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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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we are finishing the PPV tonight, got home late with the Toddler so only finished the Buyin and through the JAde match.



So far, really happy with it. I'll check back tomorrow after we watch the second half ha.


First half highlights include:


- Stratlander v Hirwsch was better than I thought it would be, but I'm ready for this to be over as a fued. However, very happy to see someone not named Baker, Britt or Rosa, Thunder get some time to connect their characters with the audience in the women division. I'm not pumped it looks like Hirsch's next fued is Red Velvet though, feels like a step back down as a reward for going over Stratlander.


- House of Black vs. Death Triangle and Read Beard was a lot of good Hoss fun, with some lucha librae mixed in. I liked it. My only slight nit pick is I'm not sure why we turned Penta into Penta Black to then lose multiple times to the house of black.


- Don Callis was good, good troll and way to remind the audience that kenny is always watching and sees what Cole is doing pretty clearly.


Main Show:


Eddie vs Jericho - I thought this was awesome. Loved the character work throughout, and the fact that Jericho DID bring out the old Y2J version of himself, he looked better than he has in a few years, clearly put in a bunch of time in the Gym the last few months. Was moving much better and not huffin and puffin after 5 minutes.


the fact that he lost because he screwed around when he had the man beat was also vintage Y2J to steal a line from Cole, and sets up another match or two.


Kingston's facials are always just so good. The "I won? really?" was great.


My MOTN, again with the caveat that we had to pause before the second half.


Triple threat - I like this a lot, although as always with these triple threat tag matches with two teams only in the ring, I struggled to really follow what "the plan" was. I assumed it was "get the two of our teams in the match, then settle it while they (Jurassic Express) can't be in the match, but then even once they got to Red Dragon vs the bucks that seemed to be "against the plan" based on how the Bucks and Red Dragon operated.


I'm just confused as to what "the plan" was if not to just go at it once they got JE out of the match via tag. Eventually, someone has to pick up a pin fall.


Another nit pick, but again this is more a failing of these triple threat tags with two teams in, much was made of the fact that Luchasaurs and JB had to be careful to not be tagged out of the match. It apparently took Kyle about 15 minutes to realize he could just blind tag one of them in his corner.


Also, whoever put a mic close enough to Bobby Fish to pick up his trash talking is my hero. He's sneaky hilarious.


Jade vs Conti - yikes. well that's to strong a word, it was fine. there were several spots in the match however where you could tell if Tay lost the thread of the match, they were just confused. Biggest being where Tay accidentally put her foot so far under the rope that Audrey had to call it out, Tay just moved slightly, and you could tell Jade had no idea what was going on. Just very hard to have two relatively green workers in there for a longer match. was fine though.


I do feel like Anna and Conti are now kinda locked into "mid card face gate keepers" which I hope Conti breaks out of at some point, she's to good to be stuck there.


LAdder match - Pretty good, like all multiman ladder matches it had it's moments of "wow, that was super scripted out" but thats the fun with these matches. Right guy won.

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- Hirsch vs Statlander was good. - *** 1/2

- Don Callis lol. Can't wait for Kenny & the Bucks to turn on him.

- QT vs Hook was solid. - ***

- Death Triangle vs House of Black was great. - **** 1/4


- Jericho vs Kingston was better than I expected. - **** 1/4

- Young Bucks vs reDRagon vs Jurassic Express © was great. reDRagon title reign will have to wait. **** 1/2

- Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match was great. I would have been happy with any winner - **** 1/4

- Swerve! Not a well-kept secret but Tony waving the spoiler clipboard around was funny.

- Conti vs Cargill © was good. Jadel getting the big money entrance. Lots of kissing. Faster paced than Jade's usual title matches. - *** 3/4

- MJF vs Punk Dog Collar Match was a MOTY Contender. Top notch storytelling. Miseria Cantare! Punk went old school. Hell yeah Wardlow! - *****

- Rosa vs DMD was good but I expected better. Gorgeous new belt. Hopefully Rosa is crowned in Texas in a cage match. *** 3/4

- Danielson vs Moxley was great. Regal! Excited about this storyline. - **** 1/2

- Darby, Sammy & Sting vs AHFO was good. Darby's video was sick. - *** 3/4

- Adam Page © vs Adam Cole was great. - **** 1/2


My wifi dropped out 5 minutes into watching the Buy-In, then the power went out for hours and I was sick :( Thankfully it was worth the wait. Strong PPV from start to finish.

