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[DOTM] September 2015 Voting Thread

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Welcome to the new look "Diary of the Month" awards. This is the voting thread for the September 2015 awards.


The onus is now on you the reader to vote for a maximum of your favourite FIVE diaries from the last month in order to ensure that your favourites rank as highly as possible. The process is now more streamlined; this voting thread will stay open until the end of the month; and then the rankings will be revealed.


It's very simple, choose a maximum of five diaries and rank them. Provided they meet the basic criteria below, each diary will receive points based on your nomination and the total points will form the DOTM rankings at month-end.



  1. You can not vote for your own diary.
  2. The diary must be posted within the Total Extreme Wrestling 2013 Dynasties forum. (No other diaries will be considered eligible).
  3. The diary must have had two or more show posted within the current calendar month.
  4. Please give a reason for voting for at least your number one vote. Use any other reasoning or comments to promote the diaries you have voted for.
  5. Please vote using the full title of the diary as it appears in the thread listing. If it is not clear which diary you are voting for the vote may not count. (A direct link is not required)


You can vote for diaries using any mod or timeframe; as long as they meet the criteria above, your vote will count.


The DOTM voting process will last until the end of the month with a ranking posted during the first week of the following month. A main DOTM winner will be declared; with smaller awards given to the highest ranking diary from the following areas:

  • Real world
  • Cornellverse
  • Thunderverse
  • Other mod
  • New Writer (criteria yet to be determined)



1st = 5 points

2nd = 4 points

3rd = 3 points

4th = 2 points

5th = 1 point


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Voting closes at 00:00 GMT on October 1st 2015.


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For more information, please visit the main Diary of the Month thread.

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Assuming I'm doing this right.


1 - (Thunderverse Draft) Heart of Texas Rodeo Wrestling by Jaded


An enjoyable read from Jaded, nice and easy format and characters that aren't complex and easy to understand. Also Jesse Van Holt continually nodding to everything is a favourite of mine.


2 - PSW: Addicted To Pain by James Casey


Taking a pretty underwritten part of the Cornellverse, JC's made PSW seem pretty real from the bottom to the top, every character has a purpose and the booking is superb.


3 - NJPW Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie


Taking charge of my second favourite Japanese promotion, Moot is keeping well in line with how a promotion like NJPW should be booked but still keeping things a surprise. The main event of Invasion Attack is a cracking example of this.


4 - (ThunderVerse Draft) NAWF: The Redemption of Chase Paige by MJStark


Second of three DraftThunderverse diaries on my list, MJ's super old-school style of booking with NAWF is enjoyable to read and it's fascinating seeing what he's doing with his roster.


5 - (Thunderverse Draft) NEW: First New England, then THE WORLD!!


Last but certainly not least! Uncrewed is another simple format diary that means it's much easier to digest if I'm on the go, simple storylines and some fantastic heel characterization from Drake Richards makes this a must read for me!

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1. WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History! by michgcs


This is one of the longest running diaries on the board. It is very well written and michgcs might be the best writer of dialects I have ever read. It trips me out sometimes how he nails just how people speak.


2. WWF Attitude Era… Where YOU Decide by The Nickman.


Very well written and I love the concept of The Nickman allowing the readers to book the dairy.


3.PSW: Addicted To Pain by James Casey


I really like how James has short concise match write-ups that still manage to get across what needs to be gotten across.


4. Pacific Northwest Wrestling by Thunderwill


I hate the term old school but this is a very well written old school diary. It fits perfectly with the era and how can someone not love Al Madril's war against the kids?


5. ESE: Eternal suffering or just a quick painful crash? by Zergon


As always Zergon delivers yet another great diary.

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Must say, I like the new format.


1. WWF Attitude Era... Where YOU Decide by The Nickman


Nickman's got uniquity, an idea the forums have never seen before. On top of being an excellent diary, his is definitely, in my opinion, the best regular diary on the forums right now.


2: WCW 1994: Clash of the Titans by Darbicus


It may not be advanced design wise, but Darbicus knows how to write this era to a key.


3. NAWF: The Redemption of Chase Paige by MJStark


I've never posted in the thread, but boy I have enjoyed it. Great work by MJStark here. Brilliant comedy at the beginning as well.


