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Taking the LOL out of LOLTNA

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Thank you guys, I much appreciate the kind words.

:) I did this episode of IMPACT without predictions, but we'll be back to normal next week.










IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 4, March 2014

Approximately 5,800 fans are in attendance at the Broadbent Arena!


'The Hands Of The King'


Before the show went live, former WWE/NXT developmental talent Jesse White (Jake Carter) underwent a tryout, losing to Gunner in a passable dark match.


We kicked off Impact to the sound of




He came down clutching his Championship over his shoulder clad in his now-signature leather hooded jacket, with some explaining to do. He was flanked by
but they just stood in the ring and listened to what Styles had to say.


AJ Styles:
"I left TNA just three months ago. Dixie Carter didn't want me here, she was determined to make my life a living hell so I walked out, defended her title in Japan and Mexico, to name just two places, whilst she pulled all her resources together and put them underneath Magnus. Now I don't blame him one bit for filling the spot, I'm sure he was enjoying himself, fighting under so-called Dixieland rules and always retaining that Championship when somebody handed him the victory on a silver platter. And that's why, when M.V.P. called me and told me that Dixie was gone for good, I jumped for joy! Because finally TNA would be free from her tyranny, free from her oppression, free from her will to try and control every single little thing that happens in this 18 x 18 ring. So I made some calls, I backed M.V.P. into a corner, told him he needed to bring back Jay Lethal and Alex Shelley if I was to come back and he was more than happy to do so. But little did he know that I had a little plan up my sleeve to make sure that no authority would screw me out of what's rightfully mine. Nobody will argue that I am one of the greatest all-round performers in wrestling today, not Samoa Joe, not Magnus, not Bobby Roode, not even Kurt Angle. But I had no intention of fighting numbers again, so I built my own group, who, just like me, were tired of having to play politics and were tired of having to wait for an opportunity. So I'm back, I'm still 'The Phenomenal One' and now I'm your new TNA World Heavyweight Champion and there isn't a damn thing that anybody can do about it."


Rating: 63 ©




In our first match of the evening,
Kenny King
looked to bounce back from his Victory Road defeat when he took on
The action was solid and fluent throughout, even if the match never kicked into second gear. Kenny King looked to be coasting to victory, until a fan in the front row started shouting at him. Kenny, seemingly surprised and distracted by this particular person's presence, was then rolled up from behind and Manik chalked up a victory.


Winner: Manik (7:43)

Rating: 46 (D+)


We went to
Jeremy Borash's
signature interview room and the man himself was standing by with a deject-looking
Bobby Roode.




Borash asked him about his defeat to Abyss on Sunday, a question Roode didn't take too kindly to because he raged explaining that
was one lucky son of a b***h. Borash stirs the pot a little, asking if Roode was distracted, or maybe a little bit blinded by his anger, leading to 'The IT Factor' storming away from the interview, making a lot of noise as he departed.


Rating: 56 (C-)




This was the first televised appearance for
Petey Williams
Sonjay Dutt
since resigning a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, they were up against a motivated
Bad Influence
, who just like Kenny King, were looking to get back on track after suffering a defeat on Sunday. Daniels and Kazarian did just that, but not before putting on an enjoyable match against two opponents they are very familiar with. Petey teased the Canadian Destroyer, which brought a few fans to their feet, but Daniels denied them the joy of the move. Kazarian's Fade To Black was followed by Daniels B.M.E. for the one, two, three. Hey, that rhymed.


Winners: Bad Influence (8:36)

Rating: 60 ©


Bad Influence
grab microphones and challenge
The Wolves
to a rematch at Lockdown, raising the stakes by saying that they'll put their TNA contracts on the line for another shot at the TNA World Tag Team titles.


Rating: 48 (D+)


JB welcomes another guest to his interview room, this time it's
Ethan Carter III.




EC3 cuts an extremely arrogant promo, describing how he beat
last night, which led to JB having to interrupt him to remind him that Angle won the match via DQ. EC3 explains that Angle was the one down and out, gasping for air after their match, so who was the real loser? Carter believes that Angle isn't worthy of wearing those olympic gold medals and that they should be round his neck instead, because he's the one that made Angle submit.


