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NJPW: Kings Of Strong Style II

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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)

Comments: I have a strange feeling that Karl mighttttt do something in this tournament, but it's hard picking against Ishii.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)

Comments: A pretty tough call and I feel dirty going against Suzuki, but here we go


G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: No chance Roddy.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: I love Cozy, but Fale is just too much.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: I mean, Goto is probably going to win, but I can't stand him. So fingers crossed


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: Naito is gonna be out for blood after that draw


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: Hiroshi X Tanahashi > Shelton X Benjamin


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)

Comments: Reading these shows makes me miss Nakamura more and more each time...


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)

Comments: Okada got this

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G1 Climax 25 Night 5 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)

Comments: Anderson deserves some sort of push IMO.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: I'll be wrong here if Yano can beat AJ etc. he can beat Joe.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: Poor old Roddy


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: I guess you could say Kojima is having some..... Bad Luck


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: Homma enters the board.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: Patron ain't no Naito


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Night 5 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: You make these Yano predictions so difficult


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: though this is one of the few times i could see Roddy winning


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: Please just let the 0 go away


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: He can't do it again, right? .... Right? Seriously, Yano's booking has been great.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: I feel he needs to get a win sometime soon so just give fans a measure of hope.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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Just know I'm upset. :p


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: Yano needs to chill


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: but by god Roddy will win again


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: get outta here with your wins over people i like, Patron


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Night 5


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)

Comments: Ishii is more fun than Anderson.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)

Comments: No matter who loses, we win.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)

Comments: SZKG levels it back.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)

Comments: To quote the Sheik, "Fack Da Strong!"


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)

Comments: COZY!


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)

Comments: Honma's run will not yet begin.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)

Comments: Naito is champion.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments:Tanahashi needs the comeback.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)

Comments: Same for Nakamura.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)

Comments: This might sound crazy, but Marufuji could work as a challenger for the next couple of PPVs.

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Ishii - AJ seems the be the only one of the BizCliz who pick up wins on a regular basis.

Samoa Joe - It can't happen three times! Can it?!?

Suzuki - Now that Suzuki has some points under him, he could go on a tear.

AJ Styles - gaijin on gaijin violence~

Kojima - Just as I said about Anderson.

Goto - He's my Go-to pick! :p

Naito - NO.




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August 1st, 2015 - G1 Climax 25 Night 5




G1 Climax 25 Night 5

August 1st, 2015


Live Event, Streaming On NJPW WORLD

Saturday, Week 4, July 2015 (roll with it!)

Held At The Minase Tokoton Yama Camp

Show Rating: 87 (B+)


Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo and Mick Foley




Off: Kota Ibushi, Togi Makabe







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Karl Anderson (2)


These two were once stable mates in the Great Bash Heel unit and thus, they were both very familiar with each other's offensive arsenals. Lots of counters in this physical opener but it all comes to a very sudden close when Anderson slips out the back door of a Brainbuster and drops Ishii with the Gun Stun.


Match Time: 10:33

Rating: 81 (B)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (4) vs. Toru Yano (4)


Yano peers across the ring and looks at the perspiration simply dripping off the face of the "Samoan Submission Machine". YTR does not run away to cause trouble, he runs because he simply cannot summon the courage to fight his opponent. The evasive tactics seem to work for a little while and Yano does have some moments, a cradle pin bringing him a very close near fall. But Joe bludgeons him with strikes, beating Yano and his beer belly into submission after a Coquina Clutch.


Match Time: 7:26

Rating: 76 (B-)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Minoru Suzuki (2) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (4)


This was supposed to an exciting encounter between two throwbacks but instead, it winded up being just another "good" match in a long line-up of very good matches. Both Suzuki and Shibata have impressive pain thresholds and put each other through their paces with kicks, slaps and painful MMA-inspired submissions. Suzuki was the dominant one, his Pancrase experience coming to the surface as Shibata was forced to be resilient. Despite "The Wrestler" making a spirited comeback, his attempted Go To Sleep is reversed into a Sleeper Hold and Suzuki puts him down for good with a Gotch-style Piledriver.


