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UPDATE – Mexico is now complete! I had already done SOTBPW and thought Mexico would only take a week as it was just updating a couple of company’s rosters….after I began tinkering quickly updated a few rosters became making Mexico have a three-way battle for second place, with three companies now have weekly shows, two on TV. I also added three new companies, with a lot of new luchador’s. So I made it a lot more work, but also much more rewarding. I actually really like how Mexico Is set up now, with SOTBPW way out at top, but each region in Mexico now having an interesting regional company and an underdog smaller company.




I am working on updating the CornellVerse, moving it up to 2018 (2019 felt like too much work!) So far everyone in USA and Canada and Mexico has been looked at and updated, 12 new companies have been added and there are 130 new workers. All companies in USA, Canada and Mexico have updated rosters, title histories etc. Each with their own challenges or unique set ups. I have gone through everyone's pictures too and updated them to one's made by the great community on here. I have tried to change as many as I can, as long as they're for the better, in an attempt to make as many workers as I can feel fresher. Sometimes just a changed render can make anyone more appealing.


I have tried to make some big changes, but in a logical way that could realistically be played out. I want everything to feel new, but not so out of left field that it just feels like changes for changes sake. I hope I have achieved that. Again, this is just USA and Canada so far, although I have done SOTBPW too so feel free to check them out.


I have tried to make some big changes, but in a logical way that could realistically be played out. I want everything to feel new, but not so out of left field that it just feels like changes for changes sake. I hope I have achieved that. Again, this is just USA, Canada and Mexico so far.




THE GAME http://www.mediafire.com/file/f1zv5dpwhaja411/TEW2016.rar/file

THE PICTURES http://www.mediafire.com/file/8pqu50gunxuls5i/Edited2018.rar/file





I don't want to give everything away, but here is a run down of the top five companies at the moment.



USPW continue to dominate, adding more big names to their roster including Remo, Valiant, Brandon James, Bryan Vessey and Sammy Bach among others. The top names are getting richer, but also bigger ego's and USPW has started having a drink and party culture. The top names can carry the product, but below the main event you find a lot of characters dead in the water, with no momentum and seemingly no room for growth...unless you are friends with the boys at the top!


In 2017 they scraped the women's division, and a group of midcard guys staged a mass walk-out, but they remain the biggest company in the world.




South Of The Border Pro Wrestling have continued to grow in the last two years, both domestically but also gaining popularity significantly in America. One of the reasons for the growth is the fact they were able to reintroduce a brand split in 2017, and now run two weekly tv show’s that air on prime time television in both Mexico and America.


They have had a few setbacks though, in March 2016 Champagne Lover suffered a major concussion in a match against El Alborotador Confiado. Champagne Lover would miss a year of action, and while it wasn’t his fault El Alborotador Confiado would get blamed and fired. El Alborotador Confiado would eventually release a book the next year that detailed the firing and that struggles he suffered as a result, and the book became a big hit. SOTBPW management, as well a Champagne Lover, came out looking pretty bad and while neither have suffered to much the book has affected both f their prestige, and that along with injuries has made Champagne Lover not quite the icon he was, but he remains one of the top tecnico’s in Mexico.


At the time of that injury Champagne Lover was the Campeónato del Mundo champion, so the injury made the title vacant. SOTBPW ran a massive 128 man tournament, using workers from all over Mexico and America, as well as a couple from Japan. The final came down to Pablo Rodriguez and Axxis Jr, but in a horrible ironic twist Axxis Jr. suffered a semi-severed spinal column in the final. Having to improvise, the referee counted Axxis Jr out and declared Pablo Rodriguez the winner, but he refused to take the title that way. Axxis Jr, who was set to win the whole thing and become SOTBPW’s new figurehead, would be forced into retirement. By not taking the title on the cheap, Pablo Rodriguez would be turned tecnico by the fans and all the losing quarter and semi-finalists would faceoff with the winner facing Rodriguez for the title. Soul Taker won that match, but lost to Pablo Rodriguez, who became the new Campeónato del Mundo. Thw twist wouldn’t end their though, as Referee Ramizez would immediately announce that another title match was to take place, and Multimillonario would attack Pablo from behind and quickly defeat him for the title. At the next TV show Ramirez was fired (although apparently the pay-off from Multimillonario was worth it), but when Multimillionario was set to be stripped of the title he would bring out his lawyer, Padre Carrasco, who made sure the title stayed around his waist. Multimillonario would go on the have a fourteen month title reign that rocketed him to the top of the card and made him the most hated rudo in Mexico.


