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Goodbye Steel City! Hello Sunshine State!

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WHEN: Early January 2016

WHERE: TotalExtremeWrestlingNews.com


Well, it looks like we're starting off the new year off with some very interesting news on the independent scene in the United States. Rumors are circulating that someone has purchased the rights to the remnants and intellectual property of Southern Championship Class Wrestling from Shane Sneer with the intent of rebooting the company with a more modern presentation! There have been reports of inquires for dates in the very near future at assorted venues in the Tampa area of Florida for wrestling events but no promotion has officially been tied to them.


Sneer, who owned and ran the fondly remembered regional company for its entire existence from 1998 through 2003, addressed the rumors via social media this morning. "I'm hearing the same rumors that all y'all are hearing on the interwebs. I loved my time running SCCW and I still get fans coming up to me asking about it to this day but until there is actually something to report on, I'm just going say a hearty 'no comment' at this time."


We will continue to follow this story as it develops.

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<p><strong>WHEN: Late November 2015</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE: A condominium in a well-to-do suburb of Pittsburgh, PA:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Just make the damn call."</em>, I told myself. </p><p> </p><p>

Sometimes your heroes can hold too much sway over you. Even years later, I find myself sitting here for twenty five minute staring at my phone, unable to make this call. I pondered how to tell a man that was like a father figure to me that the last remnant of his original legacy was coming to an end. I took a deep breathe and dialed him up.</p><p>


"Hey what's going on kid? Long time no speak. What's going on?"</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Not too much Phil but this isn't a social call. I need to talk some business with you."</em></p><p> </p><p>

Phil Vibert must have sensed the tension in my voice. He was always able to read people in a matter of moments. <em>"What's the matter kid? Are you alright? You're not in any trouble are you?"</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Nah, nothing like that Phil but I do have some disappointing news and I can't help but feel like I'm letting you down. I'm going to be shutting down </em><em><strong>Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling</strong></em><em> in the new year. We're hanging on for now but the writing has been on the wall for a while now. If I keep it up, it will just be a case of throwing good money after bad."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Well, I guess the East Coast Wars are truly, finally over now."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"I'm really sorry Phil. I tried to make this work, I really did."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Oh cut the crap Mitch. I'm not interested in attending your pity party. Look, with what we've learned in recent years about concussions and brain injuries, there haven't been a ton of talented young workers itching the get whacked in the head with chairs these days. The talent pool is drying up for that style and in a way, I'm glad it is. Look I'm proud of what we accomplished with </em><em><strong>DaVE</strong></em><em> and what you were able to do with </em><em><strong>PSW</strong></em><em> but hardcore wrestling belongs to another time and another place. So what's next for you? I could set you up with a show on the Podcast America network. I've been doing really well with </em><em><em>Vibert's Voice</em></em><em> so I am sure the company would be interested in doing one with you as well." </em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"I appreciate the offer but I actually have other plans I would like to run by you and maybe, if everything breaks right, make an announcement on an upcoming episode of the podcast?"</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Talk to me kid. What do you got?"</em></p>

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</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WHEN: Early December 2015</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE: A suite at Mohegan Sun Casino and Resort, Uncasville, CT</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Well the ink is dry kid! Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a dead wrestling company for some damn reason I don't quite get. Shall we head down to the craps table and celebrate?"</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Not quite yet Shane. Now that we've finished up our deal. I would like to offer you a job working for me. I've always considered you one of the better color men in this business during your limited runs in </em><em><strong>USPW</strong></em><em>."</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"What the hell do you need an old buzzard like me in Pittsburgh for Mitch? You got a great commentator already in Braun."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Alex is only five years younger than you Shane."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"He is? Jesus, I need to ease up on the cigars and booze. I look like ten pounds of crap in a five pound bag next to him."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"I wasn't interested in you for your good looks Shane."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Seriously Mitch what do you have up your sleeve here? What do you want with the corpse of </em><em><strong>SCCW</strong></em><em> and why are you offering me a job?"</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"Let's head down to the bar and talk. Have you ever been to Tampa?"</em></p>

