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WCW: The Quest For The Lost Glory

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<p>WCW Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and "Macho Man" Randy Savage ©</strong> vs. Totally Buff</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> vs. Lance Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"The Cat" Ernest Miller</strong> vs. Fit Finlay</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> vs. Hell Raiser</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire</strong> vs. James Storm and Chris Harris</p><p> </p><p>

Lash Leroux vs. <strong>"Primetime" Elix Skipper</strong></p>

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Monday Nitro Card



WCW Tag Team Championships

"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and "Macho Man" Randy Savage © vs. Totally Buff


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Lance Storm


"The Cat" Ernest Miller vs. Fit Finlay


Non-Title Match

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Hell Raiser


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire vs. James Storm and Chris Harris


Lash Leroux vs. "Primetime" Elix Skipper

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  • 4 weeks later...




Week 4, August, 2001

Live from Hart Center Arena in Worcester, Massachusetts

Attendance: 3.600 (sellout)







Tony Schiavone introduces the show, as his fellow announcers "The Professor" Mike Tenay and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, while The Chosen Ones come down to the ring to kick off another edition of WCW Monday Nitro. Jeff Jarrett speaks first and he talks about how he is still the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and after tonight Totally Buff will once again be the WCW Tag Team Champions and The Chosen Ones will rule over WCW once more. Buff Bagwell speaks next and he repeats his line from last week about Randy Savage's fairy tale return having a tragic ending tonight at the hands of "Buff Daddy" and "The Total Package". Buff then hands the mic to Luger who says that just like all the women in the building tonight who will go home happy because they got to see Totally Buff in the flesh, he and Buff will be going home happy because they will once again be the Tag Team Champions.






Having heard enough, and much to the delight of the crowd, the trio are then interrupted by the familiar wolf howl and the apperance of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Kevin Nash and Randy Savage who make their way out onto the stage. Nash gets on the mic and corrects Luger, saying that these fans will go home happy tonight because they will have seen Luger and Bagwell get their asses handed to them in the middle of the ring! The crowd pops for that remark and Nash hands the mic to Savage who says that if Luger and Bagwell want the Tag Team Titles...come get them! But they better come ready for a fight because they're gonna get one, ohh yeah! The two teams then stare each other down while the announcers hype up the fact that these two teams will square off in tonight's main event with the WCW Tag Team Championships on the line! (A)



With the crowd still buzzing from that opening segment, we cut briefly to the announce table where Tony, Mike and Bobby talk about another big match that will take place later tonight as Diamond Dallas Page will go one on one with Lance Storm. They talk about DDP challenging Jeff Jarrett to a rematch last week on Nitro, and Jarrett ducking the challenge by getting Eric Bischoff to book Page against Storm instead. Bobby Heenan disagrees with that, however, saying that Jarrett didn't duck Page--Page simply hasn't earned another shot at the World Title. Tony then sends us back to the ring for our opening match. ©






The new WCW United States Champion is in action against Hell Raiser in a non-title bout. Mike Tenay notes that this is a huge opportunity for Hell Raiser, who could really put his name on the map with a win against the US Champion here tonight. Alas, that is not to be, however, as Rey is simply on another level than Hell Raiser who, despite putting up a decent little fight, is no match for Misterio as Rey picks up the win after hitting his Springboard Hurricanrana.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Hell Raiser at 6.01 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana ©






Rey has picked up the win but it is "The Franchise" Shane Douglas' music that hits after the match as Douglas makes his way out onto the ramp. "Cut the damm music!" he demands. Douglas then says that now that Rey and Lance Storm are finally done fighting for the US Title, maybe someone like him can finally get a shot--you know, someone who actually deserves it. Shane says that Rey will never be anything more than a cruiserweight trying to be a heavyweight and it is only a matter of time before his dreams come crashing down around him, just like it is only a matter of time before "The Franchise" is the NEW United States Champion. Douglas then drops the mic and stares at Rey while Tony Schiavone comments that Shane Douglas really knows how to sour the mood. (D+)






Sting and Booker T are walking through the backstage area. They stop outside a locker room door, knocks and then enters the room. As the camera follows them inside we find out that the locker room belongs to...






Diamond Dallas Page, who greets Sting and Booker with a friendly handshake. After exchanging a few pleasantries and wishing Page good luck in his match later tonight, Sting gets to the heart of the matter; he wants DDP to join him and Booker T in the War Games match at Fall Brawl. Page is, of course, more than happy to accept Sting's offer and just like that Team Sting grows from two to three members, leaving just one final spot open. (B+)






Back in the ring, cruiserweight action is up next as Lash Leroux faces off against "Primetime" Elix Skipper. This is a decent little match that sees Elix Skipper pick up the win after hitting his Play Of The Day finisher to secure the pinfall.



Elix Skipper defeated Lash Leroux at 4.32 by pinfall with a Play Of The Day (D+)






We cut to the back where Lance Storm is getting ready for his match later tonight against Diamond Dallas Page when he is suddenly joined by...






The Steiner Brothers. Scott and Rick stare Storm down for a few seconds before Scott tells Storm he and his brother are gonna be watching him tonight and that if defeats DDP, or maybe even injures him, there just might be a spot on their team waiting for him. While Storm doens't look altogether pleased to potentially be working with a pair of Americans, especially considering their threatening demeanor, he also recognizes the huge opportunity it is. As Storm nods his understanding, Tony announces that the DDP vs. Lance Storm match later tonight just even more important than it already was. (B-)






We cut to "Mean" Gene Okerlund who is backstage with Cash and Big Smooth and Cash is complaining to Gene about Billy Kidman ducking his challenges. However, as Gene points out, he doesn't recall Cash ever challenging Kidman. Cash looks offended by Gene's words, but before anything more can come of it...






