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WWE: Civil War

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Its the fall of 2003 and the face of the American wrestling scene has been forever changed by the purchase of WCW two years before. What had promised to be the new golden era of wrestling with matches that had never been seen before quickly burned out with the failed InVasion. Seeking competition from within the Brand Split was developed pitting RAW versus Smackdown for supremacy in the company.


Following Summerslam, Evoution rules RAW with Triple H fending off a continuing challenge from Goldberg. On Smackdown WWE Champion Kurt Angle was upset by Brock Lesnar when Lesnar’s old agent Paul Heyman interfered in their title match. With both World Championships in the hands of dominant and formidable Superstars the stage is set for the Brand Split Era.


A civil war which may do what every other promotion had failed to do: Destroy the WWE---this time from within.

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Sunday Night Heat Matches:

  • Matt Hardy def Zach Gowen
  • Rey Mysterio def Shannon Moore to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship



SummerSlam Matches:


  • La Resistance def The Dudley Boyz to retain the World Tag Team Championship
  • The Undertaker def A-Train w/Sable
  • Shane McMahon def Raw Co-General Manager Eric Bischoff
  • Eddie Guerrero def Chris Benoit, Rhyno and Tajiri in a Fatal Fourway Match to retain the WWE United States Championship
  • Brock Lesnar def Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship when Paul Heyman interfered helping Lesnar to win
  • Kane def Rob Van Dam in a No Holds Barred Match following a tombstone onto the ring steps
  • Triple H w/Ric Flair def Kevin Nash, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Goldberg in an Elimination Chamber Match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

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Co-General Manager: Eric Bischoff

Co-General Manager: Stone Cold Steve Austin


World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

Intercontinental Champion: Matt Hardy

Women's Champion: Lita

World Tag Team Champions: La Resistance (Renee Dupree & Sylvain Grenier)


Al Snow---Announcer

Batista (H)

Booker T (F)

Bubba Ray Dudley (F)

Chad Patton---Referee

Christian (H)

Chris Jericho (H)

D-Von Dudley (F)

Earl Hebner---Referee

Gail Kim (H)

Garrison Cade (H)

Goldberg (F)

Jack Doan ---Referee

Jacqueline (F)

Jazz (H)

Jerry Lawler---Announcer

Jim Ross---Announcer

Jon Heidenreich (F)

Jonathan Coachman

Kane (H)

Lillian Garcia---Ring Announcer

Lita (F)

Mark Henry (H)

Mark Jindrak (H)

Matt Hardy (H)

Mick Foley----Personality

Mike Chioda---Referee

Miss Jackie (H)

Molly Holly (H)

Randy Orton (H)

Ric Flair (H)

Rob Van Dam (F)

Robert Conway (H)

Rodney Mack (H)

Rosey (F)

Scott Steiner (F)

Shannon Moore (H)

Shawn Michaels (F)

Spike Dudley (F)

Stacy Keibler (F)—Personality

Stevie Richards (F)

Test (H)

The Hurricane (F)

The Rock (H)

Theodore Long (H)--Manager

Trish Stratus (H)

Val Venis (F)

Victoria (H)

William Regal (H)






General Manager: Stephanie McMahon



WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar

WWE United States Champion: Eddie Guerrero

WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Champions: The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)


Akio (H)

A-Train (H)

Billy Gunn (F)

Billy Kidman (F)

Bradshaw (F)

Brian Hebner—Referee

Brian Kendrick (F)

Charles Robinson ---Referee

Chavo Guererro (F)

Chris Benoit (F)

Chuck Palumbo (H)

Danny Basham (H)

Dawn Marie (H)---Manager

Doug Basham (H)

Edge (F)

Funaki (F)

Hardcore Holly (F)

Jamie Noble (H)

Jimmy Korderas----Referee

John Cena (H)

Johnny Stamboli (H)

Justin Roberts ---Ring Announcer

Kurt Angle (F)

Matt Morgan (H)

Michael Cole ---Announcer

Mr. McMahon---WWE Chairman

Nick Patrick ---Referee

Nidia (H)--Manager

Nunzio (H)

Orlando Jordan (F)