In other interesting SOTBPW news La Alianza Del Terror looked like it was dead, but in 2017 El Demonio bought in a group of youngsters to be in his new stable, which now includes Samael The Accuser, Phobia, Lunatic and Hush.


In May 2017 El Sucio was caught on tape mocking disabled people and was promptly fired due to the scandal. He was since gone on to open his own new rebel promotion.


As well as Axxis Jr’s career ending injury, Xtinction would suffer a broken neck in August 2016 that forced him to reture from in-ring competition too. After Champagne Lover suffered a broken ankle on the set of a TV show Xtinction would show back up, saying there was a curse in SOTBPW. It looked like he was actually talking about himself when the former Mystery Man and former Jormungand, now going by the names Aniquilación and Destrucción, would join Xtinction and Hijo Del Mephisto in beating down Champagne Lover. However, the true twist came in a six-man tag when El Héroe Mexicano turned on Champagne Lover and removed his mask behind a towel and put on a new black mask, revealing himself to be El Curso. The group now call themselves La Maldición de México.


With the brand split in place SOTBPW now has a huge and talented roster, with El Leon as a figurehead and lots of great new additons like The Amazing Bumfholes, El Critico, Silver Tiger and Marc DuBois. With only USPW on their level financially, the two could be about ready to fight it out with global domination.



TCW have continued to hold their own despite USPW taking some of their top talents and the retirements of Ricky Dale Johnson, Brent Hill and Troy Tornado, the latter breaking his neck live on PPV. The main event scene has been dominated in recent times by Rocky Golden and Wolf Hawkins, with talents being turned heel just to feud with the TCW hero's. In late 2017 Rich Money was added to the roster, leaving USPW after growing tired of the politics, and looks to be a major player for the company going forward.



The company has begun planning for the future, and in February 2017 the company when on a hiring spree looking for future stars, snapping up the likes of Jackpot Jordan, Jake Idol, Ernest Youngman, Kirk Jameson, Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum and Roy Edison. Since then the likes of James Prudence, Logan Wolfsbaine, Hollywood Bret Star and Matthew Keith have been signed on too. With the Likes of Jay Chord and Greg Gauge still on the roster TCW could have one of the most exciting rosters we've seen if they can begin turning them into stars.


Sadly, Jason Azaria is no longer with us, dying in a car crash in August 2016. An annual tournament has been set up in his honour, with Wolf Hawkins winning the first by defeating Tommy Cornell in his one-night only return to honour Jason.



SWF have found themselves in a but of a slump in recent years after the emergence of USPW. Losing so many top stars has left them a shell of what they once were, and in November 2016 the company had no choice but to give in to Jack Bruce's demands when his contract came up for renewal, as they knew losing Bruce could have been the final nail in the coffin. So that, my friends, is how Jack Bruce became the head booker of the SWF!


The company is certainly in a transitional state right now, with long-term employees like Vengeance, Squeeky McClean, Joe Sexy and The Bumfholes among others leaving, and the company struggling to find a new identity. Comedy has become a bigger focus, and the Shooting Star title has been bought back as Bruce tries to find a way to be a better alternative to the likes of USPW and TCW.


