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GSW: Can't Keep a Brother Down

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Cali Slick

Slick doesn't yet deserve the belt, especially to a guy who drew last week

GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

Don't see it happening yet...

GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs JOJI

Double Ds with the Double Bs takes the Double U over Double J

Gravedigga vs Paranoia

One is in a storyline, the other one isn't

Spencer Spade vs Deaf Touch

Spade has been on a roll recently..

Hard-1 vs Phobia

I can't see Hard-1 losing in the first round... much less to Phobia.

Moroi vs Omar

Moroi takes the dub here, besting Omar.

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Cali Slick

Rudy starts to have enough title defenses that I think title change starts to be possible but I doubt it happens quite yet.


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

No change here either


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs JOJI

Probably most likely spot for a title change but I still doubting any happens in this show.


King of SoCal Qualifiers


Gravedigga vs Paranoia

while Gravedigga is likely to draw the short straw on his team break-up, he still ahould beat Paranoia espesially since he´s likely to feud with Mobstar now.


Spencer Spade vs Deaf Touch

Spade is one of your top guys while Touch seems to be sliding down on ranks a bit.


Hard-1 vs Phobia

Phobia is nice talent and all but Hard-1 seems to be getting the spotlight right now judging from last show and thus picks the win.


Moroi vs Omar

Not sure about this one as I could see argument for this going either way but I go with more established GSW star on Omar.

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GSW Tales from the Warehouse 9


Saturday, Week 2 September 2014


275 in Attendance




CC: Aww yeah. We ready for some action, MC?


MCM: Shit, when aren't we ready for some hardcore in your face action?


CC: Next month will be our two year anniversary so all those people that thought we would be gone by now can suck a big black dick.


MCM: And Grimm be pulling out all the stops. We going to have a tournament to see who is the baddest guy in town. We will find out four of the participants tonight. We know two guys from PSW be coming over, but what about the last two?


CC: I hear Grimm plans on letting us know tonight. More than likely one of his announcements to kick things off.


MCM: I can get behind that, Cliff. It looks like Mya is ready...oh shit.






Mya Catalan looked to be ready to welcome the crowd, but she never gets a single word out because Busta Capp comes charging out with Kandii following. Mya decides it is best to leave the microphone and instead get the hell out of dodge as Capp doesn't look to be in the best of moods. The former champ scoops up the microphone and starts to shout into it.


BC: Grimm, get your ass out here right now. I want my rematch and I want that shit tonight. I don't care if you have Slick in the title match tonight. Get his bitch ass removed and give me what I deserve, ************.




Brother Grimm comes out flanked by both Boneyard and Wrecking Machine. He stops just outside the ring and motions for his two bodyguards to remain there and lets Capp remain in the ring with Kandii instead of looking to start a brawl.


BG: Capp, I respect the hell out of you. You been one of our best, but nigga I know you ain't ready to compete yet. As tough as you are I am not going to let you fight until I know you are fully ready. You are too valuable. Go home and rest-


BC: I don't ****ing care what you think I need to do. I want my match tonight.


BG: Calm your ass down, Capp. You will get your title shot in due time. Right now you got more important things to worry about. I want you to rest up because you get one of the last two spots in the King of SoCal tournament. As former champions both you and Fro Sure will be competing.


Busta Capp doesn't seem pleased, but at least he seems to be trying to calm himself before he says something he might regret. After a few deep breathes he steps over towards the ring ropes and leans over them a bit to stare down Grimm.


BC: Fine, you want me in that tournament? You got it. I will win that shit and then you better give me what's mine. If I don't get a title shot after that bullshit.....well.....you have not yet begun to see what I will do to this company.


The two men stare one another down and not a word is spoken. Grimm finally looks to Boneyard then Wrecking Machine and nods to them. The trio turn around and leave Capp in the ring with Kandii. He remains there for a few moments and he finally leaves as well seeing he isn't going to get a proper answer by waiting.


Rating: 54


CC: Damn, MC. That was some intense shit right there.


MCM: Capp has a right to be pissed, but he might be going about things the wrong way.


CC: True. I don't know if I would want to force Brother Grimm's hand. You know?


MCM: Well we did at least find out Capp and Fro Sure are entered into this tournament.


CC: Both have to be favorites since they are former champions. Be interesting to see who else makes it tonight.





GSW West Coast Championship



Deuce Deadline © vs JOJI with Kammy Ling


It probably is no surprise Deuce starts off in a dominant fashion as he manhandles the smaller JOJI with ease early on. His overconfidence does allow for the Japanese star to get a few surprise hits in here and there, but often he is quickly beaten back down. He picks JOJI up for the Deadliner, but JOJI uses his momentum to get a surprise rollup and he gets the pin. The new champ is quick to exit as Deuce starts to go apeshit in the ring.


Winner and NEW Champion: JOJI


Rating: 38


CC: Holy shit! He did it!


MCM: JOJI just got gold! Deuce Deadline is pissed as hell!


CC: The surprise win and it happens to someone we probably would have never expected to see as a champion when we first saw him.


MCM: Amazing what can happen over nine months, yeah?





Gravedigga with Streetz vs Paranoia


The match is a bit on the sloppy side. Gravedigga sticks to his brawling to overwhelm Paranoia who manages to catch him off guard with a few surprise high flying moves. It isn't enough though and Gravedigga picks up the win after nailing Paranoia with a Flying Headbutt.


