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Apologies, Confession and my Ultimatum


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All right, Let's see here, I got a few things to get off my chest, First off, I've been here for almost 1 year.......and let me tell you, It has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride, From my highs.....to my lows...(Mostly lows), i've made some friends, and I darn sure made some enemies.....so, let me just say....


I'm sorry........I'm sorry, for overstaying my welcome.......I'm sorry for acting like total Marc DuBois when I was making diaries......And I'm sorry for not take Franticloser's advice in the first place.........


Cause the truth is.................I have ADHD......That's why I can't focus one just 1 diary long enough to keep it going.....and that's also the reason why I've spammed your forums with my junk......


But no more.......


Today, I give myself this ultimatum..............make ANOTHER diary. (THIS time not TEW.....OR EWR....EW9000) and actully TRY to keep it going long enough for at least until the end of September. And this time i'm gonna try to work my very hardest on it, harder than how the WWE pushed The Shield in November to April....Harder than the time WCW pushed the N.W.O (Hulkamania + The Bad Guy Pack + Dieselmaniacs = N.W.O)....harder than the time Daniel Bryan is being pushed right now. (Fear the Beard Orton)...........


And i'm gonna try not to shove myself down your throats.


I guess i've said enough right about now........Well...wish me luck....

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Don't apologize for anyone or anything. I was diagnosed ADHD 20 years ago but I've done my own thing my whole life. What you have is a gift, not a curse.


So what? Occasionally we make a point that didn't quite come together properly or we go off half cocked every now and then because our momentary thoughts get the best of us. So be it. Crap happens. No one's perfect all the time. Even the beloved "normals". But I'm sorry I love ADHD people a bunch of my closest friends all have it. It allows you to think on a different wavelength than everyone else. It just makes you different. Unique. When I was a kid I wanted to be like everyone else but I learned over the years that the people who love me... love me BECAUSE I'm a little weird. Not in spite of it.


Either way I think you're a good poster. You're active and your points are generally concise. I haven't found you to be terrible argumentative or hurtful. I don't think you have anything to apologize for, sir.


And let's all be real and honest here. We all visit a message board dedicated to hardcore text based sports sims. The games themselves are so niche it's ridiculous, but ALL OF US that hit up these forums... we're all a little off from society's norms dont ya think?

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we're all a little off from society's norms dont ya think?


Nope! I'm totes main stream :)


I have to say i'm a teacher and one of my former students had pretty severe ADHD and when he wasn't bouncing off the walls (that isn't in quotes for a reason) he was one of the coolest kids I have ever worked with. Seriously he was a 'knock out'. Such a sharp mind. Just about every teacher hated him because they couldn't really handle him. But I thought he was an amazing kid. Although to be fair, I also couldn't handle him. Despite investing a lot of time with him. (we'd sit and play xbox together at lunch breaks and stuff) I just couldn't get him calm enough to not be an absolute "lesson killer" I felt like a failure not being able to make things work with him, but at very least I think I helped make his lunch times a bit less sucky! Whilst sitting around playing video games we would chat about science, the universe and life after school - hopefully he took on-board some of that.

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The ultimate irony Panix? MY GF of 8 years is a TEACHER! Aren't ADHD kids and teachers supposed to be natural enemies or something? LOL.


Props to you though, man, for working with him. I promise you so many teachers are crappy to that kid and he will remember that extra time you put in for the REST OF HIS LIFE. I promise.


ADHD kids are intelligent (sometimes... just not in my case haha) but we just learn differently. And all kids with learning disabilities. Good for you to take the time and try to get to that kid rather than do what 99.9% of teachers do which is get frustrated, hate the kid for ruining your OCD letter-to-the-law lessons, and proceed to punish them endlessly and create a whole new generation of society's outcasts.

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The ultimate irony Panix? MY GF of 8 years is a TEACHER! Aren't ADHD kids and teachers supposed to be natural enemies or something? LOL.


Props to you though, man, for working with him. I promise you so many teachers are crappy to that kid and he will remember that extra time you put in for the REST OF HIS LIFE. I promise.


