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ZEN: Kickstart the Revolution (Slightly Modded Cverse)

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The Following Are Results For ZEN: Way of the Thief


Opening Match

ZEN Temple Dojo Memorial Grad Clash

Blue Flea vs Buckminster Snark vs Booster Boy vs Azazel


The first match of the final ZEN Event of 2015 saw a sendoff to its now shuttered training facility as representatives of each 'era' of the Dojo faced off. The two more recent grads paired up early to fight the 'elder statesmen' in the bout until an errant Enzugiri from Booster Boy turned Azazel into his shrieking doppelganger Lezaza who ran rampant on everyone before fleeing the ring in a fit of incoherent madness. This left Buckminster Snark, the first one back on his feet to quickly toss Booster out of the ring and nail the Snark Bite flying elbow drop on the always unimpressive Blue Flea to win the match.


Post-match, a tearful Buckminster Snark related to everyone in attendance that his father, Tuckminster Snark, the founder and Proprietor of SnarkCorp had passed away due to complications related to an Emu allergy. It was with a heavy heart he declared he would be taking control of SnarkCorp with intent to further its goals of Charity, Innovation, and World Domina-er, World Prosperity. He finished his promo detailing that his inheritance is worth billions upon billions of dollars and even when he lost he still won, such is the way of being a Snark.


Kalliope Woodchuck & Jester vs Pinkie & The Vain


A surprise team up in Kalliope Woodchuck's ongoing battle with the pair of Pink Spider and Trevor Feather, it seems Kalliope's ability to befriend everyone besides Feather and Spider extended even to the Mirthless Manhunter...either that or he just thought it was hilarious to beat the two of them up. But beat them up he did, allowing Kalliope to hit a Woodchipper (Meteora) for the pinfall on Pink Spider.


Harmony Title Match

Warp-Jump © vs The Sky Kings


The veteran duo of Vertigo and Super Zero sought to reclaim tag team gold for the first time since the late 00's in taking on the charges of Guru Vishni in Toady and HalloWarped. The bout, a high-flying spectacle, seemed to be going the Kings way until C-W-A made his presence felt, whalloping an unsuspecting Vertigo with a loaded clownshoe, leaving Super Zero open to a Warp Speed (Shining Wizard) for the champions to retain.


Post-match the three heels laid a beatdown on the Sky Kings, but took things a step too far when the pretentious Guru Vishni had Warp-Jump hold Molly Cuddle hostage while he prepared to bash her in the face with a copy of his new 'Philosophical Opus' (Which was really just a copy of Being and Nothingness with Sartre's name crossed out and Guru Vishni written under it). This brought out the Knight Temple, who took the fight to Warp-Jump while C-W-A beat a hasty retreat.


Shaolin vs Bruce Strange w/Mister Hyde


A quick breather match born from Bruce Strange declaring Shaolin's pressure-point focused fighting style was supernatural in nature and therefore worthy of extermination. Unfortunately the Funky Warrior Monk wasn't ready to be Exterminated and quickly defeated Strange with a Death Touch.


Before the ZEN Conceptual Title Match, challenger Damian Dastardly came out and cut a promo where he lambasted the fans for enjoying ZEN, declaring he'd always hated the promotion and was hoping against hope that it would close down back in 2014 and he could move on to a respectable wrestling company like APW or RAW. He declared that he would only use ZEN as a stepping stone on the way to bigger and better things and would show the ZEN Faithful that their heroes were nothing more than freaks.


ZEN Conceptual Title Match

Man O'War © vs Damian Dastardly


The beloved salty superhero of the sea came into this match hoping to teach the brash young Dastardly a lesson in respect. A mission he failed at miserably as Damian Dastardly used every dirty trick in his rather sizable book to take advantage of the do-gooders chivalrous ways, claiming the conceptual title after telling head official Steven Yale to 'LOOK OVER THERE' then kicking Manny in the groin while Yale prattled on about how Dastardly knew well Yale was literally blind. Post-match Dastardly made a big show of disrespecting his newfound 'title' and mimed dragging it behind him as he left.


Grudge Match, Winner Receives Title Shot @ Way Of The Dreamer

Devilfish vs Cyanide


A feud that has spanned the history of ZEN but has only gained a new personal level with the disbandment of F.E.A.R saw itself go to new highs even as Cyanide stooped to new lows, trying to almost cripple his nemesis Devilfish with torturous submission holds to keep the world's flyingest fish grounded. Devilfish, however, would not be denied and called upon the help of the ZEN Faithful in order to hit the Fish Finger Shuffle swanton bomb to score himself a ticket to the main event of next month/year's Way of the Dreamer to Cyanide's extreme fury.


