moses Makesh: What's poppin' everyone!!! Welcome to the first installment of IPW's iNSANITY. We are at The Simmons Center in Southern California, where the weather is as beautiful as the ladies.


Luther Judge: Moses, my dawg, this is what I'm talking about. Honeys in the crowd, action in the ring, and hopefully some action outside the ring for your boy Luther, if you know what I'm sayin'.


Moses Makesh: I feel ya Luther, I feel ya.


Luther Judge: Still, got my eyes on that main event tonight. Our boy Frantic Ali gotta go into battle. Problem being, he don't know who he's gonna face.


Moses Makesh: Boss is a crazy son of a b****, I'll give him that. And...



Luther Judge: What the f***? That ain't no music I ever heard.



Eric Tyler makes his way out from the back as the crowd hollers.


Eric Tyler: You've got one question. What's a guy like me doing in a place like this? The answer is... hell if I know. But, when a man like Nemesis calls you up and asks whether you'd like to run this slum you call a company, well, there's only one response. And let me say I am not impressed. I'm Eric Tyler. The Traditionalist. I was wrestling in front of 10,000 people when most of the boys in the back were in diapers. Boys in the back. Hmph. Lots of thugs and wanna-be gangsters who think they're stars. Wrestling in front of 200 people doesn't make you a big shot. The crowd, chanting your name, that makes you a star.


In my day, you paid your dues, and maybe if you were lucky, you got a shot at the bright lights. Nobody wants to work anymore. You want something handed to you. Not while I'm in charge. So, I'm instituting a new policy, one you all will appreciate. This goes for every single wrestler, manager, and yes, even you two calling the action... when your contract is up, you'll have a match against a wrestler of the fans choosing. If you bust your ass in the ring and impress, maybe the crowd gives you something easier. If you don't, you might find your ass on the line against Lil' Henry or BB Colossus. As for those people who don't step in the ring, your fate will be up to a simple vote. Yes or no. Stay or go. Since I'm a fair man, your contracts will be honored to their full extent, but whether it's two months from now or two years, every single man and woman will have to prove their worth or end up flipping burgers.




Luther Judge: Aw hell nah. He can't do that.


Moses Makesh: Luther, you know how they do. One minute you hot, next minute, you not.


Eric Tyler: One more thing, our so-called champion...





The mere mention of his belt forces the IPW Champion, Frantic Ali, to show his face. Half the crowd eats him up, while the other half spews venom towards him.


Frantic Ali: What up my n*****!!!! See, when some cracker ass calls out me, you know I gotta respond. Eric Tyler, yea I heard of you, grew up watching ya. The past is the past bro. Talk all you want about the good 'ol days as if that means s*** to me. Come down here, first day on the job, and run your mouth like you're better than us, better than me. Please old timer. This gold right here. The belt around my waist. It means I'm the greatest.


Eric Tyler: Not for long.


Frantic Ali: Go ahead. Talk some s***. I used to wrestle in front of 10,000 people. Nobody cares dawg. You in front of 200 people now, 200 of the rowdiest, wildest dudes in Southern California. And I break my bones every night for them. You got a last name like Ali, you make damn sure you can back that name up.


Eric Tyler: And tonight, I'm going to make sure you do. I was out here to cut you a break. Let you know who you were putting that belt on the line against tonight. Masked Stranger. Lil' Henry. Fiasco Fierce. But, all I see is a scared punk, running his mouth because he doesn't know if he can be the man he thinks he is. So, you're going to have to wait... "Ali". Wait until right before your match to find out who'll be in the opposite corner.


Frantic Ali: Dawg, don't matter. You got a dude so scared of me he hides his busted ass face behind a mask, a fat f***, and a punk ass who can't play to my level. You take your shots old man. But I'm the king, and if you come at the king, you best not miss. Peace.


Ali raises his arms to the crowd as Tyler stares daggers at the champ.



Moses Makesh: Damn, those two guys look like they about to go to war.

Luther Judge: I seen some battles in my life. Ain't no one want to be caught in the crossfire of that war.


Moses Makesh: Hell nah. Another war going on here in IPW is between four weird dudes. The Night Terrors and Coulrophobia.


Luther Judge: All four are on some crazy ass s***, for sure.


Moses Makesh: You got that right, Luther. Halloween is year-round with these four.





