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1994 Triangle Match: ECW

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I'm shocked I called it I've been doing terrible in all three diaries, but I figured he hasn't been on since the first show and it kind of fit with the story going on. Also you've had Stevie be on a roll, and Mikey is tied up with the tag belts now, and if you are having Sabu advance you got to have Taz as well to put on a nice semi or main event showdown (though I am pegging the darkhorse of Stevie to win the whole shebang.
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Hardcore TV Preview


On this week's Hardcore TV, the final first round matches of the NWA World Championship Tournament...plus Cactus Jack will be in action...and he speaks out about Terry Funk's decision to join forces with ECW Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas!




Confirmed matches:


AT&T (A-Train & Terminator) vs Rockin' Rebel & Tony Stetson


Axl Rotten vs Rob Van Dam


Mikey Whipwreck, JT Smith, Tommy Cairo & Damien Stone vs Stevie Richards, Jason Knight & The Pitbulls


The Sandman vs Rocco Rock


Tommy Dreamer vs Johnny Grunge


Cactus Jack, The Tazmaniac & Sabu vs Shane Douglas & The Harris Brothers





(Predictions and Comments welcome, show will be posted by Friday)

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AT&T (A-Train & Terminator) vs Rockin' Rebel & Tony Stetson


Axl Rotten vs Rob Van Dam


Mikey Whipwreck, JT Smith, Tommy Cairo & Damien Stone vs Stevie Richards, Jason Knight & The Pitbulls

The Sandman vs Rocco Rock


Tommy Dreamer vs Johnny Grunge


Cactus Jack, The Tazmaniac & Sabu vs Shane Douglas & The Harris Brothers

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AT&T (A-Train & Terminator) vs Rockin' Rebel & Tony Stetson


Axl Rotten vs Rob Van Dam


Mikey Whipwreck, JT Smith, Tommy Cairo & Damien Stone vs Stevie Richards, Jason Knight & The Pitbulls


The Sandman vs Rocco Rock


Tommy Dreamer vs Johnny Grunge


Cactus Jack, The Tazmaniac & Sabu vs Shane Douglas & The Harris Brothers

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AT&T (A-Train & Terminator) vs Rockin' Rebel & Tony Stetson


Axl Rotten vs Rob Van Dam


Mikey Whipwreck, JT Smith, Tommy Cairo & Damien Stone vs Stevie Richards, Jason Knight & The Pitbulls


The Sandman vs Rocco Rock


Tommy Dreamer vs Johnny Grunge


Cactus Jack, The Tazmaniac & Sabu vs Shane Douglas & The Harris Brothers

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ECW Hardcore TV!


Eastern Championship Wrestling presents:


ECW Hardcore TV



Tuesday Week 2, August 1994

From the ECW Arena in South Philly

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out!)




ECW holds a weekly live show on Tuesday nights. The show runs for approx. 1 1/2 to 2 hours, with the last hour filmed for the weekly ECW Hardcore TV program which currently runs on the Sunshine Network in Florida (Fridays Graveyard) and The Sports Channel in Philadelphia (Tuesday Late Nights). The show, as always, is hosted by Joey Styles...


Live Event:


AT&T (A-Train & Terminator) vs Rockin' Rebel & Tony Stetson


The young team nicknamed AT&T by Joey Styles is on a roll here in ECW. Rebel lands a low blow and Stetson sucks up some cheap "heel heat" for a few minutes, but for the most part it's a one sided match. Termintor gets the pin on Stetson after a sick looking double team move...A-Train with a flapjack into a modified Ace Cutter from Terminator!


Winners at 813 via pinfall...

A-Train & Terminator

Grade: D




In a clip filmed for ECW home video...


We cut to the locker room at the ECW Arena. We see ECW Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas with his back to the camera. He running a comb through his blonde locks and admiring himself in the mirror. Finally, he adjusts the ECW Heavyweight title belt on his shoulder, smirks and turns to the camera. He's wearing a Terry Funk t-shirt...


