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QPW - The Third Remus

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It was the phone call that changed my life forever. It’s funny, the random details that I still remember about that night. The bright orange numbers on my clock, glowing 1:37 in the dark. The patter of light rain on the window. Not being able to find two socks after I got up. And the sound I’ll never forget. My mother, wailing from the next room.


It’s haunted my dreams ever since.


Other parts are a blur. I have no recollection of what my parents said to me or even the rainy drive to the hospital. I do remember arriving at the hospital and hurrying through the halls. They eventually led us to a small waiting room. Rod was sitting there, his head in his hands, tears streaming down his face. I remember thinking about the last time I had seen Rod cry. He had stolen a girl from Remmy, who had responded by locking him in a Figure Four and not letting him out. The memory almost made me heave.


Rod looked up at us, his eyes red from crying. “I’m so sorry.”




We were going to take professional wrestling by storm. The Remus Brothers. Even as young kids, Remmy would talk about how we were going to be the best ever. More talented than the Stones, more popular than the DeColts, more powerful than the Eisens. Neither of my brothers really wanted to be a tag team forever; the Remus Twins were just going to get their foot in the door. Although sometimes, when he was in a quiet mood, Remmy would talk about going to Mexico as a trio, and winning a belt as a family. That was the thing, we all had different dreams and goals. Remmy wanted to travel the world, wrestle under a mask in Mexico and in tournaments in Japan and in front of rowdy hooligans in Britain. Rod wanted to headline SWF and win titles on the grandest stage of them all; The Supreme Challenge. Me? Well, my first love was actually soccer. I loved wrestling, too. My dream was to make it big up north, in Canada, with the ultra talented Stones. Our father was from Canada, much of our family still lived there.


Almost six years had passed since… that night. Things had changed a lot. Rod was still growing as a wrestler, but he had never been able to find steady employment. He partied hard and had a tendency to screw up any real chance he got. Remmy went into announcing. He was good at it, too. He had recently been hired by RIPW, his first ‘Name’ promotion (by its affiliation with SWF). Still, he had grown bitter; lost the joy and enthusiasm of when he was a wrestler. I floated around independent shows, wrestling with a fake British accent as a soccer player gimmick. I enjoyed being in the ring but, to be honest, I enjoyed the backstage, booking aspect even more.


All this brings me to January, 2013. Remmy had invited me up to Quebec, Canada, to watch Rod wrestle in an independent show. Afterwards, the two took me for a drive, bringing me to a small place called Concordia Hall. It was dark, with a ceiling that looked too low for the size of the room. Concordia Hall seemed more like a reception hall for weddings, than wrestling shows. Still, a veteran looking ring stood in the centre and a huge banner reading Quebec Pro Wrestling hung along a wall.


Remmy limped into the room and spread his arms wide. “So, Riff. What do you think?” He was grinning way too big. The last time I saw Remmy give that look, I had woken up 24 hours later with no memory and a tattoo that said ‘Tijuana 4-Evar.’


“I think we got here a little early.” I said. “And I think hitting a moonsault in that ring would hurt. But I’ve seen worse.”


Rod jumped into the ring, testing the strength and give of the ropes. “Not bad, Remmy. Where did you find this thing?”


“I didn’t. Larry got it.”


“What are you two talking about?” I motioned to the giant Quebec Pro Wrestling banner. “How come I’ve never heard about this place?”


“Because it hasn’t opened yet.”


“So you want me to work here?”


Rod and Remmy exchanged smirks. “That’s part of it, little brother.”


“You made it.” I turned to see a giant of a man enter the room. His bushy brown beard and long brown/gray hair was in stark contrast to his nice dress clothes, that seemed hardly able to cover his huge shoulders. He looked like Bigfoot, if Bigfoot was a small claims lawyer. He extended his hand with an easy smile. “Larry Wood.”


Larry Wood - man, legend, Bigfoot - was shaking my hand! I was so starstruck that I hardly noticed when my hand disappeared. “Hi…. Mr Wood, it’s a honour to meet you.”


Larry looked at my brothers. “Well, he’s certainly more polite than you two.”


“Smarter, too,” Remmy added.


“But not as good looking,” Rod said from the ring.


“Welcome to Quebec Pro Wrestling, Riff Remus,” Larry said, climbing into the ring himself. “This is my baby. My company. My way to give back to Canadian wrestling that has given me so much.” He put a giant arm around Rod’s shoulder, making him look like a little child. “This was something we put together. The three of us. A place for young wrestlers, a place where skill and action take precedent over slow plodding hosses and melodramatic stories.”


I was still a little confused. “And you want me to wrestle for you? You could have asked that over the phone.”


“It’s a little more than that,” Larry chuckled. “We want you to run QPW.”


“What? Is this a joke?”


Remmy shook his head. “We’re serious, Riff. We know you have a mind for this business that either of us may never get. I would be too biased and Rod would be… well, Rod. No offense.”