IPW Tag Team Championship: The Night Terrors [babau & Moroi] © vs Coulrophobia [Hellech & Pierrot]

  • All four men went all out for this bout, hoping to get the crowd in a frenzy, but Pierrot was the only one who seemed to be on the top of his game.
  • Both teams took the air throughout the match, one of the biggest spots coming when Babau nailed a suicide dive through the ropes as Hellech and Pierrot re-grouped on the outside.
  • Coulrophobia managed to rebound and Pierrot got a near three count after seated dropkick into a top rope splash by Hellech.
  • The Night Terrors, though, wouldn't be denied as Moroi broke up the pin attempt and managed to get a near fall of his own after drop toe hold into sent Pierrot neck-first into the bottom rope.
  • The two teams continued to trade close calls for the next several minutes, the highlight being Moroi catching Hellech with a DDT after a brainbuster attempt.
  • Finally, after 11 minutes of action, Babau got Hellech on the top rope and nailed his Frightenrana. He got the three count as Moroi prevented Pierrot from breaking up the pinfall.

Winners: The Night Terrors via Frightenrana

Time: 11:38




Moses Makesh: The Night Terrors win!


Luther Judge: Gotta be some dudes in the back who can take down these freaks. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if they start shooting lightning or something.


Moses Makesh: Luther, man, looks like you spoke too soon. S*** is about to get weird up in here.


Sure enough, Moses is right as The Night Terrors pull five candles from underneath the ring and set them up in a pentagram inside the ring. As Babau sits cross-legged in the center, Moroi walks from candle to candle sprinkling some kind of dust as he goes.




Moses Makesh: Don't know what God they praying to, but it sure as hell ain't our Christian one.


Luther Judge: ...



As Luther goes to say something, the entire building goes pitch black and the announcers microphones go silent. As the crowd buzzes, the speakers begin to crackle. Then, a distorted voice mumbles something followed by one word... "You." The lights turn back on.
Luther Judge: What the f*** was that? More of those weirdos tricks.


Moses Makesh: I don't know Luther, The Night Terrors look a little spooked too.


Luther Judge: If it ain't them, who the hell was that?


Moses Makesh: Whoever it is ain't playing.


We cut to the back to find Deadly Deadshot sorting through his gym bag. A finger taps him on the shoulder. Deadshot turns around to find Kip Keenan.




Deadly Deadshot: Mister Keenan.


Kip Keenan: Mister... um... Deadshot.


Deadly Deadshot: How can I help you?


Kip Keenan: I hear you provide... solutions... if somebody, let's say myself, has a problem.


Deadly Deadshot: For a price.


Kip Keenan: How much?


Deadly Deadshot: One thousand dollars. Two, if the job is not what we'd call legal.


Keenan grimaces when he hears the price, but still removes his wallet from his pocket. He thumbs through a stack of 100 dollar bills before handing them over the masked man.


Kip Keenan: Two grand. Count it again if you want.


Deadly Deadshot: No need. If it isn't all there, I'll get the rest sooner or later.


Kip Keenan: It's there.


Deadly Deadshot: What's the job?


Kip Keenan: Why don't we go somewhere a little more private?


Deadshot motions for Keenan to follow him and the two disappear off-camera.




Moses Makesh: Some scheming going on, Luther.


Luther Judge: Those are two dirty ass white boys Mo'. You best believe a man named Deadshot don't come cheap.


Generic rap music hits as the monstrous Lil' Henry and his mouthpiece, Anslem Briggs make their way out.




Anslem Briggs: I gots a problem. The new main man, Eric Tyler, is trying to stick it to Ali by making him wait until the end of the night to find out who gonna go at it. Know why I got a problem with that. Because my homie, the biggest Lil' you ever saw, gets whoever Ali doesn't. Which means we gotta wait too. And that don't sit right with Anslem Briggs.


Briggs removes his glasses. Wipes the lenses.


Anslem Briggs: I've been running the streets since I was ten, making moves, making money. I'm here because I see this giant next to me and know he's going places, places where only Anslem Briggs can take him. But if my man can't do a little background check on the next sucker who has the misfortune to go up against him, then that leaves a chance he goes down. And I don't like leaving nothing to chance.


Anslem Briggs: So, I'm taking the ball and running with it. We challenge Fiasco Fierce to a match tonight. Leave the gold behind dawg. We don't want your second rate belt. We want your mother f****** head. You strut around like you own this joint. Please, son. If Tyler likes what he sees, Henry gots no problem brawling twice tonight. Because bigger means better.




Moses Makesh: I don't back down from no man, but I might think twice about stepping in the ring with that oversized killa.


Luther Judge: Don't look like Fiasco Fierce has a choice. He'll keep his gold, but baby, I don't if he'll keep his life.


Moses Makesh: But Lil' Henry isn't the only monster here in IPW. That's right playas, you about to see maybe the scariest dude on the block. BB Colossus.


Luther Judge: Aw s***. I feel for the poor soul who got to deal with BB.


Moses Makesh: Two poor souls.