Rating: 53 (D+)




Gail Kim
made her way down the ramp with Lei'D Tapa, who didn't take too kindly to Gail's strict orders as to where she should stand at ringside. Gail's opponent tonight is
, who comes out the starting block like a house on fire, but Gail reseizes the initiative thanks to an assist from Tapa. Although the action here was perfectly acceptable, the match was only ever going one way and Gail out-classed her opponent on the way to victory thanks to an Eat Defeat, taking sole responsibility for the victory, Tapa's assistance completely ignored.


Winner: Gail Kim (7:28)

Rating: 51 (D+)


We go backstage where
storms into




The former Champion wants to invoke his rematch clause, but M.V.P. rejects his proposal because
Samoa Joe
has one too - which brings Magnus to ask where Joe is, with the Director of Wrestling Operations explaining that he had to deny Joe entry to the building, the doctor's orders. But M.V.P. books
Magnus vs. Samoa Joe
for next week, and the winner will face
AJ Styles
for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Lockdown!


Rating: 60 ©


A camera follows X-Division Champion, 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries as he leaves his locker room and turns the corner, heading to the ring. All of a sudden a door bursts open and he's jumped from behind!







And it's London, Lethal, Sabin and Shelley that hammer away at Aries!


The group put an exclamation mark on their assault with a lead pipe shot straight to the ribs. Aries is left down and out, the commentators left lost for words.


Rating: 45 (D)




Into our fourth match of the night, where
Ethan Carter III
is facing off against the returning
Jesse Sorensen.
And if you thought EC3 would go easy on the once near-paralyzed Sorensen... you clearly haven't watched TNA in a while. The match is fairly short, clocking in at just over six minutes and although Sorensen does have a few moments of joy, EC3 stunts his momentum and locks on a Rear Naked Choke for the submission victory.


Winner: Ethan Carter III (6:16)

Rating: 50 (D+)


EC3 refuses to reliquish the hold...












... but here comes Kurt Angle!
And Ethan Carter III is out of there!


Angle checks on Sorensen as EC3 snatches a microphone and heads into the crowd. He announces to our capacity crowd that he now wants to be known as 'The Greatest Submission Wrestling Olympic Gold Medalist Of All Time' and that he wants Kurt Angle, at Lockdown, in a Submission match! And if Angle loses, he has to reliquish his olympic gold medals! Knowing no different because he's Kurt 'frickin Angle, accepts the challenge and promises to end Ethan Carter III's undefeated streak.


Rating: 62 ©




Can somebody find me my
This can't be
There's no way he's
good all of a sudden, maybe MVP has given him a new lease on life. Either way, he takes on
'The Cowboy' James Storm
here in our semi main event and it's better than it has any right to be, probably because both are on a high after victories at Victory Road. Abyss is forced to weather the storm, no pun intended, but Bobby Roode comes down and distracts the referee just long enough for Storm to smash a beer bottle over Abyss' head before the Last Call superkick connects and it's curtains for 'The Monster'.


Winner: James Storm (12:51)

Rating: 69 (D+)


There's an impromptu Beer Money reunion in the ring as Roode & Storm add insult to injury, putting the boots into Abyss together. Roode mocks 'The Monster', telling them that this is what he gets for saving TNA, this is what he gets for beating 'The IT Factor', an E.G.O hall of famer. Seeing enough, and probably wanting a measure of revenge himself...










Gunner hits the ring! And he's got a steel chair! Beer Money hightail it out of there and head up the ramp as Gunner helps Abyss back to his feet. I smell a tag match...


Rating: 56 (C-)


It's time for JB's final interview of the night, he welcomes a super pissed off Bully Ray.




This isn't an interview, this isn't a promo, because Bully Ray is no mood to talk and Borash just happens to the person closest to him. Bully snaps, grabbing Borash by the collar of his shirt and dragging him down the corridor, through the curtain and out to the ramp. Some referees come out, along with Al Snow and Hector Guerrero to try and stop Bully, but he pushes them away... before Powerbombing Borash off the stage through a table! Paramedics hit the scene and set about making sure Borash is conscious, Bully Ray exits through a curtain and Hernandez and Eric Young sprint out, but are simply too late. Mike Tenay and Taz try to sum up the situation as best they can, but even they know that no words can do justice.


