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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Kenny King defeated Tigre Uno...D

The Revolution defeated Robbie E and Knux...C-

Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne...D+

Bobby Lashley defeated Eric Young...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle...B-

Samuel Shaw defeated Gunner...D

Austin Aries defeated DJ Zema Ion...C

Low Ki defeated Eddie Edwards to retain the TNA X-Division title...D+

Taryn Terrell defeated Brooke to retain the TNA Knockouts title...E+

Magnus defeated Jeff Hardy...C

Mr. Anderson and Bobby Roode defeated Kurt Angle and MVP...B

#TNA – #AgainstAllOdds


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Monday Week 4 February 2015

Location: NY Blue Cross Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 10,547

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 5.49




[Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw from the Blue Cross Arena in New York! Michael Cole reminds everyone that we are only six days away from WWE Fast Lane along the road to WrestleMania! As Cole talks about the matches that we have lined up for Monday Night Raw this evening, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins to play and out from the back comes Paul Heyman and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. Lesnar raises his arms at the top of the ramp before he walks right down to the ring with Paul Heyman. Heyman holds the ropes open for Lesnar and Lesnar steps through. The Beast raises the WWE World Heavyweight title belt to boos from the crowd. Heyman has a microphone in his right hand and raises it to his lips...'Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I am the advocate for the reigning, defending undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar.' Heyman reminds everyone that Brock Lesnar is the one in twenty-one and one. That he is the only man to ever defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. That means that no matter if Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan wins at Fast Lane, they are going to be the LOSERS at WrestleMania this year. Whether we have Roman Reigns, the winner of the Royal Rumble, or Daniel Bryan, the leader of the YES Movement, they will be staring across the ring at their destiny. They will be looking across at a man who can absolutely destroy both of them. A Beast that will run through them just as he has done wrestlers like John Cena, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, The Rock and the list goes on and on. Tonight, though, Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan might be in for a taste of WrestleMania. Brock Lesnar is going to still be around the entire evening. Who knows when you might see him. Enjoy the rest of the evening everyone. Heyman drops the microphone and escorts his client to the back. Did Heyman do some foreshadowing?]





Match #1


Fandango vs. Rob Van Dam


[The opening contest is the return of Rob Van Dam to a WWE ring! The crowd here in New York is definitely pro-RVD as the Rob Van Dam chant starts early and often inside the building. The match features mostly domination by the fan-favorite, striking Fandango with several kicks in the early-going until Fandango exited the ring. RVD bounces off the ropes and nails Fandango with a somersault plancha out of the ring. The action returns inside the ring where Fandango gains a brief burst of momentum, bringing Van Dam down with a Russian Legsweep. Fandango tries to send RVD to the turnbuckle but RVD reverses. Fandango hits the corner hard and RVD comes in -- monkey flip! RVD looks down at the fallen Fandango and then bounces off the ropes -- Rolling Thunder! Van Dam motions to the turnbuckle and climbs up top. He does the double thumb point -- Five Star Frog Splash! Van Dam makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Rob Van Dam (Via Pinfall @ 8:02)

Match Rating: C




[Rob Van Dam celebrates the victory tonight but it's not his music that plays. 'Catch Your Breath' begins to play and Rob Van Dam looks confused inside the ring. The lights dim as pyros go off at the top of the ramp. The crowd rises on their feet to see Finn Balor come out crawling along the ramp in full demon costuming. RVD leans back in a corner as Balor continues to slowly make his way to the ring, moving to the music. He leans back against the barricade and then climbs into the ring as the music comes to an end. Balor looks across the ring toward Rob Van Dam. Balor raises his right hand, offering a hand shake to Mr. Monday Night. Van Dam looks around for a moment, gauging the crowd's reaction. Van Dam raises his arms and does the double thumb point as the crowd chants his name. Van Dam slowly raises his hand to take the hand of Balor and the two shake hands. Van Dam turns to exit the ring and Balor comes over, striking Van Dam from behind! The crowd boos as Balor simply assaults Mr. Monday Night inside the ring. Balor brings RVD down with a Pele Kick and then heads to the top turnbuckle -- Coup de Grâce on Van Dam! Balor looks around as his music plays again and he exits the ring, walking to the back.]




[From there, we move to a video hyping the WWE return of the Celtic Warrior Sheamus. The voiceover for the video focuses on the accomplishments of Sheamus inside the ring here in the WWE. While this voiceover is continuing, Sheamus is shown defeating various superstars in the WWE, including Triple H, an extended look at the victory in the Royal Rumble and the entire WWE World title match against Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania. Various Brogue Kicks are shown connecting from all different angles. The voiceover concludes the video by reminding everyone that the Celtic Warrior Sheamus will be making his return to the WWE at Fast Lane. Who will be the next target for Sheamus? Make sure you tune in on the WWE Network for only $9.99 and find out! As the video concludes, we move back to the ring for our next match right here on Monday Night Raw.]


Match #2


The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel vs. The New Day


[#AxelMania is running wild in six man tag team action as Curtis Axel teams with The Brass Ring Club to take on The New Day. A great six man tag team action that sees a lot of high flying by the New Day and some technical mat skills by men like Cesaro, Tyson Kidd and Curtis Axel. At one point during the match, Xavier Woods gets caught in the Cesaro Swing and Tyson Kidd strikes him with a dropkick in that swing. A fan raises up a sign reading: 'CESAXELIDD!' Woods is put in a corner and struck several times with European Uppercuts by Cesaro. Cesaro knocks Woods through the ropes and onto the apron. Cesaro climbs to the second turnbuckle and brings Woods in with a Superplex! Cesaro scores a two count when Kofi Kingston breaks the hold. Woods reverses a rear waistlock by Cesaro and throws Cesaro with a German Suplex. Woods crawls over and tags out to Big E! Big E comes in on the assault with all six men getting involved. Some action spills outside the ring, leaving Cesaro and Big E inside the ring. Big E goes for the Big Ending but Cesaro slips out behind him and catches him with stiff European Uppercuts. Cesaro grabs Big E -- Neutralizer! The announcers talk about the incredible strength that takes as Cesaro makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel (Via Pinfall @ 7:55)

Match Rating: C-






[The Brass Ring Club and Curtis Axel get a huge win this evening only six days from the Brass Ring Club challenging The Usos for the WWE World Tag Team titles at Fast Lane. But they are not done tonight. The New Day get attacked outside the ring and then Kofi Kingston is brought inside the ring where Cesaro catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Curtis Axel grabs Kingston and sets him up for a Perfect-Plex but out from the back come The Usos! Jimmy and Jey Uso rush the ring and send the Brass Ring Club running outside. This leaves Curtis Axel inside the ring with The Usos. Axel gets caught with an Alley-Us and then sent out of the ring. The Usos taunt The Brass Ring Club from inside the ring as Cesaro and Tyson Kidd back up the ramp. What a match these two teams will have at Fast Lane!]





[One of WWE's interviewers, Byron Saxton, is backstage with Daniel Bryan. Saxton asks Daniel Bryan about his match with Roman Reigns at Fast Lane. Bryan says that he has never said that Roman Reigns is not a great athlete. He says that Reigns has the family blood in this business and he doesn't. He says that all he has is this thing called the Yes Movement. He has the fans behind him. He says that he used to have the WWE World Heavyweight title until it was stripped from him by The Authority. But now he is back and he is going to win at Fast Lane and head to the main event of WrestleMania and make it YesleMania once again. But first he is going to have to defeat Stardust tonight. He says that tonight he is going to prove that he is worthy of the World title shot by beating Stardust and gaining momentum heading toward Fast Lane. Bryan begins the YES chants again as we move back to ringside.]




