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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler



Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback



Fun Fan Signs: #AxelMania


Comments On Last Show: Good Show, loving the direction

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  • Replies 395
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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler



Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback



Fun Fan Signs: AxelMania for the WIN!

If Cena wins I facepalm

Daniel Bryan=Ratings


Comments On Last Show: Great booking and writing.

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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler



Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback



Fun Fan Signs: Hey Axel, remember the Mabel rule?



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Prediction Listing


Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Should be a great match.


Big Show vs. Erick Rowan

Comments: PLEASE Give Rowan the win here.


John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Unfortunately.


Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: LUCHA X12!


Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: #AxelMania


Brie Bella vs. Paige

Comments: Brie's turn sucked, lol.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback

Comments: Ryback dies.


Fun Fan Signs: ''MUCHA LUCHA!''

''Erick RowEinstein''


Comments On Last Show:

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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler



Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback



Fun Fan Signs: #AxelMania? How About #RyderMania!

Show's all washed up!

And making his in ring debut....Stardust!

¿Qué tipo de dragón es una Lucha Dragones?


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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler



Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback


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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Bryan's on to bigger things right now. Don't forget about Cesaro though


Big Show vs. Erick Rowan

Comments: WELLL.... I never liked face Rowan


John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Toss-up honestly. But, Cena's Cena.


Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Debut and Tension between the dusters make me confident in my decision


Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: Axel's underutilized, so push please


Brie Bella vs. Paige

Comments: I guess?


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback

Comments: A Mastadon dream match of mine. And Lesnar's defending on Raw! All of this is awesome, but I gotta go with my boy Brock


Fun Fan Signs:

Well, Here Comes the Pain, Cole!

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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Great match


Big Show vs. Erick Rowan

Comments: like Rowan but WWE need more top heels and Big Show has to do right now.


John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Unfortunately


Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Future Break-up


Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: #Axelmania


Brie Bella vs. Paige

Comments: please


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback

Comments: Brock...match...on...TV....in 2015? he gets the win anyway cause hes Brock.

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Could've sworn I'd predicted this one, but I guess I had forgotten!


Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: This could be your main event easily.


Big Show vs. Erick Rowan

Comments: It really should go the other way, but Show is always on the up.


John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Odd match, but Cena rises above all anyways.


Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons

Comments: Yeah, it looks as though you're building to the Dust turn.


Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: JTTS vs JTTS? lol


Brie Bella vs. Paige

Comments: Paige takes the win over Brie so she can look ready for Nikki.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback

Comments: No way.


Fun Fan Signs:



Comments On Last Show: SD was good, I especially liked the main event interview with Heyman but there was a lot to enjoy here.

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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler



Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback


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Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan



Big Show vs. Erick Rowan



John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: odd match idea here, but i like it


Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons



Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder



Brie Bella vs. Paige

Comments: DQ finish?


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback



Fun Fan Signs: "If it rains, you can stand under my Brie-Bella-ella-ella"


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Monday Week 2 February 2015

Location: OH Savage Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 5.35





[Michael Cole welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw coming to you live from Savage Arena in Toledo, Ohio. What an amazing show we have for you this week as we will see the WWE World Heavyweight Title defended for the first time in months on Monday Night Raw as Brock Lesnar defends against the Big Guy Ryback. Ryback is someone that can match Lesnar power-for-power. As Cole hypes the main event, 'No Chance In Hell' begins to play and out from the back comes Mr. McMahon to a mixed ovation. McMahon is all smiles as he enters the ring with a microphone in hand. McMahon welcomes everyone to the longest running episodic television show in history. He says that he has the WWE Universe to thank for that. McMahon even points out a sign in the crowd that reads: 'Daniel Bryan=Ratings!' But it's time to get on to business and he calls Daniel Bryan out to the ring. 'Flight of the Valkyries' by Jim Johnston begins to play and out from the back comes Daniel Bryan! The crowd begins the 'YES' chant led by Daniel Bryan as he makes his way to the ring. He steps inside and looks across at Mr. McMahon. McMahon offers a handshake to Daniel Bryan and Bryan seems hesitant to accept the handshake. McMahon lowers his hand and says that he has made the executive decision to put all of the WWE's resources behind the fan favorite Daniel Bryan heading into Fast Lane. That means that Daniel Bryan will be flying on private jets, eating at the best restaurants and be doing promotional work for the WWE. He no longer has to worry about being labeled as the underdog. McMahon says that he hopes Daniel Bryan doesn't choke at Fast Lane.]


[Daniel Bryan says he doesn't have to worry about choking at Fast Lane because he is going to defeat Roman Reigns and headline WrestleMania. McMahon says that is exactly what he wants to hear. He says that Daniel Bryan is an A+ player. He says that his daughter and son-in-law simply didn't see the marketing in a man like Daniel Bryan as the face of the WWE. After all, they can sell replica beards in every arena. They can sell t-shirts with the 'YES' marked right on the front. McMahon says he will be proud of Daniel Bryan if he wins at Fast Lane. He says that they are even thinking about starring Daniel Bryan in a brand new movie done by WWE Films. The movie will be all about the legend of Bigfoot. He says they will save on costuming because, well, look at Daniel Bryan. He says the only thing is they will have to give him lifts in his shoes to raise his height and use camera tricks to hide the fact that even the lifts won't make Daniel Bryan that much taller. But that's okay because he wants to see Daniel Bryan bring home the big one at WrestleMania. McMahon says that he is so confident in Bryan that he has placed Bryan in the opening match tonight. His opponent is going to be another guy they signed from the independent scene. This man is someone that knows Daniel Bryan well. Here comes Cesaro! McMahon exits the ring as Cesaro makes his entrance. What an opening match we have tonight!]





