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I haven't been able to watch BOTB but I feel like in the tag title match it was going to lead to an eventual split between Lucha Bros and Alex Abrahantes. But, I do agree that they probably should dial back the table spots for a bit.


I really hope Alex doesn't go anywhere. I know it's silly, but I love that dude. He's so passionate and genuinely excited to be involved. Anytime I hear "Penta says..." I'm in a good mood.


I know he's a Spanish announce team member as well, but I kinda wish he'd be apart of the English teams for the YouTube shows if he does break away from Lucha Bros.

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I really hope Alex doesn't go anywhere. I know it's silly, but I love that dude. He's so passionate and genuinely excited to be involved. Anytime I hear "Penta says..." I'm in a good mood.


I know he's a Spanish announce team member as well, but I kinda wish he'd be apart of the English teams for the YouTube shows if he does break away from Lucha Bros.


I think we were going to see some sort of Christen screwjob of Jurrasic Express, but then when the injury happened it was so blatantly obvious that Rey was going to be out at least a few months they audibled the finish.


otherwise I don't see why you take the titles of the Lucha Brothers there.


BoTB was basically just hour 2 of rampage. The Main event was fine, but with Rosa apparently tied up with Martínez I question why we didn't do the title change there. I've seen Britt vs. every babyface women I care about besides Rosa. I'm ready for her reign to end.


Also, on that front, they need to get the title off britt because the level of interference allowed from Rebel and Hayter from the outside is comical at this point. It makes the AEW refs look so bad that they just spend the whole match cheating, getting caught, and then it takes like 3-4 times for a ref to be like "go to the back" even.


Love BRitt, but I've seen enough of this title reign.

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I think we were going to see some sort of Christen screwjob of Jurrasic Express, but then when the injury happened it was so blatantly obvious that Rey was going to be out at least a few months they audibled the finish.


otherwise I don't see why you take the titles of the Lucha Brothers there.


The tag title switch kind of surprised me; I suspect that they called an audible as well.

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I agree that the Christian screw job is inevitable to give Jungle Boy that proper main event push.


But I'm not sure that finish was an audible or that the title change wasn't scheduled. JB's family was there, it wouldn't be the case for them to lose.


Fenix will be back within a couple of months, the injury is only a dislocation, which is insane. I think there was a hint at dissention between Fenix and Abrahantes.

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The tag title switch kind of surprised me; I suspect that they called an audible as well.


It's been reported that it was the planned finish. It makes sense, the finish came right after the Fenix table spot that was almost certainly designed to take him out of the match for good.


And all the heel tag teams were ready to go post-match. That would be quite the coincidence that they were all camera-ready if JE were meant to lose lol

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It's been reported that it was the planned finish. It makes sense, the finish came right after the Fenix table spot that was almost certainly designed to take him out of the match for good.


And all the heel tag teams were ready to go post-match. That would be quite the coincidence that they were all camera-ready if JE were meant to lose lol


Good points!

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Yeah, I didn't think the tag title match finish was an audible either. If you're doing two title matches on the first Dynamite on TBS, you should probably do at least one title change.


I think the plan was the same for Battle of the Belts. It was the first live Saturday special on TNT so the original plan would have been Sammy Guevara winning the TNT title back from Cody. They just swapped Dustin in and did the same program as originally planned.

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I really enjoyed the opening segment with the New Era/SuperKliq. Cole and Baker aligning on TV is a nice little wrinkle to both characters.


Punk vs Wardlow was a blast. Was it a masterpiece? No, but Mr Mayhem looked like a bad ass that could have put Punk away at any moment had MJF not stuck his nose into the match. Wardlow's face turn on the Cleveland Dynamite January 26th is gonna be huge.


Dante vs Hobbs was fun as well. I'd rather see Hobbs in the winner's circle, but Dante is clearly being groomed to be a big star. Hobbs has a great look and aura though so he'll be fine.


Kingston vs Jericho could be a lot of fun. The promos are already intriguing.


The MJF swerve was hilarious and well done.


Hangman had a great promo and the return of Archer as his next opponent is awesome. Obviously Page will retain, but Page could very well be the Sting of AEW. Quite a few people are comparing Bryan/Page to Sting/Flair and I'm definitely leaning towards that belief.


Arn and Tully shaking hands gave me chills. I friggin love both guys so much and I love that it's 2022 and they're on a mainstream wrestling show.


Deeb murdering Shida was dope! Man, I love Serena. She's so damn talented.


Penta vs Matt was better than it had any right to be. I'm not saying it was a five star classic or anything, but it was just a lot of fun. Matt bringing back the "Delete" stuff is awesome. I keep waiting for the HFO to turn on Matt so Jeff can come to his rescue. There are so many dream matches for the Hardy Boys in AEW.




Acclaimed are entertaining, but Bear Country are one trick ponies.


Main event was alright. The more spotlight Sammy gets, the less interested I am in him. Garcia is a far better worker and more unique than Sammy. It's very interesting to me that 2.0 and Garcia get a ton of screen time despite losing almost every Dynamite/Rampage appearance. I love all three guys though so I'm not complaining.

