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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Macca316" data-cite="Macca316" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Posted this over in the Booking thread but as yet not been picked up. <p> </p><p> Any ideas from you guys <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Currently playing as HGC and find myself in a bit of a booking pickle... apologies for long post.</p><p> </p><p> Currently the main event of the first Total Mayhem is set as an Iron Man Match with defending Champion Rip Chord putting the belt up against no.1 contender Sam Strong. </p><p> </p><p> The issue being I dunno which way to go, They have in essense been fueding since January (now in May) and have clashed 2 previous times on PPV, once at War to Settle the Score, where Strong won by DQ, Then at Hollyweird in a cage match where after the debut of Nemesis, Chord retained, so this in essese is the rubber match between the 2. </p><p> </p><p> If Strong wins, there would be one final match where Chord invokes his rematch, then I'd likely put the fued on ice for a few months moving guys like Romeo Heartthrob, Charlie Homicide, Nemesis and BLZ Bubb into the title picture facing Strong. </p><p> </p><p> Having Chord retain, there wouldn't be much in the way of "ready" competition as there would be Liberty, Dusty Streets (i'll come back to in a moment) and Damon Carruthers apart from that there is no one else really ready to step up and face the heel champion. </p><p> </p><p> Both are strong options, neither are in time decline yet despite their age and both have been pulling high ratings with and apart from each other. </p><p> </p><p> If Chord retained I planned on having Streets turn heel and cost him the match as recently he tried and failed to win the belt at Hollyweird, he'd state that he's sick of Strong getting all the title chances as he has received more than any other wrestler.</p><p> </p><p> Any ideas?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would go with Strong since you have Heels ready to challenge for the title. Pick one who will eventually dethrone Strong and then have him be the last challenger after Strong runs through the others. That gives you a period of time to build up some strong face main-event challengers and if you want, pick a young star to strap a rocket to and have finally dethrone the heel that beat Strong after he runs threw your other built up faces. After that is when I would bring Chord back into the mix and start a feud with your new face Champion to start the cycle all over again lol</p>
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<p>My WCW 2001 game(Starting in Jan) has completed 1 year. Very rare that I can be interested long enough to keep a with that large of a company going for that long.</p><p> </p><p>

One of the biggest issues at this phase in the game is the number of workers with absurdly large paychecks. In the range of $200,000 a month. Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Sting, Lex Luger, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, Buff Bagwell, Booker T, DDP, Sid Vicious. I went $2.5 Million in debt in the first month, on top of the $1 Million debt the company starts with. The only way I'd have a hope of surviving as a company is if I either found an excuse to fire some of these guys, or made them ask for a release. And that's what I did. Some were useful- Goldberg, Sting, Steiner, DDP, Booker, but the rest began jobbing hard, losing to midcarders, many of them debuting(I'll get to that later).</p><p> </p><p>

The first to go was Sid, asking for his release at the beginning of February. Next was Buff, who was released in late February due to failing a drug test(He went on to be a regular on the Memorial Show Circuit, and recently signed a full-time contract with Michinoku Pro of all companies). Lex Luger followed 2 weeks later for the same reason. Jeff Jarrett asked for his release in early May(He would shortly after sign for Dusty Rhodes' TCW, then not work a single show the rest of the year. I think he's planning something). Kevin Nash was terminated in early June due to instigating an altercation with Johnny The Bull. Nash then filed a wrongful termination lawsuit that would have most likely put me out of business. Thankfully, the courts ruled in my favor.</p><p> </p><p>

By April, I was making a monthly profit and by October, I finally climbed out of the red. By the end of December I had made a year-end profit of just over $1 Million.</p><p> </p><p>

To start the year off with, I signed a bunch of talent from Japan and Mexico to short-term contracts to bolster the midcard-talents like Masato Tanaka and La Parka, and the teams of CIMA and SUWA and Jushin Liger and The Great Sasuke to fill out the Cruiserweight and Cruiserweight Tag divisions. I had big plans for AJ Styles in the Cruiserweight division, but he broke is neck at an NWA: Wildside show. He's scheduled to return in March of 2002.</p><p> </p><p>

ECW released a load of talent at the end of January, including the likes of James Mariatato, Dawn Marie, Jim Mitchell, and CW Anderson, all of whom I picked up. At the end of May, ECW was purchased by WWF and disbanded. This allowed me to pick up Rob Van Dam, Paul Heyman, Tajiri, Rhino, and Steve Corino.</p><p> </p><p>

The summer saw the founding of 2 strong midcard stables: The New Horsemen, featuring Dustin Rhodes, Steve Corino, CW Anderson, and Chavo Guererro Jr and The Darkness, made up of Vampiro, Christopher Daniels, Tajiri, The Sinister Minister and, making his debut at Starrcade, THE MONSTER Abyss. </p><p> </p><p>

I had intended to have CW Anderson and Steve Corino become a dominant tag team, but a nagging injury has dramatically slowed Corino for almost his entire time in the company. The tag titles have kinda listlessly bounced around between The Filthy Animals, Kronik, Palumbo and O'Haire, and Vampiro and Daniels.</p><p> </p><p>

The Television Title was revived in February. Christohpher Daniels, James Mariatato, Crowbar, and Chavo Jr have all had strong runs with the title over the year. </p><p> </p><p>

The United States title has been held by only three men all year: First Mike Awesome, then Jerry Lynn, and the current champion, Rhino.</p><p> </p><p>

In the main event, Booker T has carried the company, holding the World Title for most of the year. Lance Storm has been pushed to the moon, winning the World Title from Booker at Starrcade. Diamond Dallas Page has been devastated by time decline. He mostly manages, and occasionally tags with, Kanyon. Sting, too, has been declining all year. Strangely, he didn't show up on the Time Decline List until November, though the Time Decline description says he's over 5 years past his prime. Mike Awesome, just after having an fantastic, if unsuccessful, match with Booker T at Bash At The Beach, tested positive for painkillers. He has been in rehab ever since.</p><p> </p><p>

The most pleasantly surprising story of the year has to be Ric Flair. At the age of 52, not only is he not in Time Decline, <em>he's gotten better</em>. A 12 point gain in his Brawling Stat, 10 points in Flashiness, and between 2-6 points in all his other top-row stats. His Basics and Psychology start at 100, but his Safety and Consistency have both jumped about 10 points. His stamina has also gone up from 73 to 80 and his Mic skills have gone from 88 to 99. He is, as far as I can tell, the best talker in the game world. In 2002 Ric Flair arguably the best, full-package performer in this world. I am seriously considering having him and Lance Storm do a 1 hour time limit draw in February because he just might be able to pull it off.</p><p> </p><p>

