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[HYPE]Risky Business (January 1985)

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I always love historical and fictional mods (like iDomination). I can't wait to play as Pacific Northwest Wrestling. My home area will actually be relevant in professional wrestling again! Yay!


Well if there's anything about the Portland territory that's inaccurate whenever I do release this, you be sure to let me know. :D It's funny you mention PNW because the other day I made a couple of Organic cuts of Steve Doll and Rex King from their very early days to fit better with the time they debuted in the wrestling world. I also fixed Don Owen's personality to be a positive influence given what all the wrestlers who worked for him had to say about him, with Roddy Piper going so far as to not wrestle at WWF shows that were in Portland, even if PNW wasn't running that night. I don't think that calls for a worker to be a negative influence, which is what Don Owen has been set in historical mods for some reason.

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May not get all the future workers done by tomorrow, but progress is still going swimmingly nonetheless. And most importantly, while it's been work, I'm having fun making the mod right now. Hopefully it'll be just as fun for everyone to play. Pretty much got all the GLOW girls retooled. There were a scant few that didn't make the cut because there was hardly any info on them, zero pics for them and from my research, didn't really make an impact on the show anyway. However, upon release, if anybody finds any GLOW girls that they felt were important to the show are missing, then feel free to bring it to my attention. And people can say what they want about GLOW, but it did make promoters realize that women have a place in wrestling; they played up their characters and made themselves stand out, something that today's WWE Divas and TNA Knockouts could take some notes on; and while the WWF may have done some skits here and there, GLOW really got the on the ball with them, and I think it's safe to say that WWF and later on WCW took notice, and we saw more and more skits in the Big Two that helped advance storylines. And I always thought that either Hollywood or Vine, or heck, even both, would've been great valets for Shawn Michaels after he broke away from Sherri Martel.
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May not get all the future workers done by tomorrow, but progress is still going swimmingly nonetheless. And most importantly, while it's been work, I'm having fun making the mod right now. Hopefully it'll be just as fun for everyone to play. Pretty much got all the GLOW girls retooled. There were a scant few that didn't make the cut because there was hardly any info on them, zero pics for them and from my research, didn't really make an impact on the show anyway. However, upon release, if anybody finds any GLOW girls that they felt were important to the show are missing, then feel free to bring it to my attention. And people can say what they want about GLOW, but it did make promoters realize that women have a place in wrestling; they played up their characters and made themselves stand out, something that today's WWE Divas and TNA Knockouts could take some notes on; and while the WWF may have done some skits here and there, GLOW really got the on the ball with them, and I think it's safe to say that WWF and later on WCW took notice, and we saw more and more skits in the Big Two that helped advance storylines. And I always thought that either Hollywood or Vine, or heck, even both, would've been great valets for Shawn Michaels after he broke away from Sherri Martel.


Some of GLOW girls has no picture in your 88 mod,

so I made it myself with youtube captures.

You can use it if you want.




These three were my favorite, so I remade their pictures.




I also liked heavy metal sisters, but in your mod

chainsaw is still in business while spike is not.

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I'll use the Headhunters and Ebony since I didn't have pics of them originally. I added that Spanish Red pic as an alternate cut if people wanted to use that. Do you have the original source pic for Royal Hawaiian from before you cropped it? I was going to tweak it to make it more consistent with how Organics are usually cut.
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I'll use the Headhunters and Ebony since I didn't have pics of them originally. I added that Spanish Red pic as an alternate cut if people wanted to use that. Do you have the original source pic for Royal Hawaiian from before you cropped it? I was going to tweak it to make it more consistent with how Organics are usually cut.


Glad to hear youre gonna use it, I love your 88 mod.

About royal hawaiian, I am sorry, deleted the source already.

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Just got done watching the GLOW documentary, and it got me to thinking how I should handle the pop of the Yet to Debut female workers who worked for them. So far I've decided that I'll have them debut in November 1985 (save for Matilda the Hun, who had already been wrestling before GLOW). But since GLOW was an entertainment based company, that means that popularity outweighs performance as far as grades go, and it would be a struggle for someone who wanted to play as GLOW down the line and had a roster full of women with zero pop (this is assuming of course they wanted to play with the roster GLOW had in real life).