['I Came To Play' is what brings The Miz and Damien Mizdow out from the back. The crowd, of course, boos The Miz and cheers for Mizdow as both of them walk down to the ring and step inside. Mizdow, of course, continues to repeat everything that The Miz does. The Miz gets on the microphone and says that tonight there is no way that he is risking his beautiful moneymaker in a match with Ryback. Therefore, he has decided that his stunt double Damien Mizdow will be the one wrestling tonight against Ryback. Mizdow's eyes go wide and he looks surprised at that decision by The Miz. 'Meat On The Table' begins to play and here comes the man who will now be facing off with Damien Mizdow: Ryback for our next contest. The Miz quickly exits the ring and he actually leaves the ringside area, walking to the back and leaving Mizdow standing in the ring against the hungry Ryback.]


Match #3


Damien Mizdow vs. Ryback


[Ryback definitely has a size and strength advantage in this contest. Mizdow, early on, makes the mistake of trying to match strength with Ryback but Ryback wins the test of strength contest, sending Mizdow to his knees. Ryback yanks Mizdow up and drops him with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. During the match, Mizdow gets in short bursts of offense that are usually stopped by the power of Ryback. Mizdow scores his only near-fall following a neckbreaker. When Mizdow goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, Ryback reverses it and smashes Mizdow in the corner. Ryback lifts Mizdow and brings him down hard with a spinebuster in the center of the ring before moving into a turnbuckle. He begins rolling his shoulder forward as the 'Feed Me More' chants begin by the crowd. Mizdow slowly gets to his feet and turns toward Ryback -- Meat-Hook Clothesline! Mizdow is planted on the mat. Ryback makes the cover and hooks both legs: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Ryback (Via Pinfall @ 6:40)

Match Rating: C+





[Byron Saxton is back at it again backstage. This time he is standing by with Roman Reigns and The Rock. Saxton directs the first question to Roman Reigns, asking him about the upcoming match at Fast Lane against Daniel Bryan. The Rock interjects before Reigns can talk, telling Saxton that 'FINALLY The ROCK has come BACK to Rochester!' He says that The Rock's cousin is ready to make that big step. Reigns is ready to become the new electrifying man in sports entertainment today. The Rock says that all of the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans will be on the side of Roman Reigns at Fast Lane and then at WrestleMania. But tonight the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment will step in the ring against The Authority and The Rock will be laying the smack down alongside The Rock's cousin Roman Reigns. It will be the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eyebrow raising, The Rock is first and won't be last because The Great One and Roman Reigns will be kicking some Authority ass! The Rock turns and walks off. Roman Reigns looks slightly annoyed but shrugs and says 'You better believe that.' Then he walks off and we move back to ringside.]





[At ringside, we hear 'My Time Is Now' and the crowd is split around 50/50 as John Cena comes out. There is an American flag set up at the top of the ramp. Cena gives the flag a salute and then runs down to the ring, sliding inside under the bottom rope. He plays to the crowd for a moment before he picks up a microphone. Cena begins by reminding everyone that we are less than a week away from WWE Fast Lane on the WWE Network for only $9.99. Cena says that on that night he is going to take on the undefeated Rusev. Rusev has nicknames like the Hero of the Russian Federation, the Bulgarian Brute, Lana's Boy toy, United States Champion. Cena says that it makes him sick to see a man like Rusev carrying around the U.S. title that represents each and every one of you. But Rusev says he's not like you. He says he's unbeatable, unstoppable. Well that's a bunch of bull. I want to make you a vow here and now. My name is John Cena and this Sunday at Fast Lane I am going to beat the unbeatable. I am going to stop the unstoppable. I am going to beat Rusev and bring the United States title back to American. John Cena says that he is the man that stepped up into the face of Kurt Angle on his very first day here. He says that he is the same man that has won title after title and beaten top superstars here in the WWE. He remembers when people thought that Andre The Giant was unstoppable until WrestleMania three when Hulk Hogan body slams him and pins him on the mat. Cena says that the same thing happens to Rusev at Fast Lane.]


[John Cena's words are interrupted by the arrival of Lana and Rusev to the top of the ramp. Lana says that this is typical John Cena spewing the same rhetoric over and over again. She says that Cena's problem is that he is a stupid American who doesn't understand when he is overmatched by a superior athlete. She says that Rusev is superior to every single athlete in the WWE, including John Cena. She says that Cena has lost a step. She says he is not the same John Cena that defeated all those other men. All those other men also are not the same type of man that Rusev is. Rusev takes the microphone and says that at Fast Lane he is going to crush John Cena. He says that he will destroy John Cena's will to live and that the American heart will stop beating. Rusev says that Sunday will be the end for John Cena. Cena takes off his shirt and says he's going to give Rusev a little preview of this Sunday. Cena leaves the ring and meets Rusev on the ramp, exchanging punches. Cena tackles Rusev, mounting and punching him as Rusev tris to cover up. Cena rises up and brings Rusev down with a clothesline before grabbing him and throwing him up against the screen on the titantron! Cena slams Rusev's face against the tron two more times before Rusev goes down. Lana steps in between Cena and Rusev, yelling at Cena to stop. Officials come out to separate the two men and on this evening, six days from Fast Lane, John Cena stands tall.]




[As officials help Rusev, the attention turns backstage where Big Show and Kane are discussing their match tonight against The Rock and Roman Reigns. Both men are quick to mention what Triple H told them on Smackdown when he said that if they lose they might no longer be within The Authority. Big Show says that he is the world's largest athlete. There's no way that he is going to lose to Roman Reigns and The Rock. Kane says he is the Devil's Favorite Demon. There's no way he is going to lose to Roman Reigns and The Rock. Kane says that he is important to the operations of The Authority because he is the Director Of Operations. He says that there is no way that he could be fired from The Authority. However, he says that Big Show better not let him down as he has before. The two men nearly get at each other's throats before they both back down and turn to exit the office. Their match is next!]


Match #4


Big Show and Kane vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock


[This tag team match is one of our two main events this evening as we see Big Show and Kane for The Authority on one side and Roman Reigns and The Rock on the other side. Reigns and The Rock enjoy an early advantage over Show and Kane with The Rock sending Kane over the top rope with a spit punch. As things settle down, The Authority team begin taking over as The Rock plays the face-in-peril. Show and Kane score several near-falls over The Great One but The Rock continues to manage to kick out. Show sets The Rock up for the Knockout Punch but The Rock blocks the punch and fires back! Punch! Punch! Punch! Spit Punch! The Rock catches Show with a Rock Bottom and both men are down on the mat. Both men begin crawling toward their corners and each man makes the tag! Roman Reigns rushes in and catches Kane with a quick Superman Punch! Reigns gives a kick to Big Show, who has yet to fully come to a standing position. Reigns sets up Kane on the bottom rope and then exits the ring. He measures Kane and comes rushing in with a dropkick, landing on the apron! Reigns moves inside and releases a roar, standing in a corner, waiting for Kane to rise to his feet. A fan raises a sign in protest: 'I DON'T believe that!' As Kane reaches his feet, Reigns charges him -- Spear! Reigns nearly tears Kane in half! He stands, celebrating when The Rock tags himself in! The Rock comes in and stands before Kane, throwing his elbow pad to the fans. Roman Reigns looks upset as he moves to the apron and The Rock catches Kane with The People's Elbow. The Rock makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Roman Reigns and The Rock (Via Pinfall @ 9:42)

Match Rating: B+




['King Of Kings' begins to play as The Rock and Roman Reigns celebrate their victory in the ring. Triple H walks out and walks toward the ring, stepping inside to the center of the ring. He comes face-to-face with The Rock briefly before The Rock and Roman Reigns exit the ring. Triple H turns his wrath to the fallen Kane. He looks down at The Big Red Machine and tells him that he is now surplus to requirements so he is now FIRED from The Authority and from his position as Director Of Operations. He tells Kane to leave right now and then orders Big Show to take Kane to the back. Kane looks like he might fight back but then he has a defeated look on his face and exits the ring, walking to the back with Big Show. This leaves Triple H in the ring by himself with a microphone. Hunter says that this is how easy it can be to lose your job here in the WWE. All you have to do is disappoint The Authority. Speaking of disappointments, each and every one of you are going to be disappointed this Sunday at Fast Lane when Sting comes for a confrontation with The Game. He says that he truly believes that Sting is going to do the right thing and announce his retirement from professional wrestling. He says that WWE beat WCW in the Monday Night Wars and Sting is going to be just another failure of the WCW system. He says that WCW never created major superstars. He says that WCW was a joke and this Sunday Sting is going to prove that by showing what a coward he is. At Fast Lane, whether Sting leaves on his own or Triple H beats it out of him, Sting is going to leave the WWE.]





