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What's going on in your game?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Henderson" data-cite="Henderson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>WCW 1998 game and I'm now in May 1999.<p> </p><p> I have given Meng a good run with the US title, rewarding him for a phenomenal Tag title run as the Faces of Fear. His momentum and match ratings stayed consistent and I always wanted Meng to have a good run. How does he repay me? He signs with the WWF when his contract came up. I actually withdrew from negotiations. He was making around $8,000, during negotiations I went up to $19,000. WWF countered and offered him around $29,000 and I wasn't going to come close to that. I was planning on him dropping the title anyway at Slamboree to Raven and was going to put him back with the Barbarian, probably winning back the titles along the way, so I couldn't justify spending that much on him to stay in tag team. He's in decline anyway.</p><p> </p><p> I just retired the Cruiserweight title and ended the division. I was attempting to revitalize it. Had Rey win the title back and re-signed Juvi and was going to feud them. Juvi was still pissed from his prior firing and requested a release the week of the Spring Stampede where he was booked against Rey (and probably winning the title). I refused it and Juvi chose to sit out his contract. I then fired him. Instead I had a big multi-man match for the title where Rey retained. The next night on Nitro, I ran a nice angle where Bischoff (out of character) thanked the Cruiser alumni that I still have (Rey, Kidman, Psychosis, Malenko, Jericho) and announced the division was ending....But not before ending it like it began a few years ago, with Rey defending the title against Dean Malenko. Rey retained and the title was retired.</p><p> </p><p> Goldberg is champion and feuding with Sting, although they're still friends. They keep trying to have a match with each other but keep getting interrupted, so they've been spending more time aligning with one another than fighting. Spring Stampede showed everyone coming out of the woodwork requesting a title match, so Sting was left out of a multi-man title match where Goldberg retained. Sting attempted to issue a challenge to Goldberg the next night on Nitro for the next PPV, Slamboree, but Scott Steiner interrupted and said he's never gotten his singles rematch for the title, and was inacting it for Slamboree. So once again, Sting has to wait for a title match. That will come at the Great American Bash, but there's going to be a big surprise for Sting after that match.</p><p> </p><p> Chris Jericho is in the midst of a huge feud against Hollywood Hogan. Jericho and Hogan have been going back and forth with Hogan making his best attempts to avoid Jericho. Following this feud, I will transition into the beginning of a long Bret Hart/Hollywood Hogan feud. My plan for Jericho is to move into a world title program, but I'm getting pretty nervous. Jericho's contract is up and I'm battling the WWF for him. We both have maxed out our offers at a little more than $77,000 and he is seriously considering both contracts. I can't afford to lose Jericho, as I had already lost Eddie Guerrero at the beginning of the game when he walked out. The WWF picked him up and he's been doing jack-all since. I wish the AI would take into account what prior signees have been doing in promotions, because everyone the WWF has picked up, especially ones taken from me, has done absolutely nothing. If Jericho goes there, he'll sit and not even be used, and I'll be out one less future star. If Jericho signs with me, he'll be making even more than Hogan. I guess at that point I'd have to make him my Figurehead.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm now in October 1999 just off the heels of Fall Brawl and my first Nitro of October. To recap a bit, I won the bidding war for Jericho and Sting beat Goldberg for the title at the Great American Bash. His celebration was abruptly cut short though when Rick Rude attacked Sting after the match and announced he was returning for one reason and one reason only; to get revenge on Sting for trying to end his career 5 years ago.</p><p> </p><p> This does a few things for me; Mainly I've read reports that Rude was trying to return to the ring at the time of his death. This isn't too far fetched. Toward the end of his WCW run, he had put on a lot of muscle mass. He was wanting to return, supposedly, to the WWF and was trying to find a way to deal with his medical/disability stuff through Llyods of London in order to return to active competition. Second; I wanted to give him a good run with the world title. Third; I've had a plan for the last few in-game months to resurrect the careers of once great guys and I wanted to start with Rude.</p><p> </p><p> I've also been doing this with Vader, who I signed to an exclusive deal. He had a rough going in the WWF and I wanted him to return to his monster roots he previously had in WCW. I've also been doing that with Luger. It's working quite well. I wanted to do the same with Sid and Ron Simmons, but I haven't been able to get them signed.</p><p> </p><p> So Rude returned and shockingly defeated Sting for the World title at Road Wild. I really wanted to put the title on Rude but didn't figure Sting ever would have been ok with the loss. Sting was always holding an A popularity and Rude started back with a C+. I furiously tried to raise it in time for a match and was only able to get it to a B. Sting actually took the loss without complaint. The original plan was for Rude to hold the title a short time and drop it back to Sting. Things changed though due to a combination of things...I don't like short title reigns, I want to give Rude a proper send off if he retires again, and it didn't work for how I wanted the next champion crowned.</p><p> </p><p> On the other end of things, the Hart/Hogan feud kicked off very slowly and I worked my way into full-on distrust. It started with little segments here and there building tension between the two, as they were both heels. Things would happen to cause Hart to question Hogan and Hogan would try to sell to everyone that there were no problems between them. It eventually led to Hart turning on Hogan. Hart formally challenged Hogan to a match. I tossed up who to turn face and decided I needed to keep Hogan a heel for a while longer, one because it fit better into other plans. So their match is signed for Starrcade.</p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile....</p><p> </p><p> We're heading into Fall Brawl and Rick Rude in his battle with Sting has reformed the Dangerous Alliance, consisting of Rick Rude, Vader, Scott Steiner, and Diamond Dallas Page. Sting appears outnumbered until he forms his team for War Games; Sting, Goldberg, Lex Luger, and Chris Jericho.</p><p> </p><p> With War Games set, Bret Hart says he has a partner and challenges Hogan to find a partner of his own for Fall Brawl. Two weeks before Fall Brawl, Hogan kicks off Nitro and says he's ready to finally face Hart in the ring and calls him out. Hart comes out, but not alone. With him is...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Ultimate Warrior! Everyone is shocked though when Warrior sides, not with the Hitman, but with Hogan! As Hart talks, Warrior blasts him with a clothesline from behind. Hogan and Warrior then give Hart a beating he's never received before.</p><p> </p><p> Fall Brawl finally arrives and Hogan/Warrior defeat Hart and his new partner, the British Bulldog, after he stepped up and offered to team with Hart. Team Sting went on to beat the Dangerous Alliance in War Games.</p><p> </p><p> The following night on Nitro, Hart challenges Rude to a title match. This brings out Sting, Hogan, and Goldberg; all who also want a title match. Bischoff says the only way to settle it is to put them all in the ring. Later that night though, Vader takes out Goldberg, leaving it a 4 way dance. Bret Hart ended up walking away with the title and finally capturing the gold. This came long past the time in the game where I wanted Hart to win the title, but I got too caught up in things in 1998 and the first part of 1999. So Hart ends up winning the belt just shy of when he actually won it in WCW. This now means that Hogan/Hart will take place for the title at Starrcade 1999.</p><p> </p><p> I'd like to think my alternate WCW is heading into the new millennium in a much better way than in reality. I continue to be the #1 company and beat the WWF on a weekly basis. On a positive side for them, Austin became the 2-time champion, winning the belt after Triple H had to vacate it due to tearing his ACL and being out 6 months.</p>
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In my game, Montreal Aftermath, I'm in the year 2000. I've just finished Backlash. I have purchased ECW and started a brand split with them as my second brand. After beating WCW in the National Battle for 18 months consecutively, they have just taken over me in the rankings and have beaten me two months running. Unlike my 18 month run, though, their victories have actually penalised my wrestlers....
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<p>Well, i'm about 3 weeks away from Starrcade 2002 now and a lot has happened in my WCW game. I won't break down all the PPV's that i've done, a lot of the storylines have been stopgaps and all leading into the big show at the end of the year. here are some things that have happened in the game in the past 2-3 months.</p><p> </p><p>

