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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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- Battle Royale was fun. Swerve had a good showing. Give me Hobbs vs Takeshita and Andrade vs Fenix. With Miro absent I thought Andrade would win but Kyle had momentum going in.

- All-Atlantic Championship is strange but could be useful as travelling title. The name doesn't make sense when including Pacific countries. I was expecting Trios next. The belt looks nice.

- Buddy vs PAC was great.

- Kingston mad. Bitch boys lol. Didn't expect Ospreay to show. Smart to address Regal's history with the former NXT guys.

- Finley vs Hangman was good. Hangman calling out Okada!

- Future TNT Champion Wardlow. Not so Smart Mark. Christian making all the decisions lol.

- Shafir vs Rosa © was solid. Shafir's footwork still isn't fluid but she's improved more in AEW than she did in NXT. Toni Time!

- Kyle vs Mox was my MOTN.

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I really don't understand the hype behind KOR. Don't know why TK thinks so highly of him. That was Andrade's match to win but I'd be cool with Yuta or one of the Team Taz guys winning.

No need for another belt but I guess I understand if it's a belt that can go to other companies constantly. The name could be something like "International Championship". All-Atlantic sounds terrible. Anyway, rooting for PAC!

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I really don't understand the hype behind KOR. Don't know why TK thinks so highly of him. That was Andrade's match to win but I'd be cool with Yuta or one of the Team Taz guys winning.

No need for another belt but I guess I understand if it's a belt that can go to other companies constantly. The name could be something like "International Championship". All-Atlantic sounds terrible. Anyway, rooting for PAC!


I totally thought Andrade would have been booked to win too.

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I, as well, expected Andrade to win. I was kinda like wtf when Kyle won.


TK loves him Cole and the boys.


like I enjoy Adam Cole as well, but jesus. TK is pushing him and Red Dragon down everyones throats.


Like did we really need him and Britt to win the Owen Heart? I hated that. Should have been Joe and Someone other than Britt, the one super made women on the Roster, she didn't need that.

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TK loves him Cole and the boys.


like I enjoy Adam Cole as well, but jesus. TK is pushing him and Red Dragon down everyones throats.


Like did we really need him and Britt to win the Owen Hart? I hated that. Should have been Joe and Someone other than Britt, the one super made women on the Roster, she didn't need that.


And Ruby really did need to win that match. Would have helped her a ton in a time when neither Women's champ has a viable rival atm.

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I kind of get Kyle winning. Obviously, the goal for Forbidden Door is Mox vs Tanahashi, which is something they've been trying to pull off for a while now, so whoever won the battle royal was going to job to Mox. And, ideally, you want someone with credibility and in-ring skill but also someone who no one will care if they lose. It did make the main a little predictable, but eh.


I feel like they're booking themselves into a corner with Jade vs. Athena.

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TK loves him Cole and the boys.


like I enjoy Adam Cole as well, but jesus. TK is pushing him and Red Dragon down everyones throats.


And yet it doesn't seem like they're doing anything interesting or special. Just retreading the Cole/O'Reilly/Fish team I've already seen in ROH and NXT.


Like did we really need him and Britt to win the Owen Heart? I hated that. Should have been Joe and Someone other than Britt, the one super made women on the Roster, she didn't need that.


I hate that a Shawn Michaels guy won the Owen Hart cup. To be fair, I'm not sure who they could have picked that would have a feel-good connection to Owen, but it wasn't the way I would have honoured Owen's memory. I'm glad AEW have made it possible to get Owen Hart merch, but I almost hope the tournament is a one-time thing. Let me buy the action figure and be done. He was my childhood hero, and the execution of the tournament bummed me out.

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- Casino Battle Royale: went from 0 to 100 real quick, with eliminations being missed and moments that had to be explained to the audience. Fenix, Swerve, Darby and Andrade all had good showings and it picked up nicely at the end. **1/2

- PAC vs. Buddy: not the most excited crowd for this rivalry that feels like it should be over now but both guys got it over and the right guy won. **3/4

- Hangman vs. Finlay: great for Dave to get Page in his first AEW match and this was a perfectly solid outing, if a little predictable. I have no interest in them running any sort of variation of Page vs. Cole again though, it's been done. **1/2

- Rosa vs. Shafir: there is a ways to go before Marina is ready for this kind of spot, she's too green and too inexperienced but it feels like this is just the status quo in this division now. *

- Moxley vs. O'Reilly: a perfectly good wrestling match with a predictable result that detracted from any of the drama or excitement they may have been able to conjure. ***


As an aside, I found JR to be particularly loathsome on this show. He called David Finlay "surprisingly good" as he made his entrance. He described the Rosa vs. Shafir match as "awkward" live on the air. I get that his part of this show is more a marketing tactic than anything else, it's so AEW can say they have JR on commentary but it's jarring to watch a product that you know the announcer doesn't enjoy watching.

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- Kingston vs Hager was solid thanks to Eddie's selling ability.