Rating: 47 (D+)

Writer's Note: I didn't want to do this but after three weeks of tanking promos and basically any segment he's in (like this one), I was left with no choice. Goodbye for now JB.





As far as TV main events go, I'm not entirely convinced we're going to have many better than this.
Mr. Anderson
wanted it, M.V.P. granted it and
AJ Styles
is here to complete the solution. The newly crowned TNA World Heavyweight Champion is warmly recieved, although some sections of the audience, probably Samoa Joe fans, give him the silent treatment. There's no denying the talent though as Styles fights out of Anderson's clutches with a flurry of kicks and fists before a Running STO is transitioned into the Calf Killer, only Anderson has took no punishment to his left leg and is able to escape without too much difficulty. But that sets the tone for the rest of the match, as if Anderson isn't out-matched enough, Styles makes sure he's also fighting his own body. Anderson continues onwards valiantly, looking for a second wind, then a third, but he's always fighting a losing battle. Styles elbows his way out of a Mic Check attempt before the Styles Clash leaves 'The Phenomenal One' picking up the all-important one, two and three.


Winner: AJ Styles (15:10)

Rating: 76 (B-)


Show Rating: 70 (C+)

TV Rating: 4.63

This show increased our popularity in 15 regions.

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IMPACT Wrestling Preview

Thursday, Week 1, April 2014


April is upon us and what better spectacle for the first IMPACT of the month than the Walter Pyramid in sunny California?


Talking of sun, California and all things hot, your IMPACT Wrestling main event this week is sure to be an equally heated affair when Samoa Joe takes on the former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Magnus for the right to face AJ Styles at Lockdown. We'll also have an update of Austin Aries' condition after last week's assault, straight from the horse's mouth when M.V.P. addresses Styles' current unnamed group and of course, Lethal Lockdown.


In a reverse of last week's semi main event, Abyss vs. James Storm, the rivals of these two men will go face-to-face when Bobby Roode takes on Gunner. And in tag team action, Kurt Angle teams with Jesse Sorensen to take on 'The Greatest Submission Wrestling Olympic Gold Medalist Of All Time' Ethan Carter III *breathes* ...and his partner Rockstar Spud.


All this and more on #IMPACTonSPIKE this Thursday night!

Impact Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

Comments: Give the fans what they want

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This has been so well done, it is one of the few dynasties I've ever gone back to after reading the majority of it.

Really can't wait for the next installments.


Impact Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud

Comments: Sorensen pins Spud? Hmm, not so sure on this one.


'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

Comments: Perhaps I shouldn't, but I expect shenanigans benefiting Magnus.

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: C'mon, let them fight against bad Influence more!


Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt

Comments: King fails agian, why not? Sonjay has an awesome finisher.


Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky

Comments: Gail could steal a victory after Tapa makes all the dirty work.


Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud

Comments: Poor Kurt... working with those people in the midcard. Let him break Spud's ankle!


'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode

Comments: Beer? Money? Please?


#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

Comments: AJ's gang will be there for sure, but Joe is gonna kill Magnus anyway.

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

Comments: Joe vs Styles sounds amazing!

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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt

Comments: I like King, so i'm pulling for him


Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky

Comments: Gail's next in line for Madison, I think


Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud

Comments: Sorensen eats the pin


'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode

Comments:Roode needs to bounce back


#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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TNA's ring is far bigger than 10 x 10 :p


It's between 15 x 15 and 20 x 20. It's not quite as big as WWE's, but as someone whose owned an 12 x 12 ring and been inside of TNA's ring, it's far bigger.


Yeah you're right, I googled it and that was the answer I could find, only to Wikipedia it now and find out that TNA apparently use an 18 x 18 ring, with WWE using a 20 x 20 ring. :rolleyes: I'll fix that part. :p

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Impact Wrestling Predictions


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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Impact Wrestling


Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt



Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud



'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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Non-Title Match

The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: Gay Boys more like

Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt

Comments: Watch out for the Gay Boys after Dutt's butt


Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa vs. Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky



Kurt Angle & Jesse Sorensen vs. Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud

Comments: Roast Spud


'Mr. Intensity' Gunner vs. 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode



#1 Contendership Match to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs. Magnus


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These are the standings for predictions so far, I'll be giving out my first batch of prizes after Lockdown. It's pretty close at the top, and could definitely shift over the next few weeks. We'll see




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IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, Week 1, April 2014

5000 fans are in attendance at sold-out Walter Pyramid!