As Devilfish and Cyanide headed to the back, Halloween Knight made a grand and Gothic entrance aided by eerie blue lighting in the Reliquary of Scale as he cut a promo telling Jack that even though the mysterious vigilante had put him through a skele-ton of grief, he wasn't about to let a gormless gourd grandstand with his title, tonight he declared would finally be the night he smashed the pumpkin.


ZEN Master Title Match

Pumpkin Jack © vs Halloween Knight


Another chapter in the saga of the Godfather of Ghouls and the everpresent thorn in his side was written tonight and it was a doozy as Knight and Jack pulled out all the stops to claim victory (and the ZEN Master Title). While Knight's experience was a huge advantage, one could not discount Jack's canny almost precognitive ability to know exactly what Knight was going for. Again and again they clashed, giving everything they had to this climactic battle to cap off 2015 until a shocking move silenced the crowd as Halloween Knight was laid out on the ZEN Commentary Command Center (aka a table) and soon found himself slammed through it with a massive moonsault by Jack. Both men were slow to their feet, Knight collapsing on Jack's leg in order to stop him from reentering the ring and both men were counted out to mark a controversial end to Way of the Thief.


In a rare instance of Kayfabe breakage, post-show Halloween Knight, appearing to still be quite sore from the table spot, cut a promo thanking the ZEN Faithful for their support over the years and promising that in 2016, ZEN's Revolution would get back the momentum it had lost in the previous years...


~~Two Hours Later...~~



"Burning the midnight oil?"


The question snapped me out of my haze, I looked over my shoulder at Halloween, mask on and holding two cups of coffee.



"Something like that...you're wearing your mask, still, mate."


"So're you, Nidey," Halloween chuckled, holding out one of the mugs to me.


The two of us sipped the joe in silence for a while, our bodies still sore from what we'd put them through a while back. The trip back to ZEN HQ (the flat we were rooming together in in downtown Auckland) hadn't been all that eventful, a few observations on who was proceeding well in the ring, going over the latest complaints about Vertigo and Bruce Strange, one infinitely more fireable than the other, but there was one thing we hadn't discussed...


"How much longer can we do this?" I finally asked, looking over at the man who'd made my dream of being a professional wrestler come true.


"By this I figure you mean the company?" Knight asked, taking another sip of coffee, "If we do this right, until we're in the grave or Tristam Day decides we're worth destroying."


"Are you sure about that?" I replied, "We're two years removed from nearly going out of business and we aren't turning a profit, things keep going like this and the 500,000 quid we got left won't last forever."


Knight shook his head, looking out the window, "We were careless, extravagant, more flash than function when they needed to be in balance. It didn't help the whole region was in the economic pits. But look, Nidey, the economy's back on the rise and as soulless as they are, RAW's getting people around here and the continent back into wrestling...well as much as you can call what they do wrestling. Point is, if we're smart, we'll be back to turning a profit in no time! ZEN's a New Zealand institution at this point, God knows we might even break into Australia if we play our cards right!"


I grimaced behind the skeletal smirk of my mask, "I just...I don't know if I can do it, Frankie...maybe you should get another boo-"


"No," Knight's answer to my waffling was flat and authoritative, "I'm not going to let you just self-deprecate. You're a wizard when it comes to storylines, 'nidey, you just...maybe need some structure. Some guidelines to keep from depleting the war chest, perhaps?"


I blinked, "Such as?"


Knight put his coffee cup down on my work desk, "Well I don't know them now but give me until New Years and I'll come up with something, a little battle plan if you will. Trust me, 'nidey, that spiel I gave the fans? About restarting the revolution? I meant it, and I mean it when I tell you that 2016 will be the year you help us get that revolution off the ground."


"Ok...get me those rules and I'll follow them, but promise me if I break them, if I put us in a tailspin, you pull the plug. Maybe get...I dunno, Massey to take the pencil," I urged him.


"Pfff, Massey? What am I, MrWolf?" He said, disregarding my confusion at that last bit, "But yes, I'll get to work and you keep working, got it?"


"Got it," I nodded as he walked away...before noticing his empty coffee cup still on my desk, "Hey! You get back here and put this in the sink, you cheeky slacker!"



