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Midwest Championship Wrestling: Youth Movement

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I'm still not dead folks. I've continued to work extra hours at work and have numerous evening commitments that all came to a head this week. I also possess a degree in meteorology and my area was impacted by a large scale severe weather outbreak tonight. I had plans to finish off Culture Shock and get it up, but monitoring the weather took precedent tonight. Stick with me, MCW will be back on the air shortly!
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Presented by Midwest Championship Wrestling

From the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Streaming Live on MCW Online

October 25th, 2014

Attendance: 48


"Welcome to the Show"

Featuring: Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard


The video screen inside the Moose Lodge lights up, signaling the start of Culture Shock. A quick intro video fills the screen, highlighting some of the action and stars of MCW. When the video ends, Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard occupy the ring. Both men are dressed back down from their classy attire seen at Revolution. Duke has lost the tie and remains in his cut off flannel and blue jeans while Davis has returned to his shirt, tie and slacks.


Davis: Hello and welcome everybody to MCW Culture Shock! I'm Davis Ditterich alongside my partner in crime at the announce table Duke Hazzard. The last time we were here in Colfax, Iowa Spencer Spade shocked us all by costing Aaron Andrews the Heavyweight Title and standing tall with Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey! We will hear from The Uprising tonight!


Duke: That should be about as exciting as only getting to watch a cow get artificially inseminated.


Davis: Anyone ever tell you that you weren't on the farm anymore?


Duke: You can take the man off the farm but you can't take the cow stories away from the man, Davis.


Davis: I don't even want to know. In other action tonight Casey Valentine will defend his Heavyweight Title, Mikey James and Matthew Keith are both here and will be in action! So get strapped in folks, it's going to be a hell of a night to be with MCW!


The fans cheer and begin a small "M-C-Dub" chant as Davis and Duke leave the ring and assume their positions at the announce table.




Mikey James vs. Greg Gauge

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Greg Gauge had a chip on his shoulder, as he normally does, but found he was a bit over matched by Mikey James.

- Mikey James had quite a following in the Midwest and the crowd was solidly behind him.

- Gauge tried to take control early, but James was able to keep himself treading water and ready to make a comeback at any time.

- Gauge played to his technical abilities, where he had a slight advantage, and James played his striking abilities.

- James began to fight back, having an answer for everything Gauge tried. Greg got desperate and began wildly launching moves that allowed James to make up a bit of lost ground.


The Finish

As they neared the fifteen minute mark, James was solidly in control. Gauge was still trying to put up a fight, mixing in some underhanded tactics but James was stopping him at every attempt. James seemed to be favoring his back a little bit, but it wasn't slowing him down much. He planted Gauge with an overhead belly to belly and stood across the ring, measuring him up. It was no doubt that Mikey was looking for the Scything Side Kick as Gauge stood and turned. He ducked James' kick and spun around. As James turned, Gauge snapped him down with a DDT and immediately grabbed his legs. Greg turned James over into the Proton Lock, much to the crowd's dislike, but Mikey fought it all the way to the ropes. Gauge didn't let go, but just drug his opponent back to the center of the ring. James refused to let him re-synch the hold and fought his way to a standing position. Mikey pushed off with his free foot and did a backflip, landing on his feet. He immediately fired his Scything Side Kick and got the pinfall over Gauge.

Winner: Mikey James



Davis: Mikey James proves why he is the number one contender to the Heavyweight Title!


Duke: And Greg Gauge proves why his brother was in the Road To Glory this year and he wasn't!



"It's Not Your Time"

Featuring: Mikey James and Casey Valentine


The crowd's cheers for Mikey James' victory quickly change to boos as the music of Casey Valentine hits the system. Mikey snaps to attention and peers towards the curtain. A few moments later, the MCW Heavyweight Champion pushes through the curtain clad in street clothes and holding the title belt over his shoulder. He saunters to the ring, jaw jacking with the front row fans as he does. He makes his way around to the announce table where he snatches two microphones and climbs into the ring. James watches Valentine's every move as he approaches and shoves one of the microphones into his chest. The music fades and Casey waits for the boos to die down before speaking.


Casey: Hey Mikey. Let's chat. That was a solid victory over Greg Gauge. You nearly kicked his nose into the third row. You were efficient, you never wore yourself out and you never panicked even when Greg was taking it to you the worst. You want to know the only thing that didn't impress me about that victory? You beat Greg Gauge. You didn't beat an athlete the caliber of Casey Valentine; you beat a stroke trying to make a name off of his daddy.


Mikey: At least that's better than trying to make a name off of his uncle. I've kept up with you Casey and as much as you say you want out of Peter's shadow, you still haven't done anything to set yourself aside from Peter.


Casey: I wasn't done talking yet! When you're in the presence of the MCW Heavyweight Champion and the leader of the movement that will change the face of professional wrestling forever, you will wait until I give you permission to talk! Now, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was saying that a victory over somebody like Greg Gauge means nothing when you're vying for my title. You may have won the right to get a match for this belt that hangs over my shoulder, but the fact of the matter is that you aren't ready yet. To get into the ring with me you'll have to do it on my terms, after you've earned my respect. Winning matches against pukes like Greg Gauge just won't cut it.


The crowd boos as Valentine looks around, a smug smirk resting on his face. Mikey James smiles as well, shaking his head. He holds up a finger to Valentine and brings the microphone to his mouth.


Mikey: I have to earn your respect? I've been CZCW Champion for a year, one of the only triple crown champions in CZCW history, wrestled for RIPW on a developmental contract, worked in Japan and was ranked in the top 100 wrestlers in the world last year and I have to earn your respect?


The crowd cheers and applauds. Casey smirks once more and nods. Mikey swiftly takes two steps forward and comes nearly face to face with the champion.


Mikey: How about I beat it out of you?! Now you listen to me champ. I came to MCW for glory. This isn't my regular job, this isn't my ring and I have nothing to lose. You can be damn sure that I'll be bringing everything I have each time I step into this ring.


The crowd cheers again as Mikey taps the MCW Heavyweight Title hanging on Valentine's shoulder.


Mikey: I'm coming for that title, Casey. This isn't about respect, this isn't about getting paid. This is about nothing more than glory and pride. When I'm done with you, it will all be mine. Thanks for the chat, pal.