“None taken, bro.”


“I was going to be head booker, originally,” Larry rumbled, “but it appears I might have less time to spend on QPW than I had hoped. Family affairs.”


“So what do you say, Riff? Rod and Larry and I will be here to help, every step of the way. This is our chance.”


I looked at them. Rod, who looked at home in the ring even wearing jeans and a T-shirt. The man mountain that was Larry Wood. Remmy was smiling, a proud older brother. I realized I hadn’t seen him smile like that since the accident. What else could I say?


“I’ll do it.”

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OOC Post, In Which I Talk A Lot Without Saying Much


This is my first ‘Public’ diary, so please go easy. I actually played – and thoroughly enjoyed – EWR. I used to visit the forum pretty regularly, but I didn’t feel comfortable commenting on diaries when I was too shy to post my own. I haven’t really gotten into any of the TEW games except for 2013, and I love it. As a rookie who has yet to put in his time, I just want to take a quick moment to thank those diaries that have not only inspired me to write my own, but even play and get into the TEW series. Scapino’s SWF diary was a major influence and the first one I ever read from start to finish. I stole his integrated roster. I was a huge Kovatch mark. I also loved James Casey’s MAW diary and Monkeypox’s old “Mark Cuban does DAVE.” Finally, two diaries I whose authors I don’t remember. They were both kind of ‘Fantasy Cornellverse’ diaries, which have influenced the way I see this starting federation. I believe one was called SCAR or something. The company was focused on Jack Bruce, Remo and Angry Gilmore. The other one’s name I don’t recall, but he had Jeremy Stone, Edd Stone, a DeColt and Dan DaLay as his first champ. I remember DaLay playing a king and sitting on a throne as he ate a leg of chicken.


Anyways, all these great diaries had a major theme, wonderful character development. They made everyone seem real and that’s what I hope to achieve. Also, lots of fame and fortune.


I always liked the idea of the Remus brothers. I kind of see pieces of myself in Remmy; someone who can no longer do what he loves to do and is stuck watching it, bitterly, from the sidelines. Roderick, who has perhaps lost the check on his maturity. Riff, named after my favourite webcomic, isn’t a great athlete, but has good entertainment skills. Again, kind of like me.


A few notes: In real life, I do live in Canada, thus wanting to base my promotion in Canada. I don’t actually live in Quebec, although I’ve been many times. Quebec City, in particular, is one fantastic city (although the politicians are a little nuts sometimes). My QPW’s product is significantly different from the game’s. I favour a more high paced, Modern and Realistic product. Starting popularity is just shy of SMALL. A little extra cash (from Quebec tax dollars, ha ha), cause I tend to run with large rosters. Also, I’m not above editing data for the sake of the story. If you want to read about an expert player, pretty much every other diary is better.


Also, I have an unusual schedule, so I'm going to post up to the first show now, and then usually just on weekends. And if someone could point me towards some instructions on embedding photos... this would look much cooler. Well, a little bit cooler.

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I'm sure it'll pan out fine for you. :D


My Alternate-1997 diary is my first serious one too, and I'm doing it more for my enjoyment than anyone else (though obviously I hope others enjoy it too). You have to be prepared to take constructive criticism but don't get disheartened if a jerk or two tells you how much it sucks. If they don't like it, they don't have to read it. :p

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The next few weeks were a flurry of activity. I found a small place in Quebec City. Even though we only ran one event a month, I felt it was important to be there. I talked with Remmy or Larry almost every day. Remmy would be in town for a few days, then back out to Rhode Island or somewhere else. Larry spent a week in Quebec City, before flying out to the west coast for a week. Apparently his daughter lived out there.


We must have called in every contact and favour we knew, putting together that opening roster. Remmy sent me hours of scouting footage, most of it suspiciously with a SWF logo in the corner. He also sent me a folder of scouting reports on wrestlers SWF had labelled “Talented, but too small.” Our talent was coming from all over the place. From California, we had Frantic Ali, California Love Machine, and the Night Terrors, Babau and Moroi. We had ex and current MAW guys, like the Atlantic Connection, Ash Campbell and Cameron Vessey. We signed female wrestlers to work our integrated roster, with names like Brooke Tyler, Danielle Sweetheart and Jamie Quine. Larry used his extensive connections to bring in workers from all corners of the globe, including luchadores like Extraordinario Jr and Pinky Perez; Nigel Svensson from Sweden, and the young Japanese wrestler, Gemmei Oonishi. After many, many hours of work, we were finally ready for our opening night…










Join us for Quebec’s newest - and only – wrestling promotion’s first ever event, NEW HORIZONS. Owned and run by the great Canadian wrestler, Larry Wood, QPW offers high flying, hard hitting action that you can’t see anywhere else in the country! Our debut will showcase some of our best and brightest, as they look to become the first ever QPW Champion!


