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WCW/nWo: At The Apex

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NOOOOoooooo second and third?!?! What kind of crap is that?!?! (sulks) :,( this month, will be my month... you'll see Christmas_ape... and you Beejus!


In fact, Christmas_ape, i'm docking you points in my diary prediction contest for this!!


Wait... wait... I can't stay mad at you, you're my #1 reader... okay well done... congratulations... and all that... Beejus though, my nemesis... i will beat you this month! You'll see!


(In the immortal words of Lance Storm) "If I can be serious for a moment..." Great show man, loved the Main Event, and the stare down at the end, I can picture it happening :) well done, take a bow :)



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NOOOOoooooo second and third?!?! What kind of crap is that?!?! (sulks) :,( this month, will be my month... you'll see Christmas_ape... and you Beejus!


(In the immortal words of Lance Storm) "If I can be serious for a moment..." Great show man, loved the Main Event, and the stare down at the end, I can picture it happening :) well done, take a bow :)




Thanks Lloyd, to be fair there were a few typical WCW finishes at the PPV so it was hard to predict, better luck next time man. You just reminded me to go check how Lance Storm's doing in ECW, maybe we'll see him debut in WCW sometime soon


Great show


Cheers alvarasus, enjoying reading your MACW diary at the minute, good work

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Beginning of the new prediction contest:





Episode Preview


All the fallout from WCW SuperBrawl!


Following Hollywood Hogan beating the Warrior and banishing him from WCW he has promised to celebrate in style at the start of the show however, Sting has a different idea of how things will go down....


Following an interview on WCW.com JJ Dillon has talked about how he feels that the war between the nWo and WCW should be brought to an end, will he bring a close to the war tonight?


After being attacked by Chavo Guerrero in lats nights Cruiserweight title match, Rey Mysterio Jr has been awarded another opportunity tonight.


After a huge return to WCW last night at SuperBrawl the man who is 15-0 Goldberg returns to action.


Scott Steiner will be in action and Ted Dibiase has announced he will explain his actions from last night as he cost Rick Steiner the win, aligning with Scott.


After weeks of speculation Roddy Piper has joined forces with Raven, the two will be live in the Dean Smith Center tonight.



Match Card


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Goldberg vs Kidman

Prince Iaukea vs Psychosis

Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner

Booker T vs Steven Regal

Ric Flair vs Scott Hall - WCW United States Championship
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I finally caught up and I'm loving this diary. I really hope it lasts for a long time, something that I think you're fully capable of pulling off. Keep up the amazing work.


Now for predictions...


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Goldberg vs Kidman

Prince Iaukea vs Psychosis

Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner

Booker T vs Steven Regal

Ric Flair vs Scott Hall - WCW United States Championship

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Bahaha - I win the WCW over Lloyd again - muahaha! :p


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

If you were gonna give Rey the belt, you could've done it at the PPV. Eddy keeps it going until at least Uncensored.


Goldberg vs Kidman



Prince Iaukea vs Psychosis

Go Psy!


Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner

Love me some Martel, but Steiner takes this.


Booker T vs Steven Regal

This is the toughest one of the bunch... I'm going with Booker here, but I suspect Regal to be on the winning side sooner rather than later.


Ric Flair vs Scott Hall - WCW United States Championship

Flair hasn't done much with it - tbh, I kinda forgot he even had it. But I don't see him dropping two matches in a row, especially such high profile stuff.

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship


Eddie keeps the belt for one more night.


Goldberg vs Kidman




Prince Iaukea vs Psychosis




Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner


Big Poppa Pump is going to win here.


Booker T vs Steven Regal


Perhaps the most unpredictable match of the card...well, i think Sucka's going to win.


Ric Flair vs Scott Hall - WCW United States Championship


I don't see Hall winning the United States Title...just not in this show...

