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G1 Climax 25 Night 4 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: Surprise amazing match


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: Even a Roddy mark like myself knows this aint happenin


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: Get Cozy Patron


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: Naomichi is my homie


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: Tough pick. Naito is a the man tho

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: The only real appeal about Naomichi is his entrance costume... and his music.

Haha. Even though I disagree, I can totally see where you're coming from with that.

G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: i will always believe in HONMANIA


You have Honma, Jedi has Shibata and Uncrewed has... Sho Tanaka. :p

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Ibushi - Honma could win this to get some points on the board, but I don't think so for some reason.

Shibata - I can see you doing a "win one, lose one" for Fale in this G1.

AJ Styles - Huge toss up here, but AJ has the Biz Cliz to back him up unlike their American showings.

Anderson - I feel like Suzuki is going to snap soon if he doesn't get some points.

Okada - Hard to backbreak someone....... IN THE RAIN.

Kojima - ADR has had his fun, now it's time to face the big guns.


Nagata - King Kong vs Godzilla all up in this.


Nakajura - I can't see Nakamura dropping any G1 matches, much like Okada. YEAOH~

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G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: Ibushi push


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: By the time Tew 2016, I'm hoping Shibata is IWGP heavyweight Champ, otherwise incoming angry mark.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)

Comments: Both are great, but I love Styles


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)

Comments: Sorry Karl, Suzuki's music too good


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)

Comments: No win for roddy


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: I hate picking El Patron


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)

Comments: Upset Alert? I'm scared?


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)

Comments: I hate Makabe


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)

Comments: Goto is not worhy


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)

Comments: Naito deserves it

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July 29th, 2015 - G1 Climax 25 Night 4




G1 Climax 25 Night 4

July 29th, 2015


Live Event, Streaming On NJPW WORLD

Wednesday, Week 4, July 2015

Held At The Hokkaido Sports Center

Show Rating: 89 (A)


Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo and Mick Foley




Off: Shelton X Benjamin, Tomohiro Ishii







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (2) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)


Ibushi's entrance couldn't have been more low key if he'd actually tried. He looked well and truly miserable, hardly showing any emotion nor energy despite the adoration that our capacity crowd received him with. This was every Honma match yet but still a charming opener and one that was largely carried by the IWGP Tag Team Champion. He goes for a Kokeshi early on and misses it, drawing arena-wide laughter as he sits up and grimaces and favours his forehead. Honma fought bravely but most of the match was one way traffic; Ibushi being too fast, too smart and too determined not to let this one slip through his fingers. Once he spotted that Honma was attempting a Kamikazi Kokeshi off the ropes, he gave him a straight kick to the side of the head, appearing to connect on Honma's ear. This left the underdog down, struggling to shake the cobwebs as Ibushi got back on track after a Phoenix Splash.


Match Time: 10:59

Rating: 82 (B)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (2) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)


In "The Wrestler", Bad Luck Fale had somebody that could absorb 1,000 plumbing forearm blows and still come back with Penalty Kick. In fact, that statement about sums up the match. Shibata forces the issue, kicking away at Fale's legs and using basic holds just to wear down each and every body part of the "The Underboss". Even though Fale powers out of the armbars, the leglocks and the headlocks, Shibata's strategy soon pays dividends and Fale begins to tire. A Sleeper Hold puts the big man into a slumber before the Penalty Kick has him dreaming of better days.


Match Time: 9:57

Rating: 77 (B)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. AJ Styles (4)


From wrestling in front of 1,000 at the Impact Zone to 10,000 here tonight, another chapter in the story of Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles was written. This tale was much different, as AJ Styles truly arrived in New Japan during last year's G1 Climax, Samoa Joe was looking to do much the same this year.


This was a great match, obviously. Joe had the advantage for the most part. His speed and agility is no surprise to westerners but the Japanese crowd were awestruck when the big man took out "The Phenomenal One" with a suicide dive against the guardrail. The TNA diehards watching at home were happy to see their guy giving this "traitor" a receipt. Styles came back with a Springboard Flying Forearm Smash and it was all uphill for Bullet Club's leader from there. Even with all the flash and pizzazz in his moveset, it's still a joy watching Styles simply work over his opponent. In this instance, he directs his assault towards Joe's left leg, using a variety of strikes and leg locks to slow the "Samoan Submission Machine" down. Everything is executed with precision and Styles moves smoothly, using his speed to knock Joe when he tries to make a comeback. But the Phenomenon DDT is well scouted, Joe turns around as Styles leaps backwards over his head and answers him with a straight Lariat.