WCW rose to national level in October but then we quickly fell to cult within a week because of the wrestling industry in the US (an oversight on my part, i should've capped our size at cult until the industry went on the upturn). This was in part due to the culmination of RVD Vs Kanyon receiving a 99 rating.</p><p> </p><p>

Bill Goldberg made a triumphant return to WCW, beat Kanyon and turned his attention to Cena. Both men scored 1 win each when they both entered the WCW title picture at Mayhem 2002. Along with Ken Shamrock, all 3 fell to RVD, Shamrock ate the pin and Goldberg moved out of the picture with Shamrock, leaving the big 1v1 showdown for the WCW Title at Starrcade being Cena Vs RVD. I still haven't decided whether i want to end RVD's year long title reign here, meaning a heel will win in the main event, or if I want RVD to retain again, or if Cena wins and theres a double turn (seeds have been planted throughout the past few months, RVD becoming more cocky, Cena's gimmick is very popular and could turn at any moment etc). </p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan has been kept away from the title scene, feuding with Shamrock, Jarrett and Cena since his return. Scott Steiner attacked him in the Nitro after Mayhem, setting both guys up for a big time match at Starrcade. Hogan unfortunately doesn't really put on great matches now, but his overness and Star Quality is important to us. I don't want him or his creative control near the WCW title.</p><p> </p><p>

Sting is yet to return from rehab and won't make Starrcade. </p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society are doing extremely well. Everyone is getting over, including Punk who is just lower than main event autopush popularity. He just lost his US title to Booker T, who has seen his main event position slip with Goldberg and Hogan returning. He did put himself right back into contention however with a change in body shape, sending his SQ up to 93 from 81. He will receive a push back into the high 80's pop from the high 70's he's sitting at now as a result. (I honestly love that wrestlers can change their body type in this game and become massively valuable again due to their hard work getting in shape and vise versa, it has really changed my plans!) Not sure how long Joe, Steen and Castagnoli will stay attached to Punk, Joe is especially over now, not too far behind Punk with around 60 pop US wide. Both men are on the Next Big Thing list so possibly a big time feud sometime soon, but I don't envision either of them as babyfaces for a while so they'll probably dominate for another year. Joe will be facing Goldust and Punk will face Booker in a rematch for the US title at Starrcade.</p><p> </p><p>