Paul Heyman (H) ---Manager

Paul London (F)

Rhyno (H)

Rikishi (F)

Ron Simmons (F)


Sakoda (H)

Scotty 2 Hotty (F)

Shaniqua (H)---Manager

Taijiri (H)


The Big Show (H)

The Undertaker (F)

Tim White----Referee

Torrie Wilson----Interviewer

Ultimo Dragon (F)

Zach Gowen (F)




Road Agents


Arn Anderson

Dave Finlay

Dave Hebner

Dean Malenko

Gerald Brisco

Jack Lanza

Pat Patterson

John Laurinaitis

Michael Hayes

Tony Garea

Sgt. Slaughter

Steve Lombardi

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The Dirtsheet


-Look for WWE Talent Relations to expand the roster, with both fresh and familiar faces, though the debut of such people are likely to be considerably spaced out.


-The Brand-solo Pay Per View system will continue with each Brand having four of its own shows and sharing the four major shows. RAW will have the months of September, December, April, and June while Smackdown will take October, February, May, and July.


-Word backstage is that Summerslam was considered a big success but it will also lay the groundwork for the fall programs. Expect Evolution-Goldberg and Lesnar-Angle to continue.


-John Cena has impressed Smackdown officials and may be in line for a championship program of some kind.


-Both Raw and Smackdown will be using new backstage interviewers. We can confirm Smackdown's will be Torrie Wilson.


-The Rock is finishing up filming a movie but will likely be back before the end of the year.


-Sunday Night Heat and Velocity results along with ratings for both RAW and Smackdown will be a staple of news here at WNE.


-WrestleMania XX is holding special attention of WWE officials who our sources say want to make it the most memorable WrestleMania in history.


-Tickets for WrestleMania XX, held at NYC's Madison Square Garden will go on sale the same week as Survivor Series in November.


-The finishes for both title matches at Summerslam were originally switched with Goldberg winning the Elimination Chamber and Kurt Angle retaining the title against Brock Lesnar. There is no word as to why Lesnar took the title but our source says Triple H himself convinced Vince McMahon to reverse course and allow him to retain claiming that Goldberg continuing the chase would be bigger than a victory, which did not sit well with Bill Goldberg.

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Triple H (Barely) Escaped Summerslam, Will He Escape Raw?


Last night at Summerslam Triple H barely retained the World Heavyweight Championship in an Elimination Chamber match that Goldberg dominated. The Game still has the championship but you have to figure Goldberg will be out for blood. Kane destroyed Rob Van Dam in a no holds barred match at Summerslam; tonight we will get an update on the condition of RVD.


Also, Women's Champion Molly Holly will defend against Jacqueline and The Hurricane and Booker T will square off to be the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship.


What will happen when Raw rolls into the America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona? Find out tonight LIVE on Spike TV at 9/8c.



Women's Championship: Molly Holly © vs Jacqueline

#1 Contender - IC Title: The Hurricane vs Booker T

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Monday; September, Week 1 - America West Arena - Phoenix, Arizona




A video is shown of highlights from last night at SummerSlam. In particular the Shane vs Bischoff match (with Coachman’s heel turn), Kane’s tombstone of RVD onto ring steps and Triple H surviving the Elimination Chamber to remain World Heavyweight Champion. Grade: 81




We go live to outside the arena where a long black limousine is arriving. Ric Flair, Randy Orton and the World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H step out all smiles. They high five each other as they walk into the arena. Grade: 75




The Raw opening signature by Union Underground plays and the camera cuts to the pyro shooting onto the stage and the crowd coming alive and we are live from Phoenix, Arizona just 24 hours removed from SummerSlam.




“I'm back and better than ever”


The crowd comes rings a chorus of books as Raw’s Co-General Manager, Eric Bischoff who is bruised and has a black eye from his encounter with Shane McMahon last night, comes out to the ring. He looks pleased.


Bischoff- “What a great night tonight is. Yes I may be bruised and I may be sore all over but two things make this Raw extra special: Stone Cold Steve Austin has been summoned to WWE Headquarters so I'm in charge all by myself tonight and Triple H is still the World Heavyweight Champion!"


