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The Must Read List 2013

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The Must Read List

All readers & Writers are invited to post 15 diaries from ANY era of TEW, the position on your list, combined with everyone else's will produce the order for the must read list, up to 100 spots long




Please rank the diaries 1 to 15 and if possible include the link.


Place your 15 here, you are free to edit through march 31st, so please feel free to post up some of your list and add to it as you decided, or swap the order around.


Comments are encouraged bu not required. and a nice format was suggested by Self and appears below.


I will leave this open until the end of March. (and am willing to push it out if the community thinks I should)


Last Time we dealt with open and closed diaries, I hope that 4 years on we see alot more 'closed' diaries, but i am not putting any hard limits up this time, and adding 5 more spaces so that you can add both your favorites, and still have room for that quirky one that while not the greatest ever, does deserves to round out the top 100!


[thread=57268]The Must Read List 2009[/thread]


[thread=524169]The Must Read List 2013[/thread]


Frontier Combat Kingdom by Self

A completely kayfabe diary that tells the story of the fighters in the Frontier

Combat Kingdom, a Cult Canadian promotion that exists in an alternate version

of the C-Verse, where the rosters have been upturned by a gigantic draft.

February 2009 - ONGOING

Lots of Pictures, Slightly Nudity, Mild Swearing, Excessive Edd Stone

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1. SWF: Where Men Become Legends by Eisen-Verse - quite possibly the best SWF diary ever. Not too big on what goes on outside the ring, but the presentation is awesome and the storylines are engaging.

2. TCW: The Locker Room of Doom [8RoW] by Blake Trask - I can feel the tension in Joel Bryant's veins whenever I read the latest misadventures of Jeremy "Scout" Finch, Joey Minnesota, etc.

3. Operation Lullaby (A Road to Glory Dynasty) by Charasmatic Enigma - More power to Ted (Stanley Carpenter), Ben (Davie Renluenn), John (Tex Tagan) and Angela (Eve Runcord) as they hope to bust that no-good tax cheat Richard Eisen. Very engaging behind-the-scenes action.

4. Emerald Pro Wrestling: Devine Intervention by Occasional_Z - I love the Seattle music scene and I'm a mark for Darryl Devine. That, and the backstage and in-ring stories are great.

5. The Dawn of an Era by christmas_ape - Such a pity I haven't been checking back as much as I'd like to, but I do so whenever I get a chance. Nice, clean presentation and interesting articles.

6. SWF: Generation Supreme by James Casey - It's great to see how far JC's SWF diary has evolved since the days of Who is Richard Eisen?

7. CZCW: Sweeter than Wine by Ben5 - Don't worry, I got your message and I'll be cashing in my prediction game prize in time. Still one of my favorite smaller promotion diaries.

8. SWF: Supremely Booked, I Hope? by angeldelayette - Has potential of reaching the level of his USPW diaries.

9. SWF: Back to Basics by Scapino1974 - Paging Scap! Hoping to see some updates here soon!

10. Gone Hunting: Remo's New Path by Voeltzwagon - Proof positive that it's possible for someone to regularly update two high-quality diaries at the same time.

11. Bad Boys of Australia: God Help Us All by Voeltzwagon - See above.

12. WWF 1994: Growing Pains by RKOwnage - I admit I'm not much of a fan of real world dynasties in pro wrestling as I am of real world dynasties in other sports sims, but this one's the best IMHO. Brings back those high school memories.

13. CVerse: The Alternate 1997 by PFElton - First CV97 diary I've read, not bad at all!

14. Trademark Pro Wrestling by Dragonmack - #14 with a bullet, actually, since I've just started checking this diary out.

15. NOTBPW: The Maple Leap Forever [8RoW] by Wallbanger - Ditto. So many great diaries I've yet to fully get into, and this is another.

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I must say it is a tough list to compile. So many good ones have popped up, but I managed to put them in an order.


1: SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS - Eisenverse


Not even a SWF fan, but this one is one of the three that has gotten me interested in the product. Very good story telling and nice little bits posted between shows.


2: CGC: On With The Show [8RoW] - Self


This one got me interested in CGC and in part did inspire me to start my Remo diary. He does a good, lighthearted company with some nice comedy bits. One of the many good 8RoW diaries out there.