Interestingly, the WWF went and hired a strange lot to fill out their midcard- Barry Windham, Marty Janetty, The Bushwhackers, Public Enemy, Jake Roberts, and Samu. Marty Janetty beat Dean Malenko for the Light Heavyweight title in June and hasn't defended it since. Chris Benoit dropped the IC title to Funaki in March, who dropped it to Barry Windham in September. The have made a single developmental signing all year: CM Punk on Jan 1, 2001. He was called up in September, and hasn't worked a single match.</p><p> </p><p>

So, yeah. That's my Year of WCW. I didn't plan on ranting on for so long, and if you've read this far, thank you.</p>

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<p>So I figured i'd give out an update on the SWF game/diary.</p><p> </p><p>

I now have a clear path to Supreme Challenge, and I think I know where to go with it. Here are some of the plans i'm considering.</p><p> </p><p>

Nelson Callum- Hired by SWF, i'm considering giving a meteoric push akin to Kevin Owens/Brock Lesnar with a hint of CM Punk's 'Voice of the Voiceless' gimmick involved. Going to take part in a major feud that'll last beyond Supreme Challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

Eric Eisen- Working a gimmick akin to our current president Donald Trump, with a key difference; instead of him hating on immigrants or Mexicans, he is more concerned about a growing movement that he feels is 'killing' SWF. A vanilla movement let's say.</p><p> </p><p>

RIPW Callups- Spencer Spade has been called up from RIPW and i'm looking forward to giving him a major push in his own right, even considering putting him in a stable like WWE's Evolution. I also called up someone else (who for storyline purposes I won't reveal) and i'm having him go undefeated against superstars until Supreme Challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh, and the pre-show for SWF's When Hell Freezes Over is already up so...if anyone's interested...yeah.</p>

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<p>I recently had to fire Maurice Jackson in my RAW game. He and Cole Taylor had some issues and, admittedly, my attempts to smooth things over made things worse. Then Taylor turned the entire locker room against Maurice to the extent that even having Maurice when a match caused the backstage atmosphere to turn toxic. The only way to restore even a semblance of good morale was to can Maurice since it was far to late to fire Cole Taylor. Even now the atmosphere hasn't returned to normal with most of my roster being unhappy, with Cole having the gall to complain about the toxic atmosphere that HE created! <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

To make things worse, the firing of Maurice caused RAW to take a loss for the month of February.</p><p> </p><p>

Needless to say, Cole Taylor isn't getting anywhere near that Quest Title he was chasing. He's now feuding with the A-Listers when he's not stuck in comedy match hell.</p>

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<p>Took over booking from the Autobooker in 2001, we're now in 2002, as ECW, playing in the Montreal Aftermath mid which I tampered with fir my personal use. </p><p> </p><p>

Taking TNA's Xbox Division rule of cashing the title in ala Money In The Bank, CM Punk is now the ECW World Champion after cashing in on Owen Hart at November to Remember. He had aligned himself with Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Samoa Joe, Brock Lesnar and Kat La Noir in an attempt to stop Owen and his brother Bret from getting a rematch. After Shane McMahon said no to Owen getting a rematch, Owen went to The Sinister Minister instead and was granted a rematch at ECW Starrcade (we bought out WCW in 2001), with one small caveat, he had to face off in a Steel Cage. CM Punk won the rematch with help from his Next Generation cohorts, and the battle continues to rage. </p><p> </p><p>

On Hard Hitting, Chris Jericho has teased cashing in his Golden Ticket on Sting, but hasn't pulled the trigger quite yet. Steve Austin (my figurehead) is engaged in a war of words with The Rock over the Television champion, which saw them meet at Starrcade and Rock walked away with the title. </p><p> </p><p>

On Up and Coming, Finn Balor is now the current No Limits (x division) champion and has decided to hold the championship instead of cash it in.</p>

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<p><strong>Universe:</strong> C-Verse w/ Jan 2016 Start Date</p><p>

<strong>Company:</strong> NXT Wrestling</p><p>

<strong>Now?</strong>: Week 2, May 2016 (Yea, not long so far) </p><p>

<strong>Shows?:</strong>: 2 Weekly, One End all Event. Just added a third </p><p>

<strong>Debt?:</strong>: $53K In the hole. </p><p>

<strong>Champions?:</strong> 1. The NXT Local Champion, Cobra (Or as my fans know him, Jet "The Viper" Williams. </p><p> </p><p>

I started out with One title, the NXT Local championship. Now that I have upgraded to small, I plan on adding a second belt, the NXT Area Championship. This will eventually lead to a unification when I hit Regional, and crown my first NXT Regional Champion. Seth Whitehead (Seth Black in NXT) was my inaugural NXT local Champ, winning the belt from Jet Williams at the end of January in the conclusion of a month long tournament. </p><p> </p><p>

Two weeks into February, Jet Williams cheated his way back into a title shot, then once again used some underhanded tactics to get the belt away from Black in the Feb. Event. Jet Williams would continue to cheat and walk out of tag team matches leading up to Seth Black's rematch. Jet Williams once again used some underhanded tactics to keep the belt around his waist. </p><p> </p><p>

Seth Black, after losing the belt, and then failing to regain it was ready to argue his way to a third match, but another heel in Austin Smooth said enough was enough, Seth was on a losing streak, and Austin Smooth was not, he won't stand for yet another Black and Williams main event. Seth Black and Austin Smooth went back and forth leading to a Time Limit draw on the Friday before my April Main event. </p><p> </p><p>

It would be announced that there would be a triple threat match between Smooth, Black and Williams for the NXT Local Championship (Also would be the last match in NXT Wrestling before moving up to Small). During this match we saw Seth Black land the White Out (A Double Knee GTS) on Smooth, and we would see Williams swoop in, throw Black out the ring and steal the pinfall. </p><p> </p><p>

With that, NXT Wrestling moved to small, and we went on a Hiring spree, we signed 6 Male Wrestlers and 8 Female Wrestlers to get ready for May....3 Brands of NXT. </p><p> </p><p>

Tuesday: NXT Women on Top (Women's Brand) </p><p>

Thursday: NXT Takeover (Brand A) </p><p>

Friday: NXT Arrival (Brand B) </p><p> </p><p>

I Don't plan on starting a tournament for the NXT Area Championship yet, but the Champion is not on a brand, and he gets to appear on both shows, and my User Character also is not on a brand, as he is the backstage interviewer for the Women's division, but he is a mainstay on Arrival. </p><p> </p><p>

----------</p><p> </p><p>

Its weird doing it this way, as I have never done anything like this before (I could never get into a WWE Game), But it has been going really well. As of right now, Tuesday and Thursday, I make money, and then lose some of it on Friday (As Friday features a few more of my expensive wrestlers). I figure by next month, I will be making enough money per show to start coming down from my massive debt. </p><p> </p><p>

My plan is to keep my top Champ on both shows until I crown a second champ, and then do the WWE thing with two top champs until I get a bit into Regional when I will unify the belts and have a Regional Champion. </p><p> </p><p>