There was also been a shift in focus towards more gimmicks, with the roster now including pirates (Hugh DeAske and Emmy) a rapper and his entourage (Lenny Brown, Cali Slick, Busta Capp and Lil Henry) Demons led by a cult leader (Rev. John Greed, Scythe, Hellion and Lassana Makutsi's new character "Effigy") and a terrible Live Action Role Play gimmick, Parker the LARPer, a gimmick that may be the worst in history and a potential career killer for Steven Parker. Oh, and the less said about the Unsafe Sad Pathetic Wrestlers (or USPW for short) stable the better.


So while there is all change in the SWF midcard, the main event scene only really has the one newcomer, despite a few absences. In June 2016 Big Smack Scott turned down a huge, lucrative contract from USPW in order to stay with the SWF, and when the fans found out he began getting face pops no matter what he did. SWF went with this, eventually turning him face and changing his name to the one's the fans had started chanting "Scotty Supreme". Riding a huge wave of momentum Scotty Supreme rose up the card at lightening speed, and eventually captured the SWF World Heavyweight title in the main event of The Supreme Challenge, and is now one of the top babyfaces in North America.



NOTBPW has become one of the most influential companies of modern times, with head booker Victoria Stone-McFly proving to be a forward thinker and innovator. In March 2016 Victoria hired Joanna Rodriguez to the company, but came up with the unique idea of doing so with camera's rolling. J-Ro's medical, contract signing and first three months with the company was all filmed, 24/7, for a reality TV show called "Fighting In A Man's World". The show was a complete success and made Rodriguez an instant star and bringing more eye's to NOTBPW than ever before. If the show made her s star, it was the follow up film a year later that made her an icon, the likes not seen in wrestling since Champagne Lover in Mexico, and the whole thing has changed the way women's wrestling is seen, with more female based companies opening up in both USA and America.


With the success of J-Ro and the fact NOTBPW was able to sign USPW's top talents when the company got rid of their women's division, Victoria made the brave and risky step of making the NOTBPW divisions completely integrated. With men and women fighting on equal settings for the first time in a major company there was a real chance it could alienate fans, and three workers even quit the company over the decision. It was proven to be a HUGE success though, and for the first time the Canada company looks to be competing with the top American companies on a global scale. With the Women adding so much to the show, but also NOTBPW now having all the DeColts and the Stones on the roster, can anything stop them?



Following the success of J-Ro and her reality TV show and Film about her lfie, the profile of AAA was never higher as NOTBPW made sure to give them lots of praise and attention. This helped the company catch the eye of TV braodcaster The Women's Network, who ended up purchasing them in December 2016.


With a national TV deal, as well as the funding from a nation TV network, AAA have thrived not only due to good booking, but also their use of promotional TV shows to help boost individual workers. The two people who have benefited the most from this are Eve Grunge and Helene Svensson. Grunge was unknown as a wrestler she was a known singer and song writer, and when AAA aired a show that featured her balancing the two careers whilst putting out a third album she became a star, with the album becoming a high seller she now sits at the top of the AAA roster.


Helene Svennson was a supermodel back in her homeland of Sweden, who became inspired after watching Fighting In A Man's world, and pitched the idea of a reality TV show that featured her training to become a wrestler. The Women's Network loved it and the show began airing in 2017. Helene has had some resentment from her now fellow pro's, but her hard work has started earning her some respect.


With AAA now on national TV with some genuinely marketable and talented stars, is the time coming for an all-women's promotion to become a national company?






So as well the likes of USPW, TCW, SWF and AAA fighting it out to become national there is also a new coming called Battles Of Hell, run by Dunton Hall it is a company run like a blockbuster movie or gritty drama, with adult content and characters fighting it out in the after-life while learning to work together to defeat evil. It was realistic characters in a crazy setting.


GSW has had it's fair share of set-backs in recent times, and finds itself with a roster largely made up of friends of Brother Grimm. Drug use is rampant and the quality is poor, but can they bounce back?


