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JCP 1988 - The Alliance Fights Back (a TGA... and Beyond Diary)

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Official NWA Monthly Rankings

Last updated: November 20, 1988


Main Event


01. Tully Blanchard (NWA World Champion)

02. Ric Flair

03. The Honky Tonk Man (AWA World Champion)

04. Dusty Rhodes

05. Larry Zbyszko

06. Don 'The Rock' Muraco (US Champion)

07. Terry Gordy (NWA World Tag Team Champion)

08. Dick Murdoch

09. Barry Windham

10. Arn Anderson

11. Sgt. Slaughter

12. Michael Hayes (NWA World Tag Team Champion)

13. Bob Orton Jr.

14. Dynamite Kid


Upper Midcard


15. Bam Bam Bigelow

16. Adrian Adonis

17. Ken Patera

18. Stan Lane

19. Ron Simmons

20. Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka

21. Blackblood

22. Austin Idol

23. Buddy Rose

24. Hector Guerrero (NWA US Tag Team Champion)

25. Kevin Sullivan

26. Kerry Von Erich

27. Lex Luger

28. Big Boss Man

29. Greg Gagne

30. Harley Race




31. Kevin Von Erich

32. Tommy Rich

33. Jimmy Garvin

34. Terry Taylor (TV Champion)

35. Doug Somers

36. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger (NWA Cruiserweight Champion)

37. Brian Blair

38. Cocoa Samoa

39. Ron Garvin

40. Ivan Koloff

41. Eddie Gilbert

42. Jerry Blackwell

43. Chris Adams

44. Larry Cameron

45. Sika

46. Afa

47. Steve Keirn

48. Mike Graham

49. Bobby Jaggers

50. Kendall Windham


Lower Midcard


51. The Lord of Pain

52. Black Bart

53. Chris Champion

54. Steve Simpson

55. Dustin Rhodes

56. Sean Royal

57. Brad James

58. Shaun Simpson

59. Shashka Whatley

60. Tracy Smothers

61. Sid Vicious


Openers & Enhancement


62. Steve Armstrong

63. Tanaka

64. Johnny Ace

65. Audie Hager

66. Mark Starr

67. Dixie Scott

68. The Terminator

69. Art Barr

70. Doug E. Doug

71. Jalyn

72. Robbie Brookside


Tag Teams


01. The Fabulous Freebirds (NWA Tag Team Champions)

02. ????

03. The Guerrero Brothers (US Tag Team Champions)

04. The Von Erichs

05. The British Bruisers

06. Buddy Rose & Doug Somers

07. ????

08. The Enemy

09. The Fabulous Ones

10. The Masters of Pain

11. The Wild Samoans

12. The West Texas Rednecks

13. The New Breed

14. The Simpson Brothers

15. The Southern Boys

16. The Orient Express



Other Staff


Billy Robinson - Road Agent

Blackjack Lanza - Road Agent

Blackjack Mulligan - Manager (Kendal Windham)

Boyd Pierce - Announcer

David Crockett - Personality

Dirty White Girl - Manager (Jimmy Garvin)

Earl Hebner - Referee

Gary Hart - Manager (Jimmy Snuka, Cocoa Samoa, Afa, Sika, Sid Vicious)

James J. Dillon - Manager (Lex Luger)

Jim Crockett Jr. - Authority Figure

Jim Ross - Announcer

Lou Albano - Manager (Dynamite Kid, Chris Adams, Stan Lane, Steve Keirn)

Magnum T.A. - Personality

Missy Hyatt - (Austin Idol)

Mr. T - Personality

Nick Bockwinkel (Colour Commentator)

Ole Anderson - Manager (Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham & Bob Orton Jr.)

