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ECW: Change In Direction

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It's January 1, 2000. ECW has gained all kinds of momentum and popularity in recent years, but it was obvious that hardcore has taken them as far as possible. With the current product, ECW struggled to get anyone one of worth to sponsor the promotion which is a big revenue booster. As time grew on ECW would fall into debt and it seemed a bottomless pit and even had Paul Heyman thinking bankruptcy. Deep down, Paul always wanted to change the product and had trained the ECW fans to actually appreciate great wrestling along with the blood and gore. It was time to make the change and the time was now. Would it be sudden? Yes. Would it cause backlash from the fans? Yes. Did Paul Heyman give a damn? Not in the slightest.



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Paul Heyman, one of the greatest minds the wrestling world has ever seen. A prodigal student of the legend Dusty Rhodes, and some have him pegged as to even eclipse the great mind of Dusty in due time. He is in charge of one of the fastest rising and fastest falling wrestling promotion the states have ever seen. Now he has to finally pull the trigger on changing ECW up and with a pretty lackluster roster at that. However, no one sees this killing the visionary's spirit or truly harming the company. One could expect him to address the people come Friday in order to set all rumor's and gossip to rest on the state of ECW. Tune in to see exactly what the hell is going on with America's most hardcore promotion.

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January 3, 2000

Paul Heyman calls a meetings


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Alright boys listen up. I think it's high time we had a real heart to heart. I'm gonna cut all bullshit and I'm the king of bullshit so when I say lets cut it I mean it.


Now lets be completely real here. WCW and WWF can offer you guys the world on a platinum fu*king platter. ECW, we can offer you a job in a copper fu*king cup. Those two bastards have raided us time and time again. Taz is gone, Dudley Boys are gone, Eddie's gone, Malenko, Beniot, Rey Mysterio Jr, and even Raven left at one point. I'm bringing this up because I am fu*king sick of it. They have taken credit for everything I've created...that WE'VE created. Hell I knew Austin was a star before anyone else and look at him now. He's kicking ass in the WWF, but his first damn beer was opened here.


Time and time and time and time again ECW is getting kicked in the nuts by those two bastards and it's over. No more will I allow them to rape and pillage my baby. Like I said they can offer you things that I can't at the moment and if you want the bright lights....then you can get the fu*k out! I mean it I really mean it. If anyone in this room isn't ready to die for ECW then get out. I can't make it any simpler then that. There's the door just walk through it and you will be terminated upon exit. This isn't open for discussion.

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There are rumors stirring once again about ECW today as news has surfaced that Paul Heyman has told his roster that they can all "get the fu*k out" if they'd ever want to leave for WCW or WWF. It isn't surprising as Heyman is known as a madman by any and all who has worked for him. We don't know the details of who may have left, but Heyman has always been up front with the fans. Friday is turning out to be must see television for ECW fans everywhere.

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Match Card(Subject To Change)


ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie


Sandman vs Sabu


Mike Awesome vs Masato


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???

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ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie


Sandman vs Sabu


Mike Awesome vs Masato

I love Masato Tanaka, and what matches these two had.


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???

No reason for the Whole F'N Show to lose that title.

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ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie

Coin Toss


Sandman vs Sabu

The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal


Mike Awesome vs Masato

Awesome's what they say

All his victims feel the pain

Dropped with an Awesome Bomb

You go down and you never come up


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???

The Whole F'n Show!

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ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie


Sandman vs Sabu


Mike Awesome vs Masato


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???


Sweet card for a TV show, man.

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ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie

Big title change to kick off the new year, as the Impact Players live up to their name.


Sandman vs Sabu


Mike Awesome vs Masato


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???

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ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie


Sandman vs Sabu


Mike Awesome vs Masato


Just to be different, i would go with Masato and perhaps i was only one of the few ones amongst my buddies who used to love Masato more than Awesome.


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???

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ECW World Tag Team Championship Match

Tommy Dreamer & Raven© vs Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie

I like Lance, but Dreamer and Raven are two of my favorite people ever in ECW.

Sandman vs Sabu

I enjoy Sandman a lot, so I'll pick him


Mike Awesome vs Masato

Mike Awesome, Nuff said.


ECW Television Championship Match

RVD© vs ???

RVD has so much talent, unless you are bringing in Austin, Don't think he loses to anyone here.

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Addressing Rumors


The ECW theme blasts through the small arena of 6800 strong as Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring. Many of the fans cheer while Heyman does his angry strut in the ring. He has a microphone in hand and one could only expect the unexpected.


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Well hello you sick twisted sycophants! I know why your here. You all are here to see Extreme Championship Wrestling right? Oh no Paul E. we want that but we also want to know what's going on. The dirt sheets said this and the dirt sheets said that. Well let me address these rumors right here right now!


