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Frantic Ali vs Greg Black

- Always bet on Black!


IPW Championship: Masked Stranger © vs Matthew Keith

- Olde School vs. one of the sons of old school.


IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & Doug Peak

- Such an odd combination, I'll go with Nemesis and Tyler giving the nod to two DaVE alumni.


IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

- Hustlin' outta the way, so the Deadly shot misses.


Survival of the Fittest Match: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow vs ?????

- I never bet against ?... so... how can Ice Cold overcome FIVE ?s? He can't.

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iNSANITY March 2013





Thursday, Week 2, March 2013

From The Simmons Center, South West, USA


Though the cameras aren't rolling yet, "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler once again opens the show in the ring for the live crowd. The veteran thanks everyone for coming and promises a great night of action ahead. Tyler says because the fans in the building deserve a little something extra, there will be two matches only shown for the live audience.


As the fans who got the building early cheer, Tyler explains the first match-up will be between one of the scariest individuals he's ever seen step foot in the ring...BB Colossus. "The Traditionalist" makes it a point to express awe at the sheer size and nastiness of Colossus and mentions the monster now has Anslem Briggs at his side. Tyler, then, announces the second competitor, a rookie with a never-say-die attitude...Ash. Tyler expresses doubt Ash can pull off the upset, but wishes both men luck.






Dark Match: Ash w/Willow vs BB Colossus w/Anslem Briggs

  • With Anslem Briggs doing a good job getting the crowd going, this match is over as fast as it started. Ash tries to take Colossus down with a kick to the ribs, but the big man shruggs it off and whips the rookie into a corner. A huge Colossus Avalanche follows and BB puts his gigantic boot across Ash's chest for the three count.

Winner: BB Colossus via Colossus Avalanche

Time: 1:31





Dark Match: Fiasco Fierce & Stanley Axis vs Hellech & Moroi

  • The crowd is once again all over Fierce from the start, seemingly showing complete contempt for Fierce.
  • Hellech takes control in the early going, using his speed to keep the rookie, Stanley Axis, off balance.
  • It's when Hellech makes the tag to Moroi that things change as Axis is able to catch Moroi after he springs off the ropes and score with a fallaway slam. Axis crawls towards his corner and manages to make the hot tag to Fierce.
  • Fierce comes in and nails a clothesline on Moroi and then another on Hellech charging in from the corner.
  • Realizing Axis is spent, Fierce throws Hellech over the top rope and onto the floor. Fierce follows the clown down and chucks him into the steel guardrail for good measure.
  • Fierce enters the ring with the chair and waits for Moroi to get up. As Moroi turns to face Fierce, Fierce chucks the chair at Moroi who catches it as Fierce SPEARS him to the mat. The cover follows and Jeffrey Davis counts the 1...2...3.

Winner: Fiasco Fierce & Stanley Axis via Spear

Time: 11:38






Moses Makesh: Peeps and peepettes, welcome to another month of straight up iNSANITY here at The Simmons Center in sunny Southern California.


Luther Judge: Mo', lookin' swag as usual my brother.


Moses Makesh: Back at ya, Lu'. Last month we saw the arrival of four new stars here in IPW. Acid, Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez, and "Dangerous" Doug Peak. And it's all due to Eric Tyler doing work against Frantic Ali.


Luther Judge: Speak of the devil Mo'. Looks like Tyler got something to say.





"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler makes his way out from the back as the sounds of Beethoven's 5th blast throughout the building. Tyler takes his time getting into the ring as he soaks up the atmosphere. Eventually, he grabs a mic.


Eric Tyler: I am capable of many things. Throughout my career, I was on the side of angels, and of devils, and learned tricks from both. Surprisingly, both sides offered the same piece of advice: Don't tip your hand when you've got an ace in the hole. Doug and I go back a long way and when I explained to him why I needed him here, why he needed to return from the Far East, he obliged. And Ali never saw him coming.


Tyler, stone-faced, shakes his head as if he's disappointed.


Eric Tyler: And nobody is to blame for that but Ali, himself. You have to be prepared for all possibilities. I was. Once again, Ali's pride came before his fall. He thought Acid was the biggest of his concerns. Acid. You must be wondering how I got him on board. Truth is, I didn't. Acid likes to walk alone, but John writes the checks, and I tell John who deserves to get paid. Even loners like money.


Generic rap overwhelms Tyler's voice. The crowd pops as...




...Frantic Ali makes his way out.


Frantic Ali: Shut the f*** up. No one in this building wants to hear what your pale ass got to say.


Eric Tyler: You should hear what I've got to say, "champ".


Frantic Ali: Funny dawg. You talk about being prepared? I've been preparing my whole life to stand up to an old ass motherf***** like you who won't get out of my way. I'm a star Tyler.


Eric Tyler: You think so?


Frantic Ali: I damn well know so.


Eric Tyler: Prove it. Tonight.


Frantic Ali: Against Black? No problem. N**** won't know what hit him.


Eric Tyler: Black's actually been a big shot Ali. Spent time with Supreme. I'd be careful of that cockiness if I were you.


Frantic Ali: Yea, yea, know this Tyler...I'M THE GREATEST!


Ali backs up the ramp and out of sight, arms raised the whole time.




Moses Makesh: Tyler makin' moves, that's for sure. You got a crew with Acid and Doug Peak, you can run s***.


Luther Judge: Mo', don't sleep on the boys Ali brought in last month to watch his back.


Moses Makesh: For sure. Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez have years breakin' fools back East. And, they got gold their first time out.


Luther Judge: Might not have it for long.





IPW Tag Team Championship: Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez © vs Acid & "Dangerous" Doug Peak

  • Peak and Chavez kick off the bout and the two brawlers both throw a flurry of haymakers. Peak, though, seizes the upper hand after backing Chavez into a corner.
  • "Dangerous" takes advantage and whips Chavez across the ring, finishing the move with a big boot that sends half of the champs tumbling to the outside.
  • Galindo runs along the apron and leaps onto Peak with a suicide dive, sending Peak crashing into the steel steps. As the champs move to double team Peak, Acid comes out of nowhere with a flying seated drop kick that takes out all three men.
  • Peak is the first one to his feet and rolls Galindo back in the ring. Peak tries for brainbuster, but Galindo flips behind him and rolls up Peak. The champs almost retain but "Dangerous" kicks out at two and a half.
  • Both Acid and Chavez grab chairs from ringside and get involved in the action as Acid nails Galindo from behind as Chavez hits Peak. The two men run full speed towards each other and end up both hitting the mat after delivering a chair shot to their opponent.
  • Acid rolls out to ringside, still in pain, and drags out a table from underneath the ring. As Peak and Galindo stir, Acid motions for Peak to put Galindo through the table.

  • Peak attempts to do that by powerbombing Galindo over the top rope, but Galindo fights back with hard rights, causing Peak to stumble backwards and eventually fall on his back. Galindo hooks Peak's legs, but Acid makes the last second save.
  • Acid takes Galindo and hits one, two, three kicks to his midsection before hitting a rolling arm drag. The challenger covers, but only gets two. Acid goes to the top rope and preps for an Acid Rain Bomb, but Galindo gets to his feet and crotches Acid on the top rope. As Acid falls to the floor, Galindo comes off and tries to hit a suicide dive, but Acid moves at the last second, sending Galindo in the guardrail.
  • As this is happening, Peak and Chavez get to their feet. Peak charges at Chavez, who gets his head down, and back body drops Peak over the top rope and through the table. All four men writhe in pain on the outside. Referee Jeffrey Davis calls for the bell, declaring the match a No Contest.

Draw via No Contest

Time: 17:55




Moses Makesh: Daaaaammmmnnnnn. Looks like these four cats are down for the count.


Luther Judge: Mo'. Mo'. They gettin' up.




As Luther said, all four men slowly rise to their feet. Rather than lick their wounds, the brawl begins anew. Peak lifts Galindo up and throws him five rows into the crowd. Acid and Chavez follow over the guardrail. Fans scramble as Peak grabs a chair and swings wildly at Galindo and Chavez, connecting with Galindo's skull. The four continue to brawl through the stands.




Moses Makesh: This brawl might end up on the streets here Luther.