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Goldberg vs Kidman

Prince Iaukea vs Psychosis

Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner

Booker T vs Steven Regal

Ric Flair vs Scott Hall - WCW United States Championship


Whoops, missed the first match haha thanks NWA

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Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Goldberg vs Kidman

Prince Iaukea vs Psychosis

Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner

Booker T vs Steven Regal

Ric Flair vs Scott Hall - WCW United States Championship

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Monday Wk 4 February 1998

Dean Smith Center, Mexico City

21,750 (Sold Out)




WCW Announce Team

Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan


Tony Schiavone:
WCW Monday Nitro live every Monday night no matter what, and if there's one thing you can guarantee it's that it will be a great show as always.

Mike Tenay:
We have the fallout from everything that happened at One Night Only and SuperBrawl VIII, if you didn't catch them then go order the replay because you missed out!

Bobby Heenan:
One thing I can't wait for is Hollywood Hogan's victory parade after he finally got rid of the Warrior, that's right Warrior is banished from WCW forever.

Mike Tenay:
Wait a minute here I'm being told the nWo are about to make their entrance let's kick things off ladies and gentlemen.



A unified and motivated nWo all get out of the same limousine together as Hogan and Bischoff lead them into the arena, Hogan turns around to do the nWo (clique) touch/handshake with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall as they enter the arena. Out of nowhere they turn around hearing yelling as Sting has taken out Hennig, Bagwell and Norton with a baseball bat, the nWo all run off in separate directions to escape Sting who then turns his attention to the nWo limousine and begins destroying it with the bat. Gene Okerlund runs outside to try and get any sort of explanation, Sting grabs the microphone, looks into the camera and states "Warrior is banished for as long as Hogan's here, Huh? Well I guess that means it's time to get rid of Hogan!"



Backstage/Outside Attack

Sting, Hollywood Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Kevin Nash,

Scott Hall, Konnan, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • The rematch from SuperBrawl began with a fast, aggressive pace as Mysterio looked to get revenge back on the Guerrero's, Mysterio rocked Guerrero early, after two arm drags he then landed a pin point enzuigiri to the back of Guerrero's head and quickly made a cover but the shock wasn't enough to get a win.

  • Mysterio went up top for a seated senton but was caught and transitioned into a power bomb by Guerrero, who then tried to pin Mysterio with a jackknife cover, Rey kicked out at two.

  • Guerrero attempted a moonsault but was met by the knees of Mysterio who then drop kicked Guerrero into position for the 619...

  • As Mysterio was running towards the ropes, Chavo Guerrero Jr appeared on the entrance ramp, without even thinking Mysterio darted out the ring and up the ramp in pursuit of Guerrero, the referee began his count......8.....9....10


Eddie Guerrero via Count Out

Match Finish:
Mysterio leaves the ring in chase of Chavo

Match Length:

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr


Mike Tenay:
Eddie Guerrero survives again thanks to the appearance of his nephew Chavo Guerrero.

Bobby Heenan:
You said it last night, Rey wants revenge on both men and trying to get it cost him big time there.

Tony Schiavone:
Sorry to cut you off Bobby but I'm being told Goldberg is about to make his return to Nitro, the man is 15-0 and looking to cause more destruction here, the former WCW Television champion in action next!



Backstage JJ Dillon is waiting in his office as The Giant enters...


The Giant:
You wanted to see my JJ?


JJ Dillon:
Yes, thanks for coming so soon, now the way I see it is before SuperBrawl we had the nWo in our back pocket and we were doing the necessary things to remove them from WCW forever, that was what the Warrior joined us to do..no one saw that coming, especially me I thought he would beat Hogan 1,2,3 just like last time and now because Hogan won the nWo seen more unified than ever...


The Giant:
Let me stop you right there, I have an idea give me Hogan tonight! 1 on 1 and I'll get rid of the nWo, I'm a giant there's no way they can stop me.


JJ Dillon:
Look you know I can't do that the nWo show up and leave when they want you think they will appear if I put them in a match with you? no chance! Plus I've got Hogan sorted and tonight I'm going to put everything on the line to get rid of him, but as for you, the last thing the nWo has is them tag team titles, Harlem Heat haven't managed to get them back, The Dudleys couldn't so I'm choosing you. Find a partner, one who is on board with team WCW and get them titles back where they belong!