Match Time: 13:09

Rating: 76 (B-)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (6) vs. Roderick Strong (2)


Two of America's favourites bring their brand of high work-rate, fast-paced "indie" wrestling to Japan. Easily the match of the night so far, the smooth transitions and slick counters that these two pull out have the fans on the edge of their seats. But Strong's less-than-stellar G1 record seems to be knocking his confidence, he's far from at his best tonight and if anything, he needed to exceed his best if he was to beat "The Phenomenal One." As such, the last few minutes of the match are painful to watch because it winds up just being so one-sided. Styles still heeds caution, taking his time before finally executing the Styles Clash for the victory.


Match Time: 11:41

Rating: 84 (B+)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Bad Luck Fale (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (2)


Appearing even more slower paced than it usually would because of the match it followed, I guess we can excuse Fale and Kojima for not being as athletic as AJ Styles or Roddy Strong. Instead these are true Heavyweights, hitting hard and hitting often. There's no subtlety to Kojima's knife edge chops, no finesse to Fale's body punches and very little beauty to either man's signature moves. Always a question of whose gas tank would read empty first, it's "The Underboss" that is running on fumes after absorbing a Diving Elbow Drop to the chest. Kojima keeps the momentum rolling, finishing his fatigued foe off with a Cozy Lariat.


Match Time: 11:29

Rating: 75 (B-)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Tomoaki Honma (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (6)


Just as the Meiyu Tag/Great Bash Heel rivalry was renewed on Day One, these two bring it back to the forefront tonight. Honma starts off on the front foot, letting Goto know right away that if there's anyone he wants to win a G1 Climax match against, it's him. Stiff forearms put Goto down, but he rolls out the way of the first Kokeshi. Honma goes again, blocking out the pain of Goto's stiff chest kicks to hit a Scoop Slam and on a second attempt, nail the Kokeshi! The phenomenon that is Honmania was born out of sympathy. Every time it seems to be going his way, everything crashes down around him. After he misses a running elbow in the corner, Goto folds him up with a Belly To Back Suplex and Honma is forced to find a third wind.


And remarkably, he comes back again. Firing off the ropes with a Kamikaze Kokeshi (Running, Jumping Headbutt), the proceeding thud leaves both men flat on their backs. Once they climb back to their feet, the two weary competitors exchange sickening unprotected headbutts. But such is the G1 Climax, neither Honma nor Goto want to show an ounce of weakness. Both are willing to do anything to get the better of the other and thus, the battle to prove one's fighting spirit is reduced to a question of one's strength of skull. Honma gets the better of that exchange but at what cost? He rebounds off the ropes only to be turned inside out with a sickening Discus Lariat. Sensing that Honma won't be down long, Goto forcefully brings his opponent back to a vertical base and slams him back down to the canvas with the Shouten Kai. Just as Shibata bettered Makabe, Hirooki Goto had got the better of a still-winless Tomoaki Honma.


Match Time: 13:09

Rating: 91 (A)







Tag Team Match

YOSHI-HASHI & Jado vs. Captain New Japan & Katsuhiko Nakajima


A cool down match, even though three of the wrestlers in action wanted to prove they were G1 Climax ready so to speak. YOSHI-HASHI made a strong case but was forced to carry Jado tonight, who had no answer for Nakajima's Scoop Brainbuster.


Match Time: 10:51

Rating: 68 (C+)







Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Watanabe, KUSHIDA & Alex Shelley vs. Suzuki-gun (Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr., TAKA Michinoku & El Desperado)


Suzuki's Army were out for revenge tonight and appeared far more determined compared to last week's effort. If KUSHIDA and Alex Shelley were to get any joy out of tagging up tonight, TAKA and Desperado quickly quashed it and Lance Archer avenged tapping out on Wednesday by pinning Watanabe after a Dark Days (Scooped Snap Inverted DDT).


Match Time: 12:26

Rating: 77 (B)






Tomorrow in Hiroshima... G1 CLIMAX 25 NIGHT 6!