CZCW and MAW both suffered big talent raids, MAW eventually being bought out by USPW and made into their development territory, complete with weekly TV show. What happened to CZCW though? Were they able to survive?


FCW got a new billionaire owner, what does that mean for their future? They've managed to sign some big names, including boxer Shadrach Badell, and they are looking to plan a route to becoming a national company, will they succeed?


New companies B-Wild, Devil Women Return To The Islands all have unique and interesting rosters, but none are more unique than Kid Friendly Wrestling, a company that features Chi Sperger v Chi Sburglar, fish pulled from the sea and sock puppet champions. Oh and ZEN....well, they are spreading worldwide!






Canadian wrestling is in a boom right now, with 4C and ACPW increasing their profiles, and while CGC isn't the company it once was it still has a fighting chance of turning things around. Add in the fact that Quebec Pro Wrestling has got off to a great start, and ZEN's latest promotion is making waves, Canada has a whole group of potential national companies all fighting it out in a race to the top. Don't forget the new Women's Promotion, Independent Women Wrestling, that was opened up by Corrine White and features hard-hitting, intense, realistic and often hardcore fights, IWW looks to become the future of Women's Wrestling.






With SOTBPW way ahead as the top promotion in Mexico, it is the battle for second spot that is really heating up. There are currently three regional promotion.


OLLIE are in West Central Mexico and have been taken over by Nicolas Lopez and are set to begin airing a new TV show on Los Deporte Hoy called OLLIE Para La Gente. Their main tecnico’s are veterans Nicolas Lopez and Marcos Flores, with El Hijo Espada Roja not far behind. With the likes of X-Calibre and El Mítico Jr further down the card they have some truly exciting talent on the tecnico side. However, it is the rudo’s in OLLIE that could well be the future, with Gino Montero and Mr. Lucha III leading the pack and the two might just be the best talents outside of SOTBPW in all of Mexico. With the likes of the talented Extraordinario Jr, the great character of Extranjero Loco and the up and coming tag team of Snake King and Demon King just behind them the future looks very bright for OLLIE.


The Phoenix Wrestling Company was opened by Phoenix I in July 2017 and are a regional promotion based in Northern Mexico. The company has a financial backers other than Phoenix I, most notably El Alborotador Confiado who is also their number 1 tecnico and figurehead. Thanks to Phoenix I’s name value and El Alborotador Confiado mainstream appeal following the success of his self-help book/autobiography PWC has already managed to land a TV deal, and PWC Flight Of The Phoenix will begin airing in 2018 on Canal Tres. Along with El Alborotador Confiado PWC also has tecnico’s Hijo Del Relampago who is back from Japan, veteran Atlantis Jr and the tag team Phoenix IV and Edo Phoenix IV. On the Rudo side you have youngster Blue Phantom who is making a huge name for himself, the tag team of Hellspawn 666 and Slayyer and the American star who made his name in Japan, American Elemental


Finally, you have the Skull Society, a company that is almost cult-like, with every worker and every fan having to wear a mask to protect their identity. The company was founded be El Sucio after his scandal got him fired from SOTBPW and he wants the promotion to be as risqué, controversial and disgusting as possible, and the rebel fans love it! Featuring no good guys or bad guys, it’s almost a case of whoever is the most despicable gets the loudest cheers. Founded in July 2017 and based out of Southern Mexico, the company is already regional largely based on the publicity their often-offensive stuns have caused. They have no tv deal, but run weekly shows as well as monthly events anyway and are quickly gaining a massive following, despite being made up of largely unknown workers, outside of El Sucio himself. Skull is seen as the place for outcasted workers to find a home.


Outside of the regional promotions you still have CILL and EMLL keeping alive, and new promotion Mexican Hardcore Wresting is beginning to make waves. Originally just a group of six friends hurting each other for fun in an abandoned factory, the company is now legit and was even taken over by Herb Mackintosh in 2016, and while most of the workers are still largely unknown, they do have a few experienced pro’s now like Pyromaniac, Butcher Bartez and Hugo Garrido.






