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GSW: Can't Keep a Brother Down

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia


Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest


Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


Cali Slick vs Omar


Hard-1 vs JOJI

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia


Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest


Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


Cali Slick vs Omar


Hard-1 vs JOJI

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure

GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol

GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia

Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest

Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

Cali Slick vs Omar

Hard-1 vs JOJI

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure

GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol

GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia

Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest

Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

Cali Slick vs Omar

Hard-1 vs JOJI

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure

I think that it´s bit early for Rudy to drop the belt but I could see it happening here.


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol

Standard title defense here, Wigga Patrol is hardly a top team so I don´t see them getting any nearer to the tag belts than this.


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia

Phobia is the first challenger who I see having a chance to beat Deuce but I still pick the champ to retain.


Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest

Boneyard is pretty useless in-ring so I go with Mexico´s Finest though I must admit that I have no idea if he´s any better.


Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

I think that Killers have had slight uphand during this feud and I expect them to stay strong here.


Cali Slick vs Omar

Couls go either way but Slick is slighly higher in my books.


Hard-1 vs JOJI

Another one that I could see going either way but Hard-1 is more established and I believe he should go over unless you just plan to job him out.

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia


Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest


Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


Cali Slick vs Omar


Hard-1 vs JOJI

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure


GSW Tag Team: Death Row © vs Wigga Patrol


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia


Scaffold Match: Boneyard vs Mexico's Finest


Barbwire Cage Match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


Cali Slick vs Omar


Hard-1 vs JOJI

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I'm not dead yet, but just been insanely busy at work. Show will pop up over the weekend.


Also thanks for all that voted me for C-Verse DotM this time around. Was up against so many good writers so I am both surprised and humbled by the amount of votes.


Incoming violence in the next 48 hours I hope.

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GSW Tales from the Warehouse 7


Friday, Week 2 July 2014


249 in Attendance




CC: Oh shit, it's that time, MC.


MCM: Damn straight it is. We are coming at you from The Warehouse once again and we got some crazy action for you all tonight.


CC: We got barbwire cages, scaffolds and a bunch of crazy ************s to say the least.


MCM: We also got Fro Sure trying to get back the American title as well which should be one hell of a match, Cliff.


CC: Shit, you ain't telling me something I didn't already know.


MCM: Time to go down to Mya Catalan to get this show started right.






Mya gets in the ring and prepares to make her usual introduction. She is only waiting for the already rowdy crowd to calm enough so she can be heard.


MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Warehouse once again for a night violence. Now let me introduce to you the owner and operator of GSW, Brother Grimm!




It isn't Brother Grimm that comes out. In fact both Mya and the crowd are confused to the new face that is stepping out in his place. The young man is dressed in an expensive looking suit and carries himself with a 'better than you' attitude as he gets in the ring. He gives a not so charming smile to Mya and plucks the microphone from her hands.


???: I am Spencer Spade and I am here to say all of you deserve a better product. You come here and see fools cut and maim one another. There is a suicidal masked man that should be locked up before he burns this place to the ground. You people deserve REAL wrestling. Not some garbage like this. That is why I am here tonight. I have a blank check for you, Brother Grimm. Sell me GSW so I can clean it up.




Grimm is finally coming out. It looks like grabbed Wrecking Machine to come with him as well. Spade is all smiles when the two enter the ring and Grimm pulls a microphone out of his own.


BG: Did you really just come to my house and insult my company? Kid, a few of us might know where you were from, but here you ain't shit.


SS: Come now, Brother Grimm. You can't be making money. I am sure you would love to go back to what you do best. I can make this company thrive and grow. Name your price.


Grimm does not seem amused, but then he gets a bit of a wicked grin.


BG: So you like wrestling huh? You want to show these people what real wrestling is?


SS: Yes, that is exactly what I want to do.


BG: Wonderful. Beat his ass, Wrecking Machine. We got a match.


Grimm and Mya bail as Wrecking Machine clobbers a surprised Spencer Spade.


Rating: 52


CC: This bitch for real? He just try to really buy us out?


MCM: Think he is learning his lesson the hard way right now.


CC: **** him up, Machine!





Spencer Spade vs Wrecking Machine


Spade is getting the ass beating of his life as Wrecking Machine assaults him with hard hitting strikes. It all changes once Spade gets tossed out of the ring. It seems he isn't against going by the same rules as most of the men here because he crotches Machine and starts to beat him repeatedly with a chair. He manages to roll the big man back in the ring then nails him with the chair once more for good measure before hitting him with a stunner like move.


Winner: Spencer Spade


Rating: 49


CC: Shit, what the ****?


MCM: Bitch talking about being a wrestler, but he sure looked like he was fighting like most of our boys.


CC: Kid full of shit if you ask me. Grimm made his statement though. We ain't selling shit.


MCM: This is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth, nigga. At least we got some violence to wash it out.


CC: True dat.





GSW West Coast Championship



Deuce Deadline © vs Phobia


Phobia's style and devil may care attitude seems to have finally thrown Deuce off his game. All it takes is one big boot to the face to even things back out and let the bigger man go on offense. Phobia is kept grounded and his attempt at a comeback is stopped when he is hit with a Deadliner when leaping at the champ.


Winner and Still Champion: Deuce Deadline (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 31



CC: Phobia has done better than most.


