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Monday Nights Mean War

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Back in the 1990s, Eric Bischoff and WCW decided to get some grapefruits go against the WWF head to head, pitting a brand new flagship television show in WCW Monday Nitro against WWF Monday Night Raw. The show was an initial success, but hadn't taken WCW into the stratosphere quite yet as they continued to trade ratings victories with the WWF. But then two men from the WWF came in, and a long time fan favorite joined them, and that changed everything. For over 80 plus weeks, Nitro topped Raw in the ratings war. However, with WCW resting on their laurels and the WWF cultivating new stars, Vince McMahon would have the last laugh in March of 2001 when he bought his competition.


<iframe width="350" height="263" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Y_76RK_5bBs?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


It's January 1997, and while the WWF may be looking to ramp up on the raunch, WCW is looking to continue to bring cutting edge action to everyone's TV screens on Monday nights. And in an odd twist, Erich Bischoff has put together a consortium to purchase WCW from Ted Turner while still honoring the TV contracts with Turner's networks. Ted Turner, meanwhile, has decided to concentrate solely on running operations among his bevy of networks. So hold on to your butts, because it's Monday nights, and that means war!

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Things have been going swell in WCW. However, there are a number of workers that aren't in my long term plans, so I have cut them loose. I'm also investing in a drug testing policy. Going to start off on a Low Level policy first, but if things get out of hand, then I may consider spending more money on higher levels of drug testing. And while I have a stacked main event roster, I know they won't be around forever. So it goes without saying that I'll be cultivating talent for the future, and will be on the lookout to sign younger talents. That's not to say that if a big name worker becomes a free agent that I won't try to sign them. I'm saying that my primary focus is on the talent of the future. Now to start planning the first Nitro of 1997 as we head into the first ever nWo branded PPV, Souled Out.

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Can't wait, hope this lasts


You and me both. Seeing as that Risky Business is done, and Mega Powers Explode should be a bit easier to work on, I think sticking to this one won't be a problem. I have some long term plans for sure.


:eek: YES! YES! Matt writing the nWo should be great stuff! Can't wait to see this get rolling!


Speaking of long term plans... ;)


And as Jaysin posted via an embedded video, let's all hold onto our butts!

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The Fountain of Misinformation's Rumor Mill


Hello, one and all. I am the Fountain of Misinformation, and whenever there is news to be reported, rumors to be spread, and general misinformation to be given to the masses, then you will see online postings from me. Now if only they could figure out how to make the internet not take so damn long to load up! Don't you just hate dial up?! Anywho, for the news, rumors, gossip, etc.


The big news over the weekend as we headed into the New Year was Eric Bischoff putting together a consortium to purchase WCW from Ted Turner. No doubt Bischoff had been saving his money for years from the recent profits WCW has turned since he took over, and he may not be done investing his money. Word has it that he has his eye out on some yet to be discovered talents, and may be dipping into the ECW talent pool again! But ECW isn't the only place Sleazy E has been reportedly scouting. I hear that he's also scouted talent from Canada and the UK. The rumored talent influx could explain why WCW released a number of workers, such as Bobby Walker, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Ice Train, Jim Powers, Roadblock, Sgt. Craig Pittman, the Gambler, the Mauler (Mike Enos), Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker, Mark Starr, and High Voltage (Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage).


More rumors and misinformation abound as word on the street is that WCW may be doing what some in the business refer to as a "Brand Split." While it most likely won't be discussed on TV, expect to see a number of mid to lower tier talent plying their trade mostly on WCW Saturday Night, while Monday Nitro will give fans the heavy hitters they pay good money to see duke it out. It goes without saying that Nitro is looked at as the "major" brand, while Saturday Night, being a B show and all, is looked at as the "minor" brand to allow lower level workers to improve their skills and hopefully be able to get over with the audience. Now this doesn't mean that the wrestlers you see on Nitro will never appear on Saturday Night (though I'm sure there are a few that won't), and vice versa. We hear that this is just an organisational tool developed by the innovative mind of Eric Bischoff.


I'm the Fountain of Misinformation, and this has been the Rumor Mill!

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I'll be watching this one keenly. Absolutely love this era in wrestling, although I was a WWF fan.


I was a WWF fan as well, but I also liked WCW and I've been getting the itch to see what I can do to right the WCW ship and not let the nWo get too bloated. In fact, I already have a storyline idea cooked up as it pertains to keeping the nWo from gaining damn near the entire locker room.


Always excited to read your stuff, man, good luck!