Handicap Match: BB Colossus vs "Ice Cold" Ray Snow & Stanley Axis

  • This wasn't a match so much as a straight beat down as Colossus threw both Snow and Axis around the ring with ease throughout the match.
  • Snow did manage to land a stiff kick into BB's ribs which only served to anger the beast.
  • After tossing Axis from the ring like a rag doll, Colossus charged at a nearly unconscious Snow in the corner and nailed him with the Colossus Avalanche.
  • As Snow's lifeless body fell to the mat, Colossus put a giant boot on his back as referee Jeffrey Davis made the academic three count.

Winner: BB Colossus via Colossus Avalance

Time: 3:36




Moses Makesh: Whoo boy, that wasn't pretty.


Luther Judge: I told you Mo', BB ain't a man you want to f*** around with.


Moses Makesh: Hell, the 5-0 might be coming around to lock up BB for straight killin' those two fools.


Luther Judge: Hell if the 5-0 want to try and put that monster in cuffs.


Moses and Luther are interrupted by the first couple of IPW... Hustle Muvva and Cindy.




Cindy catches the eye of nearly every guy in the building as she flaunts her body in a black beater and super short jean shorts with pink heels. Muvva slaps her on the ass as the pair climb into the ring.


Hustle Muvva: Oooh baby, it's good to be here and great to be staring a fine dime piece like my girl Cindy. Tonight, your boy goes up against the two pastiest, ugliest, dumbest motherf****** in this entire building. Kip Keenan. What kind of name is Kip Keenan. You sound like the guy that cleans the windows of my tricked out Rolls. And the "Irish Warrior" Lug Phelan. Ain't you supposed to be pickin' potatoes or something dawg? Maybe running away from some kids trying to steal your breakfast cereal. Nah. I'm walking away with the W and the hottest b**** up in here. Because, baby, I'm murder.




Luther Judge: Oooh, the things I would do to that girl.


Moses Makesh: Better not let Muvva hear you talking like that Luther.


Luther Judge: Whatever Mo', me and Hustle are boys. He knows I'm playing.

We cut backstage where Cindy is walking alone towards the women's bathroom.



As she's about to enter the restroom, a gloved hand goes over her mouth. She tries to scream to no avail. The camera pans to catch the face of the assailant.



Deadly Deadshot: It's nothing personal. Just business.


Deadshot drags Cindy down the hallway and out of view.




Moses Makesh: Looks like we know what Keenan paid for now.


Luther Judge: That dirty son of a b****. Muvva is gonna be out for blood. I would be.


Moses Makesh: That's gotta be Keenan's plan. Keep Hustle's mind on Cindy and off their match.


Luther Judge: Some scheming going on tonight Mo'.


Moses Makesh: Don't I know it.



Hustle Muvva vs Kip Keenan vs "Irish Warrior" Lug Phelan

  • Muvva is obviously enraged from the start and goes right after Keenan, nailing with rights and lefts.
  • This given Phelan the opportunity to sneak up behind and take out Muvva's knee with a chop block.

  • Keenan and Phelan team up against Muvva, but end up at odds when Keenan tries to sneak in a pinfall attempt only for Phelan to break it up at the last second.
  • As Phelan and Keenan go at it, Muvva rolls to the outside to recover, before re-entering the fray with a big boot to Keenan.
  • Midway through the bout, Deadly Deadshot appeared, dragging Cindy behind him. Muvva went to go after Deadshot only to have Keenan take him down a with a German Suplex. Keenan was only able to get two, however.
  • Deadshot's antics proved beneficial at first as anytime Muvva went to hit Keenan, Deadshot mimicked like he would do the same to Cindy.
  • Phelan continued to impress as he leveled both Muvva and Keenan with shoulder blocks, but only managed to get a two count on Keenan.

  • Unfortunately for the "Irish Warrior", a mistimed clothesline attempt on Muvva saw him get thrown over the top rope and into the barricade, essentially removing him from the match.
  • The bout dragged towards the end as Keenan seemed unsure of what to do in the match and Muvva looked winded.

  • It looked like Keenan would manage to pick up the victory until Cindy elbowed Deadshot in the ribs and then kicked him in the balls. She scampered into the ring and teased Keenan by bending over.
  • The distraction proved to be the difference as Muvva was able to grab Keenan and hit him with a Powerslam. Keenan tried to kick out at the last second, but was too late.

Winner: Hustle Muvva via Powerslam

Time: 14:49





Moses Makesh: Muvva wins! Kip Keenan tried to do our boy dirty. Shows what happens when you mess with a real playa.


Luther Judge: Mo', I ain't even clowning, I wasn't even watching the match. Too busy with my eyes on that fine ass Cindy.


Moses Makesh: Muvva gots style. No doubt.