The Cruiserweight Champion, Billy Kidman, walks into the camera's view and Cash's attention switches from Gene to Kidman. Kidman says that he isn't ducking anyone--least of all someone like Cash. Cash asks what that is supposed to mean, and Kidman says that he wasn't impressed by how Cash needed his bodyguard's help to beat Shane Helms at New Blood Rising. In fact, Kidman says that he just isn't impressed by Cash--period. An irate Cash then says if that's the case then Kidman should have no problem putting the title on the line against him next week on Nitro. Kidman readily accepts, saying that he doesn't have a problem with that at all, and we have ourselves a Cruiserweight Championship title match set for next week's Nitro! (D+)






Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo face off against Chris Harris and James Storm next and this one is little more than a squash as Palumbo and O'Haire control and dominate the action, putting Harris and Storm away with relative easy as they hit a double superkick on Chris Harris, which allows Palumbo to cover him and pick up the pinfall victory.



Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo defeated Chris Harris and James Storm at 2.26 by pinfall when Palumbo pinned Harris following a double superkick (C-)






"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan is backstage with the Jung Dragons, and Duggan is talking about how much he believes in them and that they just might be next in line to challenge the winners of tonight's main event for the Tag Team Titles.






Road Warrior Animal and Hugh Morrus are nearby, however, and they overhear Duggan's words and Animal states his opinion that they are going to be next in line to challenge for the titles.






And that is when The Mamalukes show up and claim that they are the ones who should be getting the next shot and the rest of them are kidding themselves if they think otherwise. The segment ends as the argument becomes a bit heated and Tony notes that there seem to be a lot of hungry tag teams in WCW right now. (D+)






"Mean" Gene Okerlund is backstage with "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Miss Jones. Gene notes that "The Cat" will be in action momentarily against Fit Finlay, but first he wants to ask "The Cat" about his actions last week, coming to the aid of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. "The Cat" says that Chris Kanyon has been sticking his nose into other people's business for too damn long and he's not gonna let him get away with it any longer. He says that Kanyon is nothing but a disrespectful little punk, but luckily he knows exactly how to deal with disrespectful little punks. "The Cat" then states that he has spoken and then he walks off with Miss Jones in tow as Gene sends us back to the ring. ©






Mike Tenay notes that Fit Finlay is one of the toughest men in the history of the sport of professional wrestling and Finlay proves it early on in this one as he utilizes his brutal, physical style to punish "The Cat", who makes the mistake of thinking that Finlay would allow him the time to bust out a few dance moves at the start of this one. "The Cat" is no pushover either, however, and he fights his way back into the match only to suddenly be attacked from behind as...






Chris Kanyon has made his way down to the ring and his attack on "The Cat" results in an obvious disqualification.



"The Cat" defeated Fit Finlay at 8.28 by disqualification when Chris Kanyon got involved ©



The match is over but Kanyon continues his attack on "The Cat" even after the bell rings repeatedly. Kanyon looks to be setting "The Cat" up for the Kanyon Kutter, but then...






Much like "The Cat" came to the rescue of Ric Flair last week, so does "The Nature Boy" come to the rescue of "The Cat" this week as Flair hits the ring and goes after Kanyon, who quickly retreats from the ring while Tony and Mike discuss the fact that it looks like Kanyon's actions have come back to bite him in the you-know-what here as he now has issues with both "The Cat" and Ric Flair. As Kanyon retreats back up the ramp, Flair is challenging him to come back down to the ring, but Kanyon ignores that request and disappears into the back, much to the frustration of both Flair and "The Cat". ©



Ric Flair turned face in this segment and the turn was a complete success



We cut to the announce table where Tony, Mike and Bobby remind everyone that we still have two huge matches coming up; Diamond Dallas Page versus Lance Storm, and in our main event "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and "Macho Man" Randy Savage will defend the WCW Tag Team Championships against the former champions, Totally Buff in what will be Randy Savage's first match on Monday Nitro in quite a while. With the stage properly set for the rest of the show, Tony sends us back down to the ring as DDP will be in action next against Lance Storm. (B)






The announcers talk about how this match is a huge opportunity for Lance Storm to prove that he is ready to hang with the big boys here in WCW and a win against someone as accomplished as Diamond Dallas Page would certainly go a long way toward Storm establishing himself as a World Title contender. This is a good match that gets a solid amount of time and while DDP is the favorite to win this one, Storm proves that he can hold his own as he goes toe to toe with DDP, utilizing his technical skills to make things difficult for Page. Page didn't get to where he is by accident, however, and the crowd is firmly behind DDP as he rallies and forces Storm on the defensive.






The Steiner Brothers then make their way to the ring and they immediately attack DDP, completely disregarding the fact that the referee is right there and he just barely manages to call for the bell before he is blasted by a right handed punch from "Big Poppa Pump".



Diamond Dallas Page defeated Lance Storm by disqualification at 11.40 when the Steiner Brothers attacked DDP (B-)



The Steiner Brothers continue their attack post-match with Scott appearing to be setting Page up for the Steiner Recliner, but before he can apply the devastating hold...