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Adam Cole vs Hangman had the same problem a lot of Adam Cole's Takeover matches had, zero psychology. Just big spot after big spot. I know there's an audience for that type, but I'm not it I guess.


Cole has had much better matches in AEW than Revolution.


The two women's title matches weren't anything special either. Part of me thinks I'm being overly critical since the rest of the show was so good, but they just felt like buffer matches. Rosa and Baker are capable of better and have shown that in previous outings.


Revolution was amazing, but the above three matches really didn't do much for me otherwise.

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- Kingston getting real on the mic. I was disappointed we didn't get a Jericho troll job... until we did lol. I still hope Garcia joins the Bryan/Mox/Regal faction eventually.

- Dante vs Hangman © was good. Nice moment after the match. Cole is salty lol.

- Danielson & Mox vs Workhorsemen was good. Next tag champs maybe. Regal giving Kingston a run for his money on the mic.

- Yuta vs PAC was good.

- Trouble in paradise for Hangman/Dark Order & The Elite. FTR fired Tully WTF!

- Private Party finally had enough of Hardy. I thought Jeff had 1 more day on his no-compete so I was surprised. Nese trying to get that Swerve rub lol.

- THIS IS WAR! Rare Wardlow promo and he did OK. I expect MJF to screw him over in the TNT title match and Wardlow to beat MJF to get out of his contract.

- QT trying to get that Limitless rub lol.

- Acclaimed vs Jurassic Express © was good.

- Hirsch vs Rosa was good. Cage match!

- Sky vs Sammy © was my MOTN because it's the only I was invested in. I wasn't expecting the title change. TBH, Sky should have had a short reign a year ago. PVZ taking advantage to make her mark.


Crazy that AEW could put on a stacked show a few days after an awesome PPV.

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So AEW just bought ROH including the video library dating back to 2002. This is actually HUGE!


Not a fan of Tony Kahn owning Ring of Honor. Sure, it's basically a dead promotion and I'd much rather the video library go to him than to WWE, but he's talking about booking it, and I don't like it when a small number of people decide what wrestling is. I like alternatives. I like variety. More Tony Kahn wrestling wouldn't be variety, even though I'm sure he means well and would try to keep the classic ROH spirit alive. Sounds like another WWE-ECW type situation.

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Not a fan of Tony Kahn owning Ring of Honor. Sure, it's basically a dead promotion and I'd much rather the video library go to him than to WWE, but he's talking about booking it, and I don't like it when a small number of people decide what wrestling is. I like alternatives. I like variety. More Tony Kahn wrestling wouldn't be variety, even though I'm sure he means well and would try to keep the classic ROH spirit alive. Sounds like another WWE-ECW type situation.


I'm just going to put this bluntly. Everybody for the last 40 years has been trying to ape WWE or ECW's product. There has been no alternative. Just various levels of competency. So that argument is very weak to me. Especially considering the state of ROH, and how bad that MSG show crippled them. I also see no parallels to the WWECW thing, which was nothing more than a cash grab booked by people who hated ECW. Tony runs a maximum competency version of ROH right now. So the only thing I can understand for worries is obvious burnout potential.


If you're an ROH fan this is the absolute best-case scenario.

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I'm just going to put this bluntly. Everybody for the last 40 years has been trying to ape WWE or ECW's product. There has been no alternative.


That's just not true. That's not to say that the more successful something becomes the more it often alters to become more like WWE, but there have been plenty of alternatives (especially as you're going back to 1982!!).

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I'm just going to put this bluntly. Everybody for the last 40 years has been trying to ape WWE or ECW's product. There has been no alternative. Just various levels of competency. So that argument is very weak to me. Especially considering the state of ROH, and how bad that MSG show crippled them. I also see no parallels to the WWECW thing, which was nothing more than a cash grab booked by people who hated ECW. Tony runs a maximum competency version of ROH right now. So the only thing I can understand for worries is obvious burnout potential.


If you're an ROH fan this is the absolute best-case scenario.