I have also never booked a Women's Promotion/Division. Through 3 shows, it has been going rather well, since I just started, they are my weakest show, but so far they have not lost me popularity (But haven't gained me any yet either).</p>

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<p>TCW CV97. 2006. Going to give a year long update. Lengthy.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Awards</strong></span></p><p>

Wrestler of the Year - The Awesome Kiyaru (BHOTWG)</p><p>

Tag Team - Dennis Butler & Steve DeColt (HGC)</p><p>

Young Wrestler - Magnum Kobe (TCW)</p><p>

Veteran - Optimus (2) (BHOTWG)</p><p>

Female Wrestler - Sensational Ogiwara (6) (TCW)</p><p>

Indy Wrestler - Java (USPW)</p><p>

Company of the Year - TCW (2)</p><p>

Most Improved - Hi-NRG </p><p>

Match of the Year - Sean McFly & Christian Faith def. Mr Hollywood (Dennis Butler) & Christian Faith (HGC) (Rated 100)</p><p>

Show of the Year - Total Mayhem III (TCW) (Rated 100)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Around the World</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

SWF - Finally rebuilding their roster and getting young talent such as Rogue, Big Smack Scott, and American Buffalo. They also have Masked Patriot, Alex and Jack DeColt, and Chester Stein all under 34. They might survive after all.</p><p> </p><p>

HGC - Falling. I took Christian Faith from them, and I would have taken Sean McFly if I had actual plans and space for him. Bruce the Giant retired early as well, and Sam Strong is Hulk Hogan and still main eventing and winning titles with best friend and equally as old (56+) Rip Chord. It's WCW boys.</p><p> </p><p>

OLLIE/MPWF/SOTBW - Not much changed in Mexico, OLLIE is #1, and MPWF is #2. They're not locking down anyone though so everyone is just working everywhere. Although a regen with excellent stats and is only exclusive to Mexico is running amok around the scene, which is amusing.</p><p> </p><p>

BHOTWG - Falling. The junior division is carrying them. Heavyweight title is held by old men who can't really go anymore and when it main events it sorely tanks their show. They have the talent in the division but just aren't acting. They're not really in trouble but they aren't thriving like they were a few years ago.</p><p> </p><p>

PGHW - OLLIE and PGHW are in my alliance and I am enjoying that alliance. They are doing great work over in the US and are #3 total. They are cult too which is good. No competing. But my GOD they are destroying their bodies. Their entire roster is mostly orange/yellow body damage. Danger Kumasaka is 51 and still not declining, I love that tidbit. Either way they are doing well, at least short-term.</p><p> </p><p>

XFW/DAVE - A great year for XFW and a poor one for DAVE. XFW signed a few big guys, and even took Larry Wood and Outbacker Harris and Petr Novak from HGC and SWF. Shocking really. DAVE on the other hand has been struggling, cutting down the roster and losing a few guys to SWF.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The rest are too small to really matter or worth updating.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Total Championship Wrestling</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

As for me, things went great. I lost Khoklov and Jack Bruce to a scandal and movies respectively. Khoklov being gone hurts but Bruce is the most popular guy in the world right now, and him leaving gives me a huge amount of storylines to write for him. Ginko Kuroda, one of my favorite Joshi just posed nude and now has 95 SQ and Sex Appeal! Also wonderful. 70 popularity in US too. I want to emulate how TCW was an alternative to Sports Entertainment and have been slowly shifting my product to favor work rate. Enforcer Roberts has been killing it as my midcard champion and I even made the belt "floating" to show that. He will be the main catalyst in the shift in a major storyline that I've yet to start. Basically this will be my last years as "Sports Entertainment" and then I will shift into a more wrestling approach, with the help of PGHW it should be easy. It also helps revitalize the game, as I've played 9 years of this save so far.</p>

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<p>So after the tournament dreamer was owed a title shot for her wins in May. But on the first show she said after her shot win or lose she was going to face Starlight. And if she won, starlight would have to listen to her. She her title shot in May included both Starlight and Moonlight and all three lost to Otto. This was due to Minion knocking Moonlight out, this time on purpose and Otto getting the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

In June Dreamer faced Starlight and won and on the Thursday show after the big show Starlight said that she now believed Dreamer and she wanted to face Moonlight to convince one more time (she still handn’t beaten her in a singles match since their feud start the july before).</p><p> </p><p>

At the may big show the feuding Wolves, Next Big Things, and Acid & Reaver had a chance to show which partner was best. Acid, Logan Wolfsbaine, and Seth Whitehead won those matches and on the next show Madam Bat said that all three would face Otto for the title and the June show. Moonlight however still furious over Minion beating her and said she’d earn her spot in the match too. She beat all three of the contenders in singles matches and then on the show before the big show she beat Melvin Otto non-title and earned her spot in the match.</p><p> </p><p>

With something to prove after losing to their partners Lobo Soitario, Ernest Youngman and REaver met in a three way match up. Lobo took the win in the match proving that he deserves his spot in the title match with his partner at the biggest show of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

Stil trying to determine the best team Rising Sons (JOJI and GIDAYU) and Rapid Attack (Amazing Fire Fly and Rapido) face off in a few more confrontations. And Beyond possibility Fire FLy and GIDAYU took wins and then Rapid Attack won their second meeting at Supersonic in may tying up their tag matches one to one. Fire Fly beat GIDAYU and JOJI beat Rapido at Fire in the Blood in June and now the two teams look to meet in their blow off match at the big season FIanle Red, White, and Black & Blue</p><p> </p><p>

The Tag Team Merry go round saw Funk Force (Foxxy LaRue and Fro Sure) once again retain their titles at Supersonic, this time against the Last Real Outlaws. After this loss the team almost imploded with Outlaw Wes Revel facing off against Outlaw Buck Winchester at Fire in the Blood. Revel took that win and told Winchester they are keeping the team together.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile The Band (Rik Rocker [The former Minion Melvin Otto’s Harbingers and one of then the Sinner Envy] and Simon Waves) fought Hell’s Rebels (Big Dog [A pregen] and Swipe [Romer]) to a double count out as they brawled on the outside. They both ended up with a title shot against Funk Force and Fire in the Blood but the tag champs took another win putting them at ten total defenses.</p><p> </p><p>

As we got to the first show after Fire in the Blood the only matches set up were Melvin Otto vs Logan Wolfsbaine vs Lobo Solitario for the AWE Inspired title and Rapid Attack vs Rising Sons in their tie breaking match. On the first show Starlight challenged Moonlight but then Madam Bat announce for a show this big, anyone who can rack up three wins by the last show will be added to the title match.</p><p> </p><p>

Moonlight accumulated two but then lost to Acid at show three which mean she couldn’t get into the match so Madam Bat said she would be facing Starlight after all. Minion made three wins but seeing the field (as Electric Dreamer made three already to add herself to the match) she asked that she be allowed to face Funk Force for the tag titles with a mystery partner. This was granted by Madam Bat seeing as none of the other teams had racked up three wins to even challenge as everyone was focused on singles competition.</p><p> </p><p>

