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ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs,. Roderick Strong


Who is Eliminated First: Adam Cole


"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Greatest That Ever Lived" Austin Aries

Comments: This is a coin toss


ROH World Tag Team Championship

The Addiction © vs. Love Gun


Who Takes the Fall:


Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Bennett



reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice


Who Takes the Fall:


ROH World Television Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon


Who Takes the Fall:ACH


Comments on Previous Show/Diary In General:


Bonus Questions (.5 points):

Which match will be the Match of the Night?


Will there be any debuts? Nah


How many of the three ROH Championships will change hands? 0 my hero


What will be the Overall Show Rating 71

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ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs,. Roderick Strong


Who is Eliminated First:


"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Greatest That Ever Lived" Austin Aries



ROH World Tag Team Championship

The Addiction © vs. Love Gun


Who Takes the Fall: Sabin


Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Bennett


reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice


Who Takes the Fall: Trent Baretta


ROH World Television Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon


Who Takes the Fall: TJ Perkins


Comments on Previous Show/Diary In General:


Bonus Questions (.5 points):

Which match will be the Match of the Night? Aries vs AJ


Will there be any debuts? No


How many of the three ROH Championships will change hands? 0

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ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs,. Roderick Strong

Comments: Still think Lethal needs more wins before I consider him losing

Who is Eliminated First: Roderick Strong


"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Greatest That Ever Lived" Austin Aries

Comments: Tough call, but AJ going over is best


ROH World Tag Team Championship

The Addiction © vs. Love Gun

Comments: Best in the BizNESS

Who Takes the Fall: Sydal


Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Bennett

Comments: I predict a Push!


reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice

Comments: Cause RPG vice are jobbers 4 lyfe in ROH, maybe with Okada they win

Who Takes the Fall: Baretta


ROH World Television Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon

Comments: Rather ACH take the win here, let Jay focus on the Heavyweight side

Who Takes the Fall: TJ Perkins


Comments on Previous Show/Diary In General:


Bonus Questions (.5 points):

Which match will be the Match of the Night? Styles VS. Aires


Will there be any debuts? Yes


How many of the three ROH Championships will change hands? 1


What will be the Overall Show Rating? 72

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ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs,. Roderick Strong


Who is Eliminated First: Strong


"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Greatest That Ever Lived" Austin Aries



ROH World Tag Team Championship

The Addiction © vs. Love Gun


Who Takes the Fall: Sydal


Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Bennett



reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice


Who Takes the Fall: Kyle


ROH World Television Championship

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon


Who Takes the Fall: ACH


Comments on Previous Show/Diary In General:


Bonus Questions (.5 points):

Which match will be the Match of the Night? Styles vs Aries


Will there be any debuts? - Nah


How many of the three ROH Championships will change hands? - 1


What will be the Overall Show Rating? 68

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In a pre-show dark match, War Machine def. The Decade in 8:04 when Hanson def. Adam Page by pinfall with a Sin City Plunge.

Rating: 43

In a pre-show dark match, Low-Ki def. Dalton Castle in 7:09 by pinfall with a Warrior's Way. This one was good.

Rating: 56







Commentary Team: Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino


Kevin Kelly: Hello to all and welcome, to Ring of Honor Wrestling, live on Pay-Per-View, presenting All Star Extravaganza Seven!

Steve Corino: I am King Steve Corino, beside that man Kevin Kelly, and this is the very best wrestling on the planet!

Kelly: Tonight's going to be a good one, King, we've got Jay Lethal defending his title against two different competitors simultaneously!

Corino: Two different times! That's right folks, in our opener we'll see Jay Lethal take on ROH's best and brightest up-and-comers in a three-way match, where it's one-fall to the finish! ACH and TJP!

Kelly: A rubber match between former IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions RPG Vice and former multi-time ROH World Tag Team Champions reDRagon follows that!

Corino: With Matt Taven temporarily on the shelf, Mike Bennett of the Kingdom stands alone against a tough man to beat, Jay Briscoe!

Kelly: Then comes a match I'm beyond excited for, The Addiction defending their ROH tag titles against Matt Sydal and Chris Sabin, Love Gun!

Corino: That'll be their very first title shot as a team, Kev. Should be a good one though. Who can forget, all the trials and tribulations that AJ Styles and the Young Bucks have gone through, all because of the Trilogy!

Kelly: Well, AJ has beat two-thirds of the Trilogy since their arrival as a group already. All that's left, after his big win over Low-Ki, is taking on the man himself, Austin Aries. You can't think no one will get involved there, King.

Corino: Then the main event of the evening! If you thought Lethal already had his work cut out for him, get ready! An elimination three-way match! Roderick Strong gets another shot, and Adam Cole steps up to the plate. Only one man can walk away with that ROH World Championship, Kevin Kelly.

Kelly: Right you are Corino, let's take it to the ring and get ready for this All Star Extravaganza!

Corino: The Seventh Annual!




Naturally, Jay Lethal made his way out first, with Truth Martini and the Book of Truth not fair behind. His confidence really came out as soon as he did, but it might be important to note that he only brought the TV Title out to this first match-up.

Next up is the arrival of ACH, followed by an INSTANT pop, and "GO-GO ACH chants. He springs into the ring like usual, and explodes to the center of the ring, much to the delight of the crowd.