Luther Judge: Mo', man, I ain't seen a fight like that since '92.


Moses Makesh: You see Peak crash through that table. Surprised he ain't on his way to the morgue. Peak always been a wild one, though.


Luther Judge: May have met his match in those chicos from back east.



We cut backstage to the locker room of Hustle Muvva. The flyest one in IPW doesn't look too great tonight, especially without Cindy by his side. Muvva takes a sip from a bottle of water.


Hustle Muvva: Oooh, look what you got the flyest n**** in IPW drinking. Water? I ain't had water in damn near five years Deadshot. Only bubbly or a nice cognac for me, baby. See, I looked in the mirror this morning and while I looked fine as usual, somethin' wasn't right. Somebody as beautiful as me needs a beautiful woman by his side.


Muvva takes another sip of water. In a stunning display of rage, he crushes the bottle in his palm and throws it against the wall of his locker room.


Hustle Muvva: And I had one. But you stole from me, Deadshot. And just cuz I look good, don't mean, I don't know how to fight. Tonight, you hide that busted ass face behind a mask. Don't matter to me. I'm gonna whoop that ass until you tell me where Cindy at. You don't?


An usually furious glare is evident in Hustle's eyes.


Hustle Muvva: Well, I'm a hustler baby, and my hustle is murder.




Moses Makesh: Hustle ain't playin' around no more. Some cat kidnaps your girl and it gets real.


Luther Judge: Especially a dime like Cindy. She was my girl and that Deadshot dude took her? Mo', he'd be lookin' over his shoulder for the rest of his life.


Moses Makesh: Muvva will get his chance for vengeance in a little bit. First, we got something new here in IPW. Yup. It's the Survival of the Fittest match.


Luther Judge: Mo', Tyler may be one crazy dude, but I'm loving this idea.


Moses Makesh: Ray Snow's deal with this company only got a few days left. So, Snow gonna have to fight for it. He wins, he keeps getting paid. He loses, well, he back out on the streets.


Luther Judge: I ain't cold-hearted Mo'. I gots to pull for Snow here.



Survival of the Fittest Match: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow vs E-Soteric

  • The rabid crowd is all over E-Soteric as soon as he comes out, and not in a good way.
  • Snow fights for his livelihood once the bell rings, using a variety of chops and strikes to score a series of near falls over E-Soteric.

  • E-Soteric reverses his fortunes for a couple of minutes after reversing a suplex attempt into a back body drop. He finishes off the barrage of offense with a DDT. Snow comes a split second away from being fired, but gets his right shoulder up as Jeffrey Davis' hand is about to strike the mat.
  • Cockily, E-Soteric mimics ripping up a sheet of paper right in Snow's face, sending Snow into a frenzy. Right. Left. Whip off the ropes into a suplex. As E-Soteric gets to his feet, Snow winds up and connects with a Spinning Back Fist. He covers and gets the three count before offering up a business-like fist pump in celebration.

Winner: "Ice Cold" Ray Snow via Spinning Back Fist

Time: 7:47




Moses Makesh: Ray Snow lives to fight another day. Glad to see somebody gonna be makin' some cash around here. Give Snow props Lu', he knows how to survive.


Luther Judge: Not for long Mo'. Look who's here.




Sure enough, the crowd pops as the monstrous BB Colossus and Anslem Briggs make their way down to the ring. The monster takes his time as both Ray Snow and E-Soteric eye the big man. Colossus displays no emotion as he enters the ring. Snow looks at E-Soteric as E-Soteric looks back at Snow, both weary of what's about to happen. Colossus extends his giant paw towards Snow, seemingly an expression of congratulations. Snow takes the monster's hand and...


BAM! Colossus drops Snow with a huge overhand right. E-Soteric tries to bail, but Colossus grabs him and chucks him into the corner before hitting the limp body with a full speed Colossus Avalanche. Snow, groggy, rises to his feet. Colossus stalks over to Snow and bench presses him above his head before throwing him over the top rope and into the crowd.




Moses Makesh: Holy s***. Colossus just threw Snow about 20 feet into the crowd.


Luther Judge: That is one bad ass n**** Mo'. Look at his eyes, man. That s*** ain't right.




Anslem Briggs: Do you understand now? It does not matter if you survive these matches, because you will not survive my client. He does not feel fear or compassion. He is unstoppable. I will take him to the top and make both of us very wealthy. He has no friends, no family, no weaknesses. He does not care if you call him a bully. He is an instrument of destruction and I am its inventor.




Moses Makesh: Lu', we gots a problem. Who here got the strength to deal with a dude like Colossus.


Luther Judge: There's a big dog on every block Mo'. And ain't no dog bigger than Colossus.


Moses Makesh: And that dog got a crafty motherf***** controlling the leash.


Luther Judge: Briggs is a hustler Mo'. And he got himself one hell of a hustle goin' on.


We cut backstage where...




...Acid is winding down after his match. He's got a suit on, but is still wearing his mask. As he takes a sip from a bottle of water...




...Willow approaches him.


Willow: Acid, remember me? I like asked you to mentor my boyfriend Ash last week.


Acid nods.


Willow: What do you think? It'd be...


Willow stares off into space, appearing to have lost her train of thought.


Willow: ...oh, awesome.


Acid's response is simple. He takes the half-empty bottle of water and dumps it all over Willow.


Willow: That was like if space and time met, you know, and they had a baby who cried.


Acid shakes his head and brushes past a soaking-wet Willow who is dancing to non-existent music.




Moses Makesh: You think that white girl could take a hint.


Luther Judge: From what I hear Mo', she hits the chronic a little too hard if you get what I'm sayin'.


Moses Makesh: Stop playin' Luther. She ain't the only one.



IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Deadly Deadshot

  • Muvva does not wait for the bell to ring to begin his assault on Deadshot, knocking the assassin down with a clothesline before Deadshot bails to the outside.
  • This doesn't deter Muvva who tracks Deadshot down and runs him face first into the steel steps. Deadshot clutches his face as Muvva grabs a chair from ringside. He winds up, but Deadshot kicks the chair straight into Hustle's face.
  • Deadshot climbs up on the barricade and hits a missile dropkick. Deadshot rolls Muvva back in the ring, but only gets a two count.
  • Grabbing a table, Deadshot sets Muvva on top of the table before climbing to the rope. Deadshot leaps off, but Muvva rolls out of the way as Deadshot crashes through.
  • Muvva quickly crawls over and drapes an arm across Deadshot's body, but only picks up a two count. A visibly tired Muvva gets Deadshot to his feet, sends him off the ropes, and finishes the sequence with a hip toss.

  • Deadshot staggers to his feet and turns right into a Hustler's Headbutt. Arms and legs go limp as Deadshot collapses to the mat. Muvva covers and gets the three count.

Winner: Hustle Muvva via Hustler's Headbutt

Time: 11:23




Moses Makesh: Muvva ain't done with Deadshot yet, Lu'. He's screaming "Where is Cindy?".


Luther Judge: Answer I want to...


The announcers microphones get cut off and The Simmons Center goes completely dark. The same crackling sound heard two months ago is heard followed by that same unidentifiable voice. Whoever it is utters only one word... THINK!

Luther Judge: Think? Think? What the f*** going on Mo'?


Moses Makesh: Gotta be the second part of a message. Two months ago, it was 'you'. Today, 'think'. You think...


Luther Judge: I think whoever this n**** is needs to stop playin' and show his face.






...Greg Black laces up his boots, ready for his upcoming match against Frantic Ali. He doesn't see...




...Hailey Booke, wearing a hot pink thong and bra enter the locker room. Black looks up and his jaw nearly hits the floor. Booke straddles the former SWF star and runs a finger along her chest.


Hailey Booke: Pig!


Booke slaps Black across the face and leaps off his lap, leaving in a huff.


Black scratches his temple, obviously confused.




Moses Makesh: What is that girl's problem. She a trip, for sure.


Luther Judge: You know what they say Mo', b****** be hot, but b****** be crazy.


Moses Makesh: Never heard that one before.


Luther Judge: It's the truth, no doubt.


Moses Makesh: No doubt.




Frantic Ali is about to come out for his match against Greg Black, but has something to say first.