Championship Tournament, Opening Round


Cameron Vessey vs Jamie Quine


Josh Jones vs Ash Campbell


Roderick Remus vs Danielle Sweetheart


Frantic Ali vs Brooke Tyler



“Japanese Starlet” Gemmei Oonishi vs KC Glenn


Riff Remus and California Love Machine vs the Night Terrors



Extraordinaire Jr and Pinky Perez vs Acid II and Hellach

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Cameron Vessey vs Jamie Quine


Josh Jones vs Ash Campbell


Roderick Remus vs Danielle Sweetheart


Frantic Ali vs Brooke Tyler



“Japanese Starlet” Gemmei Oonishi vs KC Glenn


Riff Remus and California Love Machine vs the Night Terrors



Extraordinaire Jr and Pinky Perez vs Acid II and Hellach


Just gone for the workers I prefer and always sign up in my games :)

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Yes. Making Dan DaLay a king does seem like the kind of thing I'd do. ;)


Also, I have an unusual schedule, so I'm going to post up to the first show now, and then usually just on weekends. And if someone could point me towards some instructions on embedding photos... this would look much cooler. Well, a little bit cooler.


I upload pictures to a Photobucket account. To post them, you'll be using the tags.%20Essentially%20you%20type%20%5Bimg%5D%20then%20copy%20paste%20the%20http%3A//%20address%20then%20close%20with%20a


Good luck with the project. I'm at war with QPW in my private game, so I'll try not to hold that against you.

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Cameron Vessey vs Jaime Quine

Vessey may have the edge, but Quine's not somebody we've seen a lot of so I figure, why not push her?


Josh Jones vs Ash Campbell

Ash just looks weird to me


Roderick Remus vs Danielle Sweetheart

Roddy's actually a pretty solid worker, and I don't know who Danielle is, so he takes it


Frantic Ali vs Brooke Tyler

Brooke's one of the best you have, so it makes sense to push her



“Japanese Starlet” Gemmei Oonishi vs KC Glenn

Ordinarily I'd be careful of pushing KC- he dissappears quickly if you overdo it- but Gemmei isn't really good enough to put over him


Riff Remus and California Love Machine vs the Night Terrors

Going for the regular team


Extraordinaire Jr and Pinky Perez vs Acid II and Hellach

I like 'em more, really

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Cameron Vessey vs Jamie Quine

- He'll always be Cammy to me thanks to 'pox's great MaRK does DaVE diary.


Josh Jones vs Ash Campbell

- I only know Josh's name from D'Mack's TPW diary... plus Ash sounds girlier!


Roderick Remus vs Danielle Sweetheart

- A dude's gotta win, otherwise this becomes a Remi diary. Queens of Pro Wrestling or something.


Frantic Ali vs Brooke Tyler

- Frantic gets distracted by the boobage of Brookeage.



“Japanese Starlet” Gemmei Oonishi vs KC Glenn

- She has a moniker, KC only has initials.


Riff Remus and California Love Machine vs the Night Terrors

- Real tag team over the booker and CLM. Plus as they're all likely flying home together - two happy Night Terrors is better than one happy CLM.


Extraordinaire Jr and Pinky Perez vs Acid II and Hellach

- Pinky is the most feminine sounding name of the lot. Yes, that's how I picked almost all these winners.

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OOC - Thanks for the replies! It really means a lot. Also, Self you are awesome. That's the only time I've ever been interested in Dan DaLay. I've tried posting images, and it just says "You are not authorized to post links in this forum." Maybe it's because I'm a rookie. Maybe it's because I'm computer illiterate. If I ever get figured out, pictures will appear! Anyhow...




Saturday, Week 2, February 2013.


I had already thrown up twice. I felt like a third time might be coming.


“How you holding up there, bro?” Remmy was knocking on the stall door. Did he have to knock so damn loud?


“Fine. Peachy keen. 100 percent.”


“That good, huh? Come on, Larry’s about to address the gang. Dark matches start in 15.”


“I’m coming.”


Remmy’s calm demeanour helped me feel a bit better. I wasn’t this nervous before most shows. Especially when we only had about 50 fans in attendance, so far. But knowing that I had booked everything, just made it worse. Peter Michaels must have a terrible ulcer.


“You look… great,” Remmy said, “not pale or milky at all.” He led me to our temporary locker room. Since Concordia Hall was used for mostly weddings and parties, it didn’t have a locker room. Instead, it had a kitchen the catering companies used. It was our general purpose locker room. Unfortunately, the best space we could give the women to change in was a storage room or the woman’s washroom. Hopefully, a lawsuit wasn’t in our future.


Larry, looking full mountain man in flannel and a good half foot taller than any of our wrestlers, had the attention of all the workers. He had just started when we entered. “I want to thank you all for being here,” his low voice boomed. “QPW was started with people like you in mind. This is your chance to shine, your chance to show the world what you can do. We’re going to grow this place with all of you in-” Larry was interrupted by the bark of a dog. He looked around, confused.