Sting and Booker T make their way to the ring to help their new War Games teammate. Much to the disappointment of the fans, the Steiner Brothers quickly leave the ring before a confrontation can take place and as Sting and Booker attend to their War Games ally, Tony and Mike note that Sting's team is now up to three members; Sting himself, Booker T and DDP, while Scott Steiner's team remains just him and his brother Rick. (A)



We swing by the announce table one more time where Tony, Mike and Bobby hype up the fact that our main event of the evening is coming up next as the WCW Tag Team Championships will be on the line when the Champions, Kevin Nash and "Macho Man" Randy Savage take on the former champions, Totally Buff, in a rematch from New Blood Rising. That match is coming up next right here on Monday Nitro! (B-)



WCW Tag Team Championships







Tony Schiavone says that this is what World Championship Wrestling and Monday Nitro are all about; four huge superstars going at it with the WCW Tag Team Championships on the line. The match starts off slowly with Totally Buff stalling early on, leading Mike Tenay to wonder if their loss at the hands of Nash and Savage at New Blood Rising has impacted the confidence of the former champions, but Bobby Heenan says that Bagwell and Luger are as confident as ever and they are simply being smart here. When things finally do get underway, it is mostly a straight up brawl with lots of punches being thrown. The former champions succeed at isolating Nash in their corner and they make use of frequent tags, and straight up underhanded tactics, to wear "Big Sexy" down. This is, of course, just a setup for Nash to make a comeback and make the hot tag to the "Macho Man", who enters the ring to a roar from the crowd. Savage takes the fight to both Luger and Bagwell and Tony notes that you can't really tell that this is Savage's first match on Nitro in a long time because he looks better than ever. Things eventually break down completely and it is utter chaos with all four men going at it in the ring. Amidst the chaos, the referee accidentally gets knocked out cold when Buff Bagwell ducks a big boot from Nash only for Nash to connect with the referee instead. With the referee down, the chaos continues in the ring and then...






The WCW World Heavyweight Champion suddenly makes his way to ringside with his guitar in hand. Jarrett enters the ring and it looks like he is going to blast Nash with the guitar, but Nash is ready for him and he blocks it! Jarrett's eyes go wide as he realizes he's in big trouble here, but a low blow by "The Total Package" on Nash saves the World Champion. Having dropped the guitar, Jarrett instead hits the Stroke on Nash while Bagwell and Luger double team Randy Savage. Savage fights back, however, and successfully fights off both members of Totally Buff...only to turn around right into a guitar shot from "The Chosen One".






Eric Bischoff is suddenly in the ring and he is wearing a referee shirt as Buff Bagwell covers Randy Savage and a fast three count by Bischoff means that we have new Tag Team Champions here on Nitro.



Totally Buff defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash at 14.27 by pinfall when Buff Bagwell pinned Randy Savage after Jeff Jarrett laid Savage out with a guitar shot. Totally Buff wins the WCW Tag Team Championships (B-)



And with a shot of the Chosen Ones standing tall in the ring, having successfully stolen back the Tag Team Championships here tonight, Monday Nitro comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.44

Show increased popularity in 10 regions

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<p><img alt="RsgfPd7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RsgfPd7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Booker T</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin Rhodes vs. "The Total Package" Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

<em>WCW Cruiserweight Championship</em></p><p>

Billy Kidman © vs. Cash</p><p> </p><p>

"The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p>

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs. Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk</p><p> </p><p>

The Jung Dragons vs. Chris Harris and James Storm</p><p> </p><p>

AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore</p>

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<p>The Steiner Brothers vs. <strong>Sting and Booker T</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>"The Total Package" Lex Luger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

Billy Kidman © vs. <strong>Cash</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"The Franchise" Shane Douglas</strong> vs. Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo</strong> vs. Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Jung Dragons</strong> vs. Chris Harris and James Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Shannon Moore</p>

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<p>The Steiner Brothers vs. <strong>Sting and Booker T</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dustin Rhodes</strong> vs. "The Total Package" Lex Luger</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman © </strong>vs. Cash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"The Franchise" Shane Douglas</strong> vs. Alex Wright</p><p>


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo</strong> vs. Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Jung Dragons</strong> vs. Chris Harris and James Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Shannon Moore</p>

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<p>The Steiner Brothers vs. <strong>Sting and Booker T</strong></p><p><strong>


Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>"The Total Package" Lex Luger</strong></p><p><strong>


WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman ©</strong> vs. Cash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"The Franchise" Shane Douglas </strong>vs. Alex Wright</p><p>


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo</strong> vs. Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Jung Dragons</strong> vs. Chris Harris and James Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles </strong>vs. Shannon Moore</p><p>

Reply With Quote</p>

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The Steiner Brothers vs. Sting and Booker T


Dustin Rhodes vs. "The Total Package" Lex Luger


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Billy Kidman © vs. Cash


"The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. Alex Wright


Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo vs. Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk


The Jung Dragons vs. Chris Harris and James Storm


AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore

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<p>The Steiner Brothers vs.<strong> Sting and Booker T</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>"The Total Package" Lex Luger</strong></p><p>

Keeps momentum rolling for him</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Billy Kidman ©</strong> vs. Cash</p><p>

Not a fan of the K on Kash's name? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"The Franchise" Shane Douglas</strong> vs. Alex Wright</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo</strong> vs. Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Jung Dragons</strong> vs. Chris Harris and James Storm</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Shannon Moore</p><p>

Surprised crackerjack didn't point out how much of a wet dream this match would be for me <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Week 1, September, 2001

Live from Curry Hicks Cage in Amherst, Massachusetts

Attendance: 4.000 (sellout)








As Monday Nitro goes live we do so with "Macho Man" Randy Savage already sitting on a chair in the middle of the ring, much to the confusion of the announcers. Savage has a mic in his hand and after a bit of a wait he says that he wants Jeff Jarrett to come out here right now and he's not moving until he does. More waiting as there is no initial reaction from the back, but then finally...






The owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff, makes his way out from the back to boos frm the crowd. As Bischoff approaches the ring, Savage says that he doesn't want Bischoff--he wants Jarrett! And he wants him tonight! Bischoff enters the ring and informs Savage that that's not going to happen. Savage takes off his sunglasses and stares at Bischoff with intense eyes and then he grabs Bischoff by the throat and says that he wants to get his hands on Jarrett and Bischoff is going to make it happen--one way or another. Tony Schiavone chimes in and says that Savage is out of control, but a terrified Bischoff agrees to sign a match between Jarrett and Savage--not for tonight, but for Fall Brawl with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Savage considers this for a moment and then he finally releases his grip on Bischoff's throat, but before he leaves the ring, Savage informs Bischoff that he's not gonna wait until Fall Brawl to get his hands on Jarrett! (B+)




Following that huge opening segment we cut to the announce table where Tony Schiavone, "The Professor" Mike Tenay and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan recap what just went down as Randy Savage basically threatened Eric Bischoff into signing a World Title match between Savage and Jarrett at Fall Brawl. Mike Tenay notes that Savage is clearly upset about Jeff Jarrett getting involved in last week's Tag Team Title matchup, ultimately costing Savage and Kevin Nash the titles. Tony agrees, but Bobby Heenan calls Savage a lunatic and says that he has no business putting his hands on the boss like that. Tony says that Jeff Jarrett and Eric Bischoff had no business getting involved in the Tag Team Title match last week either, but Heenan just ignores his words. The trio then shift their attention to tonight's show as they give a brief rundown of the card, focusing especially on the huge tag team main event where the Steiner Brothers will take on Sting and Booker T. Tony then sends us down to ringside for our opening match of the night. (B-)






"The Franchise" Shane Douglas wants a shot at Rey Misterio Jr.'s United States Championship and a win here on Nitro would certainly help his case, but Alex Wright is no walkover and he proves that here tonight as he puts up a good fight. Still, in the end, it is Shane Douglas who picks up the pinfall victory after hitting the Franchiser in what is a decent match.



Shane Douglas defeated Alex Wright at 6.28 by pinfall with a Franchiser ©



Shane Douglas gets on the mic after the match and he once again declares himself the next WCW United States Champion, saying that he'll take care of Rey Misterio Jr. just as easily as he just took care of Alex Wright.






This of course brings out the United States Champion, who says that Shane Douglas should be less concerned about running his mouth and more concerned with putting his money where his mouth is because he'll gladly put his title on the line against Shane at Fall Brawl! Shane is obviously pleased with this, motioning that the title belt will soon be strapped around his waist, and we have a United States Championship title match set for Fall Brawl. (C-)




WCW Cruiserweight Championship






The Cruiserweight Championship is on the line in this one as the champion, Billy Kidman, defends against Cash. This is an open, back and forth affair for the first few minutes, but some well-timed interference by Cash's bodyguard, Big Smooth, allows the challenger to take control. Cash dominatest he next several minutes, wearing the champion down and picking up several near-falls in the process but he is unable to put Kidman away, much to Cash's growing frustration. Torrie Wilson tries to get the crowd to rally behind Kidman, but every time Kidman appears to be building momentum, Big Smooth gets involved and helps Cash reestablish control. However, Big Smooth tries to get involved one too many times and the referee finally catches him in the act and sends him to the back. Cash argues with the referee about this until he is suddenly spun around by Kidman and dropped with a BK Bomb. Kidman covers, but Cash is barely able to kick out at two and a half. Kidman follows up with the Kid Krusher but instead of going for the cover again he chooses instead to climb to the top turnbuckle. Cash is motionless in the ring and Kidman hits a perfectly executed Shooting Star Press to pick up the pinfall victory and retain his Championship in what was a good and very competitive matchup.



Billy Kidman defeated Cash at 11.47 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. Kidman retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (B-)






Following Billy Kidman's successful title defense, we cut to the back where "Macho Man" Randy Savage is looking for the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett. But instead of Jarrett, Savage finds...






The Steiner Brothers. What follows is an intense staredown between Savage and Scott Steiner, but no words are exchanged as these two unstable individuals slowly move past each other and Savage disappears down the hallway as he continues his search for Jeff Jarrett. (B)






Back in the ring it is time for some tag team action as Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo face off against Alan Funk and Johnny Swinger in what turns out to be a rather easy victory for Palumbo and O'Haire as they dominate almost from bell to bell with only a brief flurry of offense from Alan Funk to interrupt their dominance. Chuck Palumbo picks up the win after Palumbo and O'Haire hit a double superkick on Johnny Swinger, which is more than enough for the three count.



Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire defeated Johnny Swinger and Alan Funk at 3.40 by pinfall when Palumbo pinned Swinger following a double superkick ©






Following the match we cut immediately to the backstage where where a bleeding Diamond Dallas Page has been laid out and is lying seemingly unconscious on the floor. He is being attended to by medical personnel and the announcers wonder who could have done this--quickly concluding that the Steiner Brothers are the primary--and likely the only--suspects. Tony says that they will keep everyone updated on DDP's condition if and when they get an update, but for now we're heading back to the ring as the next match is about to get under way. (B-)






One half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, "The Total Package" Lex Luger, is in action next against Dustin Rhodes. Luger is accompanied to the ring by his tag team parter, Buff Bagwell, which, as Mike Tenay points out, means that Dustin will have to have eyes in the back of his head here. Tony agrees, saying that Luger is tough enough on his own but with Bagwell out there too it seems that the deck is stacked against Rhodes. Dustin Rhodes isn't one to go down without a fight, however, and he puts up one hell of a fight here, even sliding out of the ring and clotheslining Buff Bagwell, choosing to strike first rather than wait for Bagwell to attack first. The match goes back and forth from there until...