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<p><strong>WHEN: Early December 2015</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE: TotalExtremeWrestlingNews.com </strong></p><p> </p><p>

A bombshell was dropped on the east coast indy scene this morning as Mitch Naess, owner of <strong>Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling</strong> announced via the company's Facebook page that their New Year's Eve show, entitled <em>End of Days</em>, will be their final show ever. The spiritual successor to <strong>DaVE</strong> is closing their doors, citing financial losses in recent months that are proving to be unsustainable. </p><p> </p><p>

Naess added, <em>"While we are sad about these events, we are focused mainly on putting together the best show possible to celebrate the legacy of </em><em><strong>PSW</strong></em><em> and of hardcore wrestling.</em> "When asked to elaborate on his future plans, he stated,<em> "I'll be appearing on Vibert's Voice in a few weeks to talk about what is next."</em></p><p> </p><p>

We will continue to follow this story as it develops.</p>

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<p><strong>WHEN: Early January 2016</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE: SCCWrestling.com </strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are very excited to announce that <strong>Southern Championship Class Wrestling</strong> will be running our first show in over ten years this month at the Tampa Bay Memorial Veterans Hall. Tickets go on sale Monday morning at the box office or on SCCWrestling.com! You won't want to miss the triumphant return of <strong>SCCW</strong>!</p><p> </p><p>

Scheduled to appear:</p><p>


</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Grandmaster Phunk</strong><br /></li><li><strong>Johnny Martin</strong><br /></li><li><strong>Nelson Callum</strong><br /></li><li><strong>Greg Black </strong><br /></li><li><strong>Madman Boone</strong><br /></li><li><strong>The American Cobras</strong><br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>

AND MANY MORE!</strong></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WHEN: Later that same day</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE:TotalExtremeWrestlingNews.com </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Well the pieces are finally starting to fall into place on the American indy wrestling scene this morning as the long dormant SCCWrestling.com website suddenly sprung back to life with the announcement of the first <strong>Southern Championship Class Wrestling</strong> show in almost fifteen years. The first clue about what is happening was the large number former <strong>Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling</strong> talents announced to be appearing on the card including Grandmaster Phunk, Johnny Martin and the soon to be <strong>USPW</strong> bound Nelson Callum. But the biggest clue about this mystery was buried on the footer of the site that read, "NAESSAYER PRODUCTIONS, 2016", which is the production company of former <strong>PSW</strong> owner Mitch Naess. As some of the bloom has come off the rose of Phil Vibert's former wunderkind protege with the failure of <strong>PSW</strong>, is this his next attempt at making his own mark on the business? Time will tell.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

We will continue to follow this story as it develops.</p>

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WHEN: Early January 2016

WHERE: Vibert's Voice podcast


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Phil: "So what you're saying then Mitch is that Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling isn't dead as much as you're rebranding the company as the new SCCW and moving down to Florida?"


Mitch: "No. I wouldn't say that Phil. It's much more than slapping a coat of paint on PSW and calling it something new. This is going to be a very different company and concept compared to PSW. So while some of the infrastructure will remain intact, this will very much be a new company, not another attempt at hardcore wrestling in a new location."


Phil: "How much of the current PSW roster will remain with the new company?"


Mitch: *pause* "Some will be making the trip down to Florida but our.......priorities.....have changed."


Phil: "Priorities?"


Mitch: "Our roster got long in the tooth very quickly and some of the younger wrestlers weren't up to the task of replacing them.....which is ultimately my fault as a talent evaluator. We also need to be a little more fiscally prudent this time around. We can't afford to be throwing money at big names that have seen their best days already. We also had some rough characters in that locker room and while this is still, at its core, an outlaw business, we're hoping to nourish a more......let's say, team-oriented environment down in Tampa."


Phil: "Originally, SCCW worked primarily in Georgia and Tennessee. Why are you going down to Florida?"


Mitch: "One word, taxes. *laughs* The lack of state income tax is the biggest incentive to me. You get a lot of workers living in Florida for that same reason. Plus there isn't another regional promotion in the area. Those two things give us a nice geographical advantage I think in the long run. Because that is my focus here, the long haul. This isn't a quick money grab."