“And what a historic feat it was last night at Summerslam. Triple H survived 5 other men in my creation, the Elimination Chamber, to remain Raw's champion. I could not be more proud. But you know what? We do need a number one contender which is why tonight....”


Goldberg's music cuts off Bischoff as a very angry Goldberg comes out with a bandage on his forehead from the beating from Evolution at SummerSlam. He grab's Bischoff's microphone from him.


Goldberg- “I'll make this real simple for ya, Eric. Triple H. Me. World Heavyweight Title. Tonight.” (the crowd comes alive but Eric shakes his head)


Bischoff- “I'm sorry Bill but that is just not going to happen because you see you were impressive, damn impressive last night. You dominated from the moment you exited your chamber but you know what? You failed to get the job done. So I am sorry but I cannot grant you a one-on-one match with Triple H for the World Title tonight. But here's what I can do - and this was my big announcement before you interrupted me. You can compete tonight in our main event.....along side fourteen other Raw superstars in an over the top rope Battle Royal. And the winner of that match will be the #1 Contender and will face Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship at Raw's next pay per view, Unforgiven!”


Goldberg- “Fine….I'll jump through your little hoop tonight, Eric. But when I win that battle royal Triple H's ass is mine.”


Goldberg shoves the microphone in Bischoff's chest and Eric looks a little nervous. Our main event tonight is a 15 man battle royal for the right to become the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship! Grade: 84




In the back Mickie James, a brand new member of the Raw Announce Team, is with World Tag Team Champions La Resistance and their mystery man from Last Night. Sylvain and Renee introduce us to Robert Conway - an American who saw the light and now pledges loyalty to France. He is the third member of La Resistance as our movement continues. And they will show France's superiority when they take on all three Dudley Boyz tonight. Grade: 53




JR & King remind us that later on tonight in our main event there will be a 15 man over the top rope battle royal to determine the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at Unforgiven. Grade: 75






Raw returns and JR & King thank Metallica for the use of their song, "St. Anger", last night as it was the official theme song for SummerSlam. Grade: 72




Women's Championship

Jacqueline vs Molly Holly ©


A pretty tough and hard hitting match. Jacqueline dominates early and gets several near falls before Molly bails to the floor. On the floor she runs from Jacqueline and Jackie gives chase back into the ring where Molly drops an elbow on her neck and begins take over. A back breaker and a neck lock weaken's Jackie but Molly misses a clothesline and Jacqueline responds back with a body press. Jackie goes for a ddt but Molly reverses it and rolls Jacqueline up and hooks the bottom rope for the 3 count.


Winner by Pinfall and still Women's Champion: Molly Holly


Molly celebrates in the aisle while Jacqueline looks angry at being screwed. Grade: 52




In the back we see The Hurricane walk into Booker T’s locker room. Hurricane says that he and Booker are friends but Eric Bischoff has placed them in a one on one match for a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Booker tells Hurricane man to man that he will do what it takes to win that shot. Hurricane says he would expect nothing less. They shake hands and that match is… next. Grade: 53






We return and JR & King take us back to the concluding moments of Shane McMahon vs Eric Bischoff last night at SummerSlam where Jonathan Coachman shocked the world by aligning himself with Bischoff. They wonder what in the hell has gotten over Jonathan Coachman. Grade: 76



In the back Mickie is with Jonathan and he said that he was tired of being just an announcer waiting for Jim Ross to croak so he could take his spotlight. Instead Mr. Bischoff has granted him the right to do more. Jonathan Coachman is now looking to take a lucky Raw superstar to the promised land. That search begins now. Grade: 54




#1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship

The Hurricane vs Booker T


A surprisingly even contest with The Hurricane holding his own against the former WCW Champion. The finish comes when Booker was going for the Scissors Kick but Hurricane side steps it and locks Booker in for a Hurri-Slam and as he does.....


LIVE FOR THE MOMENT comes on as the crowd is shocked to see MATT HARDY & SHANNON MOORE on Raw.