“What was that?” I asked. The gang of workers parted like the red sea, revealing Gemmei Oonishi sitting with a small, fluffy white dog on her lap. She smiled and waved at me. “Um…” I said, “what the hell is that dog doing here?”


Gemmei said something in quick, emotional Japanese. I didn’t understand a word of it. “Ok…”


“She says it’s her dog,” Larry translated. Gemmei rattled off more Japanese. “She couldn’t find anywhere to keep him during the show.”


“So she brought him here?” I asked.


“Why not? He’s so cute,” Frantic Ali added. To everyone’s surprise, he immediately got down to the dog’s level and started to make puppy noises. Gemmei got more excited and started to talk at a rapid pace.


Larry kept up admirably. “She says she can’t go anywhere without him. He’s like her baby. She says his name is… oh… you won’t like that.”




“The dog’s name is Jack Bruce.”


“Jack Bruce!” Gemmei shouted, before adding more excited Japanese. Even I could tell she was gushing.


Larry made a face. “Something about wanting to cook eggs on Jack Bruce’s abs. But to be fair, Gemmei bringing in the puppy has raised the morale of the backstage.”


“Why are you talking like that?” I asked. “Just forget it. Alright, people. Let’s get this started. We’ve got some food and drinks back here, but please, no alcohol until you’re done.” Not surprisingly, as soon as I had finished, there was the unmistakable sound of a can opening. I turned to see Oz Lord, our only referee, taking his first sips of a beer.


He shrugged at me. “What? I’m not wrestling.”


“Oh yeah. This is going to go well.”

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Saturday, Week 2, February 2013.








Live from Concordia Hall in Quebec City

Paid Attendance: 64


Hosted by Remmington Remus, Smooth C and Mac Smith





Extraordinario Jr & Pinky Perez vs Acid II & Hellach


A quick tag match between four of our young, masked workers. JR is a star in the making, although I feel like it’s just a matter of time before he signs a written deal in Mexico. JR hits Acid II with the Siempre Peleando for the win.

Extraordinario Jr & Pinky Perez defeat Acid II and Hellach. Rating: 40.






Remmington Remus rolls into the ring, carrying a bag and a mic. He welcomes the fans and builds up the QPW. He makes it seem like he is in charge of the booking, not me or Larry Wood. “In two months, we are going to be naming the first ever QPW Quebec Champion!” He opens the bag and pulls out the title belt. It is decorated with a giant Fleur de Llis and the Quebec flag. “This represents the champion of the QPW and it always will. That way, no matter how big we grow or where we go, everyone will know where we came from!”


The small crowd cheers. Quebecois love Quebec. Remmington continues. “Unfortunately, one of our 8 Tournament Finalists, Brooke Tyler, is unable to compete tonight, due to an injury. That leaves one spot open, so we will be holding a four way match for that spot, right now!”


Driving rock music hits and Greg Gauge enters. Some of the fans know him from his independent work, but Gauge hasn’t worked much in Canada. He is joined by Arthur Dexter Bradley and then Jeff Manna (the High Flying Hawaiian). The three of them are mostly unknown here and stand around looking at each other, waiting for the fourth member of the match.


“The Triple Threat!” booms over the speakers. Davis Wayne Newton comes out and the crowd, who recognize him from 4C, goes nuts. The three in the ring look increasingly nervous.




Davis Wayne Newton vs Greg Gauge vs Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Jeff Manna


Jeff Manna is the High Flyin’ Hawaiian. I decided High Flyin’ Hawaiian was more of a nickname and Jeff Manna was the first random name that popped up and it sounds cool. Gauge and Newton carry this match and go all out. Manna and ADB get their spots, then end up taking each other out when ADB hits a plancha on Manna. Newton and Gauge exchange some fluid technical moves before Gauge gets Newton into a submission hold. Newton fights against it, turning it into a STF. ADB climbs back into the ring as Gauge taps.

Davis Wayne Newton defeats Greg Gauge, Arthur Dexter Bradley and Jeff Manna. Rating: 50 (The high point of the night)






The lights dim and Anslem Briggs enters with Moroi and Babau, the Night Terrors. The two masked wrestlers crawl and stalk around him. It would be creepy if it wasn’t in Concordia Hall in front of 60 people.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Anslem Briggs, and these are my Night Terrors. They will tear the wrestlers of QPW from limb to limb and haunt their dreams. My Terrors need a sacrifice, so please, bring out their first victims.”





Riff Remus & California Love Machine vs the Night Terrors (with Anslem Briggs)


My debut match. CLM works like another future star, and the Terrors work like a fluid team. To make matters worse, Anslem pulls every manager distraction trick on me whenever I find any momentum. The crowd isn't really into it, but they don't know any of us. It’s only a matter of time before the Terrors catch me with the Sleep Paralysis.

The Night Terrors defeat Remus and CLM. Rating: 31.