Douglas: (mocking the teenage fans at the ECW Arena) "...oh boo hoo Terry Funk turned on us 'cause of Shane Douglas...No Terry Funk turned on you because your a bunch of losers. Terry Funk turned on you because on one side he saw me...blond, ripped, rich and about to be NWA World's Champion, and on the other side? A bunch of dirty, lonely, emotionally stunted ECW fans that cheer anytime someone gets busted open with a steel chair. So from this day forward Terry Funk is part of the Franchise and you can boo all you want, 'cause there ain't a damn thing you can do about it..."


Douglas stops for a moment. He's moving the ECW title belt off his arm and he catches his reflection in the silver face plate. He admires his reflection for a moment before continuing...


Douglas: "And speaking of emotionally stunted losers...Cactus Jack you are probably wondering why your friend and mentor turned his back on you. You stand back here, 'why Terry why?' 'why Terry why?' I used to think that whistling sound I heard when you walked by was the wind passing through the gaps in your teeth, but maybe it's the air escaping from the empty spot between your ears. Terry Funk told me he always hated you Jack. Your self agradizing false modesty...your 'I'm a WCW fanboy' attitude...the way you smell like sour dough bread and sweaty socks...you're nothing Cactus Jack...you're just a freak who likes to bleed...your not tough. Terry Funk told me the women he picks up in bars are tougher than Cactus Jack. So you just go out there and play wrestler with your buddy Mikey Whipwreck while me and Terry ride limos and dine on lobster..."


Douglas starts to walk away then stops...


Douglas: "In other words Cactus Jack..."


He throws up the middle finger...


"Funk You!"


Grade: C+




Axl Rotten vs Rob Van Dam


RVD is on fire early. His quickness is too much for Rotten. He runs off a series of kicks, slams and splashes that wow the crowd. But after Rotten kicks out from a pair of pinning attempts Van Dam lets his frustrations get the better of him. He walks into a DDT from Rotten that turns the tides. The bigger, stronger Axl gains the momentum. A chair shot and two Piledrivers later, RVD comes up short again.


Winner at 6:55 via Piledriver...

Axl Rotten

Grade: C-




Mikey Whipwreck, JT Smith, Damien Stone & Tommy Cairo


Stevie Richards, Jason Knight & The Pitbulls


The start of this 8-man tag match is delayed for nearly two minutes as Richards demands, and eventually recieves, two ECW security gaurds to come down to ringside and gaurd his ECW Television title. Once the match starts it's chaos as it's little more than an organized street fight. Not suprisingly the Pitbulls control most of the action thanks to the fact that they are twice the size of anyone else in the ring! After nearly five minutes of brawling, referee John Finnegan gains control and an actual tag team match takes place. Richards gets in the ring with JT Smith. He dominates him, stopping to taunt Mikey Whipwreck before every offensive move he lands. He does it one too many times however, turning his back on Smith to talk trash to Whipwreck. When he turns back around, Smith rolls out of the way and leaps to his corner tagging in Mikey. Richards sees a p*ssed off Whipwreck climbing in the ring, shrieks like a little girl and runs to his corner and tags in Jason Knight. As Knight slowly climbs in the ring, Richards grabs his ECW Television belt, cradles it like a baby and runs to the back! It's 4 on 3 now. Whipwreck is on fire, tearing into Jason Knight. The Pitbulls try to interfere but are warded off by Smith, Stone and Cairo. Mikey hits the Whippersnapper on Knight for the win.


Winners at 16:58 via Whippersnapper on Jason Knight...

Mikey Whipwreck, JT Smith, Damien Stone & Tommy Cairo

Grade: C



Paul Heyman is out to let us know that the TV tapings are about to begin...and ECW merchandise is available in the lobby!





TV Tapings:


Hardcore TV opens with a p*ssed off Cactus Jack in the ring. He's also wearing a Terry Funk t-shirt, he has a steel chair in one hand, and a microphone in the other...