Winner: Gravedigga


Rating: 26


Gravedigga and Streetz start to celebrate the win and the fact Gravedigga made it to next month's tournament, but then there is a booming voice heard over the speakers even if the face the voice belongs to is nowhere to be seen.




MS: You were my homie, by brother. The nigga that always had my back. I don't know what Streetz did to get in your head to **** you up, but he did. You think you put me down for good? Shit, you are so far from the truth. Better roll with your new buddies as much as possible because I am coming for you, nigga.


Gravedigga is looking all around and Streetz is trying to calm his new client down. Mobstar doesn't show his face which could just make it more maddening for his former partner.


Rating: 37


CC: That was Mobstar. I thought he was laid out and gone.


MCM: He sounds pissed


CC: Damn right he is. I think Gravedigga is about to find out he crossed the wrong mother ****er.


MCM: Mobstar will have to pick his spots. Streetz does have the tag team champs working for him too.





Spencer Spade vs Deaf Touch


Spade looks to have underestimated the talent of Deaf Touch and is in for several surprises when Deaf Touch manages to for the most part match the cocky youngster and even catch him off guard with his sheer athleticism. It is Spade's willingness to cheat that saves him. Deaf already can't hear so a few rakes to the eyes take away his sight as well. He falls victim to the Supreme Stunner and Spade gets the win.


Winner: Spencer Spade


Rating: 57


CC: Damn, was hoping Deaf Touch could have done that.


MCM: Spencer Spade makes it to the tournament and if he can win it we will never hear the end of it.


CC: Looks like he is already going to gloat. Bitch got a microphone.






Spade calls for Mya to give him a microphone and he doesn't seem at all bothered by the loud amount of boos being thrown his way. If anything he just seems to enjoy with the way he is grinning.


SS: Grimm thinks he is so smart. He thinks putting me in these matches will break me and make me walk away with my tail between my legs. The problem is I am better than all of the trash he employs and calls 'wrestlers'. You shouldn't have given me this chance, Grimm. You put me in your little tournament when no one else has a chance against me. You won't sell me your company? I will just make your life hell until then. One way or another I will own this company. Either from buying it or just dominating it in the ring.


Rating: 52


CC: Smug ass bitch.


MCM: I hope someone can finally knock that bitch out and make sure he doesn't win the tournament.


CC: Shit, I just wish Grimm would ban his ass from the Warehouse so we didn't have to see him.


MCM: True dat.





GSW Tag Team Championship



Mexican Hardcore Killers vs Death Row © with Streetz


The former champs fight hard, but they are a bit outsized. Even Sanchez is a bit dwarfed by Death Row while E-Z has to rely on his quickness to survive. The Hardcore Killers don't mind bringing weapons into play as well to help even things up, but E-Z eventually gets flattened by a big clothesline from Shady K and he is tossed into the crowd. It allows the champs to double team Sanchez and take him out with a Death Sentence.


Winner: Death Row (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 42


CC: I don't know who can take down the champs now.


MCM: Dead Men Walking I wanted to say had the best chance and well you know what happened there.


CC: We might be in for a long title reign at this point.





Hard-1 vs Phobia


Hard-1 shows that vicious streak he has gotten over the past few months. He looks to be trying to get things back on track and Phobia is just the unlucky person forced to face the veteran. Phobia takes some high risks and there is little to no payoff as Hard-1 is just in the zone and he almost takes Phobia's head off with a Mafia Kick.


Winner: Hard-1


Rating: 34


CC: Hard-1 getting his ****ing swagger back.


MCM: He seems to be turning things around right on time. He is getting some momentum going into the tournament. He can wreck some shit at this rate.


CC: Glad to see th-....is that Fro?






Hard-1 is still in the ring when Fro Sure steps out onto the entrance ramp with microphone in hand. He seems calm and collected despite the fact he can't be happy about what happened to him last month when he was attacked.


FS: I know you have had a bad year. Nigga, we all fall on bad times. I don't fault your frustration. I know I have felt nothing but frustration ever since I lost the American title and can't seem to get it back. What I got a problem is you attacked me when I was already in a fight. You want to make a statement? You challenge me like the man I know you are. I won't forget what you did, Hard-1. I hope next month we get to meet. I got something for ya if we meet in the ring.


Hard-1 seems to be yelling for Fro Sure to bring it and seems ready for a fight right now. Fro Sure just shakes his head and he turns about, speaking as he walks away.


FS: Hell nah. We do it the legit way. We will settle this and I am fine with waiting.


Fro Sure leaves and an annoyed Hard-1 soon exits the ring and heads to the back as well.


Rating: 35


CC: I kind of hope these two meet in the tournament now.


MCM: For Sure playing it cool and being the better man by not returning the favor.


CC: He might regret it. Hard-1 right now seems to be on a bit of a roll and a fair fight might lead to Fro Sure picking up a loss.


MCM: Shit, ready for next month already.


CC: Calm down, nigga. We got the main event coming up and we got one last qualifier next.


MCM: Calm, I will be calm. Got it.





Moroi vs Omar


A fast paced encounter with several crazy and high flying moves. Both men are giving it their all and several times it looks like both men are going to win only for a kickout to keep things going at the last possible second. Moroi crashes and burns on a moonsault attempt that lands him into the crowd. Omar manages to get the masked wrestler back into the ring then hits the High Velocity Headbutt to move on.


Winner: Omar


Rating: 43


CC: We know who our six representatives will be for next month.


