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[Thunderverse] Gureisu Pro, Wrestling is Fun!

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That shows, definitely. No doubt helped by the new TEW angle mechanics too, I would guess? I've certainly found that I have no problem whatsoever giving Joe Havanna the mic for five minutes even though he's unlikely to pass C- a segment for a while. I think that it also makes diary reading much more varied, as there is absolutely nothing to stop any worker in the mod from being given a strong character now that it won't destroy your overall rating.


That combined with the stuff in matches, like Green Beetle pretending Sir Thomas Beaumontfordshire's hat was an American Football and spiking it into the mat. The Event Center's will help with the characters as well. But aye, I feel more comforable doing something like sticking The Infestation on hype duty and knowing it won't affect my grade TOO much.

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The first ever Gureisu Pro Event Center starts off with a highlight package of the Big Bad Ass Championship Tournament Weekend, featured highlights include Cameron Cody becoming the Gureisu Pro Champion and the critically acclaimed four way tag team match from the second night. The package stops and Marcus Mitchell is on hand to greet the viewer.




MM: "Hello and welcome to the FIRST Gureisu Pro Event Center, your one stop shop for all things Gureisu Pro. And boy do we have a lot in store for you as we continue on from the Big Bad Ass Championship Tournament Weekend and head on to Why Not To Dropkick A Whale THIS Sunday at the home of Gureisu Pro, A Denver High School.


And what a card we have for you as Leroy Winters steps up to be the first man to try and take the Gureisu Pro Championship away from Cameron Cody. Mr Anti Gravity himself is standing by, anxious to say a few words about this massive encounter."


The screen fades out to Cameron Cody, who looks pretty casual and at home in front of the Gureisu Pro banner.




CC: "I did it. Two nights, three men and a hell of a battering to my ribs but I did it. I am your champion Gureisu Pro fans. That means I go out there to give you a show you won't forget anytime soon. Leroy's going to give me one hell of a fight, and I intend to match that. But Leroy know this. I will go out there on Sunday and push you to your limits. On Sunday, all respect goes out the window because we're fighting for the ONE thing I am proudest of, this title here is a symbol of me, of this promotion, of wrestling as a whole. I don't intend to lose the chance to represent this company this quickly. Bring your A-game Leroy, I always bring mine."


We go back to Marcus, who looks to be stumped over a piece of paper. Noticing the cameraman waiting, he snaps back into hype duty mode.






MM: "Breaking news Gureisu fans. I've just received word from Her Majesty's Royal Service that they will be at Why Not To Dropkick A Whale as they are set to challenge the "Unruly mob of vile heathens that call themselves Weird Science". And not only do we have these two exciting matches for you, we also have a trios contest as The Infestation look to gain revenge on Mercenaries Inc. for their actions during the four way tag team match on the second night of the BBACTW. Mercenaries Inc. sent us in this video about the contest."


The feed once again fades out, this time coming back to a small office in a near destroyed building. The sound of military commands can be heard and the three men that make up Mercenaries Inc. come up on screen. Blaize and Destruction snarl at the camera whilst The Commander looks the camera dead on.




TC: "BEETLES. That's who stopped me and my men from earning a big payday. Blaize already knows what he did wrong. And it won't happen again. My men were right in their actions after their "elimination". Pah, you fools don't even know the meaning of the word. Out here it is a lot different. We are paid to take people out, not to lose to insects. Be warned you bugs. When we next meet you shall feel the force of my boot crushing down on you. And after that happens, it's business as usual boys. Commander out."


The transmission ends and Marcus Mitchell is once again leaping into hype duty mode.




MM: "AND that's not all for Why Not To Dropkick A Whale as Tony Pearce goes one on one with the street thug Devon Homicide and DISCO Fox looks to take out some of his aggression of the pragmatic polymath Newton Cambridge as well as 2 other matches for you. This is a show you DO NOT want to miss. I'm Marcus Mitchell and this has been your Gureisu Pro Event Center!"