Cactus: "...Since I was just an teenager at Ward Melville high school all I ever wanted was to be a professional wrestler. I'd hitchhike to Manhattan to see Jimmy Snuka at Madison Square Garden...I'd cut promos in front my friends in the backyard...and when I was 18 I'd drive from New York to Pittsburgh, sleeping in my car, just to train at Dominic Denucci's gym...all that time I dreamed of being Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair...the tanned, good looking superstar who everybody adored...but ya know deep down inside I knew I'd never be like them..."


Cactus Jack stops to unleash his trademark gap tooth smile at the camera...


Cactus: "But then I saw a man named Terry Funk on television...Terry Funk didn't win because he was pretty...or witty...or tanned...or because he was the promoters son...he wasn't a long haired diva or a high matinance superstar...no...no... Terry Funk was the man I emulated...he won because he was simply the toughest son of a b*tch in the ring...night after night...every night...And Terry that will never...never change...but whether your Terry Funk or Freddie Thumper...whether your riding with the Franchise or bar fighting with Patrick Swayze...whether you love these ECW fans or hate them..."


Jack stops, then takes the steel chair he's been holding and cracks himself over the head...


Cactus Jack: "Don't you or Shane Douglas ever...EVER...question who I am...My name is Mick Foley...the fans call me Cactus Jack...and Uncle Terry..."


Jack takes the steel chair he's been holding and cracks himself over the head again...blood is now trickling from his forehead...


Cactus: "I grew up to be just like you..."


Jack takes the steel chair he's been holding and cracks himself over the head again...blood is now running from a cut on his forehead...


Cactus: "...the toughest son of a b*tch..."


Jack takes the steel chair he's been holding and cracks himself over the head, two times...blood is now pouring from a cut on his forehead...


Cactus" "...night after night...every night..."


Jack takes the steel chair he's been holding and smashes himself over the head again...blood is now pouring from a gash on his forehead...


Cactus Jack: "...And after I deal with Shane Douglas...It's gonna be me and you Uncle Terry..."


Jack takes the steel chair he's been holding and cracks himself over the head, laughs, then does it one last time...blood is now gushing from a deep gash on his forehead, almost completely covering his face and soaking his Terry Funk t-shirt...


Cactus Jack: "...BANG BANG!"


Grade: B-



Cactus Jack after his promo:




NWA World Championship 1st Round match


The Sandman (w/Peaches) vs Rocco Rock


The crowd is understandably subdued after Cactus Jack's opening promo, but Sandman and Rocco do their best to get them into the action. It takes some time, but the fans eventually get into this match. The ECW faithful are clearly behind the Sandman. The two stick mainly to brawling through out the match. One sequence sees them standing in the middle of the ring trading shots with a Singapore Cane! In the end, Sandman is too much, ending the match with a White Russian Legsweep for the win.


Winner at 10:08 via White Russian Legsweep...

The Sandman

Grade: C




NWA World Championship 1st Round match


Tommy Dreamer vs Johnny Grunge


The other half of the Public Enemy is out next. He fairs little better than Rocco Rock. Dreamer is younger, stronger and faster. After some back and forth action early, Dreamer takes over. A DDT on the concrete outside the ring and a Piledriver in the ring is enough to seal the deal as Tommy Dreamer wins and moves to the second round of the NWA tournament.


Winner at 9:13 via Piledriver...

Tommy Dreamer!

Grade: C



Tommy Dreamer moves on in the NWA Tournament:




While Dreamer celebrates in the ring, Rocco Rock runs back down to the ring and he and Johnny Grunge "Pearl Harbor" Tommy. No one comes to his aid as Tommy Dreamer is swiftly beaten to the canvas by the Public Enemy.


Grade: C-




Time for the main event, and the ECW Arena is electric for this one...