IWGP Heavyweight Champion "Stardust Genius" vs. IWGP Tag Team Champion "Unchained King Kong!"




"Once In A Century Talent" Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. IWGP Intercontinental Champion "The Rainmaker!"



Rating: 90 (A)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (5) vs. Alberto El Patron (6)


El Patron had got this far and wasn't giving up his spot at the top of Block B without a serious fight. The Mexican slapping the Champion in the face set the tone for an intensely physical match as two excellent scientific technical wrestlers elected to brawl. This was a sprint, both men turning to the more high-impact moves in their arsenal way earlier than expected. El Patron gave Naito a score, a textbook Bridging German Suplex left the IWGP Heavyweight Champion getting his shoulder up so late that half the arena thought he had been pinned. The "Stardust Genius" is a master at playing the crowd, the raucous reaction after the kick out all but confirming his mastery - they might not like him and he might not like them but he takes them on one hell of a ride.


Naito returned fire with a Dragon Suplex and this time, it was El Patron executing a last gasp kick out. Both men traded Enzuigiri's with El Patron giving Naito a Superkick to the side of the face as he tried to stand up. Once again, the referee's count was interrupted at two. El Patron turned to the Cross Armbreaker, perhaps it was to be his saving grace. But as he stepped over, Naito tugged his trunks and tried a cheeky Schoolboy roll-up! Referee Red Shoes Unno hit the canvas once... twice... but El Patron shoved Naito away with his strong legs to break the count. Alberto stood in haste as Naito slipped behind him and executed the devastating Standing Shiranui! It was the move he pulled out to better Tanahashi and if you think it wasn't enough to defeat Alberto El Patron, think twice.


Match Time: 12:46

Rating: 93 (A)









Post-match, as Alberto El Patron is attended to by the young lions, Naito takes a microphone. He declares Shinsuke Nakamura a lucky man, for he avoided the move that was Alberto's undoing tonight. Naito knows its tradition to name your arsenal: he has the "Pluma Blanca", the "Gloria" and the "Stardust Press". And joining them was the move he pinned Tanahashi with. He's calling it the "Ultima". There is no story left to be told once it connects. It is the ultimate move and he promises to defeat all your heroes with it.


Rating: 86 (B+)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (2) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)


A smooth if slightly uninspiring match considering the one that had proceeded it. But Shelton was desperate to not only prove he could hang with the "Ace", but also defeat him considering the amount of pinfalls he's eaten in multi-man matches this year. Shelton displayed great technical skills befitting of his veteran status but also looked fairly intimidating as he threw Tanahashi around the ring with the greatest of ease. But, Tana fired up and drew off the energy of a supportive capacity crowd. He survived a late scare when Shelton gave him the most perfect of Superkicks to the jaw but it was all one way traffic after that. The match was only ever going one way and the High Fly Flow followed the Sling Blade, Tanahashi pinning "Invader X" once again.


Match Time: 12:36

Rating: 85 (B+)







G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (5) vs. Yuji Nagata (4)


Nagata showed at The New Beginning In Nagoya that he had an advanced knowledge of Nakamura's move set. It didn't lead to victory on that night but he persisted with that strategy all these months later. As well as keeping Shinsuke in his pocket, Nagata was noticeably more aggressive with some questionable tactics to boot. He raked Nakamura's eyes as he kept him grounded in a chinlock. Nak's attempts to gain momentum were abated before they started and Nagata kept hold of control as much as he possibly could.


But. Once the "King Of Strong Style" got rolling, Nagata was helpless. Nakamura had new life, dancing across the ring like Freddie Mercury at Wembley Stadium before charging to the adjacent corner to dig a knee into Nagata's planking exposed midriff. The veteran tried coming back, blocking an Inverted Powerslam before transitioning into a Crossface... but Nakamura rolled through it with ease and gave a stunned Nagata a BOMA YE~! to the face! Not satisfied with just one, Nak backed off and slithered in the ropes, signalling for a second. With a loud "YeaOh!", he charged! And the rest was history.