'Something Lethal This Way Comes'


Before the show went live, the Motor City Machine Guns wrestled their first match since Shelley's return, beating the team of Eric Young and Cody Hall in a match that was more than worthy for TV.


Don't you hate it when a show starts with a promo? Well, this time it's necessary, there's announcements to make!




swaggers his way down the ramp, takes a microphone and lays down the law on these biatches! Sorry. Basically, after seeing last week's assault on Austin Aries as a continued declaration of war against TNA, M.V.P. has decided that at Lockdown, AJ Styles' group will put up and shut up. Austin Aries will captain a team of four, and Jay Lethal will captain a team of four, and the person that gets pinned or submits... will be fired!


And just as M.V.P. moves on to talk about what happened to Jeremy Borash last week... we get a rude interruption...













And, of all people,
Desmond Wolfe
makes his way down the ramp!


Desmond Wolfe:
"Ladies and gentlemen, and I use that term loosely, my name is Desmond Wolfe! And I don't need no introduction. Now there's some shoes to fill around here and with a locker room like that, it was only a matter of time before somebody shat Jeremy Borash's little
for good. Now I know I'm pretty easy to look at but get used to the sight of me you wankers, because I plan to be here for quite a while."


Rating: 49 (D+)




We kick off tonight's in-ring action with
The Wolves
taking on
The Bro-Mans
in non-title tag action and well... this one was only ever going one way. The Wolves have just retained their belts against Bad Influence on PPV and The Bro-Mans are well... they're The Bro-Mans, that's about all I can say about them. This one comes to a natural conclusion after The Wolves hit the Force of Nature on Jessie and leave their opponents maybe starting to question their future as a stable.


Winners: The Wolves (9:19)

Rating: 64 ©


Post-match, the great tag team in the biz-i-ness...




Bad Influence
make their way through the curtain sarcastically applauding The Wolves' victory. They remind the Champions of the challenge laid against them last week and offer once again to put their TNA contracts on the line for another shot. After The Wolves are done mocking what they see as Bad Influence's desperation, they accept the challenge and agree to do battle once again at Lockdown.


Rating: 50 (D+)




Kenny King
hasn't had the best of luck lately has he? He wanted some vengeance on Austin Aries, and lost. He wanted to get back on track against Manik, and lost. Third time's the charm? Apparently not.
Sonjay Dutt
has other ideas, and although the match is close, Kenny King once again finds himself distracted by the same overly-eager fan from last week. Sonjay takes full advantage with a Sonjay Cutter followed by a beautiful Moonsault Double Foot Stomp as King's losing streak moves on to 3.


Winner: Sonjay Dutt (8:11)

Rating: 48 (D+)


We go to the interview room, now fully decked out with a huge Union Jack flag in the background.
Desmond Wolfe
introduces probably the greatest rival in his TNA career,
Kurt Angle!








Angle comes into frame, looking a little uncomfortable in Desmond's presence but as soon as EC3 is bought up, Angle's blood boils and he focuses all his attention on berating his Lockdown opponent. He brands Ec3 stupid for even bringing up the word 'retirement', he calls him obnoxious for mentioning his treasured olympic gold medals and reminds EC3 who he's stepping into a steel cage with, he's walking right into a lion's cage with one of the most dangerous submission wrestlers in the world and after Lockdown, EC3's undefeated streak will be snapped in two just like his right ankle.
'Oh it's real... it's damn real!'


Rating: 52 (D+)




Time for the weekly dose of Knockouts action, and if you tuned into WWE this week, you got to see Natalya vs. Tamina... hah, we can top that all night long.
Gail Kim
is a little less bossy than last week, working well with
Lei'D Tapa
to cut off the ring.
Velvet Sky
makes the hot tag (of course she does) and
Madison Rayne
is in to clean house. After a few clotheslines, a neckbreaker, a close nearfall with a Northern Lights Suplex, Rayne finds herself needing to tag out... but Velvet has other ideas. She drops off the apron leaving her partner to fend for herself and it's not long before the Eat Defeat has the Knockouts Champion being pinned by Gail Kim.