MCM: First one to really give Deuce a challenge I have to admit, but not good enough.


CC: The run goes on for a bit longer. Wonder how long he can keep it up?






Deuce doesn't look ready to leave the ring. He opens up a beer and motions to Mya Catalan who seems reluctant to get in the ring. He asks for her microphone and when she hands it to him he steps closer and pours beer all over her. It earns him a slap, but he laughs as a flustered Mya leaves the ring and heads backstage.


DD: What is it? Don't like it when a guy gets you a drink, bitch? Hey, Grimm. I hope you are back there too. I don't want to buy this shithole, but I would like you to send me a real challenge. I mean maybe I should just beat the shit out of Rudy and take that title too. Next month you better have something for me. I am tired of being disappointed.


He takes another swig of beer and spits it at the fans before leaving to a loud chorus of boos.


Rating: 37


CC: What a mother****ing dick.


MCM: Shit, I might even say Brown Pride has more class than this bozo.


CC: You just don't do shit like that to a woman. His momma should have raised him better.


MCM: He better be careful. He prods Grimm too much he is going to get burned.





Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


It takes some time to get the cage set up, but once all four men are locked in they go at it and use the barb wired structure to their full advantage. All four of them quickly become a bloody mess from being slammed into the cage and dragged across it. MexiCain ends up getting tossed hard into it and gets all tangled up with the barbs ripping at clothing and skin. LatiNoFear is left to be laid out with a big boot and E-Z comes splashing down on him to get the victory.


Winners: Mexican Hardcore Killers


Rating: 33


CC: None of those guys are gonna ever feel the same again.


MCM: Hell nah. How could they? But these boys all be warriors and I even give Brown Pride props. They got in the cage when I thought they would chicken out.


CC: Mad respect for all four men, but I am glad the right guys won. If you ask me that is.






Battered and bloodied the winners remain in the ring as the cage is taken down and Brown Pride are helped to the back. When he can finally get to it, Sanchez Villano calls for the microphone.


SV: Let that be a lesson, boys. You just messed with men and you got your ass kicked. Me and E-Z? We straight up the big dogs around here and now that we got this out of the way we are back on track. No one is going to stop us and any of you all want to **** with us?




Rating: 22


CC: For being a bloody mess they are still rather spry.


MCM: Shit, they running on adrenaline right now, nigga. In a bit they won't be in such a good mood, but shit, they did finally get Pride out of their way.


CC: And maybe back into the tag team championship scene. Ya never know.





Cali Slick vs Omar


A good effort once again between both men who faced off at the start of the year. Both have a fair bit of momentum on their sides as well, but it just might be Cali Slick that has luck on his side. He manages to knock Omar off the top rope and crashing into some chairs on the outside. Omar never recovers from that and is soon taken out with a Slick Back.


Winner: Cali Slick


Rating: 40


CC: Good win for Slick. Looks like he just has Omar's number.


MCM: I was thinking things might have been different this time, but Cali Slick has done well to show he is one of our top guys.


CC: Another title shot might be in order one day.


MCM: Keeps winning like that and the sky is the limit, Cliff.





GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © with Streetz vs Wigga Patrol


Wigga Patrol try to get something going, but they are just overpowered by the larger duo of Shady K and Knuckles. The champs demolish the pair and D-Lux ends up the victim of the Death Sentence.


Winners and Still Champions: Death Row (Defenses: 1)


Rating: 36


CC: Well I guess that is about what we expected.


MCM: Wigga Patrol tried, but Death Row is just so big it is hard to overcome those odds.


CC: I know wh....hey look!


MCM: Oh shit!






Dead Men Walking hit the ring out of nowhere and start to brawl with the champs. Streetz bails and his men soon follow and back up off the ramp. Mobstar has a microphone on hand very shortly.


MS: We know we can beat you bitches. We want those titles back and if you are the team you say you are you will face us next month. Come on, Streetz. What you say, nigga?


Streetz looks unsure, but he exchanges some words with his clients and they all seem to nod in agreement.


Streetz: You want us? You got us. But don't come crying when you lose again. Trust me. You can't win.


MS: We'll see about that shit. Bring yo 'A game' because we are gonna beat yo ass and take our belts.


The teams both trash talk some more before the champs finally leave and Dead Men Walking soon follow.


Rating: 44


CC: Hell yeah. Rematch biiiiiitches!


MCM: We got a good tag match for next month for sure. You all won't want to miss that shit.


CC: Dead Men Walking got the champs firmly in their crosshairs. They want their titles back.





Hard-1 vs JOJI with Kammy Ling


Hard-1 comes out swinging and shows quite a bit of aggression, but it might be a bit too much and JOJI uses his speed and agility to keep Hard-1 off his game. Hard-1 finally grounds JOJI and starts to take control. It seems he is finally going to pull out a win when JOJI surprises the veteran with a rollup!


Winner: JOJI


Rating: 31


CC: Oh shit! JOJI did it!


MCM: I know Hard-1 has been having some bad luck, but I never expected this.


CC: Another match and another loss. And boy does he not look-oh daaaamn!






Something just seems to snap in Hard-1 and he attacks JOJI from behind. He wraps a chain around his hand and starts laying punches against the side of the winner's head as Kammy Ling shouts for him to stop. Hard-1 leaves JOJI a bloody mess and he wipes some of that blood on his face while looking around with a crazed look. He kicks JOJI in the head for extra measure before finally leaving as Kammy checks on her client.