Thanks for the kind words, sir. :cool:

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Monday Nitro

Monday Night, Week 1, January 1997

Orlando Arena

Orlando, Florida


Pre-Show Dark Match:

-Chris Jericho def. Earl Robert Eaton

Grade: C+


<iframe width="350" height="263" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Jk4CwHFp_Gs?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



-nWo members Eric Bischoff, Hollywood Hogan, V.K. Wallstreet, Ted DiBiase, Vincent, Big Bubba Rogers, and Vicious & Delicious opened Nitro. Eric Bischoff hyped the first ever nWo PPV, Souled Out, and declared Nick Patrick would be the impartial referee of record for the event. He hyped that there would be two triangle matches: Hogan vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper for the nWo (WCW) World Championship, and the Outsiders defending the nWo (WCW) Tag Titles against the Steiners and Harlem Heat. After hyping Souled Out and mentioning other matches scheduled for the card, DiBiase took the mic and talked about how he had always said that everyone has a price, and Easy E had his, which is how the nWo had been able to infiltrate WCW, and soon, take it over completely. Speaking of money, DiBiase mentioned that the nWo's official financial advisor, V.K. Wallstreet, had some important things to say. Wallstreet noted that while profits for the nWo were rising, the group must be fiscally responsible and he felt that maybe it was growing too fast. So he met with Bischoff earlier today, and this coming Sunday night, any nWo member who loses at Souled Out would be kicked out of the nWo! However, the founding fathers of the nWo (Hogan, Hall and Nash) were exempt as they have proven their worth to the organization. Vincent, Bubba, Syxx, Bagwell and Norton all took turns to say that they wouldn't let Easy E down. Eric then closed out the promo by stating at nWo Souled Out, WCW would get some love too. He booked a ten man tag pitting the Horsemen against the Dungeon of Doom, and said the losing team must disband forever! And he announced that the Cruiserweight Title would go on the line as Ultimo Dragon would defend against Dean Malenko.

Grade: B-


-The Steiner Brothers defeated Public Enemy in 10:16 when Scott Steiner defeated Rocco Rock by pinfall with a Doomsday Bulldog. Before the match, it was noted by Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Larry Zbyszko that Madusa was accompanying the Steiners to ringside for the first time tonight, and that apparently they have enlisted her as their new manager.

Grade: B


-Mean Gene interviewed the Four Horsemen. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson did most of the talking, with Chris Benoit and Steve McMichael standing in the background, looking intimidating. Woman and Debra McMichael just stood around and looked pretty. The Horsemen talked about how once they were done with the Dungeon, they'd turn their attention to the nWo. Jeff Jarrett conspicuous by his absence, which Mean Gene brought up, and Flair said not to worry about him because they understood that Jarrett needed time to get ready for his match later tonight, though Mongo didn't seem to take too kindly to Jarrett not being out there.

Grade: B


-Rey Misterio Jr. and Super Calo defeated Konnan and Hugh Morrus in 7:49 when Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Hugh Morrus by pinfall with a fast roll up. During the match, Jimmy Hart took some cheap kicks on Super Calo when he was thrown outside the ring while referee Randy Anderson was distracted with Konnan.

Grade: C


-Mike Tenay interviewed Kevin Sullivan with Jacqueline backstage. Sullivan hyped the ten man tag, and said that Hugh Morrus and Konnan just had an off night tonight, and that nWo Souled Out, it would be a different story as he looked forward to finally doing what nobody in the history of this sport has been able to do: permanently bring the Horsemen to an end!

Grade: D+


-Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko defeated Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Dragon in 11:57 when Dean Malenko defeated Ultimo Dragon by pinfall following botched interference by Sonny Onoo.

Grade: B-


-Mean Gene interviewed Macho Man and Elizabeth on the ramp. Macho Man talked about how he was moved by Elizabeth's show of affection back at Halloween Havoc by trying to protect him from getting beat up by the nWo, and how it engraged him to see spray paint all over her. Elizabeth talked about how she was sorry for how things had gone between her and Randy in the past, and realized that deep down, there was a part of her that was still in love with the Madness. Macho Man then issued an open challenge for anyone who's got the guts at nWo Souled Out.

Grade: B


-Jeff Jarrett defeated Brad Armstrong in 6:15 by submission with a Figure Four Leg Lock.

Grade: C+


-After the match, Steve McMichael took the Halliburton briefcase from Debra and clobbered Jeff Jarrett with it!

Grade: C+


-Roddy Piper defeated Big Bubba Rogers in 9:42 by pinfall following botched interference by Vincent.