They come out to the stage and behind them comes a beaming Eric Bischoff. Bischoff says that man he has trumped Smackdown and Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie took her eyes off the ball and allowed Matt Hardy and his MF’er Shannon’s contract to expire and Smackdown’s loss is Raw’s gain. Say hello to the newest members of the Raw roster. Now this match is over but here is what I am going to do. Booker, Hurricane you two are in the battle royal tonight but should you fail to win the right to challenge Triple H for the World Title you two will compete at Unforgiven against each other and Christian and Raw’s newest star the Sensi of Mattitude, Matt Hardy in a fatal fourway match for the Intercontinental Championship!! He high fives Matt as Booker and Hurricane just look shocked. Grade: 68




http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/WWE/Raw/rvdupdate_zps60ff1964.jpg Grade: 76







In the back Triple H is pacing around his locker room clearly worried because he doesn't like this battle royal main event. Ric tells the Champ to calm down because they always have a plan. Triple H and Ric smile at that statement. Grade: 79




JR and King are at the announce table and tell us that Rob Van Dam was taken to a local medical facility but they never get to finish that statement as Kane's pyro scares everyone and he comes out...


On the titantron is the image of Kane delivering a tombstone onto Rob Van Dam onto the ring steps. Kane just stands there looking at it and then begins to maniacally laugh….. And the lights go out. ….When they come back on Shane McMahon is in the ring behind Kane with a kendo stick. A wild brawl ensues where Shane beats the hell out of the Big Red Monster with the stick and Kane has no choice but to actually retreat. Officials rush the ring and they are holding Shane back while Shane screams at Kane to return to the fight. Grade: 65




JR & King hype the main event battle royal which goldberg will be in to crown a new #1 contender. Grade: 76




We see The Dudley Boyz coming out. They will fight La Resistance next. Grade: 53






http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/kimrok1982/TEW%20Diary/WWE/Raw/rawpreviewweek2bumper_zps49554c7e.jpg Grade: 53





Six Man Tag Team Match

La Resistance vs The Dudley Boyz


The finish comes when there is a brawl and D-Von and Spike end up down on the floor. Bubba is left alone with Robert Conway and they fight and Conway rolls up Bubba hooking his shorts for the 3 count.


Winners by Pinfall: La Resistance Grade: 66


Following the match Bubba gets on the mic. He says he is sick of this crap with La Resistance so he lays out a challenge for Unforgiven. La Resistance puts their belts on the line one more time against Bubba and D-Von and if the Dudleyz lose they will break up forever. D-Von looks at Bubba like he’s lost his mind while La Resistance back peddles screaming “you’re on”. Grade: 61




In the back WWE Legend, Sgt. Slaughter, is backstage greeting various members of the locker room. Randy Orton comes up behind him and introduces himself. He is Randy Orton, a member of Evolution, the only 3rd Generation Star in the WWE that truly matters. Sgt. Slaughter says he knows Randy’s dad and he shakes Orton’s hand smiling. Slaughter turns around to walk away and Orton attacks him from behind. He throws Slaughter up against a door and does an RKO to the floor. Officials race over and Orton backs away smiling. Grade: 79





We return and get a replay of Orton’s vicious attack on the WWE Legend. We see officials loading Slaughter into a waiting ambulance. Grade: 72




In the back Mickie James is with Chris Jericho. Jericho gloats about cutting Kevin Nash's hair - and being the one to get a pinfall on Nash last night at SummerSlam. Kevin Nash is not here tonight but Jericho hopes he is watching because when Y2J is the #1 contender at the end of this night - Kevin will know it was something he will never, ever have again. Grade: 76





Gail Kim vs Trish Stratus


A competitive match but in the end Gail goes for a splash from the top, misses and eats a chick kick for the 3 count.


Winner by Pinfall: Trish Stratus Grade: 55




In the back we see Triple H, Ric Flair and Randy Orton sitting around on a black couch. Flair asks Randy "is everything ready?" Randy nods with a smirk. The three settle in as the main event is.....NEXT!

Grade: 74





15 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal: Winner Faces Triple H at Unforgiven for the World Heavyweight Championship

Participants are: Booker T, The Hurricane, Goldberg, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Scott Steiner, Randy Orton, Garrison Cade, Mark Jindrak, Robert Conway, Rosey, Spike Dudley, Test, Al Snow, Christian


Out first are Cade, Rosey, Spike, Al, Test, The Hurricane, Jindrak, Conway, Christian and Booker T (who was eliminated by Orton) in that order.