Phil: "So who isn't going to be making the trip down to the Sunshine State with you........"

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<p><strong>WHEN: Early January 2016</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE: TotalExtremeWrestlingNews.com </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Fallout from the closure of <strong>Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling</strong> is finally being felt as the list of former <strong>PSW</strong> talent that had their contracts converted over to <strong>SCCW</strong> contracts has been revealed. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Acid II<br /></li><li>Ash Campbell<br /></li><li>Ernest Youngman<br /></li><li>Grandmaster Phunk<br /></li><li>Greg Black<br /></li><li>Jason Thunder<br /></li><li>JD Morgan<br /></li><li>Johnny Martin<br /></li><li>Lightning Lomas<br /></li><li>Logan Wolfsbaine<br /></li><li>Madman Boone<br /></li><li>Nelson Callum<br /></li><li>Stuntman<br /></li><li>Teddy Powell<br /></li><li>Venus Angeletti<br /></li><li>Xavi Ferrara<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

However, perhaps the bigger story is the number of people that Mitch Naess has released from their contracts, eleven in total who won't be joining <strong>SCCW</strong> at this time.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Vendetta<br /></li><li>Cerberus<br /></li><li>Dead Bolt<br /></li><li>Kammy Ling<br /></li><li>Little Bill Lebowski<br /></li><li>Primal Rage<br /></li><li>Xavier Reckless<br /></li><li>Anitx<br /></li><li>RM Stones<br /></li><li>Alex Braun<br /></li><li>Eric Tyler<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

Obviously the most shocking names on that list are former <strong>DaVE</strong> referee RM Stones, former <strong>PSW</strong> booker and color commentator Alex Braun and former <strong>DaVE</strong> icon Eric Tyler. No question there are some bruised egos and hurt feelings on that list as we wait to see who Naess will be replacing these men's roles with. Rumors are circulating that former <strong>SCCW</strong> owner Shane Sneer will be joining Naess in the commentary booth but that is not official at this point. </p><p> </p><p>

It was announced via SCCWrestling.com that indy darlings the American Cobras have signed with the company as have youngsters Princeton Pryce, Austin Smooth and Felipe Caballero. With <strong>SCCW</strong>'s debut show fast approaching, we can expect more names and matches to be announced very soon.</p><p> </p><p>

We will continue to follow this story as it develops.</p>

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<p><strong>WHEN: Early January 2016</strong></p><p><strong> WHERE: SCCWrestling.com </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Southern Championship Class Wrestling and Naessayer Productions Presents:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:36px;">SCCW MAYHEM</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong> Main Event</strong></p><p> Johnny Martin and JD Morgan vs Grandmaster Phunk and Shady K</p><p> </p><p> <strong>SCCW Southern Title Match</strong></p><p> Ernest Youngman vs Teddy Powell</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Plus</strong></p><p> </p><p> Madman Boone vs Greg Black</p><p> </p><p> Nelson Callum vs Hustle Muvva</p><p> </p><p> The American Cobras vs Ash Campbell and King Cobra</p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge vs Jason O'Conner</p><p> </p><p> Acid II & Stuntman vs Thunder & Lightning</p><p> </p><p> Austin Smooth, Felipe Caballero & Xavi Ferrara vs El Mitico Jr., Princeton Pryce & Logan Wolfsbaine</p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong>Quick Picks:</strong></p><p> Johnny Martin and JD Morgan vs Grandmaster Phunk and Shady K</p><p> Ernest Youngman vs Teddy Powell</p><p> Madman Boone vs Greg Black</p><p> Nelson Callum vs Hustle Muvva</p><p> The American Cobras vs Ash Campbell and King Cobra</p><p> Greg Gauge vs Jason O'Conner</p><p> Acid II & Stuntman vs Thunder & Lightning</p><p> Austin Smooth, Felipe Caballero & Xavi Ferrara vs El Mitico Jr., Princeton Pryce & Logan Wolfsbaine</p></div></blockquote>
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<p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">Looking forward to this one, Wildfire1324. I have enjoyed your previous diaries and I know that this one is definitely going to be right up there with some of the best. I enjoyed the back story so far. Looking forward to more. A little disappointed that Eric Tyler won't be joining SCCW as a manager or authority figure. The first show is always difficult to predict as it depends on which way you want to position the diary. So I am just going to pick my favorites and see what happens...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Johnny Martin and JD Morgan</strong></span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> vs Grandmaster Phunk and Shady K</span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>The old guard picks up the win here. I am probably wrong here but I have Shady K here to eat the pinfall or submission.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