MCM: And what a group. Omar, Fro Sure, Busta Capp, Gravedigga, Spencer Spade and Hard-1.


CC: PSW better bring out the big guns. That is for sure.


MCM: They don't stand a damn chance. That's for sure.






Rudy Velasquez steps out looking ready for his match. The GSW American championship is secured around his waist. He does stop by to ask Mya for the microphone before he gets in the ring and then slides in.


RV: I just got a few short words. You all know me more of a man of action, but I feel this has to be said. Busta Capp, I am waiting for you. You took me to hell and back last time we fought. I will hold onto this title as best I can because deep down I have want to prove I can win again. Those who have faced me before thing was tough as hell already? You are about to see me kick shit into a new gear.


He tosses the microphone back outside and starts to prepare for his match.


Rating: 51


CC: He has another gear? Shiiiiiiit.


MCM: It looks like he wants to fight Capp as much as Capp wants to fight him.


CC: These ****ers almost killed one another last time. I can't imagine what it will be like if they clash again.


MCM: I want to see it. Can we fast forward to when they get to fight?


CC: MC, it doesn't work that way and you know it.





GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Cali Slick


Rudy didn't seem to be telling a lie about kicking things up a notch. His offensive is explosive and overwhelming at the start. It sends Cali out from the ring to regroup and even there he isn't safe when Rudy dives out. They brawl through the crowd and Cali gets the upper hand by busting Rudy open across the forehead when he smashes a glass bottle on the champ's noggin. Rudy returns the favor eventually by using particle board from a broken table to cut open Slick. The two eventually make it back to the ring once they have become a bloodied, battered mess and they slug it out much to the crowd's delight. Rudy finally ducks a strike and lands a big kick to the chin of Slick to stun him. The champ acts fast and capitalizes by nailing the Street Cutter and getting the pin.


Winner and Still Champion: Rudy Velasquez (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 59


CC: Holy shit! That was a match!


MCM: Those two beat the hell out of one another and Slick showed he could hang with Rudy, but he came up short.


CC: The champ retains in another hell of a match. Possibly one of the best we have ever seen.


MCM: It seems he is trying his damndest to stay true to his word and keep that belt until he and Capp face off once more.


CC: Hell of a show. You all better check us out next month. It is going to be one crazy party! See you all there!


MCM: Peace out, niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!




Final Rating: 54


IPW's Another Attempt 1: 42


Dear IPW, please keep Lil Henry as your champ. It also seems the company is starting to get more toxic backstage over there. Lug Phelan and Masked Stranger are all pissy at one another. Might keep tabs to see if one or the other leaves the company.

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CC: Can you believe we have been doing this shit for two years almost?


MCM: People thought we would fold, but now look at us. We about to have one sick ass tournament to celebrate two years in the biz.


CC: We got eight mean looking to beat the shit out of one another as well as two championship matches.


MCM: Tag champs get the night off I hear. Wonder if they are happy about that.


CC: If Death Row wants to make some noise they will.


MCM: Come on. Lets talk about what matches we got going on.



GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs ???


CC: Grimm not letting you in on who Rudy be facing?


MCM: Hell nah. He likes to keep his secrets. Maybe one of Death Row?


CC: Could be. Perhaps Boneyard again for all I know. Don't see Cali getting a rematch nor any of the guys in the tournament getting a shot.


MCM: Gonna just have to wait and see. I know Rudy wants Capp, but I dunno. Can he keep ahold of the belt?


CC: He has done well so far. I guess we just gotta wait and see, MC.



GSW West Coast Championship



JOJI © vs E-Z vs Phobia


CC: I heard Deuce hasn't been heard from since he lost.


MCM: Good, **** him. Now we got someone who deserves the gold and won't treat it like shit.


CC: This is going to be one crazy match. All these guys are big risk takers. I kind of want to lean towards E-Z here.


MCM: JOJI has been having a pretty good year. I say he is going to retain, but we also gotta talk about Phobia.


CC: He is the dark horse here, but damned if his 'no ****s given' attitude might help him win this chaotic match.



Wigga Patrol vs ???


CC: So wait. We aren't having a title match, but we got Wigga Patrol against some unknown team?


MCM: Grimm trying to mix things up I guess. Not sure who it is. Only info I got is it ain't no one new.


CC: Shit, kind of wondering who could be teaming up and why Grimm wants it to be a mystery.


MCM: Just don't know, Cliff.



King of SoCal Participants


CC: Sorry, but we ain't got a bracket. Just the names that are in the first ever King of SoCal tournament.


MCM: I know who I don't want to win at least. That bitch Spencer Spade or either of the PSW guys.


CC: That Matthew Keith I heard is the real deal. I am a bit scared to have him in this.


MCM: You think he can hang with the likes of Busta Capp and Fro Sure?


CC: I guess we'll see. I want to say Hard-1 is my dark horse pick.


MCM: Shit, if I got to pick one I go with Gravedigga. He has Streetz and Death Row might be around to help him get a few wins.


CC: I didn't think of that. Damn, I hope that doesn't happen.


MCM: Maybe Grimm gave the champs the night off so that won't happen. Hell if I know.


CC: Well there you have it. Taking the tournament into account we got a total of ten whole matches going down. It is going to be big. You niggas don't wanna miss it.


MCM: Anyone that misses this are those whack ************s who probably watch those bitches across town.


CC: Sure nough. See you all at the show!




