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WMMA5 Small Questions Thread

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Sorry if this has been answered I tried to search the thread. Is there a way to edit the database while in a game to open up regions that MMA is illegal in? Im approaching my 100th PPV in one of my saves and was hoping to have it in New York. I am aware that it is possible for regions to legalize MMA organically over time I was just hoping to speed the process up.


This used to be bugged but I believe it's fixed. You, however, can have no interaction with it, so you cannot speed the process. The only thing you can do is set it to organised before the start of your game through the editor.


@fondfoat: There's a minimum time they need for preparation. One month is often too little time. And are you sure you didn't enable a filter of some sorts? The game remembers those.

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Well, as you can see in the absenses screen, most fighters are suspended. The winners will probably have to await their drug test results. In this game, you can only book them as soon as they are available to fight and have enough preparation time. It assumes fighters aren't interested in negotiating a new fight a mere week after the previous one.


You can disable this by getting your event in unregulated areas and disabling recovery and suspentions altogether in the options.


"Available" hence means that they can potentially fight on that card, just not now. You'll have to wait to book them.

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When companies are set in the database to only have male weight classes, is it possible for them to randomly introduce female weight classes at some point in the future when controlled by the AI? Also, is it possible for female-only companies to introduce male weight classes?


Just asking as my edited database at the moment still has one or two regions where there are no female companies or classes included, as I'm hoping that some companies might introduce them deeper into the game.

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<p>2 questions for me</p><p> </p><p>

1) how many newly generated fighters should I be expecting? I turned it on for 1 month and suddenly there here hundreds!</p><p> </p><p>

2) in my rizin career im almost certain I have never ran drug tests for my events as I lost credibility last event, however now suddenly my regions have become regulated and now I must. I havent nor would I know how to change this. This could make or break my company as you know what its like in Japan ha</p>

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Yes, but only if there is a dire need (ergo: many unemployed fighters in the weight class). In standard Cverse it only seems to happen when KDM or WEFF goes out of business.


Thanks very much for the reply. I'm using CVerse, but editing the database before starting. I'd like most of the game areas to have at least a small amount of female representation by around 2015, so I guess I have a few options for this... either create companies with female weight classes to open on fixed (or "not before") dates, set narratives to introduce female weight classes for companies that might open earlier, or just use the in-game editor to manually open female weight classes in companies when I think the time's right?

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either create companies with female weight classes to open on fixed (or "not before") dates, set narratives to introduce female weight classes for companies that might open earlier, or just use the in-game editor to manually open female weight classes in companies when I think the time's right?


You'd have to temporary add a player to edit their weight classes (if you can get that player employed). Best thing is indeed to import a narrative that adds the weight for that company.

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Ah yes, just noticed you can't change companies' weight classes through the in-game editor. Yep, importing narratives to open female weight classes when I think the time is right does seem to be the best way to do it. Thanks for your help.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Unrelated to the game except in a general sense




Loving the game so far. Cranked at least 10 hours on it before my general computer OS decided to eat the dust, prompting a wipe of the PC.


Would there be a way to verify my purchase and get my copy back, or would I have to by a whole new license?

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Loving the game so far. Cranked at least 10 hours on it before my general computer OS decided to eat the dust, prompting a wipe of the PC.


Would there be a way to verify my purchase and get my copy back, or would I have to by a whole new license?


No worries, there's a way to recover your license. You can find the License FAQ thread here in the tech support forum. They just get kinda buried under the sections for newer games. Bottom line is that you'll need to email Scott@greydogsoftware.com, tell him you need to recover your license, and

Ideally, you should include your license code or, if you don't have this, your name and the last four digits (last four only!) of the card you used to purchase the game


He has been quick getting back to me every time, for what it's worth, and it's a simple process... So it goes, nature of the beast with this kind of licensing system (so I'm glad they're helpful about it), and any user who hasn't been there before has been lucky:D Unlicensing is easy too (and covered in that FAQ), but sometimes you don't get a chance to unlicense :/

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It depends on who you are asking really. If they are too old, or have had too many fights, or aren't well known enough - I don't think that they will.


Unsure on the age, because I've had 40-year-olds come back, so that might be the top end of the age scale. And I believe high level regional is the minimum popularity needed.


You can't set anyone to active in the editor, but you can edit the above factors, before going back into the game, and asking them to come out of retirement using the "talk to" feature. From there, you could edit them back to their original stats if you so desired.

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has anyone noticed if there are any strong parodies in wmma?


There's a thread where people have listed who they think certain characters represent: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=540103


yes, i did all of what's there, but i still got the error. I removed and then re-installed the game, but still got the error. I just started a new game and hope I don't get the issue again.


If it does happen again then create a thread detailing the issue, along with what patch you're using, in the Tech Support forum so that Adam can help you out.



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So roughly 10 or so guys from my Middleweight division in GAMMA seem to have up and disappeared. They're not appearing in the rankings and when I go to actually book them in matches they're not there. Could you please tell me what's up with that? Or for that matter, why the game randomly stops showing fighters in the rankings every now and then?
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So roughly 10 or so guys from my Middleweight division in GAMMA seem to have up and disappeared. They're not appearing in the rankings and when I go to actually book them in matches they're not there. Could you please tell me what's up with that? Or for that matter, why the game randomly stops showing fighters in the rankings every now and then?


Are you sure they're actually still part of your roster and that they haven't had their contracts run out/been hired by other companies?


If that's not the case then you should post a thread about it, mentioning which patch you're using, in the Tech Support Forum: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=251


Question about using Fantasy Banking. With this turned on, can I still buy out companies?


I don't see why you wouldn't be able to? If it stops you because you don't have enough money (and i'm not sure it will) then you could always just use the in-game editor and give yourself lots of money if it did happen.


How do I add a new weight class?


Office > Weight Classes

Change the name of a weight class and the weight values etc. and click on Save. It won't overwrite the weight class you were initially on.

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So my created company is like the UFC of the CVerse with over 700 fighters under contract so there’s obviously a lot of completion for rankings. This one LHW however is 29-0, lhw champ 15 defences with 29/29 finishes. He even moved up and won the HW belt. He’s obv on the decline now but I was thinking if someone irl achieved what he did surely they would retire as there is nothing left to do for them in the sport? I don’t like interfering in the game but am thinking of force retiring him when he’s 30-0 surely it’s warranted here?
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So my created company is like the UFC of the CVerse with over 700 fighters under contract so there’s obviously a lot of completion for rankings. This one LHW however is 29-0, lhw champ 15 defences with 29/29 finishes. He even moved up and won the HW belt. He’s obv on the decline now but I was thinking if someone irl achieved what he did surely they would retire as there is nothing left to do for them in the sport? I don’t like interfering in the game but am thinking of force retiring him when he’s 30-0 surely it’s warranted here?


Who is he? How old is he? Has he fought all the top fighters in the world or are there others he hasn't faced yet who are employed in other companies? If not, then throw money at them when they're available to hire so you can get a super fight.


I'd keep him to face upcoming fighters (assuming they've got enough skill to beat him) until the wheels fall off as they'll gain popularity by beating him. See Anderson Silva, Randy Couture, Fedor Emelianenko, Dan Henderson etc. who are/were still fighting in their 40's as examples. After a few losses he'll probably want to retire any way without you interfering to a certain degree.

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