The last 5 guys are Shawn, Goldberg, Orton, Steiner and Jericho. Orton is eliminated by HBK who is immediately eliminated by Jericho. Goldberg lays out Jericho and Steiner and goes to throw out Steiner but Jericho attacks Goldberg. Jericho eats a Spear and Goldberg throws Jericho out of the ring. We are down to Steiner and Goldberg – one of these men will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. They lock up and start to brawl. Eventually Goldberg goes for a jackhammer but Steiner wiggles out and as he does he throws Goldberg to the ropes. While that is happening BATISTA who hasn’t been seen in several months runs down from the crowd, jumps over the guardrail and pulls the rope down at just the right moment. Goldberg tumbles over the top rope and hits the floor. Scott Steiner will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Unforgiven. [/i]


Winner and #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship: Scott Steiner Grade 78




Goldberg is on the floor in shock as Batista backs up the ramp. Out comes Triple H and Ric Flair all smiles pointing and laughing with Batista. Steiner points at the belt, Goldberg is incensed, Evolution is smug and triumphant as Raw goes off the air. Grade: 79



Final Show Grade: 77




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Following Raw here are the current matches for:



Sunday - Week 3, September - Giant Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania


World Heavyweight Championship

Scott Steiner vs Triple H © w/Ric Flair


Intercontinental Championship - Fatal Fourway Match

The Hurricane vs Matt Hardy vs Booker T vs Christian ©


World Tag Team Championship Match - If the Dudley Boyz Lose They Must Break Up

The Dudley Boyz vs La Resistance ©

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The WWE was shocked at Summerslam when Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar reunited to cheat Kurt Angle out of his WWE Championship. The Olympic champion will be on hand this Thursday night and we'll see what he intends to do about it. Meanwhile what does the future hold for the rest of the Smackdown roster with Lesnar as the new WWE Champion?


Tune in tonight on UPN at 8/7c for the most action packed show on television.



Announced Matches

-John Cena vs Johnny Stamboli

-A-Train vs Orlando Jordan

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[A video begins the show recapping Smackdown’s participation in last Sunday’s Summerslam, mostly focusing on Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Championship thanks to Paul Heyman sliding a chair into the ring, which Lesnar uses when F-5’ing Angle onto it for the win.]






[backstage the WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and his manager Paul Heyman arrive at the building. Lesnar stops, handing the belt to Heyman and says he’ll be right back. He sprints in the direction of Chris Benoit who had his back turned. Lesnar blasts him from behind, ramming his head into the wall. Before Benoit can regroup, Lesnar is stomping him, before picking him up and throwing him into the side of a backstage dumpster not once but twice. Lesnar walks back over to Heyman to reclaim his title as Benoit is down and obviously hurt.]






[The show’s video package plays before coming to the crowd and pyro but before Michael Cole and Taz can say hello here comes Lesnar and Heyman.]






Heyman> What I’d like to see from all of you Texas rednecks is to show a little respect for the NEW WWE Champion Brock Lesnar. Now as some of you may have seen, a moment ago YOUR world champion completely obliterated one of the most dangerous men on this brand. He left him laying, panting for air. He crippled the crippler and why? Because he can.

Let this serve notice to all of the people backstage especially former champion Kurt Angle. If you thought you could beat this man last Sunday you were sorely mistaken and if you think you have a chance now that I’m back in the picture you’re delusional. We’re told that tonight we’re in a tag match in the main event teaming with my other client, the Big Show against Kurt Angle and a mystery opponent. It doesn’t matter who it is because when you look at our side of the ring you can bring the US Marines, Navy and Air Force and my client the WWE Champion will still be standing tall.








[backstage Rhyno is walking along when Sable flaunts her…assets to get his attention. She says she needs someone like Rhyno tonight for something special and she’ll make it worth his time. He’s all ears..and eyes as she leads him into a private room.]