Match #1


Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan


[What an opening match we have this evening as Cesaro enters the ring to face off with Daniel Bryan. Of course, Cesaro's tag team partner, Tyson Kidd, is in his corner for this match. The match is an excellent opening match here on Raw that gets the crowd absolutely hot. Bryan starts out strong against Cesaro, using moves like a discus elbow smash to Cesaro and then a whip into the corner. Bryan rushes in and hits two straight dropkicks in the corner. Cesaro falls to the mat and Tyson Kidd drags him out of the ring. Daniel Bryan starts a 'YES' chant and then bounces off the ropes, going for the suicide dive. However, Cesaro catches Bryan with a European Uppercut as he dives out and he brings Bryan crashing to the mat. Cesaro brings Bryan back in the ring and brings him over with a German Suplex with a bridge, scoring a two count. Cesaro sends Bryan to the ropes and catches him with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Cesaro moves around and grabs Bryan by the legs -- Cesaro Swing! He swings Bryan around with ten rotations before dropping him to the mat and adjusting his neck. The King Of Swing plays to a booing crowd. He picks up Daniel Bryan and gets a double underhook set up but Daniel Bryan reverses it into a back body drop! The crowd begins cheering loudly as Daniel Bryan gets back into the match. At around the seventeen minute mark in the match, Bryan begins catching Cesaro with kicks to the chest. Then he steps back and has the crowd on their feet as he catches Cesaro with a roundhouse kick to the skull! Bryan moves into a corner and begins the YES chants. He waits for Cesaro to reach his feet -- running single leg high knee! Bryan makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Pinfall @ 19:41)

Match Rating: B





[Daniel Bryan picks up the huge victory in the opening match. But instead of Daniel Bryan's music playing, 'The Truth Reigns' begins to play and through the audience comes Roman Reigns. Reigns walks past a sign, reading: 'Roman's Empire will fall!' He makes a beeline for the ring and steps in through the ropes. Reigns looks down at Daniel Bryan and then asks for and receives a microphone. Reigns says that at this time last week he stood in this ring as the winner of the 2015 Royal Rumble with a guaranteed title shot at WrestleMania. But the Authority steps in and screws him out of that title shot, making it so that he has to defend the shot against Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane. Not only that but now he learns that Daniel Bryan has the backing of a McMahon. He asks Daniel Bryan how it feels to no longer be playing the underdog in the eyes of the WWE. He asks Bryan what he will do now that he is under the guidance of The Authority. Daniel Bryan says that he will be the same man that the WWE Universe cheers for each and every week. Reigns reminds Bryan that absolute power corrupts absolutely. He says that anyone who has the support of the McMahon family has been corrupted. That was obvious when Daniel Bryan struck him with a chair last week. Bryan says that was an accident but Roman Reigns is not so sure. The argument would have continued, however, they are interrupted by the arrival of Big Show and Kane. Show and Kane walk out to the ring where they are immediately met by both Reigns and Bryan! Reigns catches Show with the Superman Punch and Bryan begins striking Kane with kicks! The fight goes back and forth between the two sides with neither side gaining a long momentous advantage until Reigns clotheslines Big Show over the top rope to the floor. Reigns looks to help Daniel Bryan over Kane. He charges toward Kane -- SPEAR! No, wait, he spears Daniel Bryan! Bryan grabs his ribs as he lies on the mat. Reigns gets to his feet and ducks a clothesline from Kane -- Superman Punch! Kane rolls out of the ring. Reigns looks down at Bryan for a moment and gives a smirk, stating that Daniel Bryan can believe. Though the fans at home cannot hear the words as he is not on microphone. Reigns exits the ring and lets Bryan exit for himself as we head to the back.]




[Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are shown in their office area where they are discussing what they just saw tonight. Hunter says he cannot believe that Mr. McMahon has lost his mind. He says that his father-in-law has finally snapped. Why else would he put the resources of this billion dollar company behind a B+ player? McMahon says that she hates to agree with her husband but let's be honest, Daniel Bryan has the fans right now but the WWE Universe is very fickle. She says that she doesn't believe that Daniel Bryan will last here. He doesn't have the look, after all, that a WWE World Heavyweight Champion should have. Hunter says that he believes the fans will turn on Daniel Bryan when he chokes at Fast Lane, which is available for free for new subscribers to the WWE Network. The conversation turns to the next match, which will see Big Show take on Erick Rowan. Hunter talks about the losing streak that Big Show has been on lately and wonders if he is worthy of being part of The Authority. McMahon says that he BETTER win tonight or maybe she will have to do to him what her dad used to love to do. That is to tell him that he is FIRED!]