The Giant rises to his feet, agrees and leaves in search of a partner

Backstage Segment

JJ Dillon, The Giant


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • The fierce and intimidating Goldberg didn't look to have an effect on the brain washed Flock member Kidman who attacked him from behind and got in some early offense, Kidman floored Goldberg and went up top... shooting star press...1...2 Goldberg throws Kidman half way across the ring.

  • Kidman comes straight back at Goldberg but is leveled by a clothesline, after a brief shout Goldberg sets up and connects with a devastating spear, next up was the jackhammer, 1...2...3



Match Finish:
Jackhammer on Kidman

Match Length:

Goldberg vs Kidman


Mike Tenay:
Well there you have it the dominant Goldberg is back and looks to be setting his sights on the Flock and particularly Steve McMichael, the man who put him out of action.

Bobby Heenan:
Who the hell is this guy Goldberg, we haven't even heard him utter a word yet..

Tony Schiavone:
He's an ass kicker that's who he is, 16 wins here in WCW, the man does his talking in the ring.



Backstage Lex Luger storms into JJ Dillon's office clearly distressed


Lex Luger:
JJ give me Piper! Give me Raven! The Flock, McMichael any of them, all of them but there is no way I'm leaving this arena without getting my hands on them!


JJ Dillon's chair spins around but sitting in the seat is not Dillon it's The Giant


The Giant:
Calm down Lex, I need a favour from you...


Lex Luger:
Where the hell is Dillon!?


The Giant:
That doesn't matter right now, he has given me the job of getting the WCW tag titles back and in return will help us out so I'm saying for now, just for now, forget about Piper and Raven, join me in bringing the tag belts back to WCW and then I'll get you Piper and Raven.


Lex storms out the room without responding to The Giant



Backstage Segment

The Giant, Lex Luger


Mike Tenay:
Lex Luger's clearly not in any mood for negotiation, he wants Piper, Raven, McMichael and the Flock.

Bobby Heenan:
Phah, The Giant's recruitment process is doing great so far, if this keeps up he'll be taking on Bagwell and Norton 2 on 1.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Randy Anderson

At Ringside:

  • Cruiserweight action continued Nitro, Iaukea looked strong early on entering the match by landed a springboard crossbody on Psychosis.

  • Iaukea kept the pressure on with backhand chops but was caught by a drop kick when he attempted springboard clothesline, Psychosis followed up with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

  • With total control of the match Psychosis was able to finish of the prince with first a psycho stunner and then a guillotine leg drop.



Match Finish:
Guillotine Leg Drop on Prince Iaukea

Match Length:

Psychosis vs Prince Iaukea


Mike Tenay:
A good performance form the psychotic Psychosis, he will surely be looking to get back in the cruiserweight title picture soon.

Tony Schiavone:
Certainly, anyway ladies and gentleman it's time for huge news, starting in the first week of March, WCW will have two shows running, every Friday evening tune into WCW Thunder to see the best action in wrestling!

Mike Tenay:
I certainly can't wait until the debut of Thunder, the show will highlight the excellent crop of cruiserweights WCW has at the moment as well progressing the television and tag team titles but more importantly will give the opportunity for more young talent to show their skills in WCW.

Bobby Hennan:
Sorry to cut you of guys but I'm being told that Roddy Piper and Raven are on their way to the ring, boy they have got some explaining to do let's send it down to ringside.



Raven and Piper come to the ring together without Steve McMichael or the Flock but clearly showing they are on the same page


Roddy Piper:
Now I know what you all think, it was some big master plan by me and Raven to help me beat Lex Luger not once but twice...but anyone who believes that is full of crap, I meant everything I said about not joining the Flock and not being associated with a bunch of nobodies, but the man to my left is not a nobody, he is the future of WCW Raven!


Piper hands the microphone over to Raven


Lex Luger can moan as much as he likes but this was never about him, this was about bringing together the greatest wrestler of the 80's and early 90's and joining him up with me, the man who will dominate the late 90's into the future. I spent all week negotiating with this man and I now have him on my side but it came at a cost.....