The crowd cheers loudly as Mikey shoves the microphone back into Casey's chest and raises his hands into the air. His music hits the system as he climbs from the ring and looks back up at the champion whose mouth is simply agape.



Davis: Very strong words from the number one contender! I hope he can dethrone Valentine, even if he isn't an MCW home talent!


Duke: I haven't seen a tongue lashing like that since my mama caught me stealing moonshine!





Syd Collier and "K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Jamie Atherton

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Kuntz and Atherton started the match. Atherton and his partner did an almost perfect job of isolating Kenny from his corner.

- Atherton and Newton had moments in the match when they felt the need to upstage each other.

- Kuntz was isolated from Syd Collier for nearly seven minutes before finally getting the hot tag.

- Collier cleaned house and fended off attacks from both members of the opposing team as Kuntz recovered.


The Finish

Atherton had rocked Collier with an enziguri that left Syd down. Atherton went to the top rope and hit a huge frog splash that only got a two count. When Collier kicked out, he rolled Atherton right over, caught his legs and latched onto the Texas Cloverleaf. Kuntz held Newton at bay on the outside of the ring as Atherton tapped in the middle of the ring.

Winners: Syd Collier and Kenny Kuntz



Nigel Svensson vs. Cameron Vessey

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Vessey started the match with a huge chip on his shoulder and it nearly cost him as the match progressed.

- Nigel Svensson was a classic case of nothing to lose and everything to gain and he tried to capitalize, using his technical skills to work Vessey over.

- Vessey fought back, using his brawling to break the bout down into a fist fight.

- Svensson showed he still had fight left in him, locking in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock three different times.


The Finish

The third time Nigel went to his submission finisher, he didn't quite have it locked in properly. Vessey pulled himself to a crouching position and used every last bit of his strength to lift Nigel into the air. He slammed the Swede down with a powerbomb, but Nigel didn't release. Vessey reached down deep and lifted him again, this time flinging him up onto his shoulders. The awkward angle forced Svensson to release his hold and fall into the grips of Vessey. Cameron planted him with the Vessey Driver II and got the pinfall.

Winner: Cameron Vessey



Davis: Well, Nigel put up a hell of a fight but Vessey marches on to victory. Damn it all.


Duke: Vessey deserves some credit for that power he showed.



Ernest Youngman vs. "The Architect" Bradley Wright

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- After his loss to Greg Gauge, Ernest Youngman looked very focused on Bradley Wright. As the opening bell sounded it was apparent that Youngman was out to dismantle his opponent and get back on the winning track.

- Bradley Wright was as smug as ever following his victory over Syd Collier at Revolution. He had a chip on his shoulder and that only served Youngman's purpose even more.

- Wright fell victim to a lot of high impact moves from Youngman as the bad ass in sunglasses wore him down and worked over his neck.

- Wright was able to grab a bit of offense by ducking a lariat attempt, but his time on top only lasted a minute or two before Ernest grabbed control of the match again.


The Finish

Wright desperately tried to fight off Youngman's three straight T-Bone Suplex attempts, but Ernest's power proved to be too much. Wright showed he still had some fight left in him by kicking out of a pinfall attempt after the suplexes, but Youngman immediately picked Wright up and planted him with his spinning face crusher called The Hit to pick up the pinfall.

Winner: Ernest Youngman



Davis: Ernest Youngman has earned some personal retribution with that victory, following his loss to Greg Gauge last month at Revolution! He is poised to become one of MCW's best in the future.


Duke: If he were a steer like we had on the farm, he'd be the one we never sent to the slaughter house.


Davis: That's.....good? I think.....



Morgan Malone vs. Spencer Spade

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Morgan Malone was overmatched from the opening bell in this one. He was never able to get much offense in.

- Spencer Spade was like a kid in a sandbox here, just toying with Malone.

- The crowd was firmly against Spade following his turn on Aaron Andrews the month before and also because of his arrogance in this match. Spade dominated Malone and hit numerous moves that would have resulted in the pinfall, but Spade would pull Morgan's shoulder's off the mat at the last second and continue to pummel him. Erin Lawrence had nothing to warn him about, but pleaded for Spade to end the match.


The Finish

Spencer once again lifted Malone off the ground, breaking another pinfall. Slowly, he helped Morgan to his feet and steadied him. Spade planted a boot to the stomach of his opponent and nailed the Supreme Stunner to finally and mercifully get the pinfall victory.

Winner: Spencer Spade


Davis: That was just sickening! Spencer Spade could have won that match four minutes ago! I hope that Morgan Malone isn't injured!


Duke: Morgan took a lot of abuse in that one.


Aaron Andrews vs. Matthew Keith

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Keith was foaming at the mouth to get retribution from Aaron Andrews after their last meeting. Andrews had defeated Keith with the Proton Lock.

- Andrews was looking to regain his footing as well following his controversial loss in the main event at Revolution.

- There was little to no feeling out process in this one as both men had a bit of a mean streak from the opening bell. The contest was very hard hitting and surprisingly enough, Matthew Keith was able to keep up with Aaron Andrews in the striking department.

- The two had numerous exchanges of strikes that were completely even, if you were scoring the strikes.

- The match was very physical and had three separate brawls on the outside of the ring.

- Each man had their time in complete control of the match, searching for a way to put the other down for the count of three.


