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Locker Room Incidents and Disciplinary

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Okay, so I've wanted to make this topic for a while. And the idea was for us to share what Incidents we get in the locker rooms and it can be of anything from something positive to something completely negative that can mess with your Backstage Morale. Also I wanted this to be a thing where someone could come with an incident that needs a discipline and the person has trouble figuring out for themselves of what discipline to use and they could come here and someone could give them suggestion.


So I'll starts use off with two incidents on my upcoming show, I have a federation that has every major promotion wrestler in it from the C-Verse and Real Life mod. So I already have a mixed bag of negative and positive influence as well as negative relationships.


So here are my two incidents


Dos Caras, Jr and Alex Shelley - Dos Caras, Jr. (Alberto Del Rio) was the focal point of a backstage incident when he provoked Alex Shelley into a huge heated argument.


Pit Bull Brown - Pit Bull Brown has gotten heat from the rest of the locker room after letting rip a stinky fart.


So what would be the best discipline for Dos Caras & Pit Bull Brown?

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Never react to farts. Everything else depends on worker personality and (for me) popularity/general usefulness.


I always take action, starting with the 'arm round the shoulder' and take the next step for the next offence. I always use arm round shoulder for farts though no matter how many offences (so the locker room see I'm doing something about an incident that's upset them)


The problem is, when you've got someone you want to keep with a bad personality they will hate you, so these guys i tend to stick to the arm around the shoulder after the first few unless I'm really getting fed up


The major problem is once someone doesn't like you they won't re-sign for you and you can't get them to like you again

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When you say 'arm round the shoulder' do you mean Fatherly Approach? And again it is a fart. So maybe the first time I could 'Take No Action' then maybe work my way up for farts. Does that sound right?


And what about Del Rio, what would be the best for him?

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When you say 'arm round the shoulder' do you mean Fatherly Approach? And again it is a fart. So maybe the first time I could 'Take No Action' then maybe work my way up for farts. Does that sound right?


And what about Del Rio, what would be the best for him?


Yeah i couldn't remember what it was called, and no for farts I would just use the fartherly approach every time. They havnt really done anything wrong but people have got upset, so you have taken action without really telling them off


for deal rio I would personally do the same, but next time he does something (as long as it's not a fart, I'd go one step up)


It depends, how much do you want del Rio? You could go stronger but if he has a bad personality he's likely to get upset with you.

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yea he does have a bad personality, but I do want to keep him, I believe he can put on some good matches for me.


And I gave Pit Bull Brown a Fatherly Approach and he reacted - Fine. It's a natural act though, no idea why everyone is so uptight about it. But he is now irritated at me. But he has a bad personality too.

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yea he does have a bad personality, but I do want to keep him, I believe he can put on some good matches for me.


And I gave Pit Bull Brown a Fatherly Approach and he reacted - Fine. It's a natural act though, no idea why everyone is so uptight about it. But he is now irritated at me. But he has a bad personality too.


It's up to you then if you want to take no action


Irritated is different to disliking you, do you mean he's not happy at the company? Which you can easily sort that.


I mean more on the relationship side where it says there's simmering tension or a dislike

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Although, I did no action with Del Rio, but Shelley ended up having simmering tensions with me, I switched it to Fatherly approach and Del Rio just said whatever and is now irritated at me too. I'll just leave it like that with both men and see what happens in the future.
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Although, I did no action with Del Rio, but Shelley ended up having simmering tensions with me, I switched it to Fatherly approach and Del Rio just said whatever and is now irritated at me too. I'll just leave it like that with both men and see what happens in the future.


If they have any negative morale, that's easily solved, give them time off, or give them a bonus (the higher the better) or sign someone they have good relations with (even if it's for a month and they leave after a month, you still get the positive from signing them at first)


The problem is when you start to get simmering tension, that alone isn't bad it's when it turns into dislike or hatred, they will refuse to sign for you, and not renew any contracts.


That's why I always take action because the rest of the locker room can get upset, rather than the person that's the issue. Also if you don't handle incidents correctly or look weak, your backstage rating will go down.


Im currently playing a 91 mod as pat Patterson. The ultimate warrior dislikes me, not sure if he did at the start of the game or if I've done something. But it wasn't until I've just had him in the title picture I realised.


Safe to say the rest of his contract will be spent putting other people over because I know he will refuse to renew and he's not going over to wcw as one of the top guys in the world

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Maybe Patterson and Warrior disliked each other in real life. But I've decided to restart my diary and have a fresh start with the roster and try it again.


With Backstage Rules what would be good to tick and not to tick. Normally I would tick everything but the alcohol.