TJ Perkins came out from the back next with the gorgeous Mandy Leon by his side. Fans were more behind TJP than ever when he came out for this one.

The title is risen up high by referee Todd Sinclair for everyone to see, the competitors shake hands, and we head into yet another TV title defense attempt from Lethal!


ROH World Television Championship


Three-Way One-Fall Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Lethal_alt%202_zpswkgoiqil.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Truth%20Martini_alt_zpss1t00f9f.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/ACH_alt3_zpstdfhsayg.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/TJ%20Perkins_zpsmscc0f9u.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Mandy%20Leon_zpssm66n7bn.jpg

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. ACH vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon


The clear focus as these three started up was for ACH and TJP to get Lethal out of the ring. They both whipped the champion against the ropes, causing Lethal to spring off of the ropes and jump backwards for a double cutter! The champion follows up by kicking ACH to the outside and going to work on TJ Perkins. He kept him grounded for awhile, but the technically sound lightweight managed to out-maneuver Lethal and lock him a modified Crossface. This was broken up by a springing ACH, who plants one boot to each opponent's face.

ACH picked TJP up now, only for TJ to land a Spinning Back Kick. These two traded fast and furious kicks, punches, elbows, and dives for quite some time. In fact, Lethal had even recovered and leaned against the turnbuckle. When neither of the impressive two could grab an advantage, they shook hands, and we hear a chorus of claps from the attending crowd. The attention changes once more to Jay Lethal, followed by the challengers charging into the corner and landing a simultaneous dropkick. They hop back up onto their feet, and TJ runs to one side of the ring, bounces off the ropes, and runs at ACH. ACH side steps and pushes TJ toward the ropes, only for him to catch himself in the ropes.


Vintage TJP! ACH runs at him, but TJ ducks out onto the apron, catches ACH on the middle rope, and lands a hard kick to his chest! TJ has control for a little while, but things pick up again as all three competitors start a battle of counter-after-counter! When all three of them are gassed, they end up in different corners on one knee each, receiving recognition from the crowd, their managers, and the commentators. ACH runs at Jay Lethal, but gets tossed toward the ropes, and comes back to eat the Lethal Injection! TJ Perkins stops Lethal before he can make the cover, which only leads to TJ taking the Lethal Combination!

Jay Lethal is on fire, and he pops up to his feet! He heads to the top rope and starts yelling toward the crowd, which Truth Martini starts to discourage. Lethal yells at Truth and the fans, telling them "I'll never lose this belt!" He climbs down from the top rope and heads into the cover on ACH!















ACH gets his shoulder up before three, and Lethal is far from happy. He goes for the cover on "Technical Lightning" next, but Mandy Leon and the audience watching are happy to see that Lethal gave TJP just enough time to recover and allow himself a kick-out! Lethal looks frustrated, and lands a quick sliding dropkick to send ACH to the outside. He looks to pick up TJP now, but TJ kicks him in the face and quickly hops up, grabs Lethal's legs, and locks him in the Figure Four Deathlock! Lethal is in the center of the ring, with nowhere to go! Truth Martini gets about as close to the ring as possible, trying to reach very far out and grab his client, but "The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon comes up from the side and dropkicks Martini to the floor!

Suddenly, ACH hops into the ring and lands a low kick to the side of TJ's head! TJ falls backwards onto Lethal and ACH heads to the second rope, BEST 450 EVER! He rolls Perkins off of a battered Lethal and makes the cover on TJP!
























ACH defeated Jay Lethal and TJ Perkins in 13:05 when ACH defeated TJ Perkins by pinfall with The Best 450 Ever. ACH wins the ROH World Television title.

Rating: 57


"Street Fighter" starts playing, and no one is happier than ACH with the ROH World Television Championship! A historic 17-month reign finally comes to a close! Jay Lethal sits up to see ACH celebrating and looks absolutely devastated. An infuriated Truth Martini pulls Jay Lethal out of the ring, and the two quickly head to the back to save the 'embarrassment.' ACH helps TJP up, and raises his arm for the fans. The beautiful Mandy Leon escorts TJ to the back as ACH continues to celebrate the biggest win of his professional wrestling career thus far!


"We live in a world where even kings have vices..."

RPG Vice's theme song begins playing, and before you know it, they are on the opposite side of the ring from reDRagon yet again. Roppongi Vice ditch the handshake, representing New Japan disrespectfully, it seems. reDRagon don't sweat it, and prepare to let their in-ring skills do the talking.


Rubber Match

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Kyle%20OReilly_zpsbtqe97hj.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Bobby%20Fish_alt3_zps8n74wvxx.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Trent%20Barreta_zpsd6v0hwku.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Rocky%20Romero_alt4_zpsvtw2gbzi.jpg

reDRagon vs. Roppongi Vice


The pace of the show changes as we head into this tag team contest. Call it repetitive booking if you wish, but this best of three came to a head here. These two teams went at it for over ten minutes, and this meeting was just as good as the first just a few weeks ago. These teams made things different this time around, and the styles meshed in a very nice way.