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<p>So after reading it...</p><p> </p><p>

Azazel's split personality being portrayed is something cool, even if it is a Eugene/Festus style act. Seeing him get used a little is nice. Snark's storyline is interesting, like in regards to what it could develop into, assuming it is an actual storyline and not a fact that he is leaving wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

Jester returning to ZEN is good for all parties that are involved.</p><p> </p><p>

It is cool to see Strange & Hyde both getting some character development in terms of a match, there characters could actually have a lot of storylines within ZEN and are the only redeeming factor of the pair. Sadly their in-ring talent makes me believe they wont be around or involved in stories for long.</p><p> </p><p>

Damian Dastardly is always gold, and the gold standard that is Man O'War will hopefully get some good show time.</p><p> </p><p>

I love the MrWolf mention and look forward to this diary long term. Particularly if the push of Blue Flea is true.</p>

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"3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!"


The cheers were loud enough to be heard through my window let alone on my tv. From somewhere in the building I heard a bottle of champagne pop open and cheers, as for myself I watching the festivities on my tv while putting the finishing touches on the card for Way of the Dreamer. Used to be that ZEN would host it's own New Years party at the Temple Dojo but after the closure things had fallen away and it was only happenstance if our workers would see each other from Thief to Dreamer...


I shook my head, trying to block out the dreary thoughts, that's when I'd noticed an email alert on my laptop. Clicking off my booking notes I saw that it was from Knight, who'd left the flat shortly after our last talk to spend the holidays with his parents:


To: Cyanide123@Coldmail.com

From: GodFather0Ghouls@Wahoo.com


Hey nidey, been thinking of some guidelines for you to follow in 2016 and I think I got all the ones I wanna put on ya so keep these in mind going forward:


1. No Relationships with the Aussies: The state of things over on the continent means this should be pretty easy to follow but just to clarify here's my rationale: RAW's out because they're too big, of course. DIW's always been lone wolves and I'm pretty sure half their roster would try to shoot murder us. And APW has no friends, only enemies and victims. Now if you somehow managed to wrangle up a deal somewhere else, well one congratulations and two good luck getting them to take any of our unknowns from NZ without a bunch of cash coming with them.


2. No Big Name Hires Before Regional: We've been hearing the rumors for a while now, RAW's downsizing a bit to ease the roster bloat and it'd be all too tempting to snap them up for some name recognition but look at it this way: We bring in some midcarder from RAW or even a main event from APW, odds are they're gonna try and big league us and refuse to put over someone like Jack or Devilfish or even me at a stretch, all the while expecting boatloads of cash in return. We need to hold off on them until we have a roster they can't stomp over and a bank account they can't pilfer.


3. No Firings (Without Just Cause): I think we both know who I'm talking about with the little parenthetical bit there but look, we are not and never will be RAW, our strength is the loyalty the boys (and girl) have to us and us to them, if we just start firing people like some bigwig businessman then who's to say it won't be long before we're known as a bunch of corporate hatchet men? So yeah, you can fire someone whose name rhymes with Struce Brange if he goes over the line but not just to make room.


There, I think to start that's a good trio of regulations to go with, don't you? Enjoy your holidays and maybe go out for a bit of fun, hey? I hear that bird down in A11 is goth as you like, might think the skull mask is cool. Just putting that out there.


Your best mate,



I nodded along, glad to see Knight had come through. I looked to my work station, then to the door...


With a shrug I posted the finalized card for Way of the Dreamer to the ZEN site and picked my keys up.


New Year, New Me. As the a-holes said.






ZEN Art of Wrestling Presents:

Way of the Dreamer

Live From The Reliquary Of Scale


Main Event

ZEN Master Title Three-Way

Pumpkin Jack © vs Devilfish vs Halloween Knight


Championship Showcase 6-Man Tag

Damian Dastardly & Warp-Jump vs Super Zero & The Knight Temple


Buckminster Snark vs Shaolin


Veritgo vs Pink Spider


Man O'War & Kalliope Woodchuck vs The Ghost Hunters


Cyanide vs Blue Flea

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Main Event

ZEN Master Title Three-Way

Pumpkin Jack © vs Devilfish vs Halloween Knight


Championship Showcase 6-Man Tag

Damian Dastardly & Warp-Jump vs Super Zero & The Knight Temple


Buckminster Snark vs Shaolin


Veritgo vs Pink Spider


Man O'War & Kalliope Woodchuck vs The Ghost Hunters


Cyanide vs Blue Flea

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<p><strong>Main Event</strong></p><p><strong>