Eventually Acid and Reaver got themselves added to the match alongside Electric Dreamer by knocking out Ernest Youngman and Seth Whitehead on the final show before Red, White, and Black & Blue. This of course led to friction between Whitehead and Youngman and Madam Bat decided they can settle it in the ring and the big stage. And with all three of the other big name tag tams at two wins a threeway match was made to determine the next contender.</p><p> </p><p>

So in July our big show (which will have a set, and a minor band, and a minor celebrity) looks like this</p><p> </p><p>

Seth Whitehead vs Ernest Youngman to determine who is the actual Next Big Thing</p><p>

The Band vs Hell’s Rebels vs The Last Real Outlaws for the number one contender spot for the AWE Dynamic Duo titles</p><p>

Rapid Attack vs Rising Sons III the final confrontation who will be the better team</p><p>

Funk Force © vs Minion and a Mystery Partner for the AWE Dynamic Duo titles</p><p>

Starlight vs Moonlight to force Moonlight to listen to Electric Dreamer</p><p>

Melvin Otto © vs Electric Dreamer, Lobo Solitario, Logan Wolvesbaine, Acid, and Reaver in a 6 Man ladder match for the AWE Inspired title</p><p> </p><p>

This show will also be Madam Bat’s exit from the announce table as former SWF Announcer Peter Michaels will be taking the seat between Martin Thescott and Doc Messing.</p><p> </p><p>

Also as a side note Sandra Shine aka Starlight who has worked only for AWE her entire career is looking to be the Young Wrestler of the year. And her and Moonlight wrestle a tag match at this year’s Wrestle Peace Festival.</p><p> </p><p>

And in non-AWE news Rocky Golden #13 on the power 500 and main eventer for USPW who stole him from TCW in September of 2016 went on a racist rant and found himself unemployed. Oddly although being in the main event for three years he hasn’t won a single title in USPW.</p>

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<p>We're less than a week away from Independence Day Slam 2017:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW World Title: Marat Khoklov (Champion) vs. Rick Law</strong></p><p>

These two have history going back more than a year, but this match is a rematch from Declaration of Independence that ended in a DQ. Law's going to win to solidify himself as the top guy on our National brand.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Casey Valentine vs. James Justice</strong></p><p>

Our cross-brand match. Casey's been leading a group with Lassana Makutsi and Lauren Easter that's seeking the stardom and opportunities they feel they're ready for. When he didn't get the World title shot at this show, Casey went to USPW American Wrestling and attacked Justice during a match with T-Rex, leading to this.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine vs. Scythe vs. Steve Frehley</strong></p><p>

Scythe debuted a couple of months ago and Baine made a beeline for him, calling him his new disciple of terror or something like that. Scythe wasn't having it, and then Frehley got involved, leading to Frehley beating Scythe at Declaration of Independence. Then Frehley openly questioned why he was doing Baine's dirty work, and Baine attacked him, setting up this three-way.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Trent Shaffer vs. Enygma</strong></p><p>

Enygma started talking about Shaffer's future in cryptic messages that only unnerved the Canadian showoff. After months of Shaffer's attacks, they'll finally go one-on-one in the ring here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Last Man Standing: Joss Thompson vs. The Force</strong></p><p>

Joss's quest to surpass all of what he calls the "untalented dinosaurs" of USPW has run into a roadblock that is the surprisingly resilient Force. This will get settled here also.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW Tag Team Titles: The Money Players (Champions) vs. All-American Perfection vs. The Rock City Stars (vs. Kirk Jameson & Bradford Peverell)</strong></p><p>

A-AP (Nelson Callum and Kip Keenan) and the Stars won four corners matches on their respective shows to get into this match. This week, Jameson (who's been feuding with Callum for months) and Peverell will ask for -- and get -- a spot in this match since they were left out of the American four-way.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW Women's Title: Alicia Strong (Champion) vs. Tiffany Jade</strong></p><p>

Alicia is actually my longest-reigning current champion. Tiffany won the right to face her here, and has come close to knocking her off before.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Black vs. Lassana Makutsi</strong></p><p><strong>

Lauren Easter vs. Raven Robinson</strong></p><p>

Both offshoots of Casey Valentine's feud with National Throwdown management.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rich Money vs. Jumbo Jackson</strong></p><p>

Standard "these two guys don't like each other much" feud.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>USPW Television Title: Dusty Ducont (Champion) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Findlay O'Farraday vs. Danny Rushmore vs. Mick Muscles vs. ???</strong></p><p>

Some of the tag teams that didn't make the tag title match end up here. Haven't decided on the sixth entrant.</p><p> </p><p>

Not booked yet, shamefully: Sammy Bach, National champion Primus Allen</p><p> </p><p>

Philippe LaGrenier is a possible developmental call-up post-IDS.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, Wolf Hawkins (!!) will be joining us at the end of the month.</p>

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<p>Acid has been a major player in my promotion. He'd been winning matches with Reaver as his partner and was the most over worker in the new Apocalypse stable as the Horseman Pestilence. But he lost a 6 man ladder match for the title and he got pissed and just handed in his notice. So what do I do?</p><p> </p><p>

I hire Acid II to replace him. Acid II had been on the roster as one of my jobber talents in his tag team with Stuntman and did well getting up to 41 overness in Tri-State and he will now be a major player</p>

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<p>I'm one PPV away from Survivor Series and I thought that the SmackDown exclusive PPV, No Way Out would be an interesting one to share. A little side note before it though, I started my game way before the real brand split happened which is the reason the championships for example are drastically different.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NO WAY OUT 2018</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rated R Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

Kevin Owens © vs Kazuchika Okada</strong></p><p>

Edge is the GM of SmackDown, that's why the title is Rated R Championship. As of right now, Kevin Owens is the only person to hold it. Kazuchika Okada's way to this title match is a rather interesting one, as prior to this match he feuded with John Cena... kind of. It was more like a Okada & Cena vs Owens & Reigns feud but the match it was leading to was Okada vs Cena. Okada won and this was kind of a passing the torch situation as Okada became my figurehead following this win and Cena stepped down from that position. Now the "new Cena" is going for the gold.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steel Cage</strong></p><p><strong>

Brock Lesnar vs Pete Dunne vs Baron Corbin</strong></p><p>

Yes. This is happening. It all started with Pete Dunne being part of my third Cruiserweight Classic. Paul Heyman was the color commentator for that tournament and he disliked Pete Dunne for some reason which led Dunne to snap at him multiple times and this obviously angered Lesnar. How Corbin is in this match though? Well he beat Lesnar after Dunne interfered and now Lesnar wants to kill the both of them basically.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rated R Tag Team Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