Match #2


Big Show vs. Erick Rowan


[Our next match features Big Show taking on Erick Rowan. Show has a lot riding on this match and is aggressive from the beginning. This match is a battle of power versus power, much like the main event is going to be. Show brings Rowan down with a big boot and then yells at the crowd, angrily pointing toward a sign reading: 'Show's all washed up!' The largest athlete in the world whips Rowan into a corner and charges in with a splash. Show turns around and begins throwing back elbows and then catches Rowan with a strike to the jaw. Show grabs Rowan by the throat but Rowan blocks the attempt at a Chokeslam. Rowan shows some power when he lifts Show up and brings him to the mat with a scoop slam. Rowan makes a cover but only gets a two count. A minute more into the match and Rowan locks Show in a full nelson as a sign goes up in the air: 'Erick RowEinstein!' Show fights his way out of the full nelson and within a minute he catches Rowan with a Knockout Punch! Show makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Big Show (Via Pinfall @ 7:03)

Match Rating: C




[From the ring, we move to the backstage locker room area where we see John Cena coming face-to-face with Dolph Ziggler. Cena asks Ziggler if he knows that The Authority is just doing this to mess with them. Ziggler agrees but says that they can destroy The Authority's plan by absolutely stealing the show tonight. Ziggler says that he will hold up his end of the bargain if Cena agrees to hold up his end. Cena says that The Authority made a mistake putting the two of them together if they want to hurt either of them because tonight John Cena and Dolph Ziggler are going to show why they are two of the best wrestlers in the WWE and the world. Ziggler agrees and says that tonight he is absolutely going to show off like only he can do. The two men shake hands and walk off separately. Their match is next!]





Match #3


John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler


[What a disappointment this match is from start to finish. Of course this is a match between two fan favorites but the crowd begins a dueling 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chant early on during the match. Even a sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'If Cena wins I facepalm!' Cena is the veteran in this match but Ziggler shows his own experience when he avoids an Attitude Adjustment attempt within the first few minutes and brings down Cena with the Famouser. Ziggler hits Cena with multiple elbow drops and a fourth one with a little theatrics. Ziggler whips Cena to the ropes and strikes him with a picture perfect dropkick, scoring only a one count on a pinfall attempt. Ziggler goes for the jumping DDT but Cena shoves him off and catches Ziggler with a clothesline. Cena begins slowing the match down, using wear-down holds on Ziggler. He scores several near-falls over the next few minutes as he begins wearing down the Show-Off. Some members of the audience appear to be leaving for the concession stands and the bathroom during this match, a shock to everyone watching at home. At around the eleven minute mark, Cena locks in the STF. Ziggler, however, refuses to give up. He eventually pulls both of them to the ropes to break the hold. Cena releases and gets to his feet, grabbing Ziggler and sending him to the ropes -- a double clothesline gets the remaining crowd members to their feet as they cheer for Ziggler. Suddenly, the Russian flag drops down as both men are slowly pulling themselves up. Out comes the United States Champion Rusev along with Lana. Rusev enters the ring and tosses the referee out to the floor. From the floor, the referee calls for the bell.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 16:45)

Match Rating: C





[The Super-Athlete Rusev smashes Dolph Ziggler with the United States title belt. John Cena ducks a belt smash to him and lifts Rusev for the Attitude Adjustment but Rusev drops to his feet and clotheslines down Cena from behind. Rusev moves to the front and catches Cena with a jumping side kick, sending Cena to the mat. Rusev looks down at Cena and drops an elbow to the back of the head. Rusev moves over to Ziggler and grabs him by the hair, tossing him through the ropes to the floor. Rusev moves back to Cena and gives a hard stomp to the spine of Cena before the Bulgarian Brute locks on the Accolade! Cena refuses to give up but he cries out in pain until it seems like he cannot cry out anymore. Rusev releases and stands up, posing in front of the Russian flag with the United States title belt. Lana stands beside him and the two of them celebrate the attack and a victory in this battle.]




[From there, we move to a video hyping the return of Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior will be making his return at WWE Fast Lane. The video focuses on the Brogue Kick, a deadly finisher that has been used on many competitors to get a victory for man known as The Great White. Sheamus is shown striking that Brogue Kick to many men such as Triple H, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry, Big Show and more. This deadly move has won Sheamus many titles, including the World Heavyweight title, the WWE title twice, the King of the Ring, Slammy Awards and more. Now The Celtic Warrior returns to the WWE at Fast Lane. What will happen when he returns to the ring at the end of the month? Make sure you tune in live on the WWE Network for only $9.99. But for new subscribers the WWE Network is free for the month of February!]




[From the video, we move to the office area for Triple H. He is standing by with Seth Rollins. Rollins is holding the Money In The Bank briefcase and they are discussing what is going to happen tonight. Rollins tells Triple H that he is going to make The Authority proud. He says that last week he was given an opportunity and he lost to that goat-faced Daniel Bryan. However, this(MitB briefcase) gives him back that opportunity any time that he wants. He could choose to cash in on a night where Brock Lesnar is not even in the building. Triple H responds that that would mean that Lesnar would forfeit, right? Can the WWE title change hands on a forfeit? Hunter says that he will have to look into that. Rollins says that he might not have to wait that long for the Money In The Bank briefcase to be cashed in. He says that tonight he makes The Authority proud to have him as the Future of the WWE. Rollins and Triple H continue their discussion as we cut away to the ring.]