While we leave the ring, Larry’s nice projection screen shows a video, hyping up Danielle Sweetheart. It shows her training and pulling off her finishing moves in QAW. She starts to talk about wanting to face the best and fight the men.


“Shut it off, shut that shit off!” The video cuts off. Roderick Remus is standing in the ring. “What a load of bullshit. Female wrestlers fighting men? How can they possibly win? Men are obviously the superior gender. They should be parading around the ring in skimpy outfits. Come on, bring out the bimbo so I can move on in this tournament.”



QPW Quebec Champ Tournament Quarterfinals

Roderick Remus vs Danielle Sweetheart


Sweetheart comes charging out of the back after Rod’s comments. She hits Remus with a head of steam and her early offensive assault overwhelms Rod. He has to kick out of a few pin attempts. He outlasts her flurry and the tide starts to turn. Eventually Remus gets the upper hand, but can’t seem to put Sweetheart away. She manages to fight back and lines Remus up for her Super Kick. He dodges it, gets a quick roll up and uses the ropes to help hold her down for the count.

Roderick Remus defeats Danielle Sweetheart. Rating: 35






Gemmei Oonishi comes out for her match, carrying Jack Bruce. Japanese Pop blares over the speakers and the fans aren’t sure what to make of her. She grabs a mic and yells out, in broken English, “I love Canada, very much!” Her exuberance manages to make the confused fans smile, at least a little.



KC Glenn vs Gemmei Oonishi (with Jack Bruce)


Right before the show started, KC Glenn informed me that he had signed a touring contract with BHOTWG and that would conflict with pretty much all of our events. I thanked KC and he willingly agreed to let Gemmei go over him. The crowd started taking her seriously as soon as they saw her in action. I don’t remember much of the match. I was trying to watch from the back, until Roderick sidled up to me and said “I think Jack Bruce just made a New York Minute by the apron.”

Gemmei Oonishi defeats KC Glenn. Rating: 46






A video is played, showing Josh Jones playing hockey. It is intercut with shots of him wrestling. Jones is legitimately Canadian and can play hockey, but not as well as we make him look. The video ends with him delivering a big check. The crowd isn’t impressed.



QPW Quebec Champ Tournament Quarterfinals

Ash Campbell VS Josh Jones (with Hailey Booke)


“Have you ever noticed how much Ash looks like Davis?” Roderick asked.


“Don’t you have some drinking to do?” I retorted.


Not a great match between these two. I was honestly hoping for a bit more. Still, Jones is pretty young and green, while Ash is more of a brawler and entertainer than the rest of the roster. And it didn’t help with the crowd crapping all over the Jones video. Eventually, Josh Jones hits Ash with the Canadian Backdrop for the win.

Josh Jones defeats Ash Campbell. Rating: 28






Mad about losing, Ash pulls himself off the mat and attacks Jones from behind. He beats on him for awhile, while Hailey Booke screams at him to stop. And she screams really well. Ash hits the Ash 2 Ash, leaving Josh Jones down and out.






A video of my other main brawler plays. Shot earlier today, Frantic Ali is walking downtown Quebec city in a huge parka, basically ripping into Canada. He complains about the weather and makes fun of some French speakers. “At least hearing so little English makes me feel at home in California.” It finishes with Ali spitting out a Tim Hortons coffee. “God, this is terrible coffee.”







QPW Quebec Champ Tournament Quarterfinals

Davis Wayne Newton vs Frantic Ali


Much better. DWN is terrific again, in his second match of the night. The Triple Threat can brawl and wrestle with the best of them, so he’s more than a match for Ali. His speed is something that Ali cannot match. Ali manages to hit some big moves in a room, then stops to yell abuse at the crowd. Newton takes advantage, recovering enough to surprise Ali with the Fisherman’s Suplex.

Davis Wayne Newton defeats Frantic Ali. Rating: 42






Cameron Vessey comes down to the ring, getting ready for the main event. “For those of you who don’t know, I am Cameron Vessey. My father is the great Larry Vessey. My uncle is Bryan Vessey. I have won the Rip Chord Invitational three times, the Sam Keith Classic once, and I am the current MAW Champion. I am the best prospect in wrestling. I am Cameron Vessey, the Second Generation Superstar and The Whole Damn Show.”




QPW Quebec Champ Tournament Quarterfinals

Cameron Vessey vs Jaime Quine


This was my fault. For starters, I told them go ‘All Out,’ and Vessey couldn’t handle the pressure. Plus, the match was a little too long for them to go ‘All Out.’ I figured that DWN would put on a better match than Vessey, but I figured Quine would do better than Ali. Oh well, live and learn.

Vessey plays the heel well through the whole match. Whenever Quine gets some momentum, he derails her with an eye poke or hair pull. Vessey targets her legs, trying to weaken her kicks. Frustrated by Quine’s ability to stay around, Vessey sets her up for a superplex. She kicks him off then hits a top rope leg drop. The crowd cheers as Quine prepares for the KO Kick. She lunges at Vessey, who fluidly turns it into a Vessey Driver for the pin.