More generic rap music hits and the IPW Californian Champion, Fiasco Fierce, makes his way out.

Fiasco Fierce: Check it.


A phat beat drops.


Fiasco Fierce: This fat ass steps up to challenge me/ You little in all the wrong places Henry / I gots gold around my waist / Sprinting around you can't keep pace / Face facts, need a fake n**** to speak on your behalf / So fat, people see you and see half / Back up off my nuts you a clown / Only need a minute to take your punk self down / Around town, they know Fiasco the fiercest / Henry playing around cause he knows I am the f****** business


Fierce drops the microphone and turns towards the entrance ramp to await Lil' Henry.




Moses Makesh: Fierce dropping bombs Luther.



Luther Judge: My dawg knows how to work that mic Mo'. For sure.


Moses Makesh: We gots to see if he can work over Henry inside the ring. Gonna be a war.


Lil' Henry w/Anslem Briggs vs Fiasco Fierce

  • While the crowd didn't hate on Fierce's rap, they certainly weren't fans on his ring work, showering him with insults from the get go.
  • The match started off well enough as Fierce went away from Henry's size with smart hit-and-move attacks.
  • Eventually, Henry managed to catch Fierce as he wound up for a punch and nailed a bodyslam in the center of the ring. Somehow, Fierce kicked out a 2.
  • The two men actually played really well off each other, displaying an excellent chemistry.

  • Anslem Briggs and Henry also were a hell of a duo as Briggs shouted instructions to the big man, and worked to get the crowd behind his client.
  • Unfortunately, both Fierce and Henry seemed to wear down as the match dragged on with Henry holding Fierce in a headlock for close to two minutes as both men caught their breath.
  • As the crowd booed, it seemed to throw both Fierce and Henry off their game and the match descended into a clusterf*** of missed spots and mistimed moves.
  • Fierce tried to take Henry down by going for his legs, but Henry no-sold the shots and flung Fierce off the ropes. As Henry went for a clothesline, Fierce tumbled over the top rope to the floor causing some confusion.
  • Mercifully, the end finally came when Briggs rolled Fierce back in the ring... right into the clutches of Henry who nailed a Double-Handed Choke Bomb to get the easy three count.

Winner: Lil' Henry via Double-Handed Choke Bomb

Time: 17:28





Moses Makesh: It wasn't pretty, but Lil' Henry picks up the win.


Luther Judge: Mo', if that match was a car, it'd be a damn '78 Pinto.


Moses Makesh: Henry don't give a s***. Big win for a big man.


Luther Judge: Mo', who the f*** is that?

The camera pans away from Luther and Mo to catch the sight of a young girl, wearing nothing but a bikini, strutting down to the ring.




The unnamed girl struts over to Fierce as he's getting up off the canvas. Fierce looks perplexed as she shakes her ass for him and then blows Fierce a kiss. Fierce shoots the crowd a glance like, "What do you think?" and the crowd goes nuts.


The girl motions for Fierce to come over to her. Fierce does as he's told and closes his eyes as he leans in for a kiss. But, the hot blonde leaves him hanging as she slides out of the ring and dances back up the ramp.




Moses Makesh: I thought I'd seen it all here in IPW. But that is a new one.


Luther Judge: It certainly is.


Moses Makesh: Luther, come on dude, I'm talking about what she did.


Luther Judge: So am I.


Moses Makesh: You need to get some dawg.


Luther Judge: You know it.



The IPW Champion, Frantic Ali rolls out from the back and climbs into the ring. He grabs a mic as he hands his belt to referee Jeffrey Davis.


Frantic Ali: Get it over with old man. Bring your piece of s*** out here and let me know who I'm facing.


Sure enough, the new head honcho, Eric Tyler appears.




Eric Tyler: Ali, Ali, Ali. Know why I don't like you. Because you got all the talent in the world and you're pissing it away. No humility. Confidence is good, confidence makes you the best. Being cocky? That makes you ripe to be upset. I guess it doesn't really matter whose name I call, you'll say you can beat them...


Frantic Ali: It don't matter who you bring out here. I will beat them.


Eric Tyler: As I was saying. We've got a guy here who values hard work, actual wrestling, and respect for his opponent. The perfect candidate to show you, Ali, that you aren't the greatest. That you aren't even close. Your opponent tonight is none other than the Masked Stranger.


Ali sarcastically claps his hands.




Moses Makesh: There ya go Luther. It's gonna be Frantic Ali versus Masked Stranger.



Luther Judge: Damn, Tyler isn't fooling around here. Stranger is one bad ass white boy.


Moses Makesh: Don't matter who behind the mask, Ali's in trouble.