3: Pro Wrestling Zero - None of a Kind (0/0/0/0) Australia C-Verse) - Belton


Some really good stuff. Nice handling of how things really go on in a small indy fed backstage along with fun show writeups and good character portrayals.


4: Operation Lullaby (A Road To Glory Dynasty) - Charasmatic Enigma


Great concept and it is amusing to watch Stanley Carpenter try to keep his job and remain optimistic that one of the agents will be noticed by SWF. Glad someone finally ran with this idea.


5: The League of Extraordinary Wrestlers - Jack Hood


Love the Mexico scene this time around and this one perhaps has represented it the best so far from what I have seen. Neat concept and the backgrounds used for the shows are a nice touch.


6: IPW: A Friend In Need - smwilliams


IPW is one of those new feds that I want to give a try, but haven't done so yet. It has been a good read and I am really enjoying Eric Tyler in this one.


7: Trademark Pro Wrestling - Dragonmack


Good to see Thomas Morgan finally giving everyone in the industry a 'screw you' and showing them that they missed out on a good talent. Teach em a lesson, buddy.


8: "The Bad Boys of Pro Wrestling" We are ELITE - Jingo


Horrible, perverted, offending and in the end very fun. It is the fed that is so bad that you can't help but find it good.


9: DIASPORA - Takayuki of the Revolution-13 (Thunderverse) - Tigerkinney


Thunderverse is something I can't get myself into as far as playing goes, but there are some good diaries out there and I think this is my favorite one of them. It is just silly and fun.


10: TCW: The Locker-Room of Doom [8RoW] - Blake Trask


Really well done overall and really off the top of my head the only TCW diary I have seen going on longer than a few intro posts. Hope to see more of it and the rest of the 8RoW guys.


11: SWF: Doing it for Charlie - The PK Avatar Story -3rdStringPG


The second of three SWF diaries I have enjoyed so far. I am scared that combined they might make me have to give a private game of SWF a try one day. Some fun character developement and different enough from EV's vision of the company to make it unique.


12: NOTBPW: The Maple Leaf Forever [8RoW] - Wallbanger


NOTBPW to me isn't exactly an easy company to make interesting when doing a diary. Much like TCW the focus on wrestling first without much in the way of angles can make things tricky. Much like Blake Trask, Wallbanger does a good job of balancing things out and it is an overall nice presentation.


13: Emerald Pro Wrestling: Devine Intervention - Occasional_Z


Devine gets to finally do something other than job to all the big boys of USPW and it is good to see that. Fun transitions and fun shows.


14: [Thunderverse] Gureisu Pro, Wrestling is Fun! - MichiganHero


The title holds true. It is a fun take on wrestling and a good read overall. Some quirky characters help out as well.


15: The Journey of Spencer Spade - codey


Sadly it hasn't been updated in some time, but I was really enjoying Spencer and Lenny's antics as they try to adjust to the big leagues after spending their careers in RIPW. Hopefully codey will get the time to continue this one day.

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Is this restricted to TEW2013 diaries? Given the relative 'newness' of the game, it might be tough to fill out 100 diaries.


Given that is has been 4 years since the last Must Read list, I'd say anything from 2009 onwards is fine for inclusion. :)

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Given that is has been 4 years since the last Must Read list, I'd say anything from 2009 onwards is fine for inclusion. :)


I figured as much, but after a quick glance over the first two sets of 15 it looks like 3rdStringPG and Voeltzwagon have both stuck to 2013 diaries. Not that there is anything wrong with that per se, but it would seriously limit the number of different nominations if that was to continue.


3rdString's comment about his nomination of angeldelayette's nomination being a good example - it at least reads as if he would have nominated USPW over SWF given the option.

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Is this restricted to TEW2013 diaries? Given the relative 'newness' of the game, it might be tough to fill out 100 diaries.


Given that is has been 4 years since the last Must Read list, I'd say anything from 2009 onwards is fine for inclusion. :)


Top 100 of all time. meaning my #1 is still Nevermore's ECW:worldwide. monkeypox and Jsilver will still be on my list. but then around here I am old school :cool:

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Top 100 of all time. meaning my #1 is still Nevermore's ECW:worldwide. monkeypox and Jsilver will still be on my list. but then around here I am old school :cool:


Excellent. Might be worth adding in to the first post just to avoid confusion (because lets face it, someone will miss this conversation and ask again!).