Frantic Ali: Greg Black. I know Tyler been rambling on about how you big time. N****, you ain't nothing. You strapped a damn Muppet to your forehead and won a couple belts before Eisen kicked you to the curb. You just like me, Black. Only, when I get to the top, I'm make sure I stay there. They have to kill me before I leave Supreme.


Ali gathers himself, trying to contain the rage bubbling inside.


Frantic Ali: Tonight, I prove I belong with the legends, that I'm the f****** king. Chord. Bruce. Faith. Ali. When I'm in the Hall of Immortals and nobody give a damn about Greg Black, maybe I'll give you a rematch. This ain't about Tyler, it's about proving one thing. I'm the greatest.




Moses Makesh: Ali's the man dawg. Gotta respect someone that want to be the man so badly, they'll take on anybody.


Luther Judge: Yea, yea, Ali ready to rumble fo' sho'.


Moses Makesh: Black ain't gonna roll over. He was trained by the legendary Stone Family up in Canada.


Luther Judge: Canada?


Moses Makesh: Canada.


Luther Judge: Don't they make syrup up there?


Moses Makesh: Damn good syrup, what I heard.


Luther Judge: Mo', let's grab some hot cakes after this s***.


Moses Makesh: I'm down with that.



Frantic Ali vs Greg Black

  • The two competitors circle each other as the bell rings, trying to gauge what attack might come first. It's Ali who opens up the offense as he charges Black and drops him with a textbook football tackle.
  • Ali lifts Black to his feet and drills him with a sick brainbuster that nearly scores the quick three count.
  • As Ali continues to pound away at the smaller Black, the former Groucho Bling is able to counter a Russian leg sweep attempt into a neckbreaker. Bling hustles to the second rope and comes off with an elbow that lands squarely on Ali's chest. Black covers, but Ali kicks out at two.
  • Black goes out and gets a table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He puts Ali down in a corner. The crowd rises as Black back flips off the table and right onto Ali in the corner. A "holy s***" chant starts up as Black grabs a chair from ringside.
  • This proves unwise as Black throws the chair at Ali, but Ali catches it and whacks Black right in the head as the former Groucho Bling goes for a flying clothesline, which only partially connects.
  • The two men begin to slow the pace a bit, as Ali keeps Black on the ground with a variety of simple holds.
  • As Ali locks in an armbar, Black reverses it into a pinfall and Ali barely gets his shoulder up in time.
  • Furious, Ali charges at Black, who ducks, and Ali goes over the top rope and onto the floor. After over 15 minutes of action, both Ali and Black try to regain their strength, with both men bleeding from their foreheads.
  • As the match hits the 20 minute mark, the action continues to go back-and-forth with both men hitting their offense.

  • Black goes for broke, locking in the Fade To Black, but Ali reverses and gets Black into position for a Death Valley Drive when...


  • ...Eric Tyler appears. Tyler runs down to the ring, as Ali lets Black go. Ali leans over the ropes, yelling something at "The Traditionalist" who cocks back and nails Ali with a hard right hand. Ali's body drops like a stone as Tyler shoves a pair of brass knuckles in his pocket.
  • That's all Black needs as he lifts Ali's dead weight up and nails the Fade To Black (Reverse Underhook Driver). Black drapes an arm around Ali and Jeffrey Davis counts one...two...three.

Winner: Greg Black via Fade To Black after interference by Eric Tyler

Time: 22:19




Moses Makesh: Eric Tyler done screwed Frantic Ali again.


Luther Judge: Why Tyler got it out for our boy?


Moses Makesh: Good question Luther. Tyler seems to think Ali is a fighter, not a wrestler.


Luther Judge: Ain't nothing wrong with that in my book.


Moses Makesh: Yea, well Tyler's book the only one that matters.




Matthew Keith is backstage with a microphone. He paces right to left, right to left, more out of an abundance of energy than from nerves.


Matthew Keith: My father wrestled anywhere, anytime, anybody. He went to Mexico. He went to Japan. Most sons don't want to become their fathers. Neither do I. I want to be better than my father. Every match I wrestle, they say "He's no Sam." They're right.


Keith grabs a steel chair, holds it up so the viewers can see the light glimmer of its steel surface.


Matthew Keith: Sam didn't know hardcore, didn't know the feeling of harsh steel slamming into a skull, didn't know what it's like when the ropes are made of barbed wire, when the only way you can win is by putting your opponent through a table made of fire. Masked Stranger is a worthy challenge. We are kindred spirits. Wrestlers caught up in the spirit of violence. I look forward to making him tap.




Moses Makesh: Sam Keith is a legend, one of the greatest who ever lived. From talking to my boys out in Pittsburgh, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.


Luther Judge: Boy's got an edge to him. But, Masked Stranger got the gold for a reason.




IPW Championship: Masked Stranger © vs Matthew Keith

  • The crowd is hot for this matchup right as both Keith and Stranger make their way down to the ring. The two opponents shake hands and the bell rings.
  • Keith takes the early advantage with a lockup, transitioning a headlock into a rear naked choke. Stranger fights his way free with a couple of elbows into Keith's ribs and the two reset.
  • The champ whips Keith off the ropes and connects with a fisherman's suplex into a pinfall, but Keith kicks out at two.
  • For the next five minutes, neither man gains much of an advantage as they engage in a series of submission attempts and near falls.
  • It's the challenger who eventually grabs the momentum, dropping Stranger with a picture-perfect DDT in the center of the ring. Keith hooks the leg, but the champ is able to get a shoulder up at two and a half.
  • Keith spends the next several minutes working over Stranger's back with a series of stomps and holds, as Moses notes the youngster is almost certainly setting up for a Proton Lock down the road.
  • Fifteen minutes in, Stranger reverses the tide, as he manages to duck under a Keith clothesline attempt, and turn it into a neckbreaker. Somehow, Jeffrey Davis only gets to two as Keith kicks out.
  • The two men continue to put on a wrestling clinic, displaying a fantastic chemistry as they appear to have some sort of ESP, every move flowing together in harmony.
  • Finally, as the timekeeper says "20 minutes"...Matthew Keith and Masked Stranger forgo their technical training and exchange punches in the center of the ring. Stranger is the one who blocks a Keith strike, spinning the PSW star around, and locking in the Cobra Clutch. Keith fights valiantly, trying to use the turnbuckle for leverage, but Stranger only locks the hold in deeper. Keith taps.

Winner: Masked Stranger via Cobra Clutch

Time: 20:39




Moses Makesh: Masked Stranger wins! Masked Stranger wins!


Luther Judge: The West Coast beats the East Coast. California Love, baby!


Moses Makesh: Masked Stranger and Matthew Keith embrace in the center of the ring. Unfortunately, we gots to go. Remember, next month IPW will bring you another dose of iNSANITY. One love!


Attendance: 220



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IPW.com Prediction Contest

*Winner gets to pick Moroi's opponent in his Survival of the Fittest Match at iNSANITY in May

Show & Overall Prediction Results:

Midnightnick 5/5

Occasional Z 4/5

Jingo 4/5

bretter person 3/5

Beeker 3/5

critical-23 2/5

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Elevator doors sparkle in the sunlight. A receptionist chats away on the phone, oblivious to my presence. I want to put her in an Ankle Lock.
I'm here to see Mister Thomas.


Is he expecting you?


No, I just showed up for no reason.


Well, then, I'm going to have to ask you to wait in the lobby.


I was being sarcastic. He's expecting me.


She shoots me an annoyed glance before reluctantly pressing a button on the intercom. I hear Gil's voice, crackling, say "Let him in".
Go on up. By the way, elevator's broken.


You got to be kidding me.
What floor is he on?




This is going to be fun. I drag my weary bones to the stairwell and start the slow climb up fifteen flights of God damn stairs. By the tenth floor, the bones in my knees start to sound like gravel. Somehow, I make it and end up facing two large, oaken doors, that run from the floor to ceiling. Gil opens the door and welcomes me in.
Hello, Eric. Pleasure to see you.


Good to see you too Gil.


Sit. Sit. Can I get you a drink? Whiskey? Water?


Water's fine.


A smile on his face, Gil pours cold ice water into a fancy crystal glass. I gulp it down in about ten seconds.
Thirsty, I gather.