Match Time: 15:11

Rating: 90 (A)







G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kazuchika Okada (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (4)


Marufuji enters wearing a glossy red robe and a mask reminiscent of Transformers, his entrance music a fast-paced, high-energy dance tune. It's a double entendre as Marufuji paces slowly, methodically removing his mask as he stands perched on the second rope. Okada's entrance is very much the same, although a little more spectacular once "The Rainmaker" does his signature pose, opening his gold and red robe to show the IWGP Intercontinental Championship strapped around his waist.


The G1 always provides an opportunity for fresh matches and few promise to be more intriguing than this one. Marufuji is the veteran and much the superior technical wrestler, asserting that dominance early on. As he holds Okada in place with a hammerlock, Marufuji shoots a look that speaks a thousand words. It's as though he's setting out not only to defeat Okada tonight, but truly humble him and remind him that he may not be all he thinks he is. But "The Rainmaker" had proven many of times that he is the real deal and he looks every ounce the star of the future as he delivers a DDT and then kips back to a vertical base. Flying off the top rope with a picture-perfect Diving Elbow Drop, Okada stands and shoots a look of his own. It all comes oh-so-naturally to him. His first Rainmaker Lariat attempt was an optimistic one, Marufuji saw it coming a mile away and ducked underneath. Grabbing Okada's chin, Marufuji stormed to the corner and looked for the Shiranui. But as Marufuji put his feet on the second rope, Okada countered and snapped him down to the canvas with a nasty neckbreaker.


Swings and roundabouts. Okada whips Marufuji to the ropes but telegraphs the Too Awesome Dropkick and lands flat on his back as his opponent holds on the ropes. Okada is quickly back to his feet, dodging Marufuji's Bicycle High Knee before grabbing his right arm from behind... he swivels him around... but Marufuji ducks underneath again. And he held on to Okada's right arm, pulling him into a Double Underhook position. From there, he hoists Okada up, filling him over in mid-air into a Sitout Side Powerslam. It's the "Tiger Flowsion" and the impact was enough for Naomichi Marufuji to score a major upset.


Match Time: 20:10

Rating: 86 (B+)








Victorious, Marufuji had humbled the most arrogant of young sensations.


He was satisfied at his handiwork, Okada needing help from young lions just to stand and even then, he appeared groggy and off-balance as he was escorted to the back. Gedo shouted from distance, swearing vengenance as he grasped his client's IWGP Intercontinental Championship. Marufuji looked game, surely a title shot was his for the taking now.


Standing in the ring with a microphone, Marufuji thanked the legendary Mitsuharu Misawa for inventing the Emerald Flowsion. He started using the Tiger Flowsion in homage to him in 2009 but had kept the move hidden away in his locker since arriving here in NJPW. He paid tribute tonight and thanked Misawa-san. Okada clearly hadn't done his research and Marufuji claimed to have many more tricks up his sleeve. He can't out-punch too many but he can certainly out-think them. He closed off with gratitude; here he was standing tall at the end of an NJPW show - something he never saw happening at the start of the year. He thanks the fans for their support and hopes he can kick on now and advance to the final.


Rating: 86 (B+)




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Good. Marufuji is cool. :p


Overall probably my favorite show thus far, just because it had a lack of surprise in order to make the main event more surprising. :)

Glad you enjoyed it man. :) Yeah it was definitely a more predictable show than the last one. The next one has a big surprise though, you'll see soon enough.


The NOAH geek won and Yano lost. #CancelNJPWWorld

NOAH > NJPW. Probably. :p


and the young Shibata mark cried as his favorite wrestler lost to the wrestler who loves one piece, oh cruel diary life.