[The office of The Authority is the scene for the next segment, featuring Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton. McMahon and Orton are face-to-face to begin the scene and she thanks Orton for coming here to meet him. Orton says she better not be trying to get a sneak attack on him because she knows what he is capable of. McMahon says that this is the opposite of what she wants. She says that, as a matter of fact, since Randy Orton doesn't have a match tonight she has decided to give him the night off. She tells him to go back to his hotel room, maybe order some room service, have a drink or two. She tells him to go and relax because he is not wanted here tonight. Orton says that he has no intentions of leaving as long as Seth Rollins is in the building tonight. McMahon tells Orton that she is not giving him the choice. She calls in security and several members of the fun police come in to escort Randy Orton from the building. Orton fights back against one of them and he suffers a Taser attack from another policeman. They put him in handcuffs and arrest him for attacking a police officer. Stephanie smiles and says she will send him a postcard in jail as he is taken away.]


Match #5


Adam Rose vs. Dolph Ziggler


[We move to the ring for our next match, featuring Adam Rose looking for some revenge on Dolph Ziggler because of what happened on Smackdown. A split-screen shows exactly what happened on Smackdown in the first minute of the match. Early on, a sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'Don't be a Nissin Lamen, be a Rosebud!' Rose is aggressive in that first minute but once Ziggler turns the tide, he has control throughout the remainder of the match. Ziggler catches Rose with a splash in the corner and then a neckbreaker. He shows off for the crowd before dropping Rose with a famouser for a two count. Ziggler ducks a clothesline and spikes Rose to the mat with a DDT. Ziggler moves back and begins clapping his hands, getting the crowd more into the match. Ziggler waits for Rose to get to his feet and moves in behind him -- Zig Zag! Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Pinfall @ 5:33)

Match Rating: C





[The backstage area is shown next as the camera pans down a hallway revealing a face-to-face confrontation between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns. Reigns tells Lesnar he's not afraid of him. Lesnar tells Reigns that he should be because if Reigns wins at Fast Lane, it will be the biggest mistake in what will be a very short career. Reigns tells Lesnar to prove it and this leads to a fist-fight backstage between these two powerful athletes. Neither man is backing down from the other as this is an old-fashioned street fight. Reigns gets in two shots in a row and then three. He begins getting the advantage until Paul Heyman strikes him in the back with a chair! Reigns turns around to focus on Heyman, who drops the chair. Lesnar strikes Reigns with a clothesline to the back of his head and then picks up the chair. Three straight shots to the back from that chair put Reigns down on the ground. Lesnar is brutal in these shots and he hits a final one between the legs of Reigns, showing his aggression. Lesnar stands over Reigns, throwing the chair down on the ground. Paul Heyman is all smiles before he leads The Beast away from the fight. EMTs and officials move in to check on Roman Reigns.]




[in a locker room area, Stardust is shown talking about how he had been searching with his brother for the cosmic key. But he has come to realize that two men searching together cannot reach that cosmic key. It can only be held by one man and one man alone. Therefore, he must stop his brother's attempts to find that key. That means that at Fast Lane, he must be willing to take his brother out. That is exactly what he means to do if his brother will step into the ring with him. He says there is no way to stop that other than a complete surrender by his brother. But now, tonight, Daniel Bryan steps within his path. He says that Daniel Bryan will be a stepping stone to finding that elusive cosmic key. He says that tonight Stardust is to become the headline name. He hisses at the camera and walks off, heading toward the ring.]


Match #6


Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan


[The sixth match of this evening features two very good young wrestlers as Stardust takes on Daniel Bryan. Stardust attacks Bryan before the bell sounds and gets him stuck in a corner, striking with a couple of roundhouse kicks. Bryan fires back with some kicks of his own and the two men exchange kicks until Bryan gains the advantage, sending Stardust outside the ring. Bryan bounces off the ropes, quickly, and hits Stardust with a suicide dive outside the ring! Bryan plays to a cheering crowd. Bryan picks up Stardust but Stardust manages to grip the wrist of Bryan and send him into the steel steps. The action returns inside the ring with Stardust in control. Stardust catches Bryan with a springboard bionic elbow for a two count. Stardust hisses at Bryan and then goes for the Disaster Kick but Bryan ducks and catches Stardust with a German Suplex bridge and pin for a two count. Bryan has the crowd going wild as he gets Stardust down on his knees and begins firing kicks to the ribs. The last one goes to the head of the face-painted wrestler. A fan raises a sign reading: 'I have the Cosmic Key!' but Stardust misses it as he is taking a beating from Daniel Bryan. Bryan brings Stardust to the mat and climbs to the top turnbuckle. A fan raises another sign, reading: 'Which one is higher: RVD or Stardust?' Right now that answer appears to be Daniel Bryan as he leaps and catches Stardust with a diving headbutt. Bryan gets the 'YES' chant going. As Daniel Bryan hooks in the Yes-Lock, a fan raises a sign reading: 'Daniel Bryan=Next WWE WHC!' Within moments, Stardust is forced to tap out.]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 11:05)

Match Rating: B





[Daniel Bryan picks up a big momentum building win against Stardust. However, 'Here Comes The Pain' begins to play. Paul Heyman leads out The Conquerer Brock Lesnar right down to the ring. Bryan immediately meets Lesnar with some sharp kicks to the chest as Lesnar moves inside the ring. Bryan rocks Lesnar into a corner with a kick and then comes running in -- dropkick in the corner! Another one! Lesnar staggers out of the corner and Bryan climbs the turnbuckles. Bryan leaps but Lesnar catches him! Lesnar lifts Bryan on his shoulders -- F5! Daniel Bryan is planted in the center of the ring. Heyman hands Lesnar another chair and Lesnar begins wearing out Bryan with chair shot after chair shot to the chest. Lesnar finally tosses the dented chair away, looking down at Daniel Bryan. Tonight, Brock Lesnar has destroyed both Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. Paul Heyman stands beside Lesnar, raising the WWE World Heavyweight title belt. Heyman calls for another F5 but Lesnar shakes his head, saying he's done. The Beast turns and exits the ring with Heyman slowly making his way behind him. Heyman does not look one hundred percent happy about Lesnar's refusal.]





[Byron Saxton is, once again, backstage with another of our WWE Superstars. This time he is backstage with Finn Balor. This time, Balor is not in his war paint and demon mask. Saxton tells Balor that he made an interesting debut this evening when he attacked Rob Van Dam. He asks Balor why he made the attack. Balor says that the first thing he wants to do is to apologize to Rob Van Dam. He says that he was not in control of himself earlier this evening. He says that he has been fighting his demons for a very long time and this is one demon that seems to take over at random times. He says that when the demon takes over, he is not in control of what he does. He says that usually when the demon comes out, he is stressed or in a bad situation that he doesn't believe he can come out of. He says that he has been trying to control the demon but the demon is getting stronger and stronger. Balor apologizes to RVD one more time before he shakes his head and walks off. Saxton sends things back to the ring for our semi main event.]