The Finish

As they crossed the twenty minute mark, both men were becoming sluggish. Andrews fired a clothesline that was ducked by Keith. Matthew snapped Aaron over with a Backdrop Driver, but Aaron's momentum rolled him over with a backwards somersault. Aaron was getting the fighting spirit and got back to his feet, seemingly unaffected by being dropped on his head. Matthew Keith watched as Aaron approached him, grabbed a front facelock and planted Keith with a brainbuster. Keith got the same fighting spirit Aaron had and got to his feet, showing no ill effects from the move. Andrews watched in disbelief as Keith approached him again and planted him with a Saito Suplex right on his head and neck. Again, Andrews reached down deep and got right to his feet and threw Keith's arm over his shoulder. Aaron reached down and grabbed a leg as well, dumping Keith onto his head with a Leg Capture Backdrop Driver. Andrews got right to his feet as Matthew got the fighting spirit again and stood up seconds later. Aaron let out a roar and spun around, nailing Keith with a spinning back fist. Keith absorbed the blow, spun around and nailed a roaring lariat that sent both men to the mat. The crowd got to their feet, applauding the two men as Erin Lawrence began her count. Both men got to their feet at nine and met again in the center of the ring, exchanging forearm shots. Andrews hit three consecutive blows and took a step back before landing a boot to the gut. Keith doubled over and Andrews sprung into action, planting him with a Packaged Piledriver. Andrews went for the pinfall, but Keith kicked out at the last possible moment. Andrews couldn't believe it, but didn't waste time getting to his feet and heading for the corner. As he climbed the turnbuckle, Cameron Vessey ran down the aisle and hopped onto the apron opposite the ring from Andrews. Erin Lawrence turned her attention to preventing Vessey from climbing into the ring as Andrews perched himself on the top rope. Then, from the crowd came Spencer Spade. He hopped over the guardrail behind Andrews and hopped to the apron, shoving Aaron down. Aaron crashed hard to the mat, allowing Keith to recover and get to his feet. Matthew measured Aaron up as he stood and as soon as Andrews was to his feet, Keith grabbed a reverse facelock and lifted his opponent into the air, planting him with Andrews' own Ace Driver. The fans booed loudly as Spade and Vessey watched Erin Lawrence count Andrews' shoulders down, awarding the match to Matthew Keith.

Winner: Matthew Keith



Davis: DAMN IT! Spencer Spade just cost Aaron Andrews another match!


Duke: And how fitting was it that Matthew Keith got his receipt by way of Andrews' own finisher?



Featuring: Spencer Spade and Aaron Andrews


Matthew Keith has had his hand raised and has began his retreat to the back when Spencer Spade grabs a microphone from ringside and climbs into the ring. Aaron Andrews is slowly starting to get to his feet, trying to use the ropes to steady himself. Cameron Vessey begins to climb into the ring as well, but Spade stops him and dismisses him to the back. Spade stands across the ring from Andrews, watching the tired man struggle to his feet.


Spade: I sent Cameron to the back because I think I've done enough physical harm for the night. Right now, I just want to talk Aaron. You see when I arrived in MCW following my release from SWF, I lied to you and to these people. I said I was all about earning what I get out of this business. I said that I viewed SWF's release as a way of me paying my dues and working my way back up. Well that was complete and utter bullshit! You're damn right I'm pissed off that SWF released me! I am the best prospect in all of wrestling damn it! Every dirt sheet on the internet, including the top wrestling site, TEW.com, knows it, I know it and all of you people know it! So when SWF got ahead of themselves and began spending more money than they were making, they were forced to make cuts. So yeah, I'm a little pissed off.


Andrews has gotten up to his feet and leans in the corner, holding his head and watching Spade speak from across the ring.


Spade: Then a week after my release, I get a call from Casey Valentine. He tells me about this youth movement he's started and everything it stands for. He tells me his feelings about the state of professional wrestling and they mirror my own. He promised me I'd get a call from MCW. And I did the very next day. So we schemed a plan to knock down you, Aaron Andrews. Why? Because you are the weakest man on this roster and the only one that has stood in the way of the youth movement from day one. You burned every bridge you had engineered in this business when you opened your mouth to Tommy Cornell. Everyone in this business knows just how much of an asshole you really are and the only people you're fooling are these fans because they're a bunch of non-sense inbreeds that will believe anything that gets shoved down their throats. We're here to break you down mentally and physically until you join us or retreat into your home shrouded in shame and regret. The last two months was just the start, Aaron and tonight, you got off easy. The war has just begun.


The crowd boos loudly as Spencer steps forward and smirks at Aaron as he slaps him on the shoulder. Aaron smacks Spade's hand away, causing Spencer to chuckle as he drops the microphone and exits the ring.



Davis: That's a loaded promise from Spencer Spade!


Duke: If I were a gambling man, I'd bet dollars to cents that Andrews ain't going down easy.

MCW Heavyweight Title



KC Glenn vs. Casey Valentine©

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Davis and Duke commented on the awkward situation that KC Glenn had been awarded a title match just one month following his loss in a number one contender match. No real explanation was given.

- Glenn must have felt blessed to have received this opportunity as he came out of the gate stunning Valentine with numerous pinning combinations that ended in believable near falls.

- Glenn used his opening bout of offense to remain in control of the match for the opening five minutes.

- Valentine fought off every pinfall attempt and eventually regain control of the match with a thumb to the eye.

- As the match progressed, Valentine went to his striking game plan as Glenn tried to take the match to the mat.

- The match from the ten minute mark to the closing moments was a very back and forth contest.


The Finish

Nearing the twenty two minute mark the champion was in control of the match. He seemed to have Glenn on his last leg and was really working over the head and neck in preparation for the Deep Impact. Valentine finally went for it, but as he pushed Glenn off his shoulders, KC shifted his body and was able to land on his feet in front of Valentine, who fell to a sitting position. Glenn reared back and hit a vicious sitting superkick before collapsing to the mat himself. He laid motionless for a few seconds before crawling over and covering the champion. Erin Lawrence slid in and began her count, but Valentine kicked out at the last moment. Glenn ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath, climbing to his feet and looking to capitalize on his burst of offense. Glenn reached down to pick Casey up, but met a right hand to the stomach for his efforts. Glenn laid a clubbing forearm to Valentine's back and attempted to pick the champion up again, but was met with another right hand. Valentine laid punch after punch to Glenn's stomach as he climbed to his feet and reared back. The champion fired a lariat that was ducked. Glenn turned and caught Valentine with a boot to the stomach and followed it by grabbing a front facelock. Glenn lifted Casey into the air for a vertical suplex, but flipped him over and slammed him down with a sit out powerbomb that garnered another very believable near fall. Glenn didn't sulk in the moment, but instead went right back on the attack. He lifted Casey up and sent him across the ring with a whip. As Casey rebounded off the ropes, Glenn hit the opposite ropes and came charging towards Valentine. Casey leapt into the air and leveled Glenn with a lariat. Valentine was pumped up, getting right to his feet and lifting Glenn up. He hoisted KC onto his shoulders, looking for the Deep Impact, but one more time Glenn wiggled free and took him over with a backslide. Glenn got a believable near fall, but as soon as both men got to their feet, Valentine hoisted Glenn up and planted him with the Deep Impact. Valentine felt it was elementary as he covered, but much to the crowd's delight Glenn lifted his shoulder off the mat at the last second. The crowd went nuts as Valentine angrily lifted Glenn up and hoisted him to his shoulders again. Glenn was helpless as Valentine planted him with a second Deep Impact that proved to be enough to get the victory via pinfall.

