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The WMW King Of The Universal Mountain and another WMW main eventer.


Name: The Orthopedic

Age: 32 (14 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Big Heavyweight

Country: Samoa

Role: Active Wrestler

Style: Brawler

Finisher: The Realignment (Vertabreaker, Uber Finisher), The Observatory (Loaded Right Knockout Punch, Finisher)

Appearance/Comparison in real life: PRIDE Mark Hunt


Bio: The Orthopedic is a legendary figure in Japan. Born in Samoa as Ofisa Senio, he moved to Auckland at the age of 10, when his father was hired to play in a New Zealand rugby club. Trained in rugby and kickboxing in high school, he was handpicked by PWU as the logical successor to Moa Hunter. Unlikely for them WMW saw the enormous potential and locked The Orthopedic in a lucrative 10 years contract. The moved payed off as Japanese fans immediately loved the Samoan hard hitting style, toughness, charisma and knockout power. The Orthopedic adapted so well to Japan he is considered by many a Japanese citizen. His lengthy feud with Ivan Kirilenko put the Samoan as WMW main draw and ended with The Orthopedic using The Realignment, winning his first King Of The Universal Mountain Championship. Retaining his title for all 2014, he lost it to Goemon Nomura in early 2015 and won it it back in late 2015.


Name: Goemon Nomura

Age: 31 (10 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Country: Japan

Role: Active Wrestler

Style: Puroresu Style

Finisher: Savage Bomb (Throwing Powerbomb)

Appearance/Comparison in real life: A taller and bigger Yuji Okabayashi


Bio: Goemon “Savage” Nomura is one of the strongest Japanese wrestlers. The 6’10”, 300 lbs Hokkaido native is a freak of nature blessed with incredible force and toughness. After graduating in the WMW dojo and teaming with his good friend Iron Sakimoto as Savage Iron, he went directly to World Mountain Wrestling without any outside Japan excursions. Genki Katayama gave him surname “Savage”, because of his aggressive style rather than his look, he is completely bald. WMW always thought Nomura will be a breakout star and their faith has been repaid with great performances and good promotional work outside the promotion. Nomura was one of the five WMW loyalists in the infamous Loser Must Disband match and was the man to defeat The Orthopedic for the King Of The Mountain Championship.

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Name: DJ Sizzle

Age: 30(7 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Country: Jamaica

Role: Active Wrestler

Style: Entertainer

Finisher: Sizzla!! (Scissors Kick)

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Dwayne Bravo (West Indies cricketer)


Bio: A real life DJ, Jamaican Fidel Edwards started his career in cricket but when he could not make it he decided to shift to music. His debut solo "Everybody's a hero" registered million hits on YouTube and SUW sensing a great opportunity signed him up for their roster and trained him. With his musical talent, he is a huge hit among kids and adults alike but his poor ring skills means he has settled on a jobber to the stars role.

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This is a character that mostly is compiled by ideas from my friend :)


Name: Húng Pao

Age: 34 years old (1 year pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Light Heavyweight

Origin: Vietnam

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Mustache, pretty tall and thin

Style: MMA Cross-Over

Finisher: Cobra's Bite (Bomaye), Venomous Touch (Crippler Crossface)


Bio: Growing up in a rough part of Vietnam, "The Cobra" Húng Pao had to make a living somehow. He did so in illegal fashion however, as this was his only way to get through in life he believed. Close to his home town there was an illegal wrestling hall, where people could fight to earn some money. The fighting however was way too brutal, but the most violent of all, was young Húng Pao. Nearly killing several men in his upbringing, his name was noticed by the upper leaders in Vietnam, and he was banished by the country and his family. But now he could really find his way, and has so being one of the newest men in the wrestling world he got signed up quick by BWA after hearing his story on the news, believing he could carry the company. "The Cobra" however still has his animalistic instincts, and when he steps in to the sqaured circle noone are safe from an injury. Quite the controversial figure because of his fighting style, many think that he shouldn't be aloud to fight, that he instead fits much better in prison instead.

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Name: Sean Libby

Age: 22 (2 year pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Heavyweight

Origin: Europe (Ireland) *can work anywhere*

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Sheamus w/ Mohawk

Style: Regular Style

Skill: Very Good Rumble, Average Technical, Below Average High Fling, Very good Entertainment, Very good wrestling knowlegde of basics and Above Average Psychology, and Good on Camera.

Finisher: Fella Crossing

Bio: The Younger brother of Eric, Sean Libby is a tough Irishman who was born in Leitrim and was wrestling since he was thirteen years old. A man who is as big as he is, he makes his wrestling look and feel realistic and he has the promo's to back it up. A rare treat in the realm of Heavyweights. He is also not that afraid to take to the top rope, though at most times he has failed to connect, though the rare times he has its been devastating. He is definitely the better brother between him and Eric, and it seems at times he overshadows Eric with how fun he can be. Him and Eric joining SWF was indeed the smart thing for the brothers being in Ireland and hopefully show that other clans can become champion in a promotion of families.


Name: Eric Libby

Age: 30 (10 Year pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Origin: Ireland *can work anywhere*

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Sean O'Haire

Style: Technician

Skill: Average Rumble, Very good Technical, Below Average High Flying, Average Entertainment, Excellent wrestling knowledge in Basics and Psychology, Average Camera

Finisher: Silent Nights *Sub*

Bio: The Elder Libby, Eric Libby is a superb ring technician who is being held down by his younger sibling Sean. Despite that, Eric maintains professionalism and adores working with his little brother. His ring ethnic is alright but having only a little charisma to show for it. His ring skills are undermined by how one faced he is. He also seems to always look like a bad guy, making the times he wrestles as a face, puzzling. While teaming with Sean, his work in the ring always is behind Sean, despite being in the business far longer than Sean has. That said, when Eric gets going, he gets going, but in everything else? Hes just another dude. With him and Sean in SWF now, it may seem there maybe hope for Eric yet.