Cameron Vessey defeats Jaime Quine. Rating: 30




Show Rating: 31


Looks like I still have a lot to learn about booking....

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Guess if I had been thinking, I should have really posted this right after I posted the show. Oh well...



New Horizons was a pretty good debut, I thought. It was a learning experience more than anything. I had a list of things never to do again (although I’m sure I would) and a list of things to do again. Top of that list was to resign KC Glenn and Greg Gauge, if I ever got the chance. Yup. Turns out that KC and Greg had really hit it off, and KC had convinced Greg to come to BHOTWG with him. Why would anyone want to job in front of thousands when they could wrestle in front of 60? And I bet the Kikkawa Lariat hurts like a bitch.


Larry Wood gave me a lot of suggestions after that first show. He said that now that we’ve held our first show, we can start growing our characters. After all, most of our audience had never heard of them before our last show. Sounds good to me.










The Tournament to crown the first QPW Quebec Champion continues, at Something To Prove. Davis Wayne Newton, “The Triple Threat,” had to win his way into the tournament, but used that momentum to defeat Frantic Ali. He faces off against Roderick Remus, who defeated scrappy Danielle Sweetheart. In the other semi-final, “Second Generation Superstar” Cameron Vessey meets the local favourite, Josh Jones. Will we have an all Canadian final?


Plus, see Ash Campbell, Jaime Quine, Frantic Ali, the Night Terrors and the Atlantic Connection. Join us at Concordia Hall, for Something to Prove.


QPW Quebec Championship Semi-Finals


Davis Wayne Newton vs Roderick Remus


Cameron Vessey vs Josh Jones



Ash Campbell vs Jaime Quine


The Night Terrors vs California Love Machine/Gemmei Oonishi


Poison Ivy vs Frantic Ali


The Atlantic Connection vs Brooke Tyler/Arthur Dexter Bradley


Nigel Svensson vs Acid II vs Riff Remus

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OOC - So, it appears that I finally got images to work. Woohoo! In my game, I use a wide selection of pics, essentially any that I think are cool. Most of them are from the default database in TEW 2013, but I've downloaded a bunch from the mod section. Since I'm not sure whose work I've actually installed/will be using in this diary, I want to thank all those fantastic render artists.


Bull, dse81, Ewanite, i effin rule, J Silver, jhd1, JTLant, LoNdOn, MJStark, Nightshadeex, Sebsplex, Self, slipshirt, sockpuppet and Trell. You guys all rock and humbly request the highest of high fives.


Also, ReapeR sent me a badass Quebec Title render, that will make it's debut at QPW's next, next show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>OOC - Sorry for the delay to anyone reading this. I had some serious computer issues. I'm hoping to post a lot of shows over the next week, as long as my computer behaves.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>Saturday, Week 2, March 2013</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/QPW_zps305bbdef.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>PRESENTS…</strong></span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">SOMETHING TO PROVE</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p>Live from Concordia Hall in Quebec City</p><p>

Paid Attendance: 64</p><p> </p><p>

Hosted by Remmington Remus, Smooth C and Mac Smith</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">MAIN SHOW:</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/NigelSvensson_zpsa90c6638.jpg</span><strong>w/</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/VenusAngeletti_zps7c36d814.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/AcidII_zpsa6e4f022.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/DaveyCeltic_zps171711ed.jpg</span><p><strong>

Nigel Svensson (w/ Venus Angeletti) vs Acid II vs Riff Remus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

QPW debut of Nigel Svensson. He’s a little like Josh Jones, with a lot of ability, but not a whole lot of charisma. And probably less high flying ability than his manager. A quick match between the three of us to warm up the crowd. Acid II hits me with the Acid Rain Bomb for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Acid II defeats Riff Remus and Nigel Svensson. Rating: 38</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>~/~/~</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

“Get out the ring, you losers. Out, out!” Ash Campbell stomps to the ring, kicking me out as he gets there. “Listen up, you Canadian morons. I know and you know that I should have won last month. That Canadian punk cheated. You all saw it! I demand a rematch against Josh Jones and I demand a spot in the semifinals tonight!”</p><p> </p><p>

Light rock music hits the speakers. Danielle Sweetheart comes out. Her persona has changed noticeably since last week. She still waves to the crowd and all, but now she’s wearing a long, stylish leather jacket and gloves.</p><p> </p><p>

“Stop whining and grow a pair, Ash. I lost, too, and Remus actually did cheat to beat me. Still, you don’t see me complaining. I should have beaten that masochistic creep clean. Just like I could beat you clean.”</p><p> </p><p>

“You have got to be joking me. You? How do you figure? Because you can beat some girls down in Texas? I’m a star in PSW, honey, the toughest promotion in America.”</p><p> </p><p>