The Wolfpac music suddenly starts playing and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash makes his way out from the back to cheers from the crowd. As Nash slowly makes his way toward the ring, Tony excitedly says that it looks like it is time for "Big Sexy" to make Luger and Bagwell pay for stealing the Tag Team Titles last week. Unfortunately, Nash's arrival distracts Dustin Rhodes as much as it does Totally Buff, and "The Total Package" is able to seize the opportunity and put Rhodes in the Torture Rack to pick up the submission victory.



Lex Luger defeated Dustin Rhodes at 7.48 by submission with the Torture Rack (B-)



The match is over and Kevin Nash may have inadvertently cost Dustin Rhodes the match, but Nash's focus is on the Tag Team Champions and nothing but. Luger and Bagwell remain in the ring while Nash stares at both of them from the floor, and then "Big Sexy" enters the ring! But rather than fight, even with a two on one advantage, Totally Buff leave the ring and retreat back up the ramp, leaving Nash standing menacingly in the ring as the announcers speculate what Nash's mindset is like right now after what happened last week on Nitro. (B+)






We cut to somewhere in the back where we get our first look of the night at the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett, who is with Eric Bischoff. Bischoff tells Jarrett that Savage is on the warpath tonight and that it might be a good idea for Jarrett to leave the building. Jarrett still isn't too happy about Bischoff agreeing to a title match between himself and Savage at Fall Brawl, but Bischoff says he had no choice and that they'll "figure something out", but for now Jarrett needs to get out of the building before Savage finds him. (B+)






Mike Tenay notes that this is Shannon Moore's first match after officially ending his tag team with Evan Karagias and he wonders if this will be a fresh start for Moore, who claimed that Karagias was holding him back. This is a fast-paced match with both men getting roughly the same amount of offense in. The finish of the match comes when AJ Styles tries to go for the Styles Clash, but Moore is able to wiggle out of it and catch Styles in a roll-up, with Moore putting his feet on the ropes for added leverage which allows him to steal a victory here on Nitro.



Shannon Moore defeated AJ Styles at 6.12 by pinfall when Moore pinned Styles with a roll-up while using the ropes for leverage (C-)






"Mean" Gene Okerlund is backstage with Sting and Booker T and he asks them their thoughts both on their match later tonight against the Steiner Brothers, but also on what happened to DDP earlier tonight. Sting says that the Steiner Brothers aren't fooling anyone. He says he knows that they were responsible for what happened to DDP and they are going to pay for it in the ring later tonight! Booker says that they are gonna teach the Steiner Brothers a lesson in respect tonight and they are gonna do it for DDP. (B-)






"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "The Cat" Ernest Miller, along with Miss Jones, make their way to the ring together as the announcers recap the events of the last two weeks with "The Cat" and Flair coming to each other's aid. Flair gets on the mic and says that he and "The Cat" have been talking and they have decided that they want a piece of that disrespectful punk Chris Kanyon at Fall Brawl!






This brings out Chris Kanyon and Stacy Keibler before Flair can continue. Standing at the top of the entrance ramp, Stacy gets on the mic and says that, while Kanyon could easily best both of them on his own, she simply won't let him do it because she has to take care of her client's best interest in the long-term, and accepting a handicap match is not in her client's best interest. "The Cat" then gets on the mic and says that they don't want a handicap match, they want a tag team match--that is if Stacy can find someone dumb enough to team with that insufferable client of hers. Stacy and Kanyon talk it over between themselves and then she announces that her client accepts the challenge! Tony Schiavone then announces that it is going to be Flair and "The Cat" against Kanyon and a partner at Fall Brawl! ©






The Jung Dragons are in complete control in this one, which is basically nothing more than a squash. Even so, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan manages to annoy the Dragons a bit as he gets the crowd chanting "U-S-A" even though the Dragons obviously aren't American. The Dragons pick up the win after hitting dual diving legdrops on their opponents.



The Jung Dragons defeated Chris Harris and James Storm at 3.24 by pinfall when Kaz pinned Harris following a diving legdrop (D+)






Outside the arena, Jeff Jarrett and Eric Bischoff are seen leaving when a loud thud nearby sends them into a panic as...






"Macho Man" Randy Savage has finally tracked Jarrett down. Savage gives chase, but Jarrett and Bischoff are able to get into a car and speed off before Savage can get his hands on the World Champion. Savage is clearly frustrated and Tony notes that he wouldn't want to be in Jarrett's boots at Fall Brawl going one on one against the "Macho Man" in the current condition that Savage is in. (B+)



With Savage clearly frustrated that he didn't get his hands on Jarrett here tonight, we cut to the announce table where Tony informs us that the main event is coming up next as the Steiner Brothers will take on Sting and Booker T. As the footage plays again, Tony recaps what happened earlier tonight when someone attacked Diamond Dallas Page backstage. Tony says that they still haven't received an update on DDP's condition and right now it is impossible to say whether Page will be ready to compete at Fall Brawl. Mike Tenay says that it is obvious that the Steiner Brother are the ones with the most to gain from this attack, so it would seem an obvious conclusion that they were the ones behind the attack on DDP. Bobby Heenan says that it is nothing more than a conspiracy theory and that, for all they know, DDP just tripped and hit his head. Tony calls that "unlikely, to say the least" and then sends us to ringside for our main event of the evening. (B)






The Steiner Brothers are Midajah make their way to the ring as Tony hypes up the huge main event that we are about to see, which is also a preview of the War Games match at Fall Brawl. Scott Steiner yells profanities at the fans at ringside, then motions for Sting and Booker T to come down to the ring as Tony notes that "Big Poppa Pump" looks ready for a fight here tonight.