ADHD kids are intelligent (sometimes... just not in my case haha) but we just learn differently. And all kids with learning disabilities. Good for you to take the time and try to get to that kid rather than do what 99.9% of teachers do which is get frustrated, hate the kid for ruining your OCD letter-to-the-law lessons, and proceed to punish them endlessly and create a whole new generation of society's outcasts.


it's a tricky balance. Teachers in the UK are gauged massively on their stats. If they aren't hitting the grades the kids should get then their life becomes a misery and if one kid is effecting the whole class then it can be an absolute nightmare. I see it from both sides of the spectrum. I'm really fortunate in so much as my job means I have really small classes. I mainly work with kids who have behaviour difficulties or are considered to be "the bad kids" I think they are great!


I hated school as a kid and my attendance was abysmal as a result. I'm basically working with the next generation of 'myselves!' If I can make them just a little bit more engaged I feel like what i'm doing is completely justified! Best job in the world if i'm honest, so rewarding (at times its a heartbreaker though - i'm more thick skinned now then I have ever been!)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36657" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I know I have given you a hard time about your posts but I seriously didn't know that you had ADHD so for that I would like to apologize to you. As far as i'm concerned your apology is accepted and I am sorry as well for being hard on you in the past.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's cool man, All is forgiven.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36657" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No need to be sorry. It's hard enough keeping a dynasty going for any of us. Honestly, keep doing what you're doing & maybe, with an upcoming project, you'll find something that sparks your interest.<p> </p><p> Best of luck! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thnx bro. Best of luck to you too.</p>
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<p>The hype section is in the Dynasties subboard itself...</p><p> </p><p>

Ow wait, what is this? I'm confused. Is this some sort of meta-diary? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

I too am some sort of teacher. I've been a pain in the ass of teachers during my school days, so I'm pretty immune to it now. ADD is not a disease anyway. It taxes the teachers that can't deal with it.</p>

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<p>And I might as well apologize for being a bit snarky in a couple of your diaries. Your apology is accepted, and as long as you're doing something on these forums that makes you happy, and as long as you're not stepping on anybody's feet while at it, then go for it. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

I have ADHD myself. Lived with it for 30-some years of my life and I've gotten in trouble for it a lot. Got picked on, got criticized, nearly got expelled from a couple schools (and expelled from one) and teachers hated me. The irony of this is that they were mostly popular teachers. The teachers whom me and my classmates hated...kinda liked me. But I'm going on a tangent here so I'll just wrap up by saying this. ADHD is a gift, not a curse. Embrace the weirdness. While most of my old classmates are stuck at their boring jobs and kissing up to "the man", I've got a cool job writing freelance, I still play in a band while a lot of my fellow musicians from back in the day (meaning my teenage years) have hung it up, my girlfriend understands the stuff I've been through and supports me all throughout, and I couldn't be happier. </p><p> </p><p>

Off the record, I was pleasantly surprised when you posted a couple times on my TEW 2013 diary (and even predicted) and I like a lot of the posts you've made on the WWE thread. Again, apologies if I may have been a dick a few times back. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>1 year?</p><p> </p><p>

LOL</p><p> </p><p>

I've been here like...4 and have made more enemies than I can count. Never apologize for who you are. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Btw, it seems the 'inventor' of ADD recently admitted that the 'disease' was fake. We all suspected it was just a label more than anything, but now it's practically official. Sure, they are different people, but the medication they supposedly have to take is bogus. It's like the nut folk. I've been around them for a while and they are kept quiet with drugs. It's all the same to me.</p><p> </p><p>

So if you strut yourself on the internet, don't feel sorry for those that don't like it. Just direct your effords to those that do. Fellow ADD people will probably enjoy it. And there sure are a lot of 'em.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36657" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Btw, it seems the 'inventor' of ADD recently admitted that the 'disease' was fake. We all suspected it was just a label more than anything, but now it's practically official. Sure, they are different people, but the medication they supposedly have to take is bogus. It's like the nut folk. I've been around them for a while and they are kept quiet with drugs. It's all the same to me.<p> </p><p> So if you strut yourself on the internet, don't feel sorry for those that don't like it. Just direct your effords to those that do. Fellow ADD people will probably enjoy it. And there sure are a lot of 'em.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No he didnt say it was fake. He said it was overdiagnosed and they are two MASSIVELY different things. Being in education you should probably familiarize yourself with this before you go and offend even more people with misinformation.</p>
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No he didnt say it was fake. He said it was overdiagnosed and they are two MASSIVELY different things. Being in education you should probably familiarize yourself with this before you go and offend even more people with misinformation.