Why Not To Dropkick A Whale Quick Predictions List


Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters


OOC: Credit goes out to jhd for all the wonderful stable logos and overlays that have appeared.

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Finally was able to get caught up and I've got to say I love what you are doing. So much crazy Chikara-like goodness mixed in with a bit of PWG. Can't wait to see more from you.


Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Nice start! My knowledge with current Thunderverse is pretty limited so my predictions will be mostly based on what had happened in shows but hopefully I manage to get one or two right. :)


Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Fox did go into finals beating Winters in his way there so it certainly looks like you are building him to be one of your top heels.


Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Both teams started their Gureisu careers with a loss so it´s pretty much a coin flip for me. I give edge to Trillionaires simply because Jimmy Jack´s experience.


Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Pearce started with impressive win but though Homicide did lose his first match he was in the tournament while Pearce wasn´t and that´s enough for me to go with Devon this time.

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Ok, so I´m just playing favorites here as I like Her Majesty's Royal Service.


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Did I mention that I like them? Besides it´s first title defense for them so of course they are going to win. :D


Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Ok so this is really tough one. I like both groups but since heels are currently holding tag titles I go with Infestation (and yes I just decided outcome on trios match based on the fact that tag champs are heels. Then again, like you said in your first post "Thinking is, most definitely, not advised" :p)


Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

No title change on first defense.

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox


Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.


Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide


Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)


Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)


Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox


Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.


Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide


Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)


Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)


Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Newton Cambridge vs DISCO Fox

Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.

Tony Pearce vs Devon Homicide

Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask

Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo)

Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation (Green Beetle, El Hijo Del Brown Beetle & Black Beetle)

Gureisu Pro Championship Match

Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters

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Gureisu Pro presents Why Not To Dropkick A Whale

Held at A High School in Denver, Colorado.

Attendance: 300


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DISCOFox.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/NewtonCambridgeWS-1.jpg

DISCO Fox vs Newton Cambridge


  • DISCO Fox wanted nothing to do with Newton Cambridge and even threatened to walk out on the match, claiming that he was a bigger star than him.
  • Newton had other plans and after launching himself at Fox from the ring. Newton picked himself up and dusted himself down before rolling Fox into the ring.
  • Fox played possum for a large majority of the match, until Newton turned round to pose to the crowd. Fox leapt up, spun him around and hit him with his patented Pimp Slap before covering the downed body of Newton for the three count.


DISCO Fox won via Pimp Slap.

Rating: 36


Fox grabbed a microphone from the commentary station after throwing Newton's body to the ground.




DF: “Now you all know of my greatness. And how I was robbed by Cameron Cody at the Big Bad Ass Championship Tournament Weekend. He took money from me, that belt was a guaranteed paycheck. No one takes my money. I'm offering a thousand dollars to whoever takes Cameron Cody out by the end of the night. Cracker's got to know when he isn't the big dog.”


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/EarlRayTravis.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/JimmyJack.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/AnwarSaad.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ShawnImpact.jpg


Trash Heap Trillionaires vs S.W.I.F.T.


  • Earl Ray and Jimmy Jack had the crowd in the palm of their hands going into this match. Jimmy Jack was especially good at getting the crowd to respond to them.
  • Shawn Impact and Anwar Saad were having none of it and attacked them as soon as the bell rang.
  • The upper hand they gained didn't last long as the two hicks turned trillionaires soon worked their way back into the match.
  • Earl Ray got the win after Jimmy Jack took out Shawn Impact, leaving Anwar Saad open to the 460 Degree Splash.


Trash Heap Trillionaires won via 460 Degree Splash

Rating: 32


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DevonHomicide.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TonyPearce.jpg


Devon Homicide vs Tony Pearce


  • Devon Homicide wanted nothing more than a brawl here whereas Tony Pearce tried to engage him in a scientific wrestling clinic.
  • Homicide played along for a while until he stood up, punched Pearce as hard as he could.
  • Homicide stayed in control from that point, using brute force to stop Pearce from attempting to steer the match back into a wrestling contest, eventually putting him down for the count with the 187.