ZEN Master Title Three-Way</strong></p><p>

<strong>Pumpkin Jack ©</strong> vs Devilfish vs Halloween Knight</p><p> </p><p>

Pumpkin Jack needs to come away with the win, </p><p> </p><p>

Championship Showcase 6-Man Tag</p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly & Warp-Jump</strong> vs Super Zero & The Knight Temple</p><p> </p><p>

Damian Dastardly is too good.</p><p> </p><p>

Buckminster Snark vs <strong>Shaolin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Shaolin should comfortably win, but Snarks new story could change it.</p><p> </p><p>

Veritgo vs <strong>Pink Spider</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Vertigo is probably above Spider, but I see shenanigans.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War & Kalliope Woodchuck</strong> vs The Ghost Hunters</p><p> </p><p>

Ghost Hunters are hot trash.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cyanide</strong> vs Blue Flea</p><p> </p><p>

Cyanide is just far too high up on the list.</p>

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<p><strong>Pumpkin Jack ©</strong> vs Devilfish vs Halloween Knight</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly & Warp-Jump</strong> vs Super Zero & The Knight Temple</p><p> </p><p>

Buckminster Snark vs<strong> Shaolin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Veritgo</strong> vs Pink Spider</p><p> </p><p>

Man O'War & Kalliope Woodchuck vs <strong>The Ghost Hunters</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Cyanide </strong>vs Blue Flea</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Geez, now you've made me want to open up a ZEN save.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Also, I'm pretty sure you can still sell the Dojo despite it being closed.</p>

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<p>Not sure why but for some reason I like the Zen promotion. Nice not to Wolf as his Zen story got me into the promotion. This looks interesting so I’ll be following along.</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

ZEN Master Title Three-Way</p><p>

<strong>Pumpkin Jack</strong> © vs Devilfish vs Halloween Knight</p><p>

<strong>Going to keep an open mind about Pumpkin and Fish and see where you go</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Championship Showcase 6-Man Tag</p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly</strong> & Warp-Jump vs Super Zero & The Knight Temple</p><p>

<strong>Double D is my guy so I’ll pick him</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buckminster Snark</strong> vs Shaolin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Veritgo</strong> vs Pink Spider</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War & Kalliope Woodchuck </strong>vs The Ghost Hunters</p><p>

<strong>Hopefully in your story Kalliope doesn’t get pregnant so quickly</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cyanide</strong> vs Blue Flea</p>

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<p>RNG says...</p><p> </p><p>

ZEN Master Title Three-Way</p><p>

<strong>Pumpkin Jack ©</strong> vs Devilfish vs Halloween Knight</p><p> </p><p>

Championship Showcase 6-Man Tag</p><p>

Damian Dastardly & Warp-Jump vs <strong>Super Zero & The Knight Temple</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buckminster Snark</strong> vs Shaolin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Veritgo</strong> vs Pink Spider</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War & Kalliope Woodchuck </strong>vs The Ghost Hunters</p><p> </p><p>

Cyanide vs <strong>Blue Flea</strong></p>

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ZEN: Way of the Dreamer

Live From: The Reliquary of Scale

Attendance: 863


The first ZEN event of 2016 began with-




The decorated Rudo among Rudos is stood in a darkened part of the Reliquary, the light barely illuminating his skull mask as he addresses the camera with arms crossed.




"2016...a new year for me to spread my poisonous discord across the entirety of ZEN. I have seen allies and friends fall away, banished to far away lands with no chance of returning, but as I look out at the field of competitors we have now I see a generation of fighters that I have personally trained...ones that I have endured the grueling training I put them through in the ZEN Dojo. And yet...and yet they have come out COMPLACENT! MEWLING! CHILDREN! Well no more, in addition to Devilfish-who will receive his comeuppance in time-I am dedicating this year to the culling of the herd starting with the so-called unsquashable Blue Flea. To the rest of this new generation, let what is to come be a lesson to you, this year will mean nothing for you but suffering and agony so long as I, Cyanide, draw breath!"


With his piece said, Cyanide leaves the frame, time for our opening match!






Blue Flea, a man as mellow as his ring music suggests doesn't get a lot of support from the ZEN Faithful (par for course so far 3 year tenure with the league) but he certainly gets his fair share of sympathy as Cyanide lays a protracted one-sided beatdown on the youngster. Many are the times that Flea was as good as beat only for the Merciless Mat Masochist to release a hold or pull up a shoulder. It's only when Cyanide smashes Flea down with his Skullsplitter (Brainbuster) that the match comes to a merciful close.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cyanide defeated Blue Flea in 6:28 by pinfall with a Skull Splitter.