It's going to be tough trying to put my picks in order though! :D


EDIT: Nevermind, beat me to it. :p

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Actually I stuck with 2013 because I came in real late to reading up on 2010 stuff and never ready earlier ones overall. These are more ones that just popped out to me from the times I started really paying attention to forum stuff.


There is no wrong interpretation. last time we aimed for 100 and got to 66. this time I am hoping there is enough variety over the years to open field.


15 - TEW 2013 diaries, cool


15 - TEW 2005 diaries, just as cool


a nice mix of all the ages, well that person has done a lot of reading on these boards.

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5: The League of Extraordinary Wrestlers - Jack Hood


Love the Mexico scene this time around and this one perhaps has represented it the best so far from what I have seen. Neat concept and the backgrounds used for the shows are a nice touch.



First - THANKS!!!

Second - If ya talking 13' diaries OK! :) I believe this myself!!!! I thought that is what mistaken meant too, so to be honest wasn't gonna bother making a list of any sort - but Of all time??? The League? There is NO WAY! lol - and now I am gonna have to use the ol' memory to make a all-time list! :)


Do we have to include links??? That's might be asking a lot from the notoriously lazy amongst us...




EDIT: I C! Voeltz didn't read em'! Can't vote for em' if ya didn't read em'! Makes sense now to me! THANKS FOR THE VOTE THEN!


EDIT 3: Was informed order matters so switching around a bit.


1) DAVE – Monkeypox

2) USPW – J Silver

3) FCK – Self

4) PPPW – Phantom Stranger

5) Burning Hammer – Tigerkinney

6) ROF – Marcel Fromage

7) NWA – Wildfire

8) ECW – Nevermore

9) DOA – Eisen-Verse

10) NOTB – Wallbanger

11) CZCW – Marcel Fromage

12) CWB - shipshirt

13) EWA – Comradebot

14) FCW – Zergon

15) ZEN -Yoshida - http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=217340

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My list will be largely older dynasties, and all barring one are real world (well, one is a bit...bizarro, but it is still technically set in a real wrestling promotion.)


1. Wildfire1324's National Wrestling Alliance: A Return to Glory

-Quite simply, this is the reason I'm here.


2. jw_forever's WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

-To me, this is an underrated gem that any fan of real world diaries really should check out. jw's Wrestlemania 22 and ECW One Night Stand are two of my all-time favorite shows.


3. Self's Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

-The only C-verse diary I have ever become seriously invested in.


4. Oldschool's WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk/No Vince (D.O.T.T)

-A fascinating look at what the WWWF may have looked like without the involvement of the two men who revolutionized it in the 80's.


5. Wildfire1324's NWA: Beyond The Glory

-The direct continuation of my all-time favorite dynasty. Can we put Wildfire in the HOF already? Oh well; he'll always have my #1 vote until it finally happens! :D


6. keefmoon's World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

-I once considered starting up a post-Screwjob WWF dynasty, but decided not to because I just didn't think it would be possible to measure up to this one.


7. Nevermore's ECW Worldwide

-I'm not sure how the voting will turn out now, five years later, but when I started posting here regularly, this was without question the most popular real world dynasty around.


8. dse81's The New NWA

-For such a long time, dse was amazingly consistent with turning out shows regularly. I don't think I've ever seen anyone manage it for such a long stretch as he did.


9. Nobby_McDonald's TNA's New Beginnings II

-..and now that I've posted that, I'm thinking that maybe Nobby rivaled or even matched dse's consistency. :o


10. tristram's WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

-I don't have a fancy comment here. Just go read it!


11. theoutlaw321's Battle lines have been drawn.What if the NWA struck first....

-If you're a fan of this era and you haven't read this, do it NOW.


12. Rhudipoo's WWE Bizarro

-I do not believe I have the words to faithfully summarize this one. I'm not sure if anyone does. It's inappropriate, over the top...and absolutely hilarious.


13. iMac's WWE: The Next Generation

-It's been so long since I've read this one that I don't think I could describe it properly, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


14. BoomKing's The Kid and The Business

-Oh man, I miss this one big time. Sadly short-lived; the behind the scenes stuff with 'the kid' interacting with various members of the WWF was fascinating. If it had lasted longer, I think it could have easily been #2 on my list.


15. michgcs'

WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History!