Rating: 23


CC: Hard-1 done lost his damn mind.


MCM: It seems the losses have taken their toll. Nigga gone cray-cray.


CC: I like Hard-1, but can't say I like what I saw there.


MCM: JOJI is straight ****ed right now. Hopefully he will recover.


CC: It's time, MC. They are starting to set up things for what Grimm says is the final encounter between Boneyard and Mexico's Finest.


MCM: This shit is going to be crazy!





Mexico's Finest vs Boneyard


The rickety scaffold rocks from both big men being on it and they are a bit slow to move so the whole thing doesn't collapse. They both clash with hard heavy hits and fight to remain on top and not get thrown off. Boneyard busts open Mexico's Finest with a big headbutt that dazes the big man. Boneyard capitalizes and grabs him by the neck and manages to shove Mexico's Finest off and barely managing to stay on the scaffold himself. Mexico's Finest at least has his fall broken by the several tables set up below that he goes crashing through.


Winner: Boneyard


Rating: 28


CC: Oh shit. Is he dead?


MCM: Nah...I hope not. I rather us not be closed down. This nigga likes his job.


CC: Shit, at least you got something to fall back on. I don't got the nice job over in Hawaii like you.


MCM: This is my home, Cliff. I'll take this place any day. Hey, look! Here comes Grimm.






Brother Grimm comes to ringside as Boneyard starts to climb down and several members of staff are clearing the tables to check on Mexico's Finest. Grimm remains by ringside and just gets a microphone as Boneyard moves to stand next to him.


BG: I promised this would be the end. You played a good game, Mexico's Finest, but I know you too well. Only way to make sure you don't keep this feud going I have no choice but to fire yo ass. Patch him up and throw his ass out of my club.


Boneyard just laughs as he follows Grimm to the back. Mexico's Finest is still unconscious and unaware he is no longer employed.


Rating: 65


CC: For real? Mexico's Finest is gone!?


MCM: Holy shit! I never expected that as a result.


CC: Well Grimm keeps his promise in the most shocking of ways. Never know what he may do.


MCM: Makes me glad we are his friends, Cliff. We be safe.


CC: Shit, I sure hope you are right.





GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Fro Sure


Fro starts off rolling and taking it to the champ as the crowd gets firmly behind him. While he dazzles with some spectacular moves none of them can put Rudy away and the champ continues to kick out and fight back. The pair brawl all through the crowd and around The Warehouse. It almost looks like a repeat from when Rudy won the belt and both men almost go off a balcony, but they manage to keep their balance and fight their way back to the ring. Both men look exhausted as they battle it out in the ring. Fro starts to get rolling again, but Rudy ducks a bit super kick and he aims a low dropkick to Fro's knee. The champ is quick to capitalize and hits Fro with the Street Cutter for the win.


Winner and Still Champion: Rudy Velasquez (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 55


CC: What a match, MC.


MCM: Crazy shit right there. Fro brought it and Rudy managed to overcome that assault and walk away with the belt.


CC: Well I think in defeating Fro Rudy is starting to show he can hang with our boys.


MCM: Hasn't lost since coming here and I dunno. He could keep that title for quite some time if you ask me.


CC: That would be it for this month, peeps. Be sure to come back and see what happens.


MCM: Peace out my niggaaaaaaaas!