Post-match Cyanide is seemingly not done, stealing the walking cane from referee Steven Yale, the skull-faced villain applied a cane-assisted crossface seemingly wanting to break Flea's bones.



However to a loud reaction comes a savior in the form of Devilfish who sends Cyanide skittering to the back after wresting the cane from his grasp. Flea is out so its up to Fish to bring him to the back as we prep for our next match.





The pair of The Ghost Hunters were quick to cite their greivances against the tecnico pair as Super Heroism was merely the Supernatural in spandex and frankly nobody that happy could be normal. Kali, as per usual, tried to befriend the rudo squad with a pre-match hug but soon found herself taken advantage of as that regular hug became a bearhug from Mister Hyde! The rookie bore the brunt of the rudos offense until Bruce Strange attempted to exorcise the joy spirit out of Kalliope's soul...which understandably didn't work because Kalliope isn't possessed, just not a miserable jerk like Bruce.


This gave Kali the chance to kip up and superkick Bruce before making the tag to Man O'War who ran roughshod over both of the Ghost Hunters and sent Hyde out of the ring with a Neptune's Trident spear! Strange attempted to get into the ring to take advantage of the rules of Lucha tag wrestling but an attempted clothesline saw Manny dodge and suicide dive out onto Mister Hyde, leaving Bruce open to a Woodchipper (Meteora) from Kali for the pin and the win!


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Kalliope Woodchuck and Man O' War defeated The Ghost Hunters in 8:19 when Kalliope Woodchuck defeated Bruce Strange by pinfall with a Wood Chipper.


Post-match, Manny and Kali celebrate as the fans cheer, but their jubilance is cut short by the theme music of




Pink Spider & Trevor Feather


The devious duo of the disgraced fashion model and his arrogant disciple step out from the back, voguing their way down to the ring, their every step an self-obsessed pose as they produce a pair of microphone.


Pink Spider:

"Mister referee, oh mister referee, be a doll, be a champ, be a stud and get these two lesser thans out of our ring, the real show has arrived!"


Kali looks annoyed as the duo make shooing motions. Manny attempts to plancha out onto the pair but Kali pulls him back, shaking her head and leading him towards the back as Spider and Feather leer. It's only when the two of them are gone that Spider and Feather enter the ring, strutting around like the cocks of the walk.



"How lovely it is to bestow the charity of my visage upon the lowlies once more~"



"Oh yes, Pinks, it's a real service you grant them, of course not your face, naturally~"



"Never, to reveal such a magnanimous set of features would be like setting off an atom bomb in a dynamite factory, the sheer power of my beauty would destroy all of Auckland...though that's not really a loss, now is it?"



"But enough about you, let's talk about something even better? Your modeling~!"


Spider and Trevor both strike a pose to boos from the audience before continuing.



"You're so right Trevvy Feathy, in fact I'm so confident in my scintillating superiority that I'm putting up 25,000 dollars to any member of the locker room who can defeat me in the...PRETTY PINK POSEDOWN CHALLENGE~!"


Pink strikes a pose, whipping his arms out to reveal he was keeping some fat stacks of cash in his ring robe!



"The rules are simple, anyone who thinks they can may challenge me to emulate a pose of their choosing. Naturally I shall humiliate them with my superior poise and grace but it's nice to let the uggos chase perfection. Now, let's see if anyone wants to face me~"


Pink Spider's opponent here tonight makes his entrance to a massive reaction from the fans, Molly Cuddle by his side!




"Well hell, dude, I was gonna just take ya out in ten seconds flat but Moll's been wanting some of self-defense gadgets after the clown's come around again, let's do this!"


Vertigo, showing his unique center of gravity and balance pulls off a one legged dab!


Spider and Trevor confer with one another, trying to figure out a plan of attack for this...



"That's quite a pose, quite a pose Mr. Vertigo, please give my associate here a chance to document it for posterity..."


Trevor pulls out a cellphone and begins snapping pics of Vertigo, who looks slightly annoyed at having to hold the pose longer. Trevor does a circle around Veritgo-THEN chop blocks his leg out form under him and starts putting the boots to him.



"Ohhh too bad, folks, I forgot to mention if the contestant can't hold his pose then I've got no onus to try and replicate it, too bad Mr. Vertigo!"