['Patriot' by CFO$ is playing in the background as Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out from the back. Swagger stands at the top of the ramp, placing his hand over his heart and getting the crowd to say along with him 'We The People!' Swagger and Colter walk down to the ring and step inside where Colter gives Swagger a microphone. Swagger says that here recently he has let America down. He says that when he lost to Rusev, America lost to Rusev and he cannot stand for that to be on his record. He says that he is going to figure out a way to get another match with Rusev and when he does that he is going to beat Rusev and bring the United States Championship back where the belt belongs, around the waist of an American. He hands the microphone over to Colter and Colter asks all real Americans to get on their feet. He tells them to place their hand over their heart and...he doesn't get to finish his catchphrase as the lights suddenly turn off. The crowd rises, wondering what exactly is happening tonight. Then they find out as the Y2J countdown clock begins on the Titan-Tron.]




[The crowd gives some cheers as Chris Jericho walks out from the back. His music, Break the Walls Down' by Adam Morenoff, begins to play. Jericho smiles as he stands at the top of the ramp and looks down toward Jack Swagger. Jericho has a microphone in hand and asks Swagger if he would please just SHUT THE HELL UP! Jericho says that he has been watching the product from home and that he is sick and tired of hearing about America this and Rusev that. He says that quite frankly both of them suck! That is why the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-A has returned to the WWE. He has returned as a true Canadian Hero. He says that he will be your savior from the boredom that has occurred with this American Zero. He welcomes everyone to Raw is Jericho! Swagger says that Jericho has been a let-down as well because he returns and leaves and returns and leaves. But Swagger says that he has the American people behind him. He says that the American people will not falter. The American people never retreat, they simply reload. Jericho shakes his head and says that Swagger is a disgrace to these American people and that is saying something considering the low-lives that run this country. Jericho walks down toward the ring and moves inside but is met by Swagger. The two exchange punches and Swagger gets the advantage! Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock but Jericho quickly slides out of the ring. Swagger looks down at Jericho and places his hand over his heart. All the Real Americans join in, saying 'We The People!']





[From there, we move to the backstage area where Byron Saxton is standing by with Ryback. Saxton says that tonight is the biggest match in the career of Ryback as he takes on Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight title. Ryback says that everyone has been talking about Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. However, they should be talking about Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan against The Big Guy Ryback. Ryback says he is one of the few wrestlers in the WWE that can match power-for-power with Brock Lesnar. The correction to that is that he believes he has even more power than Brock Lesnar. He says they used to call Lesnar the next big thing but Ryback is going to shorten that and simply call him next. Ryback says that tonight is feeding time and he is going to make sure that he gets fed. He begins a 'Feed Me More' chant before growling and walking away. Saxton sends us back to the ring.]


Match #4


Gold & Stardust vs. The Lucha Dragons


[Our next match is a pretty good match, though, it was nothing too special. This sees the WWE Monday Night Raw debut of The Lucha Dragons and they get a Lucha chant going pretty early in the contest. Gold and Stardust show some good chemistry and that helps in developing the faltering relationship between the two wrestlers. Stardust spends most of the match in the ring against both members of The Lucha Dragons. Kalisto and Sin Cara show their high flying ability during this match. Kalisto scores a near-fall on Stardust following a 450 Splash. Kalisto points to a sign in the crowd reading: 'MUCHA LUCHA!' He tags in Sin Cara and Cara scores a near-fall on Stardust following an Enzuigiri. Goldust is yelling for Stardust to make the tag when Stardust gains a brief advantage. Finally Stardust tags in Goldust with a slap to the chest. Stardust exits the ring and drops onto the floor as Goldust enters the ring. Goldust yells at 'Cody' as Stardust stands beside a sign reading: 'And making his in ring debut....Stardust!' Goldust turns back to the ring and Kalisto catches him with a Salida del Sol. Sin Cara heads to the top turnbuckle as a fan holds up a sign reading: '¿Qué tipo de dragón es una Lucha Dragones?' -- Senton Bomb! Cara makes the cover: One, Two, Three! The Lucha Dragons get the win in their debut.]


Winners: The Lucha Dragons (Via Pinfall @ 7:29)

Match Rating: D+




[As The Lucha Dragons exit the ring celebrating, Stardust enters the ring and looks down at his fallen 'brother' Goldust. Stardust reaches a hand down and helps his brother to his feet, giving him a hug. Stardust whispers that he is sorry about slapping his brother in the chest. The two of them embrace, hugging as the crowd seems happy about this moment between the two brothers. Then, suddenly, Stardust gets a look in his eyes. Stardust nails Goldust with the Dark Matter! Goldust is laid out on the mat as Stardust looks down at him. Stardust hisses and raises his hands, making the star symbol with his gloves. Stardust drops down and exits the ring as Goldust remains down inside the ring. The crowd boos this turn by Stardust. Stardust pauses at the top of the ramp and makes the star symbol one more time as Goldust pulls himself up just a little, staring at his brother and shaking his head.]