Winner: Casey Valentine (6)



Davis: What a valiant effort by KC Glenn! But Valentine retains his title yet again! What a night this was, folks and you can expect the same next month when MCW returns to Colfax, Iowa for our next event. For Duke Hazzard, I'm Davis Ditterich wishing you all goodnight!


Overall Rating





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You good down there in Illinois? Been hellacious so far, and I'm in an area where it isn't been that bad in comparison; Wisconsin. These storms are rough for sure! Anyways, looking forward to the next show, as this is one of the best CVerse diaries out there!


I'm good where I'm at. The heavier stuff hit to my north-northwest by about 70 miles. One small town was completely destroyed. Thanks for your concerns. And also thank you for your comments about this dynasty. I don't think I'd rank it as a top tier Cverse diary, but I appreciate the sentiments :-)

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November 5th was our designated meeting date, as it was throughout the year. The guys all met me in my living room to do our standard show critique that lasted a little over 3 hours. We paused the tape shortly after each match to discuss high and low points. Everything was starting to come together in our show layout as I became closer to a year of experience under the hat of Head Booker. We transitioned into speaking on the new programs that we had begun this month as well. I was biting the bullet and paying Mikey James and Matthew Keith a portion of their salary out of pocket again to freshen up our shows. Mikey would be working with Casey Valentine after his victory at Revolution. We had also sowed seeds for a program between myself and Spencer Spade at Culture Shock, which seemed obvious following his deceit at Revolution. In our first arc, we had only gone with two major programs, but we discussed at length running more as we arced for the second time. We talked about our other options and tried to figure out a place for some of our other upper card players. We continued that discussion right into our plans specific to our November show, which we had decided to a name Center Stage. Due to scheduling conflicts, we decided to once again hold the show on the last Thursday in November. With all the details hashed out, we moved to the financial report for October.




Notable News From the Wrestling Industry

- The Hinote Dojo in Japan is now classified as Regional.

- Angel De Mexico became the Head Booker for EMLL in Mexico.

- Matty Faith, the son of Christian Faith, debuted this month. He is a spitting image of his dad both in the ring and physically. He has a bunch of room for improvement, but I'm sure he'll be one to watch to see if he lives up to the precedent that his father has put in place.

- Larry Wood, best known for his time in WEXXV in Japan and NOTBPW, retired at the age of 46.

- Luis Montero, Head Booker of EMLL, passed away in October.

- In more sad news, Steve DeColt passed away. The DeColt family have released a statement about the death indicating that Steve had come down with a sudden illness the week before his passing. The Canadian wrestling scene is mourning the loss along with the rest of the wrestling community.

- In a piece of news that disgruntles me a bit, Matthew Keith and Erin Lawrence have announced that they are a couple.

- Marc Speed suffered a minor neck injury and will be taking six months off to rehab.


Notable Contract News

- PGHW announced their lineup for the upcoming tour. Some of the names that will be involved are Greg Gauge, Akima Brave, Matthew Keith and American Elemental.

- Marvin Earnest signed a pay per appearance deal with AAA.

- USPW bettered their officiating staff by signing Jay Fair and Jez McArthuer.

- TCW had a slew of contracts to deal with this month as they inked Troy Tornado, Ricky Dale johnson, Joel Bryant, Danny Fonzarelli, Floyd Goldworthy and Sammy Bach to extensions.

- CGC extended the contracts of Phil Vilbert, Zeus Maxmillion, Joey Poison andAlan Parent,.

- USPW extended Shane Sneer, Andre Jones and Brock Cornish.

- Captain Atomic signed a contract extension with SWF.

- Teddy Powell was not re-signed by PSW.

- Robbie Sanchez was not re-signed by USPW.


Notable Title Changes From North America

- Rajah captured the ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title from Mimic.

- Alex DeColt crossed the one year mark as CGC World Champion.

- Sayeed Ali captured the vacant WPL Intercontinental Title.

- Nelson Callum and Ash Campbell captured the vacant WPL International Tag Team Titles.



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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Center Stage*

Live at the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Also available on MCW Online

November 25th, 2014


Last month at Culture Shock, Spencer Spade made his intentions clear. His deception of Aaron Andrews for the sake of the youth movement. Now we have the three man powerhouse known as The Uprising consisting of Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and Spencer Spade. They are confirmed to address the crowd this month. Aaron Andrews and Mikey James, the number on contender to the MCW Heavyweight Title, will be in attendance as well. What will come out of the second to last show of 2014? Join MCW live in Colfax, Iowa or online for the live stream on November 25th!



Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade



Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge



Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey


MCW Heavyweight Title


"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine©



Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith



Doors Open: 6:30 P.M.

Bell Time: 7:00 P.M.


Quick Match Listing

Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade

Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge

Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey

Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine©

Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith




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Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade

I think the #1 Contender takes this.. should be a heck of a match either way... however, they may have won the battle, but they can't win the war.

Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge

I think that Spade or someone else gets involved -- as Andrews is far, far more over than anyone else on the roster, and I'm guessing he is your UC (so he'll job here).

Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey

Collier shouldn't be too "far off" the trail -- in general, when you have a gauntlet series/gimmick, you want to go 1-1 into the main event/finale... I'm guessing from the preview that this is stressed, and it wouldn't be a huge upset to put Collier over Vessey in either CV13 or CV14.

Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine©

This is a foregone conclusion with KSquared going down quick against one half of CVSquared -- Canadian Overness won't help you here.

Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith

I have noticed a pattern of Canadian "names" who don't have the overness to compete in the ME scene, and Malone is another one of these... I have to think that, when the big boys poach the roster, the Canadian guys (namely Atherton) will get a chance to shine... but not right now.

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Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade

SS is at his best when he's heel, but Mikey wins to look as a real threat to Valentine.


Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge by DQ

SS gets pissed because of the loss and in turn, attacks AA. AA keeps his momentum and GG still looks strong.


Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey

I have the feeling that Vessey is the half of C-V-2 who don't need to win every time.


Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine©



Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith


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<p>Quick Match Listing</p><p>

<strong>Mikey James</strong> vs. Spencer Spade</p><p>

To make a threat, You must make a sacrifice.</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs. Greg Gauge</p><p>

The next Shawn Michaels.</p><p>

Syd Collier vs.<strong> Cameron Vessey</strong></p><p>

The next Bret Hart.</p><p>

Kenny Kuntz vs. <strong>Casey Valentine©</strong></p><p>

Because Kenny is a Kunt, Pure and simple.</p><p>

Morgan Malone vs. <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p>


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Just seen your nomination for DOTM and read the first few pages. This looks really great man!! Keep it up!! No idea who most of these people are, but I'm trying to get into the cverse (I need to for my new diary) and they all seem cool... :)


Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade

Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge

Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey

Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine©

Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith

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Just seen your nomination for DOTM and read the first few pages. This looks really great man!! Keep it up!! No idea who most of these people are, but I'm trying to get into the cverse (I need to for my new diary) and they all seem cool... :)


Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade

Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge

Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey

Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine©

Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith


Glad to have you on-board! I've checked your diary out and liked the first bit i was able to read as well. Thanks for the kind comments and good luck in the voting stage!


To everyone else, I'm still not dead. It's been a hellish week with work, other social commitments and interviewing for a new job. I've taken on a graphical project for one of my friends and that has been eating up most of the little free time I've had. I know I've got a terrible track record in the past, but this is not the case as it was in the past. I'll be getting this show up soon and marching closer to the next year of MCW!

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Well, later than a pregnant teenager's period, here is the show. Work and job hunting has been NUTS, so I've had little bits and pieces of time here and there. Sorry for the long wait.


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Presented by Midwest Championship Wrestling

Live at the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Also streaming on MCW Online

November 25th, 2014

Attendance: 42



"Welcome To The Show"

Featuring: Davis Ditterich and Duke Hazzard


The lights inside the Moose Lodge dim and the fans in attendance buzz. The video screen at the top of the entranceway lights up and plays a short MCW Signature video featuring the action from the previous ten months. When it concludes, the crowd has started a slight "MCW" chant and the MCW Announce team appear in the center of the ring. Davis is dressed in his usual shirt and tie while Duke is sporting a new cut off flannel shirt and his trademark cowboy hat matched up with a pair of faded blue jeans.. Duke also holds a bottle in one of his hands and occasionally brings it up to his mouth to spit his dip juice into. Davis shakes his head, but quickly moves on as the chant ends.


Davis: Welcome to Center Stage! I'm Davis Ditterich alongside my partner in crime, Duke Hazzard. We have a lot in store for you tonight; The Uprising will speak for the first time as a unit tonight.


The crowd boos at the mention of their name.


Davis: Not to mention six big matches that are sure to be entertaining. In our main event the number one contender to the MCW Heavyweight Title will square off against Spencer Spade and Aaron Andrews will battle Greg Gauge.


Duke: Ain't there a title match tonight?


Davis nods his head in agreement.


Davis: That's right! Casey Valentine has gone on record to say that he is a fighting champion and will defend his title tonight....against Kenny Kuntz. And there's even more, folks! So those of you in attendance, finish up your concession stand purchases. Those of you watching our live stream on MCW Online, get settled in front of your monitor because it's time to start the show!


Duke: I'm as giddy as a goat, Davis!


With that, Duke spits once more into his bottle and the two exit the ring.




Syd Collier vs. Cameron Vessey

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Syd Collier was focused entering the match, knowing a victory against Cameron Vessey could be the boost he needed to gain some stock value in MCW.

- Cameron Vessey took an almost lackadaisical approach to the bout, seemingly thinking Collier was below his level.

- Collier was able to use Vessey's approach to take early control and surprise Vessey with a few early near falls.

- Vessey finally got his wits about him and changed his mind set, taking control from Collier mid-match.

- Collier never gave up, hanging with Vessey to the end.


The Finish

Collier and Vessey had gone down following a desperation lariat from Collier. Erin Lawrence had reached seven in her count when the two men stirred. They came together in the middle of the ring and exchanged strikes. The crowd cheered lightly when Collier landed a blow and booed loudly when Vessey landed a blow. Collier hit three right hands in a row, hit the ropes and rebounded with a running forearm to the side of the head. Vessey stumbled back into the ropes and rebounded looking for a clothesline. Collier ducked and planted a boot to Vessey's gut. He grabbed a front face lock and grabbed a leg. Collier leapt into the air and planted Vessey with a Small Package driver for a believable near fall. Collier picked Vessey right up and laid a few chops to his chest while backing him into the ropes. Collier tried to send Vessey across the ring with a whip, but Vessey slammed on the brakes, spun around and pulled Collier in. He hoisted Collier onto his shoulders and quickly planted him with the Vessey Driver II for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Cameron Vessey



Ditterich: Collier tried his damndest but Vessey was able to find that move and get the victory. The Uprising is victorious in their first bout of the evening.


Hazzard: Syd was almost as lucky as the steer that missed the truck to the slaughter house.



"Rise Up"

Featuring: Casey Valentine, Cameron Vessey and Spencer Spade

As Cameron Vessey has his hand raised in the ring the music of Casey Valentine hits the system, bringing and even louder boos erupt from the crowd. Valentine and Spencer Spade push through the curtain and the boos get much louder. They saunter to the ring, taunting the fans in the front row. Valentine requests three microphones from Davis Ditterich and receives them before entering the ring to congratulate Cameron Vessey on his victory. The three men that comprise The Uprising soak in the boos from the crowd and wait until they subside to speak.


Valentine: Well good evening to you too! Every month I come out to this ring and you people boo me. Haven't you half-a-brain hicks realized that the three of us simply do not give a shit what you people think about us? The three of us are here for one reason; to revolutionize and change the face of professional wrestling as we know it. This title hanging from my shoulder says that I am the best man there is in this company and I only surround myself with the strongest members of the roster. When Spencer Spade was released from SWF, I gave him a call and explained my mission. He was eager to come in and start kicking ass immediately, but I knew we needed to bide our time. Revolution proved to be the perfect opportunity to change the structure in MCW. It also proved to be the perfect time for Aaron Andrews to be blindsided by the ally he never actually had.


