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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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AEW has dropped multiple angles though. It's cool they're letting workers have creative freedom, but there needs to be someone to focus it. In the last month there are three faction split up angles going on. MJF and Wardlow leaving Inner Circle and creating The Pinnacle. QT and the Factory trainees leaving the Nightmare Family. and Team Taz is currently going through it too. I love stables, but three stables breaking up around the same time is bush league booking.


This is a big part of why I'm not watching any more. I read results, and nothing feels special or important. Someone got beat up backstage? Who cares? That happens every week from the sounds of it. Stables breaking up? Meh. they weren't together that long anyway. Repetitive stories, none of which sound like they're told in the ring. All post match brawling.


I agree with everyone here. They just need one guy in charge to filter and organise things. Taz wants to tease dissension? Sorry, you'll have to wait until next month, when it might stand out and mean something.

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Right, if somebody had come to me with the formation of the Pinnacle and the rivalry with the Inner Circle, I would not have done the beatdown angle they did in the dressing room. That's something you build to because even though the story is just starting, we have already seen the Inner Circle kick their asses. We shouldn't have seen anything like that until Blood & Guts, they should have built that match as the moment that Jericho's crew finally get their hands on their enemies.


I think the broader problem with the promotion is that these little things all add up.


Christian debuted and they promoted that we would hear from him. He came to the ring, said nothing and left. They promoted something that didn't happen. Worse, they waited until the third show after Revolution to put him in the ring. If the iron was hot on the Wednesday after the PPV, it wasn't two weeks later. He really should have wrestled on the first Dynamite if they wanted to capitalise on any buzz they might have gotten from his signing.


The Team Taz stuff isn't landing with me because I pretty much only watch Dynamite and they are never on it outside of short promos and pre-tapes. They certainly never wrestle on Dynamite, haven't Cage & Starks wrestled on there once this year? Has Hobbs wrestled on the flagship show at all this year?


I'm sure I can be accused of being overly critical of them but it's only because I want AEW to be successful that I care enough to criticise them for these issues.

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No, it was never explained, nor was the cancelling of The Bucks heel turn. Sometimes I think this is the problem with not having writers, yeah the talents love working with bullet points for promos and having freedom but lack of continuity and narrative structuring definitely becomes a problem.


I thought the most recent Dynamite was good but I don't think this Kenny Omega story is working. Him and The Good Brothers are amongst my least favourite thing on the show at the moment, one of those angles where they have the wrong kind of heat.


I agree. Actually, heel Omega...I don't care if he wins or loses. I don't even care if he gets kicked the carp out of him. I just wish he wasn't on the show.

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Be The Elite killed every desire I had to see Kenny Omega on my TV screen. That show made me interested in a lot of guys (Page, Kazarian) but had the opposite effect with him. I'm wondering if that's good heel heat. I guess if I thought I was going to see him really get his ass kicked, I'd be into it. But by all accounts Kenny likes 20+ minute matches where he gets hit with every move under the sun. So why would I want to watch him having fun?


My relationship with kayfabe is complicated.

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AEW is bush league with fancy lights.


You have to sit through a lot of shit to get to the little bits of very good stuff.


It's like most of the time WWE sits at a boring 5, never much higher, never much lower.


But AEW can go from embarrassing 2 to an 8 but there's a lot more 2,3,4 than 8's going on. I can't help but also feel the divisions/booking would be better if Omega and Bucks weren't around.

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- Fenix & PAC vs The Bucks © was a MOTY Contender. The finish was perfect.

- Velvet vs Cargill was good. Dr. Britt putting in the work.

- Ogogo vs Carter was an OK squash. Miro push incoming.

- Dax vs Jericho was great.

- Statlander vs Nova was a solid squash. Multiple women's matches and promos is progress.

- Team Taz is a downward spiral but Hobbs looks good destroying Christian.

- Hardy vs Allin © was great. Any other show this would have been my MOTN. It was cool how they integrated several feuds.


Great show.

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Dynamite was kind of a mixed mag this week. Some good stuff some annoying stuff.


The Bucks attire was hideous, but I have a feeling that's the point. Pac and Fenix make a great team, but I still hope we get singles runs at some point for all three members of Death Triangle. Three of the best workers on the roster.


On Elevation they did one of those getting to know a wrestler vignettes about Shawn Dean. I really like him a lot.

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The destroyer was great when only Petey Williams did it, but now everyone and their mother does it. I've seen Buff Bagwell and Dustin Rhodes of all people do it multiple times.