Cactus Jack, The Tazmaniac & Sabu


Shane Douglas & The Harris Brothers (w/Woman)


The Harris Brothers, Sabu and Taz do most of the wrestling early on, but all the fans want is to see Cactus Jack get his hands on Shane Douglas. Several times, Douglas gets in the ring against Sabu or Tazmaniac. Each time they tag in Cactus Jack...and each time Douglas tags in one of the hulking Harris Brothers! Douglas antagonizes the crowd further, each time he's leaving the ring he points to his head as if to say, "I'm too smart for him". Eventually Douglas is in the ring when Sabu tags in Cactus Jack. Douglas pretends like he's going to tie up, only to back off. He does this a few times as the crowd begins to chant...


"Shane's a p****...Shane's a p****"


Douglas eventually turns to tag in one of the Harris Brothers. But this time, Taz and Sabu have circled around the outside of ring. They have pulled the Harris Brothers down off the ring apron and are brawling outside the ring. Douglas turns back around, there's no where to run. The crowd goes crazy as Cactus Jack, heavily bandaged on the forehead, unleashes his pent up aggression. He batters the ECW champion around the ring for several minutes, finally nearly knocking him out with a Double Arm DDT for the pinfall victory.


Winners at 13:33 via Double Arm DDT...

Cactus Jack, Sabu & the Tazmaniac!

Grade: B-



After going toe to toe with Cactus Jack, Shane Douglas may wish he were back in WCW:



...Ok maybe not



After the match Sabu, Taz and Cactus jack make their way towards the back. Shane Douglas and the Harris Brothers have regrouped and they ambush them from behind. Sabu is almost at the exit when Cactus Jack and Taz are jumped from behind. He briefly turns and looks before continuing through the curtain, leaving Cactus Jack and the Tazmaniac to be beaten down 3 on 2 as Hardcore TV goes off the air.


Grade: C-




Show Grade: C+





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Thanks for all the kind words...not gonna lie, I've always been a bit of an ECW 'fanboy' so it's fun to write...as far as the promos it's not as hard as you'd imagine...Foley's one of the all time greats on the stick and Shane Douglas is probably a bit underrated...a quick youtube search for some inspiration and it's on!
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ECW Hardcore TV Preview...


On this week's episode of Hardcore TV, the final matches will be held in the 1st Round of the NWA World Title Tournament. Plus, Paul Heyman is up to trouble as he puts the already strained frienship of Sandman and Tommy Dreamer to the test by pitting them in a one on one match! And ECW Television champion Stevie Richards will unveil a mystery partner for the main event. Who is it? Here's a hint...he's a former World Champion in one of the "Big 2" promotions.





Confirmed Matches:


Rocco Rock vs Damien Stone


Hack Myers vs JT Smith


Rob Van Dam vs Mikey Whipwreck


The Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer


Shane Douglas vs The Terminator


Stevie Richards & ????? vs Sabu & The Tazmaniac






(Predictions and comments welcome, show will be posted by Thursday Night)

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Rocco Rock vs Damien Stone


Hack Myers vs JT Smith


Rob Van Dam vs Mikey Whipwreck

Man, never thought I'd see myself making THAT prediction.


The Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer


Shane Douglas vs The Terminator


Stevie Richards & ????? vs Sabu & The Tazmaniac

Not a clue who it could be though.

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Rocco Rock vs Damien Stone


Hack Myers vs JT Smith it's two jobbers I say they get taken out by some pissed of person/s)


Rob Van Dam vs Mikey Whipwreck

The Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer

Shane Douglas vs The Terminator


Stevie Richards & ????? vs Sabu & The Tazmaniac



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Rocco Rock vs Damien Stone


Hack Myers vs JT Smith


Rob Van Dam vs Mikey Whipwreck


The Sandman vs Tommy Dreamer


Shane Douglas vs The Terminator


Stevie Richards & ????? (Ron Simmons? Random but I have no clue who this could be) vs Sabu & The Tazmaniac

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