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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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- MJF & Wardlow vs Sammy & Ortiz was good.

- I liked the Kenny and Page interviews... but as usual the echo on the broadcast made them hard to hear.

- Trent vs Miro was good. I marked for the Dark Order cameo... I love it when storylines crossover.

- Team Taz! Crapping on the ranking system lol.

- Private Party vs Young Bucks was good.

- The Mox/Eddie segment was intense. PAC!

- Red Velvet vs Nyla was a solid squash. Vicki is entertaining on the mic when she reigns in the annoying aspect of her character.

- Dark Order vs Cody & Gunn Club was solid. That was best I've seen Austin look in the ring. Loved Cody's promo. Cody got his surname back finally (in the post-show segment on FITE).


Good go-home show.

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What a ppv! The two women's title matches should have switched places. AK and Serena had a good match, but Nyla looked awful tonight. She seriously moves in slow motion. I'm a fan of Nyla, but that was not a good performance at all and her ring gear looked like it came from a dollar store.


Rest of the card was phenomenal though. Cody getting his last name back was a great moment.


Tag title match was outstanding


Elite Deletion was super fun


Jericho vs MJF was good


Mox vs Eddie was a great hardcore style match. Announcers put over Eddie's performance quite a lot. His Misawa inspired gear was dope too.

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- Kay vs Deeb © was good. Rosa's back!

- Omega vs Page was a MOTY Contender. Top notch psychology and counter wrestling. Major NJPW vibes. Nice to have Callis on commentary.

- Silver vs Cassidy was good. Silver is awesome. I was hoping he would win via interference from Colt because I want to see Colt vs Cassidy.

- Darby vs Cody © was also a MOTY Contender. I love the story they told and a title change was the right call. Bring on Starks as the first challenger. Fiery promo from Dustin.

- Nyla vs Shida © was one of my favorite women's match in AEW so far. The result was a surprise. Time to build up Britt or one of the NWA women.

- Young Bucks vs FTR © was yet another MOTY Contender. Loved all the call-backs to other tag teams and the crazy nearfalls. I hope Matt's injury is mostly a work or Nick will have to find a new partner. Interesting that Omega came out to celebrate...

- Sammy vs Hardy was super fun. I'm glad the injuries and blood were faked this time.

- MJF vs Jericho was good. I popped for the trolling light-up jacket and laughed at the finish.

- Kingston vs Mox © was intense and brutal in the best possible way. The hype package was outstanding.


Contender for best AEW PPV ever. They did a great job with the set, lighting and camerawork to give make Daily's Place PPV worthy.

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Is it not a real gambling platform? I assumed it was. Feels like something a billionaire with a background of owning real sports teams would be into.


I also can't stand Kenny Omega, but I'm hoping his love of video games finds some way to translate into this game being good. Like, his enthusiasm getting him just involved enough to drag it away from a soulless cash grab. They're taking their time, which is good.


I also had high hopes for that TNA game though...

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Watched the AEW Games premiere when it happened live and god, Kenny Omega might be my least favourite thing in wrestling ever these days. So much hokey comedy and never ending Steve Jobs gags put a bad taste in my mouth despite the console game and the mobile booker looking fairly promising.


I thought the Steve Jobs gag was quite entertaining and I'm far from Kenny's biggest supporter. When he's serious, he's a fantastic worker, but he feels the need to be a dork with lame humor quite often.


The only part of the premier I didn't enjoy was lame ass Britt Baker and that awful shirt. Britt is just awful.


That said, the console game sounds promising since they're going for a No Mercy/Virtua Pro Wrestling vibe and getting Geta(director of No Mercy) is pretty awesome.


I wish the GM mode was part of the console game, but hopefully it's a good booking sim nonetheless

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I would have dropped the shirt reveal. Especially because of how mundane it ended up being.