Kanyon, Rey Misterio, Jeff Jarrett and Goldust are all extremely valuable upper midcard-main event talents, as they are possibly the best workers in the company. All of them have 90+ basics and high 80's psych, putting on golden matches with anyone they work with. Kanyon will get a WCW title run at some point, I just didn't want to hotshot the belt from him back to RVD in time for the Cena-RVD match i so wanted to build to for Starrcade 2002. 2003 might be his year depending on how Cena's eventual first reign does. </p><p> </p><p>

Diamond Dallas Page, Ric Flair and BamBam Bigelow are all in serious time decline, their time on the roster limited. BamBam is tagging with Jamie Noble so he might stay for a while, Flair's 100 basics and Psych have been real handy when jobbing him out to others (the list above all benefitted in one way or another from Flair), DDP put Misterio over to the next level recently, and is actually in a number 1 contender for the WCW title match with Shamrock and Goldberg at Starrcade, but it will be his last major match I think. </p><p> </p><p>

Looking to get AJ Styles, Chris Hero and Great Khali (yes, really) over post-Starrcade. AJ has done a whole lot of nothing really and I feel bad about that so I'll try put some time into him. Hero recently wanted out of my Dev fed, so he will be given a shot too. Khali has the potential to be better than in real life i feel, and I don't really have a giant like him, so he's squashing locals while Bob Orton manages him right now. He needs a storyline soon though.</p>

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<p>Well 2002 is done and dusted, and with it Starrcade 2002 on new years eve. The show did well, not as well as I hoped (particularly the main event but I'll get to that) but it did do well from a financial and popularity growth perspective. Its a pretty big card so I'll try to keep it as brief as possible. As always faces will be first and winners bolded.</p><p> </p><p>

Shane Helms © Vs Chris Hero Vs <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> Vs Christopher Daniels for the WCW Television Title. Something I forgot to mention in my last post was that I bought back the TV title. After getting rid of the cruiserweight division I felt like I was missing that 4th title so I opted to bring that back in November 2002. Helms won the tournament, beating an impressive Daniels in the final. Helms knocked out Douglas in the semi-finals and both heels didn't give up so easily, becoming increasingly bitter about Helms. Hero debuted on the Nitro after Mayhem and looked to stake his claim to the TV title, but came up short against Daniels thanks to a dirty pin. This set the scene for the fatal four way. I personally think the belt is too low for Helms, who i want to be working at a slightly higher level. He's been lost in the shuffle since losing his US title to CM Punk back in the summer of '02. Douglas is going to hold the belt for now, as I try to build up Hero and Daniels in their own feud, Douglas will probably feud with someone else. Rating 73.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldust </strong>Vs Samoa Joe. Since re-debuting as Goldust (I personally couldn't see Dustin Rhodes as anything else, decided to give him the weird gimmick again), he has been feuding with Straight Edge Society. SES have been targeting him and Booker for both having a history with drugs. Punk has been cutting scathing promos on them, questioning why they both got so many chances. Goldust took issue with Joe in particular, who seemed to take a sick pleasure in beating him down. With Punk and Booker locked in the steel cage, Joe accepted the challenge at dealing with Goldust once and for all. Joe did face off with Goldust at Mayhem and was victorious thanks to Steen and Castagnoli, but this time Goldust managed to roll up Joe for the win. Think this feud will continue into the new year. Rating 82.</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair Vs <strong>Kanyon</strong>. In the surprisingly best match of the night, Kanyon finally put Flair out, winning again and possibly ending Flair's career. While there was no official retirement stipulation, Flair had been talking about what a loss here would mean to him in the lead up, telling the fans he may not be able to continue at this level anymore. He lost in a fantastic match for someone who is 16 years into a decline, which is why this was so low down the card, despite Kanyon being possibly the best main event worker in the company. Kanyon will go onto feud with new singles star Konnan (Bill Demott asked for his release and got it), while Flair will possibly move into managing, but I will probably put him on vacation after some angle at Nitro. Rating 91.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Air Raid</strong> Vs Noble & Bigelow Vs Palumbo & O'Haire© in a ladder match for the WCW Tag Team Titles. In the culmination of a few months of feuding, the three teams finally faced off in a ladder match for the belts. I envisioned this as a TLC match but Bam Bam is to broken down to work that high risk of a match to it was switched. I put the belts on Styles and Paris because i think they both have a good future ahead of them. Palumbo & O'haire not so much, they just float around as a tag team to use when i need to. Rating 73.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio</strong> Vs Jeff Jarrett. What started out as a "friendly" challenge by Jeff to Rey quickly became heated. Jarrett was 'impressed' by Misterio's victories over DDP, and wanted to test himself against Rey. The fans weren't buying it and were quickly vindicated when Jeff cheated and low blowed Rey for a victory at Mayhem. Misterio has been constantly hassling him for a rematch since, desperate to prove he can hang with the main eventers like Jarrett. He got his match from Bischoff as well as the victory. I had to protect Jarrett into taking the pin so I didn't put this on too late, but it did well, and hopefully Misterio can push on. Rating 80.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> Vs Scott Steiner. In what I saw as the halfway point of the show, Hogan pinned Steiner in a better than expected match. Steiner returned to WCW just after Mayhem after being in rehab. He ruthlessly attacked Hogan, resuming the rivalry that was in progress before his departure. He cut promos in the build up claiming that Hogan shouldn't be in the new WCW because he almost killed the company the first time. Hogan told the fans he has changed, he is just back to good old red and yellow Hogan, and regrets his first run in WCW. Hogan picked up the win here, as he's vital to our national battle score if we rise to national again. Steiner is also, but he will get his popularity back at some point. Rating 87.</p><p> </p><p>