[From there, we move to a backstage area where Paul Heyman is standing by with Brock Lesnar. Heyman looks into the camera and introduces himself as 'My name is Paul Heyman and I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE World Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar!' He says that tonight Ryback told them to feed him more. Tonight Ryback is going to get enough that he chokes to death on this absolute Beast. He wonders if Ryback thinks that he is better than men like John Cena or The Undertaker or The Rock. Each of those three have fallen victim to the Conquer. Heyman reminds everyone that he is the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. That means that his client, Brock Lesnar, defeated The Undertaker at WrestleMania. He is the only man to do that in the history of WrestleMania. He says that tonight Brockanomics is going to equal a successful title defense by Brock Lesnar. He says that tonight Ryback is going to be conquered by the man who conquered the streak, John Cena and every single wrestler that steps in the path of the Beast. Heyman says, in closing, that tonight Ryback becomes just another victim.]




[From there we move to the ring where Curtis Axel is already standing in the ring with a microphone. Axel talks about the fact that he was never eliminated at the Royal Rumble. He points to the WrestleMania sign and says that this should be his WrestleMania. He says that he should be the man facing either Ryback or Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight title in the main event. He tells the WWE Universe to show their displeasure for him being screwed out of a Royal Rumble victory by going to twitter and using the hash tag #AxelMania! Axel points to a few signs in the audience, showing: '#AxelMania,' 'AXEL GOT SCREWED!' and 'AxelMania is running wild!' Axel says to bring out his opponent tonight because he is angry and wants to take it out on someone to show that he is indeed better than perfect.]


Match #5


Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder


[Of course, Curtis Axel's opponent is the internet popular Zack Ryder. The pretty short match has very little in the way of crowd heat, aside from a few fans who are cheering for #AxelMania or Ryder. The match is back and forth with both men getting just a few minutes to get their offense in during the match. Ryder scores a near-fall on Axel following the Broski Boot. Ryder points to a sign reading: '#AxelMania? How About #RyderMania!' Ryder goes for a dropkick but Axel counters by holding onto the ropes and making Ryder miss his timing on that. Axel moves Ryder toward a corner and catches him with a rolling neck snap reminiscent of his father. A couple of signs go up in the crowd: 'He's done, Curtis Axel is going to the Wrestlemania pre-show!' and 'Hey Axel, remember the Mabel rule?' Axel ignores those signs and sets up Ryder for the Perfect-Plex. He brings Ryder over with a bridge: One, Two, Three! A big win for #AxelMania! A sign is shown in the background, reading: 'AxelMania for the WIN!']


Winner: Curtis Axel (Via Pinfall @ 5:51)

Match Rating: D-





[From the ring, we move backstage where we follow along with Dean Ambrose as the Lunatic Fringe is...walking! Ambrose turns a corner and bumps into the WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett. Ambrose says that Barrett is just the man he is looking for. He says that last week he challenged Barrett to put his Intercontinental title on the line against him because he wants his picture up at the WWE Headquarters. Barrett tells Ambrose that if that's what he wants then he has some bad news for Ambrose. He says that Ambrose will never receive an Intercontinental title shot as long as Barrett is champion. Barrett says that there are more worthy challengers out there. Ambrose argues with the fact that he pinned Barrett in a non title match. Doesn't that make him the top contender for the belt? Barrett says that non title matches don't mean anything. He says that he wasn't even trying during that match. But Barrett says that he will give Ambrose the opportunity to earn a title match. He says that if Ambrose can beat the man standing behind him at Fast Lane, then he will defend the title against Ambrose at WrestleMania. Ambrose turns around and walks right into a big boot from Luke Harper! Harper looks at Barrett and says 'I'm a team player!' before throwing Ambrose up against a wall. Ambrose tries to fight back but Barrett joins in and the two of them beat Ambrose down in that backstage area. Barrett shakes hands with Harper and the two of them walk off together. Have we seen a new alliance formed tonight?]





[The fans in Ohio stir slightly as 'The King Of Kings' begins to play and out from the back comes Triple H. The Game enters the ring in a suit and has a microphone in his hand. He says that the time for fun and games are over. He says that he wants an answer from Sting tonight on whether he will come face-to-face with him at Fast Lane. Triple H talks about the fact that he has been in the WWE for over twenty years now. He says that he has bled for this company. He says he has lost sweat, tears and other bodily fluids to make this company what it is today. He says that it was almost all taken away from him by one man and that man is Sting. He says that Sting had no business coming out at Survivor Series. He talks about the fact that Sting is the face of a company that he put out of business: WCW. Now, fourteen years later, Sting has managed to come to the WWE. He says that the coward Sting has now come to The Game's yard. Triple H says he is the big dog in this yard and that if Sting shows up at Fast Lane and agrees to never show his face again then maybe, just maybe he'll let Sting walk away instead of being carried away. Triple H says that he is a patient man but his patience has worn out. So he is calling out Sting to give him an answer. Will he show up at Fast Lane?]


[The lights dim in the arena, blinking on and off as the sound of a crow can be heard echoing throughout the arena. The spotlight flashes on what appears to be Sting standing in the audience. Then the spotlight goes out. Within seconds, the spotlight shines in another area of the arena where it appears Sting must have teleported to get there. The spotlight goes out again. Now the Titan-Tron lights up with Triple H's face, only it is covered by Sting's face paint. The lights blink out again and then a spotlight shows inside the ring. Triple H turns and there appears to be Sting in the ring with Triple H. Hunter drops to the mat in fear and the spotlight goes out. On the Titan-Tron are shown the words 'I accept.' Then they fade out and the lights come back up as Triple H is shown with his jaw dropped in the ring. Some actual fear seems to be on the face of Triple H before he exits the ring. Hunter shakes his head and disappears to the back. Triple H and Sting in a face-to-face confrontation at Fast Lane. Make sure you tune in!]