TK is hyping Dynamite up quite a bit today


Khan writes, “Tonight we have a great lineup for #AEWDynamite Live on TNT at 8pm ET/7pm CT! For the rest of 2020, #AEW will keep delivering great matches on Wednesday Nights + there are massive surprises ahead! Please join us on TNT tonight, the balance of power in wrestling will shift tonight”

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<p>- Cage vs Sydal was good. Nice of Taz to hype up Sydal. FTW taking over Dynamite.</p><p>

- The Cody segment took an unexpected turn. Hell of a debut for Cargill, even if the execution wasn't perfect. Brandi is fire on the mic with the right material. Shaq finally going to wrestle? Thumbtack jacket lol.</p><p>

- No excuse for still having audio issues with backstage interviews.</p><p>

- Bunkhouse match was bloody fun.</p><p>

- Inner Circle segment was entertaining.</p><p>

- Spears vs Sky was solid. It will be interesting to see how Kenny vs Mox develops with no major PPV until next year.</p><p>

- Conti vs Velvet was good. Nice to see some fresh women being pushed on Dynamite and with a storyline, too.</p><p>

- Fenix vs Penta was PPV quality. No surprise Kingston was great on commentary. I thought Archer might come out but instead it was PAC!!!</p>

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<p>Tay vs Velvet was very rough and sloppy. Their inexperience was blatantly obvious. I like Tay a lot, but she should probably be working veterans and learning from them not facing other green girls. Velvet has a good upside but she's in the same boat as Tay in that she should be facing women more experienced.</p><p> </p><p>

Rest of the show was pretty good though. Not sure I want to see Shaq vs Cody Rhodes, but I'll keep an open mind.</p>

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- Cage vs Sydal was good. Nice of Taz to hype up Sydal. FTW taking over Dynamite.


Hard to have a bad match when Sydal is involved. I may not rate Cage as anything special. But even I can acknowledge it would take a far lesser talent than Cage to ruin a Sydal carry job.



- The Cody segment took an unexpected turn. Hell of a debut for Cargill, even if the execution wasn't perfect. Brandi is fire on the mic with the right material. Shaq finally going to wrestle?


Two words jumped into my head for this segment. Point. And less. The whole idea was patently absurd. Like a highly acclaimed, much loved personality in our culture like Shaquille O'Neal would need a mouthpiece to say anything for him. Much less a no-name skank who looked like she just walked out of Central Casting three minutes ago. The whole thing made Cargill look like a delusional buffoon. Shaq being so cowardly heelish as to deliver his intentions second hand? Ridiculous. It was like one of those school sitcoms where the lead girl promises the megastar will do a benefit concert for their uniform drive knowing she can't deliver.


Thumbtack jacket lol.


That's one of the great things about Darby. He is so creative in how he responds to stuff. The loaded skateboard deck. The thumbtack jacket. The stunts at the skate park while inside the body bag. Darby is very much his own man and that is awesome.



- No excuse for still having audio issues with backstage interviews.


Hadn't really noticed until you mentioned it actually. But maybe that strengthens your complaint rather than nullifying it. Viewers sluffing mistakes like that off could be even worse for them than people noticing and commenting as you did. At least noticing and commenting can inspire a solution.



- Bunkhouse match was bloody fun.


Oh indeed. All four men let the hate flow from them and the blood followed. It was intense. It was brutal. It was all you could ask it to be. My favorite part though was Allie going through the table at the end. She's been needing a bit of comeuppance for what she did to QT and neither he nor Dustin were cruel enough to give it to her directly. So for her to suffer friendly fire and get tabled that way was perfect. Put over how dangerous that match was nad gave her a bit of what for. Very cool spot indeed.


- Inner Circle segment was entertaining.


Oh no doubt. A prime example of what natural charisma can do when it isn't straining itself and just making the material it's given come to life


- Spears vs Sky was solid.


No surprise. Been a Sky fan since Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. And while Spears will never have people inflating paper bags the way guys like Omega or the Bucks do, the guy always gives a strong, workmanlike performance. Very much look forward to seeing how far these two can push each other before the feud is over.



=milamber;2474386]It will be interesting to see how Kenny vs Mox develops with no major PPV until next year.


Oh no doubt. Two totally different styles at play here. The straight forward, turkey talking Moxley cutting to the heart of the matter vs the bluster and bombast that Omega's working to recapture. LAtely, Mox has been dealing with folks ready and willing to get just as down and dirty as he is. Is he prepared for the elaborate Bat-villian kind of schemes that Omega will concoct? Should be a lot of fun indeed.



- Conti vs Velvet was good. Nice to see some fresh women being pushed on Dynamite a[/u]nd with a storyline, too.