-I was a casual follower of this one for a long time, and have only recently begun reading through from the beginning. It's well worth it, especially if you're like me, ie bored out of your mind by the current direction of the real WWE.

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some one is going to include links either you, or me when I compile them. (most people will choose me)

Exactly why I did the links for mine; I've been in the position of running the DOTM and having to track down links myself. It's needlessly time-consuming. If you're going to offer up your own free time to undertake something like this, the least I can do is save you a bit of time and track my own links down myself.


(There; maybe that will guilt some of these slackers into providing their own links. :D)

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The links to Wildfire's NWA diaries don't work. :(


Those 2 are my personal favorites. Scapino's original SWF diary was great, too.




That is my failure, and highlights why you should use board features rather then falling back to HTML code.


The IP address for the site changed, and all of those links are based on IP address.


the[-thread=#]text[-/thread] (remove the minumes fill in the #) is the truest way to link to a diary. :)


good news I can get the thread number out of each link, so quoting those links from the 2009 list is fine.

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1. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19932

Mark Cuban does Dave -Monkeypox 2007


my personal favorite for a variety of reasons, including some of the best characterizations ever done in a diary, to the point that they are almost considered canon for people like Acid and Eddie Peak.



USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free J Silver 2010


Probably one of the funniest diaries ever written on these boards


3. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38742

Frontier Combat Kingdom -Self 2008


One of the best scripted and written diaries out there, with some great wrestler charicterizations as well


4. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5605

NYCW Tradition Begins Anew -Brifidelity 2007


There are other diaries that are better written or have better match descriptions or angles, but this is the one that started me writing diaries, and its the one that created the concept that 'Rip Chord is better than you!'


5. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33740

Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling- Dave's not Here - McShamrock 2008


The spiritual successor to Monkeypox's diary ( even though a different person wrote it) in terms of characterization. Sadly this one ended way too soon.


6. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47928

TCW A Quiet Retirement -Phantom Stranger 2010


One of the best presentations of TCW, and over a fairly long period of game time, which is something diaries of the national promotions rarely do, simply due to the nature of how many shows you have to write up in a month alone.


7. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24760

suscribe to the ROF newsletter 2007


Graphics wise, still one of the best diaries ever done, and it made a pure fed interesting outside of the ring as well as in it.


8. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33304

Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society -Tigerkinney 2008



BHOTWG - Stepping into the Inferno - Tigerkinney 2010


Tigerkinney has two great reads, one in Puerto Rico and one in Japan. Tigerkinney is without doubt one of the better people on these boards in actually describing a match and making it interesting.


10. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35327

SWF Generation Supreme - bigpapa42 2008


Another of the National promotions done well and over a decent sized period of game time


11. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32191

MAW - 10 Simple Rules - James Casey 2010


Quite probably the best, and certainly one of the best, presentations of MAW.


12. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80587

Memoirs of a Booker - Yuu Onuki 2010


Not only made 5SSW interesting, but made the booker, who wasn't a wrestler or a manager, interesting as well. Plus it had a very unique presentation style.


13. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34251

EWA: Why NO ONe Cares about Wrestling in Europe - Comradebot 2008


Bull Shark Testosterone - nuff said


14. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=155288

Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phile Vibert and PWC- NoNeck


A very interesting look at an alternate premise for the Cornellverse


15. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=523118

CGC: On with the Show - Self 2013


Will probably end up higher on the list one day, but still needs more content behind it as its still in the early stages


It was hard to choose just 15 as there are so many more done over the years worth checking out, such as most of Eisen-Verse's work, which are very professionally written, Scapino, Infinity, and real world diaries ( which i didnt include as that just isnt my taste to read, but that is personal preference and doesn't mean that they aren't every bit as well written and excellent reads as the Cornellverse ones I chose).


Also, so as not to appear self serving, I didn't include any of the ones I have written over the years, like the various David Mack Chronicles or my current one, but yeah, you should totally read those too! :D:p

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Okay this is a card subjected to change type of thing. I will edit it later.


1. Eisen-verse's PSW: The Evolution of Greed: He has written many diaries since this one and others may consider those to be better. However, this to me was his best stuff. This was one of the diaries that made me want to do a diary.


2. Oldschool's WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk/No Vince (D.O.T.T): Just as the title says this is a diary about a WWWF where Vince Jr never bought his father's company and Hulk Hogan never became what he became. Just a great old school style feeling to this diary. What was cool about it was this was from an era when I got into wrestling so it was cool to see names from when I was a kid in a diary.