I wouldn't expect this to be a problem because the AI I'm sure will sign workers who have pop. From the looks of it, GLOW seems to be like TNA in that there doesn't seem to be a surefire way to truly replicate how that company was in real life in the game with the way the TEW mechanics are. This is a company that had women that nobody ever seen or heard of, and they practically became overnight sensations. Apparently they were even getting as many, and in some markets more, viewers as the other syndicated wrestling shows of the day. So all this said, do I leave the future workers who in real life worked for GLOW at zero pop and just let the chips fall where they may? Give them some pop in the Southwest USA region? Either way, it's something I'll keep an eye on when I eventually run tests.

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Ehhh, I'd leave them at zero. Outside of GLOW, those women never really went anywhere really.


That's what I'm thinking. Besides, I am starting off GLOW as a Local sized company. Something interesting I learned from listening to Steve Austin's podcast when he had Little Egypt on, much like all the other wrestlers back in the day, they came up with how the matches played out themselves (save for the finish, of course). That doesn't mean I'm going to shoot their psychology up to ridiculous levels. :p And on a side note, I managed to grab a good picture of Sting and Warrior in their Blade Runner personas and they have been given the Organic cut treatment to be included in the picture pack. :D

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And on a side note, I managed to grab a good picture of Sting and Warrior in their Blade Runner personas and they have been given the Organic cut treatment to be included in the picture pack. :D


Mah gawd. That sounds awesome.


I could be wrong, but if my memory doesn't fail me, psychology doesn't have to be all that high to call in the ring if it's a smaller fed. So if you have GLOW as local or even small, the psychologys shouldn't need to be all that high.

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That's what I'm thinking. Besides, I am starting off GLOW as a Local sized company. Something interesting I learned from listening to Steve Austin's podcast when he had Little Egypt on, much like all the other wrestlers back in the day, they came up with how the matches played out themselves (save for the finish, of course). That doesn't mean I'm going to shoot their psychology up to ridiculous levels. :p And on a side note, I managed to grab a good picture of Sting and Warrior in their Blade Runner personas and they have been given the Organic cut treatment to be included in the picture pack. :D


Ugh. Hurry up :mad::p


Blade Runners are going to kick some Road Warrior butt!

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Ugh. Hurry up :mad::p


Blade Runners are going to kick some Road Warrior butt!


I would hurry up, but real life is getting in the way too. :p I am using as much free time as I can, and Sundays are when I get the bulk of my work done. ^_^


Mah gawd. That sounds awesome.


I could be wrong, but if my memory doesn't fail me, psychology doesn't have to be all that high to call in the ring if it's a smaller fed. So if you have GLOW as local or even small, the psychologys shouldn't need to be all that high.


That's what I started thinking. I'll probably leave everyone where they are then, and see how it plays out when testing.

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I would hurry up, but real life is getting in the way too. :p I am using as much free time as I can, and Sundays are when I get the bulk of my work done. ^_^


I'm just busting your chops, but I am pumped for the release when it comes :)

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I'm just busting your chops, but I am pumped for the release when it comes :)


I know. :D And believe me, I want to get this done too because I have some ideas for playing as the WWF. Don't know if I want to spoil it because I think I may take a break from modding to do a diary of my game from this mod. I will say it involves Hulk Hogan, Bobby Heenan and Nikita Koloff. That's all I'm going to say. :D

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I know. :D And believe me, I want to get this done too because I have some ideas for playing as the WWF. Don't know if I want to spoil it because I think I may take a break from modding to do a diary of my game from this mod. I will say it involves Hulk Hogan, Bobby Heenan and Nikita Koloff. That's all I'm going to say. :D


"The Brain" corrupts Hulkamania, leading to a new power coming up from the previously despised Soviet, and Nikitamania begins to run wild!!


"In Nikita's Soviet, vitamin take you!!!"

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Hi, still expecting your 85 mod here.

by the way, some of well known great bouts like

ricky-savage, hogan-andre have 'neutral' chemistry in your 88 database.

was it inteded to?


Savage and Steamboat didn't have great chemistry, it was two great workers working against each other. Same with Andre and Hogan. It's just to prevent the RNG from making them have bad chemistry when you fire up a game.

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Savage and Steamboat didn't have great chemistry, it was two great workers working against each other. Same with Andre and Hogan. It's just to prevent the RNG from making them have bad chemistry when you fire up a game.


That pretty much sums it up. And I tried to keep from putting a ton of chemistries in, only setting neutrals for the big name matches/feuds/teams/managers & clients. Right now, Hogan/Piper is one neutral chemistry I have set. I can't remember any others off the top of my head.

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