Is ECW losing money faster than a politician whose infatuated with prostitutes? Why yes, yes we are. Wha...no... does that mean that ECW is dying a slow painful death and can't be put out of it's misery like a dog with worms? Yes morons that's exactly what's happening. Don't get me wrong I love all of you. It's the doubting egotistical pieces of vomit chunks that I can't stand. You know? The ones that believed we'd never make it anywhere and then when we did they'd jump on the bandwagon? Yeah those morons.


*SIGH* Our baby is slowly dying people. We are not in the best of shape in any form of the imagination. In all honesty we should be dead by May.....buuuutttt there is always a way out. Ya see I've been doing what I do best and that's manipulate people into doing what I want when I want. ECW's changing people and it's time to get with it. Hardcore has taken us as far as we could possibly go. We won't abandon what has gotten us here, but things must change for us to thrive and they will.


The ECW theme plays and Paul makes his exit leaving the crowd quite silent and confused as his comments made no real sense.




ECW Tag Team Championship Match


<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/Raven%20TEW" target="_blank"><img src="http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TEW%20Pics/Raven.jpg" border="0" alt="Raven TEW photo: Raven Raven.jpg"/></a><a href="http://photobucket.com/images/tommy%20dreamer%20tew" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20T/Tommy_Dreamer.jpg" border="0" alt="tommy dreamer tew photo: Tommy Dreamer Tommy_Dreamer.jpg"/></a> vs <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/justin%20credible%20tew" target="_blank"><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/cuts/JustinCredible.jpg" border="0" alt="justin credible tew photo: Justin Credible JustinCredible.jpg"/></a><a href="http://photobucket.com/images/lance%20storm%20tew" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh609/cactus_y2j/111/Wrestlers%20L/Lance_Storm.jpg" border="0" alt="lance storm tew photo: Lance Storm Lance_Storm.jpg"/></a>


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Impact Players defeated Raven & Dreamer when Lance Storm defeating Raven with a top rope spinning wheel kick. The Impact Players are the new ECW World Tag Team Champions




We Were Never Friends


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Tommy Dreamer goes over to check on Raven after the two lost the tag team titles. Raven is seen mouthing the words I F'n had em. Dreamer tells him it's okay and seems to be about to walk away, but he quickly kicks Raven in the gut and plants him with a Dreamer DDT as the boos poured in from the crowd.




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In a match with a good crowd and good action, Sabu defeats Sandman by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster.




Are You Truly Insane???


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Sabu is in the ring celebrating when a familiar song shoots through the arena.


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Cheers and jeers would follow intensely as The Ultimate Warrior made his debut in the land of Extreme. He ran around the ring about three times before jumping on the apron to a confused Sabu. He gets in the ring with a crazy stare and Sabu smiles wickedly as he gives Warrior a crazy stare right back. Sabu does his signature pose and points towards the sky while Warrior does his signature snort. The land of extreme may turn into the land of insane as a weird challenge has been sent to Sabu and he weirdly accepts it.




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In a highly competitive match, the ECW Champion was able to pull out the victory after hitting a devastating Awesome Bomb for the 1..2..3.



2 Years Strong


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RVD's music hit and the crowd erupts as he's obviously the number one guy in ECW. He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone.


Well, once again an ECW show was about to end without yours truly having a match. You know what though, that's fine. I have held the ECW Television Championship for almost two years now and it's been one heck of a ride ya know? With all due respect to Mike Awesome, this championship right here has to be the most coveted championship we have. Why? Because I'm ROB VAN DAM(chants of whole F'n show start). I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back who wants a shot at my title.


2 minutes go by and it seemed like no one would answer the call and RVD wouldn't get a match, but then red smoke flooded the arena. Ikari No Jyushin starts to play and the fans knew who was coming, but it was hard for them to believe. Suddenly, Jushin "Thunder" Liger steps out from behind the curtain and stares down RVD. He points at RVD and then runs to the ring sliding under the bottom rope. He runs to one of the turnbuckles and takes in the cheers of the fans as RVD remains laid back and ready.




ECW Television Championship Match


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RVD and Jushin Liger are two of the best high fliers in the world with Jushin holding a more technical game over RVD. The two start off on equal footing with flashy reversals coming left and right. Liger hits and Arm Drag but is himself also hit with an arm drag. Liger hits a dropkick and once again in turn is met with a dropkick from RVD. Both men stare at each other as they have hit a stalemate pretty quickly. The crowd claps and cheers at the skill of the two wrestlers. The two circle around each other and tie up with RVD gaining and maintaining the upper hand.


Now halfway through the match, Jushin Liger is now in control as he works over the back and neck of RVD. Jushin attempts a spike piledriver but RVD wiggles free and hits an enziguri stunning Liger. RVD then body slams Liger and signals for rolling thunder. RVD hits the ropes and rolls but Liger places his knees up and RVD crashes hard into them. Liger pick RVD up and lands a tiger bomb and goes for the pin. 1...2...RVD gets the shoulder up in turn saving his near 2 year reign. Liger maintains control for quite some time before RVD can mount a comback.