Sting and Booker T make their way out from the back together in what Tony speculates could be a sign of unity after the attack on DDP earlier tonight. They both have their eyes firmly fixed on the Steiner Brothers, who are waiting for them in the ring, but when Sting and Luger are about halfway down the entrance ramp...






They are suddenly attacked from behind by KroniK! The Steiner Brothers join in the assault and the four men proceed to lay out both Sting and Booker as Sting is locked into the Steiner Recliner by Scott Steiner while KroniK hits their High Times double chokeslam finisher on Booker T. The three members of Team Sting have been decimated here tonight as KroniK are, apparently, the other two members of team Scott Steiner at Fall Brawl. And with that another edition of WCW Monday Nitro comes to an end. (B)


Final Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.37

Show increased popularity in 10 regions

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<p>Wait... Shannon beat AJ? I'm ecstatic, the one time I don't pick him he wins! Haha! If we're en route of any kind of Shannon Moore push, this may be my favorite diary. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Great stuff, really enjoyed Macho Man all throughout that show. BK with a good title defense as well.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kijar" data-cite="Kijar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="44117" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wait... Shannon beat AJ? I'm ecstatic, the one time I don't pick him he wins! Haha! If we're en route of any kind of Shannon Moore push, this may be my favorite diary. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Great stuff, really enjoyed Macho Man all throughout that show. BK with a good title defense as well.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the comments and glad you enjoyed the show <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As for a possible Shannon Moore push? Stay tuned <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p><img alt="RsgfPd7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RsgfPd7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday Nitro Card</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Jamie Knoble</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Non Title Match</em></p><p>

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Wright vs. Lance Storm</p><p> </p><p>

James Storm and Chris Harris vs. Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal</p><p> </p><p>

AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

Konnan vs. Alan Funk</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Note: </strong>There is one more match on this card (main event) but in the interest of not spoiling too much I'm leaving it off the predictions card. This is the final Nitro before Fall Brawl.</p>

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Scott Steiner

Rey Misterio Jr

Lance Storm

Hugh and Animal

AJ Styles



It seems like a pretty straightforward card, but I'm sure you'll have a stumbling block somewhere too! I went with AJ again because this time he won't let Shannon cheat any Moore! (See what I did there?)

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Monday Nitro Card


"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Jamie Knoble


Non Title Match

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Alex Wright vs. Lance Storm


James Storm and Chris Harris vs. Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal


AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore


Konnan vs. Alan Funk

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Thanks for the comments and glad you enjoyed the show :)


As for a possible Shannon Moore push? Stay tuned :D





"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Jamie Knoble

Que the sirens


Non Title Match

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Bounce-back king of mystery


Alex Wright vs. Lance Storm


James Storm and Chris Harris vs. Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal


AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore

See, this one was the real Sophie's Choice. I am going to dial it back to Shannon this time, doubling down on you giving him a clean win after a tainted one. I get to do AJ dirty here, and I'm not mad if he wins, 'cause he lost me a win when he got beat by freakin' Shannon. :p Alright, I've got Moore, but I'll stop here.


Konnan vs. Alan Funk

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Monday Nitro Card


"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Jamie Knoble


Non Title Match

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Alex Wright vs. Lance Storm


James Storm and Chris Harris vs. Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal


AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore


Konnan vs. Alan Funk

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<p><strong>"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Jamie Knoble</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Wright vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p> </p><p>

James Storm and Chris Harris vs. <strong>Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Konnan</strong> vs. Alan Funk</p>

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<p><strong>"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Jamie Knoble</p><p> </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Wright vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p> </p><p>

James Storm and Chris Harris vs. <strong>Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

AJ Styles vs. <strong>Shannon Moore</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Konnan</strong> vs. Alan Funk</p>

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<p><strong>"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner</strong> vs. Jamie Knoble</p><p>


Non Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio Jr.</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Wright vs. <strong>Lance Storm</strong></p><p>

Basically the only time I'll bet against Alex Wright....... Dancing Fool vs. Serious Machine</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Storm and Chris Harris</strong> vs. Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles </strong>vs. Shannon Moore</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Konnan </strong>vs. Alan Funk</p>

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Monday Nitro Card


"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs. Jamie Knoble


Non Title Match

Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Alex Wright vs. Lance Storm


James Storm and Chris Harris vs. Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal


AJ Styles vs. Shannon Moore


Konnan vs. Alan Funk

- I'd rather see Konnan job. He's worthless.

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Week 2, September, 2001

Live from Walter Brown Arena in Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 3.806 (sellout)







Team Scott Steiner come down to the ring to open up the last edition of Monday Nitro before Fall Brawl this Sunday night on pay per view. "Big Poppa Pump" gets on the mic while Rick Steiner, Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke stand menacingly behind him, and he says that it looks like Sting won't even have a full team going into War Games. Scott brags about KroniK taking out "that little bitch, DDP" last week, saying that hiring them was money well spent. Scott then says that now the man with the largest arms in the world and his team are gonna finish off Sting and Booker T this Sunday. (B)






This brings Sting and Booker T out from the back to interrupt Steiner, with Sting getting on the mic and saying that Steiner's ploy with KroniK may have caught them off guard last week, but they've had an entire week to get over it and they haven't been wasting their time! Sting then turns everyones attention to the big screen where...