Steve McMichael's music cuts off Raven as he comes to the ring in high spirits to join in the celebration and unity of Raven and Piper, he hugs both men even though they seem reluctant to do it before taking the microphone


Steve McMichael:
Give it up for Roddy Piper everyone! (boo's echo around the arena), guys I would of preferred it if you let me in on the plan but it doesn't matter all that matters is that Piper is now on our side and with me, Raven and the Flock we will be the most dominant force in WCW!


Errr, see that's the thing Mongo, like Piper said he will not be associated with nobodies and during negotiation unfortunately we came ot the decision that you and the Flock are both not needed...


Steve McMichael:
Are you telling me that me, the man who helped you off the ground when you were in a ditch, I put Goldberg on the sidelines, I motivated the Flock back into action and now your trying to get rid of me?!


Mongo don't try and make this about you, this is and always has been about me and now is my chance to learn from the best in business and if that means getting rid of some dead weight than that's exactly what I'll do. Oh and as for 'getting rid of Goldberg' I'm pretty sure he was back last night and gave you and the Flock a handful of spears, face it you don't cut it with me or Piper and now that you have Goldberg coming after you that gives us all the more reason to kick you to the curb...


Before McMichael can reply Goldberg's music hits, the beats comings running down to the ring, Piper and Raven escape through the crowd and leave McMichael to get decimated by Goldberg



In ring promo turned attack

Roddy Piper, Raven, Steve McMichael, Goldberg


Mike Tenay:
Goldberg just speared the hell out of McMichael, he could be broken in half, not only that it looks like he's going to be going to war with Goldberg without the backing of former friend Raven.

Bobby Heenan:
That's right, Raven has attached himself to Roddy Piper, we all know what a success Piper has been in wrestling and now he's hand picked the next 'Hot Rod' in Raven.


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • Martel had fear all over his face as Steiner entered the ring but still put in plenty of effort, he quickly got advantage with a kick to the mid section but lost it just as fast attempting to body slam Steiner and falling backwards.

  • Steiner caught Martel with a wicked clothesline which could be heard throughout the arena. Steiner took Martel to the corner and began smashing him head first off the top turnbuckle.

  • Following a quick pose of his biceps, Steiner locked in the steiner recliner and Martel quickly tapped out.


Scott Steiner

Match Finish:
Steiner Recliner on Rick Martel

Match Length:

Rick Martel vs Scott Steiner



Following the impressive victory by Scott Steiner him and Ted Dibiase grab a microphone, both turn and laugh to each other as Dibiase makes his first comments


Ted Dibiase:
'Winner gets the managerial presence of Ted Dibiase', are you all really that stupid? Do you really think I would risk being associated with a loser like Rick Steiner? My commitments have and always will be to Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner.


Scott Steiner:
Since SuperBrawl I've had many idiots come up to me like 'Scott you still didn't beat Rick at SuperBrawl', 'Rick's better than you', I don't give a crap if the record books have that match down as a no contest, who stood tall at the end of the match? Who got the manager? Who gets all the women? Who's heading straight to the top of WCW? That's right it's Scott Steiner.


Rick Steiner's music plays as he runs down to the ring, he and Scott get into a all out fight on the floor until Rick sends Scott into retreat, clotheslining him out the ring, Rick turns to see Dibiase trying to leave the ring, he grabs Dibiase and delivers a Death Valley Driver as Scott watches on in anger



In ring promo turned attack

Ted Dibiase, Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner


Tony Schiavone:
You talk about bad blood, this defines that, Dibiase is getting what he deserves for getting involved in this family rivalry.

Bobby Heenan:
Dibiase isn't even an active wrestler Rick Steiner should be sued! That's assault!


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Charles Robinson

At Ringside:

  • Steven Regal takes down Booker after over powering him in the lock up, following a snap mare he plants a stiff kick into the back of Booker.

  • Regal continues the offense with forearm shots in the corner but is caught with a spinning heel kick after Booker managed to dodge a knee drop from the Brit.

  • Booker caught momentum, following the 110th street slam (lifting spinebuster) he caught Regal square in the face with an axe handle from the top rope. Booker went up top again to close the match as he landed the harlem hangover and got the win.