Danielle just smiled at him. “Care to put your wrestling where your mouth is?”</p><p> </p><p>

Ash laughed. “Fine. I already have a dance partner for tonight, but next month, you’re on.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Deal.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>~/~/~</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


The Atlantic Connection vs Brooke Tyler & Arthur Dexter Bradley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

McManus and Jenkins worked the preshow last month. I really want to make QPW a home for great tag team action, but the Atlantic Connection was only the second established team I signed. I’m not really sold on them, but they had a pretty good match with Tyler and ADB. I like putting midcard wrestlers together to test chemistry. The established team gets the win here, as the Atlantic Connection hits ADB with Atlantic Destroyer.</p><p>

<strong>The Atlantic Connection defeats Brooke Tyler & Arthur Dexter Bradley. Rating: 45</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>~/~/~</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/PoisonIvy_zpsb8fb33ff.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/FranticAli_zps113d068d.jpg</span><p><strong>

Poison Ivy VS Frantic Ali</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Poison Ivy gets her first taste of the main show at QPW, but pretty much as fodder to Frantic Ali. Ali controls the action from the get go, only pausing in his assault to yell abuse at the crowd. Ivy fights back and gets some momentum on her side, but Ali catches her in the Death Valley Driver and plants her for the easy pin.</p><p>

<strong>Frantic Ali defeats Poison Ivy. Rating: 31</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>~/~/~</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Gemmei Oonishi is walking backstage with California Love Machine, with Jack Bruce trailing along behind them. She is super excited, especially compared to his laidback personality. Gemmei speaks in broken English. “Is California in Canada? Yes?”</p><p> </p><p>

“No way, man. It’s way warmer there.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Oh.” She thinks. “What is Love Machine mean?”</p><p> </p><p>

Moroi jumps out of a door, tackling California Love Machine. Gemmei starts to come to his rescue, only to be intercepted by Hellach and Babau. The three masked warriors beat down on CLM and Gemmei. Anslem Briggs appears and starts to bark some commands. “Take them to the ring, now!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/CaliforniaLoveMachine_zpsf9251f5b.jpg</span><strong>&</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/GemmeiOonishi_zpsee004a5e.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/Babau_zps4dbd9d30.jpg</span><strong>&</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/Moroi_zpsbdd7f7c0.jpg</span><strong>w/</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/AnslemBriggs_zpsb127beea.jpg</span><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/Hellech_zps201b35c0.jpg</span><p><strong>

California Love Machine & Gemmei Oonishi VS The Night Terrors w/ Anslem Briggs and Hellach</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This is not fair. Babau and Moroi are accompanied by the rest of their stable, the Nightmares. Not only are Gemmei and CLM already beaten down, but Anslem keeps distracting Oz Lord, allowing Hellach to take cheap shots. Oz actually catches him once and sends him to the back. But the damage is already done. The Terrors hit Gemmei with the Sleep Paralysis for the win.</p><p>

<strong>The Night Terrors defeat Gemmei Oonishi & California Love Machine. Rating: 32</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

~/~/~</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jaime Quine saunters down the ring, high fiving fans around the ring. She enters the ring. “Some of you may know of my sister, Catherine Quine. She was one of the top female wrestlers of her generation. I think she would have leapt at the chance to compete against men in a promotion like this. And that is what she has instilled in me. I want to travel the world and fight the best wrestlers this world has to offer. So, bring on my next challenge.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/AshCampbell_zpsc474f5ee.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/JaimeQuine_zps8b35d67d.jpg</span><p><strong>

Ash Campbell vs Jaime Quine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ash Campbell is still in a bad mood from before. He comes stalking towards the ring and attacks Jaime as soon as he hits the canvas. I’m a little worried about these two. They were the losing sides of the worst rated tournament matches last week, and this week was only a little bit better. This match goes back and forth. Jaime scores with her kicks and slick technical moves, while Ash puts her down with big power moves. Ash downs her, then quickly hits the Shooting Star Press for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Ash Campbell defeats Jaime Quine. Rating: 30</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

~/~/~</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Cameron Vessey comes to the ring before his match with Josh Jones. “Listen up, you Canadian ice-holes. Tonight, I punch my ticket to the finals with a victory over your home boy. I’ve been told that hockey players often get their teeth knocked out. I’m going to help Josh, by knocking his teeth out. Cause I’m the Whole Damn Show, Cameron Vessey. Pay attention.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/CameronVessey_zps287a05bf.jpg</span><strong>VS</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/JoshJones_zps9d19f564.jpg</span><strong>w/</strong><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/HaileyBooke_zpsf87a3d25.jpg</span><p><strong>