Elevator's broken. Had to walk up fifteen floors.


Oh jeez, sorry about that, lied to the receptionist about that. Don't like to wait.


Damn it, John.
What am I doing here Gil? John said you were hands off.


I am, I am, but I still have a lot of money tied up in this little project of yours.




You and John. From what he told me, you were pretty much running things and he was checking in every now and then.


Of course he did. I'm going to put *him* in an ankle lock.
John's involved. I handle most of the creative decisions.


I see. Well, perhaps my conversation is with John, then. I checked the balance and it seems we are hemorrhaging money. Fifty thousand dollars in three months.


Gil's fist slams down on the desk.
That is un-f******-acceptable! I got into this business to make money, not to finance a dream by two washed-up neanderthals.


Gil, listen.


You listen, Eric. I'm a reasonable guy. I didn't become the kingpin of knitwear by being rigid. You and John want to turn this company into a big name in the wrestling world. I get that. Right now, finances aren't an issue. Still got nearly two and a half million at your disposal.


I know. I know. I can curb the spending.


You're missing the point, Eric. I said I want to make money. You don't make *real* money unless you're Eisen or Cornell or even Strong. Spend the cash you feel is necessary to get this company to the top. But, be advised that if this money runs out, I won't replenish your funds.


How fast does Gil think I can blow through two and a half million dollars? It's not like the ring ropes are made of solid gold. Hmmm. Solid gold ring ropes. That'd be a draw. Stop, Eric, stop. That's crazy talk.
I understand. You'll see a return on your investment.


I hope so, Eric, I hope so.

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Monthly Update - Monday, Week 1, April 2013


New Workers:
  • Azumamaro Shimizu, The Midnight Prowler, Blackfire


  • Zoe Ammis - Flash Savage (Dating)

  • Jack DeColt - Vin Tanner (Strong Friendship)

  • Jenny Playmate - Ozzie Golden (Dating)
  • El Critico - Rafael Ruiz (Strong Friendship)
  • Queen Amazon - Amo Del Gato (Dating)


  • Hypnos (Chronic Lower Back Pain - 2 months, 1 week)

PPV News:

  • SWF signs deal to broadcast pay-per-views on Demand-TV Mexico


Top 5 Promotions in the World


(No Change)



Top 5 Promotions in the USA


(No Change)


Regional Battles:

USA (South West)




Mexico (South East)




Japan (Tohoku)



Japan (Kinki)



Japan (All Other Regions)



- Invincible Pro Wrestling page (with all relevant info including ranking, popularity, financial changes) will be updated monthly as well. This can be found on the first page.
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iNSANITY April 2013 Preview






To be a true champion, you have to work well with others. That must be Eric Tyler's thinking as the main event in your monthly dose of iNSANITY will see IPW Champion Masked Stranger and Tyler's nemesis Frantic Ali each welcoming a partner as they go into tag team action. It'll be Stranger and former Supreme star Grandmaster Phunk against Frantic Ali and "The Future" Steven Parker. Will Ali be able to take down the champ and show "The Traditionalist" he deserves his rematch?


The war between Tyler and Ali has seen their allies become embroiled in a feud over the IPW Tag Team Championship. Last month, there was no resolve when Acid and Doug Peak took on Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez. We don't like things unsettled here in IPW, so this month all four men will be in singles action. That's right, it'll be Acid taking on Hector Galindo and "Dangerous" Doug Peak going into battle against Jesus Chavez. Are these four men stronger apart than they are together?


Back in February, Hustle Muvva regained the IPW Californian Championship at the expense of Fiasco Fierce. Well, Fierce has decided to cash in on his rematch and hopefully regain the belt that was once his. The question for the champ: Will Deadly Deadshot see it as a chance to complete the contract put out on Muvva by former IPW star, now GSW chump, Kip Keenan? And will Muvva be so focused on finding his girlfriend Cindy, whom Deadshot is holding hostage, that he won't see Fierce coming?


Stanley Axis is just a rookie, but he's impressed in his time so far in IPW. This month, Axis gets a chance to pick up a big win as he squares off against the company's resident clown, Hellech. Can the rookie pull off the W and keep his momentum building of will Hellech's savvy prove too much?


All that and much more this month at IPW's iNSANITY.



Masked Stranger & Grandmaster Phunk vs Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker

Acid vs Hector Galindo

"Dangerous" Doug Peak vs Jesus Chavez

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Fiasco Fierce

Hellech vs Stanley Axis

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Masked Stranger & Grandmaster Phunk vs Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker - We love to Phunk!


Acid vs Hector Galindo - Acid has more upside at this point in time

"Dangerous" Doug Peak vs Jesus Chavez - The opposite for Doug Peak

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Fiasco Fierce - We also like to Hustle

Hellech vs Stanley Axis - eh, Axis is decent, but hellech should pull out the win

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Masked Stranger & Grandmaster Phunk vs Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker . Draw


Acid vs Hector Galindo

"Dangerous" Doug Peak vs Jesus Chavez - Makes it 1-1 for Ali & Eric's teams.

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Fiasco Fierce

Hellech vs Stanley Axis - eh, Axis is decent, but hellech should pull out the win.


Sorry have been busy for some time now so could not check your dynasty neither could i update mine. But now, looking back, things are settling nicely and the war between Frantic and Eric is looking good. Frantic needs to get back some momentum. However, i think this show will split up the honours between the two and set up the next one.

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Masked Stranger & Grandmaster Phunk vs Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker

Ali needs a win, Phunk to take the loss


Acid vs Hector Galindo


"Dangerous" Doug Peak vs Jesus Chavez

Neither of these guys should be jobbing, in terms of overness


IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Fiasco Fierce


Hellech vs Stanley Axis

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Show is booked. Usually takes me a few weekdays to write up the show unless I get time on the weekends. Should be sometime mid next week.


Just as an aside, the long-term plans start coming into focus a bit here as the first three months were largely laying the seeds. As a comic book fan, I remember Rip Hunter's board from 52 and decided to do a way scaled down version of that. These clues won't all have meaning until the very last segment of December's iNSANITY.



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Masked Stranger & Grandmaster Phunk vs Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker

- This cold go either way, for some reason I picked the odder pairing of the Frantic Future.


Acid vs Hector Galindo

- I've always been a fan of Acid.


"Dangerous" Doug Peak vs Jesus Chavez

- The Latino Kings have always been an interchangeable trio of jobbers to me.


IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Fiasco Fierce

- It's a Fiasco!


Hellech vs Stanley Axis

- Stanely Axis just sounds like a jobber.

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Thursday, Week 2, April 2013

From The Simmons Center, South West, USA



"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler comes out and welcomes the fans to another month of iNSANITY! As he run downs the night's card, he's interrupted by...




...Ash and his manager Willow. Ash says he has no problem not being in a match tonight, but that he'd love the opportunity to prove himself. He continues to ramble for several minutes as Willow looks distracted by the lights above. Tyler eventually agrees to give Ash a match for the live audience against...Moroi.





Ash w/Willow vs Moroi

  • With both men going all out, the rookie Ash gets in his fair share of offense, but in the end, it is Moroi who picks up the victory after a Nightmare Scenario.

Winner: Moroi vs Nightmare Scenario (Corkscrew Moonsault)

Time: 10:23






Moses Makesh: Yea! Yea! What's up playas, this your boy Moses Makesh here with my dawg Luther Judge, for another month of iNSANITY.


Luther Judge: Mo, my n****, what's poppin'?


Moses Makesh: Luther, I gotta imagine we gonna see some fireworks tonight after last month when the main man, Eric Tyler, cost Frantic Ali a win against Greg Black.


Luther Judge: Ali ain't one to take a diss like that lyin' down.


Moses Makesh: Sure don't look like it.



Frantic Ali angrily stomps down to the ring, proving Moses prophetic. He pushes over the fine piece of ass serving as this month's ring announcer and grabs her microphone.


Frantic Ali: Tyler, get your ass out here. You crossed a line dawg. Stack the odds against me. Fine. But come in and cost me a match. That s*** don't fly. So, stop hiding in the back. Get the f*** out here and face me like a god damn man.




"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler answers the call, shaking his head as he steps out from the back. Tyler slowly lifts the mic up to his mouth, first taking a moment to compose himself.


