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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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27 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

To me punk stood up for himself against guys who have tried to sully him. So to me it’s admirable that he did it the way he did. Knowing it wasn’t being dealt with.

But they werent, and we now have Dave Meltzer on record explicitly saying none of them were spreading rumours.

Punk could have literally just talked to them about it. Instead he sullied them.

Edited by Kamchatka
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21 minutes ago, Kamchatka said:

But they werent, and we now have Dave Meltzer on record explicitly saying none of them were spreading rumours.

Punk could have literally just talked to them about it.

We don't know what was attempted to talked about or dealt with. Also yes while we can say they were directly spreading it, my intuition tells me theirs a chain of command. It's like when Cutler slighted JR's comments about dives, he wasn't doing that without the Bucks agreeing with him. 

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2 hours ago, Dalton said:

I find it absolutely mind-boggling anyone can be on Punk's side here. At all. Even if you hate the Elite for some reason, Punk went above and beyond to bury anyone he thinks slighted him. It only took a year for the locker room cancer side of him to come out.

Heck, he was going after a guy who was wearing a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey!

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1 hour ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

This is the first time since the MJF situation that I wanna watch AEW live just to see how things are dealt with. 

To me, it has the opposite effect. I don't see the point in watching because it seems like any storylines could be thrown out of the window following the next brawl/firing. Or anything they do say on the show will just be spin or sniping anyway. If the most interesting story is behind the scenes, I'll just read the news sites afterwards.


I want to be on Punk's side, purely because I prefer him as a performer and would rather he stay and the Bucks/Omega just go away. However, I do get most of my AEW info from the Jim Cornette podcast, so I'm sure being in that bubble has coloured my opinions somewhat. I haven't watched more than clips in a long time. 


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4 minutes ago, Self said:

I want to be on Punk's side, purely because I prefer him as a performer and would rather he stay and the Bucks/Omega just go away. However, I do get most of my AEW info from the Jim Cornette podcast, so I'm sure being in that bubble has coloured my opinions somewhat. I haven't watched more than clips in a long time. 


Cornette's thoughts on AEW are about as useful as RedLetterMedia's thoughts on Star Wars or Star Trek. Both get the most views from complaining about those topics so there's no incentive for them to like it. I disliked the Bucks going back to when they first joined New Japan and even I think Cornette gripes about them too much, but that's what makes him money.

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6 hours ago, Dalton said:

How? I know Punk said it but that's a line that has universally been looked at as a stupid comment.

Because that house was built on babyface Punk winning the title. We were still in his return nostalgia milk mode. He was still moving the needle in a very big way. Hangman wasn't trying to "add intrigue" stop with that. He was a man baby, who didn't like a guy, and tried to damage him. That's again, the second he goes back through the curtain in Jerry Jarrett or Bill Watts land, he is beaten half to death and shipped in a box to Mexico for pig-feed.

You cannot tolerate that. 

The bedrock of the buisness is implied cooperation. Trust in the person across from you. If I was a performer in that company I would tell TK I am never working with Hangman Page and probably The Elite either, if they sent him out with that idea in his head. A lot people are being very critical of the fallout, and I get that. Punk took it too far. But that should have been expected. 

Better leadership cuts out the cancer before it spreads throughout your lockerroom and how clueless and stupid TK looked in his last 20 mins while one of his EVPs is trying to figure out if a road agent bit his face off is probably the most important of what happened. He goes from being Punk's sycophant, feeding him cupcakes and meming facials, to trying to bury the WWE for running a developmental show on on-demand streaming was laughable and it exposed him. 

AEW do not have a Punk problem. They have a Tony Khan problem. 

Edited by Makhai
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2 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

To me punk stood up for himself against guys who have tried to sully him. So to me it’s admirable that he did it the way he did. Knowing it wasn’t being dealt with.

Punk was in the right, but, because he was pissed off, and was allowed to be a vigilante because there's no leadership or accountability in that company, he boiled over and buried himself, the company, and everyone in it. 

Let's not do the dumb tribalism thing. 

Edited by Makhai
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5 minutes ago, Makhai said:

Punk was in the right, but, because he was pissed off, and was allowed to be a vigilante because there's no leadership or accountability in that company, he boiled over and buried himself, the company, and everyone in it. 

Let's not do the dumb tribalism thing. 

I’m not seeing it from the company perspective. On a human perspective I do see punk as in the right like you said. And it’s admirable he didn’t just sit by and let his name get sullied. At the end of the day I agree AEW has a Tony Khan problem. He doesn’t know how to command respect or reign people in. He only knows how to be a friend.