Suzuki was just the better man. ;) Even Shibata-san will concede that much. :)


More importantly


Yano lost and Kojima won?! #OrderNJPWWorld

What was that? Yano lost? Nice :cool:

Note to self: have Yano lose more. :p

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Block Standings



Block A

A.J. Styles - 8

Hirooki Goto - 8

Naomichi Marufuji - 6

Kazuchika Okada - 6

Hiroshi Tanahashi - 4

Samoa Joe - 6

Kota Ibushi - 4

Toru Yano - 4

Roderick Strong - 2

Shelton X Benjamin - 2

Tomoaki Honma - 0


Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura - 7

Tetsuya Naito - 7

Alberto El Patron - 6

Karl Anderson - 4

Bad Luck Fale - 4

Minoru Suzuki - 4

Satoshi Kojima - 4

Katsuyori Shibata - 4

Yuji Nagata - 4

Togi Makabe - 4

Tomohiro Ishii - 2






Prediction Results


Hashasheen: 9/10

thecoolestjedi12: 8/10

WWZone: 8/10

Kijar: 8/10

Beejus: 8/10

Vince123: 7/10

Blodyxe: 7/10

Wolfman84: 7/10

MHero: 6/10

Uncrewed: 6/10

Atticus: 6/10

The_CoC: 6/10

Crackerjack: 6/10

Snyder: 5/10

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<p>G1 Climax 25 Night 6 Preview</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/NJPW%202015/g1climax250.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:14px;">G1 Climax 25 Night 6</span></strong></p><p> August 2nd, 2015</p><p> </p><p> The G1 Climax moves to the largest city in the region of Chūgoku: Hiroshima! 10,000 fans are expected to be in attendance to see Tanahashi vs. Okada VIII. If you haven't read Tanahashi vs. Okada VII, <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2074607&postcount=38" rel="external nofollow">go read it now!</a></p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere, the "Stardust Genius" Tetsuya Naito meets Togi Makabe and "The Phenomenal One" will experience <em><strong>HONMANIA!</strong></em></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/NJPW%202015/50pxnjpw.png</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39898" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div><strong>G1 Climax 25 Night 6 Predictions</strong><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block B</strong></p><p><strong> Yuji Nagata (4) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (2)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block A </strong></p><p><strong> Kota Ibushi (4) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block B</strong></p><p><strong> Alberto El Patron (6) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block A</strong></p><p><strong> Roderick Strong (2) vs. Hirooki Goto (8)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block B</strong></p><p><strong> Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block A</strong></p><p><strong> Samoa Joe (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (6)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block B</strong></p><p><strong> Shinsuke Nakamura (7) vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block A</strong></p><p><strong> AJ Styles (8) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block B</strong></p><p><strong> Tetsuya Naito (7) vs. Togi Makabe (4)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> G1 Climax 25 Block A</strong></p><p><strong> Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. Kazuchika Okada (6)</strong></p><p><strong> Comments:</strong></p></div></div><div></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q685/RynWlsn/NJPW%202015/njpwbanner.jpg</span></p></div><p></p>
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G1 Climax 25 Block B

Yuji Nagata (4) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (2)

Comments: I'll back Nagata to the death!


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (4) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: Professor Ibushi chalks up another win and teaches that young punk Shelton X Benjamin a lesson courtesy of the Ibushi Wrestling Research Institute!


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (6) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)

Comments: Alboooooooooooooorto.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Hirooki Goto (8)

Comments: GOTO BOYS


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)

Comments: Lariats. Lariats for days.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (6)

Comments: NOAH geek gets choked out.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (7) vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)

Comments: Nakamura gets choked out.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (8) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)

Comments: lolhonma


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (7) vs. Togi Makabe (4)

Comments: He's the Stardust Genius for a reason.


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. Kazuchika Okada (6)

Comments: Can't see past a draw here.

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G1 Climax 25 Night 6 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Yuji Nagata (4) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (4) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)

Comments: Golden Star > Golden Standart.