A-Train vs Orlando Jordan


A match which didn’t quite click but did manage to showcase the power of A-Train. He gets the pinfall after he scoops up Jordan for a powerslam, then runs him into the corner full strength.


Winner by Pinfall: A-Train






[backstage Eddie Guererro is standing by with new Smackdown interviewer Torrie Wilson. Eddie oogles her and seems distracted when she asks him about his Summerslam match but he plays it off saying that he is not only the greatest wrestler from the greatest wrestling family but he’s the best US champion in history and that won’t be changing anytime soon.]








[John Cena comes to the ring, wearing a Troy Aikman jersey.]


Cena> Welcome to El Paso in the Lone Star State. Y’all will be the witnesses when Johnny the Bull meets his fate. Now Johnny wants you to think he’s a street wise tough guy. But truth is he still lives in his mother’s basement whacking his one eye. Worried? Who me? He’s six feet of suck. If this upsets the Bull, well, I just don’t give a …..


[He holds up the mic allowing the fans to finish his statement though on the television broadcast the sound of cheers are dubbed in.]






John Cena vs Johnny Stamboli


Stamboli, not pleased by Cena’s remarks tries to bully his way around the opening minutes but Cena turns on the gas and takes over the match ending it with the F-U.


Winner by Pinfall: John Cena








[smackdown General Manager Stephanie McMahon comes down to the ring and says she has two announcements. At No Mercy both the Cruiserweight and Tag Team championships will be up for grabs and the challengers will be the winners of two distinct number one contender tournaments which will be ongoing on Smackdown in the coming weeks and they both begin tonight!






[stephanie is about to leave the ring when Rhyno’s music hits and he cuts her off in the aisle, making her return to the ring. Slowly he enters, stalking her as she tries to reason with him when the Undertaker comes running down to the ring, sliding in and begins exchanging rights and lefts with Rhyno. Soon enough he sends Rhyno from the ring and he stands in front of Stephanie McMahon ensuring nothing will happen to her.]








[backstage we see Kurt Angle talking to someone who’s in a room but we can’t see who. Angle thanks him for stepping up as his partner and says he’ll see him in the ring.]






Nunzio vs Ultimo Dragon


A good technical match between these two ring vets. Dragon puts it all together with a series of martial arts kicks before hitting a huricanrana and hooking the legs to pin Nunzio’s shoulders to the mat.


Winner by Pinfall: Ultimo Dragon






[A graphic shows that next week we’ll see the second cruiserweight tournament match in their number one contender tournament with Billy Kidman going up against Akio].








[The World’s Greatest Tag Team is backstage with Torrie Wilson. They hardly let her get a word in as they flaunt their greatness and say it doesn’t matter who wins this number one contender tournament because they are not only unbeatable but they’re untouchable.]






Akio and Sakoda vs APA


There’s matches which have dominant performances…then there’s the beatdown the APA put on Akio and Sakoda this evening. Total domination which ended, mercifully, with the Clothesline from Hell.


Winners by Pinfall: APA






[Another graphic shows that next week we’ll see the second tag team tournament match in their number one contender tournament with London and Kendrick teaming up against the Bashams.]








[in his office Chairman Vince McMahon welcomes Sable when she enters. She’s glum given her plan against Stephanie didn’t come to fruition because of the Undertaker. Vince says not to worry not only will they get what they want in the end, but the Undertaker is going to learn not to stick his nose in McMahon business.]






Brock Lesnar and the Big Show w/Paul Heyman vs Kurt Angle and ???


The Big Show and Lesnar hit the ring first, followed by Angle. They’re all smiles assuming he has no partner but their smiles turn upside down when Rikishi comes from backstage and walks down to the ring with Angle. The match featured great action and a great crowd who was very much into it. Lesnar seemed to be avoiding Angle for most of the match until the former Champion caught him from behind and sent him tumbling to the floor from the top rope. The end came when the Big Show, dazed from a standing side kick from Rikishi was dropped via Angle Slam for the 1-2-3.


Winners by Pinfall: Kurt Angle and Rikishi






[As a beleaguered Heyman tries to regroup his men, including Lesnar who is holding his left arm gingerly, Angle grabs the mic and informs them that he is invoking his rematch clause at No Mercy next month and it will be Three Stages of Hell!]