Eric Tyler: You're right Ali. I got directly involved in one of your matches. What are you gonna do? Fire me? No, wait, that's my job. Beat me up? Go ahead. Body's been through worse.


Frantic Ali: I just might old man! F*** with me and I'll f*** with you.


Eric Tyler: You talk big.


Frantic Ali: Just spill it dawg. What's your problem with me? Skin too dark for a white bread b**** like yourself?


Tyler shakes his head again, clearly disappointed.


Eric Tyler: You don't understand, do you? Know what I see when I look at you? I see a great fighter. I see a kid who can wrestle when he needs to. I see someone who can get this crowd eating out of the palm of his hand with the microphone.


Frantic Ali: Sounds about right.


Eric Tyler: And I see a kid who is cocky rather than confident. And, yes, there's a difference. I see a kid who one day could go for the big prize in front of thirty thousand people. But, he doesn't see the big picture. You think I hate you? I don't. I think you could become what you profess to be..."the greatest". I want to make you better.


Frantic Ali: What? That's what this s*** all about. You training me?


Eric Tyler: No. I'm going to make your life a living hell so that you can fulfill your potential.


Ali is speechless for the first time, maybe ever. Tyler leaves to a stunned silence.




Moses Makesh: Damn. Ali ain't got a damn word to say after the revelation Tyler is doing all this to make Ali better.


Luther Judge: Either Tyler one hell of a hustler, or he crazy Mo'.


Moses Makesh: And maybe that's why tonight we'll see Ali team up with "The Future" Steven Parker against Ali's nemesis Masked Stranger and Grandmaster Phunk.


Luther Judge: That's gonna be a fight fo' sho' Mo'.


Moses Makesh: Gotta see how Ali responds to Tyler's speech.


Luther Judge: Ali's a champ Mo'. He gonna pick up the 'W'. I can feel it.




Moses Makesh: But, this battle between Ali and Tyler has caught up their crews too.


Luther Judge: The boss sure got some crazy motherf****** to watch his back.


Moses Makesh: "Dangerous" Doug Peak. Crazy. All there is to say.


Luther Judge: Don't sleep on Jesus Chavez. Mo', he just as wild as Peak.



"Dangerous" Doug Peak vs Jesus Chavez

  • The two big brawlers go right at each other from the opening bell, trading blows, until Peak lands a thumb to the eye of Chavez.
  • Peak continues his momentum and lives up to his name as he immediately grabs a steel chair outside the ring, blasting Chavez with it. Somehow, Chavez kicks out at two.
  • Peak sets up for a brainbuster, but Chavez reverses, lands behind Peak and hits a bulldog. A pinfall only gets two.
  • Chavez chucks Peak outside and rams his forehead into the steel steps over and over as Peak begins to bleed.
  • The violence continues for several minutes with several great sequences displaying the two competitors' fantastic chemistry, with Peak opening up Chavez just after the ten minute mark.
  • Peak rolls Chavez back in the ring after a DDT on the floor, but Chavez gets his foot on the rope, breaking up the count.
  • Toying with Chavez, Peak removes the turnbuckle cover and slaps Chavez across the face with it before grabbing a table and setting it up as both men show their fatigue.
  • As Peak sets up for a House of Horrors, he fails to see...


  • ...Hector Galindo climb to the top rope and deliver a dropkick to the back of Peak's head.
  • Chavez takes advantage and lifts Peak up, DROPPING HIM THROUGH THE TABLE WITH A POWERBOMB!
  • With Peak virtually unconscious, Chavez drags "Dangerous" back to his feet and hits The 187 Neckbreaker. Jeffrey Davis counts three giving Chavez the victory.

Winner: Jesus Chavez via The 187 Neckbreaker

Time: 17:39




Moses Makesh: Holy s***, what a match.


Luther Judge: You see that powerbomb through a table. Chavez almost killed that white boy.


Moses Makesh: Peak living up to his name as "Dangerous", but it was the numbers of Chavez and Galindo proving to be too much.


Luther Judge: Name don't mean s*** less you pick up the win.


We go backstage where...




...is just slipping his mask over his face. Acid begins to unload his gym bag when...



...Ash and Willow walk in.


Willow: Hey masked brother, I like wanted to know your answer. To the question. I asked you. Which I can't remember.


Ash taps Willow on the shoulder.


Willow: Right. You wanna mentor my boyfriend.


Acid glares at the couple before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbles something down and hands it to Willow.


Willow: Prove it.


Ash nods in understanding.




Moses Makesh: Prove it. Acid got a point Luther. Kid hasn't done anything yet.


Luther Judge: I'd tell that punk to get up out of here, if I was Acid.


Moses Makesh: But you aren't Acid, Luther.


Luther Judge: Hell nah, ain't never hid Luther's pretty face behind a mask.




The action cuts to Grandmaster Phunk and Masked Stranger backstage.


Grandmaster Phunk: Yo, IPW, what's poppin'? A pimp like me seen the big time and this ain't it. But, don't matter if I'm the star, 'cause I still got no problem takin' down some straight bustas like this cat Ali and Steven Parker. So, you two clowns get in my way, then PHUNK YOU!


Masked Stranger: I don't say a lot. Like it better that way. Let my wrestling do the talking. They call me 'Stranger' for a reason after all. I'm the IPW Champion for a reason and that reason is I'm willing to do what it takes to win.


Grandmaster Phunk: Wrap this up kid.


Masked Stranger: Right. Sorry. Ali, Parker, we're gonna beat you tonight.


Grandmaster Phunk: Okay, that's enough.


Phunk walks off leaving Stranger holding the mic.




Moses Makesh: Champ needs some work on the mic.


Luther Judge: Boy must not talk to a lot of people with that mask.


Moses Makesh: Phunk, big man out in Pittsburgh, brought it.


Luther Judge: It just me or did Phunk look like a pimp done wandered in off the street.



Hellech vs Stanley Axis

  • The crazed clown Hellech takes the initiative against the overly confident Axis, landing a series of high risk moves right away.
  • Both Axis and Hellech seem off their games, with both men botching a couple sequences.
  • With Axis and Hellech not clicking, Axis locks in a single-leg crab for a minute or so to try and change the momentum.
  • Hellech manages to break free and almost steal the win a schoolboy, but Axis kicks out at two.
  • The near pinfall seems to rejuvenate Hellech who takes to the sky and lands a moonsault off the top rope in the center of the ring. He covers Axis, who once again gets a shoulder up at two.
  • Hellech runs at a still groggy Axis, but the rookie leaps out of the way and Hellech runs face first into the turnbuckle. Axis manages to roll up Hellech and gets a three count.

Winner: Stanley Axis via Fast Roll-Up

Time: 11:14




Moses Makesh: The rookie plays Hellech like a fool and somehow steals the win.


Luther Judge: If he was a brother, the pigs would throw him in Chino for robbery.


Moses Makesh: Uh-oh, here comes trouble.


Hailey Booke, wearing a practically see-through white blouse, high heels, and short skirt dances down to the ring. She shakes her ass in front of Stanley Axis, clearly trying to seduce him, only for Axis...



...to playfully remove his ring jacket and ummm, rub it in between his nether regions before tossing it onto Hailey. Booke instantly hardens her expression as Axis winks at her before strutting away.




Moses Makesh: My main man Axis showing off some moves.


Luther Judge: That tease wasn't expecting that.


Moses Makesh: I don't think any of these cats were either.




In the 'Gorilla' position is Hustle Muvva, before his match with Fiasco Fierce.


Hustle Muvva: Hey there ladies, your boy ain't ever down for long. See, tonight, that fake ass gangsta Fiasco Fierce callin' in his re-match for this fine strap right here. N****, please, you a cub compared to this tiger. I ain't too concerned about Fierce. Beat this cat once, shouldn't be a problem to do it again.


Muvva smiles, taps the nameplate on the IPW Californian Championship. Shakes his head as if to say "nuh-uh".


Now, I know what you all thinkin'. Why ain't you dissin' that little b****, Deadly Deadshot? Why Muvva? Playas. Dime pieces. I don't pay no mind to losers. That's what Deadshot is. A straight up nobody that don't deserve my attention. He small potatoes compared to me. And that's why he don't got no cash, no gold, and no woman. Now, I do, because I gots a hustle and it's...MUVVA!