Chavo Guerrero Vs <strong>Giant Singh</strong>. Used as a cooldown match, Chavo was felled by the massive mountain known as Giant Singh (Great Khali). Just trying to get him over enough, but also putting him with some decent workers in the hopes he's better than in WWE. Rating 51.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bill Goldberg</strong> Vs Diamond Dallas Page Vs Ken Shamrock for the number 1 contender spot to the WCW title. In a match based more on opportunity than rivalries, Goldberg has cemented himself as the next number 1 contender. There is some real life heat between Goldberg and Shamrock as Goldberg caused Shamrock an injury in a botched move on Nitro a month ago. This has led to some tension but seems to have bought out the best in both men. DDP weighed down the match due to his advancing time decline so it hurt the rating some. He probably won't ever work at this level again. Rating 77.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Booker T</strong> © Vs CM Punk for the WCW United States Title in a steel cage match. Booker beat CM Punk for the title at Mayhem, but Punk demanded his rematch for the belt to be at Starrcade, so he can show the stupid fans in Atlanta exactly what he's made of. As i explained before with Goldust and Samoa Joe, this feud has been around Booker's steroid use in the past. Punk questioned why Booker was given another chance, as well as how Booker has become some ripped recently. Booker however is 100% clean and motivated to beat down SES and shut Punk up once and for all. He lobbied Bischoff for a cage match and got his wishes, much to Punk's dismay. (planting the seeds for any eventual anti-authority Punk run.) Match delivered quite nicely, Booker holds onto the US Title as Punk took a crazy bump off the top of the cage into the ring, allowing Booker to escape. Rating 90.</p><p> </p><p>

Rob Van Dam © Vs <strong>John Cena</strong> for the WCW Title. In the most hyped (and disappointing) match of the year, Cena defeated RVD in the main event to capture the WCW title. In what had been months of tension, build up and avoidance of a 1v1 match, they two finally faced off. I knew that psych was going to be an issue here, so I went ahead and scripted the match, expecting it to offset the issue, but it wasn't enough. The two even had good chemistry and that wasn't enough either. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't terrible but I honestly was hoping for a high 90's match here. The build was Cena essentially calling out RVD for ducking and dodging him all year. RVD claimed Cena just didn't get the wins at the right time to get the number 1 contender spot, and that he was ready for him whenever he wants to fight. Finally, the stars aligned and Cena defeated RVD. He now has Goldberg waiting in the wings already, while RVD may not be finished with him either, as he still has a rematch clause to use. Rating 82</p>

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Man, I gave the entire world to Jack DeColt in this CV97 game.


Nearing Total Mayhem V, I have Jack DeColt and Alex DeColt, whom I poached from HGC for 30k team up. They're going to betray Champagne Lover and admit they took out Bruce because he was in the way for their plans. Cue a family stable, and a nice starter run with the tag titles. A title run that would end a year long reign from Savage Fury (Java and Tribal Warrior.)


What happens? Alex is an absolute dick, for one. Jack has been out for almost 2 years in rehab trying to fix his painkiller abuse. He finally returns and I get no road agent notes so I assume everything is peachy. At the very last show before the PPV before Total Mayhem he gets popped for abuse. Really? My storyline is hot and the biggest one I'm running right now. I can't just drop Jack out. But this is just upsetting.


Going to continue with my plans and once this storyline blows over I'm jobbing Jack out for a bit as punishment, unless he hits Jack Bruce levels of popularity.

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I started yet another save. I'll get fully invested in this one, I swear.


Anyways, it's 1987 and Ric Flair got the book for JCP so that he won't quit, which is a pretty decent backstory. I really didn't want to use Dusty as UC.


First thing I did? Of course, go for Pop=Perf. Then I locked up everyone to Written deals. Then I cheated a lot with the editor. Fight me(but really, WWF drawing 17,000 people to B-shows is too much. I booked 'Mania for them and there were Seventy Eight tho---uhh, I mean, 93,000 hulkamaniacs there brother![in-game number was 78000 and something, even though I accidentaly made then Cult. Whoopsie])


Anyways, I just booked the third non-TV(well, sort of) card of the game, a generic "Supercard" live on TBS!


Meanwhile, WWF has changed to 12 PPVs a month and drove every 1987 insider crazy. They had their supercard a few days before mine with Hogan-Andre on top.