The fans boos as Spencer Spade raises and arm into the air and slowly lifts the microphone to his mouth.


Spade: You people boo me for my actions, but don't understand my motivation. I don't expect you to and I relish the anger and hatred you have toward me. The Eisens made a huge mistake when they released me from SWF; they signed their own conviction of death. Casey, Cameron and I together as The Uprising set forth to demolish the facade that professional wrestling has built for itself. This business is filled with worn down, old has-beens clinging to their spots as "the top guy" and it's time for a change. The only way this business will survive is for guys like us to take those spots away from them. The first step on my path to receiving what I deserve in this business is beating Aaron Andrews senseless. That will come soon enough.


The crowd boos again as Spencer drops the microphone to his side and looks at Cameron Vessey.


Vessey: As I just proved in this ring and as Casey Valentine will prove in a few short minutes, The Uprising is a force that will NOT be denied what is rightfully theirs. Together, we form a force that nobody in this industry can handle. Together, we will conquer any man that is stupid and arrogant enough to step into our path as we rise to the top. Casey will deal with Mikey James when the time is right. Spencer will destroy the new found morals of Aaron Andrews and I will set my sights on the closest person Andrews has left to an ally; KC Glenn. Together, the three of us are an unstoppable force. Together, the three of us are the leaders of the new revolution in wrestling. Together, the three of us are......


ALL: The Uprising!


The crowd boos as the three men drop their microphones and raise their arms victoriously into the air.



Ditterich: strong words from all three men there. They disgust me though. The faces of the "new" professional wrestling industry?


Hazzard: That's a face only a mama could love.


MCW Heavyweight Title



"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. Casey Valentine ©

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Much the same as Cameron Vessey did, Casey Valentine took an unserious approach to this title defense.

- Kenny Kuntz entered the match knowing one thing; he was expected to lose. He used that as his motivation.

- Valentine took early control of the match and dominated K-Squared.

- Kenny was final able to get a bit of offense in when, operating on pure instinct, he ducked a superkick and landed a headbutt that dazed the champ.

- Kenny got two VERY believable near falls shortly their after and got the crowd behind him.


The Finish

Valentine had trudged through the support for Kuntz and found a way to continue dominating his opponent. Valentine had been looking for the Deep Impact, but Kuntz kept fighting it off. Valentine tried to lift Kuntz up for it one more time, but Kenny dropped from his shoulders and hit the ropes. When the champion turned around, Kuntz leapt, spun and got his Special K pinning maneuver. The fans were rabid as Valentine kicked out just before Erin Lawrence's hand struck the mat for the third time. Kuntz was feeling it now and laid strike after strike on the champion. Valentine was backed into the corner and dazed. Kenny tried to send Valentine across the ring with a whip, but Casey reversed it. Kuntz pushed himself into the air as Valentine charged in behind him. Casey used his prowess in the ring to recognize an opportunity, stopping under the airborne body of Kenny Kuntz. K-Squared landed on the Valentine's shoulder and quickly fell victim to the Deep Impact that got the pinfall for Casey Valentine.

Winner: Casey Valentine



Ditterich: I honestly thought Kuntz had that match and the title a few times.


Hazzard: He was just a few bucks short of buying a happy meal there, that's for sure!



Morgan Malone vs. Matthew Keith

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Morgan Malone was clearly over matched in this bout and seemed to realize it from the start. He went into survival mode about twenty-eight seconds into the match.

- Matthew Keith remained methodical in this approach, strategically dismantling Malone.

- Malone didn't give up and fought Keith on every bit of offense.

- As the match went on, Keith became a kid in a sandbox toying with Morgan.


The Finish

Keith was able to catch Malone in the Proton Lock. Morgan tapped almost immediately to avoid damage to his limbs and back.

Winner: Matthew Keith



Ditterich: There wasn't really much doubt in that match was there?


Hazzard: I haven't seen dominance like that since the bank foreclosed on our farm the second time.



"Another Challenge"

Featuring: Ernest Youngman and Matthew Keith


As Matthew Keith has his hand raised by Erin Lawrence, the music of Ernest Youngman hits the system bringing a slight round of cheers from the MCW faithful. Youngman pushes through the curtain and to the ring, grabbing a microphone before climbing in. Matthew Keith watches cautiously, mouthing a few words at the youngster.


Youngman: I know you're wondering why I'm out her, Matthew. At Revolution, I battled your brother in one of the toughest matches of my career. I was on a mission to earn the respect of one of the greatest families of wrestling in the world today. I grew up watching your father wrestle. In fact, Sam Keith is the reason I got into wrestling. I watched him and knew I wanted to be like him someday. Now, wrestling amongst the likes of his twin boys, I felt the opportunity to earn a huge possitve mark on my wrestling resume. Of course, I did not come out victorious in the match with Greg. I obviously didn't earn his respect, so I'm turning to you Matthew. You may not be the most likable guy in the eyes of these fans, but you are smart. You have the ability to recognize effort, talent and ability in any man that calls this his job. Face me in a match and let me prove that I have the same passion for this business as your father passed along to you and your brother. What do you say?


Ernest extends his hand as Keith takes the microphone from him. The crowd cheers, encouraging Matthew to shake Ernest's hand and accept the match. Keith reaches down and pushes the outstretched hand away.


Keith: You want to shake my hand? You'll have to earn the right. I accept your challenge. At Dawnings in January, you'll get your opportunity.


The crowd cheers as Keith hands the microphone back over and exits the ring. Youngman seems pleased with the outcome and begins to loosen up for his match.



Ditterich: How about that? Matthew Keith and Ernest Youngman will face off right here in the Moose Lodge two months from tonight!


Hazzard: I'm sure that's going to prove to be as tough of a challenge for Ernest as it was for me milking my first cow!





Ernest Youngman and KC Glenn vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Jamie Atherton

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- With KC Glenn and Ernest Youngman across the ring, Atherton and Newton knew they had to be on point to secure victory tonight.

- On the flipside, Glenn and Youngman knew the two talented youngsters could steal a victory.

- Youngman and Atherton started the match off. Ernest and KC used frequent tags to keep fresh and frosty in the ring.

- Towards the middle part of the match, Newton was able to catch Glenn with a tornado DDT and turned the tides in his team's favor.