Precious - Manager (Bam Bam Bigelow)

Tara - Backstage Interviewer

Teddy Long - Manager (Ron Simmons & Larry Cameron)

Tommy Young - Referee

Tony Schiavone - Backstage Interviewer

Verne Gagne - Road Agent

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In pre-show matches: The British Bruisers defeated The West Texas Hangmen in 7:13 (C+); Sid Vicious defeated Shaka Whatley in 1:14 (D-); and The Southern Boys defeated The Wild Samoans in 9:53 (D+)



Friday Night Showdown

November 25th, 1988

From The Von Braun Civic Center, Alabama

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT)


Announce Team: Jim Ross, Boyd Pierce & Nick Bockwinkel



Video Package:

The first in a series of Starrcade Highlight packages, this instalment showed us what happened in the US Title Match followed by the main event itself. The Nature Boy’s drubbing at the hands of the new look Four Horsemen somewhat overshadowing Don Muraco’s title win and Terry Taylor’s forced exit from the group.

(Grade: B-)


On the green screen:

We’re told that Ric Flair will be joining Nick Bockwinkel next week for an exclusive interview.

(Grade: B)


In the interview area:

The new NWA World Champion is here to talk tonight and he’s brought the rest of the new look Four Horsemen with him. Each man gets an opportunity to talk about why they did what they did. Bob Orton promises Terry Taylor that revenge will be slow and painful, Barry Windham explains that business is business, Arn Anderson says that blood is thicker than water, Ole Anderson wants the world to know that The Four Horsemen is about sharing a common goal, not supporting one man’s wants while Tully Blanchard declares that this is the dawn of a new age in wrestling and that the Four Horsemen are set to rule the world.

(Grade: C+)


Mike Graham vs. Brad James:

Brad James has been on a good roll since joining the NWA and his dominance continued against veteran cruiserweight Mike Graham. The commentators mention that if James can keep up this form, he must be wrestling his way into the commissioner’s attention and possibly title contention. A Russian Leg Sweep sealed victory for the city slicker.

Winner: Brad James at 6:09

(Grade: C)


In the interview area:

Harley Race meets with Tony Schiavone and outlines his manifesto for the future. He’s grown tired of watching overgrown muscleheads being given countless opportunities from now on the NWA is the home of wrestling again and he won’t rest until people like Mr. T. understand that this is no place for showbusiness. If Mr. T. is stupid enough to show up at an NWA show again, there’s no telling what he’ll do to him.

(Grade: B)


Tommy Rich vs Ken Patera:

Returning to the United States for his first match in a number of years, Ken Patera picks up where he left off by physically dominating his opponent. Tommy Rich, although a great wrestler in his own right, can’t seem to cope with Patera’s hard hitting style and despite a late flurry, found himself on the receiving end of a crippling bearhug that left him no choice but to quit.

Winner: Ken Patera at 6:40

(Grade: C+)


In-ring Interview:

After the match, Tara manages to grab a word with Ken Patera. Having barely broken a sweat, Patera points out that he’s in the peak of his physical condition and has come back to the NWA to show the world that he’s still the strongest man in wrestling… And he can back it up! Next week he wants anyone who thinks he’s strong enough to beat him in a car lifting competition… but to make it interesting he wants everyone taking part to put in $15,000 of their own money…. each!

(Grade: C+)


Backstage Interview:

Blackjack Mulligan tells us that his son Kendall is determined to get his own back on Arn Anderson for his attack last week and that he personally is disgusted with his eldest son Barry for siding with the Four Horsemen against his very own blood. Since he can’t kick his ass himself, he’s asked the two good friends next to him to do this for him… The Fabulous Ones are looking forward to getting some revenge for Kendall tonight!

(Grade: B-)


The Simpson Brothers vs. The Masters of Pain (w/ Woman & Kevin Sullivan):

The Prince of Darkness is present for his acolytes’ match-up with Texas’ second favourite brotherly tag team. And although his presence is always a distraction it’s not really needed as the big men seem to have this in the bag from the very beginning. Shaun Simpson eventually succumbs to ‘The Gallows’ as The Lord of Pain picks up the pinfall victory.

Winners: The Masters of Pain at 5:21

(Grade: D+)


Video Package:

More action from Starrcade, this time The Honky Tonk Man’s surprisingly clean victory over Larry Zbyszko.