- Time to ramp up Jamie's turn.

- Lethal & Singh vs Jobbers was a fun squash.

- More Hook & Danhausen skits please.

- Velvet vs Statlander was great. Velvet doesn't get enough credit.

- Shame Ethan has to lose next week.

- United Empire vs Trent & FTR was my MOTN.

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Singh moves really well for a massive mountain of a man.


If he's able to avoid the pitfalls of other giants like bad knees, he should have a good career.


Also, I love that he wore gear instead of street clothes like Omos does in WWE.

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Rampage was a breeze as usual. I much preferred just Excalibur and Taz on commentary, it was loads better without Jericho shouting.


- Kingston vs. Hager: perfectly solid, competitive opener here and one of Hager's better showings in AEW. Good story with Kingston fighting from underneath and picking up the win at the end. **1/2

- Lethal & Singh vs. Job Squad: Satnam did more in a minute than I ever saw Great Khali do.

- Velvet vs. Statlander: another decent match between these two, even if it did hit a lull in the middle. It feels like Kris has found her game again after such a long lay off. Time to get on with Jade vs. Athena, or Jade vs Statlander though. **3/4

- FTrentR vs. UE: Aussie Open have been making waves for a while and recently had a critically acclaimed match against The VeloCities in RevPro. I wouldn't mind if they got to fight FTR for those ROH Tag Titles. This was a relatively standard trios match with all six guys getting time to strut their stuff even if it was relatively by the numbers. It heated up at the end but fell short of being a great match. ***

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Well, I expected it to happen since Okada said he might take time off, but looks like it'll be Jay White vs Hangman at Forbidden Door.


I'm not mad, because obviously Okada deserves a break and he just had a kid. I'd just rather see Hangman and Okada again now that Hangman has improved a great deal.


Jay White is a heck of a talent regardless tho. I'm interested to see if this turns into a Bullet Club war of some extent. Like Guerillas of Destiny teaming with Hangman against Jay and the Bucks

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Just watched Elevation and Dark.


Hopefully Max the Impaler gets some more appearances. Neat look. Her and Sarah Logan would be a good lady hoss tag team.


Serena and Mercedes could be the Bryan and Mox of the women's division if promoted properly. Serena is one of the best wrestlers in the world regardless of gender.


JAS ripping off WWE/Roman with the "AEW Galaxy...appreciate us!" is cracking me up. Menard and Parker are one of the top teams in the game right now. Would love to see them as tag champs.


Heidi Howitzer has a cool look. Maybe her, Max, and Sarah Logan can be a new stable of bad ass chicks?


I hate being reminded that Daniels and Kazarian can't team in AEW anymore, but what if they reunite in ROH?!

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Don't remember the exact language of the stipulation but I would love this.


On Dark, CD said "We can't reunite in AEW". So I'm guessing that ROH is a possibility. Daniels has such a history in ROH, that I imagine he'll be one of the ones in charge backstage when ROH is actually on the road again.

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That was one of the best shows ever. Pretty much perfect from top to bottom. All the right people winning for once.


you're referring to Dynamite, I'm assuming?....It was a pretty spot loaded show from top to bottom! I will agree with you there. And can we PLEASE get more TONI STORM time...I'm diggin' her ;)

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you're referring to Dynamite, I'm assuming?....It was a pretty spot loaded show from top to bottom! I will agree with you there. And can we PLEASE get more TONI STORM time...I'm diggin' her ;)


Yeah, I didn't specify because imo it was one of the best overall shows this year and not counting just Dynamites.


Storm is indeed very good, the division should be built around her and Hayter. And Sasha if she was actually released yesterday.


Also Dax lowkey has become one of my favorite wrestlers. He's putting out bangers everytime he's out there.

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Them* also I don't think Max would appreciate being called a Lady.


also Max, Heidi and Leon Ravage make up the wasteland war party on the indies, fun trio.


I'm most definitely trying to call everyone by their preferred pro nouns as I have non-binary friends, but it slips on occasion.


Max is a lot of fun and I hope they come back

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- Jericho vs Ortiz hair match was great. The crowd were hype. Feugo Del Sammy :o

- Wardlow vs 20 Jobbers was a terrible match but a fun angle.

- Dax vs Ospreay was great. Brawl! OC appeared but not Chuck... Surprise AAA namedrop from Dasha.

- Mox/Tanahashi segment was hype until Jericho showed up. Red shoes shoutout! Sloppy segment to set up a tag match for Forbidden Door.

- Best promo I've ever heard from Toni.

- Ethan vs Miro was good. Boxhead Kip in the crowd.

- Storm vs DMD was good. Britt's play-acting fooled me.

- Stokely & Willow backstage was fun.

- Switchblade too good for Hangman & Cole.

- Young Bucks vs Jurassic Express © was great. Christian turn was perfect.


MOTN was either Dax vs Ospreay or the main event but I can't decide.

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