Ernest Youngman vs </span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Teddy Powell</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>I may be wrong here but I am a fan of Teddy Powell. I am interested in seeing how you use him going forward.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Madman Boone</strong></span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> vs Greg Black</span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>This is one of the most difficult picks simply because I could see Greg Black being signed to USPW. I just remember the old zombie Madman Boone alt. So I am selecting him to pick up the win.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

Nelson Callum vs </span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Hustle Muvva</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>Callum has already been stated to be leaving for USPW. That makes this a no-brainer, right?</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>The American Cobras</strong></span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> vs Ash Campbell and King Cobra</span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>The kid of Nemesis picks up a loss here. But he can get back his heat in other ways. King Cobra probably turns on him to join with the American Cobras as a stable.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Greg Gauge</strong></span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> vs Jason O'Conner</span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>A back and forth match here but Sam Keith's kid is one of the best in the promotion. He is either a future SCCW World champion or a future USPW/SWF/TCW signing.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

Acid II & Stuntman vs </span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>Thunder & Lightning</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>I am just selecting the full-time tag team in this equation. Though, Acid II definitely has a future.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

Austin Smooth, Felipe Caballero & Xavi Ferrara vs </span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><strong>El Mitico Jr., Princeton Pryce & Logan Wolfsbaine</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">

</span><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;"><em>Another tough decision here. I go with El Mitico Jr. getting the win over Ferrara.</em></span></p>

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<p><strong>Johnny Martin and JD Morgan</strong> vs Grandmaster Phunk and Shady K</p><p>

<em>Shady is the weak link, so having him eat the pin (and keeping Phunk strong) should work out well in a good match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ernest Youngman</strong> vs Teddy Powell</p><p>

<em>Youngman will get snatched up at some point, but ride him while he can generate great ratings.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Madman Boone vs <strong>Greg Black</strong></p><p>

<em>Black can be the man.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nelson Callum vs <strong>Hustle Muvva</strong></p><p>

<em>Do you give Callum a win out the door? It might be the right thing to do, but be wrong...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The American Cobras</strong> vs Ash Campbell and King Cobra</p><p>

<em>Named team. Plus, shouldn't the King join the other Cobras?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs Jason O'Conner</p><p>

<em>Another one destined for bigger promotions, but he can carry you until then.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Acid II & Stuntman vs <strong>Thunder & Lightning</strong></p><p>

<em>Acid will be unhappy, but T&L get the win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Austin Smooth, Felipe Caballero & Xavi Ferrara vs <strong>El Mitico Jr., Princeton Pryce & Logan Wolfsbaine</strong></p><p>

<em>Smooth will get there, but those three are the low end in this match. #PushTheWolf</em></p>

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WHEN: January 2016

WHERE: Tampa Bay Memorial Veterans Hall


Southern Championship Class Wrestling and Naessayer Productions Presents:




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Announce Team: Mitch Naess and Shane Sneer

"Welcome everyone to the triumphant return of one of the great wrestling promotions of all time, Southern Championship Class Wrestling! I'm your host for this evening Mitch Naess and I'm very happy to be joined by the man who started it all, the founder of SCCCW, Shane Sneer!"


"You should be happy to be working with me kid as should all the mouth breathers out there joining us. Tonight SCCW returns after over a decade of hiatus. Them Hollywood types are rebootin' every thing they can so why not the most exciting 'rasslin company ever?"


"We've got eight big matches for the fans here in Tampa tonight Shane. Let's get down to ring and get things started!"