Lots of moves are overdone now. Powerbombs, superkicks(thrust kicks according to Excalibur when done by anyone not the Bucks), sling blades, and I'm tired so I'm sure I'm forgetting other major ones. Oh, back stabber. That's done a ton too. And the pile driver used to be one of the most vicious finishers and now half the AEW and Impact roster do some variation.

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Time for a new gimmick: "Fat" Hardy would be more suiting for Matt. He's overpaid in this federation. :D

For free: a new t-shirt: "Fat=fat".


Big Money Matt is so entertaining to me. His match with Darbs was really fun. The stipulation helped things obviously, but both dudes worked their tails off and it paid off in a quality match.


Matt is in better shape than Jericho is though.

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Time for a new gimmick: "Fat" Hardy would be more suiting for Matt. He's overpaid in this federation. :D

For free: a new t-shirt: "Fat=fat".


I don’t know if I’d go that far. That said, Matt’s new persona needs something more. He’s known for creating new personas. That said, he should redesign his look and maybe wrestle in dress pants (going with the new Big Money persona).


Right now he just seems like Matt Hardy.

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<p>Road to Dynamite featuring promos from Shida, Conti, Hobbs & Jungle Boy -

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/c8UUzZK9pFY?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Road to AEW Dynamite: Darby © v Jungle Boy, Shida © v Tay & Cage v Powerhouse Hobbs | 4/19/21"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

BTE: The Forbidden Dior -

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/cPB6_osh3Ew?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="“The Forbidden Dior” - Being The Elite Ep. 252"></iframe></div></div>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don’t know if I’d go that far. That said, Matt’s new persona needs something more. He’s known for creating new personas. That said, he should redesign his look and maybe wrestle in dress pants (going with the new Big Money persona). <p> </p><p> Right now he just seems like Matt Hardy.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think it's pretty clear they are transitioning him to more of a manager roll, guys' pretty messed up at this point. </p><p> </p><p> I forget where but I saw an article where he basically said the broken gimmick died when crowds went away and he feels to bring it back now would be forced and take time away from guys he's trying to elevate.</p>
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Tay Conti vs Shida was outstanding. Tay might be the most improved wrestler in recent memory. I enjoyed her in NXT, but man, she's been improving constantly in AEW.


Darby vs Jungle Boy was quite good, but the women's title match was simply great.

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- Starks vs Hangman was good but I wish it had gone longer. Clever finish.

- Penta vs Trent? was solid. Having Alex as his manager is paying off. Best Friends theme is back.

- Conti vs Shida © was good. Would have liked more knee strikes from Tay. I was hoping for an upset but can't fault them for wanting the money match against Dr. Britt at the PPV.

- Enjoyed hearing Wardlow and Santana on the mic.

- Gunn vs QT was OK. Comoroto is immune to chair shots. A rare Impact shoutout. Mox & Eddie LOL.

- Hobbs vs Christian was great. Strong showcase for Hobbs. Jade is money.

- Jungle Boy vs Darby © was my MOTN. Sting attacking Luchasaurus and Darby gouging the eyes was interesting. Miro's promo made me think he would attack Darby.

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Shida and Tay was my match of the night for sure. As much as I wanted Tay to win, I'm sure Britt is the one to take the belt off Shida and I'm very much looking forward to that.


Britt and Tay are two of the most improved workers out there.

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The Elite are in their trailer and they keep on reminding us that this moment is "live." Then, after the 'live sequence' follows of Moxley/Kingston driving a truck into the side of their trailer, The Elite isn't IN that trailer?


Unless something happens to explain that before the end of the show (as I'm still watching), that feels like a really weird misstep.

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The Elite are in their trailer and they keep on reminding us that this moment is "live." Then, after the 'live sequence' follows of Moxley/Kingston driving a truck into the side of their trailer, The Elite isn't IN that trailer?


Unless something happens to explain that before the end of the show (as I'm still watching), that feels like a really weird misstep.


My thought was that the Elite were setting up Mox and Eddie and that's why they repeatedly said they were live. That's the only logical conclusion that I can think of.

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The Elite are in their trailer and they keep on reminding us that this moment is "live." Then, after the 'live sequence' follows of Moxley/Kingston driving a truck into the side of their trailer, The Elite isn't IN that trailer?


Unless something happens to explain that before the end of the show (as I'm still watching), that feels like a really weird misstep.


Maybe they travelled into the same dimension Shaq is in :D

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