Fake might indeed be a word that is open to interpretation. You choose to interpret it in a certain way I did not mean to. He supposedly said it was just a label and it should not have been labeled the way it has been. You could even say the label is unreal, as in FAKE in relation to the actual 'disease' in question. And I get that info from a media source. Whether the source is correct or not... I haven't had the time to figure that out. I posted this on the fly. This isn't an education board or anything. For what it means: sorry for oversimplifying things.


You should probably go into education, with the way you lecture people. Rest assured: I know damn well what I'm talking about. If you know the way the DSMIV works you should'nt even have made that comment.

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Lol, you read the same article we all did... They clearly say it is a disease and NOT FAKE so I don't know. Point me in the direction of the article where the dude calls it all made up B.S. and I'll be happy to agree with you.


Anyway, I dont wanna get in a long drawn out battle with you because a) I like you and b) no one likes reading snarky b.s. In short, it IS a disease process but he, I, and apparently you feel there's a bunch of kids out there who are told they have it but don't really. And many of the ones that DO have it aren't being treated properly. It became commonplace in the western world to treat kids with ADD and ADHD with pharmacology rather than psychological therapy, which seems to be far more effective but whatever.


I'm not a psychologist I use common sense and just read stuff sometimes.


I actually think the education systems are a major problem with the rise of the misdiagnosis of the disease not just in the US but around the world. Not all, but a vast majority of teachers essentially use the time honored traditional way of teaching: lecture. Sure they mix things up more than they used to, but they're generally still doing some variation of a lecture. So when the handful of kids don't learn well from lectures, they're deemed as "disabled" because they wont or can't learn via the teacher's preferred method. And in the 10,000+ years of civilized education in the world, we really haven't developed a good way to teach different kids differently. We all just expect them to fall in line each generation and are shocked when the results don't pan out the way they should. I mean the blue collar parents of the world are just raising their kids, but the education systems know better yet do nothing to fix the problem.

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Actually I read a news post on some facebook link. Not the same, and arguably a less reputable source to boot. But thanks for the link. I'll read this one.


Look, it's all just a simple misunderstanding. I read it on the fly - like I said - and obvious apply my own unbiased opinion on the matter, sometimes completely abandoning the realm of the factual. Maybe he didn't say it. I was clearly looking for him to reinforce my thought that the whole ADD thing is blown up. The point I want to make is that the whole thing seems to exist in order to serve the pharmaceutical business. Though there's of course a hint of use in the diagnosis, it's being abused and I seem to feel a vibe that you know that. There's a cluster of behavioural patterns that happen to be prevalent with a lot of children these days. They call it ADD now, but like you mention, the borders are thin and lots of children are drawn into the label because it offers 'cures' of sorts. And it offers benefits. It's like they want to have ADD. Doctors want it ($$). Mothers want it (cuz it's 'curable').


As we're all sharing :p, I read this one: http://www.worldpublicunion.org/2013-03-27-NEWS-inventor-of-adhd-says-adhd-is-a-fictitious-disease.html


Maybe I'm not understanding 'fictitious' correctly and twisted it into 'fake', and I apologise for that. My mind made the following movement: fictitious -> fiction -> [batman > superman] -> fake. I read my post again and I understand it sounds somehow offensive, but I assure you I meant well. Now this is all my opinion on the matter. There are rarely facts in the world of pedagogy. But everyone can relate.