Moses Makesh: Deadshot had his eye on Muvva for the last couple months now.


Luther Judge: And ain't come close to taking down the champ.


Moses Makesh: If I was Muvva, I'd be sleeping with one eye open. Deadshot ain't the type to give up.




IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs Fiasco Fierce

  • The crowd starts chanting "Fiasco sucks, Fiasco sucks" as Hustle uses the distraction to chuck Fierce into a corner and start whaling away.
  • Fierce shifts the tide for a brief moment after a back elbow catches Muvva off guard. After a flurry of offense, Muvva reverses a DDT attempt into bridge suplex, but only gets a two.
  • Muvva drags a brand-new ruby-studded cane into the ring and chokes Fierce with it, but Fierce refuses to give up.
  • Fed up with choking Fierce, Hustle begins hitting Fierce with the cane across the back.

  • Somehow, a clearly exhausted Fierce manages to roll to the outside to avoid the blows, but an equally tired Muvva gives chase. Fierce lands a right hand to Muvva, who shrugs it off and chucks Fierce into the guardrail.
  • Rolling Fierce back in the ring, Muvva signals to the crowd and promptly finishes Fierce off with a Hustler's Headbutt. The three count is academic.

Winner: Hustle Muvva via Hustler's Headbutt

Time: 12:53




Moses Makesh: Gold is staying with Muvva!


Luther Judge: Mo', that was Muvva proving who the big dog on the block is.


Moses Makesh: Ain't no...what the hell are they doing here?



BB Colossus and his manager Anslem Briggs march down to the ring. Muvva is first to greet the monster and receives a huge club to the neck as a reward. Fierce, oblivious, turns around right into a huge chokeslam. Colossus lifts Fierce's limp body above his head and bench presses him onto the concrete below. With Fierce disposed, Colossus climbs to the second rope and leaps off, bringing his full weight down on Muvva's chest.


Moses Makesh: He's killed Muvva.


Luther Judge: This is carnage Mo'. Damn shame.


Colossus isn't done. He throws the unconscious Muvva into a corner and nails a Colossus Avalanche. Before Muvva can collapse to the mat, Colossus drags him into the opposite corner and nails a second Colossus Avalanche. As blood trickles out of Hustle's mouth, Anslem Briggs grabs a mic.




Moses Makesh: Anslem, dawg, drop the mic. Help Muvva get to the hospital.


Luther Judge: For real dude. Ain't the time to talk.



Anslem Briggs: Bear witness to the fate of those who step in the path of the monster. I want to assure our champion this is nothing personal, just business. See, it's high time Anslem Briggs, Inc. added some gold to its portfolio and I see an opportunity to acquire said gold.


Briggs leans in closer to Muvva, lifting his bloodied head up, smacking him until one of Muvva's eyes open.


Anslem Briggs: Next month, I offer you two options. You hand your title over to us, putting the belt around my client's waist and you walk out of the ring no worse for wear. Or, you try and fight Colossus, he destroys you and takes your title anyways. Also, a fellow IPW wrestler made a significant deposit into our bank account, but I'll let him explain that.




Moses Makesh: Who would pay Briggs for Colossus' services?


Luther Judge: Can't imagine somebody didn't part with some serious Benjamins for that attack.




Deadly Deadshot appears at the top of the ramp.


Deadly Deadshot: I told YOU! Deadshot gets the job done. You mocked me. Said I failed. True, I was required to farm out your destruction to somebody more than willing to do the job. What matters is the job got done. You are a broken, beaten man.


A sadistic smile forms under Deadshot's mask.


Deadly Deadshot: Do not fight Colossus. It will not end will. If you choose to engage in this futile endeavor, myself and Mister Briggs will not be responsible for what happens. If you somehow defeat the monster, I will be back. And, remember, I never miss my mark.




Moses Makesh: Guess we know who coughed up the cash for Colossus.


Luther Judge: For a cat named Deadshot, he sure ain't bringing it by himself.


Moses Makesh: Careful Luther, Deadshot may got help when it came to Muvva, but man knows how to fight.


Luther Judge: Yea, well...


Moses Makesh: Hold on Luther, what's that...we gotta go backstage.


A hectic scene is unfolding backstage. A crew of EMTs and various personnel surround somebody. As the camera draws in closer, we see it's...






...Eric Tyler, blooded and dazed.


Random Security Guy: Mister Tyler. Mister Tyler, what happened?


Eric Tyler: Don't know. A man in a black ski mask. Came out of nowhere. Hit me with something.


Random Security Guy: Any idea who it was?


Tyler glares at the guy.


Eric Tyler: I got some ideas, but it doesn't make any sense.


The EMT tends to Tyler with gauze. Tyler shoves him way.


Eric Tyler: Get off me. I'm fine.


Random EMT: Sir, you need medical attention.


Eric Tyler: No I don't. I need to find the son of a b**** who did this.




Moses Makesh: Damn, looks like somebody got to the man in charge.


Luther Judge: Lots of people got beef with Tyler. I bet he's looking Ali's way.


Moses Makesh: Don't know 'bout that, Luther. Ali's a lot of things. Come up from behind a man, that ain't his style.


A graphic appears on the screen highlighting two workers...




Moses Makesh: While the boss plays detective, we've got a war coming up. The veteran high flier Acid versus a straight gangsta from the East Coast, Hector Galindo.


Luther Judge: S***, Acid definitely gonna be lookin' for some payback after Galindo got the best of his dawg, Doug Peak, earlier tonight.


Moses Makesh: Both these guys don't stick to the ground, Luther. We gonna see some crazy dudes try to one-up each other tonight.


Luther Judge: That's the way we do it here.




Moses Makesh: But the time for talkin' about this match is over. It's go time motherf******.


Luther Judge: F*** yea. S*** about to get real.



Acid vs Hector Galindo

  • The crowd is hot for this one and the opening minutes do not disappoint as Acid and Galindo go back and forth with a series of arm drags and drop toe holds.

  • While the two men don't seem to click, throwing the match off a bit, the action still gets the fans riled up, when Acid leaps off the top rope with a moonsault. Somehow, Galindo kicks out at two.
  • Acid continues his momentum with a springboard dropkick followed by a flying elbow after bouncing off the second rope. Once again, Galindo just manages to get a shoulder up in time.
  • As the veteran climbs to the top, seemingly readying himself for an Acid Rain Bomb, Galindo steadies himself and crotches Acid on the top rope, and Acid tumbles to the outside.
  • Galindo wastes no time, leaping over the top rope with a suicide dive onto Acid, sending both men into the barricade. With the crowd cheering, both men are sprawled out on the floor for over a minute, possibly unable to continue.
  • Just as Jeffrey Davis is about to call the match, Acid stumbles to his feet, lifting Galindo up by his head, and then using the steel steps to connect with a Tornado DDT. The move drains as much from Acid as it does impact Galindo, leaving both men down once again.

  • Acid somehow rolls into the ring, followed soon after by Galindo. The masked man tries for a headscissors, but Galindo rolls through and almost get the victory as Acid barely kicks out in time. The reversal gives Galindo the momentum as he spies Acid complaining to Jeffrey Davis. As Acid turns, Galindo throws him into the ropes and nails a seated dropkick.
  • Galindo shouts for the Latinos in the audience to make some noise as he grabs a chair from the outside. Acid rises to his feet. CHAIR SHOT! ANOTHER CHAIR SHOT! As Acid drops to the canvas like a sack of potatoes, Galindo carefully places the chair on Acid's midsection before climbing to the top rope.
  • The Latino King warily climbs the turnbuckle and signals for the Shooting Star Press when...


  • ...Ash comes charging down the ramp with a chair. Galindo doesn't see him and Ash connects with a shot that sends Galindo off the top rope and to the outside. Ash quickly rolls Galindo in the ring before waking up Acid. Through the mask, we can hear Ash yell, "Does that prove it?" before walking off.
  • Acid watches the youngster leave, but seizes the advantage given to him, by climbing to the top rope previously occupied by Galindo. Acid leaps off and connects with the Acid Rain Bomb. A cover and Jeffrey Davis counts the 1...2...3.