Match #7


The Bella Twins vs. Emma and Naomi


[The semi main event is a Divas tag team encounter as The Bella Twins take on Emma and Naomi, a makeshift tag team. The match is pretty decent for a Divas match but it focuses on the team of The Bella Twins as they are pretty dominant against both Emma and Naomi. Nikki Bella, in particular, shows her skills against Emma inside the ring. She scores with an early headscissors takedown and an Alabama slam that scores a two count. Nikki yells at the crowd and they respond with boos. Naomi tries to get the crowd back involved and on the side of Emma as a fan raises a sign reading: 'Emma and Naomi.... The Funkadactyls?' Nikki tags in her sister and Brie takes down Emma with a missile dropkick before Nikki tags herself back in. Within a few more minutes, Nikki catches Emma with the Rack Attack. Nikki makes the cover: One, Two, Three! The winner was definitely never in doubt for this matchup.]


Winners: The Bella Twins (Via Pinfall @ 6:18)

Match Rating: D





[The Bella Twins have picked up the win. Naomi enters the ring and she is quickly thrown through the ropes to the floor as Nikki raises her Diva's title up in the air. The crowd boos The Bella Twins and then cheer as here come Paige and AJ Lee! A brawl begins between the two teams which ends with The Bella Twins being shown the ringside area when they are tossed away by Paige and AJ Lee. AJ grabs the fallen Diva's title and stares at it for several long moments. Nikki yells in the ring to give her back her belt but instead it is Paige that snatches it from AJ's hands. Paige raises the belt high in the air and this might be the scene during Fast Lane if Paige can defeat Nikki Bella for this belt. AJ and Paige go face-to-face for a moment but then AJ gives that twisted smile and looks back toward the Bella Twins. The segment ends with that staredown between the two Diva teams.]




[We are taken to a darkened room where a single spotlight from a lantern illuminates the face of Bray Wyatt. Wyatt says that when he saw what happened to 'you' almost a year ago it filled him with such rage and sadness. Now 'you' are an empty shell. 'You' are nothing compared to what 'you' used to be. He says that he used to fear 'you.' 'You' used to instill fear in everyone here in the WWE. But now 'you' have fallen to the wayside. He says that the devil is coming for 'you.' He has sent his faithful follower to come and bring 'you' home. I am going to be there at Fast Lane this Sunday night. I hope that 'you' will come and meet me there. I hope that 'you' will be there to see how far 'you' have fallen. He says that he has become the new Face Of Fear here in the WWE. He has become the Devil's Favorite. He has become the new entity, the new phenom for the WWE. He says that he will be there live at Fast Lane. Come and find me and I will put 'you' to rest. Please find me. He blows out the light, leaving only darkness and Bray Wyatt's evil laughter.]




[We are taken to another area backstage where we find the former Director Of Operations in the empty office, packing his bag. Kane releases a sigh as he looks at the full duffel bag. He picks up the bag and begins to leave before pausing in front of his mask which is underneath a glass case. He stares at the case for several long moments. Then he picks up the case and grabs the mask in his right hand. The duffel bag is in his left hand. An evil smile begins to curl along his lips as he turns and continues to exit. The cameras follow him as he exits the office, holding the mask in his right hand. He continues along his path, exiting through a back door and leaving the arena this evening. Exactly what are we seeing here from The Devil's Favorite Demon? Are we about to see a new/old Kane? You will have to continue to tune in to find out.]





[back at ringside, 'The Second Coming' begins to play and the crowd boos as J&J Security leads Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins out to the ring. The crowd really dislikes Rollins as he walks down with his usual cocky demeanor. Rollins says that they are now in the bruised apple of New York, the one that you would throw into the garbage and that is Rochester, New York. He says that this city is lucky to have him even come out to stand before them. They are looking at the future of the WWE and the future World Heavyweight Champion by virtue of this little briefcase. He says that he saw what Brock Lesnar did earlier to Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. However, that won't happen to him. He is smart enough to pick his spots. He is smart enough to choose when to cash in this briefcase and turn the future into now. He says that he is the most valuable asset in the WWE and not a loser like the other former Shield members. He is not some lunatic like the man he is facing tonight: Dean Ambrose. Like hearing his name calls him out, Dean Ambrose comes out to 'Retaliation!' The crowd cheers for the Lunatic Fringe. Ambrose laughs and says he thinks he heard some loser calling out his name. Ambrose points out a sign in the crowd: 'Ambrose vs. Rollins = The Best Feud of 2014!' He says that's true. He says they used to battle each other back and forth and now they have to do it one more time. Ambrose comes running toward the ring and slides inside, being met by J&J Security before the bell sounds. Ambrose does his best to fight them off but the numbers game takes it's toll and Rollins starts the match with a decided advantage.]


Match #8


Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose


[seth Rollins has Dean Ambrose down and in a corner when the bell sounds and he is stomping away at Ambrose. The Architect grabs Ambrose and throws him out of the ring early in the contest. Rollins gets the referee's attention and J&J Security go on the attack. But the referee catches them and tosses them out! He forces the Security team to go to the back. JBL argues that's not fair but that's the referee's decision! Ambrose gets back in the ring and Rollins sends him to the ropes. Ambrose bounces off the second rope and then clotheslines down Rollins! The crowd cheers loudly! A 'Let's Go Ambrose' chant breaks out through the crowd. Ambrose strikes with a shoulderblock and then an armbar. The net few minutes are spent going back and forth between these two men who know each other so very well. Rollins re-takes control when Ambrose misses a diving elbow drop and he shows why he is the Future of the WWE. He catches Ambrose with a buckle bomb and a superkick, scoring a two count on the Lunatic Fringe. Rollins climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for a flying knee but Ambrose avoids it and brings him down with a sit-out power bomb for a two count. So close to a three count as Rollins barely got his shoulder up. Both men are left down at this point as the crowd gets behind Ambrose. Another 'Let's Go Ambrose' chant lifts up through this New York crowd.]


[both men slowly rise to their feet and they begin exchanging punches in the center of the ring. The crowd cheers every blow that Ambrose lands and boos every blow that Rollins lands. Ambrose starts to get an advantage and then falls against the ropes, bouncing forward and striking Rollins with a discus lariat! Ambrose crawls over to Rollins and makes the cover: One, Two, Shoulder Up! Ambrose slowly pulls himself up and Rollins rolls out of the ring. Ambrose climbs the turnbuckle and leaps, catching Rollins with a flying elbowdrop to the standing Rollins outside the ring! Ambrose pulls himself up and then Rollins, whipping Rollins into the barricade. The match returns to the ring where both men are obviously getting tired. Ambrose maintains some control and he brings Rollins over with a double underhook suplex. Ambrose gets the crowd fired up and he sets Rollins in the double underhook position again, setting him up for the Dirty Deeds. But Rollins reverses the hold with a low blow kick that the referee doesn't see. Ambrose releases Rollins and Rollins bounces off the ropes -- Curb Stomp! A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'If you buy in you'll never go bankrupt!' Rollins quickly moves into the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Seth Rollins (Via Pinfall @ 17:16)

Match Rating: B





[Seth Rollins picks up the victory but it's not his music that plays. 'Here Comes The Pain' begins and here comes Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. Rollins quickly grabs his Money In The Bank briefcase as Heyman leads Lesnar in the ring. Instead of Heyman having the microphone, Lesnar has the microphone! Lesnar asks Rollins if he is man enough to cash in that briefcase now that the two of them are face-to-face. He says that he remembers two weeks ago when Rollins tried to cash in on him while he was down. Now he asks Rollins if he is tough enough to cash that thing in when Lesnar is standing right here in his face. Rollins says he is not stupid enough to cash it in at this moment, especially after he just had a grueling match with Dean Ambrose. Rollins says he's done with this and turns to leave but he is grabbed by Brock Lesnar. Lesnar lifts Rollins on his shoulders but Rollins squirms off and behind Lesnar. Rollins bounces off the ropes and leaps but Lesnar catches him in his cross body attempt. Lesnar lifts Rollins on his shoulders -- F5! Rollins is planted on the mat. Lesnar kicks Rollins out of the ring, throwing the briefcase on top of him. Paul Heyman hands Brock Lesnar the WWE World Heavyweight title belt and Lesnar raises the belt high in the air as the credits show at the bottom. A fan sign is shown in the background reading: 'I'm an Eric Bischoff Guy!' Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar stand tall six days from Fast Lane. We'll see you Thursday on Smackdown. Good night, everyone!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


We had several people score a perfect 8/8 this time on Monday Night Raw as we head toward Fast Lane. Congratulations to Uncrewed, packerman120, Bigjondalegend, jscotty, Beejus, Smasher1311, crackerjack and Nobby_McDonald!


