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Mods By Fleisch

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Which company do you want me to remove for OVW? I've explained a thousand times why the number of promotions is set the way it is so if you want a promotion added, you need to also tell me which promotion should be removed.


Also adding yet another promotion means all my time for updating will just be researching one company and little time for much else.


As to why people were set specifically as authority figures, this was because setting Angle etc to semi-active meant the AI had them wrestle on TV more than in real life. I will change them IF I decide to release another update. Right now, I'm not particularly certain that is happening as I have other things I'd rather be doing with my free time.

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I am appauled to see that this mod is missing the future HOF, HOI, face of the company, greatest of all time, one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions,



1/10 terrible mod


I couldn't afford to pay his likeness rights fee. Besides, TEW stats didn't go that high to do such a future legend justice.

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I couldn't afford to pay his likeness rights fee. Besides, TEW stats didn't go that high to do such a future legend justice.


Can we at least get the kid who got super kicked by the Young Bucks? :p


Or the nine year old girl who wrestled Kenny Omega? Or the blow up doll Omega had a match with? :D

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I am appauled to see that this mod is missing the future HOF, HOI, face of the company, greatest of all time, one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions,



1/10 terrible mod


Get it right 2nd generation talent future HOF, HOI, face of the company, greatest of all time, one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions, NICHOLAS


For anyone who hasn't heard Nicholas is actually Nicholas Cone son of WWE referee John Cone.

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Which company do you want me to remove for OVW? I've explained a thousand times why the number of promotions is set the way it is so if you want a promotion added, you need to also tell me which promotion should be removed.


As much as I'd argue OVW would be a good addition, I'd also say it would be a major hassle, I cut them from my data simply because they were churning out more talent to keep up with, their roster is split between regulars and rookies since OVW is predominantly a school.

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tony schiavone is a commentator for MLW, but he is not even in the mod. MLW has a weekly show called fusion on Bein sports.Joey Styles is not in the mod too.


No sorry I was too busy researching and adding 86 other workers along with several hours collaborating on getting Japan to a more playable level with this update. I hope the omission of Tony Schiavone hasn't ruined your game too much. I will endeavour to get him added IF I decide to release an update, which lets face it, isn't likely.


You are correct, Joey Styles is not in the mod because I thought he left the business a couple years ago after the EVOLVE and CHIKARA firings.


I also see you're new here, so let me welcome you to the boards.

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No sorry I was too busy researching and adding 86 other workers along with several hours collaborating on getting Japan to a more playable level with this update. I hope the omission of Tony Schiavone hasn't ruined your game too much. I will endeavour to get him added IF I decide to release an update, which lets face it, isn't likely.

You are correct, Joey Styles is not in the mod because I thought he left the business a couple years ago after the EVOLVE and CHIKARA firings.


I also see you're new here, so let me welcome you to the boards.


I hope you don't stop your great work just because of comments like that. Keep the good work if possible, there is a lot of us here grateful for the great mods you do.

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If you read the first post in full, it states that if you want a promotion to be added to the game, you should suggest which one it should replace and give reasons why.



If you read my post, I kinda did.


Freedoms is pretty active, is somewhat in the same vein as FMW, and FMW isn't active...


It kinda never really was...

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People, if you're going to spend time asking for "more" the very least you can do is start your post with "Thanks for the work guys. Any chance of..." because it is more likely to be considered. The hours that went into this update were ridiculous and so far all I'm getting are add this and that messages. It's not an ego thing, it's a basic manners thing.


Answer me this, you fix someone's car for free, then give it back just for them to come back with "could you wash it before you return it next time" without a hint of gratitude, are you going to fix their car for free again? No, of course not.


I know there are a lot of people who have shown their thanks, and I appreciate and respect them for that - you are the people who are making me consider whether this is something I continue rather than just binning off.


Any chance for some of the North West promotions to get added in a future update? I could send some links if you wanted.

Afraid not. next update is an update only and no new promotions will be added. I have no idea what the North West scene would even look like (plus I have a "one in, one out" rule for promotions meaning a company will need to be removed before I add any more).


Any way we can add OVW in this mod? All their episodes are online and they have a pretty good roster. I could help with a roster list. Not great at making stats, but their roster isn't that huge. A few of them are already in the mod, but no pictures.

Again, I'm afraid not. As per above it is "one in, one out" on promotions and I don't like OVW enough to remove any of the companies I've already worked on.


Ever thought of replacing FMW (it's done now that Onita is retired I think) with Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS?

FMW held shows on 7th and 8th April. Onita retired from in ring competition but I'm sure he is still running FMW. I'd be willing to consider a change later down the line.


For those who are asking for promotions to be added, let me give you a little insight into how a promotion is added to RWC in case you're of the impression it's something I can do quickly.


Step 1: Watch a few shows to get a general feel for what the company brings, it's strengths, it's weaknesses.

Step 2: Ensure I have watched a handful of matches for people not yet in the data that appear regularly for the newly added promotion.

Step 3: Find out all the information the game will need to get the company in correctly (Opening date, style, popularity, production values, etc...)

Step 4: Add the promotion to the database.

Step 5: Add the contracted workers using Cagematch to see who has worked recently and regularly for them (websites are usually well out of date).

Step 6: Set the Owner/Booker and Announce Teams

Step 7: Look for their popular events (if any) and add them.

Step 8: Add any other events that happen yearly/monthly/weekly.

Step 9: Add any TV and event broadcasting deals.

Step 10: Add title lineages (this can take hours or minutes depending how long the company has been in business)

Step 11: Test Play to ensure that everything is running as it should

Step 12: Tweak anything that may be off after the test. Fix any anomalies.

Step 13: Add any company relationships

Step 14: Cut a logo for the promotion, any belt pictures that have been found and pictures for any new workers added to the database.

Step 15: Release the data and be told I got it all wrong.


EDIT: By the way, any feedback from those who like playing in Japan with regards the changes etc? That was one area I really hoped people would give feedback on but I've only had a tiny bit.

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Not quite sure why people ask for one or two workers to be added to future releases...... i never understood why people don't just import them from other MODS.I have done this with both Schavonie and Styles. I always have the most updated version of both Fleisch's and TheWho's MOD's and import workers when needed and then just alter their attributes to fit the MOD your playing with. TheWho has one of the deepest worker pools in TEW, and Fleisch has some of closest attribute sets to fit the real life feeling(in my opinion). Both do amazing work, and have been for quite some time now...least we can do is not bother them with the "minor" stuff.


Just my opinion....

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Not quite sure why people ask for one or two workers to be added to future releases...... i never understood why people don't just import them from other MODS.I have done this with both Schavonie and Styles. I always have the most updated version of both Fleisch's and TheWho's MOD's and import workers when needed and then just alter their attributes to fit the MOD your playing with. TheWho has one of the deepest worker pools in TEW, and Fleisch has some of closest attribute sets to fit the real life feeling(in my opinion). Both do amazing work, and have been for quite some time now...least we can do is not bother them with the "minor" stuff.


Just my opinion....


What the hell is this!? Sounds like logic...


...on the internet!? wow...


And Fleisch, been in a big thunderverse kick lately, so haven't touched your data in a while...but you're the man and your work is not only fantastic, it's HIGHLY appreciated!

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What the hell is this!? Sounds like logic...


...on the internet!? wow...


And Fleisch, been in a big thunderverse kick lately, so haven't touched your data in a while...but you're the man and your work is not only fantastic, it's HIGHLY appreciated!

Don't blame you, the Thunderverse is probably one of the best mods ever released on TEW. Just wish I had more time to continue playing it.

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