- Atherton and Newton isolated Glenn from his corner for nearly four minutes, wearing him down.


The Finish

Glenn finally landed an enziguri that enabled him to make the hot tag to Youngman who came in a house of fire. He took out Atherton and Newton with back elbows. Glenn took a breather on the outside of the ring before coming back in and dumping Newton to the outside with a clothesline. QAs those two battled on the floor, Youngman was able to plant Atherton with The Hit to get the pinfall victory.

Winners: Ernest Youngman and KC Glenn



Ditterich: Youngman was impressive in that one! As was KC Glenn!


Hazzard: Newton and Atherton worked well as a team, but not as well as the mules that we used to plow our fields!


Ditterich: Are you seeing a therapist about your childhood or something?


Aaron Andrews vs. Greg Gauge

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Greg Gauge seemed to think that The Uprising had been successful in their attempts to break Andrews' drive to fight as he began the match with an arrogant demeanor.

- Andrews used this to his advantage, playing possum on more than one occasion to get Gauge's confidence up before coming out of nowhere with fast pieces of offense.

- The match was primarily evenly contested as both men battled for victory.


The Finish

Gauge was feeling victory after working over Andrews' back and legs throughout the match. Gauge finally caught his opportunity and latched onto the Proton Lock. Andrews had been in this spot before, with a different offspring of Sam Keith. He knew how to fight his way to the ropes and got there before he had to submit. Gauge didn't let go of the hold, causing Erin Lawrence to pull at him. Gauge was offended and began to back Lawrence down. Andrews recovered quickly and came up behind him with a rear waistlock. Greg reversed it into one of his own and tried to lift Aaron up for a German Suplex. Andrews fought it off and spun around into the waistlock once more. He tried to roll Gauge up by rolling backwards, but the two rolled all the way back to their feet. Andrews laid a few clubbing blows to Gauge's back, grabbed a rear facelock and lifted, planting him with the Ace Driver for the pinfall.

Winner: Aaron Andrews



Ditterich: What a statement by Andrews! He doesn't look mentally broken yet!


Hazzard: As my therapist says, "you're only as strong as your weakest thought." It looks like Andrews' thoughts aren't very weak just yet!


Ditterich: I knew it!



Mikey James vs. Spencer Spade

Referee: Erin Lawrence


Match Notes

- Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey came to the ring with Spencer Spade.

- Mikey James now had three men to worry about and that played into the match in a big way.

- Spade was able to get a clear advantage early on as Mikey worried about his counterparts at ringside.

- James was able to find spurts of offense, but could not hold onto control for extended periods of time due to the distraction.

- In actuality, Valentine and Vessey never once tried to grab at James' feet.


The Finish

Mikey had found a leg to stand on in the closing moments of the bout. He had finally tuned Valentine and Vessey out and was concentrating on Spade. He had Spade reeling following a series of stiff martial arts kicks to the head and back. Spade tried to retaliate, but James came of the ropes and snapped him down with a swinging DDT. As Mikey went for the cover, Cameron Vessey hopped onto the apron, drawing Erin Lawrence's attention away from the pinfall. On the other side of the ring and behind her back, the Heavyweight Champion slid into the ring and attempted to sneak up on James, but Mikey caught him and swiftly took him out with a superkick. james raced forward, leapt from the second turnbuckle and landed a flying enziguri to Vessey, knocking him from the apron. Mikey turned his attention back to Spencer Spade, who had gotten to a kneeling position. James measured Spade up as he got to his knees and landed a Scything Side Kick that got him the pinfall victory.

Winner: Mikey James





"What We Do Best"

Featuring: The Uprising, Mikey James, Aaron Andrews and KC Glenn


As Erin Lawrence raised Mikey James' hand, Vessey and Valentine slowly got to their feet. James went to the turnbuckle to further celebrate his win amongst adversity, but The Uprising was stalking him. Suddenly, Casey Valentine sprang forward, ducking under his legs and quickly slamming him down with a powerbomb. The crowd booed loudly as the other two members of the youth movement swarmed the number one contender, laying boots and strikes to him. Valentine pushed his way past his partners and shoved the MCW Heavyweight Title belt into his face, screaming "You'll never have this!" The crowd's boos turned to cheers as Aaron Andrews and KC Glenn rushed down the aisle to come to James' aid. The Uprising vacated the ring and hopped the barriers, retreating into the crowd as they were stared down by Glenn and Andrews.




Ditterich: This has got to stop! The Uprising has beaten Mikey James unconscious! These vicious attacks are getting out of control. Unfortunately that's all the time we have fans. Check our website for any updates relating to Mikey James' condition. For Duke Hazzard I'm Davis Ditterich wishing you all a goodnight!


Overall Rating



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We all met in my living room on the 5th of December for our monthly meeting. The guys seemed more anxious than normal for some reason, but I quickly shook it off and we dove into our analysis of Center Stage. All four of us commented on the performance of Kenny Kuntz in his "title" match against Casey. He really stepped up his game and turned in a match of the night performance. I have to give Casey credit for his situational awareness in the match as well. It was intended to be a match in which Kenny only had a little burst of offense a couple minutes in, only to get dominated the rest of the way to Casey's victory. The crowd responded so well to that burst of offense that Casey called an audible mid-match and they worked to the near upset victory right before Casey was able to secure the victory. I commended Casey and he thanked me, still acting a bit nervous. We finished our analysis and spoke on why we had lost more fans this show. I said we could probably blame it on the first major snowfall of the season and it seemed like a reasonable answer for the four of them. We were headed into our final show of 2014 and we wanted Final Chance at Glory to be a spectacular one. We had already set the stage for our main event, which was going to use up nearly all of our top tier talent. That meant we would probably need to dip to our working agreements to pull in some extra talent to help out the quality of the show. I said I'd make some calls before we laid into our final major plans for this arc. The youth movement was, of course, taking highest priority and we decided to go ahead with our two other big matches that could stem from the impending Mikey James and Casey Valentine match. Casey and I were also pretty high on Ernest Youngman, despite feeling the need to hand him the loss to Gauge at Revolution. We decided to pair him up with Matthew Keith for a small program. As we paused for me to hand out our financial statement, I saw Casey prodding Davis out of the corner of my eye and finally he spoke up.