New Wyatt Family vs Erick Rowan & Eric Young</strong></p><p>

This title just got introduced by Edge and he has been looking for the "money making match" to get these titles started with. The Wyatt Family was broken up in the draft with Bray alone going to SmackDown, previously they had already kicked Erick Rowan out. Now that Rowan is back, Bray started forming a new family. The first member? Abyss. Eric Young offered to help Rowan since he knows Abyss well. In reality Young is also on Bray's side and will help them win which leads to Wyatt rewarding him with the title. There's also Sister Abigail who is played by Leva Bates. Due to the circumstances, Edge found this one to be the most exciting pairing for the title match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre vs Coolest Most Awesome Team Ever</strong></p><p>

Slater has been on a mission to find himself a fitting tag team partner to beat his arch nemeses, Coolest Most Awesome Team Ever. Did you already guess who they are? No? The Miz and Carlito. At No Way Out he's going to go to an old friend to ask for a favor. His attempt with Jinder Mahal didn't pan out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rated R Women's Championship Battle Royal</strong></p><p>

This title has also just been introduced so we will crown TWO first champions on this show.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roman Reigns vs Shinsuke Nakamura</strong></p><p>

This is basically just a story about jealousy. Reigns is sick of Nakamura always getting the big matches while he has to watch from the sidelines. So far, I don't think Reigns has pinned Nakamura once meanwhile Nakamura has gotten the upper hand over Reigns on multiple occasions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>#1 Contenders match for the Rated R Tag Team Championship</strong></p><p><strong>

The Revival vs Submission Artistry vs Canadian Alpha vs Motor City Machine Guns</strong></p><p>

Nothing much to tell. Like I said previously, Edge has been looking for that big match for the titles so here we have the throw away teams that didn't make the cut get a #1 contender's match. The two "odd" names in the mix are not so odd after all though. Submission Artistry = Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa, Canadian Alpha = Tye Dillinger & Tyler Breeze (managed by Christian), this team was named solely as a parody of American Alpha while they were feuding.</p>

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<p>Company: WCW</p><p> </p><p>

When April 2001 (New Blood mod Jan 2001)</p><p> </p><p>

So my current champion Goldberg who beat Steiner at Superbrawl is Feb has had two good PPVs as champ and for his third defense I've decided to take a very WCW approach and do it big for Spring Stampede, so on the second ever addition of WCW Nitro on FX the show opened with no other than Dennis Rodman returning to WCW after retiring from the NBA. Rodman called out Goldberg and said he wants to be champion, the segment got a 97 (he has good pop) and I'm thinking if nothing else the match will have a good build up that in real life would generate good mainstream buzz. </p><p> </p><p>

I'll keep everyone updated on how the match turns out and what will happen to the newest WCW star Dennis Rodman (He's under a 1 year contract)</p>

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<p>Feh Fro Sure just got picked up by SWF. This sadly leaves Foxxy LaRue without a tag partner and Funk Force was in contention to the tag titles. On the one hand I now have to elevate another team which is a good thing but LaRue isn't ready to challenge for the main title and she's on the list of Next Big Things (Although really her overness cap is at A Lot of Success which isn't as high it seems with Break Out Star, Big Star, Sky's the Limit, and Huge Star being hired, and her in ring is going to be really fine which is below both Fantastic and Exceptional)</p><p> </p><p>

Also both the wrestling industry and the economy are in the toilet 43 and falling and 0 and rising respectively. But I'm sill making 500k a month so only another 14 months before I can afford my own broadcasting company.</p>

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<p>Company: WWE </p><p>

Year: 2012 </p><p> </p><p>

My SummerSlam plans</p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk© vs John Cena vs The Big Show for WWE Championship</p><p>

Sheamus© vs Alberto Del Rio for World Title </p><p>

Batista vs Randy Orton </p><p>

Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho ( MitB vs Career) </p><p>

Drew McIntyre© vs Santino Marella vs Cesaro for US Title</p><p>

Cody Rhodes© vs The Miz vs Christian vs Rey Mysterio for IC Title </p><p>

Brock Lesnar vs Triple H </p><p>

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston© vs The Uso's for Tag Team </p><p>

Wade Barrett vs Tyson Kidd</p><p>

AJ Lee© vs Eve vs Paige for Women's Title </p><p>

Daniel Bryan vs Kane</p><p> </p><p>

As for now i will copy WWE with CM Punk storyline and at RAW 1000 will turn heel but he will not lose with The Rock at Royal Rumble but will drop the title at Wrestlemania in a three way with John and The Rock</p><p> </p><p>

As far as WHC Sheamus he will drop the title to Wade Barrett at Hell in a Cell and the story will be like in real life with Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger ( Dolph Ziggler cash will be on RAW after WM) </p><p> </p><p>

As Undertaker oponent will be Wade Barrett</p><p> </p><p>

The Shield will debut at SS like in real life and will feud with same people Ryback and Hell No, Randy Orton and The Big Show until Wrestlemania after Mania i will make my own Shield story i hope until that they will be over for big plans and they first lose will happen not like in real life to a smackdown will be to a PPV and people who deserve to put over by then at that time. ( Maybe Wyatt Family at SummerSlam )</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dexi21" data-cite="dexi21" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Company: WWE <p> Year: 2012 </p><p> </p><p> My SummerSlam plans</p><p> </p><p> CM Punk© vs John Cena vs The Big Show for WWE Championship</p><p> Sheamus© vs Alberto Del Rio for World Title </p><p> Batista vs Randy Orton </p><p> Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho ( MitB vs Career) </p><p> Drew McIntyre© vs Santino Marella vs Cesaro for US Title</p><p> Cody Rhodes© vs The Miz vs Christian vs Rey Mysterio for IC Title </p><p> Brock Lesnar vs Triple H </p><p> R-Truth and Kofi Kingston© vs The Uso's for Tag Team </p><p> Wade Barrett vs Tyson Kidd</p><p> AJ Lee© vs Eve vs Paige for Women's Title </p><p> Daniel Bryan vs Kane</p><p> </p><p> As for now i will copy WWE with CM Punk storyline and at RAW 1000 will turn heel but he will not lose with The Rock at Royal Rumble but will drop the title at Wrestlemania in a three way with John and The Rock</p><p> </p><p> As far as WHC Sheamus he will drop the title to Wade Barrett at Hell in a Cell and the story will be like in real life with Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger ( Dolph Ziggler cash will be on RAW after WM) </p><p> </p><p> As Undertaker oponent will be Wade Barrett</p><p> </p><p> The Shield will debut at SS like in real life and will feud with same people Ryback and Hell No, Randy Orton and The Big Show until Wrestlemania after Mania i will make my own Shield story i hope until that they will be over for big plans and they first lose will happen not like in real life to a smackdown will be to a PPV and people who deserve to put over by then at that time. ( Maybe Wyatt Family at SummerSlam )</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What mod?</p>
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<p>When last we left the fine workers at Adrenaline Wrestling Experience they were headed into their biggest show of the year. Red, White, and Black & Blue in July.</p><p> </p><p>