But let me clearly state that I am not denying the existance of the cluster of patterns. It's there. I'm just saying that ADD is no disease: It's a fake. If you have ADD and consider yourself 'sick', that is your problem. A bit blunt, but that's how I roll. :p You might not fit into society that well, but it's a boon as often as it's a 'disease' (o I love that word: 'diseeeeeeease'). You get cancer, and you'll know what a disease is. I know ADD people might feel a little at a dis-ease, but it's no actual disease in the sense that it doesn't need to be cured. As an educator, I don't like to go in against nature. It's a battle we lose more eventually everytime. There's hurricanes, and Holland will eventually fall prey to the water. You try and change the nature of people they're going to end up worse more often than not. You try and hit a homosexual or a pedophile in an efford to turning them 'straight', you will fail to drive out those urges. You either get a ticking timebomb that will explode years after the corrections, or you get a broken human being. There's nothing wrong with bringing some order in their lives or treating them differently, but giving them medication because they are not paying attention in classes? That's kinda sick. Teachers are counsiled to adjust their way of presenting the material to the kids. The hyperactive ones might have to learn in a context where it's tolerable. You'll have a find a way.

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Actually I read a news post on some facebook link. Not the same, and arguably a less reputable source to boot. But thanks for the link. I'll read this one.


Look, it's all just a simple misunderstanding. I read it on the fly - like I said - and obvious apply my own unbiased opinion on the matter, sometimes completely abandoning the realm of the factual. Maybe he didn't say it. I was clearly looking for him to reinforce my thought that the whole ADD thing is blown up. The point I want to make is that the whole thing seems to exist in order to serve the pharmaceutical business. Though there's of course a hint of use in the diagnosis, it's being abused and I seem to feel a vibe that you know that. There's a cluster of behavioural patterns that happen to be prevalent with a lot of children these days. They call it ADD now, but like you mention, the borders are thin and lots of children are drawn into the label because it offers 'cures' of sorts. And it offers benefits. It's like they want to have ADD. Doctors want it ($$). Mothers want it (cuz it's 'curable').


As we're all sharing :p, I read this one: http://www.worldpublicunion.org/2013-03-27-NEWS-inventor-of-adhd-says-adhd-is-a-fictitious-disease.html


Maybe I'm not understanding 'fictitious' correctly and twisted it into 'fake', and I apologise for that. My mind made the following movement: fictitious -> fiction -> [batman > superman] -> fake. I read my post again and I understand it sounds somehow offensive, but I assure you I meant well. Now this is all my opinion on the matter. There are rarely facts in the world of pedagogy. But everyone can relate.


But let me clearly state that I am not denying the existance of the cluster of patterns. It's there. I'm just saying that ADD is no disease: It's a fake. If you have ADD and consider yourself 'sick', that is your problem. A bit blunt, but that's how I roll. :p You might not fit into society that well, but it's a boon as often as it's a 'disease' (o I love that word: 'diseeeeeeease'). You get cancer, and you'll know what a disease is. I know ADD people might feel a little at a dis-ease, but it's no actual disease in the sense that it doesn't need to be cured. As an educator, I don't like to go in against nature. It's a battle we lose more eventually everytime. There's hurricanes, and Holland will eventually fall prey to the water. You try and change the nature of people they're going to end up worse more often than not. You try and hit a homosexual or a pedophile in an efford to turning them 'straight', you will fail to drive out those urges. You either get a ticking timebomb that will explode years after the corrections, or you get a broken human being. There's nothing wrong with bringing some order in their lives or treating them differently, but giving them medication because they are not paying attention in classes? That's kinda sick. Teachers are counsiled to adjust their way of presenting the material to the kids. The hyperactive ones might have to learn in a context where it's tolerable. You'll have a find a way.


I wish I could like this post or hug you.

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Psychological diseases are diseases. You don't have to accept it. Your agreement isn't required for that information to be accurate.


You can feel how you want to, but it is a disease process. I have stated previously I feel i was misdiagnosed and don't use ADD as a crutch as I don't feel it's an acceptable excuse. I saw a kid with no hands play guitar with his foot and his teeth and any "feel sorry for yourself" nonsense went out the window. I actually work in healthcare now and do quite well.


The problem is that kids with the disease process and kids with similar characteristics, who may or may not truly have ADD or ADHD, are being diagnosed and lumped in together and little proper help is being given to them. Even teachers just kind of get annoyed and shake their heads in frustration rather than come up with solutions...:rolleyes:


Where we are in 100%agreement is over the medication issue. It's a massive problem because we're giving kids their first taste of drugs. Drugs that feel good. Drugs that can be traded to other kids for their drugs. Or their parents drugs. And these kids aren't the kind of sick that drugs help. There's conflicting studies out there, but many people believe drugs actually help as little as 10% of the kids diagnosed with the disease. Which is converse to psychological therapy which helps a much greater percentage of kids and doesn't involve them with narcotics. Make smore sense but it's far more expensive. Much easier to get pills to the masses, have the various healthcare providers paying for them and they all just make money off of each other... but that is another rant for another day...