Final Rating: 51


IPW's Fire in the Hole: 41


Ahh, Mexico's Finest. I had so much in store for you, but you had to turn into the biggest raging dick backstage over the past three months. Causing trouble before each event then getting a negative relationship with Streetz was his undoing. He was single handedly making the backstage area a complete shithole. Firing him improved the rating by 10 percent and leave Sanchez Villano as the only negative influence. A well behaved one at that....knock on wood.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/xto1XEU.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/BM7w74I.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/WHkX8eQ.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: Nigga, it just feels like this year is going by faster than the others.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Know what you mean. Can you believe we been doing this shit for almost two years as a company?</p><p> </p><p> CC: Wonder if Grimm got anything in store for that.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: I am sure he does. He'll let us know sooner than later I am guessing, but we got a card to talk about right now.</p><p> </p><p> CC: Six matches it looks like on paper, but shit. Never know when a random one will break out.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Spencer Spade found out about that.</p><p> </p><p> CC: Sucks he won. Hopefully we won't see him again.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Shit, we ever that lucky?</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/ruWXDsW.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">GSW American Championship</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/Pq3B7mO.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Uq8znyc.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/takZ3Pw.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Rudy Velasquez © vs Boneyard</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: Looks like Boneyard is getting a reward for taking out Mexico's Finest.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: To be honest whoever came up on top of that brutal feud deserves to get a title shot.</p><p> </p><p> CC: Big test for Rudy here and I do mean in size. Boneyard is a beast.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Rudy's reign could be shorter than I expected, but he has taken down some top talent so I am not going to count him out just yet.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/HkXjvWf.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/HkXjvWf.jpg</span><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GSW Tag Team Championship</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/UBMF7GR.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/T99e4Sg.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Uq8znyc.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/3bbsIKD.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/AMPORgG.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Death Row © vs Dead Men Walking</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: Big time rematch here, MC.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Dead Men Walking want their shit back. Death Row just better not come in cocky because they will be in for a big surprise. You never underestimate the Dead Men Walking.</p><p> </p><p> CC: Shit, can't argue with you on that one. This one could tear down the house if it is anything like the first meeting.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Nigga, it will be bigger I feel. These boys know what the other team can do now. It will be about who has more tricks up their sleeve.</p><p> </p><p> CC: And the champs got two more sleeves with Streetz there.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: You got that right, Cliff.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/gXUiGdr.jpg</span><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">GSW West Coast Championship</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/QNKktd0.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Uq8znyc.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/cuH23LI.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Deuce Deadline © vs Cheech Kong</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: My nigga, Cheeeeeeech!</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Deuce says he wants a challenge. He might not think this is one, but Cheech can pull off the upset. We have seen that.</p><p> </p><p> CC: I would be fine with that too. I am tired of that cracker having one of our titles around his waist. Shit probably smells of beer and cigarettes at this point.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Would shut him up too. See how he treated Mya last month? **** that shit.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GSW vs PSW Series</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i.imgur.com/CA280eB.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Uq8znyc.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/sm375Ia.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>E-Z vs Ernest Youngman</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: Don't know much about this Youngman guy, but I am told he is one of PSW's brightest young talents.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Seems Grimm is countering with one of our own. E-Z is going to be a star one day </p><p> </p><p> CC: Well Grimm must have a lot of faith in him because we could win the series if he picks up the victory here.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Be nice to have some bragging rites over a company bigger and more established.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/hqkcMEC.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Uq8znyc.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/V9KEuJd.jpg</span><p> <strong>Fro Sure vs Cali Slick</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: I have to say this one I am really interested in.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Fro got beat by the champ and Cali has been getting some momentum. This could be match of the night.</p><p> </p><p> CC: Fro needs a good bounce back victory. Cali needs a big one so he can perhaps get a shot at Rudy. Nigga, I'm torn!</p><p> </p><p> MCM: I know what you mean. Going to look forward to this one!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/oDcSudU.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Uq8znyc.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/gSwlQcl.jpg</span><p> <strong>Omar vs Deaf Touch</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> CC: Shit, another good match. Grimm working on hard on this show. He is giving the fans the works this time.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: That's what he always does. We aren't like those bitches over IPW. We actually know how to entertain.</p><p> </p><p> CC: Back on subject, MC. Omar lost to Cali and Deaf Touch seems stuck in the shuffle in a way. Nigga can perform, but he just can't seem to win the big matches.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Wins will come. At least he hasn't had the luck of Hard-1. Nigga snapped so bad he isn't even going to be at the show.</p><p> </p><p> CC: I hear JOJI isn't around because of the attack too.</p><p> </p><p> MCM: Damn shame, nigga. That looks like it for this time around. You all come see us on Friday!</p><p> </p><p> CC: Peace out!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/xto1XEU.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38457" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tales from the Warehouse 8</strong></span><p> </p><p> GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Boneyard</p><p> </p><p> GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Dead Men Walking</p><p> </p><p> GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Cheech Kong</p><p> </p><p> GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs Ernest Youngman</p><p> </p><p> Fro Sure vs Cali Slick</p><p> </p><p> Omar vs Deaf Touch</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>GSW American: <strong>Rudy Velasquez ©</strong> vs Boneyard</p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag: <strong>Death Row © </strong>vs Dead Men Walking</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>Deuce Deadline © </strong>vs Cheech Kong</p><p> </p><p>

GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Fro Sure</strong> vs Cali Slick</p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Deaf Touch </strong></p>

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<p>GSW American: <strong>Rudy Velasquez ©</strong> vs Boneyard</p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag: <strong>Death Row © </strong>vs Dead Men Walking</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>Deuce Deadline © </strong>vs Cheech Kong</p><p> </p><p>

GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Fro Sure vs <strong>Cali Slick</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Deaf Touch </strong></p>

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<p>GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs <strong>Boneyard</strong></p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag: <strong>Death Row ©</strong> vs Dead Men Walking</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>Deuce Deadline © </strong>vs Cheech Kong</p><p> </p><p>

GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure</strong> vs Cali Slick</p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Deaf Touch</strong></p>

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<p>GSW American: <strong>Rudy Velasquez</strong> © vs Boneyard</p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag: <strong>Death Row</strong> © vs Dead Men Walking</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>Deuce Deadline</strong> © vs Cheech Kong</p><p> </p><p>

GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure</strong> vs Cali Slick</p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Deaf Touch</strong></p>

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Boneyard

I just don´t see Boneyard being main champion in any company.


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Dead Men Walking

Could go either way but I doubt Death Row would drop the belts just yet.


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs Cheech Kong

I don´t think that Kong is the one to beat Deuce either.


GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs Ernest Youngman

PSW needs to tie this to 2-2.


Fro Sure vs Cali Slick

Could go either way again, but Fro Sure is little higher on my books so I think he should go over, unless the plan is to have Cali challenge for the belt soon.


Omar vs Deaf Touch

I think that this one is quite even but I just have a feeling that Omar might win so I go with that.