4. WWE 2009: Undisputed by Frootloop


C'mon, he booked Jared The Subway Guy :p but seriously, he is a consistent writer who brings good stories to the table.


5. PSW: Addicted to Pain by James Casey


James Casey is a legend, and the way he presents this diary is marvelous. I also love to records/points system he has.

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Pacific Northwest Wrestling by Thunderwill

The Al Madril “war on children” is one of the most fun angles/storylines going on. Now that Doink is involved, it’s bound to even get bigger and better

WWF: The Golden Age...and beyond? One of those Hall of Fame threads that just keeps getting better all the time.


1983 USWA Goes Cult – Ron Wright and the Fuller Brothers capture the gold and are leading this territory to the top.


Territory Daze : WWWF Building an Empire -- rare look into the 70’s territory days and watching our future heros grow up (not to mention Bruno Sammartino and others near their prime)


Dr Pepper, whats the worst that could happen....wait / WCW arises from the ashes, and the legends of the old NWA make an appearance. It’s a newer diary but off to a good start

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1. Thunderwill's Pacific Northwest Wrestling

I've been a big fan of his work from the beginning, and this is probably his best month of overall storyline and match quality highlighted by the introduction of a new stable. Some of the best creative booking on the board.

2. James Casey's PSW: Addicted to Pain

James has done a great job in the last month with PSW, and he incorporated the "old-school" tropes of chants and signs into his diary, plus he has incorporated the "Supreme Stable" well.

3. MJStark's NAWF: The Redemption of Chase Paige

The diary is the best of the "Draftverse" so far, and the "backstage" segments have been enjoyable. I really like MJStark's unique approach to writing TV Shows.

4. MHero's (Thunderverse Draft) WORLD-1 International Wrestling

I like the roster run-down and the overall presentation -- a big fan of the "global alliance" and the NWA-Style "Promotion Wars" Match. Always love DG(?)-style stables in any promotion -- it adds another dimension to story lines.

5. Zergon's ESE: Eternal suffering or just a quick painful crash?

I love the Diary's premise, the "stable vs. stable" setup and detail given to game mechanics. The matches are well-written without going overboard with detail.

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1. WWF Attitude Era… Where YOU Decide by The Nickman takes the cake for me this month! His ability to react to the community votes is a rare talent in it's self and has me constantly engaged in his version of the Attitude Era


2. WWF: The Golden Age...and beyond? by The Final Countdown is an all time classic dynasty on this forum. Lately his build into Bashed in the USA has got my attention and I can't wait to see if The Hart Family can beat Marvelous Madness


3. A Different Kind Of Attitude by Jacknifed72 is a really great read! He has a very unorthadox way of telling the story by not just focusing on one company but giving a month by month summary of the top 5 american promotions. I'm enjoying every step of this ride and can't wait to see what is going to happen in 1998.


4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the WWE Universe by Captain 2. If WWE and Chikara got pregnant this dynasty is what the baby would look like. It's an over the top ride that will blow your mind!

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Well, unfortunately I seem to read not enough dynasties. The main issue probably is that I don't read those that already have a huge number of posts because of a lack of time to go through all shows that have been posted so far, and I just don't like to enter a dynasty that's already been running for quite a long time. I'd feel like I've missed something. Therefore, I only really have three votes to give, but I'll make sure to have more next month.


1. (Thunderverse Draft) WORLD-1 International Wrestling by MHero


The Japanese scene is new for me and I'm still having problems distinguishing all those names that sound so similar to me, but I really like the style of writing, the detailed matches (because they're done great) and the evolving storylines.


2. SWA: Ares takes the territories[T-Verse Platinum] by kanegan


Although it needed some time, the storylines in this dynasty are slowly evolving into something bigger and kanegan really makes an effort. It's enjoyable and I feel like it deserves a vote right here.


3. (Thunderverse Draft) NEW: First New England, then THE WORLD!! by Uncrewed


What I really like about this dynasty is that Uncrewed takes the feedback of his readers seriously and continues to improve his shows visually. It's clearly gotten better, and although the shows are very short, it's a nice variation compared to the more detailed dynasties in this area.

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Thanks Xendarii for the nod.


I will get mine now.


1. (Thunderverse Draft) WORLD-1 International Wrestling by MHero


I have always loved stable wars type promotion and so this one gets top nod for me this month.