As things start to dial down, reDRagon is in control, working over Beretta and keeping the ring cut right in half. A slip up from Kyle O'Reilly looking for a Superplex led to a Dudebuster DDT from the Dudebuster himself. This only garnered a two count, but was the perfect opportunity for Beretta to tag in a fresh Rocky Romero. Romero, a man who has held the ROH World Tag titles with three different partners, and the IWGP Jr Heavyweight titles with three different partners, heads into the ring to prevent O'Reilly from tagging in Bobby Fish!

He sets up for the Kurayami Piledriver, but O'Reilly somehow manages to escape and lock in an Ankle Lock out of nowhere! Romero attempts to escape right away, but just can't seem to get away. He taps out and reDRagon takes the tiebreaker win!


reDragon defeated Roppongi Vice in 10:22 when Kyle O'Reilly defeated Rocky Romero by submission with an Ankle Lock.

Rating: 52


reDRagon celebrate while RPG Vice attempt to recover.






No handshake before this one, but that's no surprise. With each competitor's tag team partner out of the mix, this one could be interesting.


Grudge Match

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Briscoe_alt2_zpss0u5qutz.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Mike%20Bennett_alt_zpssa6rzxsi.jpg

Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Bennett


The side of Michael Bennett is awfully lonely without Maria Kanellis-Bennett. It is obvious that the fans agree with early "We Want Maria" chants. These are soon overshadowed by the loud "MAN UP!" chants. The crowd is solemnly behind Jay Briscoe in this one, which was no surprise, but Michael Bennett definitely brought it right from the start. In fact, this was the best match yet. After the first seven minutes were over, we had "ROH!" chants start up, and Briscoe himself looked impressed with someone that he's been at war with for the past couple months. Bennett took advantage of Briscoe playing to the crowd by grabbing him for a school boy style pin, but Jay doesn't go down like that. He kicks out nearly instantly and puts Bennett down with the Jay Driller!










NO! WHAT!? Michael Bennett kicked out of the Jay Driller, and Jay is shocked enough to go for a second pin. Bennett kicks out a half second faster this time, and Briscoe heads to the top. He comes down for a splash, but Bennett rolls out of the way. As Briscoe gets up, he eats a Superkick, and falls back to his knees. Bennett plants him with another Superkick for good measure, and goes right into the cover!











THR-NOPE! Bennett is the shocked one now, and watches as Jay pulls himself up with the ropes. Jay looks to Mike and says "You gonna have to try harder than that, boy!" Bennett goes for another Superkick, but Briscoe catches his foot, throws it down, and lands an instant dropkick. He heads up top and comes down successfully this time with a Senton. He goes for the cover again, but it's not enough. Briscoe picks Bennett up, only for Mike to land an Uppercut and then the Photo Finish! Jay Briscoe is down and out! Bennett takes a second to flick off the booing crowd, and drops into the cover!













NOPE! Jay Briscoe powers out at the last possible moment, and rolls away from Mike Bennett as soon as he can. A desperate Bennett grasps at him, but Briscoe kicks him away and gets to his feet. Mike is up as well, and he gets a Superkick from the former World Champ! We don't need the Young Bucks for a Superkick Party! Jay follows up by grabbing Mike for the Jay Driller before he can even fall down. That's it! One, two, three!


Jay Briscoe defeated Michael Bennett in 12:38 by pinfall with a Superkick and the Jay Driller.

Rating: 60


Jay Briscoe celebrates his victory and has a light applause for Mike Bennett, though it is clear there is no love lost.






The Addiction make a dramatic entrance with their ROH World Tag Team titles around their necks, and the challengers head out to a nice reaction. "Reborn" Matt Sydal and Chris Sabin high-five before deciding which of them will start things off in their first ever tag team title shot together.


ROH World Tag Team Championship


Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Christopher%20Daniels_2_zpsb5miryeb.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Kazarian_alt_zpsp6idm6dc.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Matt%20Sydal_zps8otg5d5c.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Chris%20Sabin_alt2_zpsydcnpjsy.jpg

The Addiction © vs. Love Gun


We see Frankie Kazarian start things off against Chris Sabin, and this is a flashback to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling's X-Division's boom period. We see Kazarian and Sabin using seemingly retro versions of their movesets to fight it out here, and they go at it for quite some time before ever even tagging out. Kazarian grabs the advantage, but he doesn't hold it too long before Sabin tags out to Sydal, and we get a Springboard Dropkick to send Kazarian backwards into Daniels. Christopher Daniels taps his partner's back, and comes in to trade hard kicks with the former multi-time WWE Tag Team Champion. Daniels shows off just how great he is, but that catches up to him, and Sydal lands a legsweep to gain an advantageous position. He and Sabin tag in and out to work over Daniels.

This match gets better and better as it goes on, with Love Gun showing they are really coming together as a tag team. The Addiction spent an awful long time gloating consistently as the match went on. Love Gun thought they had it with a Frog Splash from Sabin and a Shooting Sydal Press, but Kaz broke up the pin to save the match, his partner, and the titles. He then went to work to take down both opponents, and dragged Daniels to the corner in order to tag himself in. This led him right to the Cradle Shock from Chris Sabin!