(Grade: B-)



And we’re treated to more Honky Tonk fun as we’re invited to his victory parade… which consists of Honky being driven around Memphis waving excitedly to a confused and dis-interested general public from his open top convertible while insisting to his chauffeur that the crowd love him...

(Grade: B-)


‘The Living Legend’ Larry Zbyszko vs Buddy Rose (w/ Doug Somers):

Looking to bounce back from the crushing loss of his AWA title, Larry Zbyszko is in fine form against the ever dangerous Buddy Rose. Attempts to frustrate Zbyszko’s offence appear fruitless when, after a competitive bout, Rose finds himself unable to escape the clutches of the Larryland Dreamer.

Winners: Larry Zbyszko at 11:45

(Grade: B-)


In the interview area:

Dusty Rhodes is with his son Dustin and has some strong words for the Fabulous Freebirds. He tells them that they sunk to a new low last week and that he’s already asked his old friend Harley Race for a chance at retribution at the Clash of the Champions… but because the World Tag champs can only defend against a team holding gold at the event, he can’t oblige… Dusty promises this isn’t over though and he wants him and Dustin to be the men to take the titles off them… if they survive that long…

(Grade: A*)


The Fabulous Ones (w/ Blackjack Mulligan) vs Arn Anderson & Barry Windham (w/ Ole Anderson)

Few would’ve expected this particular pairing to be tagging this time last week but still Anderson & Windham are no strangers to the tag ranks and despite never having really worked together before are a dangerous combination. The Fabulous Ones have the edge when it comes to teamwork though and are unlucky not to take victory with a Savate kick square to Windham’s temple is broken at the last second by Anderson. And it’s Windham who has the last laugh, taking Keirn out with a crushing Lariat to put the seal on an excellent TV tag bout.

Winners: Barry Windham & Arn Anderson at 18:24

(Grade: B)


After the match:

The NWA World Champion Tully Blanchard and ‘Cowboy’ Bob Orton Jr. make their way to the ring to join their fellow Horsemen. Blanchard grabs at the house microphone and delivers a speech while his stablemates take turns destroying Lane and Keirn! He tells the two of them that they have some things in common with Ric Flair: they’re jealous of success and there’s nobody backstage who likes them enough to risk their necks for them. The crowd erupts as a blonde man sprints down to ringside with a steel chair… it’s not Ric Flair though, it’s Terry Taylor and he swings the chair straight for Orton’s head! Missing by inches, he uses the chair now as a shield as all five men advance on him… From out of the crowd comes ‘The Nature Boy’! And as he enters the ring, holding a baseball bat, the Horsemen bail out… pointing back at the two in the ring and exchanging threats as they back up to the dressing rooms.

(Grade: B-)



Overall Show Grade: B+



New look format to match TFC's approach... and I've got to be honest... it's a god send! This took me five minutes to upload! PPV's will still get the full picture treatment. Some news coming up next along with the montly magazine post. Thanks for all your feedback both in the thread and via PM. Glad that most of you seemed to enjoy it and hopefully the curve balls will make a little more sense in the next few weeks and months - this destiny is far from over! :)


I'm hoping joyfully that the Honky Tonk Man will have to defend now the AWA Heavyweight Championship... and become the GREATEST AWA WORLD CHAMPION in the history!


And also a shocker, Tully Blanchard becomes NWA World Champ, it seems that Flair will have revenge on him sooner or later.


Honky's never been shy at coming forward and if this week's victory parade and what he has planned over the next few weeks are anything to go by, he's going to be telling anyone who's willing to listen just how big a deal his being AWA champion is!


It's a funny thing about the Tully title switch, because I've been mapping it out for so long it seemed a pretty obvious booking move but I seem to have mis-stepped quite a few people with it. Hopefully it all makes sense sooner rather than later!


Wow Ritch, that was an incredible Starrcade! Every match was done to perfection, and I'm in awe of what you've done here. I will definitely be remembering this for next month's SOTM, because it deserves to win two spotlights for that one show! Truly a Starrcade to remember - let's see TFC try to top it now!