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*RAW on SPIKE TV scored a 7.18


*Smackdown on UPN scored a 7.52





*Sunday Night Heat saw The Hurricane defeat Stevie Richards, The Dudley Boys defeated Test and Val Venis, and Christian defeated Rosey to retain the Intercontinental title.


*On Velocity, Chavo Guererro defeated Matt Morgan, Billy Gunn defeated Chuck Palumbo, and The World's Greatest Tag Team retained the WWE Tag Team title against Paul London and Brian Kendrick.





*Brian Kendrick, formerly known as Spanky though he dropped the name on this week's Velocity, re-signed with the WWE this week on a three year deal.


*Christopher Nowinski, who is on the shelf for the foreseeable future with concussion issues was released this week and wished well on his road to recovery.


*WWE came to terms with the following individuals this week. Most of the following will be headed to Ohio Valley Wrestling. Details of contracts were not made available.


-Ken Anderson

-Beth Phoenix

-Nigel McGuiness

-Sherri Martel

-Dusty Rhodes

-Bryan Danielson

-Christian York

-Talia Madison

-Chris Hero

-Traci Brooks

-Sheamus O’Shaunessy


-Joey Matthews

-Bobby Roode

-Antonio Banks

-Michael Shane

-Chris Sabin

-Claudio Castagnoli

-Carly Colon

-Amazing Kong

-Sara Del Ray

-Cheerleader Melissa

-Alex Shelley

-Nattie Neidhart

-Justin Credible

-Christopher Daniels




*The longtime friendship between Sting and Lex Lugar ended this week though no one is sure of exactly what caused the friction.


*Early this week WWE informed ROH that their working agreement was now considered null and void. Less than 24 hours later “the raid” as some in ROH’s offices are calling it commenced as some of the most talented workers in the company signed on with the #1 company in the world.


*WWE, currently considered a national company, has set its sights on becoming an international corporation and hopes to achieve that goal within one calendar year.




*WWE confirmed its autumn Pay Per View Events this week.


September-Unforgiven (RAW)


October-No Mercy (Smackdown)


November-Survivor Series (Joint) **Tickets go on sale this Wednesday for Survivor Series from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX


December-Armageddon (RAW)

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We can exclusively report that WWE Champion Brock Lesnar has suffered an injury during the taping of Smackdown this past week. Lesnar was seen favoring his left arm as the show ended.


Lesnar is on his way to see Dr. James Andrews for an evaluation but if worst case fears are realized Lesnar may be out indefinitely which could throw the 3 Stages of Hell match into backstage chaos.


Stay with us as we continue to learn more about this developing story.

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Evolution Screws Goldberg; Is Retribution Next?


Last week on Raw, Co-General Manager Eric Bischoff, ordered a 15 man over the top rope battle royal to determine the #1 Contender for Triple H's World Heavyweight Championship at Unforgiven. Just as it looked like Goldberg was about to eliminate Scott Steiner and win the whole thing, Batista, made his surprising return to Raw pulling Goldberg over the ropes and screwing him once again. Scott Steiner is the new #1 contender and he will meet Triple H face to face in the ring on Raw. Goldberg will also be on Raw when he squares off against Evolution's Ric Flair. What will happen when these combustible elements collide in Huntsville?


Also last week Raw saw the shocking appearance of Raw's newest star, Matt Hardy Version 1 and his MF'er Shannon Moore, and the announcement of a fatal fourway for the Intercontinental Championship at Unforgiven. This week the Sensi of Mattitude makes his Raw in ring debut.


Finally, this past summer, WWE Hall of Famer The Fabulous Moolah was granted a Women's Championship match as a birthday gift. That match will take place live this Monday on Raw. Can Moolah make history and win the Women's Championship again?


With Unforgiven in just 13 days what will happen when Raw comes to Huntsville, Alabama? Find out LIVE on Spike TV at 9/8c.



Ric Flair vs Goldberg

Matt Hardy's Raw Debut

The Fabulous Moolah vs Molly Holly for the Women's Championship

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