GSW King of SoCal 2014


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Phobia vs E-Z


Wigga Patrol vs ???


King of SoCal participants: Busta Capp, Fro Sure, Hard-1, Gravedigga, Omar, Spencer Spade, Little Bill Lebowski, Matthew Keith

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???

Honestly, if this was not a title match, I would go with the squiggles here -- he has a good record in a lot of dynasties, must be a solid worker.

GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Phobia vs E-Z

JOJI will get at least one defense -- this should be a good match regardless.

Wigga Patrol vs ???

Its... a team called Wigga Patrol. They will never win.

King of SoCal participants: Busta Capp, Fro Sure, Hard-1, Gravedigga, Omar, Spencer Spade, Little Bill Lebowski, Matthew Keith

It'll be Fro for Sho, as he has a storyline going for him

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs ???

Will be interesting to see who the opponent is but I figure Rudy retains here no matter who he faces.


GSW West Coast: JOJI © vs Phobia vs E-Z

JOJI isn´t dropping the newly won belt on first defence.


Wigga Patrol vs ???

Going with the mystery team here.


King of SoCal participants: Busta Capp, Fro Sure, Hard-1, Gravedigga, Omar, Spencer Spade, Little Bill Lebowski, Matthew Keith

To me, this is between Busta, Fro Sure and Spade. I could see any of those three winning but I go with Busta Capp since those promos that he and Rudy cut in the last show made it look like they are destinated to meet sooner rather than later and winning that tournament would surely lead to title shot.

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It was a quiet afternoon in Brother Grimm's office at The Warehouse. Boneyard was asleep on a couch with a newspaper covering him while Grimm himself seems to be reading the news on his computer when the door suddenly bursts open.




RR: Grimm, I go-oh ****!


Roper ducks just in time as a shot is fired off. Roper is covering up his head on the ground and the commotion caused Boneyard to fall off the couch and scramble to his feet reaching for his own gun. Grimm quickly puts his pistol down and holds up a hand to stop Boneyard.


BG: Dammit, nigga, what are you doing bursting in like that? About gave me a heart attack.


Rumble Roper slowly gets to his feet and looks like his life flashed before his eyes as he tries to adjust his clothes.


RR: I think I just about had one too so I guess we are even?


BG: What the hell are you all excited about that you would pull something like that?


They trio manage to get settled back down and Roper finally shakes off his fright and manages to collect his thoughts, remembering what he came barging in for.


RR: So you know Paranoia has a friend over in IPW, right? Apparently he called Paranoia up asking if we might be interested at the time. Told him that isn't my call, but you might like this. Apparently that locker room is going to shit.


BG: You kidding? Like worse than it normally was? That place wasn't the friendliest of environments to begin with.


RR: Well apparently this guy is wanting to jump ship or he is going to walk if things keep getting worse. Nemesis is worse than ever and apparently Gil slowly going insane.


BG: Bitch already be insane. What else is new?


RR: Crazy enough to be declaring war on SWF and calling up both Cliff and Anne respectively to tell them to go **** themselves.


BG: ......shit. Okay that is a bit surprising.


RR: So they have pretty much pissed off everyone on the West Coast minus PWMax at this point. Apparently Ray Snow has been a complete prick to Paranoia's friend and now Lug Phelan and Masked Stranger are starting fights almost every show as of late.


Grimm can't help but burst into a laugh. He just shakes his head and leans back in his seat.


BG: And they called me the crazy one for starting up this company. Shit I am losing money, but at least I am having fun and we don't have too many problems by comparison it seems.


RR: Well maybe our success is just putting more pressure on them. Lil Henry as champ seems to be doing them no good and if our next show goes off without a hitch they will probably just realize they are no way going to win the war against us even if they got the finances.


BG: Well I am not stopping. Our losses are less and less and once we get more people I think they will fade away. Nigga, you just made my day. I'm sorry I almost shot you.


RR: All good....I think. I got to go and get to work on a few things. You need me call me.


BG: And no more bursting into my room.


RR: Grimm, I think that will NEVER happen again.




OOC: So tempted right now to copy the save just for the sake of putting a user character over in IPW to see just how low backstage has to be right now with so many negative relationships popping up. I can only imagine since things start low to begin with and they haven't added any positives.

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RR: So you know Paranoia has a friend over in IPW, right? Apparently he called Paranoia up asking if we might be interested at the time. Told him that isn't my call, but you might like this. Apparently that locker room is going to shit.


BG: You kidding? Like worse than it normally was? That place wasn't the friendliest of environments to begin with.


RR: Well apparently this guy is wanting to jump ship or he is going to walk if things keep getting worse. Nemesis is worse than ever and apparently Gil slowly going insane.


BG: Bitch already be insane. What else is new?


RR: Crazy enough to be declaring war on SWF and calling up both Cliff and Anne respectively to tell them to go **** themselves.


BG: ......shit. Okay that is a bit surprising.


RR: So they have pretty much pissed off everyone on the West Coast minus PWMax at this point. Apparently E-Storic has been a complete prick to Paranoia's friend and now Lug Phelan and Masked Stranger are starting fights almost every show as of late.


Grimm can't help but burst into a laugh. He just shakes his head and leans back in his seat.


OOC: So tempted right now to copy the save just for the sake of putting a user character over in IPW to see just how low backstage has to be right now with so many negative relationships popping up. I can only imagine since things start low to begin with and they haven't added any positives.