I just want to thank everyone who has made any graphics, and if I have forgot anyone let me know! But thank you to the following:














I hope a more detailed post might get some interest, and I hope some people enjoy it! PLEASE let me know any mistakes you notice, from spelling mistakes to grammar, to employee histories or the likes.


I hope you enjoy what I have done. Any feedback is very welcome.

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Thanks mate. If you do decide to have a USA or Canada game let me know what you think :)


It seems to play well when doing multi-advance. I did a few test games using auto-booker as some of the bigger companies, so hoping it'll get some interest so I can get feedback on how the smaller companies play. I've tried to give the companies varying levels of difficulty and made them all a bit different I hope!


Weirdly the first promotion I want to play as when it is all done is Independent Women Wrestling in Canada, not sure why haha.


So yeah, hoping there's a company for everyone depending what you like to do on the game :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="esteel20" data-cite="esteel20" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Digging it so far!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm glad!</p>
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<p>I have one question:</p><p> </p><p>

What happens to Jerry and Eric Eisen? I'd figure there would be some heat between them and Jack Bruce or Richard Eisen for both of them being passed up for the Head Booker role. I feel like it'd be an interesting dynamic to have to book around in the game, or maybe one of them leaving and starting their own promotion or booking for a competitor being the catalyst for a future update in the US.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bhalbur" data-cite="bhalbur" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What's the file type on this? My computer isn't recognizing it for some reason...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Disregard. Figured out how to get this...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dpoolez" data-cite="dpoolez" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have one question:<p> </p><p> What happens to Jerry and Eric Eisen? I'd figure there would be some heat between them and Jack Bruce or Richard Eisen for both of them being passed up for the Head Booker role. I feel like it'd be an interesting dynamic to have to book around in the game, or maybe one of them leaving and starting their own promotion or booking for a competitor being the catalyst for a future update in the US.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Eric Eisen is still wrestling in SWF, as babyface feuding with Des Davids and Shane Sneer who are running a gimmick where they are campaigning to get back into USPW. I hadn't really thought of the idea of Eisen and Bruce having some beef, will be considered, thank you.</p><p> </p><p> Again with Jerry, every game I have ever done he has done nothing so I just had him leave the business. I maybe could have done more but honestly he's so nothingy to me that I didn't even think. When I first started SWF it was before I had decided to make the mod public so I just got rid of someone I always just release anyway lol.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Pteroid" data-cite="Pteroid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Please tell me Garry the Entertainer’s in either KFW or one of the ZENs</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He got his big break in KFW before leaving to be taken seriously as a real wrestler. That lead to him getting boo'd out the building for CZCW so he left after one show. He then joined ZEN: Boston in December 2017.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DatIsraeliGuy" data-cite="DatIsraeliGuy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>wow, this sounds incredible!<p> I'm definitley loving the J-Ro story, quality stuff!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I knew something big needed to happen to shake up the wrestling world a little bit lol</p>
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<p>okay, a few things:</p><p>

First and foremost - THIS IS AWESOME *CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAPCLAPCLAP*!!</p><p>

Really, I don't know where you came from but man this just made this year that much better for TEW Mods.</p><p>

I said it once, I'll say it again, 2018 has been the best year for TEW mods in a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

Secondly, there are a few missing pictures for companies, I believe Kid Fantasy Wrestling and the IWW one.</p><p> </p><p>

Other than that I'm kinda not liking how the pictures are, since I've used my own mixture of rerenderers i love (shoutout to Ship, Bison and Willr0ck in particular, but all the people from the rerender thread are there too), but I understand it would take a lot of time to change all picture names, so I'll do it for my own use.</p><p> </p><p>