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (6) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Hirooki Goto (8)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (7) vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (8) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (7) vs. Togi Makabe (4)

Comments: The champ is here


G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. Kazuchika Okada (6)

Comments: 5 stars right away

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<p>G1 Climax 25 Night 6 Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

Yuji Nagata (4) vs. <strong>Tomohiro Ishii (2)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A </p><p>

<strong>Kota Ibushi (4)</strong> vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

Alberto El Patron (6) vs. <strong>Bad Luck Fale (4)</strong></p><p>

Comments: 'Underboss' is just too sweet</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Roderick Strong (2) vs. <strong>Hirooki Goto (8)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Strong at this point doesn't win.</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Katsuyori Shibata (4)</strong> vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>Samoa Joe (6)</strong> vs. Naomichi Marufuji (6)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Shinsuke Nakamura (7)</strong> vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles (8)</strong> vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Tetsuya Naito (7)</strong> vs. Togi Makabe (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. <strong>Kazuchika Okada (6)</strong></p><p>


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<p>G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

Yuji Nagata (4) vs. <strong>Tomohiro Ishii (2)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Ishii mounts his comeback. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>Kota Ibushi (4) </strong>vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)</p><p>

Comments: Ibushi builds his momentum.</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Alberto El Patron (6)</strong> vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)</p><p>

Comments: El Patron is more over, while Fale is the resident Bullet Club heavy. That being said, I prefer Patron. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Roderick Strong (2) vs. <strong>Hirooki Goto (8)</strong></p><p>

Comments: I'd prefer the New Japan Samurai than Strong. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p><strong>

Katsuyori Shibata (4)</strong> vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)</p><p>

Comments: Shibata crush!</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Samoa Joe (6) vs. <strong>Naomichi Marufuji (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments: Only one of these people is Japanese. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p><strong>

Shinsuke Nakamura (7)</strong> vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)</p><p>

Comments: Minoru builds himself back up...if it wasn't for that pesky draw with Naito. I'm suspecting a sequel to that for Wrestle Kingdom 9. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles (8)</strong> vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)</p><p>

Comments: Styles keeps it going. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Tetsuya Naito (7) </strong>vs. Togi Makabe (4)</p><p>

Comments: Naito crushes Makabe. </p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. <strong>Kazuchika Okada (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments: ... The big question. Do you give Okada his win back as part of the G1? Do you have Tanahashi extend his streak by one and get his points back, thereby setting up Tanahashi/Okada at Wrestle Kingdom for the IC title? I mean, it's technically 4-3 as of Wrestle Kingdom 9 in Tanahashi's favor. To turn it 5-3 at the G1 Climax and then 5-4 at Wrestle Kingdom doesn't do much for Okada. </p><p> </p><p>

I think you'll give it to Okada here, before having him beat Marufuji as an intermediate match. Tanahashi will challenge Okada again and point to their level field, resulting in the match at Kingdom.</p>

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G1 Climax 25 Night 6 Predictions


G1 Climax 25 Block B

Yuji Nagata (4) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Kota Ibushi (4) vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Alberto El Patron (6) vs. Bad Luck Fale (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Roderick Strong (2) vs. Hirooki Goto (8)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Katsuyori Shibata (4) vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Samoa Joe (6) vs. Naomichi Marufuji (6)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Shinsuke Nakamura (7) vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

AJ Styles (8) vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)



G1 Climax 25 Block B

Tetsuya Naito (7) vs. Togi Makabe (4)



G1 Climax 25 Block A

Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. Kazuchika Okada (6)


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<p>G1 Climax 25 Night 6 Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Yuji Nagata (4)</strong> vs. Tomohiro Ishii (2)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>Kota Ibushi (4)</strong> vs. Shelton X Benjamin (2)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

Alberto El Patron (6) vs. <strong>Bad Luck Fale (4)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Roderick Strong (2) vs.<strong> Hirooki Goto (8)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Katsuyori Shibata (4)</strong> vs. Satoshi Kojima (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

Samoa Joe (6) vs. <strong>Naomichi Marufuji (6)</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Shinsuke Nakamura (7)</strong> vs. Minoru Suzuki (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles (8)</strong> vs. Tomoaki Honma (0)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block B</p><p>

<strong>Tetsuya Naito (7)</strong> vs. Togi Makabe (4)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

G1 Climax 25 Block A</p><p>

<strong>Hiroshi Tanahashi (4)</strong> vs. Kazuchika Okada (6)</p><p>


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