IPW starts pulling stunts like this in nearly every save I play. I don't know why so many think IPW is headed for greatness -- they have some decent workers, but none of them work a "hardcore" style and most aren't willing to participate in "Very High" risk matches. The management is a mess, and the company goes to war/is hostile with the whole west coast.


GSW has the three best assets: Fro Sure, a future superstar, Hard-1, a great hardcore worker and veteran presence, and Mobstar, who has great basics, and all three will work an Ultimate Deathmatch. Plus, GSW owns the Warehouse, a premier venue in Cali. That's why one half (Moroi) of the Night Terrors has a firm grip around IPW's belt unless someone is brought in.


Unless Nemesis splurges and signs Parker (and he usually does, and this is how he wins the "war" long term), he has nothing on GSW, from either a talent or product perspective, and there is little difference between this product and PSW. I think "Nemesis owns this company/everyone loved DaVe" is the only appeal to IPW.

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IPW starts pulling stunts like this in nearly every save I play. I don't know why so many think IPW is headed for greatness -- they have some decent workers, but none of them work a "hardcore" style and most aren't willing to participate in "Very High" risk matches. The management is a mess, and the company goes to war/is hostile with the whole west coast.


GSW has the three best assets: Fro Sure, a future superstar, Hard-1, a great hardcore worker and veteran presence, and Mobstar, who has great basics, and all three will work an Ultimate Deathmatch. Plus, GSW owns the Warehouse, a premier venue in Cali. That's why one half (Moroi) of the Night Terrors has a firm grip around IPW's belt unless someone is brought in.


Unless Nemesis splurges and signs Parker (and he usually does, and this is how he wins the "war" long term), he has nothing on GSW, from either a talent or product perspective, and there is little difference between this product and PSW. I think "Nemesis owns this company/everyone loved DaVe" is the only appeal to IPW.


I see IPW as less of a deathmatch company and more of a ECW-esque company myself. GSW has a poor roster outside of the three mentioned whereas IPW's initial roster isn't too bad. GSW end up stealing 5/6 IPW workers to start off with purely because their roster is pretty terrible. IPW's appeal doesn't solely lie in the DaVE connection, PSW have more of a DaVE connection than any other company in the game.


The management isn't really a mess either, nothing in the data suggests that other than Nemesis & Gil Thomas fell out with Brother Grimm. Gil provides the money and Nemesis books it.

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I always thought it funny they always declare war on SWF. To me I always see it as 'We are edgy. Look at us!' while Richard Eisen probably doesn't even notice the declaration.


The thing that interests me is the ownership relations over on the West Coast. Anne and Cliff went outright hostile with IPW, but while checking stuff I noticed Cliff has simmering tension with Grimm at the moment too. Obviously I haven't taken any CZCW talent, but I guess the fact I am running shows in the same area is pissing him off? I don't know.


On a side note I think GSW also has some really underrated workers in Sanchez Villano, Deaf Touch and Omar. All three of those guys I think have helped me out and starting out skill wise they don't have too many weaknesses and I think I would prefer than over some of the IPW guys that AI controlled GSW steals from IPW.

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I'll admit this was a point of contention in the formative stages of my mod work -- I originally had IPW go out of business, as barring additions the roster is unimpressive, the owner/ownership dysfunctional and the product/concept are redundant. I want to state my case here for GSW beating them out. This is long-winded, but I believe it deserves a look, as GSW and their main event is often overlooked. I'd much rather see a GSW card than IPW any day, as Grimm has constructed a better in-ring product. I don't intend to continue beyond this, hijack the thread or in general cause trouble.


I always thought it funny they always declare war on SWF. To me I always see it as 'We are edgy. Look at us!' while Richard Eisen probably doesn't even notice the declaration.


The thing that interests me is the ownership relations over on the West Coast. Anne and Cliff went outright hostile with IPW, but while checking stuff I noticed Cliff has simmering tension with Grimm at the moment too. Obviously I haven't taken any CZCW talent, but I guess the fact I am running shows in the same area is pissing him off? I don't know.


On a side note I think GSW also has some really underrated workers in Sanchez Villano, Deaf Touch and Omar. All three of those guys I think have helped me out and starting out skill wise they don't have too many weaknesses and I think I would prefer than over some of the IPW guys that AI controlled GSW steals from IPW.


Deaf Touch is just a notch below the three above in ring -- Mexican Hardcore Killers are pretty solid in-ring too. The lower midcard (Drop Kix, Brown Pride) is the weak point, but IPW's isn't head and shoulders above it (Deadly Deadshot is a good example). From a purely default push, MC Motormouth is far superior at the broadcast desk than Luther Judge, and is an asset on the mic -- Nemesis default pushes as a Road Agent so IPW (technically) can not use his promos.


Remember, in the flavor text, GSW took with it Grimm's media connections and The Warehouse, IPW's old home base.


I see IPW as less of a deathmatch company and more of a ECW-esque company myself. GSW has a poor roster outside of the three mentioned whereas IPW's initial roster isn't too bad. GSW end up stealing 5/6 IPW workers to start off with purely because their roster is pretty terrible. IPW's appeal doesn't solely lie in the DaVE connection, PSW have more of a DaVE connection than any other company in the game.


The problem is that the two products are very similar in terms of in-ring action, and the difference(s) are represented in storytelling. And even the out-of-ring product doesn't differ very much.