Over the speaker system, Moses and Luther go over the highlights of each man's career so far in IPW and the fact this is the first meeting between the two. Moses points out Ali toppling Lil' Henry for the belt and Masked Stranger's arrival just a few months ago and the legend he built on the East Coast.




Moses Makesh: It's showtime. Ain't nowhere else I'd rather be Luther.


Luther Judge: I feel ya Mo'. This is gonna be like a game of craps on the corner. No way of telling how it gonna end up.




IPW Championship: Frantic Ali © vs Masked Stranger

  • The crowd was hot from the get go, half cheering for Ali, the other half for the Stranger.
  • Ali went on the offense right away, nailing Stranger with rights and lefts before landing a big shoulder block to send him to the mat.
  • The champ continued to wail away before trying to steal a pinfall, but Stranger kicked out after a quick 2.
  • Ali's biggest mistake came when he tried to go for big Brainbuster. Stranger reversed it and nailed successive German Suplexes, bridging the last one, though it only scored a 2 count.
  • The action eventually spilled onto the floor where Ali was more at home, sending Stranger into the ringside steps.
  • Ali thought he had the match won after hitting a DDT, but Stranger got the shoulder up as Jeffrey Davis' hand was coming down.
  • The crowd was on fire as both men traded blows in the center of the ring, Stranger eventually landing the upper hand by using his technical expertise to lock an armbar in on Ali.
  • The champ managed to break the hold with a thumb to the eye and followed it up with an elbow to the gut.
  • Ali used the momentum to batter Stranger within an inch of his life, playing his superiority up to the live crowd as Moses urged him to seal the deal.
  • The champ was gearing up to do just that when a fan in a black ski mask ran in from the crowd. Security couldn't respond in time as the mystery man leveled Ali from behind with a crowbar.
  • Stranger came to and saw Ali groggy and down in the ring. He wasted no time in applying his patented Cobra Clutch.
  • The damage down, Ali had no choice but to submit.

Winner: Masked Stranger via Cobra Clutch

Time: 22:53




Moses Makesh: Aw, hell nah. Who was that guy in the ski mask?


Luther Judge: That's some bulls*** Mo'.


Moses Makesh: I'm sure Ali ain't gonna be happy about this.


Luther Judge: I'm bout to bust some fools.


Moses Makesh: Luther, my dawg, we gots to go. IPW peeps, check us next month for another dose of iNSANITY!


Attendance: 264



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Quite a good first show.


I liked Frantic's promo against Tyler. It's exactly the type of feel I get when thinking about how IPW would react to someone coming in and changing it. The fact that Tyler is in a position of power to do so should lead to some interesting scenarios playing out.


Hopefully you've got something planned for Lil' Henry. the duo of him and Anslem could be an interesting dynamic. Could also make a stable out of them if you wanted to add someone else under Anslem's guidance.


I'd jump the Cali title straight off Fierce, you're going to be losing him anyway once GSW come calling. He's useless in the ring to, so the sooner you can leech something out of him the better.


I've been planning a IPW diary myself and I find myself in a dilemma as I've booked things almost the same way you have, minus Eric Tyler of course. Might find myself changing a few things up.


Keep it up, I'm very interested to see where you'll be heading with this.

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Quite a good first show.


I liked Frantic's promo against Tyler. It's exactly the type of feel I get when thinking about how IPW would react to someone coming in and changing it. The fact that Tyler is in a position of power to do so should lead to some interesting scenarios playing out.


Hopefully you've got something planned for Lil' Henry. the duo of him and Anslem could be an interesting dynamic. Could also make a stable out of them if you wanted to add someone else under Anslem's guidance.


I'd jump the Cali title straight off Fierce, you're going to be losing him anyway once GSW come calling. He's useless in the ring to, so the sooner you can leech something out of him the better.


I've been planning a IPW diary myself and I find myself in a dilemma as I've booked things almost the same way you have, minus Eric Tyler of course. Might find myself changing a few things up.


Keep it up, I'm very interested to see where you'll be heading with this.


Thanks man. Glad to have another reader. The Ali name is really what stuck out and in my head he's definitely got the attitude of a more famous (guess which one) and Tyler represents everything he hates. Needless to say, these two will be at odds over the long haul.


I do have something planned for Lil' Henry and it isn't necessarily a path you might expect. There's a reason he has Briggs as a mouthpiece and hopefully it'll make you like the character.


God, Fierce is terrible. I have no doubt he was primarily responsible for that F+ with Lil' Henry. He will serve a purpose and he actually turned down GSW to stay with me even though I didn't boost his pay or anything.


Good luck with your IPW and I'll be looking out for it.