[From there, we are taken to a video of Bray Wyatt standing in a darkened room. A spotlight is shown on Wyatt and he gives an eerie smile. Wyatt says that since the dawn of existence man has been searching for an answer to one simple question: where do we go when we die? Do you believe we go to heaven or hell? Maybe we enter some kind of purgatory. A man of science will believe that we simply become one with the earth. But what about men like you and I? For us there is no death. We make of this earth our own kind of hell. He says that we don't belong here. Wyatt says that he no longer fears this man. He says that he knows this person can hear him. So it's time for him to move on. It is time for him to exit this plane of existence. He tells this unknown person to FIND ME! FIND ME! Wyatt laughs before we fade to black.]


Match #6


Brie Bella vs. Paige


[Our semi main event features Brie Bella coming out to the ring with the Diva's Champion Nikki Bella. Brie Mode takes on the number one contender to the WWE Diva's title: Paige. Paige begins the match strong and quick on Brie with kicks and multiple short-arm clotheslines. She catches Brie with a Perfect-Plex for a two count. Paige gets distracted by Nikki from ringside and Brie is able to attack her from behind. Brie climbs to the top turnbuckle and catches Paige with a missile dropkick for a two count. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'If it rains, you can stand under my Brie-Bella-ella-ella!' Brie taunts Paige for a moment and then picks her up but Paige reverses into a small package for a two count. Paige gains control again and never relinquishes that control. She manages to catch Brie with the Ram-Paige and then points toward Nikki Bella, yelling that this is her house and that is HER Diva's title. Nikki holds her Diva's title closer as Paige hooks Brie in the PTO. Within moments, Brie taps out, giving the victory to Paige!]


Winner: Paige (Via Submission @ 6:50)

Match Rating: D





[Via a split-screen, we are shown the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman on one side. On the other side, we are shown Ryback. The announcers talk about how this huge main event match is coming next right here on Monday Night Raw! Lesnar has the WWE World Heavyweight title belt around his waist and is bouncing on his toes. Suddenly, they both begin to walk forward. Both of the wrestlers in our main event look confident. The 'Feed Me More' chant begins in the background. The crowd seems solidly behind Ryback with those chants getting louder and louder as the wrestlers move closer and closer toward the ring. Paul Heyman is shown giving Lesnar some last-minute advice. This main event match is next! Make sure you tell your friends. Brock Lesnar is defending the WWE World Heavyweight title right here on Monday Night Raw!]


Match #7


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback


[Ryback is the first man to enter the ring, introduced as the challenger tonight. Ryback enters the ring and moves into his corner before the music for Brock Lesnar begins to play. The camera zooms in on a sign reading: 'Well, Here Comes the Pain, Cole!' Brock Lesnar stands at the top of the ramp, bouncing on his toes as pyro goes off all around him. Paul Heyman escorts his client to the ring and the two of them step inside. Lesnar goes nose-to-nose with Ryback in the middle of the ring. Lesnar unhooks the title belt and drops it to the mat. The match begins with both men exchanging rights and lefts in the ring! Neither man is backing down as heavy hits are made. A 'Feed Me More' chant begins, firing up Ryback. He begins getting multiple punches on Lesnar. Ryback grabs Lesnar and sends him to the ropes -- shoulderblock but neither man goes down! Both men bounce on the ropes and crash into each other. Neither man goes down again. Another bounce on the ropes, Ryback ducks a clothesline and then turns around. As Lesnar comes back toward him, he catches The Beast -- Spinebuster! Ryback makes the cover: One, Kickout! Ryback pulls Lesnar up and catches Lesnar in an early bear hug. Ryback squeezes Lesnar but Lesnar refuses to give up. Lesnar catches Ryback with a headbutt! Another headbutt! A third one breaks the hold. Lesnar slides around Ryback and catches him with a waistlock -- German Suplex, no bridge, all impact. Lesnar begins taking control over Ryback. Lesnar lifts Ryback up on his shoulder and runs forward -- Running Shoulder Powerslam! Lesnar makes the cover:]












..Shoulder Up!]


[The crowd pops when Ryback gets that shoulder up off the mat. Lesnar lifts Ryback up and brings him down over his knee with a backbreaker. Lesnar sends Ryback out of the ring and then joins him at ringside. Lesnar slams Ryback into the announce table and then whips him into the ring post -- reversed! Ryback sends Lesnar into the ring post! Ryback leans into the ring and then back out, breaking up the count. He stomps around to Lesnar and knocks Lesnar backward against the barricade. The two men begin exchanging punches as they did early on in the match before Ryback enters the ring. Lesnar slides in and the two begin going at it again with the referee warning both of them. Ryback shoves Lesnar backward and then catches him with a Lou Thesz Press and multiple punches. Ryback gets up and moves into a corner, rolling his shoulder as the fans begin the 'Feed Me More' chant! Ryback waits for Lesnar to get to his feet as Paul Heyman yells in warnings to Brock Lesnar. Lesnar gets up and turns -- Meat Hook Clothesline! A sign goes up in the crowd reading: 'FEED ME BOAR!' Ryback makes a cover and we might have a new WWE World Heavyweight Champion!]