Davis: Aaron, do you mind if we talk about something?


I was a little puzzled by what he could be referring to, but it explained the overall nervousness of the three of them.


Aaron: What's up?


I took my seat across the coffee table and looked intently at them.


Davis: The three of us were talking, actually for a month or so now, and I don't know if you have realized it, but it's been eleven months since we came here. Not one of us has received a paycheck yet.


I sighed and nodded my head. I had been waiting for this. Money was always a hard subject to talk about in the wrestling business and for us, it was the elephant in the room that nobody wanted to point out. I had gone over this conversation numerous times in my head and now, I couldn't think of anything to say. These guys were my friends and they deserved to get paid, but the funds just weren't there yet. I began to point at our financial statement and wanted to reply, but Casey chimed in.


Casey: We understand that you've housed us here for free, but I didn't exactly have a lot of money saved up. I'm young, I went out and spent a lot of my signing bonus from USPW. We don't have a ton of wiggle room to go out and do anything.


It was obvious that this was a serious concern for the three of them, but it was also apparent that none of them really wanted this conversation to happen. Again I tried to reply, but Cameron spoke up next.


Cameron: We've all been busting ass for our company and so has everyone else on regular contracts. They have been getting paid and we haven't. It just seems a little unfair. Maybe you've got too much on your plate trying to do most of the work yourself.


I sighed once more and pointed to the financial report again. Finally I was able to speak.


Aaron: Guys, I've given you these statements every month. I told you at the beginning of this endeavor that money would be tight for a while as we built up a fan base. We still aren't drawing in enough people to make sizable profits each month. When that time comes, you know I'll take care of you guys. I'll pay you more than you'd get in another independent, but we just can't afford that right now. I don't mind you guys staying here free of charge; it's actually nice having people around the house all of the time. I don't want anything back from you guys for that; nothing for rent, nothing for food. Nothing. We're in this together and I haven't gotten paid from MCW either. I've dipped into my savings more than I care to think about and it's all for us; for MCW. Trust me, when this thing really gets going, you guys will get your monthly paychecks and back pay to boot. I promise you that.


I sighed and leaned back into my chair as I watched their reactions. Davis nodded and threw up his hands in surrender. Casey did much the same. But Cameron reacted differently i saw a small roll of the eyes as he sunk back into his chair and lifted my November financial report to his face. I wasn't sure why he hadn't accepted my response, but i wasn't going to press the issue tonight. We moved on to the financial statement.




Notable News From The Wrestling Industry

-PGHW rose to be classified as a National sized company.

- Randal Hopkirk, Mary Beth Chase, Susan Lee and Leo Davis all decided it was time to hang their boots up.

- Flash Savage cracked his tailbone in a match and will miss about a month for the injury.

- Jimmy Cox will miss a month due to a minor concussion.


Notable Contract Dealings

- Chad Brent signed a PPA deal with MAW.

- Ekuma was called up to the SWF main roster from RIPW.

- Greg Black signed with FCW.

- TCW resigned Jeremie Courtney, Texas Pete, Joey Minnesota and Wolf Hawkins.

- SWF resigned Jessie, Lenny Brown, Scythe and Ric Young.

- Nelson Callum did not renew his contract with PSW and now solely works for WPL.

- Big Smack Scott was not renewed by SWF.

- Belle Brayden did not renew her contract with USPW.


Notable North American Title Changes

- Michelle and Tracy Brendon captured the AAA Tag Team Titles for the fifth time.

- Nadia Snow won the AAA Top Contender's Title.

- Lightning Lomas and Jason Thunder won the 4C Tag Team Titles.

- Syd Collier and Cameron Jones crossed the one year mark as MAW Tag Team Champions.

- Roger Cage has now held the NYCW Empire Championship for a year.

- Rockin' Ryan Turner ended the year and a half long reign of Lassana Makutsi as RIPW Champion.

- Danny Fonzarelli won the TCW International Title from Scout.

- Alicia Strong has now been USPW Women's Champion for a year.


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Oh, there's some unhappiness brewing here with the champ...


I've been putting a dynasty from zero as well (my money is a bit shorter, beginning with $10.000), but I know how it is the angst of waiting to advance as a small company.


Loved the two last shows, and looking forward for MCW's 2014 wrap up.


PS: Kenny Kuntz putting MOTN with the champ... PUSH HIM, DAMNIT!!

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OOC Note: We're up for diary of the month! Thanks to you guys my readers for following along. If you feel we're worthy of diary of the month, please head over to the thread and give us a vote!


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Midwest Championship Wrestling presents Final Chance At Glory**

Live at the Moose Lodge in Colfax, Iowa

Also available to stream at MCW Online

December 23rd, 2014


At the end of Center Stage last month, The Uprising initiated a vicious attack on the number one contender to Casey Valentine's Heavyweight Title, but were run off when Aaron Andrews and KC Glenn came to Mikey James' aide. This month, MCW has put all six men into the main event, three on three. How will this huge main event turn out? In addition, MCW have confirmed Steven Parker and Frankie Perez for the final event of 2014. See all of the stars of MCW when they present Final Chance At Glory on December 23rd or watch the live stream on MCW's website.




Aaron Andrews, Mikey James and KC Glenn vs. The Uprising



Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker



Syd Collier vs. Matthew Keith



Frankie Perez vs. "The Architect" Bradley Wright



"K-Squared" Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton


and more!



Doors Open: 6:30 P.M.

Bell Time: 7:00 P.M.


Quick Match Listing

Andrews, James and Glenn vs. The Uprising

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Syd Collier vs. Matthew Keith

Frankie Perez vs. Bradley Wright

Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton



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Andrews, James and Glenn vs. The Uprising

Hard to see the "Heel Faction" losing here

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Parker is more over.

Syd Collier vs. Matthew Keith

Matthew Keith deserves the win more

Frankie Perez vs. Bradley Wright

When will P-Clutch get his shot?

Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Kenny has had more to do recently..

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Andrews, James and Glenn vs. The Uprising

Only because I love the Muse song

Ernest Youngman vs. Steven Parker

Sorry Ernie, but you can't beat The Future

Syd Collier vs. Matthew Keith

Keith is Keith. Nuff said

Frankie Perez vs. Bradley Wright


Kenny Kuntz vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Kid... it's time

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