Seth Whitehead vs Ernest Youngman to determine who is the actual Next Big Thing</p><p>

The Band vs Hell’s Rebels vs The Last Real Outlaws for the number one contender spot for the AWE Dynamic Duo titles</p><p>

Rapid Attack vs Rising Sons III the final confrontation who will be the better team</p><p>

Funk Force © vs Minion and a Mystery Partner for the AWE Dynamic Duo titles</p><p>

Starlight vs Moonlight to force Moonlight to listen to Electric Dreamer</p><p>

Melvin Otto © vs Electric Dreamer, Lobo Solitario, Logan Wolvesbaine, Acid, and Reaver in a 6 Man ladder match for the AWE Inspired title</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Seth Whitehead won the match to determine who the real Next Big Thing Is but after the match he promised Ernest that NBT would get bigger and better with him at the helm. He said he had a plan, and friend and that Youngman shouldn’t worry about anything.</p><p> </p><p>

Hell’s Rebels defeated the Band and The Last Real Outlaws to become the #1 contenders for the titles. The Rebels one after Rock Rocker accidentally hit Simon Waves trying to get at Swipe and then Ate big boot from Big Dog who pinned Waves.</p><p> </p><p>

After almost 80 matches this ended up being the last hurrah for the Last Real Outlaws. Although Both were on the Next Big Thing list they were severely underperforming. Outlaw Buck Winchester would already been working got NYC since 2018 and Outlaw Wes Revel had been working for IPW when I hired him, although he left and moved to GSW right after I released him, so I wouldn’t worry too much about either of them. The reason they were released is I made one new pick up and Madam Bat personaly kept on Robbie McNamara and Laura Flame so I kept their tag partners too and I just need room on the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

In their blow of match Risings Sons beat Rapid Attack in an amazing opening match scoring an 80 for two midcard/lower midcard teams. For reference the White vs Youngman and the Main Event both scored an 82.</p><p> </p><p>

Funk Force was finally beaten for the Dynamic Duos titles after 10 defenses, a year to the date they won it. Minion’s mystery partner was a huge man with no name, but who a few recognized as FCW’s Hell’s Bouncer. Although they’re heels they got a clean win to show the big man’s strength and ability to win without shenanigans.</p><p> </p><p>

Starlight defeated Moonlight and Moonlight slunk off with a look of total defeat while Starlight begged her to stay.</p><p> </p><p>

In the six-man main event Lobo Solitario made the big win in the ladder match for the title. This is only the second ladder match in the history of AWE and it was excellent. Otto left furious as Minion never arrived to help him and Lobo with the title had to help Logan to the back after a hell of a match.</p><p> </p><p>

After it was all overMadam Bat entered the ring and Acid and Reaver began laying into Electric Dreamer. The door to the locker room burst open and there was the big man and Minion and they joined the fray. The big guy powerbombed Dreamer through a ladder and the group was ready to leave her laying there. Madam Bat turns to the fallen hero and says, “You think I really forgot.”</p><p> </p><p>

A year from the time Dreamer shattered the AWE Inspired title and its magic made everyone forget basically rebooting the fed, and it turns out Madam Bat was never effected the whole time.</p><p> </p><p>

Next up the build to the next big show Hell O' Ween in October. There are 12 monthly shows a year but the big four are each three month apart. Internal Combustion in January, Beyond Possibility (and the tag tournament) in April, Red, White, and Black & Blue in July, and Hell O' Ween in October.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jwt13" data-cite="jwt13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What mod?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=538305" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=538305</a> This one</p>
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<p><strong>AWE The New Season</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The main story of the year is the re-emergence of Madam Bat and her new stable that she named The Apocalypse Riders. Her riders include Acid (Pestilence), Reaver (Death), Slaughter (War), and Torment (Famine). Slaughter is Hell’s Bouncer and Torment is Minion, but she came into AWE as part of Madam Bat’s first stable The Sinners as the sin of Lust.</p><p> </p><p>

The battle is joined by Electric Dreamer and Starlight, as Heroes Unlimited who seek to stop her once again. Melvin Otto also puts himself into the fray as he wants his title and role as lead villain. And since they’re all in it to gain the AWE Inspired Title Lobo and his partner Logan have been sucked into the battle.</p><p> </p><p>

The first big show after RWB&B is Broken Wings where it was supposed to be four an four with the Apocalypse Riders vs Electric Dreamer, Starlight, and the Wolves. Sadly one loss made Acid quit the company so what did I do I replaced him with Acid II. The Horsemen won the battle defeating the heroes. And after the battle they attacked the fallen heroes. Moonlight who had been missing the entire month returned to save the day.</p><p> </p><p>

Melvin Otto went out to find new Harbingers to help him defeat Madam Bat’s Riders. He went to Hell’s Rebels and Rising Sons after wins and said he wanted to see them battle each other. The winner would get a chance to excel in AWE. Hell’s Rebels took the win at Broken Wings and Otto official made them his new Harbingers</p><p> </p><p>

After the Broken Wings it was painfully obvious that Torment and Slaughter were going to be the real stars of The Apocalypse Riders. So on the next inspired times Madam Bat moved the tag titles onto Acid and Reaver. This left Torment and Slaughter to battle for title, Torment made her way to a title shot first at the Beginning of the End. the big show in September. Meanwhile Slaughter had a battle against Logan Wolfsbaine.</p><p> </p><p>

While The Wolves were defending themselves against the Riders, Melvin Otto decided the fastest way to his title was to take Heroes Unlimited out of the picture, especially Electric Dreamer. Otto got himself and his new Harbingers a 6 man tag with the Heroes.</p><p> </p><p>

Lobo managed to fend off Torment but Slaughter defeated Logan, who in his entire career has never lost a singles match and never even taken the pin in non-singles matches. Heroes Unlimited sent Melvin Otto back to the drawing board with a defeat. This put everyone on about an even playing field.</p><p> </p><p>

The build up to Hell O’ Ween saw Torment take three more wins to get a second shot at the title, defeating Starlight who had accumulated three wins, but now goes back to zero before using them. Acid, Reaver, and Slaughter were challenged by the Heroes after defeating the Harbingers, a match granted by Madam Bat. Meanwhile Melvin Otto got himself a match with Logan Wolfsbaine in his attempt to get back to the title picture. While his henchmen Hell’s Rebels are working their way to a title shot.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dynamic Duo Title Picture</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Originally held by who would become Slaughter and Torment the titles were moved to Acid II and Reaver before any defenses could happen. And although they are part of the larger story as a members of the Apocalypse Riders but the tag titles are their main focus. Holding the Dynamic Duo titles is definitely something that requires focus.</p><p> </p><p>

Funk Force definitely wants their titles back and they went through many teams to get up to three wins. But Rapid Attack managed to round up three wins to so the two met at Broken Wings. Funk Force took the big win making them the number one contenders for the title. But they just couldn’t take the titles away from the Horsemen.</p><p> </p><p>