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<p>GSW American: <strong>Rudy Velasquez</strong> © vs Boneyard</p><p>

<em>Boneyard should never be given the belt. Sure, menace but bad in-ring skills.</em></p><p>

GSW Tag:<strong> Death Row</strong> © vs Dead Men Walking</p><p>

<em>I assume that Death Row is too over to hand the belts over.</em></p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>Deuce Deadline</strong> © vs Cheech Kong</p><p>


GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p>

<em>EY needs to win to tie.</em></p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure</strong> vs Cali Slick</p><p>

<em>It's Fro. He's got to win.</em></p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Deaf Touch </strong></p><p>

<em>I rank Deaf higher than Omar</em></p>

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<p>GSW American: <strong>Rudy Velasquez</strong> © vs Boneyard</p><p> </p><p>

GSW Tag: <strong>Death Row</strong> © vs Dead Men Walking</p><p> </p><p>

GSW West Coast: <strong>Deuce Deadline</strong> © vs Cheech Kong</p><p> </p><p>

GSW vs PSW: E-Z vs <strong>Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fro Sure</strong> vs Cali Slick</p><p> </p><p>

Omar vs <strong>Deaf Touch</strong></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...




GSW Tales from the Warehouse 8


Saturday, Week 2 August 2014


290 in Attendance




CC: Here we go again, kids. GSW in the hizzy!


MCM: We got some title matches that will be off the chain and we got a chance to finish off this best of five shit with PSW as well.


CC: Hell yeah. E-Z, you can do it! Time to close out strong.


MCM: I also hear Grimm has an important announcement regarding our two year anniversary in October?


CC: For real? I would ask what it would be, but looks like that sexy girl, Mya, is about ready to kick things off.


MCM: Take it away, girl!






Mya stands in the middle of the ring looking good as per usual and gets the crowd pumped up before she begins to speak.


MC: It's another night here at The Warehouse where bodies will be broken and blood will be spilled! Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce to you your host for the evening and owner of this fine establishment, Brother Grimm!




Brother Grimm steps out flanked by both of his bodyguards and the trio make their way into the ring. He smiles and gets Boneyard to help Mya out from the ring as he takes the microphone to address the crowd.


BG: As you know in October we will be celebrating two years as a company. Many didn't think we had it in us to succeed, but here we are. Those ****ers from IPW might have the money, but we got the drive and the will to succeed and stick it to that poor excuse of a company. I have put some thought into it and I will be celebrating this year anniversary by creating a King of SoCal Championship. This ain't a belt, nah. This will be a tournament where eight men will brutalize themselves to see who will be given the title King of SoCal for a whole year. Now I have some...




Before Grimm can continue Hard-1 emerges not looking to be the happiest of campers. He gets in the ring and is immediately confronted by Boneyard and Wrecking Machine who keep him from getting too close to the boss.


BG: Nigga, I hope you have a reason to be out here.


H1: I will make it short and quick. I want a match and I want one tonight. I know I have had problems, but you can't keep me off the card! I will take on anyone. I don't give a **** who it is!


Grimm seems to be contemplating this and he nods for both his boys to step back as he steps closer to Hard-1 and remains silent for a few moments.


BG: You want a match? I was giving you a break because you are cracking, man. I'll give you one, but if you lose this I will be giving you an extended break I think you need. You want a make a statement? Better make it tonight. Now that I....************, what now?




Grimm apparently saw Spencer Spade emerge while talking to Hard-1 as he is already looking towards the entrance ramp where the rather well dressed white boy is standing. It seems he has no intention of getting near the ring let alone in it.


SS: What now? I'll tell you what now. I do not appreciate what you did to me last month when I was being nice enough to offer a good sum of money for this pathetic company. Being the nice man that I am I will offer you the money again. I'll even increase the amount. Are you ready to discuss?


Grimm does not seem pleased. He sort of steps around Hard-1 who also doesn't look happy about being interrupted.


BG: Boy, you are one dumb son of a bitch. I tell you what. You are already here so guess what? We aren't going to talk, but your ass is sticking around and you will have a match tonight.


SS: I am not here for matches. I am here for-


BG: I don't give why the **** you are here. My house, my rules. You won't be leaving either if you know what is good for you. Now get your ass back there and get ready. You will be facing GSW's newest signing.


Brother Grimm then turns to Hard-1 as a few other members of security start to drag off a stunned Spencer Spade.


BG: As for you. Stay right in this ring. You want a match? You get Wrecking Machine! Ring that damn bell.


Grimm and Boneyard start to bail as Wrecking Machine looks a bit surprised he is once again called to wrestle on short notice. The moment of surprise is all Hard-1 one needs to get the jump on the big man and start things off.


Rating: 48


CC: Jesus Christ, the place is already damned chaotic and we are just starting the first match!


MCM: A match we even weren't expecting to have. Hard-1 is wanting to change his luck. I guess it is time to see if he can.


CC: Then that bitch, Spencer Spade, is back. He is taking on....wait. We have a new signing?


MCM: Shit, I guess so. I didn't know anything about it either, Cliff.


CC: This shit be crazy.





Hard-1 vs Wrecking Machine


Hard-1 starts off strong, but soon starts to be overpowered by the much larger Wrecking Machine. It looks like the veteran is going to suffer yet another loss when something just seems to snap inside of him and he gets a second wind. He starts to use anything he can get his hands on to beat down the bigger man and he throws a chair at Wrecking Machine. Machine catches it, but then foot meets chair which meets face when Hard-1 lands a big Mafia Kick and gets the pin.


Winner: Hard-1


Rating: 36


CC: Hard-1 just went full on cray-cray I think.