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I almost wrote one of my infamous book type posts and scrapped it.


I live in Florida, where kids don't have books to study with. Where summer vacation was cut because kids can't remember enough information from one year to the next. Where it's the kids fault they can't learn well enough. Where it's the kids fault they can't do homework, although they don't have books for them. Where around my block I can think of 8 kids that have been diagnosed with ADHD, and I'm betting on a 9th one as soon as she starts school.


I know of only one person diagnosed that I don't chalk up to environment... and he's not one of the 8 I already mentioned. They say it's something like around 7% of all kids. I say it's more like 1 or 2% that isn't the environment they live in.


While I was growing up, their was only one kid I knew with it, although it wasn't called that at that time I don't believe... Just called him hyper active.


Anyways, I find letting them get everything out they want to say is the easiest way, no matter if I think it's an environmental issue or an actual issue, to help me (and them) deal with it.


I don't know what to tell you teacher's, when you only have "X" amount of time to do any teaching, but I wouldn't ignore it. What I do when I have to teach anything (mainly at work, sometimes I have to hold a "class" of some kind), is I go ahead and say "Hey ____, is there anything you would like to say before we get started here?" Then I let everyone know, that I intend to get through what needs to be said before we start talking again, therefore write down any questions or comments you have for after I'm done. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't... it's worth it for the times it has worked for me though.