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Austin Smooth, Felipe Caballero & Xavi Ferrara vs El Mitico Jr., Princeton Pryce & Logan Wolfsbaine


In the opener, six of SCCW's most talented youngsters got the show off to good start with some fast paced action that saw El Mitico Jr. scoring the pin for his team with a German Suplex on Felipe Caballero.


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Devil May Care vs Thunder & Lightning


Some generic Texas guitar riff hits and out from the back walks a pudgy man with a bushy mustache, sporting a white suit and cowboy hat.



"Well, well, well! I reckon I guess I'm home! For those of you new to Southern Championship Class Wrestling, I'm the man who put the "class" in this promotion, the man who runs the show around here, the boss if you will! Boss Man Brayfield is the name and championship gold is my game. And tonight Brayfield Industries takes its first step toward SCCW domination with the announcement of my newest charges.......Jason Thunder....Lightning Lomas....the team of THUNDER AND LIGHTNING! Brayfield Industries is going straight to the top and its starts with these two masked idiots, Acid II and Stuntman! Let's go boys." Thunder & Lightning charge the ring and the fight is on! The end comes when the Boss Man hops up (hop is a relative term honestly) on the ring apron and distracts Stuntman, enabling his new team to hit the Thunder Struck and score the one two three.


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Jason O'Conner vs Greg Gauge


The current MAW Champion makes short work of the former Conner Threepwood, eventually making him tap out to the Proton Lock in just under ten minutes.

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The America Cobras vs King Cobra & Ash Campbell


The American Cobras get the win by separating the ring and isolating King Cobra to the point where Ash Campbell can't even manage tag into the match. They systematically dismantle him and score the pin with the Cobra Strike in just under 9 minutes.


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Venus Angelleti excites the crowd by handing out Ernest Youngman t-shirts to them but manages to needle the fans by telling them it will improve their embarrassing wardrobes dramatically.


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Ernest Youngman vs Teddy Powell: SCCW Southern Title Match

Before the match, Naess notes that the former PSW National title has been rechristened the SCCCW Southern title and that the SCCW Heavyweight and Tag Team titles would be filled at a later date. Youngman pins his veteran opponent with the Greco-Roman handful of tights as Venus hops up on the ring apron to distract Powell. After the match, Powell grabs referee Alvin Lavin by his lapels and berates him for missing all the blatant cheating.


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Madman Boone vs Greg Black


Madman Boone scores the upset win by countout when Greg Black finds himself on the losing end of a brawl and walks off saying, "I sure as hell don't need this crap."


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Nelson Callum vs Hustle Muvva


Hustle Muvva scores the upset when Callum springboards off the middle rope only to be squarely met in midair with a vicious Muvva headbutt. Both men crumble upon the impact but Muvva manages to drape an arm over his prone opponent to grab the biggest win of has career.


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Johnny Martin & JD Morgan vs Grandmaster Phunk & Shady K


The two teams brawled evenly for the first 7 minutes of match but Phunk and Shady K grab the advantage with some underhanded tactics and proceed to work over JD Morgan for several more minutes. Morgan manages to duck a clothesline and with desperation in his eyes, dives to make the tag with Martin's outstretched hand.....only to have Martin drop down to floor and flip off Morgan before walking to the back! Morgan only has a moment to ponder what happened before Phunk drags him back to the center of the ring and polishes him off with the Phunkensteiner.


After Phunk and Shady K celebrate their victory, a battered and bruised JD Morgan drags himself back into the ring with a microphone. "Johnny! Get your ass back out here!" Johnny Martin saunters back to ringside with a smirk on his face. "What the hell was that Johnny?"


Martin responds but doesn't get into the ring. "That JD? That was the start of something much bigger." Before Morgan can even respond, a man in a hoodie emerges from the crowd and blindsides him with a chair. Johnny Martin climbs in the ring, pulls down the man's hood and raises their arms in the air.


Mitch Naess is surprised. "That's Rick Sanders! Does the mean one of the greatest tag teams of all time, the Ace Express is back together?" Sneer lets out a little laugh that almost turns into a wheeze. "Well you don't have to be a genius to see that Naess! It looks like the Ace Express has just put all of Southern Championship Class Wrestling on notice!"