Samoa Joe tries to get some momentum going but is halted when Styles fights out of a Uranage, kicking Joe in the shin before dropping him on his head with the Bloody Sunday for a close near fall. Styles tries to set up a Styles Clash but Joe deposits him over his head with a Back Body Drop. Getting a head of steam, Joe is looking for something nasty... but Styles gets a Drop Toe Hold and transitions into the Calf Killer! It's perfectly applied, the left boot of Styles pressing hard against Joe's left calf muscle. Out of self-preservation more than anything else, Samoa Joe shamelessly submits the match.


Match Time: 13:03

Rating: 90 (A)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Karl Anderson (2) vs. Minoru Suzuki (0)


Alright, less of that polished wrestling nonsense. Time to get wild!


Suzuki didn't take kindly to Anderson's degenerate arrogance and thoroughly enjoyed slapping him in the face. Several times. The match spilled into the crowd with Suzuki using the top edge of a steel chair to choke the "Machine Gun" to within an inch of his life. Never wanting to win by count-out, Suzuki bought the match back to the ring just to beat Anderson up on a better stage. Truthfully, Anderson mounted very little offence. He did manage to a hit a Leg Lariat, and then a Spinebuster. But his Gun Stun (Cutter) was blocked and countered into a Rear Naked Choke! Anderson was going nowhere and mercifully tapped out.


Not that Suzuki released the hold though. He continued to choke Anderson out and the "Machine Gun" was beginning to turn blue. Young lions managed to get Suzuki to break the hold, but only so MiSu could direct his assault at Sho Tanaka. Beating the young lion up into the crowd, Suzuki trudged off backstage and probably beat up the first person that dared to invade his personal space.


Match Time: 10:51

Rating: 80 (B)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Kazuchika Okada (4)


Two exceptionally smooth technical wrestlers but in truth, a slightly disjointed and weirdly paced affair. Okada controls most of it and looks classy, even taking time out to pose and posture to our capacity crowd. It's perhaps a little sad when the fans are lukewarm at best for Strong's comeback. The RoH representative gives his all, even hitting the Death by Roderick (Fireman's Carry Double Knee Gutbuster) for a very close nearfall but the fans just aren't all that into him; at least not yet. The pace quickens with a hot finishing stretch. Strong moves so exceptionally fast, surprising even Okada as he easily ducks a Rainmaker Lariat and nearly steals one with a Backslide. But Strong can't find anything decisive, Okada slipping out the back door in the vertical suplex position just to give "Mr. RoH" a Too Awesome Dropkick to the back of the head. From being seconds away from hitting the Strong Breaker, Roddy is jammed on his head with a Tombstone Piledriver and his miserable night is compounded when he's finished off with a devastating Rainmaker Lariat.


Match Time: 11:47

Rating: 87 (B+)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)


A slower paced contest, and one that sees us add Kojima to the list of people whose arms will probably never be the same after being in the ring with El Patron. Working over Kojima's right arm from the moment he hears the bell, Alberto effectively removes the Cozy Lariat from the two-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion's arsenal. Kojima shows plenty of heart, using his left arm to deliver chops and his signature Bulldog. But his Diving Elbow Drop was perhaps too optimistic, landing hard on the already-damaged right elbow. El Patron makes him pay dearly, locking on a Cross Armbreaker for a submission victory.


Match Time: 11:54

Rating: 82 (B)







Six Man Tag Team Match

Watanabe, Yohei Komatsu & U-T vs. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI, Gedo & Jado)


A relatively straightforward match for the CHAOS team. They make good use of their experience edge and YOSHI-HASHI seals victory after a Loose Explosion (Swanton Bomb).


Match Time: 10:40

Rating: 64 ©







Six Man Tag Team Match

Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer) vs. KUSHIDA, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Manabu Nakanishi


A nifty clash of styles here, with fast-moving Juniors and hard-hitting Heavyweights. Killer Elite Squad work well together but the match dwindles down to Tenzan and Lance Archer, the former picking up the victory with the Anaconda Max (a Cobra Clutch variation of the Anaconda Vice).


Match Time: 12:53

Rating: 78 (B)






Next week: G1 CLIMAX NIGHT 5 at the Minase Tokoton Yama Camp!


Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Yuji Nagata!



Naomichi Marufuji vs. Kazuchika Okada!



Rating: 79 (B), 90 (A)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Toru Yano (2)


Yano spits water at Tanahashi and jumps him at the bell, working him over with some questionable forearm strikes. Moments later he's running away and unstrapping the turnbuckle. Yes, Tanahashi reverses his Irish Whip and sends him crashing into the steel. The "Ace" is in control, for all of 15 seconds because Yano tangles with referee Marty Asami, who misses Tana receiving a cheeky poke to the eye! Yano hooks Tana for a Fisherman Suplex before turning it into a Cradle pin! Asami gets down to count and Yano manages to hold on just long enough for the three!!!