1. Uncrewed=6 Wins

2. jscotty=5 Wins

3. Smasher1311=4 Wins

Beejus=4 Wins

packerman120=4 Wins

6. Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

7. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

crackerjack=2 Wins

Bigjondalegend=2 Wins

11. CPBHBK=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

Warhawk8492=1 Win

Russelrules44=1 Win

Blodyxe=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

18. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

nick21985=0 Wins


Comments On Last Show: OMG! Dudley Boyz!! Giving them a feud with The Ascension is a really good idea


Glad to hear that the return of the Dudley Boyz was met with some happy fans. The feud with The Ascension will hopefully serve to elevate Konnor and Viktor win or lose.


Comments On Last Show: I laughed at the revisionist history you told for Sting :p


Revisionist history? WWE? NEVER! :p LOL.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to WWE Smackdown on the SyFy channel. We are just a few days away from WWE Fast Lane and the crowd should be heated up here in the Tri State region! Tonight, we have scheduled a face to face between the United States and Russia. On the side of the United States, we have John Cena. On the side of Russia, we have Rusev and Lana. Which side will win the face-to-face? Who will have momentum moving into Fast Lane?


-The Intercontinental title will be defended right here on Smackdown as Bad News Barrett takes on Rob Van Dam. Van Dam has just recently made his return to the WWE but he can make a big splash right here by defeating the WWE IC Champion and holding the title again.


-Last Monday night, we saw Kane removed from The Authority and removed as the Director Of Operations. Triple H has informed us that this evening he will be announcing a brand new Director Of Operations. Who will it be? What types of changes will this person make?


-Plus Luke Harper takes on Daniel Bryan. We will hear from Jack Swagger, The Rock, The Brass Ring Club and more. Make sure you tune in to Smackdown.


Prediction Listing


Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs: This is Daniel Bryan country!

Proud Member of Team Bring It!

Zack Ryder=ratings


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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock


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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Should be great.


Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

Comments: Don't make me pick. :p

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Also, I think Kane's replacement might be someone like JBL or Shane McMahon.

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: I'm all about this Bryan/Lesnar hype, even though Roman will probably be going after him


Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos

Comments: Don't make me pick against Slater :(


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: That Balor debut was very well done


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: RVD looks like he's moving on to other things with Finn


Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

Comments: By DQ? Strange to see The Rock around so often too





Feeling HBK as Kane's replacement

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock


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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs: This Sign was washed with Luke Harper's shirt

Fear Finn, Broski

Rock vs Jericho; Is This Real Life or is it Fantasy

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Battle of the beard


Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos

Comments: Easy one.


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys

Comments: Can't wait to see Miz eat a 3D, just for Mizdow to jump up and slam against the ground.


Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: Not a chance.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Finn will likely cause a distraction of some sort.


Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

Comments: He used to beat Rock AND Austin at the same time, surely he can handle only one of them! :p


Fun Fan Signs:

I have a bat for you, Sting!


Comments On Previous Show: This is how you do Brock Lesnar. He showed up, dominated the hell out of anyone in his way, and left.

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Prediction Listing


Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: Might be a great match.


Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos

Comments: Poor Slater.


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys

Comments: The split continues.


Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: Finn Balor is simply one of the very best.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam

Comments: Bad News is still early in his reign.


Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

Comments: Swagger interferes in this one.


Fun Fan Signs: Beauty and the Beard

Got High? I'm afraid I've got some Bad News!



Comments On Previous Show:

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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys



Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock








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ANGLE: Backstage segment with Taryn Terrell, Jeff Hardy and Roddy Piper...C

MVP defeated Rockstar Spud...D

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Matt Hardy and Magnus...D+

The Revolution defeated The Wolves...C

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Austin Aries and MVP...C

Rebel defeated Mickie James...D-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle...C+

Magnus defeated Mr. Anderson...C-

Bobby Roode defeated Ethan Carter III...C+



Sasha Banks defeated Charlotte...E-

ANGLE: Skit involving Zeb Colter and Alexa Bliss...C-

Alex Riley defeated Brian Kendrick...D-

Adrian Neville defeated Garrett Bischoff...D-



ANGLE: Skit involving AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels...D+

Frankie Kazarian defeated Brutal Bob...D

reDRagon defeated The Young Bucks to retain the ROH World Tag Team titles...D+

Christopher Daniels defeated Jay Lethal...B-

#TNA – #NXT – #ROH


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Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan



Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos



The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys


Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam



Chris Jericho vs. The Rock



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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Thursday Week 4 February 2015 (Taped Tuesday)

Location: PA Giant Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 11,640

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.20






[Michael Cole welcomes everyone to WWE Thursday Night Smackdown from the Giant Center in Hershey Pennsylvania. As Cole talks about the matches that we have signed tonight, the crowd rises to their feet. 'Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?' begins to play and out from the back comes the man known as The Great One. The Rock walks down to the ring and climbs the steps, stepping inside the ring. The Rock looks around for a moment and then smiles as he says that finally The ROCK has come BACK...to Hershey, Pennsylvania! The crowd cheers wildly as The Rock begins talking about the upcoming match in a few days at Fast Lane. We are going to see The Rock's cousin Roman Reigns step inside the ring with Daniel Bryan. The Rock says that the people have been behind Daniel Bryan for quite awhile now. The Rock knows how popular the Yes Movement has been for the WWE. But, The Rock says, Roman Reigns is ready for HIS WrestleMania moment. The Rock says that The Rock will be in the corner of Roman Reigns to celebrate with The Rock's cousin on a victory.]


[The Rock smirks as 'Break The Walls Down' begins to play and The Rock is interrupted by the presence of Chris Jericho. Jericho walks down to the ring and steps inside, coming nose-to-nose with The Rock. Jericho steps back and welcomes everyone to Thursday Night Jericho! The Rock is quick to interrupt Jericho and remind him that he is on The Rock's show. Smackdown is the show that was made by the trail blazing, eyebrow raising...Jericho interrupts The Rock's catchphrase, asking him if he will please just shut the hell up! Jericho says that when he came to the WWE the fans were bored with this act and that hasn't changed years later. Jericho says that he interrupted The Rock tonight to save the WWE from more boredom, from all of the WWE Universe changing the channel. The argument continues between these two until they are interrupted by 'No Chance In Hell' beginning to play! The crowd rises to their feet, watching as Vince McMahon comes charging down to the ring. McMahon stands between The Rock and Chris Jericho and asks the question on everyone's mind: did we enter a time warp tonight? Mr. McMahon says that since we have entered the time warp back to the '90's, we might as well have a match tonight. He says that tonight we will determine just whose show this is. The Rock versus Chris Jericho right here in Hershey, Pennsylvania! The Rock seems happy with this but Jericho looks a little apprehensive. Mr. McMahon tells them to start his music again and for everyone to exit the ring because we have DANIEL BRYAN coming out next!]