2. (ThunderVerse Draft) NAWF: The Redemption of Chase Paige by MJStark


Another great presentation by MJ. With easy to write shows and good backstage segments, a very enjoyable read.



3. [C-Verse 97]DAVE: Children of the Revolution by arwink


I have been a big fan of arwink's HGC diary and this one continues his style as well. After a long time, i am reading a good DAVE diary and a fantastic tag division makes it all the more worthwhile.



This month I only have 3 diaries in mind.

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I'll try my hand in this. Already digging that we've got a wide variety of diaries within this new style.

1: WWF Attitude Era... Where You Decide

Very fun diary due to the interactivity, but Nickman does a better job of putting everyone's ideas together

2: WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

Consistently great stuff, and BigBad is still moving up in the wrestling world.


3: WWE: 2016- Kayfabe Kicks Out

Sweet graphics, nice writing, great rumble.


4: WCW: 1999 and Beyond

Nice start for Henderson, with a good look into the backstage Chaos he already has to deal with.


5: A Different Kind of Attitude

Admittedly, the craziness has kinda settled since the start of McMahon's RPW, but this is still a great alternative history of wrestling in the 90s.

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1) James Casey's "PSW: Addicted to Pain"- I think this is the best current C-Verse diary going and it happens to be a company that has gotten very little love from the writers of this community. JC's also implemented an actual rankings system based on wins and losses that I love. It doesn't feel out of place in the DaVE offshoot promotion one bit. A cracking read.



2) MJ Stark's "NAWF: Redemption of Chaise Paige"- A stacked roster and my own personal interest in the promotions that came out of the Thunderverse draft have my attention on this project which is really well done. In a lot of ways, I envy how streamlined the whole thing is. It gets everything across without any fatty edges. Love it.



3) MHero's "World-1"- I'm trying to read things (and watch things) that wouldn't normally after having my mind blown watching AAA for the last month or so and MHero's TVerse draft company and subsequent diary has given me an interest a Japanese wrestling I've never really had before. Going in and knowing little or nothing about it all and starting from the beginning is a great amount of fun. I'm enjoying it a lot.



4) Dragonmack's "NYCW-David Mack Chronicles" - I love the idea of a series and DMack's "David Mack" is a character we've all spent some considerable time with throughout his projects. Although I am terrible at predicting or commenting on the regular, when this pops up to the top of the list, I scarf it right down like a new chapter of my favorite serial has hit. I really like keeping up with characters I'm comfortable with.




5) Captain2's "Hitchhiker's Guide to The Universe"- I've been trying to read more real world stuff on here lately and this one was new and made me laugh. Sometimes that's all it takes to keep me reading. It's so absurd at points I can't help but love it. Check it out if you haven't. It'll give you a couple of chuckles.




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1. NJPW: Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie.

This game is just amazing, and Moot knows his NJPW very well. Everyone should read this if you know anything at all about the stars in New Japan.


2. WWE 2009: Undisputed by Frootloop.

As he said: it's been a damn good run given the whole diary started off of "I'm gonna try making Kofi champ".


3. WCW: 1999 and Beyond by Henderson.

I always love a good WCW diary, and especially one from a year you don't see as often like 99. There's a ton of potential there, if he can ever get his backstage under control!


4. WCW: The Quest for the Lost Glory by TheBigBad1013.

Always impressive but always seems to fall under the radar, hopefully this new voting format will give him the props he's needed.


5. WWF: The Golden Age...and Beyond by The Final Countdown.

If I could give a sixth nomination, it would have gone to Nickman's WWF. But TFC's continued awesomeness over the past month is nothing to sneeze at, and has to deserve at least a number five slot; next month I'll fit you in, Nick buddy! :)

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Holy crap guys, I appreciate the nods this early! Nothing I was expecting, I just was disappointed I stopped my dynasty when '13 came out and have wanted to kick one up since then. I don't get a lot of time to read a bunch of different dynasties, but I'll put in a list of those that have caught my eye;


1. WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

- Without a doubt the top on my list. BigBad has done a great job of building his own company while at the same time keeping the classic feel of WCW. His writing is simple and easy to follow and he has compelling, original stories. Something I only hope to emulate in my own. Truly underrated.