NOPE! Daniels was there to break it up. He eats a Springboard Clothesline from Sydal, and rolls to the outside in order to stay on his feet. The veteran move was countered when Sydal jumped out after him over the top with a picture perfect Springboard Sydal Press. The fans chant "This is awesome!" for the best contest yet tonight, and the competitors take time to recover. Sydal gets back to the ropes and is tagged in by Sabin. It appears he is gassed, as a Dropkick attempt is met by Kazarian getting out of the way.

Things continue as a back and forth contest, even into the final moments. Sabin has Kazarian up top in Love Gun's corner, allowing Sydal to make a blind tag to his foot. Kazarian elbows Sabin in the head, carefully steps around him, and hits the Flux Capacitor out of nowhere!


He stays on top of Sabin for the cover, but the referee refuses to count! A confused Frankie Kazarian looks at Christopher Daniels, who warns him to look out. Sydal comes off the top, but Kazarian rolls forward just in time for Sydal to crash and burn on top of Sabin! He rolls off of Sabin and onto his back. Kaz tags Daniels, who hops into the ring and off the ropes with the Best Moonsault Ever!


















The Addiction defeated Love Gun in 18:06 when Christopher Daniels defeated Matt Sydal by pinfall with a B.M.E.. The Addiction make a defence of their ROH World Tag Team titles.

Rating: 66




Austin Aries heads down to the ring (by himself) for the highly-anticipated Pre-Main Event. As soon as he gets in the ring, he makes himself comfortable waiting for his opponent.


The arrogance is quickly overshadowed by the great response that his opponent receives.


IWGP World Heavyweight Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles makes his way to the ring. He reluctantly accepts the handshake that Aries offers him, which is followed by a kick in the gut, and we hear the bell ring!



Huge Grudge Match

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/AJ%20Styles_alt5_zpsy6bwhgle.jpg?t=1437423911 VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Austin%20Aries_alt_zps8sblkxw0.jpg

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Greatest That Ever Lived" Austin Aries


What. A. Match. AJ Styles wasn't there to fight for New Japan, he wasn't there to fight for Ring of Honor, he wasn't there to fight for the Bullet Club, he was there to fight for himself. That really became clear as this one came underway. Aries' pre-match strike allowed him to have an early advantage, but Styles fought back soon thereafter. The pace started out fairly slow, with only a few big moments to heighten anticipation. This helped create an incredible build as things started to speed up. AJ Styles landed the Starmaker to get things going for himself, following up with a Boston Crab to weaken Aries. He eventually fought out and we see a Saito Suplex to get Styles to the mat, and then a Pendulum Elbow to stick it to the Austin Aries haters.

As the match rolled on, it was clear neither man wanted to give an inch. They ended up tired and exhausted, but not from a 'nearfall after nearfall' situation. More so a dramatic wrestling match, that lasted nearly 25 minutes.

A no-handed Springboard Moonsault from Aries, followed by Styles popping up, and Bloody Sunday! Instead of AJ going for the pin, Aries finds himself trapped in the Muta Lock! He makes it to the ropes, but AJ doesn't let up. He hops to the apron and comes in with a Moonsault, halted to land a Reverse DDT. Phenomenon! Styles continues the aggression, heading out and landing the Superman! A beautiful 450 Splash that Aries manages to kick out of.

When it appears things are winding down, these two men are hearing nothing but "THIS IS AWESOME!" *clap clap clap clap clap*

"The Phenomenal One" managed to counter everything that Austin Aries threw at him, eventually giving AJ total control. AJ spared no expense, landing the Styles Clash, and then locking in the Calf Killer rather than go for the pin! Austin Aries truly had nowhere to go before...




Eddie Edwards and Low-Ki of the Trilogy show up at ringside like a pair of jackals. Not daring to let this war end in disqualification, AJ Styles releases the hold and jumped out of the ring with a beautiful no-hands Moonsault plancha to take both of the Trilogy members down. As he gets back up, Austin Aries comes out with the Heat Seeking Missile! AJ manages to side step at the last possible moment, causing Aries to hit the guard rail hard! Low-Ki runs at Styles, but eats a Pele Kick. Eddie Edwards comes next, but Styles ducks a clothesline and lands a Pele Kick to him as well! He tosses Austin Aries back in the ring, and picks him up. Two punches, a kick, spinning backfist, and then a lariat. Styles sets up and motions for the Styles Clash and the fans cheer him on. Aries tosses him overhead instead. Styles gets back up and runs toward Aries, who pushes him through to the ropes. Styles jumps right back out in an instant to take Low-Ki and Edwards down for a third time! He slides back in and is hooked up instantly for the Brainbuster! Before going for the cover, Austin Aries points to his head, picks Styles up, and lands another Brainbuster!




















Austin Aries defeated AJ Styles in 24:45 by pinfall with two Brainbusters following inteference from Low-Ki and Eddie Edwards.

Rating: 74 (new record)


The Trilogy's music hits, causing them to celebrate after what they would call a definite victory.




Roderick Strong heads out to the ring first for the main event, and he gets a pretty great reaction. This is followed by the stunning Scarlett Bordeaux coming out from the back, and waving her arms before Adam Cole appears. He makes his way down next, and stares Roddy down instantly. They both look to the ramp at the same time, and we see Jay Lethal come out with only the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. His first appearance this year without the ROH World Television Championship, he looks far from happy. Truth Martini comes out behind him, and has a microphone in order to ensure everyone that Lethal is no longer in the mood for games. He is here to defend the ROH World Heavyweight Championship against both Cole and Strong, and leave with the title that he has worked so very hard for. We get the introductions, and our big main event begins!