Grade: B


-Vicious & Delicious hit the ring and began attacking Roddy Piper, eager to show Eric Bischoff and V.K. Wallstreet that they were worthy of wearing the nWo colors. But here came Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant to clear them out of the ring! DDP with a Diamond Cutter on Buff Bagwell, and the Giant chokeslamming Scott Norton, and Vicious & Delicious decided to get the hell out of Dodge!

Grade: B-


-Hollywood Hogan and the Outsiders defeated Lex Luger and Harlem Heat in 14:09 when Hollywood Hogan defeated Stevie Ray by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. During the match we also had Sister Sherri get into an argument with Scott Hall.

Grade: B+


-Hogan, Hall and Nash continued the beat down on Luger and Harlem Heat, but here came Macho Man to attack! Hogan and the Outsiders were starting to get the better of him, but then Sting came down from the rafters with a baseball bat! Sting leveled Hall and Nash while Savage took care of Hogan!

Grade: A


Final Grade: B+

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The Fountain of Misinformation's Rumor Mill


It is I, once again, the Fountain of Misinformation. Word has it that at the live Monday Nitro last night, Johnny Grunge of Public Enemy had failed a drug test, testing positive for hard drugs. According to my outside sources, Eric Bischoff took Grunge aside and gave him a fatherly approach about the situation, and Grunge took it rather well and apparently has quit hard drugs altogether.


Speaking of WCW, from what I was watching last night, Vincent's timing when managing both Big Bubba Rogers and Scott Norton was just all over the place. Hope Sleazy E gets Vincent away from Bubba and Norton and make him the nWo's resident jobber.


One of my friends watched Monday Night Raw instead of Nitro last night, and he was scratching his head trying to figure out why they teamed their Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, with the man he feuded with in Hog Pen Matches, Henry Godwinn. Not only that, but they went over on Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon! And for some reason, they gave away a Sid/HBK rematch for free, made it a non-title match, and had Sid defeat HBK by disqualification after Shawn apparently hit Sid with a camera of his own. And coming off the heels of Mankind turning face this past weekend on WWF's weekend fare, he teamed up with the Undertaker, losing to the British Bulldog and Owen Hart in a non-title match Owen rolled Mankind up and hooked his pants. Raw got a pretty good crowd at Madison Square Garden, though not the sell out crowd Nitro had. Not to mention Nitro had more coherent storytelling and put their main event on last. I give Nitro an 86 to Raw's 81.


I'm the Fountain of Misinformation, and this has been the Rumor Mill!

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The following prediction game... has been paid for... by the New World Order.


<iframe width="350" height="263" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Krik_TBCgwU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx


WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko


Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart


Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???


Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious


Bonus Questions:

-Will whoever accept Macho Man's challenge be from WCW, the nWo or a free agent? And who will accept?

-Will anyone turn heel or babyface?

-How many titles will change hands?

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Very nice Nitro, opened the year almost exactly how it should have: with the nWo running wild, brother. Good call on the Horsemen/DoD match.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper

Hogan can't drop the title. Even if this becomes a shmozz finish, he'll still retain.


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri

Hogan and the Outsiders being exempt from the firing rule means they can drop this match. I look for the real life Easy E shenanigans to happen here, because it was perfect.


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx

Syxx will lose this match, but still stay on as an nWo member based solely on Eric being just that corrupt.


WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers

As much as I could see this being one where the title changes hands, Rogers also works well as a face, and I could see him losing just to see someone get kicked from the group.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko

Dragon wins in spite of Onoo.


Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart

Because really now.


Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???

This will be another way you could write off another useless nWo B-league guy.


Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious

This one won't end neatly by any means, I'm figuring a nWo beatdown on Page and Giant that Nick Patrick conveniently misses. I very vividly remember this show, and they were doing the "nWo wants DDP" angle where Hall and Nash would offer him a shirt.


Bonus Questions:

-Will whoever accept Macho Man's challenge be from WCW, the nWo or a free agent? And who will accept? nWo... hmm, maybe Vincent?

-Will anyone turn heel or babyface? Bubba Rogers.

-How many titles will change hands? One, but it'll be switched back the next night.

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Love the stipulation running throughout the show- makes every match important. Great start, and really looking forward to see where this goes!


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri (Hogan & The Outsiders having a guarenteed place in the NWO has me thinking that one or both will lose)


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx


WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko


Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart (I just see a lot more potential in the Horsemen as singles, especially Mongo :D)


Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???


Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious


Bonus Questions:

-Will whoever accept Macho Man's challenge be from WCW, the nWo or a free agent? And who will accept? Rob Van Dam!

-Will anyone turn heel or babyface? No

-How many titles will change hands? 3

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx


WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko

Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart


Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???


Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper

Hogan won't lose in a three-way... but I think he does drop this before Starrcade.

WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri

It's hard to remember that these three are on the same level -- and you could easily put Booker in the same storyline as Steiner, just not with the same gimmick. The Heat win, as they were aligned with Luger in the main on Nitro.

WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx

Syxx winning makes sense, as Guerrero can move onto bigger and better things.

WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers

I think that Regal is where he needs to be -- he starts with shoot tension with Bischoff, so him winning caps his potential. The Bossman is so-so and will get the boot here.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko

Dragon will take the lone non-WCW vs. NWO bout. He has a manager.

Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart

A Face WCW Group is more useful than a second heel stable -- The DoD goes down, and Konnan soon joins the NwO.

Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???

Agree this is be Vincent, and he will soon be fired from the company. Could be a swerve and this may be a new member of the NwO, but I feel that the build suggests it isn't someone new.

Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious

Bagwell can always form Totally Buffed with Lex and bolster the tag division and Scott Norton can be written out of the NwO

Bonus Questions:

-Will whoever accept Macho Man's challenge be from WCW, the nWo or a free agent? And who will accept? NwO, Vincent

-Will anyone turn heel or babyface? Yes, Buff Bagwell will turn face

-How many titles will change hands? 1

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Just a side note, the Outsiders don't have creative control in their contracts. Can't remember if that's how NWAvsWWF set them up, or if I did that in the pre-game database editor. I do remember taking it out of Hogan's contract. I figured that workers' personalities with pop-ups saying they're not pleased with the outcome and want it changed would suffice. So KnowYourEnemy, I'll give you the option of changing your pick based on this info if you like, or if you want to keep it the same, feel free. I knew I was forgetting to mention something in my initial Eric Bischoff "OOC" post. :o
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WCW Saturday Night

Taped Tuesday, Week 1, January 1997 (airs Saturday night)

Disney MGM Studios

Orlando, Florida

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay


-The Faces of Fear (Meng and Barbarian) def. The Armstrongs (Steve and Scott Armstrong) by pinfall when Barbarian hit Scott with the Kick of Fear.

Grade: C+


-"The following announcement... has been paid for... by the New World Order." Syxx, Vincent, Big Bubba Rogers, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton promote nWo Souled Out, with Vincent talking tough about how he'll make sure nobody from WCW interferes in the matches; Bubba and Syxx promise to take the TV and US Titles respectively; and Vicious & Delicious talk about how they'll beat DDP and the Giant, and dare DDP to bring that bimbo Kimberly with him. "The preceding announcement... has been paid for... by the New World Order."

Grade: C


-Disco Inferno def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. by pinfall when he used the ropes for leverage.

Grade: D


-Lex Luger def. Super Calo by submission with the Torture Rack.

Grade: C+


-Mean Gene interviewed Lex Luger in the interview area about nWo Souled Out. Luger said that he'll give Piper his best, but ultimately the goal is to get the WCW World Heavyweight Championship out of the New World Order.

Grade: B+


-The Blue Bloods (Lord Steven Regal, Earl Robert Eaton and Squire David Taylor) def. Billy Kidman, Joey Maggs and Prince Iaukea by pinfall after Taylor hit Maggs with a Butterfly Suplex.

Grade: C


-Tony warns us about a disturbing video the nWo sent to the production staff at WCW that they're going to air right now. We see Hollywood Hogan and the Outsiders beating the crap out of Teddy Long and the Renegade. After the beatdown, Hogan and the Outsiders tell Piper, Luger, Harlem Heat and the Steiners that what they saw was in store for them tomorrow night.

Grade: A


-Mortis def. Scotty Riggs with a Northern Lights Suplex after James Vandenberg distracted Riggs.

Grade: D-


-In a pre-taped promo, the Steiner Brothers introduce us to their new valet who was at ringside for them this past Monday night on Nitro, Madusa. Madusa said that just because she's a woman doesn't mean she'll cower away from the vultures that are the New World Order. She mentions that she and the Steiners have all been where the Outsiders have been, and they didn't like it one bit, and why to this day she is still proud that she threw that place's Women's Title in the trash can.

Grade: B-


-The Amazing French Canadians def. Alex Wright and La Parka by pinfall after Carl Oulette hit La Parka with La Cannonball.

Grade: C


-Mean Gene interviewed Chris Jericho, who stated that ever since he's arrived in WCW, he's been doing his best to steal the show every night, and he will continue to do so.

Grade: C+


-Hugh Morrus def. John Tenta by pinfall with the No Laughing Matter.