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I always take action, starting with the 'arm round the shoulder' and take the next step for the next offence. I always use arm round shoulder for farts though no matter how many offences (so the locker room see I'm doing something about an incident that's upset them)


The problem is, when you've got someone you want to keep with a bad personality they will hate you, so these guys i tend to stick to the arm around the shoulder after the first few unless I'm really getting fed up


The major problem is once someone doesn't like you they won't re-sign for you and you can't get them to like you again


Actually, with farts, if you take no action, it'll be a plus for backstage morale (it'll read "+(insert worker here) fart incident"). And the worker in question will thank you for not overreacting. I think (but not 100% certain) the premise here is that the rest of the locker room realizes they need to pick their battles and that they themselves overreacted over something that's pretty silly.

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Actually, with farts, if you take no action, it'll be a plus for backstage morale (it'll read "+(insert worker here) fart incident"). And the worker in question will thank you for not overreacting. I think (but not 100% certain) the premise here is that the rest of the locker room realizes they need to pick their battles and that they themselves overreacted over something that's pretty silly.


Not always, I've done all different things, but with farts I always now do the fatherly approach, basically your taking someone to one side and saying


'look I know you probably had a few too many eggs this morning but try and not stink locker room out, people don't wanna be smelling your ass all day'


Usually only people that say your overreacting are the ones that are very negative to backstage morale, but they don't become unhappy.


I always end up with respect etc from the locker room because of how I deal with these


But there again I always make sure I have 100 percent backstage morale so these incidents are few and far between now for me

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Maybe Patterson and Warrior disliked each other in real life. But I've decided to restart my diary and have a fresh start with the roster and try it again.


With Backstage Rules what would be good to tick and not to tick. Normally I would tick everything but the alcohol.



This is what I have



allow smoking backstage,

I don't allow anything else such as alcohol or drugs

I don't make them come to the show before they need to


I tick all travel costs and them kind of things.



These always give me a positive rating, and when you get 100 percent backstage better relationships start forming. So you can then change what you want easier

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Any kind of failed drug test is an automatic suspension, part of a three strikes response. A second offense earns another suspension and a third offense is an automatic firing.


I also tend to take a dim view to hostile interactions with fans, the paying customers, and so will start by reading the riot act to anyone who gets in it with a fan.


Backstage fights are also frowned upon, but less so than fights with fans.


I don't bother enforcing farts. These are grown ass men and women, let them sort that out among themselves.

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Once you get a few months into a game as long as you have an even halfway decent balance of "good guys" and trouble makers along with "favorable" backstage rules then your backstage rating will be very easy to maintain at 100%.


I think it can be more difficult to consistently keep everyone at a neutral or better morale. Normally no matter what happens I will have a few workers that are angry or irritated and there is very little I can do about it. If you have a few people on the roster who hate each other just plan on having a few isolated morale issues, no different than in real life.


One nice thing about the people breaking rules backstage is if you get someone you can't stand who breaks the rules and has a written contract, I believe you can fire them without having to pay off the contract. I could be wrong on this because I have not done it in awhile but I think that is how it works.

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I've been fining the guys who fail drug tests. Right now only Remmy Skye and Kid Toma ever fail drug tests, but they get fined immediately, and always apologize and say they will try and get clean, but they never do. If Remmy Skye wasn't being slowly groomed for a World title run eventually and Kid Toma wasn't half of one of my few A* experienced tag teams, they would have both been gone a long time ago.
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I've been fining the guys who fail drug tests. Right now only Remmy Skye and Kid Toma ever fail drug tests, but they get fined immediately, and always apologize and say they will try and get clean, but they never do. If Remmy Skye wasn't being slowly groomed for a World title run eventually and Kid Toma wasn't half of one of my few A* experienced tag teams, they would have both been gone a long time ago.


I've checked into this, when they say they'll try to get clean (at least in my experience) they don't usually get clean but the problem tends to go down.

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Actually, with farts, if you take no action, it'll be a plus for backstage morale (it'll read "+(insert worker here) fart incident"). And the worker in question will thank you for not overreacting. I think (but not 100% certain) the premise here is that the rest of the locker room realizes they need to pick their battles and that they themselves overreacted over something that's pretty silly.


That's how I've always felt about it as well.

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Yep, as far as I remember farting never hurts the locker room morale and sometimes it actually helps raise the backstage rating, so taking no action is the way to handle this.


Just imagine how it would be handled in real life. Would you actually deal with an incident like that if you were in charge?

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Just imagine how it would be handled in real life. Would you actually deal with an incident like that if you were in charge?



Exactly, I'd probably be laughing even as I ran out of the room. Certainly nothing to do formal company discipline over.

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I just had a hilarious incident where The Midnight Prowler started a fight with Jay Chord of all people. I was needing to trim my roster a bit, so I fired him. He was actually on my list of people to cut when I got around to it, I just find it funny that the one guy he started a fight with was Jay Chord, one of the worst personalities backstage, if anything I probably made Jay Chord worse, thinking he's some sort of mega star who gets people fired for starting stuff with him.
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