Booker T

Match Finish:
Harlem Hangover on Steven Regal

Match Length:

Booker T vs Steven Regal



Following the victory Gene Okerlund enters the ring to interview Booker T


Gene Okerlund:
Another win for you in WCW Booker T and another great performance, what's next for the Book man? Will you be going after tag gold with Harlem Heat or still after the nWo?


Booker T:
I've been training long and hard for over 10 years in this business and now I'm starting to get what I deserve and it's about time playa. What's next for Booker? The same thing I said two weeks ago, I'm coming for the nWo, I've beat Konnan, I've beat Curt Hennig, next on my list is Hall and Nash brother now can you dig that?!


From behind Booker T is attacked by Curt Hennig who stomps him into the ground before taking the microphone away from Okerlund and using it to further punish Booker



In ring promo turned attack

Gene Okerlund, Booker T, Curt Hennig


Tony Schiavone:
Another win for Booker T but ruined during the post match interview by Curt Hennig of the nWo.

Bobby Heenan:
Booker's fault if you ask me, he called out the nWo what did he expect? Looks as if Curt Hennig wants another round with Booker T following his loss a couple of weeks ago.



Pre Match Gene Okerlund speaks to Ric Flair


Gene Okerlund:
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome the nature boy Ric Flair! Ric tonight you have been forced to put your United States Championship on the line facing Scott Hall of the nWo, are you in the right mind set to be in such a big match just 24 hours removed from your loss to Bret Hart?


Ric Flair:
Meeeeeannn Gene Woooo...am I focused you say? I didn't become the 14 time, that's right 14 time World Heavyweight Champion by not being focused every night of the year no matter what! The nWo have been running around WCW, the land I built for almost two years causing mayhem and for most them two years I've been doing my damn best to stop them and that will not change tonight, Scott Hall you will get the very best of the nature boy brother. That being said something has over took beating the nWo, and that is beating Bret Hart....Bret you say your the best and last night you were the best but hitman that was one night, Ric Flair is the man around here 365 days a year, hitman if you think I'm done with you, boy you could not be more wrong.

Backstage promo

Gene Okerlund, Ric Flair


Match Type:
Standard Singles Match

Time Limit:

Nick Patrick

At Ringside:

  • Flair escapes out the lock up and starts the match chopping Hall in the corner, Hall manages to switch positions and gives him a knee to the mid section followed by an open hand slap to his chest.

  • Scott Hall controls Flair with more knee to his body before clotheslining him over the top rope.

  • Hall looks to send Flair into the barricade but Flair reverses the momentum of the irish whip and send Hall into it. Flair then catapults Hall head first into the ring post.

  • Flair misses a knee drop and Hall capitalises with a huge body check. Hall begins unloading big shots to Flairs face in the corner before flattening him with a corner clothesline.

  • Hall pulls out a fallaway slam before signalling for the outsider's edge, Flair manages to squirm his way out of the move and send Hall shoulder first between the turnbuckles into the ring post.

  • A dazed Hall try's to shake of the hurt shoulder but Flair keeps the pressure on chop blocking the his leg...Flair attempts to lock in the figure four leg lock but Hall's leg strength pushes him away and Flair accidently hits knocks down the referee.

  • Kevin Nash joins Hall in the ring while the referee is down and they begin double teaming Flair until Bret Hart comes running down to make the save, Hart takes down Nash as the two roll to the outside and start brawling.

  • Ric Flair gets up and takes Hall to the mat again, he looks to lock in the figure four but Hall strikes him with a low blow. The referee begins to get up just seconds after the cheap shot and witnesses an outsider's edge from Hall before starting the count...1...2...3


And New United States Champion Scott Hall

Match Finish:
Outsider's Edge on Ric Flair

Match Length:

WCW United States Championship

Ric Flair vs Scott Hall



After the match Scott Hall begins to celebrate with his United States Championship, Nash manages to escape from Bret and join Hall in the ring. Flair and Bret decide there both going to work together and fight them but are cut off by JJ Dillon who orders them to go to the back before making his way into the ring.