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Sunday, Week 2, January 2013








Knock. Knock. The sound of a heavy hand rasping on my front door echoes through my largely empty hotel room. I keep telling myself it's a temporary place to stay. But is that because I'm planning on settling down or planning on packing my bags again? I lumber to the front door. I already knew who it was.




The grades are up.


Something tells me, they aren't great.


What did we get?


A 'D'.


Same as Grimm. Hell, he's pissed.


John, listen, I...


Eric. Stop your apologizing. It was my fault. I booked that Henry and Fierce match for too long. Got an 'F+' and dragged down the rest of the show.


It didn't look great live, either. I told Fierce after the show he should've done better. You gave him a belt after all.


A mistake to be sure. The crowd hates Fierce because he, well, isn't very good at being a pro wrestler. But I've got another question I want to ask. Better to ease into it slowly.


How'd the main event do?


F***** D+. Assholes shortchanged us.


It was one hell of a match. Told Stranger and Ali that after the show, in front of everybody. Thing is, seems like I should be aware of the bigger picture. Since I'm scripting the promos. The fan run-in? Who's the surprise?


He cringes when I ask about it. Something's going on here. I can't quite put my finger on what it is.


Don't worry about that. Just a one-off gag. Ain't one to give praise, Eric, but you did one hell of a job Saturday. You want to book the whole thing next month?


Changing the topic. Something is definitely going on. But I know better than to push John.


Of course. It's why I came down here.


Hell yea it is. Just wanted to see with my own two eyes you weren't a complete f***-up.


Thanks for the confidence.


Best you'll get from me. By the way, wanted to give this to you. Just a list of some guys who you might want to sign if we have a spot open up.


Is this because of Grimm offering five more of our guys.


Bastard strikes out and doesn't know when to quit. You offered all of 'em new deals?


I did.


Good. Be seeing you Eric.


And with that he's gone and the door slams shut. I unfold the sheet of paper and scan the names. I fling the door back open and call down the hallway.


John? John! What's this list?


No answer. This list... it can't be.
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IPW.com Prediction Contest

*Winner gets to pick Ray Snow's opponent at IPW iNSANITY in March for his 'Survival of the Fittest Match'*


Show Prediction Results:

Jingo 3/4 (.750)

Occasional Z 2/4 (.500)

Beeker 2/4 (.500)

1PWfan 1/4 (.250)

Midnightnick (.250)

Overall Prediction Results:

Jingo 3/4 (.750)

Occasional Z 2/4 (.500)

Beeker 2/4 (.500)

1PWfan 1/4 (.250)

Midnightnick (.250)