Cameron Vessey vs Josh Jones w/ Hailey Booke</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Vessey and Jones did pretty good, even though Vessey’s promo brought the crowd down. Our product is weighted towards action, not talk, so angles don’t do so well. But Vessey and Jones do well. This is something I would love to see in a year or two, after they’ve got some more experience and popularity. Vessey’s heel tactics are matched by Booke’s work at ringside. She points his shortcuts out to Oz Lord. Vessey gets more and more upset with her. He plants Jones with a big spinebuster. Booke jumps up on the apron and starts yelling at him. Vessey snaps and chases after her. A confused Oz Lord tries to establish control. No one notices that Jones has recovered. He slips out of the ring and takes out Vessey. The two get back into the ring eventually. Jones turns his back on Vessey to check on a frightened Booke, only to have Vessey surprise him with a Vessey Driver for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey defeats Josh Jones. Rating: 32</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

~/~/~</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Davis Wayne Newton vs Roderick Remus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rod pulls out all the jerk heel moves at the start of this one. He is the first man out and as soon as Newton hits the ring, Rod rolls out. He tries to rile up the crowd and lead them in a “Newton Sucks” chant. The crowd isn’t really going for it. Newton sneaks up behind him and clocks him over the head, rolling him into the ring and the match is on. Again, Newton’s versatility carries the day. Rod uses some cheap tactics to control parts of the match, but, even then, Newton’s victory just seems predestined. Rod goes for the Remus Clutch, but can’t get Newton to submit. Frustrated, he releases and paces back and forth, trying to formulate a new game plan. Newton is playing possum though, and as soon as Rod tries to set him up for another move, Newton locks in the STF. Rod taps.</p><p>

<strong>Davis Wayne Newton defeats Roderick Remus. Rating: 43</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;">Show Rating: 38</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>The after party was still raging inside the Concordia Hall. Needing some fresh air – the whole place smelt of sweat and alcohol – I wandered out the back door, beer in hand. Shit, Quebec was still cold in March. I took a long drink of my beer. The fresh air felt nice, even though it was cold. In the distance, the Citadel was lit up against night sky.</p><p> </p><p>

“Nice view, ain’t it?”</p><p> </p><p>

I turned to see Rod leaning up against the wall, beer in his hand. He nodded to me. I moved to join him. “Nice match tonight, bro,” I said, clinking his bottle.</p><p> </p><p>

Rod was unusually quiet. Generally, Rod got quiet after two drinks and then loud again after another two. “You know, I really wanted to win that title. I thought you might even give it to me.” There was a long pause as Rod drank his beer. “Had our roles been reversed, I would’ve booked you for the title.”</p><p> </p><p>

I didn’t know what to say. Was Rod blaming me? Was he accusing me of being a bad brother?</p><p> </p><p>

Rod chuckled. “That didn’t come out right. I meant, I would push my friends, my relatives. You think of the big picture, long term. And as much as I hate to admit it, Davis should have won that match.” Rod turned to face me. “I’m trying to say, you make a good booker, little brother. I’m proud of you.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Thanks, Rod.” We clinked bottles again and Rod took another long drink.</p><p> </p><p>

“Now, let’s get you laid.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

(OOC - I didn't bother rescheduling for KC and Gauge because, even though I like them, I'm already scheduling around pretty much everyone. And I'm lazy.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/QPW_zps305bbdef.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">PRESENTS…</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;">OBLIVION I</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Tonight is the night! The first ever Quebec Champion will be crowned tonight, at Oblivion I. “The Triple Threat,” Davis Wayne Newton, had to win his way into the tournament and now, after defeating Frantic Ali and Roderick Remus, he is on the verge of winning the belt. His opponent is Cameron Vessey, the so-called “Whole Damn Show.” Vessey defeated Jaime Quine and Josh Jones to get to the final. Now he’s looking to add to his impressive résumé. Who will become the first ever Quebec Champion?</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/QPWQuebecChampion_zpse69b0ec6.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne Newton vs Cameron Vessey for the QPW Quebec Champ</p><p> </p><p>

Danielle Sweetheart vs Ash Campbell</p><p> </p><p>

Frantic Ali vs Extraordinario Jr</p><p> </p><p>

Nigel Svensson & Pinky Perez vs Roderick Remus & Brooke Tyler</p><p> </p><p>

Ernest Youngman vs California Love Machine</p><p> </p><p>

The Night Terrors vs Gemmei Oonishi & Jeff Manna</p><p>


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<p><strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong> vs Cameron Vessey for the QPW Quebec Champ</p><p>

<em>Wayne has the popularity to carry the title.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Danielle Sweetheart</strong> vs Ash Campbell</p><p>

<em>The girls need a few wins.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frantic Ali</strong> vs Extraordinario Jr</p><p>

<em>Extraordinario might get signed in Mexico.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nigel Svensson & Pinky Perez vs <strong>Roderick Remus & Brooke Tyler</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ernest Youngman </strong>vs California Love Machine</p><p>

<em>King Midas always wins!!!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Night Terrors</strong> vs Gemmei Oonishi & Jeff Manna</p><p>

<em>The Night Terrors have a stable and a manager. The other team has a dog that craps.</em></p>

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