Match #1


Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan


[The YES Movement is loud here on Smackdown as Daniel Bryan steps in the ring against Luke Harper. The opening contest is an excellent match to begin Smackdown with as Daniel Bryan and Luke Harper show off their talent in a match that possibly could have main evented Smackdown. Bryan takes an early advantage on Harper, sending the larger man out of the ring. Bryan bounces off the ropes and catches him with a suicide dive outside the ring! Bryan stands up tall by a couple of signs, including: 'Beauty and the Beard!' and 'This is Daniel Bryan country!' Bryan leads the YES chants and then brings the action back inside the ring. Bryan whips Harper into the turnbuckle and tries to follow in with the dropkick but Harper moves and Bryan crashes onto the mat. Harper drops a couple of sharp elbow drops for a two count. He stands up and a couple of signs raise up in the background: 'BETTER THAN BRYAN!,' 'This Sign was washed with Luke Harper's shirt!' and 'We Want Harper's Shirt to teach our son about Hygiene!' Harper brings Bryan down with a spinning side slam and stands up, hearing the boos from the crowd. Harper yanks Bryan to his feet and grabs him around the waist -- Overhead Release German Suplex! Bryan lands hard on the back of his head and Harper makes another cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Kickout! Harper pulls Bryan up and sends him into the turnbuckle. Harper charges in with a boot but Bryan moves and Harper crashes into the turnbuckle!]


[Daniel Bryan bounces off a turnbuckle and runs in -- dropkick in the turnbuckle! A second time! A third time finally floors Luke Harper! The crowd begins the YES chant as Harper gets to his knees. Bryan looks toward Harper and begins laying in kicks to the ribs of Harper. The crowd chants YES with every kick that Bryan lays in. He takes a few steps backward and then charges in, striking with a kick to the head. Harper falls to the mat and Bryan heads to the top turnbuckle. We're about to see a flying goat! Bryan leaps with the diving headbutt, connecting with Harper! Bryan moves to a corner and begins the YES chant, getting the crowd inspired. Harper is slow to rise to his feet but he turns toward Daniel Bryan -- Running Single Leg High Knee! Bryan makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Pinfall @ 10:56)

Match Rating: B






[Daniel Bryan picks up a big momentum giving win as we are only a few days away from WWE Fast Lane. Daniel Bryan begins leading a YES chant that is slowed as 'The Truth Reigns' begins to play. A spotlight shines on Roman Reigns, who is standing up in the crowd. Reigns mocks the YES chant by Daniel Bryan on his way down toward the ring. Reigns leaps the barricade, slides into the ring and goes right after Daniel Bryan! The two men exchange punches and kicks in the center of the ring. Reigns powers Bryan back into a corner and follows in with a corner clothesline. He shoves Bryan to the ground but Bryan pulls himself up quickly. Reigns leans back and then strikes with the Superman Punch as Bryan comes near. Reigns sets up in the corner but Stephanie McMahon comes out with a bunch of officials. Reigns smirks at her and the officials as she says that this cannot happen tonight. She reminds everyone that this match will happen live on the WWE Network this Sunday for only $9.99! She orders the officials to escort both Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan out of the building. Reigns fights off one or two officials but the numbers game of the officials and the road agents allows them to escort both Reigns and Bryan out of the ring and to the back at the direction of Stephanie McMahon.]





[in a backstage area, Seth Rollins is shown clutching his Money In The Bank briefcase to his chest. He talks about the fact that this briefcase gives him the opportunity to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight title any time he wants. He could cash it in at Fast Lane and walk into WrestleMania as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Or he could cash it in at WrestleMania and make the main event of Fast Lane irrelevant. He is about to continue but he is suddenly assaulted by Randy Orton. The Apex Predator is throwing punches to Rollins, knocking the Money In The Bank winner backward and onto the ground. Rollins tries to cover up as Orton leaps down on him, throwing punches. Orton yells at Rollins, telling him that he is going on the injured list. That is, until Orton is suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown across the room. The picture shows Big Show standing over top of Rollins as the man who threw Orton across the room. Orton comes running back at Big Show but suffers a Knockout Punch by Show, sending Orton to the ground. Show helps Rollins to his feet and Rollins smiles as he lays a Curb Stomp on Orton, bringing Orton right back down to the ground. Seth Rollins grabs his briefcase and moves off successfully with Big Show.]


Match #2


Non-Title Match

Slater Gator vs. The Usos


[Our second match this evening on Smackdown features the WWE World Tag Team Champions The Usos taking on the team of Slater Gator. The match is a definite brawl beginning with all four men doing battle inside the ring. Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil are tossed out of the ring and we see some flying Usos! The Usos celebrate outside the ring and then move back inside the ring as a few signs go up in the crowd, including: 'YOU'RE NO GATOR!,' 'Don't be a Slater Gator Hater' and 'HE'S THE ONE MAN BANDDDDDDDD!' Titus O'Neil gets a brief spot of momentum in this match but when Slater is brought into the ring, he gets double-teamed quickly by The Usos. Jimmy and Jey show why they are the World Tag Team Champions as they knock O'Neil off the apron and then strike Slater with the Alley-Us! Jimmy makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Usos (Via Pinfall @ 5:37)

Match Rating: C





[From the ring and a celebration by The Usos, we move to the backstage area where Byron Saxton is standing by with the team known as The Brass Ring Club. Saxton talks about how good The Usos looked tonight and says that Cesaro and Tyson Kidd will have to be on point if they want to defeat The Usos at Fast Lane. Cesaro responds, saying that they are always on their game because they are the Masters of the WWE Universe. There is a reason why they call them the Brass Ring Club. Cesaro says that at Fast Lane, he is going to reach for that brass ring and grab it from The Usos. He turns things over to Tyson Kidd. Kidd reminds everyone that he is the last surviving graduate of the Dungeon. That means that he has the training of a member of the Hart Foundation. He says that once again a Hart Foundation is going to become World Tag Team Champions.]


Match #3


The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. The Dudley Boys


[Our third match of the evening features the in-ring return of Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley as they take on The Miz and Damien Mizdow. The fans give this one some average heat as they are definitely moreso into Mizdow and The Dudley Boys than The Miz. The Miz, however, refuses to tag in Mizdow, bringing D-Von into a corner and catching him with the Awesome Clothesline. The Miz smiles as he sits on that second rope before sliding back into the ring. The Miz trips D-Von and then goes for the Figure 4 Leglock but D-Von reverses it into a small package for a two count. D-Von avoids a clothesline and tags in Bubba Ray. The Miz begs off and quickly tags out to Mizdow before dropping off the apron, backing up against the barricade. Bubba Ray catches Mizdow with several punches and then a bionic elbow! The crowd cheers as Bubba Ray raises the Longhorn salute. D-Von comes in and the two of them hit Mizdow with a belly-to-back suplex/neckbreaker combination. A sign is shown in the background, reading: 'MIZDOW! GET THE CONDOMS!' The Miz wants nothing more to do with what is going on in the ring and The Dudley Boys call for the 3D! Mizdow slowly gets to his feet and staggers toward the Dudleys -- 3D! Bubba Ray quickly rolls into a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Dudley Boys (Via Pinfall @ 6:21)

Match Rating: B-





[The Dudley Boys pick up a big victory and celebrate as The Miz and Damien Mizdow argue outside the ring. This argument distracts The Dudley Boys as The Ascension come running in from the back. Konnor and Viktor attack The Dudley Boys from behind. Bubba Ray Dudley is struck with the Fall Of Man and The Ascension mock The Dudley Boys. Konnor asks Viktor to get the tables and Viktor exits the ring, getting two tables from underneath the ring and sliding them inside. The Ascension pick up D-Von Dudley and put him through a table with a double power bomb! The crowd boos and a sign goes up in the audience, reading: 'THOSE DAMN DUDLEYS!' Konnor and Viktor stand over top of The Dudley Boys to boos from the crowd as they celebrate putting one of the Dudleys through a table. Will this same thing happen this Sunday at Fast Lane? If it does, then The Ascension will have a huge victory against a legendary tag team. Make sure you tune in to the WWE Network this Sunday for only $9.99!]