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<p>Friday, Week 3, January 2013</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Logos/IPW_zps923082bd.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35047" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Traitors!</span></strong><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><em>- By IPW.com Web Staff </em></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Well, it looks like the menace of Brother Grimm hasn't left us alone after all. Five more of IPW's fantastic roster have sold their souls to the devil and begun work with GSW. Who are these five traitors who will now languish in obscurity as punk b****** before being straight got...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Wrestlers/LilHenry_zps3aacf75a.jpg</span><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Wrestlers/KipKeenan_zps9ceb5e5a.jpg</span><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Wrestlers/LugPhelan_zps6c7ed1ba.jpg</span><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Wrestlers/Pierrot_zps29b6b2a4.jpg</span><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Wrestlers/Babau_zps4161ff80.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> That's right. Fat f*** who prolly can't even talk, Lil' Henry, weak ass cracker and possible ladyboy Kip Keenan, potato-eatin' loser Lug Phelan, wack clown Pierrot, and goth freak Babau have all decided that spending their days going down on Brother Grimm is a better move for their careers. IPW wishes them well as far as their futures in prostitution and general wackness is concerned. If we have some last words for these five p******, it's this... snitches get stitches.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><em>filed on Friday, Week 3, January 2013</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p></div></blockquote> </div><p></p><p></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rare Kuma" data-cite="Rare Kuma" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35047" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm following this. I love the sheer attitude and atmosphere, very dark and gritty. Sad that Kip and Henry left you though. :C</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Haha thanks. Honestly, Keenan is a bigger loss than Henry. While Keenan's performance skills didn't seem to be up to par yet (with Fog of War turned on, it's hard to tell), it seemed feasible to me that he could be a mainstay and future champ. I wanted to team him and Deadshot (another guy I love) up as The Contract Killers and give them a run with the tag straps to start off with, but that was KO'd by their awful chemistry together. Next month, was going to see Keenan go after Deadshot for failing in his mission. </p><p> </p><p> I hinted that I had something for Henry and Briggs. Creating empathy with a big guy is extremely difficult as their is a tendency to book every single one as an unstoppable monster. To do this, I was going to have Briggs turn on Henry and side with Colossus. He'd reveal the reason Henry never talked is because he has a speech impediment. And I don't want this to sound like a Eugene situation. It would be much more akin to Henry being portrayed as a gentle giant and his 'friends' helping him overcome his impediment by working on his mic skills show after show. </p><p> </p><p> Now, Henry can take his stuttering ass right over to Grimm and get jobbed out to Fro Sure forever and ever.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smwilliams" data-cite="smwilliams" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35047" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Haha thanks. Honestly, Keenan is a bigger loss than Henry. While Keenan's performance skills didn't seem to be up to par yet (with Fog of War turned on, it's hard to tell), it seemed feasible to me that he could be a mainstay and future champ. I wanted to team him and Deadshot (another guy I love) up as The Contract Killers and give them a run with the tag straps to start off with, but that was KO'd by their awful chemistry together. Next month, was going to see Keenan go after Deadshot for failing in his mission. <p> </p><p> I hinted that I had something for Henry and Briggs. Creating empathy with a big guy is extremely difficult as their is a tendency to book every single one as an unstoppable monster. To do this, I was going to have Briggs turn on Henry and side with Colossus. He'd reveal the reason Henry never talked is because he has a speech impediment. And I don't want this to sound like a Eugene situation. It would be much more akin to Henry being portrayed as a gentle giant and his 'friends' helping him overcome his impediment by working on his mic skills show after show. </p><p> </p><p> Now, Henry can take his stuttering ass right over to Grimm and get jobbed out to Fro Sure forever and ever.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I hear your pain. I've suffered the same thing in the Regional Rumble game. GSW's almost day one raiding annoys me to no end.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MichiganHero" data-cite="MichiganHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35047" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hear your pain. I've suffered the same thing in the Regional Rumble game. GSW's almost day one raiding annoys me to no end.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If I didn't hate Brother Grimm before, I do now. If he had taken Colossus, Henry, and the two clowns, oh well. But Babau? Keenan? I think, though, this might be beneficial in the long run.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w506/scowilliams/IPW%20Logos/IPW_zps923082bd.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="35047" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>Welcome to Hell</strong></span><p> <em><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">- By IPW.com Web Staff</span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></em><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Yo, yo, yo! You know we here at IPW.com don't like to comment on those b****** that be gossiping on the corners 'bout who we signed and who we lost. The five punk ass tricks that up and vanished over to The Warehouse, they gone. Forget about their sorry asses. See, Grimm must've forgot who he's dealing with. Our peeps with their ears to the street tell us that Nemesis, Eric Tyler, and Gil Thomas wasted no time in replacing those fools who left with some new blood. Five new wrestlers never seen before here in IPW. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> Who are they? Can't say a word. The big man, himself, would eat us alive if we spoiled the surprises he got for Grimm, but maybe we can drop a few clues. We know our fans ain't no jakes. Still, little detective work never hurt anyone. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> Two of the guys? They been working on the East Coast for a long time now. Some say they like brothers, they so tight. Problem is, we only got two of 'em cause the third dude was so bad, nobody here even wanted him in the back.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> The other two guys? They've been working way farther East than the coast, no doubt. It ain't like they don't have experience here in America though. Fact is, they both made their names here. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> And the fifth? What we hear, he ain't nothing. He does have a connection to one of the other four. Must be the lookout boy or something like that. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> Oh s***, almost forgot, boys tell me Tyler went out and found himself a fly ass chick already working down here in Southern California to up the T&A a little here in IPW. You know what we say to that...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><em>filed on Thursday, Week 4, January 2013</em></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span></p></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>This is great!! I adore the grittiness of this dynasty...it's why I struggle to read SWF dynasties, they are all glitzy (which is justified), but that bores me. IPW isn't the ideal company to run...you are in the midst of a war with a company that probably have more cash to toss around, in a region pretty much dominated by CZCW. You've managed to show just how tough it can be, plus I love the interactions between Tyler and Nemesis...on one hand, Tyler is totally pissed off with Nemesis for the lack of trust...yet there is a definite mutual respect which is covered quite well! Well done!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I'm also super psyched about the first two of the five signees you mentioned...I have no idea who the other three could be though...looking forward to finding out.</p>

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This is great!! I adore the grittiness of this dynasty...it's why I struggle to read SWF dynasties, they are all glitzy (which is justified), but that bores me. IPW isn't the ideal company to run...you are in the midst of a war with a company that probably have more cash to toss around, in a region pretty much dominated by CZCW. You've managed to show just how tough it can be, plus I love the interactions between Tyler and Nemesis...on one hand, Tyler is totally pissed off with Nemesis for the lack of trust...yet there is a definite mutual respect which is covered quite well! Well done!