Devon Homicide won via 187 (On An Undercover Cop)

Rating: 34


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Artemis2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BlueBeetle-1.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Puzzle.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheWhiteMask.jpg


Artemis vs Blue Beetle vs Puzzle vs The White Mask


  • All the masked men ganged up on Artemis when he offered to give the “masked hoodlums” a better chance in life, picking him up and throwing him into the crowd. Artemis wasn't pleased at this and tried to get the crowd to put him down, instead they crowd surfed him all the way to the fire exit.
  • The White Mask looked on in awe as Blue Beetle and Puzzle fought an aerial battle, asking Referee Joe Preston if this was 100% legal. Joe looked at The White Mask in amazement and nodded his head.
  • Blue Beetle was the first to go as Puzzle took him out with the 100 Piece Jigsaw Jawbreaker.
  • Puzzle was eliminated not long afterwards by The White Mask, who began celebrating until Artemis snuck his way back into the ring and locked on a Sleepr Hold for the submission win.


Artemis won via Sleeper Hold

Rating: 25


An intermission took place before the second half of the card. Like last month, the stars of Gureisu Pro were lingering about and engaging with the fans. Some points of notice included;

  • Cameron Cody talking to a group of fans and then being chased by the same group who were eager to cash in on DISCO Fox's bounty
  • The Infestation doing a push up contest that was won by Black Beetle who saluted the crowd and then disappeared again
  • The Trash Heap Trillionaires giving a lucky group of fans (not the same group who were terrorising Cameron Cody) paid for tickets to the next show as they correctly guessed Jimmy Jack was Earl Ray's great uncle thrice removed.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/AdamManchester.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/KrisBryant.jpg


Adam Manchester vs Kris Bryant


  • Both men were hungry for a win and it showed in the match as they gave everything they had to put on a good match.
  • Bryant almost had the match won until he got distracted by the stage lights and began to pose and demand fans pay to see him. Manchester got up, laughed at Bryant's stupidity and took him to the ground.
  • Bryant tried to get back into the match but Manchester had him grounded and eventually Manchester locked on New England's Finest Submission Move for the win.


Adam Manchester won via New England's Finest Submission Move

Rating: 35



Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/OliverCrowlingtonIII-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/SirThomas2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/JeffStarfield-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/FinEATo-1.jpg


Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Weird Science


  1. Sir Thomas and Oliver Crowlington didn't hold back as they looked to prove that the scientists were frauds (well one scientist and one manshark).
  2. Doctor Euan took most of the punishment as FinEATo managed to hold his own against Sir Thomas and eventually Referee Miles Grissom had to call order in the match.
  3. After that, Oliver Crowlington was the star of the match and punished both Doctor Reeka and FinEATo with a crippling array of submission moves, eventually finishing off with the Prince's Lock on Doctor Euan whilst Sir Thomas kept FinEATo at bay.


Her Majesty's Royal Service retained via Prince's Lock on Doctor Euan Reeka

Rating: 34


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheCommander-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Blaize-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Devastation-1.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/GreenBeetle-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BrownBeetle-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BlackBeetle-1.jpg


Mercenaries Inc. vs The Infestation


  • Mercs Inc. looked serious going into the match, growling at members of the crowd.
  • The Infestation were polar opposites as they high fived fans and generally looking happy. All that changed when they hit the ring as all three members tackled Mercs Inc.
  • Mercs Inc. quickly reversed the decision of the match and set about destroying the beetles one by one. El Hijo Del Brown Beetle was the first to go after he hit Devastation with an enziguri which caused Devastation to freak out and pummel Brown Beetle into the ground.
  • Green Beetle was the next to go as he fell to The Commander's Command and Conquer.
  • Black Beetle fought valiantly but he couldn't keep going and was the last man eliminated via a brutal Three Man Powerbomb. The Commander stood over the fallen body of Black Beetle and let out an evil laugh after the pinfall.