ROH World Heavyweight Championship


Three-Way Elimination Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Lethal_alt%202_zpswkgoiqil.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Truth%20Martini_alt_zpss1t00f9f.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Adam%20Cole_alt2_zpsakd1pgi2.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Scarlett%20Bordeaux_alt_zpsttfhhzdg.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Roderick%20Strong_alt2_zpsr1urwpkx.jpg

Jay Lethal © w/Truth Martini vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


A determined Jay Lethal backs up, encouraging Cole and Strong to fight each other first. Reluctant at first, the two challengers lock-up and trade headlocks whilst the champion watches. Cole gains an edge over Roddy and takes him down with a Side Suplex, instantly changing his attention to Lethal. He lays the champion out with a clothesline and stomps at him until he rolls out of the ring. A frustrated Lethal starts to regroup on the outside, and a dropkick to the back from Roddy to Cole sends Cole out as well. Cole lands right on Lethal, but Lethal pushes him down and starts stomping away at him. Roddy bounces off the far ropes and lands a nice Suicide Dive to an unsuspecting Jay Lethal, taking him into the guard rail.

Things have already broken down in the main event, and Roddy tosses Lethal back into the ring. As soon as he slides in, though, Lethal gets to his feet and lands an uppercut, followed by a few punches and a nice dropkick to knee to take Strong down. Cole slides back in, but Lethal stomps at him before he can even make it up to his feet. Roderick Strong starts to get up, but Lethal grabs his head, pulls it backwards, and lands a hard knife-edge chop. He follows up with a few more, and before you know it, he's back to stomping away at Adam Cole.

A clearly angry Jay Lethal takes it to both of his challengers, making it seem as though they were the ones already in the ring once before, tonight. He keeps control over both men for a little while, before Adam Cole fights out of a chinlock and takes him overhead with a Suplex. Cole picks Lethal back up and plants him hard to the mat with Vertical Suplex transitioned into a Neckbreaker! Roderick Strong makes his way back up and quickly starts punching Cole, staggering him backward. Cole backs up into the corner and pushes Roddy away from him before hopping up onto the second rope, and coming off with a Tornado DDT of sorts. He picks Strong back up and slams him down with the Coleateral! He goes for the first pin of the match, but Strong powers out after two.

Adam Cole and Roderick Strong battled back and forth for quite some time, before Jay Lethal came off of the ropes out of nowhere with a dropkick, one foot hitting each challenger. He goes for the Lethal Injection on Cole, but Cole countered, backed up, and we hear "ADAM COLE BAY-BAY!" before a Roaring Elbow and then a Brainbuster onto his knee to Lethal! Fans cheer as Cole goes for the cover, but Lethal kicks out just after two. Cole notices Roddy getting to his feet, so he runs at him an Enzugiri! He attempts to lock in the Figure Four, but Roddy grabs the ropes and rolls onto the apron. Cole looks to grab Roddy, but Lethal pops up and hits a jumping neckbreaker from behind. Roddy springs in with a Dropkick to Lethal, runs off the ropes and hits a Senton on top of Cole. Lethal gets up quickly, only to eat the Sick Kick! He turns back to Cole now, stomps on his back, and locks in the Strong Hold!

Adam Cole struggles to escape, and manages to just barely touch the ropes. Roddy doesn't let up, looking for the Strong Breaker next, but Cole escapes the attempt and takes Roddy down with a surprise Superkick! Before he can drop down for the cover, Lethal lands the Lethal Combination and goes for the pin on Adam Cole!














HE KICKS OUT! Lethal maintains composure and intensity, setting up for the Lethal Injection, but Roddy comes out of nowhere with an elbow to the back of his head, and lands a solid backbreaker! Adam Cole is still down from the Lethal Combination, allowing Roddy to lock him in the Strong Hold once more! He struggles to escape, but has nowhere to go! Cole refuses to quit, and it seems he's about to pass out. Scarlett Bordeaux yells at Roddy from ringside, which seems to deter him enough to let up on his grip. Scarlett jeers at Roddy a little more, causing him to become frustrated and let Cole go in order to yell back at her. Scarlett hops onto the apron and flaunts her God-given gifts at Roddy, who is distracted enough for Jay Lethal to go for a school boy! Roderick Strong manages to escape the pin attempt, but stands up to eat a Lethal Injection from a very game World Heavyweight Champion!














SOMEHOW HE KICKS OUT! Scarlett checks on Cole, who is lying against the bottom rope in the corner. Lethal comes out of nowhere with a running dropkick to Cole's face, much to Scarlett's horror. He pulls him out of the corner and heads up top for the Hail to the King! He holds himself over Adam Cole for the pin!














THR-NOPE! Adam Cole kicks out somehow, and Jay Lethal has no time to question it, as he is taken down with a running seated clothesline from Roderick Strong. Strong picks up Cole and looks for a backbreaker, but Cole counters into a nice neckbreaker. He heads up top and comes down with a Flying Crossbody, but we see Roderick Strong kick out.