PSW and IPW are both similar spins on DaVe -- both have Medium Modern/Daredevil and Hardcore as a key feature. The sole difference in-ring is that DaVe has a slightly higher intensity (75%-60%). Both companies have similar, but not the same, ratings in Traditional, Mainstream and Comedy, with only Mainstream differing by more than one level.


The two products are VERY similar, the only difference is IPW has a bigger pocketbook than PSW does.
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GSW King of SoCal 2014


Saturday, Week 2 October 2014


316 in Attendance




CC: Two years, ************s!


MCM: And what a birthday party Grimm is giving us today. We got the brand new King of SoCal tournament happening tonight. Eight men, only one winner.


CC: Time to hope our boys represent. No PSW spoiling our party.


MCM: Hell yeah. Also **** Spencer Spade. That bitch better not win either.


CC: This night is going to be crazy. Time to kick things off!






Mya is dressed extra skimpy for the special occasion and she introduces the crowd to Brother Grimm who comes out flanked as per usual by his security team of Boneyard and Wrecking Machine. The owner is all smiles as he takes the microphone and hand and he lets the crowd noise die down a bit.


BG: Are you all ready for a bloodbath? We got eight men ready to beat one another to near death all for the prize of being the first King of SoCal. May the best and baddest ************ win. Rudy will also put his title up against....you know. I haven't decided yet. I think I will just mull that over and let you all know later. Time to kick things off. Bring out the Wiggas and their opponents.


Rating: 58


CC: What? Grimm really doesn't know who he has facing Rudy tonight?


MCM: That is some weird shit. He must be pulling our leg.


CC: Seems like a bad choice to me, but whatever. Nigga signs my paychecks. I ain't questioning him.


MCM: We'll find out later for sure. For now we got some tag action.


CC: Holla!





Wigga Patrol vs What? Really?


The Wigga Patrol and the audience are both a bit confused and surprised at the same time. It allows Cheech and Cali to easily start things off on the right foot as they take it to the Wiggas. D-Lux gets dumped out and Cali helps launch Cheech out after him before turning his attention to Top Dolla. D-Lux is tossed through a table and Cheech gets in as he and his new partner beat on Top Dolla. Slick-Back by Cali! Moonsault from Cheech! We got your winners.


Winners: Cali Slick and Cheech Kong


Rating: 35


CC: Well I have to admit. I didn't see this coming.


MCM: Cali and Cheech? Well I ain't complaining.


CC: Hell no. I am just wondering why this was kept a secret, but Grimm is gonna be Grimm.


MCM: Maybe requested by Cali and Cheech? Shit, I don't know.






The new team doesn't look ready to leave as Cali asks Mya to give him the microphone. Cheech stands back and lets his partner do the talking as he perches on a corner.


CS: Oh shit yeah. So it might not be the surprise you hoped, but I don't give a ****. Me and my nigga Cheech been thinking about something. We are tired of Death Row and their dominance of the tag division. Being a former champ myself I know what it takes to hold that gold. Cheech? Nigga be on the same page with me unlike Aces High was. So why the hell not? This is us putting all you tag teams on notice. We are C&C Violence Factory and we be coming for yaaaaaaa!


He tosses the mic back outside the ring and he starts to leave as Cheech climbs out the ring to follow his new partner out.


Rating: 32


CC: I kinda like that name.


MCM: Gunning for Death Row though? I mean I know Cali has been a champ, but Cheech....


CC: Nah man, it will be fine. We just gotta give it time. Besides, Cheech be our nigga.


MCM: That's true. It will be interesting to see what they can do as a team.





Fro Sure vs Little Bill Lebowski


Fro Sure is wearing a blinged out robe to celebrate the big occasion as he kicks off the tournament facing off against the PSW veteran, Little Bill Lebowski. Lebowski starts off jumping Fro when he is removing his robe and the two start to exchange blows. Lebowski is using every trick he knows, but Fro still manages to keep coming back and a big uppercut stuns Lebowski long enough that For Sure can land the Sure Thing and picks up the win.


Winner: Fro Sure


Rating: 51


CC: One of the favorites to win it I think. Fro moves on!


MCM: And we already got one of the PSW eliminated so there is some relief there.


CC: Just one more to go.


MCM: Two more in a way. We need Spade to get bumped too.


CC: That too. Two to go!





Busta Capp with Kandii vs Gravedigga with Streetz


Weapons get thrown into the ring almost instantly and the two get to swinging. Both Kandii and Streetz have to keep their distance so they don't get hit by one of the objects that are getting slung about. Gravedigga lands a powerful chair shot over the head of Busta Capp and starts to gain an advantage. He and Streetz are all smiles as they look like they might be able to put away the returning Capp.




That is until Mobstar comes out from under the ring and jumps Gravedigga from behind. They start going at it and it gives time for Busta Capp time to recover. Mobstar lands a heavy blow that spins Gravedigga right about and he eats a Mafia Kick to the face. Streetz is irate as Capp gets the pinfall.


Winner: Busta Capp


Rating: 36






Capp leaves looking woozy and Streetz is running to the back yelling for help. Mobstar stands over Gravedigga who is still dazed. He starts to move and Mobstar starts to lay into his former partner. Mobstar looks about and he goes to pick up a cheesegrater before approaching Gravedigga before staff hit the ring and start to keep the two separated much to the crowds dismay.


Rating: 38


CC: Bullshit. Let them fight!


MCM: Nah, Cliff. I agree. Grimm doesn't want this to **** with the tournament. Let these two settle things later.