With that said, Spider and Trevor both start beating down Vertigo, going to pick him up and shoot him into the ropes, but the Artist of the Airways ducked a double clothesline and hit them both with a single leg drop kick (one leg for each rudo) on the rebound that sent Trevor stumbling out of the ring! Steven Yale calls for the bell and the match is on!





A fast-paced matchup with Pink managing to recover early with the help of eye-well visor rake on his opponent. Both men were no strangers to the high-risk district of the ring and it showed as they matched one death-defying maneuver with another, though Pink would always play the spoiler with a dirty trick up his sleeve. Trevor on the other hand was mostly a non-factor in the match as he was trying to make sure his cellphone wasn't cracked from the earlier shenanigans. As such, Pink Spider had no answer for Vertigo reversing out of a backslide and nailing a springboard dropkick to a rising Spider before nailing the Radar Legdrop for the victory.


In a decent match, Vertigo defeated Pink Spider in 7:56 by pinfall with a Radar Legdrop.


After the combatants cleared out the fans suddenly heard a voice over the PA system.



"New Zealand...are you ready...for the future?"


The fans stay quiet, not entirely sure what is going on here but kind of recognizing the voice.



"Because the future...is now!"



Buckminster Snark


The crowd immediately boo the pampered rich boy who seems oblivious to the reception, all smiles as he steps out to the ring.



"That's right ladies and gentlemen, the future! I spent this past winter break reviewing the entirety of SnarkCorp's business model and I've seen the opportunity for vast innovation in the public sphere! You see, with proper synergies and groundswell New Zealand can become the model for all other countries in the world but if and only if they come to SnarkCorp!"


The crowd doesn't seem to understand much of that soulless corporate lingo, but they know that this guy is rich and they don't like him, so they boo.



"Yes! That's enthusiasm you can harness, people! I cannot wait to show you what SnarkCorp can do and with the permission of Halloween Knight I'll be unveiling many new products in the months to come so get excited because I'm taking New Zealand into the 21st-no the 22nd-no the 23rd Century! YOU! ARE! WELCOME!"


With his spiel taken care of, Snark enters the ring and prepares to face his opponent.





The funky warrior monk isn't much one for corporate lingo, even if Snark is providing self-service with a smile. The world's most visible ninja tried to put Snark off his game with his patented nerve-targeting martial arts, however he was not prepared for an even deadlier technique: A schoolboy roll up off a botched crane kick with feet on the ropes! A dirty victory for the so-called innovator.


In an extremely short match, Buckminster Snark defeated Shaolin in 5:01 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Champion Showcase Match

If Zero & The Knights Win, They Get Title Matches At Way Of The Scholar






This match was absolute chaos from the word go as the most storied rivalry of the tag team division intermingled with Super Zero's attempt to stop the abuse that Damian Dastardly had begun showing the Conceptual Title. Bodies flew all over the ring with Dastardly attempting to keep himself as far from the action as possible like the coward he was, only getting involved when the situation favored him. However this came back to bite him as when he charged in at Super Zero only to get low-bridged over the top rope onto the Knights and HalloWarped. As Zero recovered Toady attempted to climb to the top rope but whatever he was going for, Zero was quick on the draw and caught him with a frankensteiner for the pin!


In a decent match, Super Zero and The Knights Temple defeated Damian Dastardly and Warp-Jump in 14:41 when Super Zero defeated Toady by pinfall.


With the crowd buzzing after the semi-main we found ourselves confronted with a man who had been absent most of the night...



Halloween Knight!


The Godfather of Ghouls strode out from the back amid his

and the boos of the ZEN Faithful. Calling for his music to be cut the perennial villain of ZEN and former mastermind of FEAR holds up a mic and addresses the crowd.



"So that fickle time has brought us into another year and sadly one without the glory of FEAR dominating every facet of my little fight club. Good grief and alas what a tragedy, but one I soon intend to rectify, as tonight I bring an end to the Jack O'Loser once and for all and filet a Devilfish to boot! Pumpkin Jack for eight long years you've made it your mission to foil my plans at every turn but even you must realize that I am always thinking ahead and even when you are victorious it is only so I can set you up for an even bigger fall! Don't believe me, you guileless gourd? Just wait and see, because I will make 2016 a living nightmare for you and anyone foolish enough to take your side! NYEHEHEHEHHEEHEHEH~!"