Adam Cole looks for the Panama Sunrise. Instead, a Lethal Injection II from outta nowhere!














THREE! Adam Cole is eliminated!

Roderick Strong pulls himself up using the ropes and comes at a celebrating Jay Lethal for a Sick Kick!
















NO! Jay Lethal's foot ends up on the ropes, and Truth Martini makes sure the referee notes this. An exhausted Jay Lethal is put into a rest hold, but he soon escapes and turns things into a back-and-forth fight like only Roderick Strong and Jay Lethal could have. This culminates with a Release Dragon Suplex from Lethal, who slowly heads up top and comes down with that Flying Elbow, Hail to the King!


Jay Lethal somehow retains!


Jay Lethal defeated Roderick Strong in an Elimination match in 20:03; the order of elimination was Adam Cole first, and then Roderick Strong. Jay Lethal makes defence number 2 of his ROH World Heavyweight title.

Rating: 66


After an extremely long night for Jay Lethal in particular, the show comes to a close with him celebrating a title defense.




Overall Show Rating: 66 (new record)

This show increased our popularity in 16 regions.

PPV Buyrate: 0.48 (new record)

AJ Styles and Austin Aries were both praised by Delirious for their performances, while ACH was told that he is awesome.


Prediction Results (This Show):

TheLloyd: 8

michgcs: 9

Uncrewed: 7

crackerjack: 6.5

Satyr24: 7.5

Wolfman84: 4.5

Nobby_McDonald: 4.5

Mootinie: 5.5

HeelElite: 5.5

daulten6: 6

thecoolestjedi12: 7

Happy0wns: 7.5


Prediction Results (Overall):

14. Smasher1311/deanohbk: 3

13. HeelElite: 5.5

12. The Whole Shebang: 6

11. Nobby_McDonald: 6.5

10. Happy0wns: 7.5

9. thecoolestjedi12: 12

8. The_CoC: 15

7. TheLloyd: 20

6. Wolfman84: 20.5

5. michgcs/daulten6: 23

4. Mootinie: 24.5

3. Satyr24: 26.5

2. Uncrewed: 27

1. crackerjack: 27.5

Congratulations to crackerjack! This one was so, incredibly, extremely close, as you can tell!

I hope this one was worth the wait, I tried to go all out due to my delay.

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  • 4 weeks later...



-CHIKARA have let it be known that they now have a hostile view of ROH.

-Ring of Honor has signed British Wrestler Marty Scurll to a Pay-Per-Appearance contract.


OOC: I'm headed to SOTF Night 2 in Hopkins tonight, my third time at a Ring of Honor show. The first one I went to was what inspired me to write this diary, so I'm sure tonight will rejuvenate my love for the company. I'll be running both of my Indy diaries (cheap PWG Diary plug) at once, to show the Indy scene some love!

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On the next edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling...

Fallout from All Star Extravaganza! Ring of Honor is on the up-and-up, and tonight's show is a step forward! New World Television Champion ACH defends his title for the first time against former TV Champ and current World Champ Jay Lethal! Adam Cole takes on Jay Briscoe in a battle for contention! Marty Scurll is making his debut against Roddy! With a lot of loose ends being tied up at ASE, where do our current competitors stand?


Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: Scurll starts strong


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: Sadly, The Villain is not over enough to beat Mr. ROH


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini


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Have fun at the show mate. If only the card looked like this!!!


"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: He's Mr. ROH... Scurll is good from what I've heard, but he's in Roddy's yard dawg!


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta

Comments: You're Kijar, so TJP > Most people


Adam Page vs. Moose

Comments: I see big things for both guys in real life. But Moose is more over right now


War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini


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"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Nice to see it return, Kijar.

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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YAY!! It's back! :D


Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: The nicknames says it's all


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta

Comments: Lesson #1 in a Kijar diary: Never bet against TJ P


Adam Page vs. Moose

Comments: Starting to like Moose after his match with Donny Dij


War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards

Comments: I'll go out on a limb and say they pick up a win. Haven't seen these guys in ages IRL.


Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux

Comments: BAY BAY


ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini

Comments: Got a feeling you'll pull a swerve on us and give the belt back to Lethal


Thoughts of Previous Show: Would r8 8/8 m8

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: Love Marty, but the #BackbreakerBrigade is just too strong


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta

Comments: Beratta=King of the Jobbers


Adam Page vs. Moose

Comments: Love Page in real life, no way we got to Moose, too green for the ring to me, Page has the tools to be a real star


War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards

Comments: War Machine need more time to get to a level where AA and Low Ki will accept losing to them


Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux

Comments: Tough one here, could go either way, but Adam Cole BAY-BAY


ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini

Comments: Keep the ACH Hype train running


Thoughts of Previous Show: AWESOME!!! How is this a question?

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Not following PWG because the promotion itself isn't my bag. I can understand why you got demotivated with this one though.


Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: I had the pleasure of attending an event that Scurll was at.. . but I had to leave before his match started :( He'll put in a strong showing, but there's no way he's winning here.


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta

Comments: Oh Mandy. :rolleyes:


Adam Page vs. Moose

Comments: I got nothin' to say, he's just bigger and badder.