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I'm also convinced Punk was never re-injured in the unification match. I think it was done to keep Mox strong, and setup the rematch to be in Chicago so Punk could win in his hometown. So the effects of that keep Mox looking like a monster by beating Punk in such a short match, also making Punk look even stronger for fighting injured and winning. 

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Just now, djskeemask said:

I'm also convinced Punk was never re-injured in the unification match. I think it was done to keep Mox strong, and setup the rematch to be in Chicago so Punk could win in his hometown. So the effects of that keep Mox looking like a monster by beating Punk in such a short match, also making Punk look even stronger for fighting injured and winning. 

yeah def.

The short two and a half minute match was a nod to his two and a half minute MMA loss which was also in Cleveland. So it was meant to be like a way to incorporate that and have Punk picking himself back up finally and coming back to overcome his fears etc. It was a nice little bit of storytelling.

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4 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

I'm also convinced Punk was never re-injured in the unification match. I think it was done to keep Mox strong, and setup the rematch to be in Chicago so Punk could win in his hometown. So the effects of that keep Mox looking like a monster by beating Punk in such a short match, also making Punk look even stronger for fighting injured and winning. 

Punk is still hurt apparently. he talked about it briefly between burials. He came back to do the PPV, but the foot isn't fully healed. That's not a work. 

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8 minutes ago, Kamchatka said:

yeah def.

The short two and a half minute match was a nod to his two and a half minute MMA loss which was also in Cleveland. So it was meant to be like a way to incorporate that and have Punk picking himself back up finally and coming back to overcome his fears etc. It was a nice little bit of storytelling.

Did not know that as I never followed him in MMA. Although I did play as him a few times in UFC on Xbox. 😄

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3 minutes ago, Makhai said:

Punk is still hurt apparently. he talked about it briefly between burials. He came back to do the PPV, but the foot isn't fully healed. That's not a work. 

I bet you it's fine. He is just saying that it's still hurt so it can be an excuse when he loses to MJF. I know if I had a shattered foot and it wasn't healed properly, I would not be competing in matches, no matter how scripted and booking protected I was.

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2 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

I bet you it's fine. He is just saying that it's still hurt so it can be an excuse when he loses to MJF. I know if I had a shattered foot and it wasn't healed properly, I would not be competing in matches, no matter how scripted and booking protected I was.

I think if you want to go to the "he doesn't want to job to MJF" conspiracy, (when he's already jobbed to MJF) the obviously premeditated press conference drive-by shooting to get himself fired is probably the one I'd go with, not the "I'm tired, I'm old, and I'm hurt." part.  

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Let's just say, until I see an x-ray, I will remain skeptical on the status of the injury. Keep in mind, it is not uncommon for any company to use a fake injury or extend a real one to give time off. Also, many companies have used an "injury" to make someone look weaker for a lesser talent to beat them.

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3 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

I’m not seeing it from the company perspective. On a human perspective I do see punk as in the right like you said. And it’s admirable he didn’t just sit by and let his name get sullied. At the end of the day I agree AEW has a Tony Khan problem. He doesn’t know how to command respect or reign people in. He only knows how to be a friend.

I disagree hard with this, especially from the human perspective.

He's treated like Hulk Hogan in this company. He is the top dog. He has all the privilege here. He is only using it to bury guys who never worked for WWE like some kind of bully. He seems to view them as less than.

Punk has interestingly never said a negative thing about Jericho, Danielson, Mox, Claudio, Miro since going to AEW. However he has a massive problem with The Young Bucks, Omega, Hangman, Colt Cabana, over things that he believes they did. Hangman is the only one who actually clearly did something to slight him within the context of a kayfabe fake tv show mind you.

Also if he didn't try to completely bury Eddie Kingston in their program by calling him fat and lazy before beating him clean I don't know what burying is.

Punk pulling this stuff if he was the underdog could be seen as admirable. Punk pulling this stuff as a top guy picking on people who can't fight back without losing their career is disgusting bully behavior.

Him tearing his pec is karma to the highest order.

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SRS: "When i heard him say: "none of these people have been anywhere or done anything" im like ok well whats that implying that WWE is the only place that has done anything? Because if im remembering correctly they sold out 10K and would have sold out 15K for All In if they wanted to. This company was named after them. They sold out numerous venues before Punk got there. Is New Japan nothing? Is the Tokyo Dome nothing? Was the fact that MSG for ROH sold out on the assumption that those guys would be there - they werent - but the assumption theyd be there sold a lot of tickets, is that nothing? To me i thought that was seriously minimizing what happened and the work that these guys put in. I just thought that was pretty rough."

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