Kevin Nash:
Smart thinking JJ you just saved your boys getting another ass whipping at the hands of the nWo.


JJ Dillon:
Oh no don't you worry Nash there will be a time and place for them to fight you but right now I have bigger things to handle, Hollywood Hogan get out here.


Hollywood Hogan makes a very cocky entrance to the ring before having a small celebration with Hall and Nash following Hall's victory.


Hollywood Hogan:
JJ I know what your going to ask, 'Please Hogan, please leave, take the nWo with you and go back up north', well to save you some time brother, we aren't going nowhere and it looks like you can't do anything about it, we're getting more powerful by the day.


JJ Dillon:
I know there's no way I can get rid of you, but I can get rid of you if you agree to it....


Hollywood Hogan:
Are you stupid JJ, I just said the nWo aren't going anywhere, why the hell would we agree to leave.


JJ Dillon:
You haven't heard my proposal yet Hogan, I know ever since Starrcade you've been a different man and that's because you haven't got the world title and there's nothing you can do to get it back, I'm the authority around here remember...and although this may be against my rules I'm willing to make a deal..next month we have a PPV, Uncensored I'm willing to give you your rematch under one condition...


Hollywood Hogan:
Hahah JJ you are stupid you know that if I got one more shot at Sting I would beat him within an inch of his life and take back my gold, yes any condition you want brother.


JJ Dillon:
You may very well do that to Sting but I've gotta take this chance, if you agree you can have your match at Uncensored and win, lose or draw it doesn't matter because one months later at Spring Stampede you put it all on the line, I'm not talking about your jobs, you can all still work here but inside War Games, WCW vs nWo, if the nWo wins, I will personally hand over the company to Eric Bischoff and leave forever, if WCW wins the nWo are forced to disband!


Hogan, Nash and Hall are all shocked and don't know what to say, Hogan grabs a microphone and goes to reply when Eric Bischoff runs down to the ring and takes the microphone from him.


Eric Bischoff:
Who do you think you are JJ, bribing Hogan to risk the nWo? And trying to force him into making a decision? This show is the nWo's show and we do what we want, when we want...we'll be back next week and you can have you answer then.



In Ring Segment

JJ Dillon, Ric Flair, Bret Hart,

Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Eric Bischoff


Tony Schiavone:
Well fans you heard it, JJ Dillon will give Hogan a shot at the world title if just one month later he will risk the nWo's future against WCW in War Games!

Bobby Heenan:
Hogan and Bischoff are smart men they will think this one over, you've gotta remember the rewards if they pull through though, Hogan could win the world title and the nWo could own WCW.

Mike Tenay:
If they accept it's all on the line for WCW and the nWo, what a night it has been here, we unfortunately have a new United States champion in Scott Hall but that shocking ending has left everyone on the edge of their seats, tune in next week for more!




Great Start to the new prediction contest, thanks to everyone who joined in

Predictions contest after 1 show(s):


Beejus: 5/6

TheLloyd 5/6 - Weren't by DQ but you still selected Hall you get the point

Tooney: 5/6

RKOwnege: 5/6

The Final Countdown: 5/6

BHK1978: 5/6

RayW: 5/6

smwilliams: 5/6

Smasher1311: 5/6

christmas_ape: 4/6

#Bestintheworld: 3/6

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This is the WCW Hotline hosted by Gene Okerlund, rounding up all the weeks news:



1: The Warrior wishes luck to WCW

Gene Okerlund sat down earlier in the week to talk to The Warrior following his loss at SuperBrawl and therefor his banishment from WCW while Hollywood Hogan is part of the company. Warrior graciously accepted defeat, claiming that there may have been interference but Hogan still got the job done however, Warrior declared pay back is a you know what and it's coming to Hogan and the nWo from the hands of Sting, Randy Savage and all of team WCW!


2: More news on upcoming WCW Thunder

Tony Schiavone broke the news on Nitro that starting next Friday WCW Thunder will run weekly on the air, early evenings on TBS. The show is an added hour to WCW programming and will highlight specifically the cruiserweight division as well as incorporating the top storylines into the show. Insiders are saying that WCW are hoping that is Thunder can consistently draw better ratings than Raw this could be the final blow in putting the WWF out of business.