Grade: C


-"The following announcement... has been paid for... by the New World Order." The Outsiders cut a promo on the Steiners and Harlem Heat, and warn Madusa and Sister Sherri that if they get in the way, they'll knock their heads off too. "The preceding announcement... has been paid for... by the New World Order."

Grade: B+


-V.K. Wallstreet def. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan by pinfall after using a foreign object right in plain sight of referee Nick Patrick, who conveniently made motions as if something got stuck in his eye when the illegal activity occurred, but all of a sudden regained his sight when Wallstreet covered Duggan for the pin.

Grade: B-


Final Grade: B-


*Other notes: Chris Jericho switched to a Show Stealer (Unique) gimmick, and it got an 84 rating.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper

I love Luger and Piper, but come on, this is Hollywood and he's far more relevant than either of them at this point.


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri

The Steiners and Harlem Heat are two of my top five favorite tag teams of all time, but nWo dominance will probably continue.


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx

I imagine there will be some form of trickery here.


WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Regal should never, ever, ever lose and should hold every title. :p


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko

For some reason I think Stinko Malenko will win, but I can never bet against Ultimo.


Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart

Horsemen are forever!


Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???

Can't really guess who this will be, but Savage is insanely over.


Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious

For some reason I see Giant turning on Page and rejoining the nWo


Bonus Questions:

-Will whoever accept Macho Man's challenge be from WCW, the nWo or a free agent? And who will accept? WCW...and Chris Jericho?

-Will anyone turn heel or babyface? The Giant will turn on DDP.

-How many titles will change hands? One. The US Title.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (Champion) w/Ted DiBiase vs. Lex Luger vs. Roddy Piper


WCW World Tag Team Championship

The Outsiders (Champions) vs. The Steiner Brothers w/Madusa vs. Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


WCW United States Championship

Eddy Guerrero (Champion) vs. Syxx


WCW World Television Championship

Lord Steven Regal (Champion) vs. Big Bubba Rogers


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Ultimo Dragon (Champion) w/Sonny Onoo vs. Dean Malenko


Ten Man Tag

Losing Group Must Disband!

The Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael and Jeff Jarrett) w/Woman and Debra McMichael


The Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Konnan, Meng and the Barbarian) w/Jacqueline and Jimmy Hart


Open Challenge

"Macho Man" Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs. ???


Diamond Dallas Page and the Giant w/Kimberly vs. Vicious & Delicious


Bonus Questions:

-Will whoever accept Macho Man's challenge be from WCW, the nWo or a free agent? And who will accept? Vincent in a squash for Macho Man

-Will anyone turn heel or babyface? No

-How many titles will change hands? 2

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The Fountain of Misinformation's Rumor Mill


The Fountain of Misinformation returns, and with nWo Souled Out nigh upon us, I thought I would share some scoops that have come along my way in recent days.


First and foremost, congratulations are in order for a number of WCW wrestlers who were on pay per appearance deals as they have been signed to brand new written contracts, making them exclusive to WCW from here on out. Rey Misterio Jr., Billy Kidman, Super Calo, La Parka, Juventud Guerrera and Lord Steven Regal will now be wrestling exclusively where the big boys play.


After that bit of good news, it appears that I have to post some bad news as the wrestling world took another black eye as CMLL has come under scrutiny for their drug testing, or should we say lack thereof, after Humberto Garza Jr. overdosed on black tar heroin. Thankfully, he's lived to tell about it, but he'll be out of action for approximately half of 1997.


Back to more good news, and more good news for WCW at that as they have signed a new PPV deal that will see their PPVs carried in Canada. Starting with nWo Souled Out, WCW will be seen on PPV in Canada via Bell ExpressVu. The deal is said to be an 18 month deal. And rumor has it that WCW may have signed a number of free agents and/or wrestlers off the indy circuit, including a couple from ECW. However, these are just rumors right now, so I cannot confirm them. One signing that has been confirmed, however, was that of "The Colorado Kid" Mike Rapada. Not sure what exactly WCW will have in store for him other than helping to put other wrestlers over. And finally, we've heard rumors that Eric Bischoff may have negotiated with Hogan, Hall and Nash to relent on their creative control clauses, as well as their wage matching clauses. Apparently Hogan, Hall and Nash were pleased with the long term plans Bischoff has in place. What those plans are, we have no clue.


That's it for today's posting. This is the Fountain of Misinformation signing off!


OOC: I saw that Hall and Nash had wage matching, so I went ahead and took those out so WCW won't bleed money into eternity. May not be ideally realistic, per se, but I don't want this game to end after a year or so either. And as I said earlier on the creative control thing, their personalities should suffice.

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