MCM: Looked like he was about to lose again and now nigga be standing tall.


CC: And you hear him? He is saying he isn't done making a statement. Wonder what that means.


MCM: Guess we will find out? I think he made a pretty good one right now if you ask me.





GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © with Streetz vs Dead Men Walking


Only Mobstar comes out and it seems the reason is that Death Row have been busy before the match. They are waving about a bandana that looks like it belongs to Gravedigga. Mobstar does not run and goes right after the champs. He is getting brutalized given he is outnumbered and easily outmuscled.




That is until Gravedigga comes limping to the ring with a chair in hands. He swings it about to chase the champs out of the ring only then to grin and start to slam the chair into Mobstar repeatedly. Gravedigga steps aside Death Row hit Mobstar with the Death Sentence before putting their boots to the defeated Mobstar. Gravedigga hugs the champs and Streetz and the group leaves together.


Winner and Still Champions: Death Row (Defenses: 2)


Rating: Match: 44 / Post: 52

CC: What the ****? What the **** are you doing, Gravedigga?


MCM: Is everyone losing their damn mind tonight? We got that Spade guy still thinking he can buy us out, then Hard-1 looks like he is going mad. Now this shit? Nigga, I don't know if I can make it through the night at this rate.


CC: I know what you mean, MC, but we got to push on. We got a lot more coming so we gotta just plug away.


MCM: A'ight. I'll try. We are professionals and shit afterall.




GSW vs PSW Series



E-Z vs Ernest Youngman


A very different match than the previous two. Less chaotic with two men that come from very opposite ends of the spectrum. E-Z is fast paced and high flying while Youngman looks for a slower and more methodical pacing by using his technical prowess. Both youths impress, but it is Youngman who gets E-Z to submit to a painful looking armbar and thus evens up the series.


Winner: Ernest Youngman (Series Tied 2-2)


Rating: 46


CC: Damn, he almost had it several times.


MCM: Good effort by E-Z, but now we are tied again. Final match will be in December from what I am being told.


CC: We better bring our best out for that one. Boneyard, Slick, shit....maybe Capp?


MCM: I am sure Grimm will think long and hard on it. Fro Sure, Death Row, and our champ, Rudy Velasquez, aren't allowed to compete again. I am not sure who he might pick now.





Cali Slick vs Fro Sure


Both men are crowd favorites and it seems they are split on who to cheer for. Both men are putting on a fantastic bout with several close pins and it seems Fro Sure is finally getting the upper hand when things start to break into chaos once more.




Hard-1 storms down to the ring and takes a baseball bat to both Fro and Cali Slick. Moore Vincent has to bail so he isn't taken out as well. Hard-1 still has that crazy look in his eyes as he lays out Fro Sure with a Mafia Kick when he was trying to get back to his feet. All the while Hard-1 is shouting gibberish about this is his statement and telling Grimm to pay attention. He finally leaves and Vincent can't help but call the match a draw given both men are not moving.


Winner: Draw Match


Rating: 51


CC: This is getting too damn crazy. Why the **** is Hard-1 interrupting this match!?


MCM: He keeps saying he is making his statement. Shit, I guess that is one way to do it. Fro Sure and Cali Slick are two of our biggest names.


CC: I think in almost two years this is only are second...maybe third draw? This is bullshit.


MCM: Well at least the nigga didn't interrupt the main event.


CC: Don't even say that, MC. You could give him ideas.





GSW West Coast Championship



Deuce Deadline © vs Cheech Kong


Deuce doesn't seem to be taking things seriously once again and he starts to pay for that. Cheech gets close to getting a quick surprise pin and then he eats a beer can to the face before Deuce starts to take control again. Cheech fights back, but just gets overwhelmed by the champ who puts him away with a Deadliner.


Winner and Still Champion: Deuce Deadline (Defenses: 4)


Rating: 28


CC: Damn, I was hoping for Cheech to get the belt off that bitch.


MCM: I keep hoping for someone to beat him, but he keeps coming away on top. I hate to admit it, but he is one tough son of a bitch.


CC: Oh look, he seems like he is about to go after Mya again.


MCM: Hold up. Look over there!






Deuce Deadline was trying to go after Mya before Grimm steps out on his own and approaches the ring. Deuce just looks smug and he drinks his beer waiting to see what the GSW owner has to say.


BG: You know. I signed you because I saw someone that could do some damage and you have done that, but I am not liking your harassment of Mya or belittling my company.


DD: You give me a real challenge I wouldn't have to. Really? Another punk that thinks speed can beat me? Keep this up I am leaving with this crappy belt.


Grimm is not looking pleased at being talked to in such a way. Deuce even teases spitting beer, but seems to think better of it.


BG: You want a challenge? Be careful what you ask for around here. You got one next month. He is resting up this month, but he will be back and ready for action. Next month you get JOJI!


Deadline rolls his eyes and just walks off through the crowd after exiting the ring. He doesn't seem to care who his opponent is at all next month. Grimm on the hand has a rather devilish grin on his face.


Rating: 40


CC: JOJI huh? Well color me interested.


MCM: He is deserving if you ask me, but Deuce seems to think otherwise.


CC: Well a few people been underestimating him, but we know what he can do.


MCM: I am a bit worried. He is the one that kinda made Hard-1 snap. What if he tries to take JOJI out again?


CC: Shit, don't know. I hope that ain't the case, MC.