Match Time: 2:48

Rating: 65 ©










Is Tanahashi's facial expression post-match. He cannot believe it.









YTR wheels off, shilling his CHAOS DVD to the crowd and shrugging his shoulders. He points and laughs at Tana. He might have saved New Japan but Yano doesn't care about that. All he cares about are his DVD sales and his ever-increasing royalties. :cool:


Rating: 71 (C+)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Togi Makabe (4) vs. Yuji Nagata (2)


We return to something more serious. These two stoic grumpy veterans slap, chop and straight up punch the crap out of each other. After losing to Kojima yesterday, Nagata perhaps wanted the victory more and that was apparent as the match wore on. Where Makabe looked to be flagging, the "Anti-Aging Star" was finding a second wind. The White-Eyes Armbar didn't seal the deal and neither did the Nagata Lock II (Crossface). So Nagata looked away from submissions, ducking a King Kong Lariat before sealing the pinfall victory after a Bridging Belly-To-Back Suplex.


Match Time: 12:01

Rating: 81 (B)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Naomichi Marufuji (4) vs. Hirooki Goto (4)


A bit of a crunch match as the winner here will join Styles and Okada as joint top of this block at the end of the day. Marufuji made good use of his educated feet and impressive athleticism to keep Goto at bay for a while but "The Samurai" closed the gap and overwhelmed the two-time GHC Heavyweight Champion with hard forearm strikes and stiff chest kicks. No stranger to absorbing copious amounts of punishment from larger competitors, Marufuji came back in short order. But he soon got frustrated with his inability to put Goto away, even three Bicycle High Knee strikes weren't enough! Marufuji got suckered into's Goto game, trying to exchange strikes. He regretted it when Goto took his head off with a Discus Lariat.


But there was another twist in the tale yet as Marufuji dodged a Penalty Kick after recieving an Ushikoroshi (Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker), rising to his feet with haste to catch Goto with a Superkick. Seeing his opponent on wobbly legs, Marufuji hooked Goto into the Tigerbomb position. Marufuji tried to hoist Goto up for something but the former IWGP Tag Team Champion turned the tables, lifting Marufuji straight up and shifting him into position to eat a second Ushikoroshi. Letting out a battle cry, Goto forcefully pulled Marufuji back to his feet by his hair and triumphed with the Shouten Kai.


Match Time: 12:43

Rating: 83 (B+)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (4) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)


Two of the most popular professional wrestlers in Japan make their way to the ring. One non-plussed and slow, the other a fairground ride of vibrations and mannerisms. Two very different athletes, one a subscriber to Inoki's MMA and vale tudo program, the other entering as Tanahashi began to move puroresu in a very different direction. As Naito loses out in some early chain wrestling and bails to the outside, it becomes clear that this isn't any 15 minute sprint. Nakamura takes control, truthfully he seems to be the better wrestler of the two and starts to work Naito over with all kinds of different knee strikes. This advantage doesn't last for long, the "Stardust Genius" gives Nakamura a dropkick to those knees he loves delivering so much and sets about sapping Shinsuke of all his energy with chinlocks and abdominal stretches.


But he's not winning the match with those holds. The pace quickens and the need for a decisive fall becomes all the more urgent.


Nakamura starts to seek out the BOMA YE~! and comes within a whisker of delivering one after a Single Leg Dropkick; if not for Naito rolling out the way. Much the same, Naito hits Gloria (Lifting hammerlock cradle hold dropped into a sitout side powerslam) but finds only canvas with the Stardust Press. Both men are down and front row fans cry for Nakamura to find new life. The two men stagger back to a vertical base and exchange forearm strikes. Naito wins the exchange with an Enzuigiri that periodically knocks Nakamura down to one knee. But Shinsuke reverses a Neckbreaker, swivelling around and behind Naito to give him a Backstabber. As Naito sits up favouring his back, Nakamura gives him a BOMA YE~!!!


It takes Nakamura several seconds to muster the energy to make the cover, at which Naito has regained his senses enough to roll his shoulder off the canvas at two. Naito slowly rolls to the ropes. Nak stands at a distance, desperately waving for Naito to start standing. The IWGP Heavyweight Champion needs the ropes just to get to a vertical base. He starts turning around as Nakamura charges in... but Naito sidesteps the BOMA YE~! and the bell rings!


Match Time: 30:00

Rating: 92 (A)









The time limit draw satisfies only one person.