Winners: Gail Kim & Lei'D Tapa (8:07)

Rating: 54 (C-)


We go back to that very British interview room where
Desmond Wolfe
Mr. Anderson
into the frame.








Anderson peers behind him and chuckles at the gigantic Union Jack flag, as Desmond questions and almost mocks him about his defeat to AJ Styles last week. Anderson shouts, because he doesn't know how to talk, only shout, about the importance of getting back on track. He puts his name down as the first to join Austin Aries inside Lethal Lockdown and promises that Styles' crew of invaders will make like the Aces & Eights and be banished from TNA forever.


Rating: 59 (C-)




Mike Tenay patches us in on something,
Kurt Angle
has took
Jesse Sorensen
under his wing and is now mentoring him. They're going up against the dastardly team of
Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud,
with both trying to avoid Kurt Angle at all costs. Finally the 'Olympic Gold Medalist' breaks in and makes his opponents pay for their recent actions before Carter looks to make a break for it. Angle chases him down on the outside and referee Brian Hebner allows Spud and Sorensen to go at it as the legal men. Sorensen misses a Shooting Star Press and runs right into an Inside Cradle from Spud, who pulls the tights a little and snatches the win for his team.


Winners: Ethan Carter III & Rockstar Spud (12:55)

Rating: 58 (C-)


Angle is left disappointed in the ring as Sorensen makes his protestations to the referee. We shoot over to the announcer table where Taz informs our television audience that Austin Aries will be defending his TNA X-Division title against Paul London next week. A graphic flashes on the big screen to patch our live attendance in, but the
and I guess we're heading straight back to the ring for another match.




Just like Kenny King,
Bobby Roode
too is going through hard times. But with a potential Beer Money reunion on the horizon, you might have expected him to improve his recent singles fortunes here. He controlled this match against
for the most part and displayed some class doing so. 'Mr. Intensity' was reduced to only short flurries of offence, but that's where he's most dangerous. Roode was just half a second away from being planted face-first with an F5, only to grab referee Keith Harris' shirt, who took a nasty spill to the outside. Thinking this might play to his advantage, Roode was all smiles, but
slipped in and delivered a Black Hole Slam to his rival, leaving Gunner to pick up the pieces and the victory with a Spear. 'Where was James Storm?!' an enraged Roode asks himself, maybe starting to think that he needs his former Beer Money partner more than Storm needs him.


Winner: Gunner (13:03)

Rating: 62 ©


It's time for our IMPACT Wrestling main event, but before we jump into the action, a video package plays to remind us how we got here.
Samoa Joe vs. Magnus.
Announced last week, clips of the last five or six weeks are intersperced with short impromptu interview comments from both men. Both swear vengeance on AJ Styles and his crew of invaders for what they did at Victory Road.
talks about his injured left calf, he took last week off to nurse it but he watched Styles beat Anderson and that's lit a fire under him. He's confident that he'll beat Magnus tonight and at Lockdown, inside a steel cage, he'll dismantle Styles and walk out TNA World Heavyweight Champion once again.
talks about karma, it'll hit Styles harder than he thought - and fate, he believes he is destined to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion again and tonight is the night he gets back on that track again.


Rating: 59 (C-)




What probably should have been the Victory Road main event is now just a stepping stone to bigger things.
Samoa Joe
taking on
but unfortunately, this was just a fairly standard TV main event. The crowd aren't as raucous for this as they were at the aforementioned Victory Road, even Samoa Joe doesn't get the pop he probably should get, but the action is still good. Magnus tries to keep Joe grounded, but the 'Samoan Submission Machine' lives up to his name and doesn't allow Magnus any control there. So, Magnus tries to use his seemingly better conditioning to try and tire Joe out, a solid plan it seems, until Joe just steamrolls him with a huge shoulder block and then takes Magnus out on the outside with a Suicide Dive. Magnus' only moment of joy comes when he lays his opponent out for a Diving Elbow Drop, only for Samoa Joe to still have his wits about him to roll out the way. In the end, the better wrestler picks up the victory, a Muscle Buster is followed by the one, the two, and the three and we now have our Lockdown main event written in stone.


Winner: Samoa Joe (14:38)

Rating: 72 (B-)


As Earl Hebner raises
Samoa Joe's
hand, Magnus stands and stares down the victor. The heads of the fans turn left and peer up the ramp. Magnus sees something and quickly gets the hell out of there...