RVD hits a clothesline and follows it with a spin kick laying Liger out. He looks to the top rope as everyone in the building is now standing on their feet in anticipation for the 5 Star Frog Splash. RVD jumps to the top rope and the lights go off. Once they come back on, RVD is laid out next to Liger with Mike Awesome standing over him. Mike Awesome rolls out of the ring and looks on as Liger now has his wits about him. RVD uses the ropes in order to help himself stand but once he turns around he's met by a kick to the gut......LIGER BOMB!!! Jushin Liger hits the Liger Bomb and the ref starts to count. 1......2.....3!!! Jushin "Thunder" Liger has just won the ECW Television Championship in his debut match!!! The fans are in total shock as Jushin celebrates his victory without a clue that Mike Awesome had gotten involved.



I am THE champion!!!



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Mike Awesome grabs a table and slides it into the ring. He smashes it into the ribs of RVD in order to keep him down. Awesome sets up the table in the middle of the ring. By this point the fans are booing violently as Awesome drags RVD towards the table. He sets RVD up and BOOM!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! AWESOME BOMB!!!!! AWESOME BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!!! RVD HAS JUST BEEN DESTROYED IN THE CENTER OF RING!!!!! THERE'S NO TELLING WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT WEEK BUT YOUR ASS BETTER TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!!!!!




I was not expecting anyone to predict and I truly appreciate it. If this continues I will have to give some type of reward even if I don't know exactly what yet :D


Unscrewed- 3/4

Mootinie- 3/4

Satyr24- 2/4

Blodyxe- 2/4

Beejus- 2/4

Kanegan- 1/4

coolestjedi- 1/4

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Great show, the only thing that bothered me was Dreamer's heelturn. Or that was his way to punish Raven for leaving ECW in the first place? One thing is for sure, I WANNA MOAR!


I'm glad you enjoyed it and I didn't want to be traditional or too close to real life. I feel that ECW died before it could truly evolve into the vision Heyman may have had for it. Am I claiming to know that vision, of course not but I want to try something that isn't the usual. I also wanted a few shocks and I think it was accomplished with Dreamer, Warrior, and RVD doing something unheard of at the time. Dreamer being a heel, RVD actually losing his title, and Warrior in the land of Extreme!!! What is this nonsense right? :D Still I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

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Match Card(subject to change)


ECW Television Championship Match

Chris Candido w/ Tammy Sytch vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger


Super Calo vs Spike Dudley vs Nova vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Danny Doring & Roadkill vs The Impact Players(Justice Credible & Lance Storm)


Rhino vs New Jack


*Main Event*

1 on 1 for an ECW Television Championship match next week.

Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

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ECW Television Championship Match

Chris Candido w/ Tammy Sytch vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger


Super Calo vs Spike Dudley vs Nova vs Yoshihiro Tajiri

The Japanese Buzzsaw


Danny Doring & Roadkill vs The Impact Players(Justice Credible & Lance Storm)


Rhino vs New Jack

Gore Gore Gore


*Main Event*

1 on 1 for an ECW Television Championship match next week.

Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

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ECW Television Championship Match

Chris Candido w/ Tammy Sytch vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Super Calo vs Spike Dudley vs Nova vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Danny Doring & Roadkill vs The Impact Players(Justice Credible & Lance Storm)


Rhino vs New Jack


*Main Event*

1 on 1 for an ECW Television Championship match next week.

Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

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Chris Candido w/ Tammy Sytch vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger

No chance for Candido.


Super Calo vs Spike Dudley vs Nova vs Yoshihiro Tajiri

Tajiri all the way. He's level higher then the rest involved.


Danny Doring & Roadkill vs The Impact Players(Justice Credible & Lance Storm)

Dawn Marie and Lita in a CATFIGHT, Book It!!


Rhino vs New Jack

Solid victory for the next big thing.


*Main Event*

1 on 1 for an ECW Television Championship match next week.

Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

JL is similar to Liger style-wise, so I'll pick him.

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The Dreamer heel turn evolves his character though. He's always been that one straight guy in ECW, so changing that up will be interesting for sure.


ECW Television Championship Match

Chris Candido w/ Tammy Sytch vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger

I don't see the point of hot-shotting it. Liger is probably the best wrestler on your roster. :p


Super Calo vs Spike Dudley vs Nova vs Yoshihiro Tajiri

Taggers has the most upside.


Danny Doring & Roadkill vs The Impact Players(Justice Credible & Lance Storm)

I don't know what I think of Doring & Roadkill.


Rhino vs New Jack

New Jack feels like everything that you're trying to distance yourself from.


*Main Event*

1 on 1 for an ECW Television Championship match next week.

Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

Lynn vs. Liger is an exciting thought.

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Great show last week!


ECW Television Championship Match

Chris Candido w/ Tammy Sytch vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Super Calo vs Spike Dudley vs Nova vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Danny Doring & Roadkill vs The Impact Players(Justice Credible & Lance Storm)


Rhino vs New Jack


*Main Event*

1 on 1 for an ECW Television Championship match next week.

Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn

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