Spencer Spade vs Moroi!?


Everyone seems shocked to see Moroi as the newest GSW signing given his past affiliation. Spade certainly isn't ready for the rather eccentric luchador who has come in looking to pull off a big win on his debut. The pair struggle to ever get the upper hand and they come off as evenly matched. Spade eventually tries to tear off the mask and that is the turning point as Moroi has to try to defend his identity from being revealed. Spade quickly capitalizes and nails the Supreme Stunner on the masked man.


Winner: Spencer Spade


Rating: 56


CC: Mother****ing Moroi? What is he doing here?


MCM: Looks like another has jumped ship from those bitches across town and knew the grass is greener here.


CC: I don't know if my heart can take more of these surprises. What a damn fine match too.


MCM: I don't like this Spade guy, but the kid can work. Moroi is no pushover so another impressive win tonight.





Deaf Touch vs Omar


Another solid, even match between the popular Deaf Touch and the talented Omar. Omar's speed seems to help him out and he gets a good amount of momentum despite Deaf Touch's attempts at fighting back only to be stopped by some big move that completely lays him out. Omar climbs high and delivers his High Velocity Headbutt for the victory.


Winner: Omar


Rating: 47


CC: Omar gets the win. I am a bit surprised, MC.


MCM: Given the surprises we have had to deal with I am fine with this one, Cliff.


CC: Shit, you got that right. Omar been looking good this year, but he hasn't gotten that one real big win that could push him to the next level.


MCM: If he sticks with it I am sure it will come. For now he has to celebrate. Deaf Touch is no pushover afterall.


CC: Oh hell no. Deaf Touch is one of our best. I guess that could be the win that gets him over the hump when I think about it.


MCM: We'll see. He hasn't been able to down someone like Fro Sure, Cali Slick, or Busta Capp. No disrespect to Deaf Touch mind you.


CC: Word, I know what you meant.





GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Boneyard


Rudy finds himself having to stick and run against the much larger Boneyard. He finally eats a big fist though and the behemoth of a man starts to treat the champ like some sort of ragdoll and sends him flying outside at one point and through a table. To the surprise of many Rudy manages to kick out after that and several times after some big, powerful moves. It looks like Boneyard is going to get the win, but he starts to play to the crowd a bit much. Rudy eventually fishes out of his jeans a set of brass knuckles and when Boneyard goes to pick the champ up for another slam he instead gets blasted and sent staggering back.


Rudy has to rely on a few more shots with those knucks to finally down the big man and he get goes to find a ladder and set it up. Boneyard is starting to rise when Rudy jumps from high up and lands a double foot stomp onto the big man's back and drives him onto the mat. A tired and bloodied Rudy covers the big man and manages to keep him down.


Winner and still Champion: Rudy Velasquez (Defenses: 3)


Rating: 52


CC: Holy shit! Rudy did it!


MCM: I thought he was dead about half way through the match. I don't know how he managed to survive that onslaught.


CC: Mad respect for the champ right there. I think he did about the only thing that might keep Boneyard down at that point.


MCM: You a....hey is that Capp? That is mother****ing Busta Capp!






Rudy Velasquez is still dazed when Busta Capp comes running in and takes the title from Moore Vincent and blasts the champ with it right in the face. He stands over the unconscious champion with the belt held high. He just has a big grin on his face as he shouts loudly.


BC: I'm back, nigggaaaaaaaas!


Rating: 44


CC: That's it! I give up! This is too much crazy shit for me.


MCM: Calm yoself, Cliff. This is good! Busta Capp is back and he just wants Rudy to know to watch his back.


CC: I am just glad this was the last match. I feel like we been on a damned roller coaster.


MCM: It is a lot to let sink in. I think we need to get some smoke and a drink. What do you say?


CC: Sounds good to me. We'll see you all next week.


MCM: Peace out!




Final Rating: 50


IPW's Into the White: 42


OOC: I don't think I could ask for much more with Boneyard in the main event. It did better than I expected so Rudy is proving to be a good investment. Was on the fence at signing Moroi when I saw his contract run up and IPW decided not to resign him. Looks like a good move if he can provide grades like he did against Spade. A good pop boost for both guys there for having the match of the night.

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  • 1 month later...





It is a somewhat quite day in The Warehouse. No shows are scheduled so Brother Grimm and Boneyard are relaxing in the former's office and mostly talking about whatever comes to mind.


BG: Nigga you for real? Cheech is hanging out with him?


BY: Wouldn't make that shit up. I don't know how it happened and I don't think I want to ask why, but Cheech and Phobia are tight like brothers now.


BG: I guess some things are best left unexpla-


Grimm is soon cut off by the knocking on the office door before it opens up and someone steps in.




RR: Yo, boss. You wanted to see me about something?


BG: Shit, forgot I told you to come on it. Sit down because I want you to tell me something.


Roper moves over to take a seat on one of the plush chairs as Boneyard decides to busy himself by reading a magazine as Grimm gets down to business with his road agent.


RR: So what do you need to know?


BG: What the hell is this Pro Wrestling MAX and why the hell our are boys jumping to the competition?


RR: MAX? I guess they are some weird attempt at being all pure wrestling and shit. Carl Batch started it up thinking it could be some sort of cult hit.


BG: ************ signed Spade and Mobstar. I can understand about Spade. Boy isn't really cut out for our shit and I wasn't expecting big time loyalty, but ****ing Mobstar?