Here's the important stuff:






Yamada[Liger] has Don King as a manager because he can't talk shit and doesn't speak english(yet). Rotundo got King because Yamada broke his arm in Europe(but, in kayfabe, it was Muta who broke his arm in a TV match), so he subbed in for a while. I'm having Muta go undefeated and his feud with Yamada ends next month. After this, Yamada and Rotundo will become a Tag while Muta beats some jobbers and whoever gives me trouble backstage(Tip:It starts with "Adrian" and ends with "Adonis")


Also, I brought Gillette over from the UK to manage Muta so that he can be the silent mysterious Bad Ass.


Anyways, my feuds:


- Literally the entire Women's Division fighting eachother for supremacy!


- Barry Whindham and Ron Garvin fighting the Brainbusters for the US Tag Titles!


- The Funk Brothers fighting The Midnight Express because Jim Cornette is annoying!


- Manny Fernandez and Hector Guerrero fighting the Paul Jones army due to their constant attacks!(Manny became a Face by turning on Paul to save Hector and reform their tag team with a totally not generic name)


- The Miracle Violence Connection fighting The Road Warriors to decide which team can endure more "Wild Brawls" without getting injured!


- Dusty Rhodes fighting Lex Luger to put him over!


- Ric Flair fighting Nikita Koloff for the US and World titles!


By the way I kindly but Koloff over the last time, so of course this feud will drag 'till Starrcade where Flair wins both titles and has a big coronation moment.


Also, I went in the editor and gave back all NWA titles but the US and US Tag.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CYBER_C-J" data-cite="CYBER_C-J" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Dream Match</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It has Starrcade 2003 rematch for the WCW title all over it! But seriously, I hope Singh has a decent SQ because then I will actually use him even if he can't work.</p>
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<p>Something really strange happened to my gaming experience recently.....</p><p> </p><p>

I am playing as my own British company (April 2017 data) and had been running a story of an "American invasion" with Cody Rhodes, John Hennighan, Chris Jericho and The Rock. It came to a head in my January 2020 PPV "Battle of Britain". I ran the PPV and the British workers won the feud with a tag match. I also had various other matches on the card, and it fiished quite strong for a Cult Fed (Mid 70's if IRC).</p><p> </p><p>

Afterwards, despite finally getting the end of the feud which I was looking forward to (as I can now get rid of the USA workers and bring up a couple of developement guys), I felt really flat. Like it was the end of an era, and I really felt the landscape of my fed had changed massively. There were a few changes to my auto-push, changes I actually WANTED to see for a long time, with 2 particular workers being pushed into the main event, but it didn't give me the satisfaction I thought it would. My Primary Title had lost prestige, so much so that my secondary title was wiping the floor with it.</p><p>

I actually contemplated giving up on the save. I figured the poor prestige was due to poor matches, due to my champion being on time decline and just couldn't cut it anymore. I had planned to takr the belt off him soon anyway (Tyson T-Bone) and put it on Barri Griffiths (one of the guys who had just got into the min event. But he himself is getting on a bit at 38, so I decided to put it on Chris Renfrew. Something I refused to do all the way through the save. I just wanted him to be a top star who never had a run with the belt (ala Jack Roberts). But, being ever so adaptable, I thought it was "best for business". By the time my February PPV came round, Renfrew was the new champ. On my March PPV "Celtic Clash", he'd got the prestige back up into the 80's, however, something else weird happened. I messed up with my secondary title (The Inter-City Championship). The holder (Zack Sabre) was meant to retain, but I must have forgottan to pick a winner and Joseph Conners beat him to take the belt back and win it for a second time.</p><p> </p><p>

I usually hate making these mistakes so much, I switch off and start a new save, but it actually made me feel good. It was like the game had sent me a lifeline, gave me something to deal with that was unexpected, now I have the joy of having to think about something. Do I keep the belt on Conners for a while, or shall I have Sabre win it back quickly? Shall I have someone else entirely have a run with it?</p><p> </p><p>

Anyone else have these ups and downs? Do you stick with it? Do you switch off?</p><p> </p><p>

I've decided that no matter what happens, I'm going to keep at it from now on. I've lost count of how many times I've started this save with various different updates. I'm going to follow this through as long as I can.</p>

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<p>Short update in my WCW 2003 game. Just after Starrcade another round of comprehensive drug testing occurred. This resulted in RVD, Kanyon, Mike Awesome, Scott Steiner, Chuck Palumbo and Bambam Bigelow all being suspended. Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell were fired after one too many mishaps, as well as being completely expendable. </p><p> </p><p>

Currently in the Nitro after Sin. Cena retained against Goldberg in a solid match. Had to use the scripted note again and the match was penalised for a lack of selling but it went well, getting an 86. </p><p> </p><p>

Hogan didn't even make the card, being somewhat isolated on the card because of the suspensions to main event heels. I have now inserted him into the Misterio Vs Straight Edge Society storyline, where I see a potential singles match between Hogan and Punk. Punk has been doing well, him and Rey got an 86 in their match at Sin so the feud will continue.</p><p> </p><p>