Mercenaries Inc. won via Three Man Powerbomb on Black Beetle

Rating: 35



Gureisu Pro Championship Match


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/CameronCody.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/LeroyWinters-1.jpg


Cameron Cody vs Leroy Winters


  • Both men shook hands before the match in a strong show of respect between the two.
  • Leroy took the earlier advantage as he grounded Cody with a series of suplexes and leglocks.
  • Cody showed some of his own mat wrestling skills as he took Leroy to the mat before both men kipped up and got into a standoff.
  • DISCO Fox came out towards the end of the match and stood on the stage, a fact that visibly unnerved Cody as he began to slip up.
  • However, the match never got a winner as Mercs Inc. stormed out from the back and began to beat down Cody, forcing Referee Joe Preston to award the match to Cody via DQ.


Cameron Cody retained via DQ due to Mercs Inc. attack on him.

Rating: 59

Mercs Inc. continued their beatdown of the Gureisu Pro champion until Leroy Winters tried to stop them. Shoving him to the ground, the trio of hired thugs beatdown both men. DISCO Fox eventually made his way down to the ring and joined in the beatdown until the entire face roster (minus The Infestation) rushed out to run off the heel quartet. The ade to the Magic 8 Ball came out and announced that he had just signed off on the main event for next month's show – Early Warnings For A Late Apocalypse – and it would see DISCO Fox and Joey Sleaze against Leroy Winters and Cameron Cody.


Final Show Rating: 45

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foolinc - 3/7

Midnightnick - 3/7

TheEnforcer - 4/7

Zergon - 6/7

Huntman - 3/7

MJStark - 6/7

jhd1 - 5/7

MorenoKing24 - 4/7

Tiberious4 - 6/7


Prediction Table

Tiberious4 - 19/23

MJStark - 15/22

jhd - 15/23

Huntman - 14/23

Midnightnick - 13/23

TheEnforcer - 12/23

MorenoKing24 - 11/23

Zergon - 6/7

foolinc - 3/7


Things of Note

- Scott Seal and Joey Sleaze were not available to work on the show due to other commitments.

- Doctor Euan Reeka and FinEATo have no chemistry as partners - thank Science for Newton Cambridge!

- Once again correct me if I'm wrong with the predictions.

- When I read Tiberious' predictions I nearly exploded thinking he has once again 7/7'd the card. Thank goodness for Devon Homicide. ;):p

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The video starts with the view of some sort of underground colony of sorts. A dim light fills the room. The four members of The Infestation come into view, Black Beetle soon scurries out of view however.




Green Beetle assumes the role of speaker, as Blue Beetle is busy dancing around and El Hijo Del Brown Beetle is busy on the ground doing push-ups with one hand.


GB: "Welcome viewers. We aren't usually one for speaking. Never had any use for it. We hide and train. But today is a special day for us here in The Infestation. We have a new member in our midst, he recently graduated from Infestation U and majored in two things. Wrestling and Debating. And he's really good at debating."


Green Beetle motions off screen for someone to come on. A man the same size as El Hijo Del Brown Beetle stomps his way onto screen.


GB: "Ladies, gentlemen and beetles of all ages. I present to you the newest member of The Infestation, he is the Diabolic Debate Destroyer! He is REEEEEEEEED BEETLEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Green Beetle finishes his introduction with a flourish and allows the newest member of The Infestation to speak.






Red Beetle stomps back out with after the spirited roar. The Infestation follows suit, Black Beetle is the last member seen as he comes out of the shadows to flick off the camera.


OOC: Red Beetle is a regen who came out of The Lab. I have a whole host of different coloured masks for this specific purpose. Here is the non-stable logo pic of Red Beetle.