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- Too many egos in the Elite Super Kliq. Statlander! DMD! Fun way to open the show. Mixed tag incoming.

- Wardlow vs Punk was good. Reminded me of Brodie Lee destroying Cody. Spears saved MJF from a Wardlow ass whooping.

- Hobbs vs Dante was good. Nice work from Ricky on the outside.

- Time for Eddie to force Jericho to disband Inner Circle. Also push PnP to the moon.

- MJF salty but still ducking Punk. Landon Butler lol. Archer looking extra beefy. Lambert wasn't needed.

- Shida vs Deeb was a glorified angle, hopefully building up to a stipulation blowoff.

- Penta vs Hardy was solid. Leave Alex alone. Body King finally debuted! Looking foward to a Leyla going full heel.

- Bear Country vs The Acclaimed was solid.

- PAC! Private Party need to leave HOF this year.

- Garcia vs Sammy © was my MOTN. Garcia will be TNT Champion one day.

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Punk vs Wardlow was a blast. Was it a masterpiece? No, but Mr Mayhem looked like a bad ass that could have put Punk away at any moment had MJF not stuck his nose into the match. Wardlow's face turn on the Cleveland Dynamite January 26th is gonna be huge.


I thought this turned out pretty well. I knew there was no way Wardlow would win, but I thought he looked dominant and came out of this looking stronger than before.


The crowd popped HUGE when it looked like Wardlow was going to turn on MJF!

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- Cole vs Trent was my great. Both guys are masters of making their offense look like it legit hurts but doing it safely. The over-use of low blows continues in 2022.

- Hyped for Rosa/Martinez.

- Loved Spears' nonchalant cover. Great promo. Everett could be a solid hand if he didn't look like a jobber.

- The Acclaimed with another hit. Stang! Buckle bomb :o

- Stat, Hirsch & Velvet vs Nyla & BunnyFord was good.

- Not a Lethal fan but did enjoy his promo on Ricky.

- Dark Order vs Jurassic Express © was my MOTN. Turnbuckle suplex spot was crazy.

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Hearing Mox drop an F bomb on a crappy fan is reason enough to subscribe to AEW on Fite.


That and not having to deal with stupid commercials or picture in picture garbage.




Sting performing at the level he is at his age is insane to me. I have watched him perform almost my entire life and this is his best run in a real long time. His TNA run was very spotty and his WWE run was obviously less than stellar, but he's bumping and selling like a mad man and taking risks like diving off the stage. Unreal. He's been my number one guy since I started watching wrestling and this run is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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- Rejuvenated Mox!

- MJF doesn't deserve Wardlow.

- Cole & DMD vs Cassidy & Stat was my MOTN. I appreciated the intergender spots. Another week another low blow... sigh. Kris didn't get her own entrance :(

- PnP speaking the truth. Cole mad.

- Spears vs Punk was unexpectedly swift. Feel bad for Spears.

- Promo of the Year from Cody. Pure arrogance from the guy who says he won't turn heel. Anna's hungee for TBS gold.

- Kings of the Black Throne vs Varsity Blondes was a solid squash. Great PAC promo. Roppongi... Roppongi Vice... Roppongi... Roppongi Vice.

- Kaz vs Archer was solid. Archer's interaction with the crowd was the best part. Enjoyed the cowboy boot to the head and Buckshot Lariat counter.

- Ricky don't care about your friends Dante. Leyla mad.

- Skye vs Deeb was solid.

- Always good to see New Japan footage. HOOK pop. Beach Break shaping up to be a fun show. Hardy selling out lol. Andrade is El Presidente.

- The Acclaimed vs Two Grown Men Going Through a Goth PHASE was good. Sting bumping like a wrestler half his age.

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Kaz and Archer definitely went too long. I like both dudes, but I feel like Archer needs to be winning fairly easy if he's Hangman's next challenger.


I thought the main event was a total blast though. I've been telling all my friends that like wrestling to watch Mox's promo and the main event.


Super excited for Roppongi Vice vs Bucks. They always had good matches in New Japan. Plus, we get more Rocky Romero

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The show was lopsided towards storytelling with Beach Break and Revolution to build towards. Ratings dipped a bit in the 2nd half of the show without a banger match in the middle but still great ratings.


1,032,000 viewers (0.44 demo) and ranked #1 for the day. Raw did 0.43 demo.




"Brandon Thurston at @wrestlenomics mentions that the first minute of Dynamite the other week had 1.72 million viewers. The Big Bang Theory lead in is massive. Expect more opening main events pretty much every week."

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- Mox vs Ego was good. Playing up Mox being rusty allowed Page to get more shine. Danielson!

- Jungle Boy is getting more promo time now.

- Nick vs Trent was my MOTN. Yuta snub lol.

- Looking forward to the OG Badass vs La Mera Mera.

- HOOK vs Serpentico was a fun squash. QT lol. Team Taz should turn babyface soon.

- Jay vs Cargill © was good. No luck for That Bitch Slayer.

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