CC: I just wanted Mobstar to teach that nigga a lesson.


MCM: I am sure he will. He at least has to feel good about costing him an important match.


CC: Capp advances too. So we still got both former champs in it and they will be facing off!


MCM: Night keeps getting better.





Matthew Keith vs Hard-1


Keith ends up having his hands full with a very aggressive and focused Hard-1. The veteran punishes the younger wrestler and isn't above things such as biting, raking the eyes and eventually busting Keith open with a hockey stick. Keith manages to start fighting back and he finds himself just having to fight back and not let his natural technical skills win him this match. At least that is until the end. With Hard-1 worn down Keith decides to lock on the Proton Lock. Hard-1 struggles and claws to try and break free, but the pain is too much. He resists tapping out, but passes out from the pain.


Winner: Matthew Keith


Rating: 62


CC: Damn! What a match.


MCM: Those two beat the hell out of one another. Matthew Keith looks like a pretty boy, but he certainly proved he will not run when the going gets rough.


CC: If only we had him instead of that prick, Spade.


MCM: Speaking of tough. Hard-1 wouldn't tap. That is a man with some big balls.


CC: Never would question his toughness. Hard-1 is one of the toughest niggas I have ever seen.






Spencer Spade is in the ring looking ready for his match when Brother Grimm comes out with a big grin on his face and a microphone in hand. Spade looks confused as he seems to question why Grimm is out here.


BG: Sorry to interrupt, but I got an idea. I think I decided who will face Rudy. I will be pulling Omar from this match and letting him face Rudy.


Spade seems happy at first and must think he is getting a bye, but then he goes pale when a figure emerges behind Grimm and starts heading for the ring.




BG: Don't worry, Spade! I got someone that will take his place! Have a nice match!


Rating: 58


CC: Ahahahahahahah!


MCM: Suck it, Spade!





Spencer Spade vs Boneyard


It is not a good day to be Spencer Spade because he starts off getting mauled by the big man. Boneyard tosses him about like a ragdoll. Spade gets desperate and it takes a big kick to the groin that staggers even the biggest of men. He starts to using every weapon he can get his hands on. If there was a kitchen sink he probably would have used it by now. Boneyard just keeps swinging, but he is getting worn down and Spade is quicker. He manages to take out the big man's legs and then hooks the tights to tug and keep Boneyard down long enough to get the pin. He then quickly gets the hell out of dodge as the angered monster gets up and starts to go after him.


Winner: Spencer Spade


Rating: 47


CC: Are you ****ing kidding me?


MCM: This is some bullshit. You mean I got to cheer a PSW guy on now?


CC: It is the lesser of two evils. I have to say I am pulling for whoever wins Capp and Fro now.


MCM: Damn straight.





GSW West Coast Title



JOJI © with Kammy Ling vs Phobia vs E-Z


A big change in pace as ultra violence is replaced by high flying moves and quick action by all three men. Many times each competitor gets a close pinfall and some crazy spots keep the fans interest. E-Z misses a big senton with the intent of putting Phobia through a table on the outside only for the masked luchador to dodge at the last moment. He turns about and takes a baseball slide from JOJI. The champ rolls Phobia in and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. JOJI Miracle Explosion connects! The champ retains


Winner and Still Champion: JOJI (Defenses: 1)




CC: Well that was fun.


MCM: We got some good ass high fliers. We aren't all about the blood at times.


CC: JOJI shows his win last month wasn't a fluke as he beat two good competitors there.


MCM: Interested in seeing how long he can hang on to it.





Fro Sure vs Busta Capp with Kandii


This match is every bit as brutal as their encounter that happened earlier in the year. Both know winning this tournament will easily put them in line for a title shot. Something both men have held and want to hold once again. As things wear on it is a wonder if either man could even compete in one more match. Both men are wearing a crimson mask and seem almost too tired to get to their feet yet they fight on. Even to the point both men aren't moving and the match is almost called before they finally start to stir and continue their fight. Fro goes for the Sure Thing, but Capp pushes him off. Fro bounces off the ropes and into a Mafia Kick. A tired Capp falls on Fro and the count is made.


Winner: Busta Capp


Winner: 47


CC: Jesus Christ those niggas tried to kill one another.


MCM: I am a bit worried. I mean Capp wins, but will he have enough left in his tank to have a chance against Keith or Spade?


CC: We can only hope they are as bad off as Capp when they face him.


MCM: Keith is already rather beaten up. Spade is too really.


CC: But not this bad.






Capp calls for a microphone as he struggles to his feet. Kandii comes into the ring with one and hands it over before trying to help her man to his feet and keep him steady as he tries to catch his breath.


BC: You....you all will ****ing have to kill me to keep me down. Rudy, you better keep that title. I'm coming for you soon....soon enough. I am winning this thing....and next month....your ass is mine!


He drops the microphone and slumps a bit, but manages to stay on his feet. He is helped out of the ring by Kandii and slowly goes towards the back.


Rating: 40


CC: Shit, at this rate he might be dead by the end of the night.


MCM: Just hoping the doctors try not to tell him he can't compete.


CC: **** that. He will probably knock the doctor out and come out anyways.


MCM: Well we will find out who he faces now. Not looking forward to it.