Konnan and Jeff Jarrett have been working a feud, Konnan is now working as a main event singles babyface after Hugh Morrus asked for his release a while back, and yeah the match did very well at Sin, scoring an 89. Jeff basically doesn't think Konnan has what it takes without a tag team partner to have his back, and Konnan is out to prove him wrong. If the next match does well, Konnan will probably get to work the next program with Cena (and lose of course, but I think it's an honour to be the next guy after Goldberg to work with the champ!)</p><p> </p><p>

Booker T and Ken Shamrock are feuding for the US title. I don't envision Booker holding the title forever, I really want him back up the card now his SQ is decently high. I think Booker will replace RVD as the number 3 babyface behind Goldberg and Hogan. Better known as the babyface who can work! RVD will drop down the card a bit after his year long title reign, as a bit of punishment for all the times he popped for pot when he was WCW champ and I couldn't afford to suspend him.</p>

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<p>Trying once again Hulkamania Extreme Edition II, this time playing as Tod Gordon in Steel City Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm doing well with the feuds, however i need to find a way to avoid losing more money and to make things, companies like NWA-NJ & ECWA declared war on me (maybe because i'm reaching 2nd or 1st for the regional battles). Also, i need to rise at least in 4 regions so i can get a contract with Request TV.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Henderson" data-cite="Henderson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> The following night on Nitro, Hart challenges Rude to a title match. This brings out Sting, Hogan, and Goldberg; all who also want a title match. Bischoff says the only way to settle it is to put them all in the ring. Later that night though, Vader takes out Goldberg, leaving it a 4 way dance. Bret Hart ended up walking away with the title and finally capturing the gold. This came long past the time in the game where I wanted Hart to win the title, but I got too caught up in things in 1998 and the first part of 1999. So Hart ends up winning the belt just shy of when he actually won it in WCW. This now means that Hogan/Hart will take place for the title at Starrcade 1999.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> wait you put a fatal four way won with those guys for <em><strong>THE</strong></em> world title on Nitro and had it change hands....... wow that's WCW booking right there lol</p>
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<p>Some more Rasslin' for ya.</p><p> </p><p>

I cheated a bit to lower the gap between us and WWF altought they will make it to National in about a week when they recover. They mocked us during a TV taping so I put some plants at their "A" show which I added myself for immersion. If it wasn't for the cap I put there they'd probably jump straight to international. Whoopsie.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyways, fast forward a few months from the previous show and here's the September Supercard. My next PPV is Starrcade so October and November's Supercards will also be filled with tag matches.</p><p> </p><p>

I did a switcheroo with the Tag Team feuds so now it's Brainbusters vs. Road Warriors, Miracle Violence Connection vs. Funks and Express vs. Express. Also, Rick Martel and Rick Rude are feuding aswell as Roddy Piper and Larry Zbyszko. I put Piper as the owner of PNW when Don Owen retired and put him on PPA to get him. His deal says he only wrestles on Events. </p><p> </p><p>

Muta and Adonis started their feud and Muta is winning all the time. He'll pick three more big singles wins and the feud ends in Starrcade. The only problem is that Adonis will then classifiy as hugely overpaid, and I got him for 10 years. He no longer complains about jobbing so either I buried him or made Muta over. </p><p> </p><p>

Also, Flair was the "guest referee"(took out Hebner and in kayfabe since the show was ending there wasn't time to put another ref there) a Koloff vs. Koloff US title match on a World Championship Wrestling taping and screwed Nikita out of it. He was one month short of having a year-long reign. He regained the title next week with Flair also as referee(because, apparently, NWA rules says official title rematches must have the same people involved - including the referee!)</p><p> </p><p>

Flair was knocked out during the match allowing Hebner to give Nikita his big win. He was still pissed about jobbing in the first place. Selfish jerk, I made him over!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Anyways, here's the important stuff from the last supercard:</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="5Kahbcl.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5Kahbcl.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="4iZUWuY.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4iZUWuY.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>WCW 2003 has been explosive to say the least. We've come in hard at the start of the year and gone national again (industry is on the upturn and we're well clear of the importance needed) and its neck and neck again between us and WWF. I'm going to be about 5 points behind because Cena defeated Goldberg and RVD in a triple threat at Superbrawl and Goldberg's pop went down. We were actually beating WWF in score just before our rise. </p><p> </p><p>