Pumpkin Jack © vs



The main event of this first ZEN show of 2016 saw three stalwarts of the roster face off for the most coveted prize in the company, the Master Championship. Each man brought their own flavor to create a savory gumbo of violence, be it Jack's kicks, Knight's technical acumen, or Fish's mastery of aerial maneuvers, all three created an atmosphere of mayhem that the fans ate up with glee. Jack and Fish initially sought to take the fight to Knight but the savvy veteran kept himself on the outside, only getting involved when he wanted to or-say-when Fish and Jack got tired of his crap and suicide dived right onto him for a massive pop. However, while both being tecnicos Fish and Jack knew that only one of them could be champion and it lead to some intense if respectful exchanges between the leading heroes of the ZEN roster.


Unfortunately Knight was not so easily defeated by the earlier dives and made his presence felt by taking advantage of the three-way's lack of DQ's by bringing in a chair that he used to great effect on the other competitors before using it for an air guitar and shouting 'Suck it, PCO!' (whatever that means). Sensing victory was close, Knight attempted to lock in his Pumpkin Patch finishing hold on Jack, a high angle Lion Tamer that Jack struggled in for some time before a recovered Devilfish broke the hold with a bulldog that laid Knight out! Taking a chance, Devilfish went to the top rope to possibly finish the match when out of nowhere Cyanide came down to ringside with a kendo stick and bashed Devilfish over the head with it, sending the aquatic avenger plummeting to the outside.


As Cyanide celebrated his revenge on Fish, Knight and Jack stirred, with the former attempting to grab his trusty chair once more but found Jack ducking under the swing! The momentum carried Knight through to turn his back on the champ which was all the Trick Treat needed to grab up Knight for the Pupmkinhandle Suplex, bridging from it to secure himself another title defense! Way of the Dreamer concludes with the image of Jack holding up his championship to thunderous applause from the fans!


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Pumpkin Jack defeated Devilfish and Halloween Knight in 19:52 when Pumpkin Jack defeated Halloween Knight by pinfall with a PumpkinHandle Suplex. During the match we also had Cyanide run in and attack Devilfish. Pumpkin Jack makes defense number 4 of his ZEN Master title.

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<p><img alt="Jfu2XnV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Jfu2XnV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

"So that went well," Knight nodded, leaning back in his booth at Better Burger.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="wCE8Ydn.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wCE8Ydn.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

"Yeah, fans seemed to enjoy the new angles we put on some of the boys, particularly the posedown and the douchey futurist character we gave Snark," I replied.</p><p> </p><p>

"Not we, you, you're the booker remember?" Knight grinned, taking a bite out of his burger, "I'm just here to put on a show and keep an eye on the money."</p><p> </p><p>

"Speaking of," I asked after a sip from my Dr. Pepper, "How are we looking?"</p><p> </p><p>

"On track to lose about 2000 bucks," Knight sighed, "Not a sizable loss but puts a bit more emphasis on growing the company before things nosedive."</p><p> </p><p>

"Agreed," I folded my arms, "We hit regional and we'll be in shape to make ZEN everything it used to be and more."</p><p> </p><p>

"Reopen the Dojo," Knight sighed at the thought, "Make the NZ scene better than ever."</p><p> </p><p>

"Baby steps, Frankie, baby steps," I cautioned, "But yeah, I'll post the card for next month's show tonight, thankfully several of our matches tonight already set up Way of the Scholar."</p><p> </p><p>

Knight clapped his hands together, ""Great to hear, now let's see about getting some dessert for the road."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>~~~~</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="4mlREgd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4mlREgd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="Qu6zFXy.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Qu6zFXy.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>ZEN: Art of Wrestling Presents</strong></p><p><strong>

Way Of The Scholar</strong></p><p><strong>

Live From: The Reliquary of Scale</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Tag Team Grudge Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Pumpkin Jack & Devilfish vs Halloween Knight & Cyanide</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Conceptual Title Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Damian Dastardly © vs Super Zero</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Harmony Title Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Warp-Jump © vs The Knight's Temple</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Man O'War vs Mister Hyde</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Shaolin vs Pink Spider</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Kalliope Woodchuck vs Trevor Feather</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Blue Flea & Ferdy Lloyd vs Booster Boy & Azazel</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Tag Team Grudge Match</p><p>

Pumpkin Jack & Devilfish vs <strong>Halloween Knight & Cyanide</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Conceptual Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly ©</strong> vs Super Zero</p><p> </p><p>

Harmony Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Warp-Jump ©</strong> vs The Knight's Temple</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War</strong> vs Mister Hyde</p><p> </p><p>