[From the ring and The Ascension, we move to a locker room area where Goldust is pacing. Goldust says that he has heard his brother, Cody's, words at Monday Night Raw again and again. Goldust says that he still believes in his brother but sometimes a man must give his brother some tough love. He says that he will accept the challenge made by his brother and step into the ring across from Cody Rhodes. Goldust says that blood is thicker than water and he hopes that both of them can walk away from this match with their heads held high. That is what he wants at the end of Fast Lane. He says that his brother will never ever forget the name of Dustin Rhodes. Goldust bites at the camera and then walks away. We have another match set up for Fast Lane as Goldust faces off with his brother Stardust. What a huge contest that should be at Fast Lane!]


Match #4


Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder


[Our next match is fairly short and seems to be a bathroom break/concession stand break for most of the fans this evening. Finn Balor comes out looking like himself for this match against the Long Island Iced Z. Finn Balor will take on Rob Van Dam at Fast Lane but first he must get through Zack Ryder this evening on Smackdown. After a quick succession of back and forth wrestling that ends with both men on their feet, applause comes from some fans and a sign is raised in the background: 'Zack Ryder=ratings!' Balor gains an advantage and sends Ryder outside the ring. Balor bounces off the ropes and leaps, catching Ryder with a suicide somersault senton! Balor plays to the crowd, who give him a mix of boos and cheers. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Fear Finn, Broski!' The action returns inside the ring where Balor maintains the control. Balor brings Ryder down with a brainbuster before heading to the top turnbuckle -- Coup de Grâce! Balor makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Though Finn Balor scores the victory, a sign does go up in the background, reading: 'I'M RIDING THE LOW RYDER!']


Winner: Finn Balor (Via Pinfall @ 5:43)

Match Rating: D




[From the ring, we move to the backstage area where Triple H is speaking with a couple of security guards. He tells them to remove the sign in the crowd, reading: 'I have a bat for you, Sting!' because nobody wants to see that on WWE television. Big Show walks in as the security guards walk out. He shakes hands with Hunter and asks why Hunter wanted to see him. Hunter says that he wants to thank Big Show for what he did earlier with Seth Rollins and Randy Orton. Big Show says he just did what any seven foot giant would do. Hunter says that it's because of this power and strength that he would like to offer Big Show the position of Director Of Operations of The Authority beginning at Fast Lane. Show says he would be honored to hold that position. He promises Triple H that he will do a much better job than Kane. The two men shake hands and the scene ends with the two of them beginning to talk about what might happen at Fast Lane.]


Match #5



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Bad News Barrett defends vs. Rob Van Dam


[Our semi main event is a very good match as we have Bad News Barrett defending the Intercontinental title against Mr. Thursday Night, The Whole Dam Show Rob Van Dam. This is a fast-paced match that features some liberal interference by Luke Harper to keep the momentum on the side of Bad News Barrett. After some action by Harper outside the ring on Van Dam, the action returns inside the ring where Barrett catches him with the Winds Of Change for a two count. The crowd is solidly behind Van Dam and he begins his comeback late in the contest. A spinning crescent kick by Van Dam brings Barrett to the mat and then he strikes quickly with the Rolling Thunder. Van Dam does the double thumb point as he stands over Barrett. Van Dam drags Barrett over by the corner -- split-legged moonsault -- misses! Barrett has rolled out of the way of the moonsault and he grabs Van Dam, getting to his feet -- Wasteland! Barrett moves to a corner and lowers his elbow pad as a sign goes up in the crowd behind him: 'Got High? I'm afraid I've got some Bad News!' Van Dam pulls himself up and turns right into a Bull Hammer! Barrett makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Bad News Barrett (Via Pinfall @ 6:03)

Match Rating: C





[Bad News Barrett has a successful defense of the Intercontinental title. Luke Harper enters the ring and hands the belt to Barrett as Barrett takes the time to stomp the head of Rob Van Dam a couple of times. This time lingering in the ring might be a mistake as Dean Ambrose comes running down toward the ring. Barrett sees Ambrose coming in and meets him with punches. The bare-knuckle brawler pulls no punches against Ambrose but Ambrose gives a double-leg takedown, taking Barrett to the mat and throwing punches. Luke Harper steps in and grabs Ambrose, using his power to shove Ambrose into a corner. Barrett tells Harper to attack and Harper charges Ambrose but Ambrose hits a drop toehold into the turnbuckle! Barrett quickly exits the ring and Ambrose drops Harper with the Dirty Deeds in the center of the ring. Dean Ambrose stares down at Bad News Barrett, making a 'belt' motion at his waist.]




[From there, we move to a locker room setting where Jack Swagger is looking toward the camera. Swagger talks about the fact that a couple of weeks ago, Zeb Colter was attacked from behind and put out of the WWE. He says that he is very unhappy that his mentor, a great American in Zeb Colter was attacked. He says that he knows the man who did the attacking was Chris Jericho. Jericho keeps trying to say that Canada is a better country than America. Saying that is an insult to the All-American American Jack Swagger. Swagger says that at Fast Lane he is going to make sure that Jericho knows American power when he taps out to the Patriot Lock. But since he's in the building and Jericho's in the building. Maybe they shouldn't wait until Fast Lane. Swagger rubs his chin for a moment and then gives a smile before walking away as though a light bulb has gone off in his head.]




[From there we move to a darkened room, which has become the usual place for Bray Wyatt. The spotlight is directed on his face as he says that they are only a few days away from Fast Lane. He says that you are heading on the road to Fast Lane. I know that you are going to be there because you still think that you're relevant. You still think that you have some kind of power. But the devil has quit being your friend. Your power left a long time ago. You are not even the most feared wrestler in the WWE anymore. Instead, you are simply a joke. You are a punchline at the end of a riddle. You are the man who will be passing the torch to the new face of fear. At Fast Lane, I will not be hiding from you as others have done. Your time is ticking. At Fast Lane, you yourself will walk with the reaper. Find me. Find me or I will find you. Wyatt laughs and then blows out the light, leaving the room in darkness before we head back to the ring for our main event.]


Match #6


Chris Jericho vs. The Rock


[it is main event time and we have a match between two men who have multiple title reigns, multiple WrestleMania main events between the two of them. A sign in the crowd says it all: 'Rock vs Jericho; Is This Real Life or is it Fantasy!' A shoving match starts the match before The Rock begins unloading with punches. A spit punch sends Chris Jericho falling outside the ring to regroup. Jericho leans back against the barricade and a sign is raised behind him, reading: 'Y2J is still better than CM Punk!' Jericho enters the ring and the match continues with some back and forth wrestling between the two legends. Jericho uses a rake to the face to take control of The Rock and begins grounding The Rock, focusing on his back throughout these next few minutes. Jericho slips in behind The Rock and brings him over with a German Suplex. Jericho places a foot on the chest of The Rock and flexes, calling out 'YEAH, BABY!' The referee drops down: One, Kickout! Only a one count for the foot pin. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'I'M NOT FROM WINNIPEG YOU IDIOT!' Jericho heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps, catching The Rock with a missile dropkick! Jericho bounces off the ropes -- Lionsault! Jericho makes the cover, hooking the leg:]