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I know nothing about the Cornellverse....but I'll always read anything you put up....it's great to have you back and I've really enjoyed the story told so far (even without knowing what's really going on, which says a lot to your abilities Wildfire!)
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Looking forward to this one, Wildfire1324. I have enjoyed your previous diaries and I know that this one is definitely going to be right up there with some of the best. I enjoyed the back story so far. Looking forward to more.



Thanks angeldelayette! I'm glad to see you're still here on these boards. Hope all is well.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tg01" data-cite="tg01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I know nothing about the Cornellverse....but I'll always read anything you put up....it's great to have you back and I've really enjoyed the story told so far (even without knowing what's really going on, which says a lot to your abilities Wildfire!)</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wow! Thank you! That means so much to me. I hope you enjoy this story I'm just getting started on tg01!</p>
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WHEN: Mid January 2016

WHERE: The SCCW offices, located in a Tampa strip mall between a Starbucks and a nail salon.


After running the numbers from Mayhem, the results were not good.


"We're gonna take a bath on that show guys."


Vin Tanner looked up from his phone. "It's an uphill battle Mitch. You thought people were just going to come running back to promotion that hasn't been around in a decade plus? Hell, some of the kids at the show weren't even alive last time SCCW ran a show. Plus it doesn't help that this guy over here sold all our old footage that we could have used for promotion to that money mark Packer who promptly proceeded to let it rot in their vaults rather than show it on Reverie."


Shane Sneer looked up from his glass which clearly contained something a normal person should not be drinking at 10:45 in the morning. Our new road agent had clearly struck a nerve with him. "Listen Vinnie, I made more cash with that sale than you made you whole dang career in DaVE and in the middle of nowhere Canada riding Vibert's jock. Plus I worked for USPW for over a decade because of that deal making real cash. So judge me all you want, I'm just going to call it good business son."


Tanner glanced side eyed at Shane Sneer but I cut him off at the pass before things could escalate. "So regardless, we're going to have to make some cuts around here. Shady K is going to have to go I think. For what he's making, he was too much of a weak link in that match."


Tanner chimed in. "Its definitely not good news but Greg Black and Nelson Callum's deals will be off our books before next show. At least they both did the job for us on their way out the door like true pros."


"That O'Conner kid might have had a charisma bypass. I think we can show him the door without risking him turning into the next Sam Keith." Sneer adds between sips. "But we do need to add some star power near the top of the card. There's some good hands up there but they got long in the tooth five years ago and the youngsters have upside but they're not there yet. There's not a recognizable face in the bunch yet."


I pulled up a story from the ESPN.com NFL page and handed my laptop over to the two of them. "Funny you should mention star power and recognizable faces......"

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<p><strong>WHEN: LateJanuary 2016</strong></p><p><strong> WHERE: SCCWrestling.com </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Southern Championship Class Wrestling and Naessayer Productions Presents:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:36px;">SCCW MAYHEM II</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong> Main Event</strong></p><p> Madman Boone and JD Morgan vs The Ace Express</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Plus</strong></p><p> </p><p> Ernest Youngman and Thunder & Lightning vs Teddy Powell and the American Cobras</p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge vs Stuntman</p><p> </p><p> Xavi Ferrara vs Hustle Muvva</p><p> </p><p> Acid II vs Grandmaster Phunk</p><p> </p><p> Austin Smooth vs Felipe Caballero vs King Cobra vs El Mitico Jr. vs Princeton Pryce vs Logan Wolfsbaine</p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong>Quick Picks:</strong></p><p> Madman Boone and JD Morgan vs The Ace Express</p><p> Ernest Youngman and Thunder & Lightning vs Teddy Powell and the American Cobras</p><p> Greg Gauge vs Stuntman</p><p> Xavi Ferrara vs Hustle Muvva</p><p> Acid II vs Grandmaster Phunk</p><p> Austin Smooth vs Felipe Caballero vs King Cobra vs El Mitico Jr. vs Princeton Pryce vs Logan Wolfsbaine</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Wildfire1324" data-cite="Wildfire1324" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I pulled up a story from the ESPN.com NFL page and handed my laptop over to the two of them. <em>"Funny you should mention star power and recognizable faces......" </em></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm not going to predict just yet, maybe when I start to recognize some of these names....but seeing this part here reminded me of how you managed to utilize MMA guys in your NWA Diary (the very first diary I ever read on these boards) loooooooong before Brock Lesnar and Ronda Rousey....very, very intrigued by who it's going to be!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tg01" data-cite="tg01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm not going to predict just yet, maybe when I start to recognize some of these names....but seeing this part here reminded me of how you managed to utilize MMA guys in your NWA Diary (the very first diary I ever read on these boards) loooooooong before Brock Lesnar and Ronda Rousey....very, very intrigued by who it's going to be!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I stand by that diary! Tito Ortiz should have jumped to pro wrestling after a certain point in his MMA career! He was perfect for it! Thanks for remembering my work <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Loving this, awesome to see the Ace Express together again!</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Madman Boone and JD Morgan vs <strong>The Ace Express</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>Plus</p><p> </p><p>