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The Wrestling Is Fun! Alliance




Over the past weekend, Leroy Winters, Referee Tiny Jackson and El Mariachi met up in a top secret location (Rumored to be in Los Angeles, Illinois) in order to discuss the possibility of a new alliance, intended to showcase the best in light hearted wrestling.


The terms that were trashed out included the knowledge that no one would be hurt in any of the regional battles TEWdotcom carries out monthly and that all members of the alliance can borrow workers for shows. The first example of this is going to be at POW's April show "Live and Let Die 2013". The alliance members are rumoured to be waiting for suitable promotions to open up in Mexico and Japan.

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The Gureisu Pro Event Center montage plays as the video starts with all the usual highlights. As the shot of Cameron Cody sitting atop the ladder in victory from the Big Bad Ass Championship Tournament Night Two fades out, we see Marcus Mitchell and a new face in the Gureisu Pro Event Center. Unfortunately for the viewers, the owner of the face is DISCO Fox. Marcus doesn't look happy.




MM: "Hello loyal viewers and welcome to the Gureisu Pro Event Center. With me right now is DISCO Fox who would like to say a few words about his match at Early Warning For A Late Apocalypse."




The match banner pops up but DISCO Fox grabs it and throws it off screen before shoving Marcus in the same direction.


DF: "You know something? I'm outraged. Cameron Cody, the punk who thinks he is king, got the main event spot AGAIN last month whilst I was relegated to fighting some scientist who doesn't have the hart to be a proper wrestler. Luckily for me, this situation has been sorted and I am back where I belong. Cody, I hope you're feeling okay. It's not the same beating up a cripple as it is a healthy person. At Early Warning For A Late Apocalypse, that's what it'll be. A beat down pure and simple. I got my boy Joey Sleaze, a fine man if I say so myself and my own personal valet Miss Chloe Bourel, a woman who has no choice to do what I say and accept ANYTHING I do. You've got a beaten down has been. It's almost going to be too easy." Fox's phone begins to ring and he answers the call, his eyes going wide and he hurries off screen before anything could be heard from the cameraman.


Marcus springs back up from the mythical place known as "off screen" and immediately launches into talking about the other matches on the card.




MM: "Strong words there from DISCO Fox, all though I know who I am rooting for in that encounter. Also on this great card for you, we have two of the finest technical minds in wrestling going one-on-one as Scott Seal clashes with Tony Pearce and Devon Homicide seeks to stomp out the joyful redneck cheer of Jimmy Jack."


Marcus barely finishes before Her Majesty's Royal Service show up, Artemis taking the unnecessary measure of escorting Marcus back off the screen as Sir Thomas Beaumontfordshire and Oliver Crowlington III appear on screen.






Sir TB: "Greetings good viewers, and welcome to your Dream Pair's address for the upcoming showcase. We recently found out that our opponents would be those insufferable beetles and decided we would grace your screens with our presence."


OCIII: "Indeed Sir Thomas, although I would rather not waste my time on the ridiculous peasants out there who insist on marring our successful bouts with uncouth jeers directed towards us. Those neanderthals who choose to instead cheer with delight upon the sight of walking insects. The same insects who desecrated Sir Thomas' hat in a wanton act of vandalism. Now we had to dispose of the scientists last month before we could bring revenge upon you beetles. Consider this fair warning. We shall not give up in our quest to prove why we are the greatest duo in all of the land. You are merely but delinquents who need to be punished. Even facing you in combat is a waste of our time. Artemis, go and prepare the carriage for leaving, I feel we have said enough on this matter"


Her Majesty's Royal Service walks off screen, Artemis leading Marcus Mitchell on-screen, Marcus is wearing a top hat and monocle for some strange reason.




MM: "Now folks, that's all we've got time for. So get your arrangements ready and head down to A Denver High School as we give you an Early Warning For A Late Apocalypse."