The Risings Sons after their loss the Hell’s Rebels had been slowly made their way to two wins which but them in a battle against The Fighting Irish and The Stretchers for a third win. Before they could make their first attempt at a title shot Funk Force made three wins. With the rest of the Riders, including Acid II and Reaver busy Funk Force and Risings Sons faced off for the really number one spot. Risings Sons beat Funk Force to take the number one contendership.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>More Big Things</strong></p><p> </p><p>

At Broken Wings The Next Big Things faced off against The Band in a match that ended when Rick Rocker attacked Simon Waves let Seth Whitehead pin his partner. At the end of the match Rocker raised the hands of the NBT. The crowd was none too happy.</p><p> </p><p>

As it turned out Madam Bat wasn’t the only one who remembered the past. Cracks in fabric of reality are apparently spreading. But apparently he reminded Rick who they once were. Rick was the original Minion, and after that Envy, but who he’s always been is Marcel LeFleur. </p><p> </p><p>

With LeFleur as part of the NBT now they took to attacking Simon Waves but Rapid Attack came in for the save. This led to two matches at Beginning of the end; Seth Whitehead versus Simon Waves and NBT versus Rapid Attack. The NBT took wins in both matches which left a bad taste in the mouth of Waves, Fire Fly, and Rapido. So for Hell O’ Ween the six will meet in a trios match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finding Their Footing</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The last small story is between the two newest full time teams to the roster. The Stretchers and The Fighting Irish are both looking to make a name for themselves. The Irish take a win over The Stretchers at Broken Wings for bragging rights and wins bring both teams close to getting a title shot but they lose to The Risings Sons at Beginning of the End.</p><p> </p><p>

Both teams once again took two wins during the between big shows but this time at Hell O’ Ween they have another triple threat, with Rising Son.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell O’ Ween</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Double Trouble vs Devil Machine</p><p>

Teamazing vs Dangerous by Design</p><p>

American Pie vs Borne to Riot</p><p>

Simon Waves and Rapid Attack vs The Next Big Things</p><p>

The Stretchers vs Hell's Rebels vs The Fighting Irish</p><p>

Funk Force vs Rising Sons</p><p>

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Melvin Otto</p><p>

Heroes Unlimited vs Apocoalypse Riders</p><p>

Lobo Solitario vs Torment</p>

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<p>Company WWE </p><p>

Year 2012 </p><p> </p><p>

So after my SummerSlam done and dusted with a 89 A Main Event betwen Triple H( My Character ) and Brock Lesnar this are my Night of Champions plans </p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk© vs John Cena WWE Champioship</p><p>

Sheamus© vs Alberto Del Rio vs The Big Show vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett WHC</p><p>

Christian© vs The Miz IC Title </p><p>

Cesaro© vs Zack Ryder US Title </p><p>

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler </p><p>

Eve© vs Paige vs AJ </p><p>

Kofi and R-Truth© vs The Uso's vs Team Hell No Tag Team Champioship</p><p>

Cody Rhodes vs Sin Cara</p><p>

Batista vs Rey Mysterio</p><p> </p><p>

Batista with Rey will feud until SurvivorSeries with Team Batista vs Team Rey</p><p> </p><p>

Cody Rhodes and Sin Cara will feud for Sin Cara mask i have huge plans for this 2 ( Sin Cara) is Mistico. My plans is Rey to turn Heel and attack Sin Cara at some point down the line and start a feud that will finish in a mask vs mask match maybe at Summer Slam next year in 2013. And with Cody he will win MitB next year( He will replace Damien Sandow lol) and will be World Champion </p><p> </p><p>

Like i said a post before Sheamus and Wade Barrett will colide at Hell in a Cell, Barrett will win and then we gona have one year feud with them be a tag team champions at some point. After that Y2J will become Sheamus partner in ride for gold</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho won at SummerSlam MitB title from Dolph Ziggler and keep his career, hoever next Monday night RAW Dolph win it back in the main event that match was poor than at SummerSlam when they score 81 B and at RAW score 79 B-</p>

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<p><strong>WWF 1996</strong></p><p>


Storylines:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels vs. Vader</strong></p><p>

Shawn Michaels has been "at war" with Camp Cornette since the summer. At King of the Ring, he defeated The British Bulldog, only for Vader to become King of the Ring and a title shot at Summerslam. Camp Cornette beat Michaels and his allies in a 4 vs 4 at In Your House: War Games to chose the stipulation at Summerslam. Cornette decided Vader should face Shawn in the Octagon -- where Vaders puroresu background would serve him well -- at Summerslam. After 5 grueling five-minute rounds, the bout went to the judges, and in a split decision, they gave Shawn the victory. Not to be out done, Cornette claimed Shawn bought off the judges -- and got his own special referee, Mr. Perfect, to judge the next bout. Shawn looked like he had the match won, but Mr. Perfect disqualified Shawn after too many knees to the corner -- even though Vader did the exact same to the champion just minutes before. At In Your House: Suspend Your Disbelief, Shawn will face off against Vader one more time -- this time, no referees, no pinfalls, no submissions -- just a title suspended above the ring and a ladder. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Austin vs. Undertaker</strong></p><p>

After defeating long-time foe Mankind in a Buried Alive match, Steve stunned the world when he said he should be #1 Contender. The "loose cannon" began a campaign to dethrone the Undertaker, beating him down and insulting him at every turn. The Untertaker eventually responded, going after Austin when he tried to cut interviews. At In Your House: The Perfect Official, Undertaker pinned Steve after hitting the tombstone -- but a replay showed Steve had snuck his foot on the rope before the three! Undertaker now wants Steve in a Casket Match, and Austin seems strangely confident he can defeat his opponent. </p><p>


Billy Gunn vs. Bart Gunn vs. Goldust</strong></p><p>

At Summerslam, Bart Gunn turned on his partner Billy, to please manager Sunny. He wanted a singles career, but all Billy could focus on was a date with his beautiful valet. Bart strung together several impressive victories, while Billy struggled without Sunny's help. And then, Billy met a new girl: Kimona. With her support, he answered an open challenge from Goldust. The Bizzare One had the early advantage, dominating the match, but Bart got involved -- and accidentally slammed Goldust with a pair of brass knuckles! Billy rolled up Goldust to win the intercontinental championship! In WWF's first Triple Threat Match at IYH: The Perfect Official, the three brawled to the outside, and the referee had to stop the match! A Falls Count Anywhere affair will be scheduled for In Your House: Suspend Your Disbelief -- who will come out on top? </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


In Your House: Suspend Your Disbelief (October 1996)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ladder Match for the World Title:</strong> Shawn Michaels © vs. Vader</p><p>

<strong>Casket Match:</strong> Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker</p><p>

<strong>WWF Tag Team Title Match:</strong> The Headbangers © vs. Bart Sawyer & The Rock</p><p>