The biggest storyline in the company has undoubtedly been the rise of Straight Edge Society. They have run rampant over the roster this year, but are facing their biggest foes yet; the team of Hulk Hogan and Sting. Along with Rey Misterio, whose had the longest history fighting the faction and was at one point fighting all four members alone, the three men took on three members of SES which ended up being Punk, Steen and Samoa Joe, in a 3v3 at Superbrawl. Punk shockingly managed to pick up the victory, pinning Rey while Hogan and Sting were distracted outside. Punk has promised his followers unlimited power once they topple Sting and Hogan for good. Things have taken a bad turn for them the following Nitro though, with Rey, Sting and Hogan revealing a fourth partner to finally even the score... Goldberg! Fresh off his WCW title match loss, Goldberg has been talked into fighting for WCW's babyface group (I don't have a name for the alliance, anyone want to suggest one?) by Sting, Sting claiming that WCW needs his help now more than ever. This will lead to a 4v4 elimination match and possibly a War Games for their careers at the feud's end. I eventually want this to lead to either a Sting heel turn or a Hogan heel turn. Sting can turn at any time so thats good, plus it would be something hugely unexpected. It would also set up a great Goldberg-Sting rivalry. Hogan can't turn yet because of how recently he debuted (less than a year ago) but from a character/personality standpoint I think he would be great turning on the babyfaces and joining SES! It would be just like NWO all over again, and i've been having him cut promos referencing how he's changed etc. It would have mega heat. I can even use Hogan joining as the reason for Punk or Joe leaving (either Punk for being replaced as leader or Joe for being pushed out as the right hand man). So I don't know what to do because there's compelling reasons for both, but I'm loving the fact I have options and a hot story that doesn't involve the WCW title. Any suggestions on which way to go?</p><p> </p><p>

Real quick on the WCW title, Cena defeated RVD and Goldberg at Superbrawl so that has ended the rivalry there. RVD can come back at any moment because he never got a 1v1 rematch so I feel like that can be used whenever. Right now however I want to give Cena a good run and some opponents who are a threat to his title, but can work and probably won't complain about losing (Hogan, Goldberg; looking at you). So Konnan, finally proving he can win the big singles matches in his feud with Jeff Jarrett, is now the number 1 contender. Its an almost underdog type story, and I envision a mega heel Cena laughing off Konnan's chances before he gets anywhere near him. </p><p> </p><p>

RVD is feuding with Scott Steiner, over who deserves the next title match after Konnan, but i'm looking for some inspiration on how to make it more personal to keep them both away from the title scene for now.</p>

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<p>Weird. Playing my main save (A 1987 mod that's now in October of 1990) and All Japan has let Akira Taue walk.</p><p> </p><p>

I have no idea why. It might be a money issue but he's only an opener and he's only 29. How much money could he possibly be asking? This is really odd.It's going to be weird if Taue goes to New Japan and becomes like the new Fourth Musketeer or something.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey guys. I asked this last week in the Booking Committee thread, but it got overlooked, so I thought I'd try here.<p> </p><p> Other than the ceremonial burning of the attire, how do you guys go about removing a gimmick such as Goldust or Flash Funk?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Have them written off, via injury, retirement, or being fired and just have them return with out the makeup/gimmick as a new person.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="soxfan93" data-cite="soxfan93" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey guys. I asked this last week in the Booking Committee thread, but it got overlooked, so I thought I'd try here.<p> </p><p> Other than the ceremonial burning of the attire, how do you guys go about removing a gimmick such as Goldust or Flash Funk?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Series of vignettes to launch the new character - think Triple H's interviews when he became The Game. </p><p> </p><p> Forced change - think someone targets them and basically forces them to stop using the gimmick in some way. Whether something "super-naturally" or even just a stipulation match. </p><p> </p><p> Series of vignettes or interviews about the person behind the gimmick, allowing them to come out from behind. </p><p> </p><p> Serious heel turn, abandoning what was fun and interesting about them.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WWE 2001-2005 game</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>


<img alt="KdLVTRe.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KdLVTRe.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>


<img alt="s4SVrqH.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/s4SVrqH.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>


<img alt="tcoKzLm.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tcoKzLm.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>


<img alt="ngeX5gC.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ngeX5gC.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>