Thanks very much - I had a lot of fun writing that card and trying to make all of the main events in particular a little bit epic in their own way.


Amazing Starrcade!!!


Cheers! It was about time the grandaddy of them all reached Wrestlemania levels for game changing moments I thought!


I have to assume you're holding off on a title unification for now.


I just realized that we now have a version of the Four Horsemen WITHOUT Ric Flair....surely the universe is about to implode!


Yes, the title unification was a red herring... for the time being... my original plan was to unite the NWA and AWA world titles at Starrcade with the Ric/Tully match... but I figured that with the Horsemen story already there it didn't need the titles to sell it - it gives me a chance to book an NWA vs AWA story at some point in the future while still having two important Main Event level titles to book (three if you count the US title)


And yeah, a Horsemen without The Nature Boy does seem odd... but if it was ever going to happen it would've been at this point in history. And I think a twisted version of events with the group that Flair created out to destroy him (and vice versa) gives me a good six months of stories to pull on.


absolutely awesome card. I bet Verne Gagne is spinning on his head right now after seeing HTM win his beloved AWA title. BUT the title win is richly deserved. Here's hoping for a long title run so he can claim to be the greatest of all time.


It actually is well deserved in game terms. He's been my lead heel for months (rating higher than Tully until the Title win pushed him to the top of the ladder) and turning in great ratings with no problems backstage. I'm hoping that Dynamite can learn a thing or two from him... and so far so good...


Just read Starrcade!! Incredible show man!! I'm not familiar with the era, or some of the characters but my God did I hate Mr. T on that show!!! Who does he think he is?! lolol...


I really liked The Rock vs Orton, and Albano's Army vs. Gary Hart's Players was interesting too, the way eliminations occurred. Who is Cocoa Samoa by the way? Overall, a great read, and if DOTM nominations were still running, I'd give this show a nomination for sure!!!!


Thanks very much - Mr. T. is going to stay involved for a little while for sure - he's the very embodiment of what Vince McMahon has done to wrestling and my user character hates Vince... loathes him in fact so will take every chance he can to have a crack at him!


Thanks for the love for the Albano/Hart match-up too. I enjoyed writing that (even if it was a bit of a dig at the Survivor Series) and was primarily a vehicle for Sid.

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To be completely honest, I was kinda hoping to see the group's name change, causing a "new day" sort of thing, getting away from the group Flair helped build. But the Horsemen is nothing if not a revolving door in some incarnations, so I'm excited.


And yes, I am loving having a short style format... even if I've only been able to use it for one show so far... it took me practically an hour to write a full SN/ME post, and that's way better than the week or more that it took before!

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Despite a month filled with critically acclaimed shows and a real sense that the group are on the verge of something big, Jim Crockett Promotions have posted a loss for the month - this is seen as something of a bitter blow by insiders and although the $58,000 posting in the red is certainly justified given the addition of the 'flagship house show' and increased production costs for Starrcade, it's still indicative of how finely balanced the NWA is in terms of success and failure.





Following recent failed attempts at a buyout of Jim Crockett Promotions by media mogul Ted Turner, the Atlanta based business man has decided to launch his own grappling group. Despite being named World Championship Wrestling, the group are felt to be very much American only at this stage and are no relation to the defunct Australian outfit of the 1970s.


WCW plan to announce a roster shortly and speculation is flying as to who will turn out for the newstart promotion.




After winning the Super Grade Tag League with partner Riki Choshu, Antonio Inoki is said to have stunned the New Japan lockeroom by announcing that he is stepping aside as head booker for the group!


The search for Inoki's replacement is underway with Choshu himself seen as a front runner along with Hiro Matsuda. It remains to be seen though if Inoki wants to really shake his group up and poach someone from All Japan or even the United States?




NWA opener Mark Starr has been pointed out as a 'kid with all the potential in the world' and when it's former NWA World Champion Harley Race saying that? You need to stop and listen! The current on-air Commissioner for the NWA has taken Starr under his wing as a protege following the most recent TV show taping.