Misterioso & Volador vs. The New Rockers (Al Snow & Marty Jannetty)</p><p>

<strong>Falls Count Anywhere Triple Threat Intercontinental Title Match:</strong> Billy Gunn © vs. Bart Gunn vs. Goldust</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KnowYourEnemy" data-cite="KnowYourEnemy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>WWF 1996</strong><p> </p><p><strong> Storylines:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shawn Michaels vs. Vader</strong></p><p> Shawn Michaels has been "at war" with Camp Cornette since the summer. At King of the Ring, he defeated The British Bulldog, only for Vader to become King of the Ring and a title shot at Summerslam. Camp Cornette beat Michaels and his allies in a 4 vs 4 at In Your House: War Games to chose the stipulation at Summerslam. Cornette decided Vader should face Shawn in the Octagon -- where Vaders puroresu background would serve him well -- at Summerslam. After 5 grueling five-minute rounds, the bout went to the judges, and in a split decision, they gave Shawn the victory. Not to be out done, Cornette claimed Shawn bought off the judges -- and got his own special referee, Mr. Perfect, to judge the next bout. Shawn looked like he had the match won, but Mr. Perfect disqualified Shawn after too many knees to the corner -- even though Vader did the exact same to the champion just minutes before. At In Your House: Suspend Your Disbelief, Shawn will face off against Vader one more time -- this time, no referees, no pinfalls, no submissions -- just a title suspended above the ring and a ladder. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve Austin vs. Undertaker</strong></p><p> After defeating long-time foe Mankind in a Buried Alive match, Steve stunned the world when he said he should be #1 Contender. The "loose cannon" began a campaign to dethrone the Undertaker, beating him down and insulting him at every turn. The Untertaker eventually responded, going after Austin when he tried to cut interviews. At In Your House: The Perfect Official, Undertaker pinned Steve after hitting the tombstone -- but a replay showed Steve had snuck his foot on the rope before the three! Undertaker now wants Steve in a Casket Match, and Austin seems strangely confident he can defeat his opponent. </p><p> </p><p><strong> Billy Gunn vs. Bart Gunn vs. Goldust</strong></p><p> At Summerslam, Bart Gunn turned on his partner Billy, to please manager Sunny. He wanted a singles career, but all Billy could focus on was a date with his beautiful valet. Bart strung together several impressive victories, while Billy struggled without Sunny's help. And then, Billy met a new girl: Kimona. With her support, he answered an open challenge from Goldust. The Bizzare One had the early advantage, dominating the match, but Bart got involved -- and accidentally slammed Goldust with a pair of brass knuckles! Billy rolled up Goldust to win the intercontinental championship! In WWF's first Triple Threat Match at IYH: The Perfect Official, the three brawled to the outside, and the referee had to stop the match! A Falls Count Anywhere affair will be scheduled for In Your House: Suspend Your Disbelief -- who will come out on top? </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong> In Your House: Suspend Your Disbelief (October 1996)</strong></p><p> <strong>Ladder Match for the World Title:</strong> Shawn Michaels © vs. Vader</p><p> <strong>Casket Match:</strong> Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker</p><p> <strong>WWF Tag Team Title Match:</strong> The Headbangers © vs. Bart Sawyer & The Rock</p><p> Misterioso & Volador vs. The New Rockers (Al Snow & Marty Jannetty)</p><p> <strong>Falls Count Anywhere Triple Threat Intercontinental Title Match:</strong> Billy Gunn © vs. Bart Gunn vs. Goldust</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeeaaaah...I'm gonna need you to go ahead and push Bart Gunn to the moon lol</p>
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<p>Just finished my 16 Women Tournament to crowd the first ever TCW Women’s Champion!...or at least as far as my game goes! Here are the results! (September 2016)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Opening Round</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>East Bracket</strong></p><p>

Jaime Quine def. Nadia Snow</p><p>

Tracy Brendon def. Paige Croft</p><p>

Sara Marie York def. Cherry Bomb</p><p>

Demelza Wade def. Jessica Bunny</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Bracket</strong></p><p>

Suzanne Brazzle def. Zoe Ammis</p><p>

Shiori Jippensha def. Alexis Littlefeather</p><p>

Joanne Rodriguez def. Gemmei Oonishi</p><p>

Katherine Goodlooks def. Tomoko Nagatsuka</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Unfortunately, Joanne Rodriguez suffered a Medium Concussion during a tag team match in between tournament rounds. Therefore, J-Ro is forced out of the tournament. As far as the brackets go, Katherine Goodlooks was granted a pass into the Semi-Finals as a result of J-Ro’s injury. But, a sly Cherry Bomb talked herself into becoming J-Ro’s replacement by insulting Goodlooks repeatedly. Her courage questioned, Goodlooks accepted Cherry’s challenge, and Cherry was back in the tournament.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">2nd Round</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>East Bracket</strong></p><p>

Tracy Brendon def. Jaime Quine</p><p>

Sara Marie York def. Demelza Wade</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Bracket</strong></p><p>

Suzanne Brazzle def. Shiori Jippensha</p><p>

Cherry Bomb def. Katherine Goodlooks</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Semi-Finals</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>East Bracket</strong></p><p>

Sara Marie York def. Tracy Brendon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>West Bracket</strong></p><p>

Cherry Bomb def. Suzanne Brazzle</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Finals</span></strong></p><p>

Sara Marie York defeats Cherry Bomb to become the FIRST EVER TCW Women’s Champion!</p><p> </p><p>

I’ll check back in soon with the results of the tourney that will crown the first ever TCW Women’s Tag Team Champions.</p>

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<p>My brand split TCW game, this is my most recent show featuring an X-Division Tag Team Title Tournament, check it out.</p><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gffgf6tgYQs?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="TCW X Division Tag Team Title Tournament"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

TCW Fearless June 2017</p><p> </p><p>

QF- Rock City Stars (Stan Manna and Rockin Ryan Turner) vs H8U2 (Gram Gorman and La Bestia Purpura)</p><p>

QF- Warp-Jump (Toady & Hallowarped) vs The Iron Men (Vince Von Trapp 'fka KC Glenn' & American Elemental) </p><p>

QF- The Cali Dragons (Mikey James/Frankie Perez) vs Latino Kings (Rudy Valesquez/Hector Galindo)</p><p>

QF - The Ultimate Warriors (Kamikaze/Delirium) vs Wild And Wicked (Babau/El Orgulosso)</p><p> </p><p>

Dr Rudo vs Rob Reynolds (debut)</p><p> </p><p>

SF 1-</p><p>

SF 2-</p><p> </p><p>

X-Divsion Title grudge match- Gino Montero © vs Bart Biggins</p><p>

Fearless Title - Sammy Bach © vs Nighthawk.</p><p> </p><p>

The Finals to determine our new X-Division Tag Team champions</p>

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