3. michgcs' WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History!: One of the longest running diaries on this site and a great real world diary. Michgcs is probably one of the best promo writes on the board. He writes exactly how the wrestlers talk.


4. The Final Countdown's Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002): This is the definitive ROH diary on the board. It was also one of the longest running diaries in the history of the board. I am usually not a fan of long match write-ups but I always read TFC's because they were so good.


5. Nevermore's ECW Worldwide: This was another diary that made me want to write diaries. I liked how he was able to mold his own ECW universe through his diary writing (I am not sure if that makes sense or not.:D).


6. Marcel Fromage's XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious: For the look of this diary alone I put it on the list. It was probably one of the best looking diaries graphic wise. I also loved the interaction element of the diary, picking in Marcel's diary seemed to mean something. I wish he would come back to doing diaries again.


7. Nevermore's MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling: I forgot all about this until I read Banger's picks. This was just a great diary, I usually do not read diary that is based in the U.K. but I checked this diary out due to his ECW diary and I have to say this was just as good as his ECW diary if not better.


8. Destiny's TNA Wrestling: Cross The Line: I am putting this on the list because the last time we did this list I was told by others posters not to put this diary on the list (Which made me realize that people get way too invested over a list which deals in who writes the best fan fiction.). It is also on here because I enjoyed it, I loved how absurd it was I mean who wouldn't want to read about Charlie Sheen in TNA.


9. Jingo's Awesome Max Wrestling 97' How long will it last? This was probably my favorite Jingo diary that he has done. This was not as out there as his SAW or as twisted as his current diary but I still consider this to be his best.

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There is no wrong interpretation. last time we aimed for 100 and got to 66. this time I am hoping there is enough variety over the years to open field.


Only if you pick one of Destiny's diaries to be on the list. Then people will flip out.:D

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1. 2010/2013 - SWF Trilogy - James Casey




Such an epic trilogy (so far), that it's become the definitive way I view SWF. From the amazing Rich Money vs Tom Gilmore feud to the various ways James has used his midcard, it's just nearly perfect.

2. 2010 - TCW: A Quiet Retirement - Phantom Stranger



How this isn't on everybody's lists is beyond me. The characterization of Edd Stone is enough to earn it a spot on my Top 15. It'll be hard to a diary to top the sheer magnitude and quality of this one.


3. 2008 - Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone - infinitywpi



Duh. First TEW I picked up was 2008 and started reading diaries around that time. infinity's was the very first. I went back and found his '07 diary just to read that. It's hilarious and the brevity fits his style.


4. 2008 - Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: The Evolution of Greed - Eisen-Verse



E-V has become something of a star around here and this is really the diary where I felt the potential was realized. There was heart in it and time spent on the graphics and his booking built to something greater every month.


5. 2010 - 21st Century Boys - Boltinho



I had no clue who any of these guys were before this diary. It's the UK and I stayed the hell away before catching Boltinho's diary by chance. I couldn't stop reading. It's Sports Entertainment at its finest.


6. 2013 - CGC: On With The Show - Self



Based off future possibilities, the writing is so clever with hilarious sequences thrown in and so far Self has captured the DeColts like nobody else.


7. 2010 - WWF 1998: What if Bret hard Stayed - totti



Real world diaries are hard to pull off because there's an expectation that you change little things or change a big thing. totti did the latter and made you wish that maybe Bret had stayed instead of wasting his career away in WCW.


8. 2010 - HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird - arwink



The presentation is brilliant and I found myself caught up in '97 Sam Strong and '97 Rip Chord, guys who are in very different roles now. The various changes made to guys like Tayler Morton and Dylan Sidle were fantastic as arwink used the open-ended CVerse to discover new possibilities.


9. Various - WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk, No Vince - Oldschool



This gets my vote because it captured the feeling of the time period perfectly (at least, as far as I know). From the intermissions within the shows to the cards themselves, 80s wrestling had come to life.


10. 2010 - Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises - NoNeck



Wouldn't be a top list without NoNeck. Phil Vibert's aggressive personality really let the concept fulfill its potential as basically an automated troll of fictional characters. Yea, that doesn't make sense. So what? This is a great read.