JCP have taken great pride in Starrcade's record breaking 0.50 buy rate and have been loudly crowing that this is the beginning of something special. It's a 0.05 rise on the Lethal Lottery and has almost doubled the 0.26 that Starrcade 87 picked up (headlined by Ric Flair's title retention over head booker at the time Dusty Rhodes).


Since Ole Anderson took over the book the shows have risen in buy rates from 0.33 for NWA Resolve in March and continued to peak month after month.


It's been a similar story on television with the 5.97 rating on TBS this week the highest rating the show has picked up in years.


The steady increase in viewership and PPV buy rates is a sign that the NWA are perhaps starting to truly fight back against the global WWF juggernaut but have a long, long way to go!


Around the Wrestling World


Title Changes


WWF World Heavyweight - Jake Roberts d. Ricky Steamboat


NWA World Heavyweight (JCP) - Tully Blanchard d. Ric Flair

AWA World Heavyweight (JCP) - Honky Tonk Man d. Larry Zbyszko

NWA US Heavyweight (JCP) - Don Muraco d. Bob Orton

NWA US Tag Team (JCP) - The Guerrero Brothers d. The Enemy


Super Grade Tag League (NJPW) - Riki Choshu & Antonio Inoki d. The Extinction Agenda


UWA World Middleweight - Villano IV d. Espanto Jr.


USPW World - The Barbarian d. Wendell Cooley


WCWA World Heavyweight - Mike Von Erich d. Kevin Von Erich

WCWA Six-Man Tag Team - Vacated


GLOW Tag Team - Corporal Kelly & Amy the Farmer's Daughter d. Chainsaw & Spike


WWC Women's - Luna Vachon d. Sasha


Match of the Month


WWF: Roddy Piper, British Bulldog & The Hart Brothers d. Ted DiBiase, The Undertaker, Rick Rude & Hercules (99)

JCP: Tully Blanchard d. Ric Flair (97) / Honky Tonk Man d. Larry Zbyszko (97)

NJPW: Choshu & Inoki d. The Extinction Agenda (91)


AJPW: The Road Warriors d. Akira Maeda & Giant Baba (82)

UWA: Perro Aguayo d. Dos Caras (81)


ASW (UK): Kendo Nagasaki d. Drew McDonald (78)

CMLL: Kung Fu d. El Satanico (75)

SWC: Chris Benoit d. Hashif Khan (73)

JPUK: Giant Haystacks d. Fit Finlay (72)


WCWA: Mike Von Erich d. Kevin Von Erich (68)

WWA Mexico: Enrique Vera d. Atlantis (66)

PNW: Manny Fernandez d. Mike Miller (65)

CWA (EUR): Klaus Wallas d. Otto Wanz (64)

CWA: Ayala & Whatley d. Johnson & Rich (62)


WWA: Calypso Jim d. Austin Idol (59)

CCW: Kevin Von Erich d. Keith Hart (58)

CSW: Tom Zenk d. Super Ninja (58)

UWF: The Angel of Death d. Iceman King Parsons (57)

WWC: Invader #2 d. Jason the Terrible (56)

ASW: Billy Two Eagles d. Dirty Dan Denton (54)

USPW: Buddy Landel & The Barbarian d. Wendell Cooley & David Sammartino (52)


GLOW: Palestina, Red & Mountain Fiji d. Beastie, Sally & Envy (48)


Show of the Month


1. JCP Starrcade 1988 (98)

2. WWF Survivor Series 1988 (97)

3. NJPW Super Grade Tag League (89)

4. AJPW Key to Champion (80)

5. UWA Perdido En Espacio (79)

6. CMLL Mal Habito (74)

7. ASW (UK) Uprising (68)

8. JPUK Straight to Hell (64)

9. WWA Mexico Way of the Warrior II (63)

10. WCWA Thanksgiving Star Wars (62)

10. CWA (EUR) WrestleNation 1988 (62)

10. SWC Bravado (62)

13. CWA Living in Sin (60)

14. PNW Drop the Bomb (59)

15. WWA Final Crisis (58)

16. GLOW Back by Demand (57)

17. CSW Time to Kill (55)

18. UWF Big Battle (54)

19. USPW Get in the Ring (53)

20. CCW Immortality 1988 (51)

21. ASW Stay Hungry (50)

22. WWC Ground Zero II (49)


Other News: Arrivals


WWF: Brian Adams (Written)