<img alt="ZRp49sw.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZRp49sw.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Grfcboy95" data-cite="Grfcboy95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> The biggest storyline in the company has undoubtedly been the rise of Straight Edge Society. They have run rampant over the roster this year, but are facing their biggest foes yet; the team of Hulk Hogan and Sting. Along with Rey Misterio, whose had the longest history fighting the faction and was at one point fighting all four members alone, the three men took on three members of SES which ended up being Punk, Steen and Samoa Joe, in a 3v3 at Superbrawl. Punk shockingly managed to pick up the victory, pinning Rey while Hogan and Sting were distracted outside. Punk has promised his followers unlimited power once they topple Sting and Hogan for good. Things have taken a bad turn for them the following Nitro though, with Rey, Sting and Hogan revealing a fourth partner to finally even the score... Goldberg! Fresh off his WCW title match loss, Goldberg has been talked into fighting for WCW's babyface group (I don't have a name for the alliance, anyone want to suggest one?) by Sting, Sting claiming that WCW needs his help now more than ever. This will lead to a 4v4 elimination match and possibly a War Games for their careers at the feud's end. I eventually want this to lead to either a Sting heel turn or a Hogan heel turn. Sting can turn at any time so thats good, plus it would be something hugely unexpected. It would also set up a great Goldberg-Sting rivalry. Hogan can't turn yet because of how recently he debuted (less than a year ago) but from a character/personality standpoint I think he would be great turning on the babyfaces and joining SES! It would be just like NWO all over again, and i've been having him cut promos referencing how he's changed etc. It would have mega heat. I can even use Hogan joining as the reason for Punk or Joe leaving (either Punk for being replaced as leader or Joe for being pushed out as the right hand man). So I don't know what to do because there's compelling reasons for both, but I'm loving the fact I have options and a hot story that doesn't involve the WCW title. Any suggestions on which way to go?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Seems like you have a good game going here and the feud seems pretty good....If however it was me, the person id turn is GOLDBERG. Hes younger so would make sense to join the straight edge to possibly rid the WCW of the oldies.....also picture the scene, 4v4 the match is nearing the end with the faces looking at winning, Rey is getting ready to do a 619 on punk and BOOM Goldberg wipes him out with a spear as he turns to run to the ropes, Hogan and sting look shocked and BOOM Hogan gets speared, Sting goes to fight Goldberg but the odds are against him punk hits the GTS and gets the win and him and Goldberg stand in the centre of the ring arms aloft with the other two members looking at the broken and fallen "heroes"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> RVD is feuding with Scott Steiner, over who deserves the next title match after Konnan, but i'm looking for some inspiration on how to make it more personal to keep them both away from the title scene for now.</p></div></blockquote><p> With regards to this one any chance of bringing in Rick Steiner? somehow using him? maybe have RVD snap in a match and batter Scott with a chair, you know finshers the whole works, rick comes out to stop him and talk sense into him, following show scott wants to thank rick but actually turns on him for interfering in his business and that he don't need no stinking help to take care of RVD? something like that. maybe even then get Buff involved?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The_Monk" data-cite="The_Monk" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Seems like you have a good game going here and the feud seems pretty good....If however it was me, the person id turn is GOLDBERG. Hes younger so would make sense to join the straight edge to possibly rid the WCW of the oldies.....also picture the scene, 4v4 the match is nearing the end with the faces looking at winning, Rey is getting ready to do a 619 on punk and BOOM Goldberg wipes him out with a spear as he turns to run to the ropes, Hogan and sting look shocked and BOOM Hogan gets speared, Sting goes to fight Goldberg but the odds are against him punk hits the GTS and gets the win and him and Goldberg stand in the centre of the ring arms aloft with the other two members looking at the broken and fallen "heroes"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like the idea of turning Goldberg now you've put that idea into my head... And it actually makes more sense to me with the aqe thing coming into play. I may go ahead and do this. The only problem would be Goldberg has only debuted fairly recently too, so I would have to keep this feud going a fair while. Hopefully I can turn him by the time it comes to an end. I'll keep you updated.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The_Monk" data-cite="The_Monk" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>With regards to this one any chance of bringing in Rick Steiner? somehow using him? maybe have RVD snap in a match and batter Scott with a chair, you know finshers the whole works, rick comes out to stop him and talk sense into him, following show scott wants to thank rick but actually turns on him for interfering in his business and that he don't need no stinking help to take care of RVD? something like that. maybe even then get Buff involved?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like the idea, however RVD is the babyface in this feud, Steiner the heel. Rick has also been feuding with Scott recently quite a bit. From recollection they've had 6 PPV matches against each other in my game, they've had a storied personal rivalry. Buff has been fired also, pinged for steroids too many times. But he is on my shortlist to bring back if I had something for him because I think my firing had a positive effect on him, so he might have kicked them now. Maybe Rick is the key though, maybe somehow I could fashion in a Steiner Brothers reunion? Maybe Rick turns heel again and sides with his brother, blood thicker than water etc? Maybe I use that first part of your idea, RVD snaps for some reason, Rick sees it and helps his brother? Doesn't seem heelish though?</p>
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<p>Just started off a story-heavy game, kind of RTG-lite because I've started us off with 10k to approx simulate that we're not yet running this as an actual company. Kind of cheaty finances, but nobody would actually be getting paid, so eh. </p><p> </p><p>

Playing it as a backyard fed with only four created wrestlers who are friends, have a custom arena which is literally called 'Chrissie's Backyard'. Everyone also wrestles under another identity, which I have to denote in my notes cause you can't change alter egos mid-booking sadlife. They consist entirely of paper thin disguises which fool nobody but aren't really supposed to.</p><p> </p><p>

It's surprisingly fun, especially to keep kayfabe ratings/rankings with the alter-egos as different people even though they aren't. All four wrestlers are pretty bad since the avatar used a RTG template and the others have even fewer points than that.</p><p> </p><p>

I've never really tried booking quite so micro before and it's sort of cool to picture it as like, the backyardiest of the backyard wrassling, what with our referee literally being one of the workers' older sister, road agenting our own matches and having this teeny roster all pulling double duty.</p><p> </p><p>

Also my first attempt at a heavy Cult promotion, basically have Cult/Modern Key features with a sprinkle of Comedy at medium. Perf = Pop but very different from what I usually book. Think it's my first time ever without Traditional and one of few times I've had no Mainstream.</p><p> </p><p>

The matches all suck but the workers are gaining pop since we all started at 0—surprisingly quickly in a couple cases, the avatar has gone from 0-14 in three months. Will be seeing if I can manage two shows p/month and go from there as I'd like to not be stuck at teeny tiny for too long and get the story I have in mind rolling.</p>

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