2. WCW '94: War of the Thrones

- Again, Beejus does a great job with WCW and going his own direction without going crazy unrealistic. I love that he keeps the cheesy parts from this time period. Dustin Rhodes as world champ is crazy, yet somehow works. And I love the WCW Hotline!


3. WWF: The Golden Age...and beyond?

- I've only been trying to catch up with this, which I think will take forever, but I love the time period and he's got one of the longest running dynasties.


4. WWF Attitude Era… Where YOU Decide

- I'm more of an old school guy, so unfortunately, most of the newer dynasties get looked over. This is a completely original concept and he does a great job of making it work. It keeps people holding on because you literally "never know what will happen in the WWF."


5. Dr Pepper, whats the worst that could happen....wait

- I'm also more of a WCW fan, if that isn't obvious. I'm in a single player game of this mod, so I like seeing what other people do compared to me. It's funny that just about everyone immediately gets Jerry Lawler as a commentator. I've just started on this dynasty, but it's good so far.

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1. (Thunderverse Draft) NEW: First New England, then THE WORLD!! - Uncrewed

Uncrewed made simple resumes of the matches and angles still look great and I'm really digging this T-Verse dynasty.


2. WWF Attitude Era… Where YOU Decide - The Nickman

This dynasty is a true statement of how the fans matter. Every decision made by the poeple who follow this makes absolute sense for the Attitude Era. Eat your heart out, Vince Russo!!


3. PSW: Addicted to Pain - James Casey

I wasn't very attracted by PSW, but Casey is making some great storylines there, with the Supreme Dream Team, the Acids reunion and all the backstage stories... PSW is great and I blame Eric Tyler


4. WWF: The Golden Age...and beyond? - The Final Countdown

Okay, that'sa no-brainer. But the fact that TFC still makes this dynasty at a really high quality is imrpessive.


5. The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW 2014- The Changing of the Guard - Dragonmack

Seeing D-Mack struggling with talent getting constantly snatched from him and old school wrestlers still trying to convince him that they still can wrestle makes this an entertaining read.

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1. WWF Attitude Era… Where YOU Decide by The Nickman is my favourite diary for a long time - possibly since Self's FCK. I love the way he gives readers so much choice over what's happening but still clearly has angles well-planned.


2. Monday Night Wars: The WCW Hollywood Era by scarletspeed7 is a really great read; I love Stallone's interactions with the rest of the roster and scarlet really nails the characters.


3. DAVE: Children of the Revolution by arwink was a diary I loved reading earlier this year; I'm thrilled that it's back. The backstage segments are outstanding and the shows are superb.


4. (Thunderverse Draft) WORLD-1 International Wrestling by MHero has really got me interested in the Japanese scene; the first diary to do that for quite some time. Excellent match write-ups!


5. SWA: Ares takes the territories[T-Verse Platinum] by kanegan is one that I've only just started reading, but have caught up with quickly. I haven't used the Thunderverse that much myself prior to the draft so a lot of character are pretty new to me; kanegan's doing a great job of establishing personalities for them.

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1. NJPW: Kings of Strong Style II by Mootinie

-Without my subscription to NJPWWorld, I don't know if I'd still be watching any current wrestling. Mootnie does a marvelous job at capturing the spirit and feel of New Japan while still putting his own spin on things.


2. Monday Night Wars: The WCW Hollywood Era by scarletspeed7

-This is still a pretty new one; not even two weeks old I believe, so if you're someone who is intimidated about jumping in to a long-running dynasty, feel free to check this one out. There have been a lot of mid-90's WCW diaries over the years, but scarletspeed's integration of his user character (Sylvester Stallone!) gives this one its own unique flavor.


3. WWE: The Longest-Running Weekly Episodic Cluster of Shows in TV History! by michgcs

-I don't believe anyone has better graphical presentation than mich. His hype images really suck you into the game world; the ones he's been doing for the Royal Rumble participants have been awesome. And the writing ain't bad either! :D


4. WCW '94: War of the Thrones by Beejus

-There are few dynasties that get me more excited for big shows than this one, and this month's Clash of the Champions delivered as usual.


Was going to include Anderz' JCP as my 5th choice, but I wasn't sure if anyone would object to that considering it's a companion to my own work.

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