Vince McMahon running ECW ended up being just another WWE show, and I think Tony Khan running ROH would end up being just another AEW show. While AEW is great and it's wonderful that it exists, I don't need any more of that specific booking style and that specific eye of talent. ROH had its own flavour, and a rich history of developing and featuring wrestlers who would go on to be stars in every top promotion, and to see it becoming a feeder league to just one company is a bit of a bummer, in my opinion.


You're right that this was probably the best scenario ROH could hope for. I'm sure Tony will try a hell of a lot harder than Vince does when buying other brands.

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Vince McMahon running ECW ended up being just another WWE show, and I think Tony Khan running ROH would end up being just another AEW show. While AEW is great and it's wonderful that it exists, I don't need any more of that specific booking style and that specific eye of talent. ROH had its own flavour, and a rich history of developing and featuring wrestlers who would go on to be stars in every top promotion, and to see it becoming a feeder league to just one company is a bit of a bummer, in my opinion.


You're right that this was probably the best scenario ROH could hope for. I'm sure Tony will try a hell of a lot harder than Vince does when buying other brands.


1) ROH hasn't been that in 10 years at this point. What it has been since Cornette left is a small fed built on the back of lifers like Jay Lethal and The Briscoes, who didn't have aspirations of leaving.


2) Never thought I'd see the day people yearned to watch guys like Chris Hero get called fat and turned into a comedy jobber named Cassius Ohno in NXT. Or pine for the days Cesaro needs to grab the brass ring. Even the success stories are greek tragedies in that company. Keeping as many talents away from Vince McMahon's funhouse mirror is a win for everyone as far as I'm concerned. Let the 6'6+ failed actors get that fate.


3) I think you forget what Tony's original vision for AEW was. I foresee a very different product for that company. One with a pure sport slant doubling down on the records thing, with stat packages and probably a Showtime deal. But we will see.

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- Darby vs Quen was good.

- Mercedes vs Hayter was good. Don't mind Hayter winning but Mercedes needs some momentum. Most of the male veterans are booked better after their debuts.

- Great Shida promo.

- Lee vs QT was solid. Enjoyed Hobbs manhandling Lee.

- Nese vs Swerve was my MOTN. Loved Swerve in LU but found him boring in NXT. His current character is a big improvement.



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- Cole & reDRagon vs Hangman & Jurassic Express was great.

- Enjoying these Lee, Ricky & Hobbs backstage segments. Statlander reinventing herself.

- Bryan & Mox vs Best Friends was good. Yuta is talented but needs to develop his character so having him earn a spot in Regal's stable would help. Demon waif lol.

- I'd be down for an FTR babyface turn. Nick's outfit lol. Swerve vs Ricky would be awesome.

- Jericho Appreciation segment was long-winded but entertaining. Jericho's promos have been cheesy for months so he might as well lean into it. Kevin shoutout.

- Great Deeb promo.

- Wardlow vs Sky © was solid. It took 4 guys to put Wardlow down. Sky favoring Lambert to Ethan Page...

- Private Party vs The Hardys was solid. Lots of guys involved in this feud now.

- Rosa vs DMD © was my MOTN. This is the match they should have booked at Revolution. At least they got to main event. Even though it made sense here I'm sick of thumbtacks. Next time I want something new like marbles or lego.



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- Rosa vs DMD © was my MOTN. This is the match they should have booked at Revolution. At least they got to main event. Even though it made sense here I'm sick of thumbtacks. Next time I want something new like marbles or lego.


Yeah, if they used Lego, the spot would be just stepping on it would cause them great pain, just like real life lol

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Yeah, if they used Lego, the spot would be just stepping on it would cause them great pain, just like real life lol


Honestly, A box full of Hot Wheels would be the most hardcore thing you could pull out from under a ring and no one could convince me otherwise, screw these lame push pins.

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- Darby vs Butcher was great. Rare count-out finish. Probably Butcher's best match. The velocity on Darby's suicide dive is insane. Add CM Punk and we have enough for a Stadium Stampede match.

- Happy the focus is on Sky and PVZ. Lambert doesn't need to cut long promos to get heat.

- Hirsch vs Velvet was great. Loved the fast pace and intensity. Velvet was bumping like Sasha Banks. Popped for the Yamashita Miu like finisher. Nice use of Statlander.

- QT looking for another ass-whooping lol.

- House of Black vs Bear Country & Fuego was solid.

- Lee vs Caster was good. Pre-match promos were fun. Swerve!

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