Shaolin vs <strong>Pink Spider</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kalliope Woodchuck</strong> vs Trevor Feather</p><p> </p><p>

Blue Flea & Ferdy Lloyd vs <strong>Booster Boy & Azazel</strong></p>

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<p>RNG says...</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Grudge Match</p><p>

<strong>Pumpkin Jack & Devilfish</strong> vs Halloween Knight & Cyanide</p><p> </p><p>

Conceptual Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly ©</strong> vs Super Zero</p><p> </p><p>

Harmony Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Warp-Jump ©</strong> vs The Knight's Temple</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War</strong> vs Mister Hyde</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shaolin</strong> vs Pink Spider</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kalliope Woodchuck</strong> vs Trevor Feather</p><p> </p><p>

Blue Flea & Ferdy Lloyd vs <strong>Booster Boy & Azazel</strong></p>

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<p>Pumpkin Jack & Devilfish vs<strong> Halloween Knight & Cyanide</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Heels win via heel shenanigans before both job next month!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly © </strong>vs Super Zero</p><p> </p><p>

Damian will win by hitting him with the belt <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

wait...</p><p> </p><p>

Warp-Jump © vs<strong> The Knight's Temple</strong></p><p> </p><p>

SuBurban is like the best mic guy on the company so you should strap a rocket to him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Man O'War </strong>vs Mister Hyde</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Shaolin </strong>vs Pink Spider</p><p> </p><p>

Kalliope Woodchuck vs<strong> Trevor Feather</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Blue Flea & Ferdy Lloyd vs<strong> Booster Boy & Azazel</strong></p><p> </p><p>

That's a really tough choice, because all four of them suck.</p>

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<p>Greetings, I'm happy to report that while I haven't written Way of the Scholar yet, I have played TEW up until just before Way of the Warrior 2016 AND did the due diligence of setting up a wordpad doc of the theme music to save me some personal grief.</p><p> </p><p>

It'll be a while yet before I get everything in order but in the meantime any of the characters introduced so far doing anything for you? I always enjoy feedback.</p>

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<p>Tag Team Grudge Match</p><p>

Pumpkin Jack & Devilfish vs <strong>Halloween Knight & Cyanide</strong></p><p><strong>

The Boss needs a win and you can't have the babys always send the fans home happy</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Conceptual Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Damian Dastardly</strong> © vs Super Zero</p><p>

<strong>Easy choice here, Damian is the future of Zen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Harmony Title Match</p><p>

Warp-Jump © vs <strong>The Knight's Temple</strong></p><p>

<strong>Not so easy choice here and yes a title change is in order</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War</strong> vs Mister Hyde</p><p>

<strong>Give him a victory here but he isn't going anywhere without some sort of change</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shaolin</strong> vs Pink Spider</p><p>

<strong>Not sure what it is but I just am not a fan of Pinky or Feather</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kalliope Woodchuck</strong> vs Trevor Feather</p><p>

<strong>If Zen had a women's championship Kalliope would own it for as long as she likes</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Blue Flea & Ferdy Lloyd vs <strong>Booster Boy & Azazel</strong></p><p><strong>

So much for the push for Flea lol</strong></p>

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<p>Tag Team Grudge Match</p><p>

Pumpkin Jack & Devilfish vs <strong>Halloween Knight & Cyanide</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sending the fans home happy is overrated and keeps HK and Cyanide looking like chumps. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Conceptual Title Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Damian Dastardly ©</strong> vs Super Zero</p><p> </p><p>

Unless Damian is moving to the ME he is the best person as champ. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Harmony Title Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Warp-Jump ©</strong> vs The Knight's Temple</p><p> </p><p>

This is and always will be a coin flip. Temple are better, but Warp-Jump are the only credible tag-team.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Man O'War</strong> vs Mister Hyde</p><p> </p><p>

I really wanted to pick Hyde due to their developing story with everyone on the roster. Man O'War should be a head by a decent margin, and he is my diaries main Champion. So him losing to Hyde would be crazy.</p><p> </p><p>

Shaolin vs <strong>Pink Spider</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Shaolin on the down and out?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kalliope Woodchuck </strong>vs Trevor Feather</p><p> </p><p>

She is too much for the lackey of Pinki & The Vane who have spectacular Theme music.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blue Flea & Ferdy Lloyd</strong> vs Booster Boy & Azazel</p><p> </p><p>

THE PUSH BEGINS!</p><p> </p><p>

After Mr. Wolfs diary I hated Vertigo.. this one is bringing it back with the new render and character.</p>

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