True to a point but I do find it strange some of the people AEW does and does not choose to focus on in this division. I mean I get that Conti is pretty and she does have some talent but the relationship between her and Anna Jay feels awfully transitory to be front and center of a storyline. Not to mention how easy it is to find a pretty blonde with some talent. Heck Anna Jay herself could fit that description. Nyla feels a dime a dozen. Not only does it seem dozens of power women could do everything she does, it feels like you could give her whole act lock stock and barrel to someone like a Justin Smooth and he could run with it. Nothing about Nyla feels uniquely Nyla. Swole was cool at first and she certainly rises above the cliche moniker. But she can wear on a body after a while. Heck, not even Britt Baker seems to have a consistent shine on her for as heavily as she's pushed. I do like the Red Velvet/Brandi relationship. But in general, the division just feels like a jumbled mess.



- Fenix vs Penta was PPV quality. No surprise Kingston was great on commentary.


Well, you take two masters of their craft. MAke them brothers and add in all the classic sibling drama. Then add an instigator the caliber of Kingston who is biased toward one brother over the other. I'd be shocked if it were anything other but PPV quality. That's a pretty good recipe for a powder keg right there.


I thought Archer might come out but instead it was PAC!!!



Oh I know. That was my moment of the night. Going into the show with all the chatter about Tony Khan's message about all the big surprises I was incredibly nervous. I was afraid we were going to have one of those moments were Cody might not survive the beating unless Maximus Bigname didn't save him. Or the kind of moment where the only thing containing the explosion of Excalibur's head was his mask. Despite the fact somebody was debuting only he and the debutante's friends and family even knew about.


Was I ever glad that the big suprise of the night was the official return of PAC. That guy's been badly needed for months upon months and been unavailable for obvious reasons. And to see what's become of would be stablemates while he's been gone. The fireworks between him and Kingston should really blow some roofs off. Two loud, angry bastards who love to get into and stir up trouble. You know neither one's gonna back down easy. Should make for great TV.

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Tay vs Velvet was very rough and sloppy. Their inexperience was blatantly obvious. I like Tay a lot, but she should probably be working veterans and learning from them not facing other green girls. Velvet has a good upside but she's in the same boat as Tay in that she should be facing women more experienced.

I thought the start was very good and the middle was okay, but it seemed to fall apart a little bit towards the finish. Both ladies are definitely not the finished article.


It's great to have PAC back. Cage and Sydal had a fine match too, best I've seen from Cage in AEW so far.


I wish they'd fix the production errors though. No excuse for having promos that can barely be heard because they're playing two audio feeds at the same time.

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<p>5 women's matches on Dark next week... involving Hirsch, Ford, Ivelisse, Swole, King, Thunder Rosa and the debuting Lindsay Snow. On Dynamite it's Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb for the NWA Women's Championship.</p><p> </p><p>

That's an improvement. Now all they need is several storylines at once like the men.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>5 women's matches on Dark next week... involving Hirsch, Ford, Ivelisse, Swole, King, Thunder Rosa and the debuting Lindsay Snow. On Dynamite it's Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb for the NWA Women's Championship.<p> </p><p> That's an improvement. Now all they need is several storylines at once like the men.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thunder Rosa is winning the belt back now it's all but confirmed she's not going to WWE, right?</p><p> </p><p> AEW do need to be careful that they don't wind up making the NWA Women's title scene better than the AEW Women's title scene.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>5 women's matches on Dark next week... involving Hirsch, Ford, Ivelisse, Swole, King, Thunder Rosa and the debuting Lindsay Snow. On Dynamite it's Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb for the NWA Women's Championship.<p> </p><p> That's an improvement. Now all they need is several storylines at once like the men.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> And GOOD storylines. I don't think any of us want a repeat of the Nightmare Collective. *shudder*</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And GOOD storylines. I don't think any of us want a repeat of the Nightmare Collective. *shudder*</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Or its aftermath for that matter. Aside from the obvious thing with Brandi that most people comment on, it feels like another issue with her presentation is that they swept the aftermath of that story line under the rug way too quickly and abruptly. One moment she's this emotionally broken character who got gaslighted into that whole Collective mess. And then the 10 lashes segment pops up and she's miraculously healthy enough to be the perfect supportive wife. For someone they arguably put on screen too much, Creative sure doesn't like to present Brandi in a consistent fashion.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thunder Rosa is winning the belt back now it's all but confirmed she's not going to WWE, right?<p> </p><p> AEW do need to be careful that they don't wind up making the NWA Women's title scene better than the AEW Women's title scene.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Read somewhere she is under contract through 2021 but WWE is interested when she becomes available.</p>
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