.Paul Heyman puts Lesnar's foot on the ropes]


[With Lesnar's foot on the ropes, the referee is forced to stop the count. Ryback gets to his feet. Both men look winded as this match has had some very heavy hitting and punishment throughout the contest. Ryback gets the 'Feed Me More' chants going again as he pulls Lesnar to his feet. He sends Lesnar into a corner and charges in with a corner splash. Ryback climbs up and begins throwing punches to the skull of Lesnar. Heyman cannot believe what he's seeing! He looks worried as Ryback punches Lesnar ten times and then drops down. He lifts Lesnar up on his shoulders. He's going for the Shell Shocked! The crowd is on their feet. Could this be the beginning of a brand new WWE World Heavyweight Champion? Ryback begins stomping around with Lesnar on his shoulders but Lesnar suddenly drops down behind Ryback -- German Suplex! Lesnar throws Ryback halfway across the ring! Lesnar slowly gets to his feet and grabs Ryback, pulling him up. Lesnar catches Ryback with two forearm smashes. He throws a couple of knee lifts to the midsection of Ryback and then lifts him up on his shoulders -- F-5! Ryback lands in the center of the ring. A sign shows up in the background reading: 'FEED ME LESS!' Lesnar drops to his knees for a moment and then crawls to make the cover on Ryback:]














Winner: Brock Lesnar (Via Pinfall @ 11:39)

Match Rating: C





[Paul Heyman looks ecstatic as Brock Lesnar makes a successful title defense this evening. Heyman moves around to grab the title belt and Lesnar is on his knees, breathing hard. The crowd is in shock as 'The Second Coming' begins to play and out from the back runs Seth Rollins! Rollins runs down to the ring as Paul Heyman looks on in shock. Rollins enters the ring and bounces off the ropes -- Curb Stomp to Brock Lesnar! Rollins hits the Curb Stomp on Lesnar! The crowd watches as Seth Rollins hands the Money In The Bank briefcase to referee Mike Chioda! Is Seth Rollins cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase tonight?!?! The referee turns and begins letting the ring announcer know what is going on as he hands the briefcase to the ring announcer. Rollins looks down at the fallen Brock Lesnar before there is a disturbance in the crowd behind the Future of the WWE. Someone has jumped the railing!]




[it's Randy Orton! The Viper has returned to the WWE! The last time we saw Orton he was attacked by The Authority! Orton slides into the ring and Rollins turns -- Lou Thesz Press by Orton! Orton throws punches to Rollins! He slams Rollins' head to the mat and then picks him up. He moves Rollins to the apron and hooks him with a front face lock -- Rope-Hung DDT! The Viper looks down at the fallen Seth Rollins and then twists around, dropping to the mat on his chest. He begins punching the mat, watching Rollins as he gets ready for, perhaps, an RKO! Rollins slowly gets to his feet -- RK -- NO! Rollins pulls back and quickly exits the ring. Rollins grabs his Money In The Bank briefcase, yelling that he never cashed it in! He backs his way up the aisle as 'Voices' begins to play. Randy Orton stares toward Seth Rollins. Orton climbs to the second turnbuckle and poses as the credits show up on the bottom of the screen. We have seen the return of The Viper! What will happen this week on Smackdown?]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


This week was an amazing week for number of predictors. Thank you to everyone for that. No one guessed the draw in the Cena/Ziggler match. But we did have some predictors get 6/7. Congratulations to KnowYourEnemy, Bad News Fryer, Uncrewed, Warhawk8492, TeflonBilly, crackerjack, kieranforthewin, Beejus and jscotty!


1. Uncrewed=3 Wins

2. jscotty=2 Wins

Bad News Fryer=2 Wins

kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

6. Smasher1311=1 Win


packerman120=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

crackerjack=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

Warhawk8492=1 Win

14. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Russelrules44=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

Bigjondalegend=0 Wins


Comments On Last Show: Momentum and Skill seem to be headed opposite ways -- and with the ME rating, I'm guessing either the Big Slow or Kane has hit the time decline wall. The overall rating had to be a huge disappointment.


I'm guessing this will be a B+ show providing either Cena-Ziggler or Bryan-Cesaro is the main event, with Lesnar-Ryback as the semi-main.... Always good to see the belt go up on TV, ratings-wise and promo-wise...


Will be interesting to see how you manage Brock's contract situation, not sure if he can go to MMA or Bellatore in this universe but I believe he could tour Japan..


Unfortunately, Kane is listed in the Time Decline list. So that definitely hurts any type of push that he might have received. Though who knows what might happen in the future with him.


I knew that the Lesnar/Ryback match would not be great but I always see the World title as the main event, especially if it's being defended on a regular TV show. The Cena/Ziggler match rating was a definite disappointment, though.


As far as Brock's contract situation goes, he is an active member of the roster with a special attraction clause. So I can definitely use him more than the real-life WWE is able to use him. This makes for a more interesting diary, I believe.


Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Err... only one for thing for it ... Yes! Yes! Yes! I enjoyed more then the ending, the show was generally amazing


Comments On Last Show: Good Show, loving the direction


Comments On Last Show: Great booking and writing.


Thank you to all three of you for your words on the booking of Smackdown. I don't really watch Smackdown much in real life. So it will be booked as an 'A' show should be booked. But it's a little bit easier to book a 60 minute show than a 90 minute show. But I am so glad to hear that people enjoyed my booking. Feel free to continue both positive and negative words for each show. I love hearing the feedback.


Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Bryan's on to bigger things right now. Don't forget about Cesaro though


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback

Comments: A Mastadon dream match of mine. And Lesnar's defending on Raw! All of this is awesome, but I gotta go with my boy Brock


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar defends vs. Ryback

Comments: Brock...match...on...TV....in 2015? he gets the win anyway cause hes Brock.


Thank you for the comments here, guys. crackerjack, I can promise you that I will not forget about Cesaro. I really love his character and I think they dropped the ball when it comes to after the Andre The Giant Memorial battle royal win last year. I will, hopefully, not be dropping the same ball.


I am glad that y'all like the decision of the Brock Lesnar/Ryback match. I didn't know if there was going to be some negativity there given that he isn't wrestling on Raw in real life. But I am lucky to not have the exact same contract situation that they do in the WWE in real life. Please, keep the feedback coming!


Could've sworn I'd predicted this one, but I guess I had forgotten!


Comments On Last Show: SD was good, I especially liked the main event interview with Heyman but there was a lot to enjoy here.


Glad you made it in the predictions, Beejus. Also glad that you enjoyed the main event on Smackdown. I hope that I am building up Roman Reigns to truly make him look like a threat. As far as the Paul Heyman promo goes, Heyman is SO easy to write for. The man is golden on the microphone and I am just glad that I am capturing some of that gold for my diary.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on the SyFy channel. This week we come to you from the Celeste Center in Columbus Ohio for a night of wrestling action that will be remembered again and again. In our main event of the evening, The Authority's Future of the WWE Seth Rollins will take on The Show-Off Dolph Ziggler. Both of these men could use a big win here on Smackdown. After all, Seth Rollins lost recently to Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler was beaten down by Rusev on this past Monday Night Raw. Who will come up with the victory tonight?


-As we learned this past Monday on Raw, we will see a huge tag team match when we see The Authority's Kane and Big Show take on two men who will be fighting at Fast Lane: Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. This match was made by Triple H after the brawl between the four men on Monday Night Raw. Will Reigns and Bryan be able to coexist in this tag team match or will their tag team implode and let The Authority walk away with the victory?


-A little over a week ago on Monday Night Raw, Dean Ambrose assaulted Curtis Axel backstage. Axel has been campaigning not only for a spot at WrestleMania with #AxelMania but he has also been seen speaking with Triple H about Dean Ambrose. Therefore, Curtis Axel has been granted a one on one match with The Lunatic Fringe, after he was beat up by Bad News Barrett and Luke Harper last Monday night. What kind of shape will Ambrose be in for this match? Will #AxelMania be running wild?


-We will also be seeing a non-title match between the WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett and the former 15 time WWE World Champion John Cena. Barrett has said on Twitter that he has some bad news for John Cena. That bad news is that he is going to be facing Barrett. Cena has replied to Barrett that he needs to bring it on Smackdown. Which of these two men will walk away with some bragging rights?


-Plus Bray Wyatt will be in action against R-Truth. We will hear from Chris Jericho, Paige, Adam Rose and more. Make sure you tune in to Smackdown.


Prediction Listing


Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth



Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose



Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth



Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose



Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler



Fun Fan Signs: Better than Big Show!

We Want Khali!

Cena's Like We've Got A Mystery To Solve!

This Sign Sucks And I Suck For Making It!

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Seth Rollins keeps on rollin'.


Comments On Previous Show:

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena

Comments: Run in by Rusev


Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth



Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose



Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: dq


Fun Fan Signs: Hey Bray your NOT Galactus

Reigns can't wrestle!

Bring back Deuce N Domino!


Comments On Previous Show: Good job booking the last show

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth



Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose



Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena

Comments: Just don't bury him in a bunch of chairs this time, alright?


Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth

Comments: Big Bray Guy


Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: I'm all about an Axel push, but it shouldn't come at the expense of guys like Ambrose


Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan

Comments: Not love for Kane or Big Show from me, but i'd guess Kane takes the fall


Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Honest Toss-up. I'm guessing a DQ due to interference, then Cena makes the save?




Comments On Previous Show: Nice Job making Ryback look good against Brock

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Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena



Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth



Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose



Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan



Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler


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Prediction Listing


Non-Title Match

Bad News Barrett vs. John Cena

Comments: Poor BNB.


Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth

Comments: Easiest pick of the night.


Curtis Axel vs. Dean Ambrose

Comments: #AxelMania still runs wild though.


Kane and Big Show vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan

Comments: Bryan and Reigns beat the top heels.


Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Should be another amazing Main Event.


Fun Fan Signs: ''Fishsticks for Rollins''

''The Truth is...DEA'' (DEA is that noise that occurs before Wyatt comes out and when he leaves)

''If you think that Barrett will win...I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS!''


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