As Samoa Joe is ambushed by AJ Styles, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and Jay Lethal!


The #1 Contender is helpless to this onslaught. Magnus scarppers through the crowd, but looks a little concerned himself as AJ Styles locks on the calf killer in the center of the ring. But the
for the TNA faithful.










"It's 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived!' And wait a minute... I don't think he's alone here Mike..."


Austin Aries
turns and points to the curtain...













Bully Ray?!
comes-a charging down the ramp with a steel chain in a hand!


But all four of the invaders make a swift escape, not even giving Aries nor Bully the opportunity to get their hands on them. The two of them help Joe back to his feet, who is a little hesistant to take any kind of assist from Bully, but he doesn't really have a choice. The three of them stare down the retreating invaders on the ramp as we fade to black.


Rating: 55 (C-)


Show Rating: 65 ©

TV Rating: 4.61

This show gained us popularity in 2 regions, but lost us popularity in 16.

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Comments: Give the fans what they want

Comments: C'mon, let them fight against bad Influence more!

Comments: Beer? Money? Please?

Your wishes are my commands my friends. :)


This has been so well done, it is one of the few dynasties I've ever gone back to after reading the majority of it.

Really can't wait for the next installments.

Oh wow, thank you very much! I'm delighted to have you on board. :D


Comments: Joe vs Styles sounds amazing!

Doesn't it just? I have high hopes.


Comments: Sorensen eats the pin

Very good shout. But did you expect Spud to be the one getting it? ;)


Comments: Gay Boys more like

Time to change their gimmicks I think. :p


And the prediction results for this week's IMPACT, even I'll admit it was super unpredictable this week, which makes me think I'm going overboard on surprise winners, but I'm sure it makes for good reading.


Blodyxe: 4/6

Crackerjack: 4/6

Smasher1311: 4/6

Packerman120: 3/6

Uncrewed: 3/6

Kijar: 3/6

Unwound: 3/6

smwilliams: 3/6

csg370: 2/6

Wolfman84: 2/6

Nobby_McDonald: 2/6

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Hey guys, so after a lengthy break to recharge my batteries, we are back. I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I spent most of mine sleeping in and enjoying my brand new Xbox One, FIFA 15 is pretty fun. I just checked the DOTM poll and saw that I'm at 6 votes as of this posting and I just wanted to say thank you, I very much appreciate all the votes, especially for a project that's not even fully up and running yet.






IMPACT Wrestling Preview

Thursday, Week 2, April 2014


We're heading up north this week to the Oakdale Theatre in Wallingford, Connecticut, traditionally a venue for Broadway plays. With that mind, we present them with a story of an unholy alliance, the reunion of Beer Money Inc. takes center-stage when 'The Cowboy' James Storm teams with 'The IT Factor' Bobby Roode to take on their recent respective rivals, Gunner and Abyss in our IMPACT Wrestling main event.


As announced last week, 'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries will defend his TNA X-Division Championship against Paul London. After thwarting an attack on Samoa Joe, who knows what AJ Styles and his faction of anti-authority invaders have in store for Aries... but something tells me that Team TNA's Lockdown captain won't be short of backup, last week saw Bully Ray align himself with the faction, but is he committed to the cause? This week his aligence will be put to the test when he teams with recent rival Mr. Anderson to take on the fledging pairing of The Bro-Mans.


All this and more on #IMPACTonSPIKE this Thursday night!


Impact Wrestling Predictions


Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner



P.S. I've created a little strawpoll, I want to work some more audience participation into my diary. Feel free to take advantage of this and go vote, that would be ace:


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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans

Comments: Negative crowd reaction to Jessie


Kenny King vs. Petey Williams

Comments: Kenny Jester is more like it :p


Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry

Comments: Negative crowd reaction to Rob Terry


Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London

Comments: Count-out when Aries gets surprised by London and walks out. I think.


Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner

Comments: Love it.

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Bully Ray & Mr. Anderson vs. The Bro-Mans



Kenny King vs. Petey Williams



Jay Lethal vs. Rob Terry



Knux vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA X-Division Championship

'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries © vs. Paul London



Beer Money Reunion

Bobby Roode & James Storm vs. Abyss & Gunner


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