[Chris Jericho came so close to winning this match over The People's Champion. Jericho argues with the referee and then turns back to The Rock and The Rock throws some punches, having used that recovery time to get his second wind. The Rock battles to his feet and tosses Jericho to the ropes -- Pop-Up Samoan Drop! What a move by The Rock! The Rock rises to his feet and plays to the crowd. The Rock motions to a sign, reading: 'Proud Member of Team Bring It!' The Rock makes the bring-it motion to Jericho, waiting for Jericho to get to his feet. The Rock moves in and catches Jericho with a float-over snap DDT! The Rock kips up and looks down at Jericho. He calls for the People's Elbow but Jericho grabs The Rock's ankle and trips him to the mat. Jericho goes for the Walls Of Jericho! He starts to get it locked in when 'Patriot' begins to play. Jericho releases The Rock and moves to the ropes as Jack Swagger walks out from the back. Swagger yells at Jericho as he reaches ringside. The Rock pulls himself up slowly and perches behind Jericho. Swagger motions behind Jericho and Jericho gives a look like he knows what's coming next. He releases a breath and slowly turns toward The Rock -- Rock Bottom! Jericho is planted in the center of the ring and The Rock bounces off the ropes. He hits the ropes again. He SSSSTTTTAAAALLLLLLLLSSSS -- People's Elbow! The Rock makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: The Rock (Via Pinfall @ 13:23)

Match Rating: B




[The match is over and The Rock has secured a victory against Chris Jericho. The Rock begins a post-match celebration inside the ring, climbing the turnbuckles and motioning to the crowd, who cheer louder for The Great One. The Rock motions toward a sign that reads: 'The Rock is Samoan,Who Knew?' He's laughing and shrugs, raising the People's Eyebrow. The Rock looks down at ringside where Jack Swagger is still standing. The Rock motions for Swagger to enter the ring. He shakes hands with the All-American American inside the ring and then seems to ask him how to do his special catchphrase. Swagger places his hand over his heart and The Rock does the same. The two men stand tall in the ring and call out 'WE THE PEOPLE!' The crowd chants along as The Rock and Jack Swagger celebrate inside the ring. But, remember, Swagger has a match at Fast Lane against Chris Jericho. What will happen in that match? Will Jericho get some revenge?]





[After the ring is cleared, two podiums are set up inside the ring. Michael Cole says that the USA/Russia debate is next! Lana and Rusev are the first two to come out to boos from the crowd. The USA chant is loud and frequent in the building as Rusev and Lana enter the ring and stand by one podium. Rusev raises the United States title to boos from the crowd. 'My Time Is Now' begins to play and the crowd gives the usual mixed response to John Cena. Cena walks out to the ring and climbs inside, going face-to-face with Rusev. Cena looks toward Lana and then toward Rusev. Cena asks for a microphone and he gets on the microphone, saying that he knows exactly how these types of things go down. He's been through them many times before. Rusev and Lana are going to go roar, urgh, argh, Russia, burgle, rah! He is going to tell the truth, that the USA is the best country in the world. He is going to tell the world that he is going to beat Rusev at Fast Lane for the United States title. So why not move to the end right now? Cena throws a few punches at Rusev, knocking him backward. Cena goes in for a clothesline but Rusev ducks and sends Cena out of the ring. Rusev joins Cena at ringside, catching him with a dropkick at ringside! Rusev grabs the top of the announce table and uses it to strike Cena. He grabs Cena and lays him out on the announce table. Rusev gives a strong stomp to the spine of Cena and then goes for the Accolade! Rusev tries to lock it in but Cena fights it. Cena begins standing up with Rusev on his back. Cena drops backward and both he and Rusev go through the table! Cena and Rusev are both down on the floor! We are only a few days away from Fast Lane! Will either of these men recover in time? Make sure you tune in this Sunday to Fast Lane for only $9.99 on the WWE Network! We'll see you then!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March(WrestleMania) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


We had several people score a perfect 6/6 this time on Thursday Night Smackdown as we head toward Fast Lane. Congratulations to Uncrewed, packerman120, Warhawk8492, jscotty, crackerjack, DaBookerMan, nick21985, Smasher1311, Bigjondalegend, Russelrules44 and Hitman74!


1. Uncrewed=7 Wins

2. jscotty=6 Wins

3. Smasher1311=5 Wins

packerman120=5 Wins

5. Beejus=4 Wins

6. Bad News Fryer=3 Wins

crackerjack=3 Wins

Bigjondalegend=3 Wins

9. kieranforthewin=2 Wins

TeflonBilly=2 Wins

Warhawk8492=2 Wins

Russelrules44=2 Wins

13. CPBHBK=1 Win

codeydbw=1 Win

KnowYourEnemy=1 Win

Blodyxe=1 Win

Nobby_McDonald=1 Win

DaBookerMan=1 Win

Hitman74=1 Win

nick21985=1 Win

21. The_CoC=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Frootloop=0 Wins

SkipMartin=0 Wins

lukess11=0 Wins

Ayden=0 Wins

KeyR1=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

LordryuTJ=0 Wins


Also, I think Kane's replacement might be someone like JBL or Shane McMahon.


Some definite good choices. Though mine was probably a little more obvious than everyone else's. LOL.


Luke Harper vs. Daniel Bryan

Comments: I'm all about this Bryan/Lesnar hype, even though Roman will probably be going after him


Finn Balor vs. Zack Ryder

Comments: That Balor debut was very well done


Glad you're enjoying the hype between Lesnar and Bryan. Will Roman Reigns win at Fast Lane? Or will Daniel Bryan be the one to face off with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania? The tension mounts. :)


I am also glad that you enjoyed the Finn Balor debut. I wanted to make it something special with him coming up from NXT. I am glad that I seem to have achieved that.


Comments On Previous Show: This is how you do Brock Lesnar. He showed up, dominated the hell out of anyone in his way, and left.


Brock Lesnar is the beast incarnate for a reason. :) I am glad that you enjoyed my booking of Brock and hopefully it's made for a more difficult prediction for the match between Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-Welcome to the Fast Lane to WrestleMania! We are coming to you live from the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tennessee. What a main event we have for you this evening! Two men face off in what will be an epic battle where the winner will take on Brock Lesnar in the main event at WrestleMania for the WWE World Heavyweight title! These two men are Roman Reigns, the 2015 Royal Rumble winner, and Daniel Bryan, the Leader of the YES Movement. Which of these two men will get the opportunity to face the Beast Incarnate at WrestleMania?


-We will see two bouts that feature two patriots against two men who do not like the USA very much. In the first bout, the All-American American Jack Swagger will take on the legendary Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-A Chris Jericho. In the second bout, the mighty Rusev will defend the United States title against the former fifteen time World Heavyweight Champion John Cena! Can Cena end the unbeaten streak of Rusev?


-Two brothers will collide for the very first time inside the ring here in Tennessee. This match will pit Stardust against Goldust. Stardust has attacked his brother several times during the last couple of weeks. He has promised to finish his brother off at Fast Lane. Can he do it or will Goldust beat some 'sense' into his brother Cody?


-Dean Ambrose spoke recently about wanting to win the WWE Intercontinental title to get his face on the wall at WWE Headquarters. Bad News Barrett has told Ambrose that he can only have that title shot if he defeats Luke Harper at Fast Lane. Will Ambrose get that title shot or will Luke Harper, a team player, seal Ambrose's fate?


-Plus Nikki Bella defends the Diva's title against Paige, The Ascension face The Dudley Boys in a tables match and more. Make sure you tune in to WWE Fast Lane on the WWE Network for only $9.99 a month.


Prediction Listing


Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger



WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. The Brass Ring Club



Finn Balor vs. Rob Van Dam



Stardust vs. Goldust



Tables Match

The Ascension vs. The Dudley Boys



WWE Diva's Title Match

Nikki Bella defends vs. Paige



If Dean Ambrose Wins, He Faces Bad News Barrett At WrestleMania For The Intercontinental Title

Luke Harper vs. Dean Ambrose



WWE United States Title Match

Rusev defends vs. John Cena



#1 Contenders Match

Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Previous Show:

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