3: Mark Madden speaks WCW

WCW's official internet correspondent Mark Madden, sat down today on a live feed featured on WCW.com to talk about the companies recent shows. He praised the recent work of Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr as well as already predicting the Randy Savage vs Sting match on Nitro several weeks ago as mach of the year. He stated that Goldberg is the next big star in WCW and that he believes Ric Flair will be world champion again before the end of the year.


4: WCW developmental territory

WCW has long used 'The Power Plant' as a small training camp to prepare athletes before they join the company, it has trained the likes of Steve McMichael, The Giant & Goldberg. Now they have transformed the camp into an official developmental territory, early signings for the promotion include Lance Storm, Adam Copeland, Christian Cage & Shane Helms, more news on the promotion will be reveled soon.


5: Monday Night War

The war between the WWF and WCW is still on going despite WCW dominating for well over a year now.


This weeks Nitro, headlined by the United States title match between Scott Hall and Ric Flair drew a 5.52 rating and was rated 90/100 by Dave Meltzer.


WWF Raw paled in comparison drawing just a 3.11, the low number is expected to drop much more in the future as 'The Score', 'Sky Sports' & 'Foxtel Australia' have all decided against renewing the show and all three contracts end next month. Raw was rated 73/100 and was main evented by Vader vs Kane.


That's all we have time for this week, match card for Nitro will be up tomorrow!

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Episode Preview


With so much happening last week this week promises to be one of the most exciting Nitro's ever!


The Giant will continue his search for a tag partner for his title match against Bagwell & Norton at Uncensored, will he keep trying to persuade Luger or will he look else where?


Steve McMichael has been kicked to the curb just like the Flock by Raven & Piper but don't think he's going down without a fight, rumors say he will challenge Raven for the TV title tonight.


Scott Hall might be the new US Champion but he will not have any time to celebrate as he and Nash are in action tonight!


Following the loss to Scott Hall, Ric Flair got support from the one man no one thought would help him, Bret Hart, tonight JJ Dillon attempts to get them to put their differences aside for the greater good of WCW.


Last week the shocking offer was put on the table by JJ Dillon, Hogan can have his title shot at Sting but at Spring Stampede it's all on the line nWo vs WCW, tonight we get their decision. All that an much more only on Nitro!



Match Card


Chavo & Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Jericho & Rey Mysterio Jr

Jim Duggan vs Juventud Guerrera

Goldberg vs Saturn

Raven vs Steve McMichael - WCW Television Title

Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan

Buff Bagwell vs The Giant

Harlem Heat vs The Outsiders
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The new show format you've got is easier on the eyes, nice job. Any chance of including segments grades at the end of a segment as wel?


Cheers Celt and yeah I was thinking about doing it again, I used to do a post after the show in which broke down the total scores for Raw and Nitro so I might go with that or just start adding the grade at the bottom of each segment.

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Chavo & Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Jericho & Rey Mysterio Jr

Jim Duggan vs Juventud Guerrera

Goldberg vs Saturn

Raven vs Steve McMichael - WCW Television Title

Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan

Buff Bagwell vs The Giant

Harlem Heat vs The Outsiders

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Chavo & Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Jericho & Rey Mysterio Jr

Jim Duggan vs Juventud Guerrera

Goldberg vs Saturn

Raven vs Steve McMichael - WCW Television Title

Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan

Buff Bagwell vs The Giant

Harlem Heat vs The Outsiders


I almost went Duggan instead of Juvi, until I thought wait a sec, this is 1997, not 1994 lol. Otherwise, most of the matches I'm just going with who I think should come out looking stronger, all but the last one in which case I'm figuring to see Stevie turn on Booker.

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Chavo & Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Jericho & Rey Mysterio Jr

Jim Duggan vs Juventud Guerrera

Goldberg vs Saturn

Raven vs Steve McMichael - WCW Television Title

Davey Boy Smith vs Konnan

Buff Bagwell vs The Giant

Harlem Heat vs The Outsiders


Keep up the good work pal, just nominating you for DOTM :)

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