For the general population of teacher's though... Quit using things like this as an excuse for not being able to teach students. If you have to go one on one, then do it. I don't care if you have 150 students in one room, and only 30 minutes per class... you get those students one by one at some point during a two week period to go one on one (7%:)). They can learn a weeks worth of information in a 30 minute time period if you really give them your attention. If you can't do it then quit being a teacher, go find another line of work.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bigtplaystew" data-cite="bigtplaystew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36657" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There's conflicting studies out there, but many people believe drugs actually help as little as 10% of the kids diagnosed with the disease.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wow, that's even less than one would suspect. There's always the so-called 30% that is helped by placebo-effects. Seems evidence to the fact that it doesn't to a god-damn thing. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> And I just don't call it a disease because it's relative to society. It's not an absolute value. If society were different, it wouldn't be seen as a 'bad' thing. I don't know the medical definition though, but you're probably right. But it doesn't make anyone less human, though it might restrict them from certain professions. But I'm also restricted from being a rocket scientist. I'm just not smart enough for it. Am I being diseased too? The fact that there are so many more ADD people nowadays has a lot to do with misdiagnosis, but also (imo) with the ever-changing society. If it keeps rising the way it does, perhaps in a far future the 'normal' will be the dis-eased.</p><p> </p><p> I would also attribute it to environment most of all. It would be weird to suddenly birth children all over the world with deficits in certain areas. I have this whole opinion on it being partly due to the "internet generation". Youngsters right now have everything they want, when they want. They have less restrictive parents, or at least in this area. Our oldest have still known war from experience, and know what it is to lack basic needs. There's a deep gap with the youngsters, who never even lacked the most advanced of needs. They download or stream everything (tv shows or information in general) in mere seconds. This installs a certain expectation over time that everything is there on the spot, and will cause frustration on their part when things don't work out from the get-go. With all the consequences one would expect. Many think me a pessimist (though I'm not; i assure you <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />), but there's actually lots of theoretical base to support this.</p><p> </p><p> As for the profession of 'teacher': This whole evolution couldn't come at a worse time for teachers. They are already being asked to constantly explain everything they do to the policy-makers. Here in Belgium they have to perform several extra administrative jobs in order to be 'in order'. It's a tough load. I understand that if there are several students with extra needs, it will tax them even more. My respect goes out to the ones that hang in there and still provide the best education they can provide.</p><p> </p><p> As for the presence of 'books': it's not a necessity anymore but I think everyone will agree it's easier to learn if you have something on paper that you can manipulate with pencil etc. Media is fine and everything, but it distracts more often than not. I have a hard time keeping work up if there's internet looming around the corner. (let's check fb just for a couple of seconds). Many students will succumb to the lure of it all.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36657" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As for the presence of 'books': it's not a necessity anymore but I think everyone will agree it's easier to learn if you have something on paper that you can manipulate with pencil etc. Media is fine and everything, but it distracts more often than not. I have a hard time keeping work up if there's internet looming around the corner. (let's check fb just for a couple of seconds). Many students will succumb to the lure of it all.</div></blockquote><p> One of the area schools here, asked for a special tax for the school, in order to "fix" it up. It was obvious the school needed some doors, windows, better parking, etc. As well as much needed school books, as the oldest one's had pages missing, no cover, and worse. These are the things talked about at the meeting. We (meaning the community), wanting to do everything in our power to help the school, vote to have this new tax. This was only for one year. However, the very next year they ask for it again, because they were unable to get everything done... There have a parking lot half finished, none of the things inside the school (doors, windows, etc.) have been finished, and so they come to the conclusion they didn't make enough, so ask of the community to vote on it again. This time we say no.... and I'm sorry, but I was one of the people that was totally against it, and I probably changed hundreds of minds (Mind you, this tax is only in this community, not a million people we are talking about here, tongue in cheek guess of maybe a thousand voters at best). </p><p> </p><p> The reason for my sudden turn on it, was because they only used a portion of the money to do anything they said they were going to do. Imagine having a million dollars to work with, spending a couple hundred of it on what you are supposed to spend it on, and the rest on teacher lounge items, and computers for all classrooms, for teachers to utilize for their lessons. No books were bought, nothing inside fixed, etc. So yeah, I'm hated by teachers and the school board for pointing all that out, and basically asking anyone how any of this actually helped our students, our kids? </p><p> </p><p> I'm all for updating teaching supplies... They only had enough books for their class rooms, so everyone that had that class during the day would have to use the same books... let's say it's 25 kids in a class, enough books for them to use, but next class has to use the same exact books. That's what I mean about sharing. So no books available to go home for study purposes. They would give them smaller "lesson" books, for homework, or printed papers handed out for homework. The problem I have with that is there isn't a way for them to find the answers unless they have an encyclopedia or internet access. I'm one of three people in my immediate area, that has internet, and the only one that has it for computer use (instead of Xbox or Playstation, etc.). So these kids have no way of getting their homework done if they weren't able to read it at school in the small amount of time they had to work on it in class.</p><p> </p><p> To me, that is horrible for the kids, and I understand that having a computer to utilize (with the big screen tv's for presentations in each room), is much easier then having to deal with a chalk board and normal methods of teaching, but yet they still insist the kids do a great deal of their learning at home, without giving them the books to learn it with.