Name: Ewan McCullough

Age: 23 (5 year Pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight

Origin: British Isles

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Drew McIntyre

Style: Regular Wrestler

Skills: Decent Rumble, Above Average technical, Above Average High Flying, Very good Entertainment, Excellent on Camera, Above Average wrestling basics and Good Psychology

Finisher: McKill

Bio: The Scot Sansation Ewan McCullough is a very entertaining Scots man from Inverness. He's a pretty good wrestler, though his choosing of joining SFW is a bit puzzling since they are indeed hard hitting. Though Ewan does not seem fazed, he does though love to show his gimmick which is a exaggerated superstar. Which is more than great to watch him get beat up. To which he has no problems with. However there have been times he should win but doesn't, to which holds back his true superstardom.


I've made these guys before but I've never decided where to put them. Mostly cause I'd figured they'd be good in the independents. But seeing as they are in the British Isles I'd figure send them to SWF :D

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I've made these guys before but I've never decided where to put them. Mostly cause I'd figured they'd be good in the independents. But seeing as they are in the British Isles I'd figure send them to SWF :D


They are all going to be on both SWF and HBL's rosters, they fit really well :)

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Name: Demolisher

Age:44(12 years pro)


Size:Big Heavyweight


Appearance/Comparison in real life: Batista

Style: Brawler(on hiatus,Loyal to GCW)

Finisher: Demolishing Bomb (Sitting Powerbomb)


Bio: The GCW Champ in early 2012, Demolisher went on to do movies and has had a very successful career there due to the stardom he gained in GCW. Always have been very powerful, he said a return, specifically to GCW,isn't out of the question ever.



Name: Barbie Estrella

Age: 26(6 years pro)




Appearance/Comparison in real life: Long Platinum Blonde hair, Latin skin-tone,red lips

Style: Entertainer

Finisher:Starbomb (Moonsault) North Star Drop (Northern Lights Bomb,Uber Finisher)


Bio: A Mexican born in Canada, she has fully embraced her Canadian Heritage by bleaching her hair and pretending to be Canadian. Currently the X-Division Champion of WoW, She still has a way to go before being fully successful in this industry

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They are all going to be on both SWF and HBL's rosters, they fit really well :)


Awesomesauce. I have even more peeps :p But I just havent submitted them yet. As well as two others here. Buuuuuuuuut. I'm totally cool with that. Anything I can do to sumbit my childhood here *yes, I've been wrestling gaming since 10 peeps! :D* Then I'll be more than happy to

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Awesomesauce. I have even more peeps :p But I just havent submitted them yet. As well as two others here. Buuuuuuuuut. I'm totally cool with that. Anything I can do to sumbit my childhood here *yes, I've been wrestling gaming since 10 peeps! :D* Then I'll be more than happy to


Go ahead :)

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Name: Ren Mori

Age: 35 years old (17 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Origin: Japan

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Looks like mixed martial artist Genki Sudo

Style: Puroresu

Finisher: Anaconda Vise, Koji Clutch, Jump Mori Jump! (Springboard Elbow Smash)


Bio: One of the smaller men in WMW, Ren Mori has not let that stop him as he is one of their legends. Always having to fight bigger men like Iron Sakimoto, The Orthopedic and Goemon Namura, Ren Mori uses his great in-ring awareness and technique to beat these giants. Mori is a man who could have used his talents in other sports like MMA, but has devoted his career to WMW, wanting them to become the main fed in Japan. After making a decision like that 8 years ago, WMW awarded him with a great push, which legitimized him in the Main Event scene.

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Another tag team for SUW


Double Bogey

Tag Team Finisher: Tee off!! (More Bang for your buck)

Experience: 49

Members: "Eagle" Makuto/ "Birdie" Kasawa


Name: "Birdie" Kasawa

Age: 25(3 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Country: Japanese

Role: Active Wrestler

Style: Spot Monkey with low psychology

Tag Team Finisher: Tee off!! (More Bang for your buck)

Finisher: Hole in One (Over the shoulder back-to-belly piledriver) Appearance/Comparison in real life: Gedo with a polo shirt and a golf club


Bio: A japanese born wrestler plying his trade in the Isles, Kunuchi Kasawa forms the golfer tag team "Double Bogey" with his best friend Masamura Makuto. With breathtaking double team spots always on the offering, their tag matches are always a full blown spectacle. Kasawa is the more daredevil but lacks psychology or selling skills.



Name: "Eagle" Makuto

Age: 25(3 years pro)

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Country: Japanese

Role: Active Wrestler

Style: Spot Monkey with average psychology and good selling skills

Tag Team Finisher: Tee off!! (More Bang for your buck)

Finisher: Depth Charge (Sunset Flip)

Appearance/Comparison in real life: Jado with a polo shirt and a golf club


Bio: A japanese born wrestler plying his trade in the Isles, Masamura Makuto forms the golfer tag team "Double Bogey" with his best friend Kunuchi Kasawa. With breathtaking double team spots always on the offering, their tag matches are always a full blown spectacle. Makuto has good selling skills and decent psychology which is why SUW is big on him for a solo push.

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