I'm also super psyched about the first two of the five signees you mentioned...I have no idea who the other three could be though...looking forward to finding out.


Thanks for the kind words, sir. I think you got the companies reversed because we have a lot more money than Grimm does. The problem is Nemesis blocks any contract offer that's basically 50 dollars higher than the current amount. And even though our offers were still better than GSW for the five that left, it wasn't by enough.


The Tyler-Nemesis dynamic is basically the crux of this dynasty and while the in-ring stuff is obviously first and foremost, by the end of this thing, their relationship will be very, very different.


And, yes, the hint I dropped about the first two guys probably gave them away, but that's okay, the other two guys are more important in the grand scheme of things.

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Really loving the Nemesis-Tyler dynamic. I was also thinking of something like this before i went into another direction with my dynasty. Very interested in where you take this??


If you have time you can hop over to my diary to take a look


I'm not entirely sure where I plan to take this will be popular or not, but I'm running with it.


And sure thing. You're doing the Cornell NWF dynasty right? I'll check it out. More familiar with the UK than other game areas thanks to Boltinho's 21CW dynasty in 2010.

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There's a loud banging on the door. I look at my replacement clock, some new-fangled digital thing that lights up a hundred different ways. Two in the morning. Only one person it could be.
Eric! Open up. God damn it, hurry.


I fling the door open. John, in a ripped shirt and jeans, is sweating profusely.
John. What the hell is going on?


Me and the boys were out throwing a few back. One of us, maybe me, got the bright idea to mess up Grimm's gold-plated Benz. They saw us. Bunch of dudes been chasing after us all night with machine guns.


And you came here?


John ducks into my apartment. His eyes dart from right to left, looking for a foe that isn't there. Would I be a bad friend if I called the police?
Okay. Settle down. I'm sure the heat will blow over.


Rat-tat-tat. Gunshots. I dive under the kitchen table, shielding my face and body from the bullets flying in through the windows.
John! John! You okay?


Then I hear the laugh.
Got ya, you cranky son of a b****.


If I killed him, where could I hide the body?
Very funny. You drove all the way over here to play a practical joke?


'Course not. Drove over here because you've been on duty for a month now. Officially. Bustin' your balls was supposed to lighten the mood.


I can see why you're still single.


Look who's talking. Still, where are we?


I did have some things I wanted to talk to you about.


Which I can barely focus on thanks to your stupid stunt, John.
As far as feuds. I've got four lined up right now given the recent additions and defections. Big names squaring off. The up-and-comers being given a chance to shine.


Good. I'm assuming one of these is a continuation of Stranger versus Ali.


How'd you deduce that one, Sherlock?
It is.


I want you to play a major role. Your segments graded out the highest on the last show.


I don't like the evil boss angle, it's been done before.


Then find a new way to do it because I've got some bad news...


Oh God, I'm fired and he wants me to stay on as a performer. I really don't want to ask Mitch for my old job back.
... we're going to finish last in the regional battle.




The Zone's show blew us out of the water. The girls up North, they have some fans down here and they put on a better show. Us and Grimm tied.


Our show was better.


Not how the f**** at TEW saw it. We're going to finish last. We're going to take a hit in popularity, prestige, and momentum, a.k.a., every f****** metric they use to measure a company.


John, listen, I...


No excuses. I already shouldered the blame for some of it.


...am sorry. I'll do better. You've put your life into this project and trusted me with it.


Now, I'm not sure why.
I appreciate that Eric. I didn't know if you were the right man for the job. I still don't. But, you lived and died with me for nearly ten years. That counts for something. Maybe not in Eisen's world. Or even Cornell's. But in mine. If Vibert comes calling with an offer for you. Take it. I won't hold it against you. I'm asking you to trust me. Trust that I have a plan to bring this company to the forefront again. We'll either do it or die trying.


You're still a prick for that joke back there.


He flashes a devious smile. We both break out in laughter.
Come on. Let's go grab a drink. I'm buying.

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Thanks for the kind words, sir. I think you got the companies reversed because we have a lot more money than Grimm does. The problem is Nemesis blocks any contract offer that's basically 50 dollars higher than the current amount. And even though our offers were still better than GSW for the five that left, it wasn't by enough.


The Tyler-Nemesis dynamic is basically the crux of this dynasty and while the in-ring stuff is obviously first and foremost, by the end of this thing, their relationship will be very, very different.


And, yes, the hint I dropped about the first two guys probably gave them away, but that's okay, the other two guys are more important in the grand scheme of things.


Ah, my bad...I just assumed that because Grimm was some big shot rapper, he'd have more money. But yeah...money means nothing when you have a tightass boss. Good luck! I'll definitely keep reading!!

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