</p><p> </p><p> It just seems so darn easy to understand why Florida has the worse scores when it comes to the national tests. </p><p> </p><p> Plus, I have heard teachers say that the kids are just not bright, they can't learn quickly enough, yada yada yada. So now, they only teach what is on the national tests, and still don't get the scores they should. IF you're the only state, or one of only a couple of states that has this problem, shouldn't that tell you something is wrong with the schools themselves, rather then the children?</p><p> </p><p> As far as ADD and ADHD, I feel that there is a large population here that is miss diagnosed with it. Those in earlier grades seem to have a higher ratio then those in high school. The medication seems to just put them in a semi-zombie state, which keeps them calm so they don't interrupt I suppose... but I don't see how this can help any of them learn, when it looks like they could fall asleep at any time, or be fascinated by anything going on outside of the person standing in front of them talking. I just don't see this as a good thing, especially since I feel personally, that most of these students on medication, shouldn't be on it. </p><p> </p><p> Symptoms basically say that it is someone acting less mature then their age. What that is screaming to me is that they haven't been taught self discipline correctly. It's screaming that they haven't had the opportunity to learn from their parents how to control their feelings and urges correctly. It's screaming to me that this child comes from a family that probably has two working parent, just to make ends meet, and thus have not had the time to spend with their child on a natural level that would have made all the difference in the world. It's not something easily fixed, is what I am saying, because that's like 90% of the population now. Some kids learn faster (these are natural things you learn), some need more strong commitments to learn the basic nature of growing up.</p><p> </p><p> All of us, have these urges. All of us have had a thought in our head automatically come as soon as someone starts talking to us. I have never heard or read anyone with ADHD or ADD or whatever, tell me something I couldn't relate to. I have these same types of urges, these same types of feelings, the same strong and sometimes overwhelming desire to speak out at an inappropriate time, because I just don't want to forget my point, or for whatever reason just want to get it out of my system because I feel almost like I'm trapped in a room without doing so... but I refrain. The reason is self discipline. I know it's inappropriate, I know it's going to cause a disturbance or take the discussion off track. I know it's going to hinder the person making a point no matter how much I disagree, that me interrupting them will surely hinder their points, and might even lose their focus on what they are talking about.... so I refrain.</p><p> </p><p> Hyper active children.... There are children that just can't sit still, can't go up stairs without running, etc. Yet they can learn self discipline, and if told enough times, and with proper consequences to their actions, will learn to walk up the stairs. I feel this same thing can be done with most children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. I of course believe half, if not more are miss diagnosed though. IF these normal ways of teaching self discipline don't work, and the child really has a problem, irregardless of consequences (meaning, they are aware of the consequences, but can't help themselves no matter what), then I believe other routes might need to be taken. </p><p> </p><p> The problem is parents don't have the time anymore, society in general doesn't have time to even notice it might be a problem. We are living in a society that moves 50 times faster then it did in say the 1980's. Shopping isn't something that takes hours, nor do people have the time to spend hours doing so. Most people that do, don't work, are retired, or what have you. Working people have things they must accomplish by a certain time, and these things will be done.... if they can't find what they want fast enough, they move on, perhaps get it somewhere else they know they can find it, or just go without til' at some point they do find it on accident.</p><p> </p><p> These things have an effect on the children, and instead of seeing this as the way things are going to be, I feel teacher's, or schools in general want to blame kids, parents OR ADD/ADHD for their not being able to compensate for all these problems. Instead of giving kids less work to do at home, they give them more... and without the learning tools (books) to do it with. They insist parents get more active, although that is almost impossible. The school system needs to adapt to the modern age, and realize people just don't have the time they used to have.</p><p> </p><p> Pretty hard to remember, but I remember a time when it was unusual for the mother to have a job. This day and age, it's unusual for them not to have one (as well as the father). Also, something that they (school systems) haven't seemed to grasp, is there are a lot more single parents then there was in the 50's.... Meaning, that was a problem when I was in school.</p><p> </p><p> School systems need to adapt, and realize that they have to teach self discipline in schools, and society needs to back them up with it. By teaching self discipline, I do not mean to cruelly make examples out of students, because that is NOT correct. You send them to a counselor in school that has proper training to deal with these things... </p><p> </p><p> I have all kinds of idea's on how to embrace kids with ADD/ADHD, and these same idea's can help determine if they are miss diagnosed or really have a problem, which to me is very important if your going to be handing out zombie drugs.</p>
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<p>All I recall you aggravating people is you acting like your reviews of shows were ever so important to everyone and like people should cherish and await them so eagerly, and posting dynasties based on TEW without actually using it and posting them in the TEW section.</p><p> </p><p>

I'd imagine you are some maybe 13-15 year old kid that goes around on here where the consensus of people are older than that, therefore are more mature. Every kid can claim they have ADHD and can't control themselves, and I'm sorry but they can. I was "diagnosed" and had pills shoved down my throat to turn me into a zombie. Eventually I stopped taking them and guess what I'm fine? It's not an excuse. Most people cannot keep a diary going, but it isn't a matter of ADHD, it is a lot of work to keep up on and you lose interest. The way to solve having a million is to just NOT HAVE THEM, not switch between one and another, or keep one for yourself.</p><p> </p><p>

I myself joined at I believe 15 but I never went around doing the stuff you have done to irritate people and in my few years here IO haven't made any enemies. It's a matter of maturity, not ADHD. </p><p> </p><p>

This thread isn't neccesary and go ahead and call me the bad guy, but just start doing it, don't say you are going to. I have no quarrel with you whatsoever, but blaming your immaturity on ADHD or whatever is just silly and frustrated me.</p>

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