RR: You think he is still pissed about the whole Ash Campbell incident a few months back?


BG: That is some pretty petty shit if that is the case.


RR: I don't think we worry too much. I heard Batch is a big spender and I don't know if he has deep pockets to keep paying all the guys he got. You see who all is there?


BG: A few people. I know he grabbed some people from PSW and IPW as well. So you thinkin' they will be out of business sooner than later.


RR: Not going to say it is a for sure thing, but dunno how that nigga gonna pay all his people long term.


BG: Shit, just not sure about Mobstar now. Was going to really start to see what he can do with the big boys.


RR: Play it slow and safe? I think he still wants to work for us. Not like he is jumping to IPW. Maybe he wanted to see if he could hang in a non hardcore environment?


Grimm just steeples his fingers and leans forward on his desk as he ponders a bit. He just slowly nods before sitting back in his chair.


BG: Slow and safe it is. Keep tabs on the company. I want to know if they start bleeding money and have to close.


RR: You got it.


Roper goes to leave and after a few moments Boneyard sets back down the magazine and looks to Grimm who in turn swivels his chair back around to pay attention to his bodyguard.


BG: So tell me some more about this Cheech and Phobia shit.



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CC: Feel like it has been awhile? Like longer than a month?


MCM: I think we just excited, Cliff. We got a tournament in October to celebrate our second anniversary.


CC: Shit, maybe that is it. We got some qualifiers coming up this month though. Four men will get to via for a spot in the tournament while two spots are reserved some boys from PSW. Makes you wonder who the other two get spots.


MCM: Grimm supposed to announce that shit at the show so we just have to wait. Shall we talk some matches?


CC: Oh hell yeah.






GSW American Championship



Rudy Velasquez © vs Cali Slick


CC: I have to say I am interested in this shit. Just what condition is the champ in after taking on Boneyard then getting taken out by the former champ?


MCM: Cali Slick has been looking dangerous as of late too. He had a bad swing of luck after his last title match, but has bounced back. We might have a new champ soon.


CC: Rudy has proved to be a tough ************ though so won't count him out.


MCM: I know this one has me pumped, Cliff. Could be one of our best title matches if Rudy isn't too ****ed up.






GSW Tag Team Championship



Death Row © vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


CC: Mexican Hardcore Killers never really got the shot they wanted in getting their titles back because of Brown Pride. Now they finally be getting one.


MCM: I would have loved to see them against Dead Men Walking, but I don't think we will ever see that team again.


CC: Damn shame, MC. Gravedigga seems to have joined up with Streetz and his crew and who knows what sort of shape Mobstar is in.


MCM: Word is he was scheduled for a qualifier but was too hurt and had to pull out.


CC: That's some pretty shitty stuff to hear.






GSW West Coast Championship



Deuce Deadline vs JOJI


CC: I have to admit I hope JOJI beats this guys ass.


MCM: I think it is a bit of a longshot, but Deuce really needs to be put in his place. Just not sure JOJI is the one that can do it.


CC: Grimm has some faith in the kid to put him in this match. Deuce has been so dominant though.


MCM: Bitch will probably retain and gloat about it some more.




King of SoCal Qualifier Matches



Gravedigga vs Paranoia


CC: Mobstar misses the tournament, but this nigga gets a shot. Pisses me off, MC.


MCM: Gravedigga hasn't had much success as a singles guy either. Streetz will be in his corner though so who knows what hijinx they might get up to.


CC: I want Paranoia to get the win here. Would serve Gravedigga right for turning on his best friend.



Spencer Spade vs Deaf Touch


CC: Here is someone else I hope loses horribly.


MCM: Shit, kind of surprised Grimm would let Spade into something like this.


CC: I am guess he is hoping the kid gets his ass kicked.


MCM: ****ing A



Hard-1 vs Phobia


CC: Hard-1 has had a pretty bad year, but what a way to bounce back if he can get into the tournament and do some damage?


MCM: It might be a longshot the way his year has been. Phobia has shown some big time flashes of insanity and I personally think he might be the dark horse that can **** things up.


CC: Well one thing we can agree on is these two have no ****s to give which should make it a great match.



Moroi vs Omar


CC: Moroi was a surprise last month and he had a hell of a match with Spade, but at the same time Omar has had a pretty good year so far.


MCM: A win here would do excellent for either of these guys. Still leery of Moroi because he was with those bitches across town.


CC: Shit, I just think he smartened up and decided to join the real deal.


MCM: This could honestly be the most even match among the qualifiers as well.


CC: Well there you have it. We got seven carnage filled matches. So what are you waiting for? Get down to The Warehouse and get your tickets.


MCM: See you niggas later!




GSW Tales from the Warehouse 9


GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Cali Slick


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs JOJI


King of SoCal Qualifiers


Gravedigga vs Paranoia


Spencer Spade vs Deaf Touch


Hard-1 vs Phobia


Moroi vs Omar

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GSW American: Rudy Velasquez © vs Cali Slick


GSW Tag: Death Row © vs Mexican Hardcore Killers


GSW West Coast: Deuce Deadline © vs JOJI



King of SoCal Qualifiers


Gravedigga vs Paranoia


Spencer Spade vs Deaf Touch


Hard-1 vs Phobia


Moroi vs Omar

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