Winner: Acid via Acid Rain Bomb following interference by Ash

Time: 18:37




Moses Makesh: What a finish. Acid getting help from the young pup who wants to run with the big dogs.


Luther Judge: You hear what the kid said. Does that prove it?


Moses Makesh: It does prove it helps to have homies watching your back.


Luther Judge: That's the truth Mo'.




Backstage, Frantic Ali and "The Future" Steven Parker nervously eye each other as if neither man trusts the other. Ali grabs the mic first, but hands it to Parker. Ali nods in approval.


Steven Parker: You don't know who I am. But you will soon know what I can do. They call me "The Future" for a reason. Because the old ways are meaningless to me. I am the evolved version of your favorite wrestler. Better in the ring. Better on the mic. After tonight, your boss will beg me to sign a full-time contract. As Mitch Naess did when I first showed up in Pittsburgh. My host here has been gracious and understands the perils of being so talented at such a young age. But we will overcome because THE FUTURE IS NOW!


Ali issues a slight slap on the back to Parker before taking the microphone.


Frantic Ali: Stranger. Phunk. Y'all motherf****** are dead. Stranger, you know why. That's my belt you wearing and I aim to get it back. Phunk, you just in the way. You don't show up tonight? We ain't got no beef. You do show that busted up face and the same treatment gonna be afforded to you. One more thing. To whoever beat the s*** out of Eric Tyler tonight...


Ali slow claps. He drops the mic in dramatic fashion before walking off with Parker.




Moses Makesh: Ali makin' his feelings for Stranger and Tyler known. Can't say I blame his ass even after the boss tried explaining his motives.


Luther Judge: Motives don't mean s*** to Ali. Actions. Actions which so far have screwed Ali out of two wins, maybe more. I'd be one pissed off n**** too.


Moses Makesh: Well, now, Ali will have a chance to unleash some of that aggression.



Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker vs Masked Stranger & Grandmaster Phunk

  • Ali and Phunk kick things off and the two men's complimentary styles see a solid first couple of minutes as they engage in some brawling and rest holds to build the pace.
  • The first sign of trouble comes after Phunk hits a big suplex on Ali and covers, but Ali is able to kick out at one-and-a-half. Phunk continues to work over Ali, but a well-placed low blow sees Ali make the hot tag to Parker.
  • Parker floors Phunk with a big right, then another, before Phunk walks right into a superkick that drops him for a two count. Luckily, Parker jaws with the crowd allowing Phunk to get the tag to Stranger.
  • Stranger and Parker engage with the IPW Champion coming out on top and locking in a modified single-leg crab. Ali is having none of that, though, and steps in to break up the count.
  • Chaos reigns supreme over the next several minutes as Ali and Stranger brawl at ringside, highlighted by Ali ramming the champ's head into the ring post several times and drawing blood.

  • Davis loses control of who the legal man is and orders all four men back to their corners, but none of them listen. Parker runs along the ring apron and takes out both Ali and Stranger with a flying clothesline. Phunk decides to get into the action and connects with a Bulldog, driving Parker's head into the concrete floor and Parker begins to bleed.
  • As the four men spend a minute to regain their composure, it's Ali who is first to strike, blindsiding Stranger with a chair and rolling him back into the ring. It looks like the match is over but Phunk manages to just break up the three count.
  • At the fifteen minute mark, the action gets more organized as Parker and Phunk find themselves as the legal men. Parker goes for a Future Shock, but Phunk shoves him away, right into Stranger who falls face-first into the guardrail. Down two-to-one, Ali and Parker take turns working Phunk over, but can't seem to put the PSW star down for three.
  • Stranger regroups and tags himself in, flooring Ali and Parker with big right hands. The champ locks in the Cobra Clutch on Ali who is on the verge of tapping when Parker comes to and turns Stranger's Cobra Clutch into a bulldog.
  • Phunk enters the fray and dodges a clothesline attempt from Parker, dropping "The Future" over the top rope and onto the floor. As Phunk goes to check on Stranger who appears to be out cold, Ali bounces to his feet, a pair of brass knuckles on his right fist.

  • Stranger wakes up and points behind Phunk, but it is too late as Ali blasts Stranger with the brass knuckles. Stranger goes down and as Phunk turns, Ali rolls up with a schoolboy, blasting him with the foreign object for good measure. Jeffrey Davis counts an easy three.

Winners: Frantic Ali & "The Future" Steven Parker via Underhanded Tactics

Time: 20:48




Moses Makesh: Ali wins! Ali wins! It took some shady ass tactics, but the former champ manages to take out Masked Stranger and Grandmaster Phunk.


Luther Judge: Mo', I can't believe my eyes. Ali pulled out every trick.


Moses Makesh: We ain't seen a focused, prepared Ali for a minute, Luther. Maybe the boss' speech got Ali going.


Luther Judge: S***...


Moses Makesh: Wait, what's this? Ali signaling towards the back.



Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez sprint down to the ring. Ali grabs the IPW Championship from ringside as Galindo and Chavez lift the limp form of Masked Stranger up. Ali winds up and blasts the champ across the forehead. Galindo climbs to the top rope, readying himself for a Shooting Star Press when...




...Acid and "Dangerous" Doug Peak run down. Peak takes out Ali with a big boot before brawling with Chavez as Acid grabs onto Galindo's tights, preventing him from leaping off.




Moses Makesh: Like we said earlier, pays to have your boys watching your back here in IPW. Acid and Peak are holding off Ali and his dawgs.


Luther Judge: Mo', Mo'! Stranger is getting to his feet.





With Stranger back on his feet, Ali, Chavez, and Galindo bail to the outside. But that's not good enough for the two masked men and Peak who track down as they head back up the ramp. The six men brawl, with the fight spilling out into the crowd.


Moses Makesh: Damn, Luther, you see that? Peak just used a fan as a weapon, throwing the young man into Ali.


Luther Judge: This a straight brawl, Mo'. Peak's the type of cat use anything he can find as a weapon. Chair. Table. Popcorn.


Moses Makesh: You're right Luther. Look at that, Peak just rubbed salty popcorn into Galindo's eyes. He can't see! Damn, Luther, we are out of time. Don't forget that next month is another month of iNSANITY right here in IPW. One love!




Attendance: 190




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IPW.com Prediction Contest

*Winner gets to pick Moroi's opponent in his Survival of the Fittest Match at iNSANITY in May

Show Prediction Results:

Occasional Z 3/5

bretter person 3/5

kanegan 3/5

Beeker 3/5

Jingo 2/5

Midnightnick 2/5

Overall Prediction Results:

Midnightnick 7/10 (.700)

Occasional Z 7/10 (.700)

Jingo 6/10 (.600)

bretter person 6/10 (.600)

Beeker 6/10 (.600)

kanegan 3/5 (.600)

critical-23 2/5 (.400)


Congratulations to both Occasional Z and Midnightnick who tied for the top spot in this round's competition. Since Z won last time out, MIDNIGHTNICK, you will be selecting Moroi's opponent for his Survival of the Fittest Match at next month's iNSANITY. Please send me a PM with your selection.


Also, anybody who wishes to do so (whether you've predicted or not) can send me a PM with a vote on whether Cindy (who was kidnapped by Deadly Deadshot and hasn't been seen since is allowed to remain a member of IPW. 'No' vote means she's gone. 'Yes' vote means she stays.

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I don't know why he insists on meeting here. The food is terrible, the atmosphere is non-existent. This is Southern California. There's hundreds of amazing restaurants with a hell of a lot more than cheeseburgers and fries. Which he's munching on when I walk into the diner.
Hello John.




Bits of chewed meat and potatoes streak past my face like disgusting comets. I take the seat across from him at the booth.
Want to let me in on your little secret?


Got no secrets, Eric.


I did what you asked. Laid down backstage with "blood" dripping from my forehead. Read from the script you gave me.


Damn, forgot about that one. One secret. What're you so worried about?


I'm the head booker, John! I need to know what storylines you've cooked up. Especially...especially, if they involve me.


Let's get this straight. You're *a* booker. A member of the creative team. With me...




...fine, it's just me and you. Don't matter. Better if you stay in the dark on this one.