Matthew Keith vs Spencer Spade


People came to a GSW show and a wrestling match broke out. At first the fans boo it, but then as things go on and they start to put on a clinic the fans get more and more into it. Several reversals and near pinfalls happen and while they aren't getting battered and bloodied like the previous two, both men are looking worn down and winded as the minutes pass. Spade almost gets a surprise rollup and when he is getting back to his feet, Keith grabs him and locks on the Proton Lock. Spade is more than fine with quickly tapping out instead of trying to be a tough guy.


Winner: Matthew Keith


Rating: 73


CC: You know....I like a good bloody fight, but that shit was pretty good.


MCM: What worries me is sure they fought for a long time, but there wasn't exactly the amount of blood loss that Capp suffered. I don't know if he can take Keith at this point.


CC: I got faith in my nigga. He is an ex American champ. He can do it.


MCM: Speaking of American championships. It is time for Rudy and Omar.


CC: Admit is going to be tough to follow that last one.





GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Omar


They have a tough match to follow, but the pair seem to do their best to try and at least be on par. The fans are also clad to see the return of the more violent side of GSW. It isn't a big mess like the Fro/Capp match, but there are weapons being used at times. Omar gets a few good near falls, but Rudy seems to find the strength to kick out. Omar brings a ladder into play and climbs it. He goes for the High Velocity Headbutt and hits nothing but mat. Rudy manages to get to his feet and pulls Omar to his feet. The champ hits the Street Cutter and retains.


Winner and Still Champion: Rudy Velasquez (Defenses: 5)


Rating: 60


CC: Good attempt by Omar, but Rudy seems unstoppable at this point.


MCM: I am wore out, nigga. We still got the finals.


CC: I know what you mean. So much action and crazy shit. I think I will sleep well tonight. That's for sure.


MCM: Well no falling asleep yet, Cliff. It is time for the main event!






Both men are introduced in a more grand way than normal in an attempt to give things more of a 'big match' feel. Busta Capp is still having a hard time standing up straight and he has several bandages on him. Kandii looks worried, but she is ushered out of the ring by him. Keith looks worn down himself, but still looks in much better shape than his opponent at the moment as both men stare eachother down and prepare for battle.


Rating: 48




King of SoCal Final



Matthew Keith vs Busta Capp with Kandii


No surprise that Keith has the early advantage. Capp is often fighting and swinging wildly to keep from getting fully overwhelmed. Several times he is almost thrown into the Proton Lock and he manages to escape before Matthew Keith can fully lock it on. When Capp starts to fight back he often pauses in the middle of his offense because he is either hurting so bad or just woozy from all the blood loss. Keith finally does get the Proton Lock on and Capp fights. It looks like all is lost when he does something that usually can't be done to break the hold. He just punches Keith several times in the balls. It is an amazing strategy that allows him free though he seems to even have less strength in him than before. He tries to summon up whatever energy reserves he can and he lines up a hurt Keith and he surges forward. Mafia Kick connects! One three count later there is a winner.


Winner and King of SoCal 2014: Busta Capp


Rating: 54


CC: Yes! Mother****ing yes!


MCM: He did it! That crazy nigga did it!


CC: What a hell of a tournament. What a hell of a show.


MCM: This is the only kind of birthday Grimm could deliver here for GSW!


CC: Busta Capp can't even move, but he did it. He is the first King of SoCal.


MCM: Woo, I am wore out, nigga. Tune in next month. I want to see how we can top this shit!


CC: If anyone can it is Brother Grimm!




Final Rating: 55


IPW Prove Yourself: 42


OOC: Whew, that was a lot of writing. Or at least felt like it. Some awesome grades and overall I know I could have scored a much higher final grade if I wanted to, but Grimm's loyalty to one of his boys trumps that. Also what a difference a few months make. Omar and Rudy had a solid D match the first time around. I figured more a D+ or maybe a C- since both have higher pop at this point, but never expected a C. Of course Keith delivered in everything he did and I knew him and Spade would be match of the night. Enjoy everyone!

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King of SoCal Final



Matthew Keith vs Busta Capp with Kandii


Winner and King of SoCal 2014: Busta Capp


Rating: 54





Final Rating: 55


IPW Prove Yourself: 42



Busta Capp is death in GSW -- the crowd rags on him due to his lack of selling, and he seems to have tanked the main event, as it was the forth-worst match on the card, and two of three higher rated ones had his opponent, Matthew Keith. He's not a bad performer -- just a lackluster one who can't sell.

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I really don't mind Capp bringing things down. In the long run the goal is to just do better than IPW and I am easily doing that. Part of the fun for me is to get guys that GSW fans boo at to improve enough to where they aren't. If he continues his current development by the end of the year his selling will be high enough that people will stop. I am not sure what the minimum is for sure, but I am just going based on what I saw happen with Wrecking Machine(Bull Wrecker) when his selling hit a certain point. If the number is what I think it is he is only two points away. He is also getting some extra work for PSW as he is often one of the guys sent over in talent trades. The only thing I wish I could do with him is get him to increase his size. I would like to see him as a light heavyweight.
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Matthew Keith vs Spencer Spade


People came to a GSW show and a wrestling match broke out. At first the fans boo it, but then as things go on and they start to put on a clinic the fans get more and more into it. Several reversals and near pinfalls happen and while they aren't getting battered and bloodied like the previous two, both men are looking worn down and winded as the minutes pass. Spade almost gets a surprise rollup and when he is getting back to his feet, Keith grabs him and locks on the Proton Lock. Spade is more than fine with quickly tapping out instead of trying to be a tough guy.


Winner: Matthew Keith


Rating: 73


This is like a dream match for me!

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