Shinsuke is disappointed to fall short, he slaps the canvas and asks senior official Red Shoes Unno if he's sure. Of course, Unno points to the timekeeper. The fans are disappointed too, letting out jeers throughout Nakamura's protest. On the other hand, Naito thoroughly enjoys the turn of good fortune. He mocks Nakamura and goads the "King Of Strong Style" into confronting him. For a minute it seems like the two are about to do battle again but the situation peters out as Naito leaves him high and dry. Until they do battle again.


Nakamura leads the end of show celebrations. He promises Naito that they will face off again. How about a 35 minute time limit next time? Nak knows he only needed 5 more minutes AT MOST to finish him off. But if there's anything he can take from tonight, it's that he's still undefeated and he nearly pinned the IWGP Heavyweight Champion. But Nak doesn't want to jinx anything. He has to stay hungry, he has to be greedy, he has to want victory more than anybody. You win the G1 Climax with your mind and soul, not with your body. It's a mental test as much as a physical one.


He knows he doesn't deserve it, he didn't win tonight. But Nakamura tells the audience that he doesn't want to leave Hokkaido unless he can hear a YeaOh. Could they do that for him? Alright, here goes...




Rating: 86 (B+)




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Soon enough nobody is going to be reading this and I'll be asking myself why. :rolleyes::p


Block Standings



Block A

AJ Styles - 6

Kazuchika Okada - 6

Hirooki Goto - 6

Samoa Joe - 4

Naomichi Marufuji - 4

Toru Yano - 4

Kota Ibushi - 4

Hiroshi Tanahashi - 2

Roderick Strong - 2

Shelton X Benjamin - 2

Tomoaki Honma - 0


Block B

Alberto El Patron - 6

Shinsuke Nakamura - 5

Tetsuya Naito - 5

Katsuyori Shibata - 4

Bad Luck Fale - 4

Yuji Nagata - 4

Togi Makabe - 4

Tomohiro Ishii - 2

Minoru Suzuki - 2

Karl Anderson - 2

Satoshi Kojima - 2






Prediction Results


Easily my least predictable show to date. The scores speak for themselves really.


Hashasheen: 9/10

MHero: 8/10

Blodyxe: 8/10

WWZone: 8/10

Crackerjack: 7/10

thecoolestjedi12: 7/10

Atticus: 6/10

The_CoC: 6/10

vince123: 5/10

Uncrewed: 5/10

Wolfman84: 5/10

smurphy1014: 5/10

Beejus: 5/10

Snyder: 4/10

Kijar: 3/10

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G1 Climax 25 Night 5 Preview


You're all insane.


But I'm listening...








G1 Climax 25 Night 5

August 1st, 2015


August is upon us but we're not even half done yet! Tonight, the stars of New Japan Pro-Wrestling go northeast to the city of Yuzawa in the Tohoku region. Kota Ibushi and Togi Makabe will be making camp and settling down for the night as Kazuchika Okada collides with Naomichi Marufuji in singles action for the very first time!


Elsewhere, Shinsuke Nakamura faces Yuji Nagata for a second time this year and the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Tetsuya Naito, looks to knock the impressive Alberto El Patron off the top of Block B. In Block A, AJ Styles and Hirooki Goto look to retain their joint lead at the top of the pile when they face Roderick Strong and Tomoaki Honma respectively.




G1 Climax 25 Night 5 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)




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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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Me? Insane? Naaaaah. :p


G1 Climax 25 Night 5 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)

Comments: I don't rate Karl highly.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: My unwavering loyalty to Toru Yano is paying dividends, I expect this to continue.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)

Comments: Student, meet Angry Master.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: Zero Point Honma isn't going over the strongest man in all of NJPW.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: Champion retains. Alberto El Tranquilo.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: So starts the climb for Tanahashi.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: After Yano defeated Tanahashi, anything is possible. YTR! YTR! YTR!


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)

Comments: Anderson for the win


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: I'm so scared, Yano.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)

Comments: If Shibata doesn't win the whole thing, I will be a very unhappy fan


G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: Cause I Like, but this is Roddy in Japan, so


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: Fale doesn't deserve to win


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: No Honma for me today


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: Naito Push!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Achieved


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: Once in a lifetime talent


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)

Comments: SWAG STYLE


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)

Comments: rainmakeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: Now I'm not sure.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: That would be an upset


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: Last time I saw Shelton, he was far from the "Golden Standart"


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: I'm kinda afraid to vote against Yano on this one.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)

Comments: Let's see how this MiSu Streak goes, Hope he continues to win for the rest of the tournament/


G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: A good match on paper, but I don't think Roddie will win here tonight.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: Poor Honma


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: Champion over, Tenquillo


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: It's time for Tanahashi to rack up more points.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)

Comments: I'm going for the upset.

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