Ernest Youngman and Thunder & Lightning vs <strong>Teddy Powell and the American Cobras</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Greg Gauge </strong>vs Stuntman</p><p> </p><p>

Xavi Ferrara vs <strong>Hustle Muvva</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Acid II vs <strong>Grandmaster Phunk</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Austin Smooth vs Felipe Caballero vs King Cobra vs <strong>El Mitico Jr.</strong> vs Princeton Pryce vs Logan Wolfsbaine</p>

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<p><strong>WHEN: Early February 2016</strong></p><p><strong>

WHERE: The SCCW offices, located in a Tampa strip mall between a Starbucks and a nail salon. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"What do you mean you want your release? We've only done one show."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"The audience crapped all over that garbage gimmick you gave me. I've got an offer to tour with </em><em><strong>BCG</strong></em><em>. Hopefully being out of the spotlight here in the States for a while will make people forget about your 'booking'."</em> He obnoxiously made the air quotes.</p><p> </p><p>

Vin Tanner and I stared at each other incredulously. Shane Sneer kept his eyes buried on what he claimed to be iced tea. Iced tea in a rocks glass for some reason. We sat down with a lot of the talent before our launch to tweak their gimmicks and discuss the plans for their character. With Logan Wolfsbaine being a youngster, we wanted to focus on building up his skills above all else, with a character emphasis being on his exceptional athleticism. It seemed like a logical jumping off point for him. Well, until....</p><p>


"Logan, the gimmick wasn't garbage. You tripped on the bottom rope and wiped out face first when you got into the ring. That doesn't scream athlete honestly. That's not my fault."</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Look, I'm headed to Japan with or without your blessing. I just don't want you people badmouthing me to anyone who will listening. I'm concerned about my reputation."</em></p><p> </p><p>

Sneer looks up from his drink. <em>"I'd be more concerned with those two left feet kid."</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

"F*ck you old man. I'm outta here. Screw this crap promotion! You'll be out of business by the summer!"</em></p><p> </p><p>

I had reached my breaking point. The kid had upside but this kind of drama wasn't worth it. <em>"Get the hell out of here Logan! I can find a curtain jerker anywhere."</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Good luck losers."</em> And with that Logan Wolfsbaine had pretty much burned his bridge <strong>SCCW</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>'Vin, get on the horn. We need to find someone to take his spot in that six man challenge."</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Wildfire1324" data-cite="Wildfire1324" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I stand by that diary! Tito Ortiz should have jumped to pro wrestling after a certain point in his MMA career! He was perfect for it! Thanks for remembering my work <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I loved those diaries (you briefly made me a Horshu mark), but Tito Ortiz is and has always been as dumb as a bag of bricks. I'd trust him about as much as I do Sid Vicious to cut a promo.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45674" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I loved those diaries (you briefly made me a Horshu mark), but Tito Ortiz is and has always been as dumb as a bag of bricks. I'd trust him about as much as I do Sid Vicious to cut a promo.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think Tito circa UFC 40 was a star but I agree he turned into an excuse-making parody of himself after that. Thanks for reading this story though!</p>
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