I'm a logical person. Guys backstage say it's a drawback. I lack, what they call, "a sense of humor". Spent too many years busting my ass to treat this business as a joke.
It feels like I'm working from one script. And, you're working from another.


Same script, Eric. Just different versions. Heard you met with Gil last month. How'd that go?


He wasn't happy about the money we've lost.

Then again, who is ever happy about losing money?
F*** him. He turned the operations of this company over to me. He's an investor.


He owns half.


And I own the other half. We've lost like fifty grand in four months. We got more than two million in the bank. Can't see it being a problem for a while. Spend what you need to spend. That's an order.


Copy that.


Great. Why the two orders, colonel? Yes, "A Few Good Men" is my favorite movie. What's the problem?
Anybody you want to bring in from Pittsburgh again? I know it costs a good ten thousand for each trade we make with that back-handed, two-timing, ego-tripping son of a b****.


Black was too much of a handful. I had to change my plans on the fly when he refused to lose to Ali. Phunk served his purpose, but he doesn't really bring anything we don't have already. I'd like to get Keith's kid and that Parker boy in here for a couple more matches.


Keith. How's the old bastard?

Haven't seen him in a while, honestly. Kid's great to work with though. He'll be a star. Won't be long before Cornell or Strong pick him up. Maybe Eisen.

John's eyes narrow. The fork is in his hand looks like it's about to snap from the pressure. You can see the hairs on his arms raise up. Even after all this time, that name...

Eisen. F*** Eisen. And his piece of s*** son. What've they done in the past twenty years? Jack s***. Yea, congrats, Rich, you destroyed the territories and became the #1 promotion in the world. You pushed Sam Strong to the moon. Want a f****** medal for that? Take a blind man couldn't see Strong was the next big thing. I'm glad I made Eisen s*** his pants that night. Led me to a higher purpose.




Yep. Best ten years of my life. I thought if we'd had the money and the time, we'd have taken it. The top spot I mean. You know it's been going on forty years since a company besides Supreme was number one in America. Sure some puro companies were ranked higher, but nobody watches that s*** here. Forty years. I thought we had a shot. I really did.


Time and money.


Luckily, we've got enough of that now.


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Monthly Update - Monday, Week 1, May 2013


Company News:

  • SWF Fall To National Size

New Companies:

  • Phoenix Wrestling Company opened in USA (Tri State), founded by Steve Flash

New Workers:

  • Hurricane Higor Rosa, Marcus Kerr, Matt Stoppard, Killer Kass, Nate DeMarcus

Worker Retirements:

  • Naonobu Murkami, Mario Serrano, Big Daddy Horne, Keith Adams

Worker Deaths:

  • Crippler Ray Kingman, Heidi Brooks


  • Koji Kojima - Isei Deushi (Strong Friendship)
  • Jimmy Cox - Koki Ishibashi (Strong Friendship)
  • Joy DeWitt - Antonio Del Veccio (Dating)
  • BJ O'Neill - Valiant (Dating)
  • Blonde Bombshell - Jack Bruce (Dating)
  • Emily McQueen - Danny Rushmore (Dating)


  • Hiroaki Nakasawa (Ruptured Spleen - 32 days)


Top 5 Promotions in the World


(No Change)




Top 5 Promotions in the USA


(No Change)



Economy / Industry Levels:


Economy: D- (Rising) / Industry: E (Falling)



Economy: F- (Rising) / Industry: D- (Falling)



Economy: E+ (Rising) / Industry: A (Rising)



Economy: E+ (Rising) / Industry: F- (Rising)



Economy: B- (Falling) / Industry: B (Falling)



Economy: D (Falling) / Industry: E- (Falling)



Economy: D- (Falling) / Industry: C+ (Falling)



Regional Battles:

USA (South West)




Mexico (South Eastern)




Japan (Tohoku)



Japan (Kinki)



Japan (All Other Regions)





- Invincible Pro Wrestling page (with all relevant info including ranking, popularity, financial changes) will be updated monthly as well. This can be found on the first page.
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iNSANITY May 2013 Preview






iNSANITY hits The Simmons Center again! The war between "The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler and Frantic Ali ramps up as Tyler's three chosen warriors will do battle Ali and the two thugs he brought in to watch his back. A month before the IPW Championship and IPW Tag Team Championship will be on the line, the men involved will be in six-man tag team action. Masked Stranger, Acid, and Doug Peak will take on Frantic Ali, Hector Galindo, and Jesus Chavez. Can Tyler's boys score a big victory for the boss? Was one of Ali's crew responsible for the attack on "The Traditionalist"? Questions will be answered Thursday night. Or will they?


It's a showcase for two of the finest young wrestlers in the industry today. We've seen them both before in an IPW ring, but this time they'll square off against each other. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling in conjunction with Invincible Pro Wrestling presents Matthew Keith versus "The Future" Steven Parker. Both men suffered losses their first time out here in IPW. This month, both men get a shot to avenge their loss. It's balls-to-the-wall action you won't want to miss.


The monster BB Colossus has been a destructive force since the new year began and hasn't shown any signs of slowing down, especially now that Anslem Briggs has put his weight behind the giant. Last month, Colossus got paid thanks to Deadly Deadshot, who hired the big man to take down IPW Californian Champion, Hustle Muvva. Thursday, the champ will have a huge task ahead of him, literally, as Muvva will have to defend his belt against Colossus. Can Muvva somehow find a way to take down a man who seemingly has no weakness? Will there be a new IPW Californian Champion come next week?


Fiasco Fierce was caught in the crossfire when Colossus attacked Hustle Muvva on the orders of Deadly Deadshot. The former IPW Californian Champion will get his shot at revenge when he squares off with the assassin. Deadshot is one of the dirtiest players in the game, willing to use any trick in his arsenal to pick up a victory. Can Fierce get a measure of retribution for last month's victory or will Deadshot continue to be a thorn in Fierce's side?


Ray Snow survived in the first ever Survival of the Fittest match. Next up, Moroi. The masked man's contract will be on the line when he goes up against a special mystery opponent. For one night only, this mystery opponent will try to send Moroi back to the unemployment line. Can the former IPW Tag Team Champion make it 2-for-2 in the Survival of the Fittest matches or will he be looking for a new job?


All that and much more during this month's iNSANITY presented by Invincible Pro Wrestling live from The Simmons Center.



Matthew Keith vs "The Future" Steven Parker

Masked Stranger, Acid, & Doug Peak vs Frantic Ali, Hector Galindo, & Jesus Chavez

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs BB Colossus

Deadly Deadshot vs Fiasco Fierce

Survival of the Fittest Match: Moroi vs ?????

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Matthew Keith vs "The Future" Steven Parker

Masked Stranger, Acid, & Doug Peak vs Frantic Ali, Hector Galindo, & Jesus Chavez

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs BB Colossus

Deadly Deadshot vs Fiasco Fierce

Survival of the Fittest Match: Moroi vs ?????

Mr. Squiggle wins

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Quick update. I'll be going on vacation this weekend and then will be busy at the beginning of next week so the show probably won't go up until late next week.


Not that it matters because it seems I've only got two readers left.


Thanks midnightnick and Jingo for sticking with it!

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Any person that runs with the devil that is IPW gets my views, I just forget to leave a comment after the shows sometimes. :(


I'm reading along too. Loved your DaVe diary on TEW 10, and enjoying this so far as well. I just don't know the IPW roster at all, so didn't jump into the predictions at first. Now seems as good a time as any to jump in I guess.



Matthew Keith vs "The Future" Steven Parker

Masked Stranger, Acid, & Doug Peak vs Frantic Ali, Hector Galindo, & Jesus Chavez

IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs BB Colossus

Deadly Deadshot vs Fiasco Fierce

Survival of the Fittest Match: Moroi vs ?????

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I'll echo the above comments; still enjoying this! Us IPW fans are a loyal, but quiet bunch....




Matthew Keith vs "The Future" Steven Parker


Masked Stranger, Acid, & Doug Peak vs Frantic Ali, Hector Galindo, & Jesus Chavez


IPW Californian Championship: Hustle Muvva © vs BB Colossus


Deadly Deadshot vs Fiasco Fierce


Survival of the Fittest Match: Moroi vs ?????

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