WWF: Denny Brown (PPA)

WWF: Jimmy Del Ray (PPA)

WWF: Silver King (PPA)


JCP: 'Diamond' Dallas Page (Written)

JCP: Sgt. Slaughter (Written)

JCP: Ken Patera (Written)

JCP: Adrian Adonis (Written)

JCP: Audie Hager (PPA)

JCP: Doug Gilbert (PPA)


USPW: Brian Adams (Developmental)


WCWA: Wahoo McDaniel (PPA)

WCWA: Tony Anthony (PPA)

WCWA: Robert Fuller (PPA)


CWA: Blackjack Mulligan (PPA)


CCW: Brad Rheingans (PPA)

CCW: Steve Cox (PPA)

CCW: Shaun Simpson (PPA)

CCW: Billy Jack Haynes (PPA)


CSW: Tully Blanchard (Loan)


Other News: Departures


WWF: Vic Steamboat

WWF: 2 Cold Scorpio


JCP: Wahoo McDaniel

JCP: Jimmy Valiant

JCP: Bob Armstrong


WCWA: Al Perez

WCWA: Brian Adams


UWF: Ric Flair (Loan)


PNW: The American Ninja


CCW: Norvell Austin

CCW: Tennessee Stud

CCW: Tony Anthony


CSW: Brenda Britton


Other News: Injuries


Itsuki Yamazaki - Bicep Rip (2 Months, 2 Weeks)


Other News: Retirements


Donna Christenello

Bugsy McGraw


Other News: New Workers


Rockin' Rebel

Terri Powers

Apolo Dantes

Mima Shimoda



Other News: Misc


Princess Paula and Terry Rudge are now enemies

Otto Wanz and Pierre Williams are no longer close friends

Animal Hamaguchi is accepting employment offers


For more detailed information on the WWF – check out The Final Countdown’s diary here:

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New look format to match TFC's approach... and I've got to be honest... it's a god send! This took me five minutes to upload! PPV's will still get the full picture treatment. Some news coming up next along with the montly magazine post. Thanks for all your feedback both in the thread and via PM. Glad that most of you seemed to enjoy it and hopefully the curve balls will make a little more sense in the next few weeks and months - this destiny is far from over! :)

Five minutes? :eek: It took me significantly longer than that (though I was creating the template as I went.) It definitely seems like it'll be a lot easier to work with though.


And yeah, a Horsemen without The Nature Boy does seem odd... but if it was ever going to happen it would've been at this point in history. And I think a twisted version of events with the group that Flair created out to destroy him (and vice versa) gives me a good six months of stories to pull on.

Oh, for sure. I think it's a great twist, and it's perfectly logical given everything that's happened. It's just surreal to think of the Horsemen without Flair.


One of the things I was interested in was seeing what you were going to do with Terry Taylor, and if this show is any indication, his profile won't be diminished any just because he's no longer a Horseman.

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I've been on a bit of a diary binge of late and I'm very happy to have finally caught up with this. As I was reading through the build-up to Starrcade I honestly thought that you wouldn't have both big belts switch - especially after the unification tease. As I was reading through I thought that you might have Tully win but of the two this was the biggest shock (given Honky had just won I was convinced Flair would retain). I'm really intrigued by the prospect of a Flair-free Horsemen.


Anyway. Starrcade was absolutely fantastic and really showed that you are on the cusp of being on the WWF's level. It'll be a struggle to keep the shows up at that level without blowing through all your big matches too quickly. Definitely have faith that you'll give TFC a good challenge over the long term. KUTGW!

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