Can't wait for the full release, gives me newfound hype for the C-Verse</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DatIsraeliGuy" data-cite="DatIsraeliGuy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>okay, a few things:<p> First and foremost - THIS IS AWESOME *CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAPCLAPCLAP*!!</p><p> Really, I don't know where you came from but man this just made this year that much better for TEW Mods.</p><p> I said it once, I'll say it again, 2018 has been the best year for TEW mods in a long time.</p><p> </p><p> Secondly, there are a few missing pictures for companies, I believe Kid Fantasy Wrestling and the IWW one.</p><p> </p><p> Other than that I'm kinda not liking how the pictures are, since I've used my own mixture of rerenderers i love (shoutout to Ship, Bison and Willr0ck in particular, but all the people from the rerender thread are there too), but I understand it would take a lot of time to change all picture names, so I'll do it for my own use.</p><p> </p><p> Can't wait for the full release, gives me newfound hype for the C-Verse</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, I appreciate it!</p><p> </p><p> With IWW and KFW they are just companies I made up, I can't make graphics so that's why they don't have them. Maybe once it's released someone who makes graphics might download it and decide to make them, which would be nice lol.</p><p> </p><p> I changed as many workers pictures as I could to keep it fresh, I agree it is very jarring at first, I was surprised how much! After a while I got used to it and much prefer it, which is what I hoped. I will say though I'm not sold on the fact I used different styles, it can be odd having a roster of one style of picture then suddenly there is a KingBison style monster picture in the middle or something lol. I like it now though, and other renders are in the picture folder to change back to <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kingjustin10" data-cite="kingjustin10" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Fantastic idea,<p> </p><p> However, it says Not supported file format (rar). </p><p> </p><p> Any ideas? Help appreciated. Been waiting for this for a while!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Anyone want to let me know how to do multiple quotes in one reply? lol</p><p> </p><p> Do you have winrar installed? If not just google it and use that <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Just a quick reply to bump this now that Mexico is complete. This mod now features 12 new companies, and 130 new workers, with every single worker in America, Canada and Mexico looked at, and 99% edited in some way. </p><p> </p><p>

Hope people enjoy the updated Lucha scene!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="a0161613" data-cite="a0161613" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45932" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just wanted to say that i love the pictures used in this. Just wish i could use this picture folder with the default data! Great work, will pick up when it's finished.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There's some fantastic pictures about, I have hundreds more on my hard drive ready to used for future workers or guys I end up adding. Think around 700 more!</p><p> </p><p> Some of Asaemons masked workers motivated me to make Skull Society active as the workers I created use them. There's a guy called Bloodlust who's mask I love.</p>
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Just a quick reply to bump this now that Mexico is complete. This mod now features 12 new companies, and 130 new workers, with every single worker in America, Canada and Mexico looked at, and 99% edited in some way.


Hope people enjoy the updated Lucha scene!

Haven't played the data yet because I am waiting for it to be more complete. Just wanted to say thank you as this is an awesome project, and I know how hard modding can be.


Any plans on the next area you'll tackle since Mexico is out of the way?

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There's some fantastic pictures about, I have hundreds more on my hard drive ready to used for future workers or guys I end up adding. Think around 700 more!


Some of Asaemons masked workers motivated me to make Skull Society active as the workers I created use them. There's a guy called Bloodlust who's mask I love.


It's one area I haven't explored. It's bloody tempting now

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Haven't played the data yet because I am waiting for it to be more complete. Just wanted to say thank you as this is an awesome project, and I know how hard modding can be.


Any plans on the next area you'll tackle since Mexico is out of the way?


Japan is next, I had a good idea of what I wanted to do with Japan with the tsunami and everything, currently going through the rosters in more detail, deciding who does what etc. Moved a few guys to America which, in my opintion, actually improves TCW and SWF making them more fun. I've pretty much worked out who is doing what in BHOTWG and PGHW, just not actually edited it yet, all still in excel lol.

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