Diamond Dallas Page appears via satelite from his home. Page, with his forehead still bandaged from last week's attack at the hands of KroniK, delivers a very simple message to Team Scott Steiner; they may have knocked him down last week, and he may not be at Nitro this week, but he'll be at Fall Brawl this Sunday night to show the world that he's still standing! BANG! The feed cuts out and Sting tells Steiner not to worry because he'll have a full team by the end of the night. Sting and Booker disappear into the back and Scott Steiner's mood has been noticeably soured here to kick off Monday Nitro. (B)






Our first match of the night sees Konnan taking on Alan Funk in what is a decent little matchup. Konnan controls most of the action, but Funk does get a flash or two of offense in here and there to keep from being a squash. Still, Konnan picks up a solid win after forcing Funk to submit with the Ziplock.



Konnan defeated Alan Funk at 4.40 by submission with the Ziplock ©






After the match we cut to the back where "Mean" Gene Okerlund is standing by with AJ Styles and he asks AJ about why he has asked to face Shannon Moore again here tonight. AJ says that he's just a young guy trying to make it in this business, which is tough enough on its own, but when you have guys like Shannon Moore cheating to get ahead, well that makes it nearly impossible for guys like him to succeed. AJ says that Shannon screwed him over last week and tonight is all about proving who the better man really is because he knows what kind of man Shannon Moore is now and he won't get caught off guard by him again. AJ then walks off toward the entrance area as Gene sends us back to Tony, Mike and Bobby to call the action. (D-)






This rematch from last week is an even, fast-paced affair with both men proving themselves capable of countering each other's moves. The finish comes when Shannon Moore tries to create a repeat performance from last week as he rolls AJ up and tries to use the ropes for leverage, but Styles is able to counter into a roll-up of his own and Shannon Moore kicks out a split second too late as Styles gets some payback from last week's defeat.



AJ Styles defeated Shannon Moore at 6.36 by pinfall with a roll-up (D)



The match is over and Shannon Moore can't believe he lost as he complains to the referee, saying he kicked out in time and even claiming that Styles cheated. However, as Tony Schiavone points out, the fact is that Shannon Moore cheated to defeat AJ Styles last week while Styles defeated Moore fairly this week.






While Shannon Moore continues to argue with the referee in the ring, we cut to the back where "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan is seen walking into the Jung Dragons' locker room carrying some kind of small box in his hand. He puts the box on a table, opens it, and offers the Dragons some good, ol' American cupcakes. The Dragons aren't too happy about this, saying that Duggan, as their manager, should be more concerned with getting them matches than getting them cupcakes. Duggan asks them to try one--they're really good, but the Dragons walk out of the room in a huff, clearly not happy with their self-appointed manager and his priorities. (D)






Alex Wright and Lance Storm face off in singles action next and it is a decent match with Wright getting in enough offense to look credible, but the outcome of this one is never truly in doubt as Lance Storm seems to be a step or two (or more) ahead of Wright and he picks up the win with his Canadian Maple Leaf submission hold.



Lance Storm defeated Alex Wright at 7.33 by submission with the Canadian Maple Leaf (C-)






"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The Cat" Ernest Miller and Miss Jones all make their way to the ring and, once inside the ring, "The Cat" gets on the mic and calls out Stacy Keibler and Chris Kanyon, saying that they want to know if the match is on for Sunday night. After a short wait...






Stacy and Kanyon come out from the back and they join Flair, "The Cat" and Miss Jones in the ring. Stacy proceeds to inform them that the match this Sunday at Fall Brawl is most definitely on because she has found the perfect tag team partner for Chris Kanyon. After stalling a bit to make their opponents, and the fans, wait in suspense, Stacy then introduces Kanyon's tag team partner at Fall Brawl--and Stacy's new client......






Mike Awesome! Awesome comes out from the back and joins Stacy and Kanyon in the ring and both teams stare each other down as the announcers hype up the tag team match this Sunday night at Fall Brawl. But tonight, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, this confrontation does not come to blows. (C+)






Poor James Storm and Chris Harris get squashed again here tonight as Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal complete dominate this one, picking up the decisive victory after Hugh Morrus hits his impressive No Laughing Matter moonsault on Storm to secure the pinfall.



Hugh Morrus and Road Warrior Animal defeated James Storm and Chris Harris at 3.44 by pinfall when Morrus pinned Storm following a No Laughing Matter (C-)






"Macho Man" Randy Savage comes down to the ring and he's looking every bit as intense as he did last week, though Bobby Heenan claims that that is just how Savage normally looks. Savage gets on the mic and talks about Fall Brawl this Sunday, saying that unlike last week on Nitro, Jeff Jarrett won't be able to run away from him like the coward that he is. Savage says that if Jarrett was any kind of a man, he would come out here and face him right now, man to man, face to face. Savage is about to continue his promo but then, surprisingly, Jarrett's music starts playing...(A)