11. 2008 - MAW: 10 Simple Rules - James Casey


You see the seeds of the SWF Trilogy in this diary and from the awesome opening post, the diary keeps getting better and better as it goes along.


12. 2013 - SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS - Eisen-verse



So far, so good. The graphics are incredible and E-v has actually made Steve Frehley interesting (sort of). Depending on where it goes, could move much higher up the list in the future.


13. 2008 - SWF: Generation Supreme - Bigpapa42



14. 2010 - Memoirs of a Booker - Yuu Onuki



I'll echo somebody else's comment which is the fact that the booker became just as interesting as the characters. And the writing style is authentic which counts for a hell of a lot in a diary like this.


15. 2013 - Emerald Pro Wrestling: Devine Intervention - Occasional Z



THE ARCHITECT VOTES FOR THIS DIARY BECAUSE THE ARCHITECT IS THE STAR. Seriously, when you nail a character like The Architect, you deserve a spot on the must read. The backstage goings-on with Devine and Alanis are a great representation of a real-life couple. I wish Z had better wrestlers to work with.

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I've racked my brains this afternoon to put this list in order....added the years they ran from for comparison I guess...The order is about right, though I could see 5 - 12 changing positions.



1 J Silver USPW: Where Ages 65 and Older Get in For Free 2007 – 2010




In my opinion, the definitive TEW diary. Everyone who picks it will mention how funny it is (and it is!) but the booking shouldn't be overlooked either. The masked man mystery, Divinity, the Devine - Hayes - Muffin love triangle...all brilliantly written. Let's put it this way, J Silver made Peter Valentine entertaining. That's good writing.



2 Eisen-verse WAR on the Vegas Strip... 2011 - 2012




The pinnacle of Eisen-verse's 'gritty cult' dynasties. The writing for main star Troy Tornado in particular is fantastic.



3 Scapino 1974 MWA - This Means War! (C-Verse Diary) 2007 – 2008




I missed the preceeding part (SWF - This means War!) but that didn't stop me enjoying this - it stands well by itself. An epic journey, that crucially has an actual end.



4 arwink HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird 2011 -




Love the retrospective presentation of this. Characterization, especially the shoot comments, is fantastic.



5 Dragonmack The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming 2010 - 2011




Another great companion to my own NYCW games - taught me a lot about the game.



6 1PWFan New York City Wrestling: Old School Lives On 2012




The diary that inspired me to try writing diaries for myself - loved the presentation and the characterization.



7 smwilliams DAVE: Survive (CV2001) 2012




Gave this a chance last year and got sucked in - the dialogue in the Nemesis/Martin feud was brilliant.



8 Dragonmack Trademark Pro Wrestling 2012 -



Has the potential to top his David Mack diaries with this - bout time Thomas Morgan got to be in the spotlight!



9 Boltinho 21st Century Boys 2011 - 2012




Really enjoyed this as it had a real 'British wrestling' feel. The prediction contest prizes were excellent too, lots of effort put in.



10 Eidenhoek Let's Play NYCW 101: A Guided Tour of TEW2010 2011 - 2012




Controversial pick? Maybe - it's the ramblings of a mad man, not a traditional dynasty! Seriously though I found it an amusing companion to my (hopeless) NYCW games.



11 No Neck Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC 2010 - 2011




Great idea and execution, would have been a lot higher if it had been longer.



12 Eisen-verse DOA: Victor's Rebellion 2011




The prototype for WAR, DOA comes in several installments, but this was the one that got me into Eisen-verse's writing. Presentation and writing are as good as always.



13 Infinitywpi Welcome To The Reinvention 2012 -




My first trip to the Coastal Zone - hoping this isn't dead as it's snarky humour and simple presentation makes it easy to read.



14 Tiberious4 Paragons Of Wrestling: 21st Century Comedy Lucha Fun! (jhdVerse) 2012




The only non Cornellverse diary I've ever really got into. Great writing and colourful presentation.



15 Portlius Red Dragon Wrestling- A Welsh RTG game 2012




Simple, but effective RTG. Set in Wales too, so it's unique.

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12. WWF 1994: Growing Pains by RKOwnage - I admit I'm not much of a fan of real world dynasties in pro wrestling as I am of real world dynasties in other sports sims, but this one's the best IMHO. Brings back those high school memories.


I am honored :)


I'll have to do a little more CornellVerse research before coming up with a top 15 though.

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