War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards

Comments: I'm not a fan of tag teams losing tag matches to two singles guys... but Aries & Low-Ki are damn good.


Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux

Comments: I can't believe this is on TV, haha. What a huge match to just throw out for free. :p


ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini

Comments: Hmm... You're putting ACH over big here...

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini


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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: Can Strong climb all the way to the top and be PWG and ROH champ? I doubt it, but we'll see :p


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini

Comments: Time for a new guy to have a go


Thoughts of Previous Show:

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

I'm going with a draw here for some reason my head tells me it wont be a legit end.


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta


Adam Page vs. Moose


War Machine vs. The Trilogy


Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux


ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Thoughts of Previous Show: nice to see this back mate. i love your style of writing so keep me entertained and give me ideas. :)

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Thoughts of Previous Show: Extravagant

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Debut Match

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta



Adam Page vs. Moose



War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards



Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux



ROH World Television Championship

Rematch Clause

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini



Thoughts of Previous Show:

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In a pre-show dark match, Mark Briscoe def. Michael Elgin in 7:36 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.

Rating: 46


In a pre-show dark match, The Addiction def. Dalton Castle & Caprice Coleman in 6:38 when Kazarian def. Coleman with a Wave of the Future.

Rating: 58






Commentary Team: Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino


Steve Corino: Ladies and Gents, welcome to Ring of Honor Wrestling, and here we are on television for the first time since All Star Extravaganza VII!

Kevin Kelly: I'm Kevin Kelly, that's King Steve Corino, and we are here to bring you more of the Best Wrestling on the Planet!

Corino: TONIGHT! Jay Lethal faces ACH in an opportunity to regain the ROH World Television Championship, from his monumental reign!

Kelly: Also, we have the debut of British wrestler Marty Scurll, tag team action between War Machine and two members of the Trilogy, and a huge match between Adam Cole and Jay Briscoe!

Corino: All of that and so much more, here we go!




To open the show, Truth Martini, the ROH World Heavyweight Champion, and their band of up-and-comers hit the ring. They definitely take their time, and each of them manages to get into with a few fans each. Truth has a microphone.

Truth Martini: Despite certain TV-Title related setbacks... we are here, I tell you, and in full-force! Jay Lethal is still the greatest 1st Generation Professional Wrestler, and the number ONE World Heavyweight Champion in Professional Wrestling!

A mixed reaction due to respect for the man.

Truth: A...C...H... tonight, Lethal will do whatever he wants in order to win or not win the TV title. If he decides to reclaim it, then that is how it shall be. Otherwise, just know, that you have not EVER, nor will you EVER beat my Champion. You defeated TJ Perkins.. not Jay Lethal. And how hard was it to beat T...J...P? Tonight! You will not beat Jay Lethal. Not a chance you could beat my champion. I know that Donovan Dijak, Cedric Alexander, and Joey 'Diesel' Daddeigo will make your life a living hell from here on out, so do the House of Truth a favor, and Go.. Go.. ACH.

The House of Truth stay in the ring to taunt the crowd for awhile, before cordially making their exit.


Match One

Singles Match

Debut Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/PWG/Marty%20Scurll_zpsgcypo5jc.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Roderick%20Strong_alt2_zpsr1urwpkx.jpg

"The Villain" Marty Scurll vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


What a debut for Marty Scurll! "The Villain" hit the ring, playing himself up as the best thing to happen to the company! His opponent was a man all too familiar with success in Ring of Honor. Roderick Strong, the fan favorite, was the perfect foil to this Villain tonight. The result was a well-paced, back-and-forth contrast of styles, that happened to be the match of the night! Marty started things off with a Rope-Assisted Enzugiri Kick, and then landed a nice German Suplex. Roddy fought back pretty soon, but throughout the match he was caught very off-guard by Marty's unique moveset. Marty even tried to one-up Roddy by escaping a backbreaker attempt, and landing a Backbreaker rack dropped into a facebuster! He went into the cover!






And a kickout from Strong! As things continued toward the end, Roddy set up Marty for the Strong Breaker, but he escaped again, and locked in a Crossface Chickenwing, complete with bodyscissors! Roderick Strong struggled, looking for an out to this wonderful hold from the Villain. As Marty wrenched, he screamed at Roddy to tap. Over and over again, Roddy refused Marty's offer. Instead, he powered out and gripped the ropes. Marty held on until the referee's count of four, and as soon as he backed off to allow his opponent to get up, Strong came at him and locked in the Strong Hold! Now, with the Villain having nowhere to go, he is forced to submit to the pain! Great showing from both men!


Roderick Strong def. Marty Scurll in 7:30 by submission with a Strong Hold.

Rating: 59


Match Two

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/TJ%20Perkins_zpsmscc0f9u.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Mandy%20Leon_zpssm66n7bn.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Trent%20Barreta_zpsd6v0hwku.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Rocky%20Romero_alt4_zpsvtw2gbzi.jpg

"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/"The Exotic Goddess" Mandy Leon vs. Beretta w/Rocky Romero


Another good match came between Beretta and TJP. These two quick yet versatile competitors fought to a standstill for the entirety of the match. By the end of it, they were both lying on the mat lifeless after a simultaneous clothesline. Rocky Romero yelled for Beretta to recover, and Mandy Leon whispered sweet nothings into TJ's ear as he lie next to the apron. TJ recovered first, and went to lock in the Figure Four Deathlock, only for Beretta to kick him away. Beretta gets to his feet, lands a hard kick to the side of TJ's head, and bounces off the ropes with the Dudebuster DDT!