Early Warning For A Late Apocalypse Quick Picks

(faces first, except in championship matches)


The White Mask vs Artemis

The Infestation (Red & Black) vs Pieces Of The Puzzle

Jimmy Jack vs Devon Homicide

Earl Ray vs Kris Bryant

Weird Science (Doctor Reeka & Newton Cambridge) vs S.W.I.F.T.

Adam Manchester vs The Commander

Weird Infestation (Blue Beetle & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc.


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service © vs The Infestation (Green & Brown)


Tony Pearce vs Scott Seal

Cameron Cody & Leroy Winters vs DISCO Fox & Joey Sleaze


OOC: How do you people feel about the Dream Pair match banner? Too much going on or does it suit a championship match feel?

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The White Mask vs Artemis

The Infestation (Red & Black) vs Pieces Of The Puzzle

Jimmy Jack vs Devon Homicide

Earl Ray vs Kris Bryant

Weird Science (Doctor Reeka & Newton Cambridge) vs S.W.I.F.T.

Adam Manchester vs The Commander

Weird Infestation (Blue Beetle & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc.


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service © vs The Infestation (Green & Brown)

Tony Pearce vs Scott Seal

Cameron Cody & Leroy Winters vs DISCO Fox & Joey Sleaze


And I like the banner's they make the matches standout.

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The White Mask vs Artemis

With Artemis getting a win over Mask in last show I go with other direction here.


The Infestation (Red & Black) vs Pieces Of The Puzzle

Pieces Of The Puzzle have looked like a jobber team to me so far and I assume it continues here.


Jimmy Jack vs Devon Homicide

Devon has been doing more.


Earl Ray vs Kris Bryant

Bryant could use the win after two tough losses in earlier shows.


Weird Science (Doctor Reeka & Newton Cambridge) vs S.W.I.F.T.

Weird Science has been getting things done a little bit better so far getting into that four way tag title match and also by having another shot in last show (differend members but still). S.W.I.F.T. on the other hand has been on losing side in all their matches so far and I expect that to continue.


Adam Manchester vs The Commander

Mercenaries have been quite good so far and Commander seems to be the leader (at least he´s name kind of suggest that :p). Adam have had a mixed pack so far with 1 win and 2 losses so I think that Commander is the safer bet here.


Weird Infestation (Blue Beetle & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc.

Mercenaries have proven to be one of your top teams and while their opponents have name on their team they still look like random pairing to me.


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service © vs The Infestation (Green & Brown)

No title change this early.


Tony Pearce vs Scott Seal

Hmmm, this is a tough one to me. Pearce do have win over Seal from that four way match but lost do Devon in last show while Seal took a win over Manchester... It´s pretty much a coin flip to me but I go with Seal.


Cameron Cody & Leroy Winters vs DISCO Fox & Joey Sleaze

Since Fox/Sleaze are little unlike to win singles matches against Cody (assuming that those would mostly be title shot matches) I would give them a win here.

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The White Mask vs Artemis

The Infestation (Red & Black) vs Pieces Of The Puzzle

Jimmy Jack vs Devon Homicide

Earl Ray vs Kris Bryant

Weird Science (Doctor Reeka & Newton Cambridge) vs S.W.I.F.T.

Adam Manchester vs The Commander

Weird Infestation (Blue Beetle & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc.


Gureisu Pro Dream Pair Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service © vs The Infestation (Green & Brown)


Tony Pearce vs Scott Seal

Cameron Cody & Leroy Winters vs DISCO Fox & Joey Sleaze

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It appears that for some reason I forgot to include the Dream Pair banner that I had asked about in the OOC note. Here it is, it's in the Event Center as well.





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I'd maybe suggest enlarging the belt so it fills the width of the HMRS logo but only have the top half showing and duplicate the layer, putting another at the top with the bottom half showing & give both halves a 2px black outline ;)


Following these lovely instructions I have came up with Mk 2 of the Championship Banners.




Better or worse? (God I love speaking like an optician.)

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