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Mods By Fleisch

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AAA’s La Parka sadly passed away due match injuries. Just to be clear, I am referring to the current La Parka, not the WCW La Parka who now competes as LA Park


I'm not going to lie, I thought he was dead the minute his head hit that railing. I remember thinking he was lucky to still be alive. It goes to show though, one wrong move and that's it. RIP.




Probably referring to this;


"The Tessa Blanchard story is starting to heat up. As many wrestling fans know by now, Tessa Blanchard has been accused of bullying other female wrestlers as well as racism by NWA Women's Champion Allysin Kay. The person who was called the N-Word is Black Rose."


Black Rose then Tweeted;


"@Sienna & @ImChelseaGreen Thank you so Much!!!!.......

That Story!!!!.... Yes, that's happens on Japan 2017!!! If @Tessa_Blanchard do not Remember it ... Can I!..


I am not a Mean Girl with any Coworkers around the world .


Be kind of #racist is not ridiculous is a #sickness"


Chelsea Green chipped in with;


"You’ve consistently put down, bullied, and belittled countless female coworkers, including me. Is that support? "



Tessa's response was;


"I’ve never been anything but kind to u. I’ve dealt with mean girls since I started..not saying I’m a saint, hell I’ve had my ups&downs & Ive made silly decisions...Such is life. u have ZERO merit in your comments..Instead putting me down here for a little clout...you’ve got my #!"


I have seen that there are so many Toxic douchebag wrestlers on Twitter that finding the time to update personalities is just too much of a ball ache to even start. It winds me up the number of wrestlers who think they are owed fan support regardless of their ability. We have truly entered the Crybaby era in wrestling.

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Well interesting that all those allegations surface when she is about to win the Impact World Title. It sounds a bit like jealousy about her success and media coverage. As long as there is real proof nobody should jump to conclusions like altering her personality based of hearsay.... Its nothing more at the moment.
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Well interesting that all those allegations surface when she is about to win the Impact World Title. It sounds a bit like jealousy about her success and media coverage. As long as there is real proof nobody should jump to conclusions like altering her personality based of hearsay.... Its nothing more at the moment.


I think it's less because she's about to win a world title and more about her passive aggressive tweet calling on women to "support each other". That level of hypocrisy would get to me as well. Plus, this is being backed up by multiple people across different companies so it's a stretch to say the least that they're all making it up out of jealousy.

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Well interesting that all those allegations surface when she is about to win the Impact World Title. It sounds a bit like jealousy about her success and media coverage. As long as there is real proof nobody should jump to conclusions like altering her personality based of hearsay.... Its nothing more at the moment.


My understanding is that WWE didn't offer her a deal when they had a chance because of her personality - she's forceful and direct which doesn't always work well in a dev system. She's known to be abrasive and frankly threatening to other women.


Back in 2016 she bullied Courtney Stewart whilst they were in Japan and Courtney walked out of the STARDOM Tour without notice and then called Rossy Ogawa and advised it was because of two physical assaults.


On the same tour Kagetsu refused to work with her after an incident.


She reportedly has had run-in incidents with Terri, Victoria and The Kat. Given Victoria is a renowned sweetheart if she has heat with her it's likely a sign of some personality issues.


Reportedly her behaviour at the Mae Young Classic she was in was problematic.


She threatened a number of people online over leaked pics of Ricochet a few years back.


There have been a lot less negative stories over the last couple of years so my guess is her behaviour has improved as she's matured but anyone saying negative things about her has probably experienced her negative behaviour in the past - the stories are all from a couple of years back.


The mod is all about best guesses on personality and I'm going to say she's BOLD, SELFISH, EGOTISTICAL, DRIVEN, ANTI-SOCIAL and RUTHLESS which tends to make for a high achiever but also a person that causes friction. On the plus side she's DEPENDABLE and appears LOYAL too. Her in ring abilities probably need to be upped but personality wise I think it's safe to say she's not an easy person to get on with. Given we are only ever guessing based on 2nd hand info rather than personal knowledge she would definitely be a person I would set more to the negative side of the personality scale based on what we've seen reported over the years.

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Some things that need to be adjusted:



Jamie Hayter should be signed to Stardom.

Giulia should be added and signed to Stardom.

Reo Hazuki should be set as retired.



Bea Priestley and Toni Storm should have a strong friendship.

Chris Brookes should have strong friendships with Kyle Fletcher, Mark Davis, and Kid Lykos.

Nixon Newell should have strong friendships with Candice LeRae, Jessamyn Duke, and Shayna Baszler.

Nixon Newell and Travis Banks are no longer dating.


Starting Injuries:

Jungle Kyona, Samoa Joe, and Hiromu Takahashi should all have their injuries removed.

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Catalina from WWE was listed as a male when I started my game last week


That should have been fixed when I fixed the Jessica Carr issue and re-uploaded the data the day after initial release. I'm not at my PC to check as I'm going to work in a minute but I'm sure it was already reported and fixed.


EDIT: I've now checked, and Jessy was set to female in the most recent upload back when it was first reported.

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Couple of updates regarding non-RWC mods.


Diablo X is going to be getting a slight overhaul for TEW2020

Flashpoint 2k2 will eventually come to TEW2016, but the final version may not be until TEW2020 has been released.

Flashpoint 2k20 is currently being looked at being made. This will be an update (with a few surprises) to the 2019 version. I am not sure if this will be for TEW2016, it is likely it will be a TEW2020 release.


Discontinued mods that I won't be updating in the future; The Millennium and Smackdown Vs. Raw. With the Smackdown Vs. Raw mod, anyone is free to use it as a base to create and release their own versions of it.



After the footage I just saw of Psicosis II punching Konnan, I guess a hatred relationship or at the very least a Strong Dislike relationship should be added to RWC between the two. Given the fact Psicosis II was unmasked, and Konnan backed off completely when this all went off I am guessing there is some real heat between the two and it wasn't a work.

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Based on an instagram post it seems like Jazzy Gabert is retiring or at the very least gone from NXT UK. Eddie Dennis also out injured again with another shoulder injury suffered at the NXT UK tapings forcing him to also vacate the Progress championship which was won later at the Progress show by Cara Noir
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Priscilla Kelly is wrestling her second match in AEW so maybe just give her a PPA with them.


Darby Allin should probably have a boost in pop hes currently only set as an opener in AEW.


Joey Janela should be on loan to GCW


Since Lykos is retired and Brookes will be in Japan, Joe Nelson got permission to be CCK in England as Kid Lykos II.


On the topic of companies (I know nothing wont be changed for TEW2016) but I'd argue that Black Label Pro and Beyond Wrestling are making bigger waves than AIW or AAW.


GCW owner, Tama and Janela should probably have simmering tensions with Enzo, unless im being worked.


Probably best to put Dragon Lee on a PPA with ROH so he doesnt lose his belt after 3 appearances.


Flamita and Rey Horus should get a raise in pop in the US, Flamita especially.

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With some talent trading (Marty not just doing his own thing anymore, Aldis has been on ROH shows since the Crockett Cup really, and Flip will be wrestling Aldis on NWA's next PPV) and then, the lovely and underappreciated, Quinn McKay showing up on NWA Powerr to announce Dan Maff's inclusion in the TV Title tournament "representing ROH". Mr. Anderson and ODB also make sporadic appearances for ROH. I'd say a working agreement for the two, is my point. They clearly have an agreement of some kind figured out.


Random side-note, referee Mike Posey works for both AEW and NWA. Paul Turner works for ROH and AEW.

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