Beretta def. TJ Perkins in 7:47 by pinfall after the Dudebuster DDT.

Rating: 54




Match Three

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Adam%20Page_zps4basm47a.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Quinn%20Ojinnaka_alt3_zpswnxc2znu.jpg

Adam Page vs. Moose


These two unique personalities clashed, with the large Moose listening to a Moose chant in order to hype him up against the Decade's brash Adam Page. Most of the match consisted of Moose tossing Page around the ring, and being confused when Page managed to kick out. Page, meanwhile, was doing his best to use underhand tactics and pull one over on Moose. In the end, the former Atlanta Falcon player slipped up when missing the Spear, and Page somehow managed to take advantage, and hit Turn the Page for the one, two, three. Upset!


Adam Page def. Moose in 8:29 with a Turn the Page.

Rating: 36


Match Four

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Hanson_alt_zpsxdnedurm.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Raymond%20Rowe_alt3_zpsumxoi42r.jpg?t=1437463415 VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Austin%20Aries_alt_zps8sblkxw0.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Low-Ki_alt_zpsl7bpm0id.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Eddie%20Edwards_zps3kod6bzr.jpg

War Machine vs. The Trilogy (Low-Ki & Austin Aries) w/Eddie Edwards


A very good tag team bout here, as the big partners Hanson and Ray Rowe are set to take on the dominant former ROH World Champions. The size advantage of Hanson and Rowe was definitely the factor here, but you could see the tides shift due to the experience (and even momentum edge) of Low-Ki and Aries. The Warrior and the Greatest Man That Ever Lived were a good unit, with Edwards on the outside for support in case the big men got rowdy. Aries landed a nice Suicide Dive to send Raymond Rowe crashing into the guard rail, and turned around to pull Hanson's leg down. The big man flipped over and kicked Aries away whilst still inside the ring, but was hit by total surprise when the Warrior's Way hit his chest. Another victory for the Trilogy.


The Trilogy def. War Machine in 14:47 when Low-Ki pinned Hanson after a Warrior's Way.

Rating: 57




The announcers hyped up our pre-main event, two former World Heavyweight Champions going at it in Singles action.


Pre-Main Event

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Briscoe_alt2_zpss0u5qutz.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Adam%20Cole_alt2_zpsakd1pgi2.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Scarlett%20Bordeaux_alt_zpsttfhhzdg.jpg

Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux


Great dueling chants as "Man Up!" *clap clap* "Man Up!" *clap clap* phases into "ADAM COLE, BAY-BAY!" and then back to "Man Up!" and so on. These two have had a great deal of matches in Ring of Honor, and this one was very good. Within it, we see a trading of two-counts, and each man kicks out of the other's finishing maneuver. After over fourteen minutes of action from these main eventers, Adam Cole couldn't quite escape the second Jay Driller of the match from the most recent World Heavyweight Champion. Briscoe gets the win!


Jay Briscoe def. Adam Cole in 14:32 by pinfall with the Jay Driller.

Rating: 54


Main Event

ROH World Television Championship


Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/ACH_alt3_zpstdfhsayg.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Lethal_alt%202_zpswkgoiqil.jpg W/ http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Truth%20Martini_alt_zpss1t00f9f.jpg

ACH © vs. Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini


At the start of the match, it was clear that Jay Lethal has made the decision to regain his TV title. A title that he had held longer than anyone else. Unfortunately for his plans, he met a very game ACH in this one. ACH is ready to be a top player in Ring of Honor, and this match was proof of exactly that. In the begin, he kicked out of the Lethal Injection, and as things got going, he took it to Lethal with several moves to keep the fans on their feet. The real great moment in this near-fifteen minute bout was when ACH heard "GO GO ACH" and decided to leap clear over the top rope at a recovering Jay Lethal talking with Truth Martini. Martini fell down hard, and had to take his time to get up and dust off the Book of Truth. After this, it was clear Truth Martini was far from a happy man. As Lethal tried to get things going against ACH again, he found only the Ready or Not Here I Come from the World Television Champion! Before ACH could go for the pin, someone ran into the ring!




The House of Truth's Cedric Alexander clobbers ACH from behind and lays him out. He helps Lethal up and two started to beat down ACH, who was awarded the win via disqualification.


ACH def. Jay Lethal in 14:55 when Lethal was disqualified after a run-in from Cedric Alexander. ACH makes defence number 1 of his ROH World TV title.

Rating: 55


Overall Show Rating: 51

This show lost us popularity in 11 regions.




Prediction Standings:

AMarc9-8: 2

Uncrewed: 3

The Lloyd: 3

crackerjack: 3

Happy0wns: 3

Dave_Scott: 1

thecoolestjedi12: 4

Mootinie: 3

daulten6: 3

michgcs: 4

KeyR1: 3

Nobby_McDonald: 4

Satyr24: 4

So help me I love when you guys are wrong about me and my booking. :p Hope this return was good. :D

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