"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett comes out from the back but the World Champion is, of course, not alone as he is joined by the WCW Tag Team Champions, Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell, as well as the owner of WCW, Eric Bischoff. They remain at the top of the entrance ramp where Jarrett gets on the mic and says that Savage needs to understand that he's the one with all the stroke around here and that The Chosen Ones are running this place. Jarrett says that Savage threatened his way into a World Title match last week but as far as he's concerned Bischoff should declare it null and void because the match was agreed to under duress. Savage looks like he's ready for a fight and is about to leave the ring when Bischoff takes the mic and tells Savage that rather than having to go through a bunch of legal technicalities that neither of them want, how about this; Bischoff then books a six man tag team match for later tonight; The Chosen Ones versus Randy Savage, Kevin Nash and a third partner of their choosing. If Savage's team wins, he gets his World Title shot--BUT...if Savage's team loses then he loses his World Title opportunity as well. Savage doesn't even have to think about it as he immediately replies that if it means he gets his hands on Jarrett tonight...then he accepts! We have a huge main event set for later tonight right here on Monday Nitro! (A)






"Mean" Gene Okerlund is backstage with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner and Midajah and Scott is livid after what happened earlier tonight, screaming at Gene and the camera that Sting, Booker and DDP should watch what he is about to do to Jamie Knoble in the ring because that is just a fraction of what he's gonna do to them at Fall Brawl! Scott then shoves Gene out of the way and heads toward the ring as poor Jamie Knoble faces off against "the Genetic Freak" next! (C+)






To his credit, Jamie Knoble doesn't back down and even gets in the first shot on Steiner, but that just serves to anger "FreakZilla" even more and what follows is a complete squash that could have been over sooner if not for Steiner choosing to extend his punishment of Knoble, screaming at the camera about Sting, Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page while he takes his frustrations out on Knoble. The punishment finally comes to an end when Steiner locks Knoble in the Steiner Recliner for an emphatic win.



Scott Steiner defeated Jamie Knoble at 2.10 by submission with the Steiner Recliner (C-)



The match is over but Scott Steiner refuses to release the hold, inflicting even more damage on Jamie Knoble and ignoring the referee's pleas.






Sting and Booker T are out from the back and they charge to the ring to save Jamie Knoble from Steiner's brutality, but...






"The Dog-faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner and KroniK are out from the back as well and Sting and Booker T face a four on two disadvantage. As Sting and Booker tries to fight off all four members of Team Scott Steiner, Tony and Mike talk about the fact that DDP isn't here tonight and that Team Sting doesn't have a fourth member yet, so things aren't looking good for Sting and Booker T here.






But that is when the Wolfpac music suddenly hits and "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash make their way to the ring to join the fray, fighting alongside Sting and Booker T! Working together, Sting, Booker T, Randy Savage and Kevin Nash are able to drive Team Scott Steiner from the ring as the announcers speculate what this means, both for our main event later tonight but also for the War Games match this Sunday at Fall Brawl. (B)






This may be a non-title match but, as Mike Tenay points out, a win for Chavo Guerrero Jr. here would have to put him right in the hunt for the United States Championship if he can manage to defeat the reigning United States Champion. Rey and Chavo have had numerous battles over the Cruiserweight Championship in the past and it is obvious that these two men know each other very well as we see a lot of counters in this one. Unfortunately the match doesn't get a proper conclusion as...






"The Franchise" Shane Douglas hits the ring and attacks Rey in plain view of the referee, who immediately calls for the disqualification.



Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. at 7.34 by disqualification when Shane Douglas got involved (C+)



Douglas continues his attack after the match, beating Rey down and finishing off his assault by hitting the Franchiser. Like him or not, agree with his methods or not, "The Franchise" just sent one heck of a message to the United States Champion just six days before their match at Fall Brawl. (B-)



It is almost main event time but first we swing by the announce table where Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan set the stage for what is coming up next. Tony notes that The Chosen Ones, Jarrett, Luger and Bagwell, will face off against Randy Savage, Kevin Nash and a third partner of their choosing. If Savage's team wins, Savage gets a World Title shot this Sunday. If The Chosen Ones win, Savage loses his World Title shot. But after what we saw earlier tonight, with Savage and Nash coming to the aid of Sting and Booker...who is the third man going to be tonight? (B)






The third man turns out to be none other than The Stinger, and Tony adds that he's just been told that not only is Sting the third man for Savage and Nash tonight, but "Big Sexy" is going to be the fourth member of Team Sting this Sunday at Fall Brawl. With those bombshells dropped, we turn our focus to our star-studded main event which sees the WCW World Heavyweight Champion spending most of the match doing anything and everything he possibly can to avoid Randy Savage. This means that Luger and Bagwell have to carry the majority of the load for their team, which does put them at a disadvantage as it is almost more of a three on two matchup. The match eventually breaks down, as these kinds of matches tend to do, and amidst the chaos Jeff Jarrett is so focused on escaping Randy Savage that he runs right into a big boot from Kevin Nash. Nash then hits the Jackknife Powerbomb but instead of going for the pin he tags in Randy Savage. While Sting and Nash make sure that Luger and Bagwell can't get involved, Savage climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits his big elbow drop on Jarrett. Savage covers Jarrett for the three count and the "Macho Man" just pinned the World Champion just six days before facing him again at Fall Brawl with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line.



Randy Savage, Kevin Nash and Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett, Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell at 15.13 by pinfall when Savage pinned Jarrett following the big elbow drop (B)



And with that, Sting and Nash join Savage in the ring as the nWo Wolfpac reunion is successful here tonight on Nitro. Running out of time, Tony encourages everybody to tune into WCW Fall Brawl live this Sunday night only on pay per view.


Final Show Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.42

Show increased popularity in 10 regions

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